10-28-15 Agenda - GPCAGENDA TOWN OF LOS GATOS REGULAR MEETING OF THE GENERAL PLAN COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2015 5:30 P.M. – 6:30 P.M. TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 110 E. MAIN STREET – TOWN HALL – (408) 354-6874 Verbal Communications (three minute time limit) ITEM 1 Election of Chair and Vice Chair ITEM 2 Approval of Minutes from October 22, 2014 ITEM 3 Twin Oaks Drive General Plan Amendment GP-12-001: Requesting approval of a General Plan Amendment from Agriculture to Hillside Residential. The applicant has also submitted an application to rezone the property from RC to HR-1:PD for a ten-lot single-family residential subdivision (file# PD-10-006). The project may have a significant impact on the environment and an Environmental Impact Report will be prepared. APN 532-16-006. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Tom Dodge PROJECT PLANNER: Marni Moseley ITEM 4: Adjournment DISTRIBUTION: Marcia Jensen, Mayor Vacant, Community Services Commission Marico Sayoc, Town Council Todd Jarvis, Business Representative Barbara Spector, Vice Mayor (Alternate) Matthew Hudes, Public Representative Charles Erekson, Planning Commissioner Bob Beyer, Public Representative Joanne Talesfore, Planning Commissioner Melanie Hanssen, Planning Commissioner Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager/Community Development Director Joel Paulson, Planning Manager Town Council Planning Commission Los Gatos Library In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Community Development Department at (408) 354-6874. Notification 48 hours before the meeting will enable the Town to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting (28 CFR Section 35, 102-35.104). Writings related to an item on this agenda distributed to members of the Committee within 72 hours of the meeting are available for public inspection at the reference desk in the Los Gatos Town Library, located at 100 Villa Avenue; and the Community Development Department and Clerk Department, both located at 110 E. Main Street. Copies of desk items distributed to members of the Commission at the meeting are available for review in the Town Council Chambers. N:\DEV\GPC\GPC Agendas\2015 Agendas\10-28-15.doc