Item 2 - Staff Report and Attachment PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 08/26/2020 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: August 19, 2020 TO: Historic Preservation Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Forward a Recommendation to the Director on a Request for Approval for Construction of a Second-Story Addition on a Pre-1941 Residence on Property Zoned R-1:8. Located at 445 Los Gatos Boulevard. APN 529-20-006. Minor Residential Development Application MR-20-005. Property Owner/Applicant: Shahbaz Akhtar. Project Planner: Sean Mullin RECOMMENDATION: Forward a recommendation to the Director on a request for approval for construction of a second-story addition on a pre-1941 residence on property zoned R-1:8 located at 445 Los Gatos Boulevard. PROPERTY DETAILS: 1. Date primary structure was built: 1905 2. Town of Los Gatos Preliminary Historic Status Code: None 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes BACKGROUND: On July 22, 2020, the Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) reviewed the proposal for a second-story addition on a pre-1941 residence. The HPC reviewed the proposal and continued the item with the following direction: • Revise the design to reduce the bulk of the new second story addition; PAGE 2 OF 4 SUBJECT: 445 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD/MR-20-005 DATE: AUGUST 19, 2020 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2020\08-26-20\Item 2 - 445 Los Gatos Boulevard\Staff Report.docx 8/19/2020 5:26 PM BACKGROUND (continued): • Revise the design/detailing of the new deck and balcony at the rear of the addition to be more consistent with the details at the original front porch; and • Select an architectural style for the addition that is more complementary to the style of the original residence. DISCUSSION: In response to the direction provided by the HPC, the applicant has submitted revised project plans showing that the pitch of the second -story roof has been lowered, resulting in a one-foot reduction in height of the second story. At the rear of the residence, the applicant has reduced the size of the second-story deck, eliminating the covered deck area on the ground floor. Additionally, the covered portion of the second-story deck has also been eliminated by removing the round columns and the projecting gable. The gable-end form and detailing remain and have been pushed back in line with exterior walls of the addition. The entry door has been modified and is reflective of the door at the front of the residence. The applicant has also revised the right-side entry and specified that the railing around the lightwell on the left-side elevation would be painted white to match the trim/detailing color of the residence. Town Code Section 29.10.020 generally defines demolition of historic structures as removal, enclosure, or alteration of more than twenty-five percent of the wall(s) facing a public street, or fifty percent of all exterior walls: Demolition (historic structures) means: (1) Removal of more than twenty-five (25) percent of the wall(s) facing a public street(s) (or a street facing elevation if the parcel is a corridor lot or is landlocked) or fifty (50) percent of all exterior walls; or (2) Enclosure or alteration (ie: new window and or window relocation) of more than twenty - five (25) percent of the walls facing a public street (or a st reet facing elevation if the parcel is a corridor lot or is landlocked) or fifty (50) percent of the exterior walls so that they no longer function as exterior walls; or All remaining exterior walls must retain the existing exterior wall covering. No new exterior wall covering shall be permitted over the existing exterior wall covering. The following are exempt from this definition: PAGE 3 OF 4 SUBJECT: 445 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD/MR-20-005 DATE: AUGUST 19, 2020 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2020\08-26-20\Item 2 - 445 Los Gatos Boulevard\Staff Report.docx 8/19/2020 5:26 PM DISCUSSION (continued): a. Replacement. The exterior wall covering may be removed if the covering is not original to the structure. b. Repair. The removal and replacement of in kind non-repairable exterior wall covering resulting in no change to its exterior appearance or historic character if approved by the deciding body. c. Removal. The removal of an addition(s) that is not part of the original structure and which has no historic significance, as determined by the Historic Preservation Committee. Demolition shall be determined by subsections (1) and (2) above for the original structure, where walls enclosed by additions shall be considered as exterior walls. It appears that the proposed exterior modifications would not remove more than twenty -five percent of the wall(s) facing a public street; however, it is unclear whether the modifications would remove more than fifty (50) percent of all exterior walls , given the condition of the residence and the work required to construct a new basement and second story addition. Should the HPC find merit in the request including the work required to complete the additions, a determination that the proposed removal is necessary for the proper restoration of the structure would be required under an Architecture and Site application , unless one of the above exemptions could be made. CONSIDERATIONS: A. Considerations – related to the request for approval of exterior modifications to a residence located in an Historic District. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristic or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. CONCLUSION: The applicant is requesting exterior modifications to the existing one-story pre-1941 single- family residence, including a first-story addition and a new second-story addition. Should the HPC find merit in the request, the recommendation would be forwarded to the Community Development Director and the project will continue through the Minor Residential PAGE 4 OF 4 SUBJECT: 445 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD/MR-20-005 DATE: AUGUST 19, 2020 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2020\08-26-20\Item 2 - 445 Los Gatos Boulevard\Staff Report.docx 8/19/2020 5:26 PM CONCLUSION (continued): Development application review process as required for projects that include a new second- story addition. The project would not return to the HPC. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Development Plans ATTACHMENT 1