08-27-03 Minutes - GPCTOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6872 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- SUMMARY MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS, AUGUST 27, 2003 HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER, 110 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm by Chair Mike Burke. ATTENDANCE Members Present: Mike Burke, Sandy Decker, Phil Micciche, Joe Pirzynski, Mark Sgarlato, Mark Weiner, Jo Zientek. Members Absent: Josh Bacigalupi, Lee Quintana Staff Present: Bud Lortz, Director of Community Development; Suzanne Davis, Associate Planner VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None ITEM 2: APPROVAL OF MINUTES The GPC minutes of May 14, 2003 were continued to the next meeting. Joe Pirzynski’s comments need to be added, and his and Josh Bacigalupi’s votes are not shown under the final vote (Joe Pirzynski voted in favor of the draft language). ITEM 1: HOUSING ELEMENT Bud Lortz explained that since the Council adopted the Housing Element staff has been working with the State Department of Housing & Community Development(HCD) to get the element certified. It has been a long and somewhat frustrating process, but we have reached a point where with some minor changes to the Housing Element and Technical Appendix, the element can be certified. The Committee went through the draft language and had the following comments: Joe Pirzynski said that the Planning Commission does have review authority for architecture and that should be noted. Phil Micciche noted that the Consulting Architect was hired to provide input on architecture and the Commission relies on this and does not typically make changes unless there is a good reason. The Committee discussed the draft language and decided to change it to state that the Commission typically is not involved with the architectural details of a project. The Committee discussed the language regarding the Sobrato property on Winchester Blvd. and agreed that it is acceptable as written. The chart to be inserted (Illustration 19) was of concern to Sandy Decker. Bud Lortz explained that the chart was revised as the approved Sobrato project was taken out of the land inventory. Sandy Decker proposed to add language stating that the Town contributes money to support homeless shelters within the region. The Town has a very small homeless population. Joe Pirzynski said he would rather not add that language. Bud Lortz noted that we are simply explaining the process an applicant would have to go through to propose a homeless shelter. The Committee discussed this and agreed that the language is ok as written. Mike Burke asked about the Building Codes and standards. Bud Lortz explained that the language is to explain what codes and policies the Town follows, and that nothing new is being adopted in the way of policies or regulations. Joe Pirzynski asked about the proposal to adopt a Reasonable Accommodations Regulation. Bud Lortz said that the Town goes a little above and beyond Title 24 requirements. The intent is to look at the process and determine if there is a way to streamline it, and if there are any things that can be done to improve accessibility and/or to make better accommodation for disabled people. For example, the Town is working through a problem to provide reasonable accessibility from disabled parking to the new bandstand and to make the brick surface non-skid without making them unreadable (the bricks have the names of project sponsors on them). Sandy Decker made a motion to forward the amendments to the Planning Commission and Council for approval, with the change to the language regarding the Planning Commission and architectural review. The motion was seconded by Mark Weiner and passed unanimously. Mike Burke commented that the Housing Consultant may not need to attend the public hearings. Based on the Committee’s discussion this evening, it does not seen necessary. Bud Lortz noted that if any issues come up prior to the Planning Commission meeting, the consultant will be asked to attend. Otherwise, she does not need to be there. Bud Lortz noted that staff is taking the advanced planning program to the Town Council for concurrence with the priorities that have been assigned by staff. There will be several projects coming forward to the Committee this fall. General Plan Committee Regular Meeting of August 27, 2003 Page 3 of 3 The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 pm by Chair Mike Burke. The next regular meeting of the General Plan Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, September 10, 2003. Prepared By: ___________________________ Suzanne Davis, Associate Planner N:\DEV\SUZANNE\GENPLAN\GPC\2003Minutes\GPC-8-27-03.wpd