Attachment 3 - Comments from the Historic Preservation CommitteeATTACHMENT 3 Comments from the Historic Preservation Committee At the August 26th meeting of the Historic Preservation Committee, members discussed the General Plan update and provided comments: Section 7.7 Cultural and Historical Resources • The preamble and cultural discussion is missing many historical resources. For example, historic districts and presumptive pre-1941 historic resources should be included. Historic Resource Surveys • The 1989 Bloomfield Historic Resource Inventory (HRI) survey should be updated and should reconsider the 1941 date. • The Historic District boundaries are inconsistent. An updated HRI survey should include review of the boundaries. • An updated HRI survey could include a grass-roots volunteer effort. Historic Resource Rehabilitation • Assist property owners in exploring financial incentives for the rehabilitation of historic resources, including funding for the continued revitalization of the vibrant historic Downtown. Community Design • Consideration for requiring replacement of pre-1941 structures that have been approved for removal from the HRI to be historically compatible. This Page Intentionally Left Blank