Attachment 2 - Report describing the condition of the existing sidingGeneral ContractcJrs lnGpec+.Ion c]c2+e-. Wec]neGclay, December 9 I did a G.I+e inGpec+Ion of +he F>roperty locc]+ed c2+ 4-4- Bayv.lew Avenue, Lo9 era+c>G. upc)n my -inGpcc+-Ion, I be`.ieve +he or.ig.inal G.icl.ing i6 probably close +o 60 yccirG o`c]. I Gee nc> wc2+er proofing or vcipor learr.icr or any pro+ec+.Ion beh-ind +he G.ic].ing inG+c]llecl. The Sou+h 6.ic]e ancl +he ec]G+ G.icle bo+h Show G.lgn6 of cle+rimen+c2l weci+her exposure. I+ wc>uld appec]r +hc]+ nc.I+her G-ic]e hc]6 ever been rna.in+c].inecl and +he wooc] .ig .in c]e+eriorc]+ec] condi+.ic>n. There c]re Gevercil c]reaG where +hc G.ic]ing iG phyGicc]lly falring off of +he bu.ild.ing. None of +he Gpl.icc jo.in+G c]re clone properly, Go +hcrc .iG wc]+er ge++.ing 'in beh-ind +he G.id.ing. The ac+uc2l ovcral` cc>nc].I+.Ion .iG ex+reme`y poor. I c]c)n'+ +h.Ink- +h.iG Sid.ing .iG Gc]lvc]gecib`e or repa.iraL7`e. My op.in.Ion .IG +hci+ +he Sid.lng necdG +o be rep`acec]. Jim Pc]rden 14407 Big Basin Way, Ste.G . Saratoga, CA 95070 . (408) 867-1060 . Fax (408) 867-2920 Contractor's License No. a-1453752 . www.pardenconstruction.com ATTACHMENT 6