08-28-02 Minutes - GPC TOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-6872 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - SUMMARY MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS, AUGUST 28, 2002 HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER, 110 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- The meeting was called to order at 5:30 P.M. by Chair Mike Burke. ATTENDANCE General Plan Committee Members Present: Mike Burke, Josh Bacigalupi, Sandy Decker, Phil Micciche, Joe Pirzynski, Morris Trevithick, Jo Zientek Members Excused: Mark Weiner Staff Present: Bud Lortz, Director of Community Benefit; Suzanne Davis, Associate Planner Others present: Ray Davis, Jerry Ferguson, Guy LaMar, Eric Morley, Scott Ward Verbal communications: Ray Davis spoke about development in the Town. Mike Burke welcomed new GPC member Josh Bacigalupi. ITEM 1: Review and discuss a proposed General Plan Amendment to change the land use designation from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential and a Zone Change from R-1:12 to RM:5-12:PD for property located at 14561 Winchester Blvd. Property owner: Frances S. Lamar, Trustee et al Applicant: Classic Communities, Inc. Phil Micciche noted that he had received information from the applicant. All Committee members received the packet which included colored elevations. Bud Lortz discussed the applicant’s request for a General Plan land use change. He explained that the project went to the CDAC and will eventually got to the Planning Commission and Town Council. The question for the Committee is the requested change from low to medium density. The Committee needs to decide whether the General Plan change is appropriate, and if it is in the best interest of the community. Also, is residential in this location appropriate given its location next to a freeway off-ramp. Joe Pirzynski asked why the site was designated low density when it surrounded by medium density residential. Bud Lortz answered that typically vacant or underdeveloped property is designated at the lowest possible density as a placeholder. Joe Pirzynski asked about previous proposals on the site. Bud Lortz explained that the Aegis proposal for an assisted living facility had issues concerning the bulk and mass of the building and proximity to neighboring homes. More recently Courtside considered use of the project site for daycare and parking to support the Club. A proposal was considered by th CDAC and Courtside decided not to move forward with an application. Scott Ward, Classic Communities, provided some background on his company. He commented that the focus today is the land use. The site is an “island” in an area of medium density residential (exhibits were shown). He noted several General Plan goals and policies that the project is in compliance with. The proposal for 21 units would be 7.8 units/acre, at the mid-range of the density scale (5 to 12 units/acre). The site is within 2,000 feet of the future light rail station on Winchester. They have been meeting with the adjacent neighbors to present the project and discuss and concerns. He believes that this is a reasonable and high quality approach to developing the property. Phil Micciche asked about variety in the building elevations. Scott Ward said that there are three different elevation plans. He stated that the home sizes of 1,300 to 1,800 square feet would be relatively small. Jo Zientek asked if staff had a recommendation. Bud Lortz said that medium density residential provides the opportunity to gain smaller homes. The application was advised to work closely with surrounding neighbors and has been doing that. The concept is the Committee is looking at a land use that mirrors surrounding land uses. The environmental review and traffic analysis are just being started. The Committee may want to see that information when it is completed. Sandy Decker said from a General Plan standpoint, because of the Sobrato project and surrounding land uses, the site is somewhat cut-off and there is a lot of traffic on Winchester. She asked how residents would get to the light rail station on foot? Eric Morley answered that there are sidewalks and signalized intersections at the 85 off-ramp and to cross Winchester in front of the Sobrato site. Sandy Decker commented that the density comparison is in the ballpark, but the BMP program wasn’t in place when Courtside went in, so it may not be a relative comparison. Eric Morley said that the density for the proposed project would be 8.5 units/acre if the BMP units are discounted. Sandy Decker advised the applicant that the Town intends to take a look at the Winchester Blvd. Area cumulative traffic impacts. Josh Bacigalupi asked about noise impacts and what consideration has gone into the noise analysis. The site has noise impacts, particularly the first few units adjacent to the freeway off-ramp. Scott Ward said that the berm and use of building materials would be used to mitigate noise. Morris Trevithick stated that traffic, noise and ingress-egress to the site will need to be looked at very carefully. Phil Micciche asked what the plans were for recreational areas for the residents. Scott Ward answered that the center island is intended to be a secondary gathering place. Each home has a private yard area. Joe Pirzynski asked about the General Plan 2000 Opportunity Map. It designates the site as a potential location for RM:5-12 zoning. Bud Lortz said the Town looks for sites for possible rezoning for housing opportunities in conjunction with Housing Element updates. This is to show the state locations where housing could be developed. Joe Pirzynski asked the applicants what has been talked about in their dialog with the neighbors, i.e. what issues came up. Eric Morley said that they started by reviewing all of the records on the property, and first met with the Courtstyle Board. The Board raised no objections to the project. Two subsequent meetings were held with Courtstyle residents who have indicated a preference for a residential use and single-family homes on the site. They have also talked informally to individual homeowners who live immediately adjacent to the site. Privacy is a main concern. Sandy Decker asked about circulation and parking. She is concerned with the parking situation at the proposed density. Forty two spaces on driveway aprons will appear very crowded visually. The parking looks congested and there is minimal open space for neighborhood use. She suggested fewer units. Scott Ward noted that the units with garages at the rear would provide some relief to parking General Plan Committee August 28, 2002 Page 4 of 4 at the street. Mike Burke said he is concerned about pedestrian access to the transit station. He also said that provision of an Eco Pass for one year is a good thing, but it’s temporary. He suggested wrapping the cost of Eco Passes into the Homeowners dues so it is permanent and is continuously available to residents. Joe Pirzynski said that the proposal is one of the types of housing needed by the Town. The applicant is offering an opportunity here. He doesn’t think office would be appropriate, and that the proposal is the most appropriate use of the site based on the discussion. He supports a recommendation to go to the proposed zoning and would not be in favor of fewer, larger units as there are plenty of those in Town now. He made a motion to recommend approval of the rezoning to RM:5-12. The motion was seconded by _______________. Bud Lortz said that there are two options: one is to look at the land use only and decide whether it makes sense. The Committee could also hold off until the environmental review is done and consider it then. Ray Davis said this intersection will probably be the worst in Town. The JCC expansion, Sobrato, and other projects are creating a cumulative traffic impact. Sandy Decker said she would support the motion for the rezoning, but is not approving the specific density being proposed. The motion passed unanimously, 8-0. ITEM 2: APPROVAL OF MINUTES Phil Micciche made a motion to approve the minutes of May 8, 2002 as submitted. The motion was seconded by Joe Pirzynski and passed 6-0-1 (Josh Bacigalupi did not attend that meeting). Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m. by Chair Burke. The next regular meeting of the General Plan Committee will be on Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 5:30 General Plan Committee August 28, 2002 Page 5 of 4 pm. Prepared by: ___________________________ Suzanne Davis, Associate Planner cc: Planning Commission Chair General Plan Committee N:\DEV\SUZANNE\GENPLAN\GPC\2002minutes\GPC8-28.wpd