09-10-03 Minutes - GPCTOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6872 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- SUMMARY MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS, SEPTEMBER 10, 2003 HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER, 110 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm by Chair Mike Burke. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Mike Burke, Phil Micciche, Joe Pirzynski, Mark Weiner, Jo Zientek., Josh Bacigalupi, Lee Quintana Members Absent: Sandy Decker, Mark Sgarlato Staff Present: Bud Lortz, Director of Community Development; Suzanne Davis, Associate Planner VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None ITEM 1: ADVANCED PLANNING WORK PROGRAM Bud Lortz discussed the Advanced Planning work program for the current fiscal year. It was noted that the Hillside Development Standards & Guidelines and the Housing Element are nearing completion, and that the next highest priority is the Commercial Design Guidelines. He provided a summary of the issues/concerns associated with this project and asked that the Committee provide feedback on other issues that staff should take a look at. In addition there are two options for preparation of the design guidelines. One is to have staff with the assistance of the Consulting Architect, Cannon Design Group. The question for the GPC is whether to forward a recommendation to the Town Council to use the Cannon Design Group or if we should go through an RFP process which would take about three months. The Council indicated that they would like to see a draft document in six months, so timing is important. Phil Micciche asked what the project would cost. Bud Lortz answered $15 to 20,000. Mark Weiner asked what the longevity of the new guidelines would be. Bud Lortz said that as an example the C-2 commercial guidelines were done in 1997 and the Town is still working with them. Josh Bacigalupi liked the use of Cannon Design Group for consistency. Mike Burke noted that there are some very good homegrown architects in the Town. While he thinks there is good reason to go with the Town Architect, he wondered if there is room for peer review. Bud Lortz said that the draft document will be circulated to local architects for review. They would also be provided to others such as business and property owners in a community outreach effort. Lee Quintana clarified that the guidelines will be tailored for certain areas such as the C-1 versus Downtown versus auto dealerships. She likes the idea of going with the Cannon Design Group assisting the in-house staff team. She asked about the scope in regards to colors and materials and signs as those are important aspects of commercial buildings. She also asked about energy conservation policies. Bud Lortz commented that energy conservation is a broad issue, but it needs to be looked at from both residential and commercial perspectives. As we prepare the scope of work we will have to take a good hard look at that. He noted that when an architecture and site application comes through the process and is conditioned, the building plans must match and the project is finaled if in compliance. Once that has occurred the property owner can make changes such as changing the building color (a permit is not required). The hillside is the only area where exterior color is regulated beyond that. That is something that can be looked at for commercial areas. Signs is another difficult item. Staff will be preparing a scope of work and will return to the Committee with a draft. Mike Burke asked if C-2 zone standards should be incorporated into the Zoning Ordinance. Bud Lortz explained that standards are usually in the form of a supporting document. Zoning criteria such as height and setbacks is very specific. The ordinance takes precedence and the standards are secondary. Mike Burke asked if the Zoning Ordinance can reference the standards as it does for the Telecommunications Ordinance. Lee Quintana suggested an over the counter approval process for smaller items such as fences. Bud Lortz noted that most people do not make drastic changes to their property following an approval. Joe Pirzynski asked if due to current workload if there is sufficient capacity for staff to handle this project. Bud Lortz said yes, that Cannon Design Group will work as an extension of staff, and staff will oversee the process and review the administrative draft. Staff will do oversight of the contract, assist in preparation of the draft and review the document before releasing it to the public. Joe Pirzynski said he is comfortable going with Cannon Design Group. The Council really does want to move this forward. He will be supporting that recommendation. He said we need to be cautious in placing binding rules on individuals. People for the most part are not doing things in the Downtown that do not fit in. He suggested developing a pallette of colors that can b e used by applicants. Bud Lortz noted that taking a proactive approach and educating people really helps. Joe Pirzynski agreed and said that we don’t want to be too restrictive. If there are values in the commercial standards, a link with the Zoning Ordinance can be looked at. However, one of the General Plan Committee Regular Meeting of September 10, 2003 Page 3 of 4 things in the Downtown is an eclectic mix and it adds character. Mike Burke said that the important thing is to decide if the Cannon Design Group is appropriate. There was consensus on this. Joe Pirzynski suggested adding the review by local architects and community members. The Committee agreed with this approach. Bud Lortz said we need to look at everything we have and decide what components of existing documents to keep. There will probably be sections that apply to specific areas such as the Downtown and Los Gatos Blvd. Joe Pirzynski suggested having the Los Gatos Boulevard Standards in front of the Committee. Bud Lortz said that staff intends to return to the Committee with a scope of work within the next few weeks. Mike Burke asked if a sub-committee might be appropriate since nine members providing input might be too cumbersome. Joe Pirzynski said as long as the Committee looks at conceptual ideas and bigger picture items, it is fine to have the whole group involved. There was consensus on this. Lee Quintana asked that it be noted that energy conservation be broad in the scoping. ITEM 2: APPROVAL OF MINUTES Phil Micciche made a motion to approve the minutes of May 14, 2003 as corrected, and the minutes of August 27, 2003 as submitted. Joe Pirzynski seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Josh Bacigalupi and Lee Quintana abstained on the August 27, 2003 minutes as did not attend that meeting. ITEM 3: MONTHLY MEETING SCHEDULE Mark Weiner questioned whether it is necessary to have bi-monthly meetings that are short as opposed to one meeting that makes more efficient use of the entire meeting time. Phil Micciche said that the meetings are scheduled and hopefully adequate notice can be provided if a meeting is cancelled. It was decided that the agenda will be e-mailed to Committee members so they are aware that a meeting is scheduled and what items are scheduled to be discussed. ADJOURNMENT General Plan Committee Regular Meeting of September 10, 2003 Page 4 of 4 The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 pm by Chair Mike Burke. The next regular meeting of the General Plan Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, September 24, 2003. Prepared By: ___________________________ Suzanne Davis, Associate Planner N:\DEV\SUZANNE\GENPLAN\GPC\2003Minutes\GPC-9-10-03.wpd