Attachment 3 - Bloomfield Survey, le address /£ &: · fl1ltd!.)19:;J UBLISBID AIIHOWCBNllll'l'S c:ttnn.£. r "mfU.La ARCHITBC'l't •• &t SURVEY BUILDING RESEARCH our041, _,.,. _JNll•tin _CA&Blll _call _chron _DPB _M..AB __ &X --11ewa _PCA ______________ Other ·•USl 922-IOb 222& STER STREET SAN FR.A: .• CO. CA 9411 5 Volu.. bate · Page_ ature of announce111ent: _contract notice _Hotiot of eanpletion _BP i ••u-S _Photo _Blev/sketch/rend'g _Floor plan _Arch't/cont'r pub _a.al eet. opy exactly, ~ Bu ilder/Contractor Architec:t/B.ngiD19r Location Na ture of work s.e!S UJ!,~UIG . ~BRMJ'l'S ,urces Pemit 1cJbt•r Pre ■ • . -.... or . . . . IUlBOIUII MAPS am. l9cY4 .. -,:;;,,f. f t'Jf:, 3 .:/:i, .,. t/u1--,.. .. Address requ~sted. ____ ~--------- Application nate Numbe r .......... Location ~ Color: Vac. yel, pnk, ora nge Patches blu,gry Y .. / Bo. of Addrea!! een ...!IL No !!i2fi!I /r/, i:,fo~ ;:~,· ,, , . ' ~-,I ,'e,';" 1.pe,,~ I .. ,,, 'I ... _ ·--...,.__ /i/ I --/1.,s 6--1//4 ·• •'~ ~ , .:.--'1!1 .. ,,,,.,,/.'!), ..,_.,. ,,,. r1 ii •o. o! ia1a.. Btight JAJ. ~ OWner Builder/ .. contr. & Ar.ch't/ engin'r /:Initial ■ Bldg'a width/ Date addrea• addrese & address peacription of work depth/ Bxterior .h!.!9bl. Materials ,n ,ti a date Initia ls Date 1110. of bay . foi1tc tt !:!indow1: Differ•nc:e• fr0111 tod•y in, ll!! Storie• Footprint Date of Describe or aketct constr. pl a n C) 11-6'--7~ rt.::tr-0 /:xnitiala Date ATTACHMENT 3 dl-nne P,foom.fiefd ARCHISC~~'1L~ SURVBY NAME ·uSBARCH ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY 1415) 922· 1063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94 l 1 5 , ... (fM!r•on, b11ildin9, organisation, etc>-:--------------------------------- idr•••e ■ aHociat.-d with Nanie. _ _.4._'..:.2~?=-=-""'b:..'/e~~~n .. ·U.;;;....~.;;;'t9..;::'l>~d::..... ___________________________ _ a.Levant dat••1 con•tr~ction._ ___ . birth. ___ . death. ___ . other. __________ _ ::::al. DiltBC'l'ORY SEARCH (City D~ctori ... cou.nty Dl Hctorl••· Te.UphOM aoou, society dinctodH, etc., -Y••~ Book ...... 1c-1a••· ..... 0 ---'!,--• ·--·--, ...... u ............ _ -----~•-· ..... _, .... . ·--.. _ .... __ \ /t;t-6! $-JD £)/ienv.>n~-I> G,lber-.J-. 11,1,¼t1L ,;{Al~-0 ~ 1-1-·i ,;,./.,-{./vb ..,-kl.C=v /,. },S-- r 41:P.I ,,.&,1'~ ,,~ I ,? ,t"e_ 1' "' I' ,.. L.nJ? .,.,_ ~ .. ISJ L-,t:";b O , i c;. &--"J t: -~·~, • I I G/4,,. f<.--Jdl e ----r · / }; -.·-'~ 4 1!.:.. ,:-:;, V. ~< ::: .::;,_ t=-ClV J !.:..,. ~--'dJl. ,ft., r --; .. 1 ... , ~ . linitilll dttt BIOGRAPHICAL SSARClr. i ndexe1 • other alphaNtical li•t in9•. Nark 'X' (infd.or •J• (nothing found) at e ach aource you try. Lht Undt.n91 ti.low . Los Gatos Library: Californ~a History Center, De Anza College: __ City directories (name & street index) __ Biographical file , y,' Af Historic Collection Index ( green boxes) __ Photo collection vr "">.\ ~Thompson & West, 1876 ( bio index) --Pen Pictures, 1888 (bio index) Sunshine Fruit & Flowers , 1895 (bio --Guinn, 1904 (bio index) ;,,r->' i<~Sawyer, 1922 (bio index) ~,..,. "' '3>4Extended index to Bruntz _Blo index of hunroe Frazer, 1881 __ Photo collection (2 boxes) index) San Jose Histori ca 1 Nuse um: __ Great Registers (of voters) __ Indexes Photo collection (Survey box) Other sources: __ Indexes, California Historical ~uarterly Los Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill): __ State Library Information Index (fiche) __ Death records by year __ State Library-S.F. Newspaper Index(") __ Funeral records (index cards to big books) __ Photo collection ,,_,,, ---·.; --· -... ----··---- -i le Address , 1-.. ..,, :----'-.d..----------- d1nn£ :DLoor La AkCIIITt-'.C'l'lll<AL .-,,JRVEY ASSESSMENT ROLL RESEARCH Trac t./Hlock/1.ot ----------,t I sessments are fil e d by last name ot pt open y owuer • hut not necessur i I y i II alphabet ica I order. Somt> years there is an ndex inside the volume or in a separatt> ho ok. 'l'ht' goal of a sea11 h is tu t ind the years when t he us~t•s sed value of improvements" (buildings) <:hanged from Oto over $500, or wht •u that figm·<• rmw by $">00 or mroe. Wrilt> down every ye,u nd name you try, inc:luding t:he years whPll you I iud nothi11g. l>itlo marks are I ine. ate ' 1 f '4> Page I 7 ' -.. .,.. ,,I Name . -· -; .. ,,. , ' ,:: j < I - --l.01 ldt>III i I in1I io11/Bou111la1 IC'}l ----- Tr .i• I / Hirn k/ Lot/ Ac res N Udy E IM y S Bd y w Bdy ' -I: ---:,-" ..... ~ . • I --. . . Assessm tml II I lm p n,vt• Land llllmt~ l )t her Info. ,i,· --, "'.) i;. $-_ ,, $ ~"':.)-/,. .. ,' ¢~ ,. j ---.::.::~ -;;,,... . ,.-"..:> -' .. -1-: ,I ' -· _,/'r ? , . . ..:;, _, . ffiiTIT;,i I s ctate dtnne. !Bfoom{;.efd ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH File address ------------------PARCEL MAP INFORMATION ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY 14151 922 ·1063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94 11 5 Parcel # ,.;· ., , • · 1 --""'----"------------'-------Lot size: ,I.,'/ front ft. x ___ ft.deep Lot shape: Rectangle_ L Rectangle with small rear jog___ Other_'l'-_________ _ Location: N_ S_/' E_ W_ side of __________ St __ Ave , Other _____ _ distance to cross st: -------✓-~--ft. N __ S __ E __ W~ from_,,._::._,_-_,,,.-_1_,,,,,,_,_,""~---- at NE NW_ SE / sw_,_ corner of--'-'----------- HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PARCEL MAP Old t t bd . . . ~ / -· ,, rac . or su i vision name .... , , e·, • ~·· •• .1 ", ~ Old Block # Old lot # ----------- FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) Preliminary ratin~g ___ _ Estimated age ___ _ Alterations ... "' a )J 1 ---------------------------------------------- Other ---------------------------------------- ~OUNTY ASSESSOR-PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) -g'i,/:J. EFFective date /:;;; -~7 OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Source Source Location of property, or Lot Owner Name Date Page 0ld ·tract/block/lot Size Name I I 1891 I I l Blk Book 1908 I I 15 -;:;~/~,.~ .. J,l...._ i944 t . / f Survey 2(,1 f]~,? -,,,, .. ·-(:.; . ,:., .._ ! i I .. -MISCELLANEOUS National Register listed date ---------- PHOTOS: Roll/ frame # ' . Date __ _,._,,.,__~ --- County Inventory 1979 -------------Town of Los Gatos: Designation_ Recognition __ District Name _____ ,_.... __________ _ Previous Survey r. ... ~, t>.OOA M i . 15"' t:/k.,s f~--.,, tG-qr. J \ I" Alterations: Movea EVALUATION Date C:/ ,•A<,t,u·/ Raiaed Porch encl- /'/ -::;, Contributor Additionv Siding_ -(7 11' • ?. ,,;;: :e District Non-contrib_ ~ Window~ Condition_ Earliest knbwn A . ·I 1 ~::b_Residen~_:1>;., .,,,,):-.1 .,,.;1'.5,.-.,d, Designer: a_ b_ d_ 1