Attachment 5 - Building PermitsATTACHMENT 5 rN' `,- NOTE RE: TITLE 24 ENERGY COMPLIANCE 1. All ducts shall be constructed, installed, and insulated per chapter 10, 1976 UMC. 2. All doors and windows ,shall be fully weaLherst.ripped and shall be certified and .labeled. 3. All joints and penetrations shall be caulked and sealed. 4. Exhaust fans and fan system shall have damper controls. japQ 5. Masonry and factory built fireplaces shall have tight fitting closable metal or glass doors, flue dampers, and may have outside air intake with damper. Continuous burning gas pilots are prohibited. 6. Mechanical equIptment: if proposed furnace output exceeds 45,000 BTUH, the mechanical contractor or his agent shall submit. Load calculations as per an approved CEC: method. All equipment shall be certified by CZC. A setback theru,ostat shall be included. 7. Domestic hot water tank shall have an oxterital blanket of R -12 or greater, or equivalent. 8, i; ,) t water inlet and outlet pipe sha]1 be insulated, ext:ernaV y wraped, with R -3 or greater for minimum of fir.it five feet in ut,conditioned space. 9. Water heating equiptment, showerheads, and (ancets 311,111 be certified by CEC. 10. Qxs cooking appliances shall have intermitte>ail, ignit ion device. 11. General lighting at kitchen and bnLhrooms must have a minimum efficieicy of 25 lumens /watt.. Ne7r'r-'- I. t- 'I•°•l. X71.1 I LY I 1 v rL-V bhl E*-D + -THE STRUCTURAL SPECIFICATIONS All work to be in conformance with UBC F',82 Edition FOUNDATION A14D CONCRETE a) Basis for design: 2000 psi, use 5 sack mix. b) All concrete shall be reinforced as noted. c) Concrete shall be machine mixed and delivered in accordance with ASTM G-94. Submit mix designs to engineer for approval prior to pouring concrete. d) Backfill, shall be placed in layers not Lo exceed 6 ", Glad shall be moistened and thoroughly compacted prior to placing next layer. STEEL REINFORCEMF14T a) Conforming to AS114 A -615 grade 40. b) Reinforcement to be continuous. SLaf;g(-- r s1)li(.vS in adjacent bars. Minimum lap 30 bar diameters. c) Hold reinf.orcemersL in Its true horizon[, l Land ve•rt icaI position with devices sufficiently numerous t.o pre r,r t displacement. CARPENTRY A) Glu - .lams: Douglas fir in accordance with WCLA PS-56- 73 standard speci f i cations. Combi ti at.ion 22F, et er I or g1:!c , industrial. appearance, end seal, protect from m st.ure at all times. Provide cerLifi.cate. b) Plywood: Unless noted otherwise, at. f doors: 3/4" douglas fir CDX, tounge and groove, structural 11, glue and nail. with 10d @ 6 "E,12 "F. C) Bolts: Drill holes 1/1611 oversized, use standard malleable iron washers and nuts or heads against wood. d) Metal anchors: Simpson or approv(,d equal. ll,se connectors as specified in latest. Simpson catalog. e) Beams, ledgerza, plates, headers: Douglas fir- H1 unless othc.-t•w.ise noted. Joists and rafters: Douglas fir M2 . Stud!,: Douglas fir , construction or better. ' f) Double top plates to have rain 48" lap @ spl ice. g) Provide subspace ventilation as per UK, section 2517(')6. h) Provide attic ventllati.on tcr+ per UBC se( tion 3205('). X.)N(;RLrrF BLOCK a) Concrete block to be 8 "x16 "x8" lightweight, trade "A" units conforming to ASTM 090. Cement to be portland cement. conforming to ASTM 0150. Mortar to be freshly prepared and uniforiai ly mixed. Ratio: l part cement., 1/4 part. 1 irne puLt.y or hydrated lime, 3 parts titans!; and shall conform to ASIM (270. Grout shall be: 1 part cement, 2 part:; 'sand, 2 pnrt.v pen gravel, with sufficient. water to permit pouring without. segregation. A l l ce l I s to be filled with grout. b) Bac•kf111 to be compacted to 90% relative compaction min) as per ASTM procedure D1557 -10. a g C D i 20 1~:> IG l NUJ `..•r.. = i F I I o I I ° 1 P P R 0U71 VE' D 1 IV LOS GAO P aEPAPTMFNi iz. 1.114.•...... RON, i1i 7'e 9 em Q + IS. i' E. D I 1, A I. ., 1_11 nvr 1OWN of 1 ln''N 01 l BUILDING l 11Y - ---- - .. CEN l iF Jl,,A l k EXl'!81 q.in ,,, -. Ft- t 1 +- ;) It 0 .. j . 1111111 t i t 0 z NT r Yer 1 t + 6 r i I 12 4: -11 1 /Z (ED i C- rl a an I 4. 1 H C- re4 4 1 - 5;,TI W--::, e x 7- KMN'2(0 X24 c31 2*ITFV-F-/ r:5< 4 I I 2 - rt'Al H=v oxi. e-z 2 re-,~~T' I (n N T IN"6011-Teos, H e4l j 4 I I 2 - rt'Al H=v oxi. e-z 2 re-,~~T' I (n N T IN"6011-Teos, H e4l j ti z 51,-It A ti z 7 110 wenz- Q 0 11 4 MIN LX 4)( 6 rfzor U FU ' 7-7_77--__=___-7= f-- i rlt t I U i^ UN!WAMA- ye-- HU 4 AZ t4 v7 Ll | , - `\ --- T 8 m Q&m` N 0 ATOS vlUUX DEPARTME", M | . t<MA- LO v E- 3 J\ JAW TH I II 4lr_ It , r1l ILL z l Y T IL, I AT_. 4T lei A 1p,l IY,4- Ll!!r-04 rTk:m re esi-l eATFA414,50'r Pbff- fty ey, rj,I I f°LAN Y4''i MA E ILJi I AMit Y,qjl - ll IIN OPAAll Iov, ri i I-W u 7 I z ni9v tl 4r 0