Item 5 - Staff Report and Attachments PREPARED BY: SALLY ZARNOWITZ, AIA, LEED AP Planning Manager 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 07/22/2020 ITEM NO: 5 DATE: July 15, 2020 TO: Historic Preservation Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Forward a Recommendation to the Director on a Request for Exterior Alterations to a Commercial Building in the Commercial Historic District on Property Zoned C-2:LHP located at 78 West Main Street. APN 529-02-007. Property Owner: Rita I. Minnis Trustee. Applicant: Bess Wiersema, Sudio3 Design. Project Planners: Sally Zarnowitz and Diego Mora. RECOMMENDATION: Forward a recommendation to the Director on a request for exterior alterations to a commercial building in the Commercial Historic District on property zoned C-2:LHP located at 78 West Main Street. PROPERTY DETAILS: 1. Date primary structure was built: c. 1908 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status: Designated, HD-91-1 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? Yes 4. Is structure in a historic district? Yes, Historic Commercial District 5. If yes, is it a contributor? Yes 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes PROJECT SUMMARY: The applicant is requesting approval for exterior alterations to the A. Berryman building for use by a new restaurant (The Tasting House) located at 78 West Main Street in the Historic Commercial District. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 78 WEST MAIN STREET JULY 22, 2020 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2020\07-22-20\Item 5 - 78 W. Main Street\Staff Report.docx DISCUSSION: The rehabilitation project scope includes replacement of the non-original storefront windows with compatible casement wood French windows, and replacement of the awning with a canvas type awning (Attachment 5). Signage will be reviewed by Planning staff under a separate Sign Permit application for conformance with signage regulations and guidelines. ACTION: Considerations Required with Recommendation In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: 1. In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. The project has been submitted for Building permit review under an online Building Pre-application. Should the Committee find merit in the request, a Building Permit could be reviewed for issuance and the project would not return to the Committee. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter of Justification 2. Bloomfield Survey 3. Sanborn Maps 4. Photographs 5. Development Plans ATTACHMENT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank dlnne !Bfoom{U:.fd ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH File address 7? lU . d •1"1 PARCEL MAP INFORMATION ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY 1415) 922·1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 1 5 Parcel # 2;).. q -o; ... e?~ 7 Lot size : _/_1f __ front ft. x 7o ft. deep Lot shape: Rectangle__ L~ Rectangle with small rear jog___ Oth er _______________ _ Location: N __ ~S--E w side of Vv M St /Ave Other ----------------------------- distance to cross st: ft. N S E / W from {)VI /,.J, ------------__ ...:....;__.....:..._ _____ _ at NE NW SE SW corner of __________ ___ HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PARCEL MAP Old tract or subdivision name fo<»V'I e/) () L G; 7 Old Block # Old lot # -------------- FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) . P-I '100-, Preliminary rating + Estimated age\CZS L .. ~-Style G •,.,,#. l~v. # stories__ 2... Alterations w.~~-~ ~ t -, I f-'-n:..., t-s -(f} e.v.J ) Q. ( UIV \, Other 11:/Je.t , , fr l-"4. -o , .... _ ... t7 ~ I o p,~r I L G.-~ ' COUNTY ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) '· d OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Name Blk Book Survey Source Date 1891 1908 194d I Source Location of property, Page Old tract/block/lot ~5}{/ :::. L "'i~ ;;?..(;, -_lJ L v·~'j. tJ AA .:~ ... ~{, 71 b J ' .:-b I or Lot Size t-,1 ~-1-'J GO 17 y ~ c; EFFective date t,? -<g7 Own er Name ~ MISCELLANEOUS National Register listed date~--------- PHOTOS: Roll/frame # 00~~4 County Inventory 1979 ______ ~-------- Town of Los Gatos: Designation __ Recognition __ District Name ----------------- Previous Survey Gebhard: page # illustration page # Butler/Junior League ------ ATTACHMENT 2 ile address~ PUBLISBID AIDIOUIIC&MIIft'S dfnne !Jjf.-,omfi.e.Ld ARCHITECT~o. ..L SURVEY BUILDING RESEARCH 2 22f S AN FRA (41 51 922·1 063 l S TER STREET .CO. CA 94116 Source a _AU _Bulletin __ CA&BH __ call _Chron _DPB _BcLAB __ u _liTe-_PCA ______________ .other Volu.e Date ·5 1 -/~-t?bf Paqe __ Sature of announce~~~ent: _contract notice __ Notice of ea.pletion __ BP baued _Photo Copy exactly: ~ BU~~DIN~ ~E~TS ;ource r Permit ttqiater Preaa • ->til .. or . . . Builder/Contractor Architect/Engineer Location Address requ!attd~----------------- Use/ Owner Application Date Mo . of " Number '""'"""""' Location ~ llDUL address __Blev/aketch/rend'q __ Floor plan __ Arch't/cont'r pub __ Real eat. /Initials Date Builder/ Arch't/ Bldg's width/ contr. & engin'r depth/ Exterior address & address Descriotion of work height Materials ""it ia la date OTHER SOURCE (specify thoroughly) ('{I{ I 5 v r ,; e / · ,!:~ /14 t::O , tl ~ ;.J :!>k , . ff~,. /-:; ~~ ,.-.::; o:J G ?Is. -..uo~J -1:-r:. vW> JIJ WeL l/ -&>l::d--ch w b7 t.U iNfo _ 3 (:, y I$ e~~ SA.NBORII MAPS .2ISS l'iJ~ , 11e-t ~ { 9 'Jef, 1-1 t/'1 vac. or Vol/ dif. E!.e bld q ::'/ 11 ..Pac. I I Address Color: yel, pnk, orange blu,gry reen ,, Patches Yea/ No. of _,N=:;O~--Istoriet ;J y No. of Haight bay .....1fLl windows 3 0 Differences from today inr ~ Stories Footprint Initials Date Date of constr. Describe or sketch plan /Jnitials Date cf/ruz.e. !Bfoom{u.fd ARCHITBC~~'QL~ SURVBY NAME RBSBARCH ARCHITECT URAL HISTORY 14151 9 2 2-1063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94 1 1 5 •a .. (person , buil4inq, orqanization, etcl ____ ~~--~-------------------------------------------------------------- Addreaaes associated with Name __ ~;?~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~--------------------------------------~------------------- ble vant dates: conatrl,l.ction..__ __ _ birth.__ __ _ death. ____ _ other ____________________ __ I. DIRECTORY SEARCH (City Direetoriea, county oireetoriea , Telephona Book•, society directoriea, etc.) .Year Book Jfarae /Cla11Iifi•d H-dina T.i ... i ..... I coov entire exactl~ as shown' use * for boldface\ If~ SJ]) #/a .iVJ (.).)&,..(. 3;;J.. 1<~1 'f!.:P H f?v-1'4 ~..-t.iY G..$ <:;;,1!)..., ;4/ell"' ('-1;,1 I . f , I 30 g) p 1'...,/ . u r-vl .J2.'R M C::..'t:;.;;"'?.aJI~ .A.d R _jf_~d,t~& ' ,:;;2.~ c~ ~ale#() -/4 ~ D#-dr--/,-?, ~ !q~ P' ll1. .., .~~ ,--lj, ? c; .. _.fv. C P.r !Ur~'fl.-r rr d-~rr.d ~ ' I...S) D I ~ " 1 !} 12_1!';)'/ -";:;:,(.} Cu r -/-; Q. c l,:;<., . I'-v'L ,, .. ;o a ..;6''-'VI ; !1ot.-l..{,j) ~f'r''f_ntla. .... A--* /.''Bet"rv wta..IY'I <~' ~ b."!t,...f~ P r( . .e..;.-/-.r I ..,..._ ----rw.,--e.,..c... ~ l/;. J) _r_ 3 7 W ..~-19;}1 /. 1'1 tu AJa-(1'1 ::;J.t./~ M f'~G~~k .. J_l? !1!0 lsJt> l ~nv NIA-<'~ ·A ~ rtb\ ... -;::'"rGJ -g_-.., Q/uV~--·'1)~-r 3.2 JJSC. r ;l.;-1.1 111 :/jrz -r I. BIOGRAPHICAL SIARCR, inde xes • other alphabetical liatinqa. A. B. Mark •x• (infd .or ••• (nothinq found) at each •ourca you try. Li•t findtnqa below. Director's Office: INDEXES: CHQ 1922-61 __ . CHQ 1962-75 __ • Ad_ St. Luke'•---1875 Aa•eaamta_. BOOKS : Companion to CA __ . CA People __ • SP' Almanac • Scott __ • Here Today __ • SF's Literary Frontier __ • Literary SF __ . Literary World of SF __ . Atherton __ • PG&E __ • Bio of a Bank __ • In Our 2nd Century __ • Our City_. Architects of bfor•--· Older __ . Pl&~~~~~ __ • Woods __ • Neville_. Bar Aaan __ • Biq 4_. Gumin•;:;:::;:;.:·.,....,:-------:o:-;::-- /initiala date California Historical Society: CARD INDEXES : Subject __ . Author/Title __ • Poz:traita __ . Photos __ • BOOKS : Index of bioqraphies in County histories __ • CABN Index (arch'ta only) __ • Manus.cript files __ • call Index 189D-1903 __ . Chronicle clippings __ • Great Registers __ • /initials date C . S .F ~ History Room, Main Public Library: Biographical card file (ask librarian) __ • Address/Here Today file __ . Great Regiaten (1866-77)_. Hunt I_. Crose II, III, IV __ • Younq II __ Men of california l90D-02 __ . Hittell 1878 ___ • Kinnaird I, III __ • Bay of SF I __ • /initials date D. Oakland History Room, Oakland Library, 14th St . at Lake Merritt, Oakland : Local history cataloque __ • Newspaper cataloque __ • Obituaries cataloque ___ • 1'!. L:7 Continued on Reverse Librarian_. /~i~n~i~t~ia~l~,~-----d~a~t~.~- 1 I \ TOWN OF LOS GATOS BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT • PHONE 354·6876 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT acknowledge t hot I hove teod th •\ oppltcouon and "ore t hor the obo¥e •s couec~ and agre e to comply w tth oil Town Ord•nonces ond Store low!. re gulotmg bu•ldtng construC1•on. I cen.fy rh ot '" do•"9 the work o urhomed hereby I w•ll not employ a ny person '" v•oloflon of f he labor Code of t he Store o f Co!tforn•o relo t•ng to W orkman s Compem.otion lnsvrof'l('e I HEREBY CERTIFY PROPERLY LICENSI::O BEING LICEN SED OF ~lA r n.d'lii,.J'Tn.o -< FIRE MARSHAL 1354 ·6821 1 PUB LIC WORKS 1354 ·68631 IS SUED B Y 1354 ·68721 PLANNING DIRECTOR B 1403 1 ~ ~ ~ ..,; " 0 5 ~ z 0 6 ~ f: ..: z 0 & = 1!! 0 . )/· o ·-,os ~' L"j •. J r '( -~ II " .-' • • ~ FIRE MARS HAL 1354-662 I. PUBLIC WORKS 1354 ·6663) :{ ISSUED BY 1354·66721 PLANNING -------.. _ ---- TOWN OF LOS GATOS 8UILDING ·INSP£CTIOJ.. DEP~RTME~T • PHONE 354~76 --~ 1 "' ~ v z ;t e .. w w ~ i ~ ... ,.; 0 "' 0 u :lt ~ ~ ~ ... 0 ~ ~ .. ~ z 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ J :i 1 2 < I EBS T E R S TREET cflnne !L .. oom(u.fJ SAN F .:I SCO . CA 941 1 5 AR CHIT ECTURAL SURVEY ASSESSMENT ROLL RESEARCH ' ~ I Fil e Addr ess t I Trac t /Block/Lot ------..--// r-"" I ··4rtl5 r • Asst"'ss me n ts a r e fi l ed by l ast name of pro perty owner , but not nec essarily i n a lpha beti c al order . Some years the r e i s a n i nd e x i ns id e t he vo l ume o r in a separ ate bo o k . The goal of a search is to find the ye ars when the assessed value o f "impro ve ments '' (bu j l cfj ngs ) c hanged from 0 to over $500, o r when that figure r ose by $500 or mroe. Wr ite down eve r y year a nd nam r yo u tr y, i nc luding the years when yo u find nothing . Ditto mark s a r e fine. -----Lot Ident ification/Boundari es---------·----Asse s s ment f o r -- Trac t/ Bloc k/ Lot/ Impr ov e- llate Page Na me Ac res N Bdy E Bdy --s Bdy W Bdy Land me n ts Other In fo . . , $ $ ~I ./ , ,;,,.v!, f ~ ,. I ,I -· <lo I<JO&. ~ ft. ~ . I [.-;./ .:-.. f....-..... ··~ ., ~If-¢ .-;;.· /(1'!(1 -,'/"/ , ' '"' "' '" ' I e::,.,-.,,.., .---' c,z. F t :.1 "' .. .,. F ( ~ . -1.-_.,,·.,-~/' 4C; ,., -··~ ,, -<'.-' ~' . I '"'l ,r ' J I I & . ...,., :/ I ~ •• '"=' --7" ··-?_.J~ ' • 7 I ,"$:-) ~, ._.,, ---- ---- -------· ' --- I ....... --- /1n1.ba l s <tate I ""Y /t, LOS GATOS HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY EVALUATION SHEET Building or District Name .,4 , perrl vYlCL.n ]!;u ,'/d/YYJ Address(es) 77$ LOe-.... ../ fi)--:,. 'l.. 8 Criterion This Building Ratings A. ARCHITECTURE 1. E ~G FP 2. Construction E VG @ FP 3 . Style E VG {G) FP 4. Architect E VG G FP) 5 . Design E VG c._G FP 6 . Interior E VG G ~- B. HISTORY 7. Age 8. Person(s) 9. Event 10 . Patterns E VG G ) FP C. ENVIRONMENT 11. Scale/Massing C::,.-v (;:;::>a_J. ;-I p E VG FP E VG (_c;) FP E VG G ri) 12 . Setting ~~~-~~~G?~A~~--~~~/_/_e ________________________ __ r 13 . Landmark D. INTEGRITY CUMULATIVE RATING: . ( , n<, ,, J Evaluated by: Reviewed by Rev iewed by: Reviewed by: - E VG f) FP 3 ___ Appears eligible for National Register. 4 ___ May become eligible for National Register. S ___ Appears eligible for local designation . V~Contributor to district that is any of the above. N Non-contributor to the district. 6 Appears ineligible for designation, but older than 1942. 7 ___ Appears ineligible for designation because newer thAn 1Q41. Uate ..? 3 -:;--7D Date Z f Jl'vv0 ~'7 D Date ------- Date ------- LOS GATO S HI STORIC RESOURCES INVENTOR Y TALLY SHE ET E VG G F/P 0 Cr iteria Total Adjusted Total 10 10 10 8 25 8 10 15 10 15 25 8 25 5 5 4 12 4 b 5 8 5 8 12 4 12 -6 2 2 2 10 6 Typ e 0 Construct ion 0 St yle Architect Design Interior ARCHITECTURE 1/0 Age 0 Person 0 Event 0 Patterns HIS TOR Y 0 Sca le/Massing 0 Setting Landmark ENVIR ONMEN T 125 INTEG RITY Cumulative Rating: CUMULATIVE TOTAL 60+ = 3 (appears eligible for Na t ional Re gis ter) 40-59 = 5 (appears eligible for local listin g) ~2 3 -59 = D~o ntributor t o distric t rated one of the 22 --6 or 7 (ineligible) or n on-co ntribu tor (Max. 50) /~ (Max . 25) (Max. 25) -;?- a bove) 1884 78 W Main ATTACHMENT 3 1888 78 W Main 1891 78 W Main 1895 78 W Main 1904 78 W Main 1908 78 W Main 1928 78 W Main 1956 78 W Main ATTACHMENT 4 (E) TWO STORYCOMMERICALBUILDINBUNIVERSITY AVE.LUNDY LN.WEST MAIN STREET(E) TREEWM ELEC.(E) PARKINGDUMPSTERLOCATION SITE PLANNORTHA.P.N. 529-02-007THE TASTING HOUSE78 W MAIN STLOS GATOS,CA 95030PROPRIETORS:MIKE + DENISETHORNBERRYINTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.1125STUDIO THREE DESIGNZONING: C-2:LHP24 JUNE 2020DEH SUBMITTAL01 JULY 2020BP SUBMITTAL19 MAY 2020CUP APPROVAL15 JULY 2020HCP SUBMITTALA1.1COVER SHEETSCALE: N/AVICINITY MAPOwner:Michael + Denise Thornberry15625 Peach Hill RoadSaratoga, California 95070PROJECT INFO.Designer:Studio 3 DesignContact: Bess Wiersemabess@studio-three.com638 University AvenueLos Gatos, California 95032ph: (408) 292-3252fax: (253) 399-1125PARCEL MAPPROJECT DATAA1.1 Cover Sheet +Site Plan + Project Data + Notes +Streetscape PhotosA2.1 Existing Floor Plan + Existing FrontElevation + Existing PhotosA2.2 Existing Basement + Second Floor Plans +Proposed Floor PlanPROJECT DESCRIPTIONA proposed tenant improvement converting an existing retail space into a wine + cheese tastinglimited restaurant. CUP approved May 19, 2020. Replace storefront windows and door, newawning and signage TBD. No work to existing upper level.PROJECT ADDRESS:78 WEST MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CA 95030A.P.N. :529-02-007LOT AREA 1,382 SF (.032 ACRES)ZONING =C-2:LHPYEAR BUILT=1908FLOOD ZONE= NONEHISTORIC ZONE= NONEOCCUPANCY= B - BUSINESS GROUP (NO SPRINKLERS)CONSTRUCTION TYPE= TYPE II-BBUILDING AREASEXISTINGPURPOSEDBASEMENT:1,158 SF ±1,158 SF ± (NO CHANGE)FIRST FLOOR:1,160 SF ±1,160 SF ± (NO CHANGE)SECOND FLOOR*:1,061 SF ±1,061 SF ± (NO CHANGE)TOTAL:3,379 SF ±3,379 SF ± (NO CHANGE)* THE EXISTING SECOND FLOOR IS NOT PART OF THE SCOPE OF WORKFOR THIS PROJECT OR SUBMITTAL.CODES USEDThe following codes are currently in effect:2018 California Retail Food Code2019 California Building Code2019 California Residential Code2019 California Electrical Code2019 California Mechanical Code2019 California Plumbing Code2019 California Energy Code2019 California Fire Code2019 California Existing Building Code2018 International Existing Building Code2019 California Green Building StandardsINDEXSITE PLANTitle 24 Consultant:FRI Energy ConsultantsContact: Nicholas Bignardinick@friconsulting.com21 N. Harrison Avenue, Suite #200Campbell, California 95008ph: (408) 866-1620fax: (408) 866-6832FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES1. Water Supply Requirements: Potable water supplies shall be protected from contamination caused by fireprotection water supplies. It is the responsibility of the applicant and any contractors and subcontractors tocontact the water purveyor supplying the site of such project, and to com ply with the requirements of thatpurveyor. Such requirements shall be incorporated into the design of any water-based fire protection systems,and/ or fire suppression water supply systems or storage containers that may be physically connected in anymanner to an appliance capable of causing contamination of the potable water supply of the purveyor of record.Final approval of the system(s) under consideration will not be granted by this office until compliance with therequirements of the water purveyor of record are documented by that purveyor as having been met by theapplicant(s). 2010 CFC Sec. 903.3.5 and Health and Safety Code 13114.72. Construction Site Fire Safety: All construction sites must comply with applicable provisions of the CFCChapter 33 and our Standard Detail and Specification SI-7. Provide appropriate notations on subsequent plansubmittals, as appropriate to the project. CFC Chapter 33.3. Address identification. New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers orapproved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road frontingthe property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Where required by the fire code official, addressnumbers shall be provided in additional approved locations to facilitate emergency response. Address numbers shallbe Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Address letters/numbers shall be minimum 4-inches high, with aminimum stroke width of ½-inch, and shall contrast with their background. Numbers shall not be spelled out. Ifbuilding address cannot be viewed from the public way, and access to the dwelling is provided by a private road,then show location of a monument or pole sign used to identify the site address. CRC Section R319SCALE: 1/16" = 1'- 0"General Contractor:Maurice Agrillo General ContractingContact: Maurice Agrillomauriceagrillo@gmail.com651 Fenly Ave.San Jose, CA 95117ph: (408) 910.4266fax: (408) 273.6691A. The contractor or owner is responsible to contact this office to arrange for a construction inspection before thefollowing milestones:1. Rough plumbing signoff (Preliminary Inspection)2. Installation of equipment (Pre-final Inspection)3. Upon completion of the project (Final Inspection)Approved materials and good workmanship are significant factors in the evaluation and final field approval of foodfacility construction and equipment installation. A final inspection should be requested no less than five (5) workingdays before the proposed opening of the establishment.B. In the case of new food facilities, no food storage or food preparation will be allowed onsite unless authorized to doso by this department. A permit will be issued upon the successful conclusion of our final construction inspection.FIELD CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION PROCEDURE98 & 99 W. MAIN ST.78 W. MAIN ST. (PROJECT)50 W. MAIN ST.78 W. MAIN ST. (PROJECT)STREETSCAPE PHOTOS45 - 55 W. MAIN ST. (ACROSS STREET)ATTACHMENT 5 UPDNSLOPE EXISTING FIRST FLOORPLAN DEMO PLAN58'-51 2"5'-1"4'-91 2"1'-01 2" 9'-7"6'-5"6'-51 2" 7'-2"34'-0"18'-2"16'-1112"4'-10"3'-6"4'-10"1'-3"7'-6"10'-3" (E) BUILT-IN TO BACK ALLEYTO BACK ALLEY13'-6"11'-6"6'-10"1A2.1WALLS TO BE REMOVEDWALLS TO REMAINWALL LEGENDEXTERIOR MODIFICATIONS ARENOT PART OF THIS APPLICATION68'-101 2"(E) ACCESSIBLEENTRANCE(E) STAIRWELLLEADINGTO UPSTAIRSAPARTMENT,NO CHANGE(E) ENTRANCE TOSECOND FLOOR,NO WORKNORTHREMOVE AND RELOCATETO ACCOMODATE ADACLEARANCE REQUIREMENTSREMOVE ALL PARTITIONWALLS, TYP.REMOVEREMOVE AND REPLACEREMOVE AND REPLACEREMOVE ALL PARTITIONWALLS, TYP.(E) ELECTRIC METERAND PANEL1 - EXISTING SOUTHEAST ELEVATION (FRONT - W. MAIN ST )(E) PAINTEDWOOD SIDING(E) SHINGLEROOF(E) FABRICATEDAWNING±0'-0"FIN. FLR.+13'-6"PL. HT.10'-5"HEAD HEIGHT(E) ENTRANCE RAMPSUP TO FLUSH DOOR SILL2 - PROPOSED SOUTHEAST ELEVATION (FRONT - W. MAIN ST )(E) PAINTEDWOOD SIDING(E) SHINGLEROOF(N) FABRICAWNING±0'-0"FIN. FLR.+13'-6"PL. HT.10'-5" HEAD HEIGHTSTAINED WOODFRENCH CASEMENTWINDOWS2'-0"MATCH (E) PANELSTYLE AT (N) WINDOWSMATCH (E) PANELSTYLE AT (N) WINDOWS(E) ENTRANCE RAMPSUP TO FLUSH DOOR SILLCUSTOM LOGOUNDER SEPARATEPERMIT WITHTOWN OF LOS GATOSA2.1EXISTING FLOOR PLAN +EXISTING PHOTOS +EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSSCALE:14" = 1'-0"A.P.N. 529-02-007THE TASTING HOUSE78 W MAIN STLOS GATOS,CA 95030PROPRIETORS:MIKE + DENISETHORNBERRYINTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.1125STUDIO THREE DESIGNZONING: C-2:LHP24 JUNE 2020DEH SUBMITTAL01 JULY 2020BP SUBMITTAL19 MAY 2020CUP APPROVAL15 JULY 2020HCP SUBMITTALEXISTING PHOTOSEXTERIOR ELEVATIONSEXISTING FLOOR PLAN UPDNSLOPE1 - PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR PLAN51'-101 2"5'-1"4'-91 2" 10'-11 2" 7'-0" 9'-4"31'-31 2"15'-9"17'-1"1'-3"7'-6"13'-6"11'-6"6'-10"3'-2"3'-41 2"2'-6"2'-0"30X42CASH/WRAPSTORAGE/DISPLAY1'-0"STORAGE/DISPLAYBUILT-IN BANQUETTE 42"H BAR TOP CHEESESTORAGEROOMFOOD PREPAREAWINETASTINGBAR(E) 3668 DOOR W/TEMP. GLASSNEW WALLS WALLS TO REMAINWALL LEGEND(N) 3668 SWING4068 CASEMENTWINDOWS W/TEMP. GLASS4068 CASEMENTWINDOWS W/T E M P . G L A S S 68'-31 2" 2'-5"ACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVEL(E) ACCESSIBLEENTRANCE3'-4"2ADA ACCESSIBLERESTROOM6'-5"(E) STAIRWELLLEADINGTO UPSTAIRSAPARTMENT,NO WORK(E) ENTRANCE TOSECOND FLOOR,NO WORK(E) 3068 D00RNORTH4'-01 2"3'-0"3'-0"2'-0"8'-6" 3' - 4 " TRASH 2'-10"4'-0"3'-0"36"H WORK COUNTERWITH STORAGE BELOW2'-0" 24"W U/C DW 72"W 3-DOOR REFRIGERATOR 7'-01 2"8'-0"5'-8" 14'-101 2"3'-7"3'-0"8'-2"(N) 3068 D00R(N)5640 FX(N) 2040 FX34"H ADACOUNTER5 A2.2 A2.221436A2.21'-412"0'-11"1'-0"60" MIN. 48" MIN3'-4"12" MIN.12" MIN.48" MIN.44" MIN.54" MIN. Ø60"48" MIN.30" MIN. 1'-3"12346578910111415TRASH1213TRASH NON-SLIP CERAMIC TILENON-SLIPCERAMICTILENON-SLIP CERAMIC TILEDINING AREAWOOD FLOORA2.278A2.21091211(E) 2668 DOOR(E) 3668 DOOR(E) EXIT TO BACKBACK ALLEY(E) EXIT TO BACKBACK ALLEY(E) STAIS, NO CHANGE9'-4"(N) 6" HIGHPLATFORM10'-6"10'-6"10'-6"13'-6"10'-6"13'-6"13'-6"10'-6"(N) 10'-6"SOFFIT(N) 10'-6"HIGH SOFFIT(N) 10'-6"HIGH SOFFIT2'-0"1'-0"1'-0"10"(N) 3" MIN.DEEP CHASEVIF. LOCATION(N) 3" MIN.DEEP CHASEVIF. LOCATION(N) SHELVING(N) SHELVING10'-6"10'-6"10'-6"2A2.2EXISTING SECOND PLANN (NO WORK)NORTHWALLS TO REMAINWALL LEGEND16'-1112"(E) DOWN STAIRWELL68'-101 2"(E) FLOOR AREA: 1,061 SF ±100 SF MIN.STORAGE AREAUPBASEMENTNORTH(E) FURNACENO CHANGE,AC CONDENSERON ROOF(N) NEW COMMERCIAL GRADEELECTRIC WATER HEATER. MFR.BRADFORD & WHITE, MODELCEHD80(A)(kW)3*CF.CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE ALLAPPROPRIATE WATER HEATERSTRAPPING AND 6" CURB AREINSTALLED PER CPC 508.2 ANDINSULATION WITHIN THE FIRST5-FEET.FOOD FACILITIES WITH ONLYSINGLE-USE SERVICE WAREMUST SIZE WATER HEATERS TOHAVE A RECOVERY RATE EQUALTO OR EXCEEDING 80% OF THECALCULATED RECOVERY RATEIN GALLONS PER HOUR(E) STAIS, NO CHANGE1. PROVIDE STORAGE PER STORAGECALCODE SECTION 1140472. THE QUANTITY OF DRY STORAGESHALL COMPLY WITH EITHER OFTHE FOLLOWING:3. A. IF A STORAGE ROOM ISPROPOSED, IT SHALL BE AT LEAST25% OF THE FOOD AND UTENSILHANDLING AREAS (ALL AREASEXCEPT CUSTOMER AREAS), OR 100SQUARE FEET, WHICHEVER ISGREATER.4.STORAGE CALCULATIONFTOTAL FOOD AND UTENSIL HANDING = 170 SF .25 X 170 SF =42 SF. MIN. PROVIDE MIN. STORAGE OF 100 SF.5. ALL SHELVING SHALL BE DURABLE,SMOOTH, AND EASILY CLEANABLE.SHELVING UNITS MUST BE ANSICERTIFIED, NSF OR EQUIVALENT.WOOD SHELVING IS NOTAPPROVED. THE LOWEST SHELFSHALL BE AT LEAST SIX (6) INCHESABOVE THE FLOOR, WITH A CLEARUNOBSTRUCTED AREA BELOW.6. FOOD AND FOOD RELATEDPRODUCTS MAY NOT BE STORED INATTICS OR UNFINISHEDBASEMENTS, AREAS THAT AREDIFFICULT TO ACCESS, AND MAYNOT BE STORED IN REMOTE AREASOUTSIDE OF THE FACILITY (E.G.TRAILERS, CARGO CONTAINERS,SHEDS, ETC.).7. SHELVING MAY NOT BE STOREDDIRECTLY IN FRONT OF ELECTRICALPANELS, LARGE FIRE PREVENTIONSYSTEM COMPONENTS, OR SIMILARWALL-MOUNTED EQUIPMENT. THISTYPE OF EQUIPMENT MUST BEIDENTIFIED ON THE PLANS, ANDPROVISIONS MUST BE MADE TOCOMPENSATE FOR THE SPACEREQUIRED FOR SUCHINSTALLATIONS.8. A ROOM, AREA OR CABINETSEPARATED FROM ANY FOODPREPARATION OR STORAGE AREA,OR UTENSIL WASHING OR STORAGEAREA, MUST BE PROVIDED FOR THESTORAGE OF ALL CLEANINGEQUIPMENT, SUPPLIES ANDPOISONOUS SUBSTANCES (E.G.,MOPS, BUCKETS, BROOMS,CLEANING COMPOUNDS,DETERGENTS OR ANY OTHERINJURIOUS OR POISONOUSMATERIALS).(E) ELECTRICALSUB-PANEL, NOCHANGE16'-1112"68'-1012"WALLS TO REMAINWALL LEGEND(E) FLOOR AREA: 1,158 SF ±A2.2PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN +ADA RESTROOM + INTERIORELEVATIONS + SCHEDULESSCALE: 14" = 1'-0"A.P.N. 529-02-007THE TASTING HOUSE78 W MAIN STLOS GATOS,CA 95030PROPRIETORS:MIKE + DENISETHORNBERRYINTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.1125STUDIO THREE DESIGNZONING: C-2:LHP24 JUNE 2020DEH SUBMITTAL01 JULY 2020BP SUBMITTAL19 MAY 2020CUP APPROVAL15 JULY 2020HCP SUBMITTAL