Attachment 4 - 1990 Bloomfield SurveyLS ARCHITECTURAL H i S TORY C41 5l 922·1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94115 dlnne !f3£oom(ie.£d ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH File address .?/ <!./ b~ Y v' ·--------~--~~------------- PARC EL MAP INFORMATION Parcel # --o Lot size : 7 front ft. -, ,.. X Lot shape : Re c tangle_ L Rectangle with small rear jog_ Other .....-- tr:-- Lo cation: N s E / w s ide of t;. I St_ Ave· distance to cross st: ;,;;;. ft. N s / E w from --------- ft. deep Other at NE __ NW SE SW corner of ______________________ _ HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PARCEL MAP Old tract or subdivision nam ~ JW tyrJ.o.,.. S' Old Block # ____ Old lot # _____ _ FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) I fit)~ ;J 3 Preliminary rating + Estimated age ~Style. __ &.;;__....:...._;_...:..:....:...._...:_.__;:__.:....__# stories_ Alterations. ________________ ~--------------------------------------------------------- COUNTY ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) Page 'i t'll EFFective date /.;;;; -? 7 OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Source Source Location of property, or Lot Owner Name Date Page Old ·tract/block/lot Size Name I j l891 I I No+ ,· t1 Tvo..c ;-5A .. '? Co.Jr~o I -kc-... c. .., Blk Book 1 1908 . I ~ ~i Survey 11941 !;loci< ·I l -Ot-! 'I + BlLtAvtl'~ ,,~ 7-CJD lr--•·~~J l e tLi v ..... ' I ......_ -...... -I ! I ~~=---~~------------------------------------=-~--~--~~~----~--------~--------~-MISCELLANEOUS PHOTOS : Roll frame #____ Date:___ .., /:3-~ National Register listed date.__________________ 6 <7 -1-l.tt_ County Inventory 1979 ____________ ~~----------- Town of Los Gatos : Designation ___ Recognition __ _ District Name ------------------------------- ~e V\ous Survey ~J6£~r:~. page # __ .q f;~tV• EVALD1TION illustration pag~ # ___ ~ / Date /91. , ...., ..:~{;;a .J?.~) -Alurad.ona :t Moftd __ ." Contributor~ Raiaed Porch encl_ LYn J" ~ c , " District Non-c:ontrib_ Addition Sidin&...... Earliest laaovn / v t/ 1 Winci ows~Cond ition_ Owner_L Rea14ent.:!,: ( :t-f-.a; ~ -EoncexC'! ~ '~f"' Deaisner: a_ b_ d_ ATTACHMENT 4 PUBLISHED AHNOUNCBMBNTS c:flnnt: -" n :wm{uld ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY BUILDING RESEARCH Sourcer A&E Bulletin CA&BN Call Chron DPB EcLAB BX News PCA Other A RC HITErTURAL HISTORY (4 1 5> 922·1 063 22<: EBSTER STREET SA N FRANCISCO . CA 9411 5 VOlurae --Date· -- --Page-=--------- Nature of announcement : __ contract notice ___ Notice of completion __ BP issued ___ Photo ___ Elev/sketch/rend'g ___ Floor plan ___ Arch't/cont'r pub ___ Real est Copy exactly: ~ Builder/Contractor Architect/Engineer !.ocation Nature of work £2!1 BUILDING PERMIT9 Sourcer Permit Reqister Pres Address requested~-------------------------- • ·-Application Delli., or . . . Number OTHER SOURCE (specify thoroughly) SANBORN MAPS /'$~'$ {~/ t84s- 19~tf t'io <( 19ttt; Vac. or Vol/ dif. ~ bldg Address ;:;1 (/tU, ~ , '3" ,, ,., Date Color: yel, pnk, orange blu,gry reen . ...........,.. b Location £2ll Patches Yea/ No. of No stories I Use/ Owner No. of & .!ln.U!..... address No. of Height bay ..J1W windows Builder/ Arch't/ contr. & engin'r add ress & address 0 Description Initials Date of work Bldg's width/ I depth height Exterior Materials 4,[!itials date -- /Initials Date Date of constr . Describe or sketcl plan c:flnne. !Bfoom(u:fd UCHITBC~C..QL~ SURVBY RAMI!! RBSBARCH ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY 141 51 922·1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 I 5 ••-(peraon, l:luilcUnq, or~iaation, etc):=-----:----------------------------- Addreaaea aaaociated with Heme ±± Btt.j \1 'I e w .. levant data a: conatr~ction 'og ~ ~ iz l:lirth • death. ___ • other. __________ _ I. DIIU!!CTORY SBARCH (City Direetori••· county olieetorie•, Telephone Book•, aociety di~ctoriea, etc:. l nn Book lf&llle/Claaaified u~AiA~ ·-·-· lA~ (COPY entire ....... .,t~ •• •h.._... uee • for boldfaeel '2.-1 1-~.1' PI je.o~('+'? (..~()5 £ ( B-er--t11\a) mea..+ c. -r.-0 g. ~ ( \ e u lt1 4-k BaJ.). Vie \'2 .,;::r ~o b.ev~ Li1a. s ~ ~lk C1\..o a.---lA. V"P sc::..-:L-' -....J " ~0 &-(2> ,, ,, I Bev-+-ha. '> h '2 "2. 0 (.a (d_ IJJ 4? I{ o...v 1\ 1.2. II " ( 14; l?.e.fl~ ~ Sor--,· V1a Q. r .. \ '(" 51 -ro....i+ ~v ~ I '-..J -.- (inititll dttt t. BIOGRAPHICAL SIARCR, indexea. other alph&betic:al liatinqa. Mark 'X ' (infd .or ·-· (nothinq found) et eac:h aource you try. List ftndlnqa below. Los Gatos Library: Californ~a History Center, De Anza College: City directories (name & street index) ___ Biographical file Historic Collection Index (green boxes) Photo collection Thompson & West, 1876 (bio index) ---Pen Pictures, 1888 (bio index) ---Sunshine Fruit & Flowers, 1895 (bio index) ---Guinn, 1904 (bio index) Sawyer, 1922 (bio index) ~Extended index to Bruntz Blo index of Munroe Frazer, Photo collection (2 boxes) San Jose Historical Museum: ___ Great Registers (of voters) Indexes Los Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill): ___ Death records by year Photo collection 1681 (Survey box) Other sources: ___ Indexes, California Historical ~uarterly State Library Information Index (fiche) State Library-S.F. Newspaper Index (") ___ Funeral records (index cards to big books) Photo collection III. LIST ALL REFERENCES PROM ABOVE. Find th~m . Copy qood material. attach. Or c:opy below if only a few worda. Or explain why not relevant (aa, wronq peraon). L:7 Continued on Reverse This Page Intentionally Left Blank