Attachment 3 - 1990 Bloomfield Surveydlnne. !B foom{iLfd ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH File address I~~ u.J~/~r PARCEL MAP INFORMATION Parcel # ;i =.-::;; -3 7 -0 33 Lot size: t 0 front ft. x 0. ARC HITECTURAL HISTORY C41 Sl 922·1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 1 5 1--z.. t> ft. deep Lot shape: Rectangle M" L {f-- Rectangle with small rear jog___ Other ___________________ _ Location: N S / E W side of --~(A}:;.._ ______ St Ave·/ Other ____ _ distance to cross st : ---L.I..:::.O.J..:t?_ ft . N_ S_ E_/_ W_ from ___ v.J_t,_.,_'-i_;_yv:_,i,_ __ _ at NE NW SE SW corner of _______________ __ HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PARCEL MAP ; .., Old tract or subdivision name 7 Old Block # Old lot # ~--------~----------------------- FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) Preliminary rating / Estimated age f 'f~tJs Ot her _____________________________________________________________________________ ___ COUNTY ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) Page __ EFFective date ____ _ OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Name ----- Blk Book I Source Date !189 1 I ~ 1908 I .:::.S.:::.ur:...v;...;e~y'---1 1941 So urce Page Location of property, or Lot Old :tract/block/lot Size Owner Name -----! ----.-------+-------------------------i------------------- MISCELLANEOUS National Register listed date. __________________ _ County Inventory 1979 _______________________ _ Town of Los Gatos: Designation ___ Recognition __ District Name ------------------------------- Previous S urvey Gebhard : page # illustration page # ______ __ Butler/Junior League __________________________ _ ATTACHMENT 3 This Page Intentionally Left Blank