Attachment 2 - Letter of Justification for standing seam metal roofMetal roofs were common at the turn of the century when most of the Queen Anne style homes were built in Los Gatos (similar to images 1-3, shown here). Although composite shingles are used much more frequently today, they did not exist until after WWII, and were developed to make mass construction faster, and cheaper to build. Included here are photographs of the metal sample we would like to use at 432 Los Gatos Blvd; Custom Built Metals “Vintage”. The color is not far off of the shingles already on our house, but will introduce a new texture where we think it will be beneficial. While not found elsewhere in our immediate neighborhood, we think that a very small section of metal roof - (about six linear feet) along the hyphen between the old house and the addition - will add a wealth of interest and charm to our historic home. Without the transition in building materials, the home’s mass will blend together, causing us to lose the hierarchy between the original home’s historical integrity, and the [subordinate] addition. Unlike the new homes popping up on Englewood - 2 blocks away - we are not seeking a modern-farmhouse aesthetic, but rather, vintage charm. Our next door neighbors do have a charming, metal-roofed cupola adorning their roof (photo attached), much like we will have. The roof of the cupola is similar in color to what we envision both our hyphen & cupola will be. So, while having this section of standing seem metal roof is not the same as other homes in our neighborhood, we do view it as a complimentary addition - adding a high-level of detail & finish quality to our project. Images 1-3 (not local) ATTACHMENT 2 7. Neighbor’s cupola 4. Actual metal sample alongside existing composite shingle roof & paint 6. Metal sample in natural light of our front yard 8. Although it differs in style & color from our home, the above image shows how 2 shingle roofed sections of home can be successfully joined by a metal-roofed hyphen. Our home has similar open-gable rooflines, joined by the shed-roof detail. Furthermore, Texture is such an important piece of Queen-Anne architecture - it is what gives the style its unique richness. The shadow lines added by a metal roof will enhance the home’s overall character. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, Lauren & Joey Fulcher This Page Intentionally Left Blank