Attachment 1 - Letter of JustificationSeptember 15, 2020 Dear Historic Preservation Committee: Please allow me the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Marc Roos, and my wife Katie and I recently purchased the home located at 15 Ellenwood A venue overlooking Bachman Park. We are very thrilled to have purchased a home in such a spectacular town and community, and we are not interested in tearing the house down. We are going to simply remodel the home and bring it up to 2020 standards, as it has been neglected for the last 33 years. (We have already submitted some remodel plans, all within walls, no additional square footage being added). When the home was originally built, it was a charming craftsman style home, but unfortunately in 1987 a major and substantial addition was approved, and it completely changed the look and the feel of the place, and to me the addition is a huge detraction to the property, and it also invalidates any claim that the home is "historic" as it is no longer in keeping with the style of the original construction. I would also argue that the integrity and the soul of the home has been shattered, and there are some minor changes that we could make to the exterior of the house to improve the overall curb appeal and again, make the addition more harmonious to the structure. We also plan to landscape heavily to improve the overall curb appeal of the home and make the previous addition look less like a TV episode of "Botched." So, with all of the above said, we are kindly asking that you remove any historic designation to the property, so that we can work with the planners to make the property more attractive to the eye, and more appealing from the park, as this property is a view point for any of those walking through and around the park, etc .. Thank you in advance for your time, and if you have any questions please feel free to call me anytime at 650.207 .0226, I would be honored to speak with you in person at your convenience. Best Regards, Marc and Katie Roos ATTACHMENT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank