02-13-02 Minutes - GPC TOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 354-6872 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - SUMMARY MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS, FEBRUARY 13, 2002 HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTER, 110 EAST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- The meeting was called to order at 5:30 P.M. by Chair Mike Burke. ATTENDANCE General Plan Committee Members Present: Joe Pirzynski, Sandy Decker, Mike Burke, Jo Zientek, Mark Weiner, Phil Micciche Members Excused: Suzanne Muller, Elizabeth Smith, Peggy Marcucci Staff Present: Bud Lortz, Suzanne Davis, Steve Lynch Others present: None Verbal Communications: None. ITEM 1: Status Report on General Plan Work Program North 40 Specific Plan: The Council will be having a study session to discuss the N40 Plan, so it continues to be on hold. Once Council provides direction, staff will return to the Committee to kick things off. Housing Element: The consultant expects to have an administrative draft to staff at the end of February. The General Plan Sub-Committee will then be involved (Mark Weiner, Jo Zientek & Beth Smith). Hillside Development Standards: The Architectural Standards/Hillside Committee has been working on the preliminary draft with staff. The ASC will meet with the consultant on February 21. The Committee may be working with the AIA to provide a critique on the document. The public hearing draft will be forthcoming and will be distributed to the Committee. Tree ordinance update: Consulting arborist, Debbie Ellis, has submitted a proposal to revise the Tree Preservation Ordinance. Council requested some additional proposals and staff is working on this. ITEM 2: Discuss Community Benefit Definition Bud Lortz said the In-fill Policy was created with an intent to apply to vacant properties. The Committee needs to discuss whether it also applies to parcels that are being redeveloped. Community benefit has to be something above and beyond what is required by Code, and needs to off-set project impacts. Jo Zientek and Mike Burke suggested including other impacts to the list such as noise. The Committee discussed this. Phil Micciche and Joe Pirzynski felt it is better to not be too specific. No consensus was reached. Joe Pirzynski said there are a couple of triggers. The impact will be there and a developer/applicant will be required to provide community benefit. It is more important to define in-fill. Evaluation of competing values is important. Values and needs change over time. Bud Lortz noted that values are expressed by a project and how they benefit the community at the time of project approval is key. Joe Pirzynski suggested adding some sub-categories to the last bullet. Documentation shall be submitted to support community benefit, such as statistical information. The Committee discussed having community outreach and periodic surveys to help identify current information for applicants (a needs assessment). Mike Burke suggested having a book of case studies for future use by applicants. The Committee supported this idea. Phil Micciche questioned whether generation of sales tax revenue should be considered a community benefit. Joe Pirzynski said that the items on the list are things that can be considered for community benefit. The specifics of the project are considered on a case-by-case basis. General Plan Committee February 13, 2002 Page 3 of 3 ITEM 3: Approval of Minutes Mark Weiner made a motion to approve the minutes of January 23, 2002 as submitted. The motion was seconded by Sandy Decker and passed 5-0-1 (Phil Micciche abstained). Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. by Chair Burke. General Plan Committee February 13, 2002 Page 4 of 3 Prepared by: Suzanne Davis, Associate Planner cc: Planning Commission Chair General Plan Committee N:\DEV\SUZANNE\GENPLAN\GPC\2002minutes\GPC2-13.wpd