12-08-04 Minutes - GPCTOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6872 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- SUMMARY MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS, DECEMBER 8, 2004 HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER, 110 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm by Vice-Chair Mark Sgarlato. ATTENDANCE Members present:, Barry Bakken, Mike Burke, Steve Glickman, Diane McNutt, Phil Micciche, Mark Sgarlato, Morris Trevithick, Mark Weiner Members absent: Josh Bacigalupi Staff present: Bud Lortz, Director of Community Development; Randy Tsuda, Assistant Community Development Director; Suzanne Davis, Associate Planner; Debra Figone, Town Manager VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. ITEM 1 COMMERCIAL DESIGN GUIDELINES Bud Lortz explained the working outline for the meeting. The desired outcomes are as follows: 1. Develop a recommendation to the Town Council on the draft Commercial Design Guidelines; 2. Provide direction to staff on minor versus major commercial projects (new Council Policy will be drafted); and 3. Provide direction to staff on code amendment/auto dealership approval policies. Staff would also like input on the approval process for commercial buildings and auto dealerships. Committee Comments on CDG format and presentation: Mike Burke said it is an excellent document. Mark Sgarlato agreed. Barry Bakken suggested that a different photo be used on the cover of the document. Several options were discussed including a collage of photos, no photo, or use of the introductory map that shows all of the sub-districts. Committee consensus is to use a number of photos or a collage. Morris Trevithick and Mike Burke supported use of the Cornerstone photo as part of a collage. Diane McNutt asked that photos be used from all areas of the Town for the document cover. References to specific businesses should be deleted so the document is timeless. Sign examples of recognized businesses should have the business name photo shopped out (example, Crabtree & Evelyn). Bad examples should be labeled clearly so that it is understood that they are not desirable. Steve Glickman said that criteria for outdoor dining areas has not been included. There should be some guidance on desirable elements such as enclosures and furniture. What are the parameters that the Town encourages when retail extends beyond the business interior. He agreed with Diane’s comment on desirable and undesirable examples. Mike Burke noted that outdoor dining is encouraged in the C-1 zone. The Committee discussed outdoor displays and outdoor dining areas. Bud Lortz suggested a meeting with restaurant owners and/or contacting the Chamber of Commerce. Phil Micciche did not want to not hold up the progress of the design guidelines. Signs: Phil Micciche said on page 57, guideline 6.2.2 is confusing. Staff will look at it to make sure it is consistent with the Sign Ordinance and that it is written clearly. Steve Glickman asked about active signs (prohibited sign types are listed on page 55). Mike Burke suggested that Rick Tharpe can review the sign criteria to see if we missed anything. Mark Sgarlato said that signs that are bad should be labeled as such. He asked about temporary signs such as holiday displays. Bud Lortz explained that window signs do not require a permit and are allowed as long as they don’t cover more than 25% of a window. Other Committee members did not have comments on signs. Approval Process: Bud Lortz asked for Committee input on defining minor changes to a commercial building. He described some projects that had been approved through the DRC process in the past year as examples. “Minor” is not currently defined. Phil Micciche and Steve Glickman agreed with this approach. General Plan Committee Regular Meeting of December 8, 2004 Page 3 of 4 Mike Burke said that a project that changes the style of the building should be reviewed by the Planning Commission. Bud Lortz noted that public notice is provided for DRC level projects just as it would be for Planning Commission, and public input is part of the process. Steve Glickman said that a project with a significant impact should go to the Commission. Barry Bakken said that a major modification may fully comply with the guidelines and not be an impact, therefore would qualify for DRC approval. Morris Trevithick said that architectural integrity is important. Mark Sgarlato commented on providing an incentive for staff level approval. Bud Lortz said that is how its done with the Hillside Standards. We need to figure out what is right for the character of the Town. Projects with a minor impact qualify for DRC approval. A streamlined process is important to many business owners. Diane McNutt said that encouraging commercial property owners to upgrade is a good thing. She supports streamlining the process to provide an incentive to business owners. Barry Bakken said we need to study the KFC Taco Bell case as it is a missed opportunity. Auto Dealerships: Bud Lortz explained that a Zoning Ordinance amendment would be needed for this one. Staff can draft it and return to the Committee on January 26. The standards are trying to be respectful of what Los Gatos wants, but also striking a balance with auto dealers and what they need to do for corporate reasons. Phil Micciche and Steve Glickman support the approach and would like to review the draft. Mike Burke noted that the auto dealers are important and we need to work with them. He has difficulty with allowing more for this type of use than for other businesses in the same zone. He suggested having an auto dealer zone. Bud Lortz said that architectural changes and small additions would be possible to approve at the DRC level with the proposed amendment. Diane McNutt said that proposals that do not impact parking or traffic are one thing. Proposals that involve neighborhood concerns may be different. Steve Glickman said what we are trying to avoid is upsetting a neighborhood. Where we recognize that an issue will be of significance to a neighborhood, as long as adequate notice is provided and people have the opportunity to be heard, it can work. General Plan Committee Regular Meeting of December 8, 2004 Page 4 of 4 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm by Chair Phil Micciche. The next meeting of the General Plan Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, January 12, 2004 at 5:30 pm. Prepared By: __________________________ Suzanne Davis, Associate Planner N:\DEV\SUZANNE\GENPLAN\GPC\2004minutes\GPC-12-8-04.wpd