Attachment 5 - Policy DG7 of Section 3.1, Architectural and Site Character Goals and Policies, North Forty Specific Plan3-1North 40 Specific Plan Design Guidelines 3 Last Modified: June 17, 2015 3.Design Guidelines This section outlines design guidelines for future development that is reflective of the North 40 Vision Statement and Guiding Principles. Mandatory regulations are denoted by the use of the word “shall.” A guideline, which is denoted by the use of the word “should,” is not mandatory, but is encouraged with some discretion by staff, the Planning Commission, and the Town Council. Guidelines include: •Commercial Design Guidelines •Residential Design Guidelines •Neighborhood Identity •Signage Design Guidelines In an effort to build upon the Towns existing guidelines, relevant portions of the Town Commercial Design Guidelines and the Affordable Housing Overlay Zone Design Guidelines (AHOZDG) documents have been replicated within this Specific Plan. It is the intention that the Specific Plan goals, policies and guidelines supersede the existing Town documents, but that their intent and applicable concepts not be lost. 3.1 ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE CHARACTER GOALS AND POLICIES Goal: To continue the small town character of Los Gatos while enhancing its sense of place and community identity within the Specific Plan Area. Policy DG1: Neighborhood Design Promote a healthy, safe, and secure walkable neighborhood environment. Policy DG2: Neighborhood Identity Create a new neighborhood that has its own identity yet complements the existing character of Los Gatos. Policy DG3: Mixed-Use Projects Design mixed-use projects to create a pedestrian-scale environment through appropriate street and sidewalk widths, block lengths, relationships of buildings to streets, and use of public spaces. Policy DG4: Adjacent Neighborhoods Consider impacts of non-residential development adjacent to residential neighborhoods through screening, buffering, circulation, lighting and placement of utility elements. Policy DG5: Residential Siting Locate residential development to minimize traffic, noise, and air quality impacts and encourage walkability to neighborhood serving uses. Policy DG6: Architecture Produce high quality, authentic design, and 360 degree architecture consistent with the architectural design guidelines contained within this Specific Plan. Policy DG7: Historic Character Design the architecture and landscape to reflect the historic and agricultural heritage of the site and the Town of Los Gatos. The HPC should work with applicants on their individual applications to determine how the agrarian feel of the Specific Plan Area is integrated into the development. The existing red barn should be retained as much as salvageable. Policy DG8: Wayfinding Provide a wayfinding signage program for the Specific Plan Area that includes an information kiosk on the area’s history and Downtown businesses and events. Policy DG9: Project Identification Signage Design Specific Plan Area signs and gateway elements to reflect the Town’s character and to be consistent with Signage Guidelines in this Specific Plan. ATTACHMENT 5 This Page Intentionally Left Blank