01-22-03 Minutes - GPC TOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6872 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - SUMMARY MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS, JANUARY 22, 2003 HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER, 110 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- The meeting was called to order at 5:40 P.M. by Acting Chair Joe Pirzynski. ATTENDANCE General Plan Committee Members Present: Joe Pirzynski, Sandy Decker, Phil Micciche, Morris Trevithick, Mark Sgarlato, Mark Weiner, Jo Zientek Members Absent: Mike Burke, Josh Bacigalupi Staff Present: Suzanne Davis, Associate Planner; Bud Lortz, Director of Community Development; Tim Boyer, Parks Superintendent Others present: Dave Dockter, contract arborist; Ray Davis Verbal communications: None ITEM 1: Discuss Draft Tree Ordinance Bud Lortz introduced the item and provided background and steps taken to date. Dave Dockter, APC, contract arborist, presented an outline of the draft ordinance and went over proposed changes to the ordinance. A questions for the Committee is whether the Town wants to charge fees for tree removal permits. Key elements of the ordinance update are as follows: · Pruning: new definition uses industry standard (pruning that is considered severe and is detrimental to a tree is not allowed) · Significant impact: precludes tree removal for minor damage to patio or walkway · Protected trees include trees required to be planted or retained as part of development · Criteria for emergency removal · Application protocol for tree removal permits · Arborist report may be requested by Town staff if warranted · New tree replacement criteria based on canopy size being lost · Hazardous trees will be evaluated based on a Tree Hazard Rating Form (national standard) · Standards for property development have been added · Criteria for tree protection during construction has been added · Pruning and maintenance: best management practices to be used · Violation remedies have been added Discussion: Joe Pirzynski said he very much appreciates the direction this has been taken. The Town will be able to take a more aggressive stance towards tree protection. Bud Lortz noted that the best methodology available is being used. Phil Micciche clarified that removal of a tree does not mean moving a tree within the property boundary. Sandy Decker would like to have a lot of graphics to help readers understand and visualize the ordinance content. She would like to review the Tree Hazard Rating form and other referenced documents (referenced documents will be provided to the Committee prior to the next meeting). Joe Pirzynski commented that graphics should be used to exemplify the language, not to replace it. Sandy Decker said it appears that Los Gatos is the only municipality to evaluate trees four-inches and greater for development proposals, and consideration should be given to changing that to lessen work load. Mark Weiner said that a standardized form should be created for tree survey plans. He asked about citizen involvement in the enforcement of the ordinance, and the mechanism for reporting illegal tree removals. He also suggested adding a simple flow chart. Public Comments: Ray Davis said that based on last night’s Council meeting, he believes that the General Plan Committee Regular Meeting January 22, 2003 Page 3 of 3 “thought police” have arrived. He wondered why this issue isn’t before the Planning Commission (it was noted that the ordinance will be forwarded to the Commission later in the process). He believes that only indigenous and important species should be protected. The concept of “monster trees” should be addressed. It is a matter of scale. Some trees outgrow their sites and should be allowed to be removed. He also noted that the Town should have a Zoning Administrator. Heritage trees should be preserved. It was requested that Committee members review the draft ordinance for continued discussion at the meeting of February 26, 2003. ITEM 2: Approval of Minutes Sandy Decker made a motion to approve the minutes of November 6, 2002 as submitted. The motion was seconded by Mark Weiner and was approved unanimously. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. by Acting Chair Pirzynski. The next regular meeting of the General Plan Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, February 12, 2003 at 5:30 pm. Prepared by: ___________________________ Suzanne Davis, Associate Planner cc: Planning Commission Chair General Plan Committee N:\DEV\SUZANNE\GENPLAN\GPC\2003Minutes\GPC1-22.wpd