Item 3 - Staff Report and Attachments PREPARED BY: DIEGO MORA Assistant Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 07/22/2020 ITEM NO: 3 DATE: July 16, 2020 TO: Historic Preservation Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Forward a Recommendation to the Community Development Director on a Request for Exterior Alterations to a Contributing Single-Family Residence in the Almond Grove Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP located at 224 Wilder Avenue. APN 510-17-099. Property Owner: Janet Wolf. Applicant: Dino Garcia. Project Planner: Diego Mora. RECOMMENDATION: Forward a recommendation to the Community Development Director on a request for exterior alterations to a contributing single-family residence in the Almond Grove Historic District on property zoned R-1D:LHP. PROPERTY DETAILS: 1. Date primary structure was built: c. 1895 2. Town of Los Gatos Preliminary Rating: +, historic & intact or worthy special note 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? Yes 4. Is structure in a historic district? Almond Grove Historic District 5. If yes, is it a contributor? Yes 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes BACKGROUND: An application for a Minor Residential Development in an Historic District (HS-20-018) was submitted on June 18, 2020, for exterior alterations an d the addition of a new deck (Attachment 4). The residence is located near the northwest corner of Wilder Avenue and Bachman Avenue in the Almond Grove Historic District. The Bloomfield Survey assigns the residence a preliminary rating of + (Attachment 2). The residence first appears on the 1895 Sanborn map (Attachment 3) PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: 224 Wilder Avenue July 15, 2020 DISCUSSION: The applicant is requesting approval for construction of exterior alterations to a contributing single-family residence located in the Almond Grove Historic District. The existing window and door materials are wood. The material for the new windows and doors is proposed to be aluminum clad wood with factory black finish. Also, the applicant has indicated that new siding, where required, would match the existing horizontal wood siding and color (Attachment 1). The applicant proposes the following exterior alterations: • West front elevation: o Remove an existing non-original false door and replace with relocated window from north elevation; o Remove and replace entry door • South side elevation: o Remove one window and door, and replace with multi-slide patio door o Remove landing and replace with new deck • East rear elevation: o Remove three windows, and replace with one new window and new patio sliding door o Remove and replace existing rear entry door o Remove landing and steps • North side elevation: o Remove four windows and replace with two new windows, and remove and relocate one original window to west front elevation o New siding, where required, would match the existing siding CONCLUSION: The applicant is requesting approval for construction of exterior alterations to a single-family residence located in the Almond Grove Historic District. Should the Committee find merit in the request, Building Permits could be approved by the Community Development Director and the project would not return to the Committee. A. Considerations – related to the request for approval of exterior modifications to a residence located in an Historic District. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: 224 Wilder Avenue July 15, 2020 the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter of Justification 2. Bloomfield Survey 3. Sanborn Map Exhibit 4. Development Plans N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2020\07-22-20\Item 3 - 224 Wilder Avenue\Staff Report.docx This Page Intentionally Left Blank DG Design   July 14, 2020 Town of Los Gatos Planning Division 110 E. Main St. Los Gatos, CA 95030 Project Address: 224 Wilder Ave. Permit Application: HS-20-018 Subject: Letter of Justification Attention: Diego Mora – Assistant Planner I am the designer for the proposed project at 224 Wilder Ave. My client and property owner, Janet Wolf, is proposing to remodel the existing 1,053 sq. ft. single-story American Foursquare style house originally built sometime in the 1860’s-1870’s. My client has lived in her house for over 15 years and loves her home’s style, historic nature, charm and proximity to downtown restaurants and stores. The proposed remodel consists of interior alterations to create a better and more functional layout and minor exterior work to enhance the appearance which includes the removal, relocation and replacement of select windows, exterior doors, new attached side deck and new landings for the rear yard facing doors. The exterior work will be performed in accordance with the following items below to ensure consistency with the integrity of the historic building: •The existing 5-panel entry door will be replaced with an architecturally-correct door style with araised 2-panel configuration and bevel sticking finished in satin black. •All proposed new windows are clad-wood finished in black with clear glass, square sticking andrectangular simulated divided lite trimmed with 1x6 window head and jambs with a projecting silltrim and 1x4 apron below the projecting sill finished in semi-gloss white to match existing windowsand trims. •All proposed new sliding patio doors are clad-wood finished in black with clear glass and narrow 3”top and bottom rails trimmed in white to match existing 1x6 door head and jamb trims. •New exterior wall materials for in-fill areas will match existing horizontal wood siding and color. •The proposed side deck will be finished with 1x6 eased-edge IPE wood decking and deck trims.We respectfully ask for the support and approval of this project. Sincerely, Dino Garcia DG Design Tel: 510.579.2004 Email: dino@dgdesignplan.com ATTACHMENT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank ATTACHMENT 2 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 224 Wilder Avenue Wilder Avenue 1891 ATTACHMENT 3 1895 Wilder Avenue 224 Wilder Avenue 1908 224 Wilder Avenue 1956 224 Wilder Avenue NO.TYPE SIZE (WxH)MATERIAL EXT. COLOR STATUS 1 DOUBLE HUNG 3'-0" x 6'-0" WOOD BLACK RELOCATED 2 DOUBLE HUNG 3'-0" x 6'-0" WOOD BLACK EXISTING 3 ENTRY DOOR 3'-0" x 7'-0" WOOD BLACK NEW 4 DOUBLE HUNG 3'-0" x 5'-4" WOOD BLACK EXISTING 5 DOUBLE HUNG 3'-0" x 5'-4" WOOD BLACK EXISTING 6 MULTI-SLIDE PATIO DOOR 8'-0" x 7'-0"CLAD-WOOD BLACK NEW 7 SLIDER-FIX COMBO 8'-0" x 3'-0" WOOD BLACK EXISTING 8 SLIDING PATIO DOOR 6'-0" x 7'-0" CLAD-WOOD BLACK NEW 9 AWNING 2'-6" x 2'-0" CLAD-WOOD BLACK NEW 10 1-LITE FRENCH DOOR 2'-80" x 7'-0" CLAD-WOOD BLACK NEW 11 DOUBLE HUNG 5'-0" x 4'-0" CLAD-WOOD BLACK NEW 12 DOUBLE HUNG 2'-6" x 4'-0" CLAD-WOOD BLACK NEW 13 DOUBLE HUNG 3'-0" x 6'-0"WOOD BLACK EXISTING 00 10'20' 2' REMODEL 224 WILDER AVENUE, LOS GATOS, CA 95030 A1.1 COVER SHEET AND SITE PLAN A2.1 FLOOR PLAN A3.1 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A3.2 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS (N)DECK (E)BUILDING FOOTPRINT PROPERTY LINE SETBACK LINE TO BE DEMOLISHED (E)GAS METER (E)ELECTRICAL METER (E)WATER METER EM GM EM PROPERTY OWNER JANET WOLF PARCEL NUMBER 510-17-099 ZONING R-1D:LHP LAND USE MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL HISTORIC SITE NO YEAR BUILT 1900 FLOOD ZONE NO WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE NP OCCUPANCY GROUP R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION VB NUMBER OF FLOORS 1 FIRE SPRINKLER NO LOT AREA 5,320 sf. FLOOR AREA SUMMARY EXISTING PROPOSED TOTAL ·HOUSE 1,053 0 1,053 ·CONDITIONED WORKSHOP 130 0 130 ·TOTAL LIVING AREA 1,183 0 1,183 ·FLOOR AREA RATIO 22.24%0 22.24% LOT AREA SUMMARY EXISTING PROPOSED TOTAL ·HOUSE 1,053 0 1,053 ·ENTRY PORCH 86 0 86 ·DECK 0 204 204 ·DETACHED GARAGE/WORKSHOP 651 0 651 ·TOTAL COVERAGE 1,790 204 1,994 ·LOT AREA COVERAGE 33.65%3.85%37.50% Remodel floor area summary ·(E)HOUSE 1,053 SF. ·(n)deck 204 SF. 40.00' (E)ENTRY PORCH(E)FENCE 15'-0" FRONT SETBACK THE PROPOSED REMODEL WILL CONSIST OF INTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING LIVING AREAS TO CREATE A BETTER AND MORE FUNCTIONAL LAYOUT AND EXTERIOR WORK WHICH INCLUDES THE REMOVAL, RELOCATION AND REPLACEMENT OF SELECT WINDOWS/DOORS, NEW DECK AND LANDINGS. ALL EXTERIOR MATERIALS WILL MATCH EXISTING FOR IN-FILL AREAS. 20'-0" REAR SETBACK 5'-0" SIDE SETBACK5'-0" SIDE SETBACKVICTORY LANE WILDER AVENUE (E)HOUSE 86 SF. 1,053 SF. (E)GARAGE/WORKSHOP 651 SF. (N)DECK 204 SF. (E)FENCE/GATE (E)ROOF LINE (E)AWNING LINE (E)ROOF LINE EM GMWM (E)FENCE (E)GATE (E)CONCRETE DRIVEWAY (E)FENCE (N)PRIVACY SCREENING TREES @ 5'-0" O.C.(E)YARD AREA (E)LAWN (N)LANDING(N) (E)BRICK PAVERS WM 40.00'133.50'133.50'(E)SIDEWALK (E)CURB/GUTTER (E)6" TREE (E)2" TREE (E)2" TREE A1.1 Drawing No. Sheet Title Mark Date Description Drawings Prepared By: Project Title Revisions Issue Date: CAD File Name Project No. 4355 CONEJO DRIVE DANVILLE, CA 94506 DG Design 510-579-2004 dgdesign.ca@comcast.net 925-522-6385 Issue Date: CAD File Name Plot Date: 6/16/20 DINO GARCIA PBD WOLF RESIDENCE 224 WILDER AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 APN: 510-17-099 Drawn By DG Checked By Issue: PROJECT REVIEWAll Drawings and Written Materials Appearing Herein Constitute the Original and Unpublished Work of the Designer and the Same May Not be Duplicated, Used or Disclosed Without the Written Consent of the Designer.COVER SHEET AND SITE PLAN SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"SITE PLAN1 LOCATION MAP3 DOOR AND WINDOW SCHEDULE4 SHEET INDEX6 PROJECT SCOPE5 SITE INFORMATION7 SITE PLAN LEGEND2 TRUE NORTH PLAN NORTH ATTACHMENT 4 00 5'10'00 5'10'43'-4"5'-5"21'-4"9'-5"12'-7"26'-3" 7'14' 10'-7" 2'-5"11'-7" 26'-3" 14'-3" 6'-10" 12'43'-4"5'-4"3'-3"14'-9"7'-5"12'-7"26'-3" 14'12'-3" 26'-3" 14'-3"12'4'4'-3" 3'-7" 7'5'-1"6' 5'-3"3'2 A3.1 1 A3.1 2 A3.2 1 A3.2 3 A3.2 4 A3.2 4 A3.1 3 A3.1 15'-11"7'-3"43'-4"7'-3"36'-1"(E)WINDOW TO BE REMOVED AND RELOCATED PER PLAN AND SCHEDULE 43'-4"11'-6"23'-4"11'-11"12'-9"9'-1"27'3 4 1 2 9 8 7 6 5 13 12 11 10 (E)LANDING/STEPS TO BE REMOVED (E)/STEPS TO BE REMOVED DW WH MASTER BEDROOM 10'-0" clg. ht. BEDROOM-2 8'-0" clg. ht. LIVING 9'-0" clg. ht. DINING 9'-0" clg. ht. BATH 10'-0" clg. ht. MUD RM. 8'-0" clg. ht. CLOSET CLOSETCHASE CLOSETentry PORCH (E) 2X STUD WALL (n) 2x STUD WALL in-fill (N) 2X STUD WALL KITCHEN 10'-0" clg. ht. KITCHEN 10'-0" clg. ht. BEDROOM-2 10'-0" clg. ht. entry PORCH LIVING 10'-0" clg. ht. w.i.c. BATH-1 WOOD deck DINING 10'-0" clg. ht.DWwdshwr curblesspantrystorageshwr BATH-2 closetbenchVEST. VEST. MASTER BEDROOM 10'-0" clg. ht. (E) 2X STUD WALL (E) 2X STUD WALL-DEMOLISH (E) WINDOW-DEMOLISH (E) FIXTURES-DEMOLISH MATERIALPRODUCTTRADENAMEMODELNUMBER MATERIALPRODUCTTRADENAMEMODELNUMBER HEATlandinglanding WH FALSE DOOR 4 2 7 5 13 A2.1 Drawing No. Sheet Title Mark Date Description Drawings Prepared By: Project Title Revisions Issue Date: CAD File Name Project No. 4355 CONEJO DRIVE DANVILLE, CA 94506 DG Design 510-579-2004 dgdesign.ca@ comcast.net 925-522-6385 Issue Date: CAD File Name Plot Date: 6/16/20 DINO GARCIA PBD WOLF RESIDENCE 224 WILDER AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 APN: 510-17-099 Drawn By DG Checked By Issue: PROJECT REVIEWAll Drawings and Written Materials Appearing Herein Constitute the Original and Unpublished Work of the Designer and the Same May Not be Duplicated, Used or Disclosed Without the Written Consent of the Designer.FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"EXISTING FLOOR AND DEMO PLAN1 PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN2SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 00 5'10' 00 5'10' 00 5'10'00 5'10'16"3 412 5 6 7 MATCH (E)DOOR TRIM MATERIAL AND FINISH RELOCATED (E)WINDOW (N)WOOD DECK (E)FALSE DOOR TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH REMOVED (E)WINDOW (E)STEPS TO BE REMOVED (E)DOOR, WINDOWS AND STEPS TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED (E)LANDING/STEPS TO BE REMOVED (E)ENTRY DOOR TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED TO MATCH 7'-0" WINDOW HEADER HEIGHT (N)MULTI-SLIDE PATIO DOOR, MATCH (E)DOOR TRIM MATERIAL AND FINISHproperty lineproperty lineproperty lineproperty lineEXTERIOR NOTES: 1.ALL EXTERIOR LIGHTING WILL BE DOWNWARD DIRECTED AND SHIELDED FROM VIEW TO COMPLY WITH TOWN CODE. 2.NEW EXTERIOR MATERIALS WILL MATCH EXISTING FOR IN-FILL AREAS. 3.NEW DOOR/WINDOW MATERIALS, CLADDING, COLORS, ETC. SHALL MATCH EXISTING WINDOWS AND DOORS. ·MATERIAL:CLAD-WOOD ·COLOR:BLACK ·GLAZING:CLEAR ·TRIM:WHITE18'-5"1'-4"10'7'-1"18'-10"1'-10"10'7'-1" T.O. PLATE FIN. FLOOR GRADE T.O. ROOF FIN. FLOOR GRADE T.O. ROOF T.O. PLATE 18'-5"1'-4"10'7'-1"18'-10"1'-10"10'7'-1" FIN. FLOOR GRADE T.O. ROOF FIN. FLOOR GRADE T.O. ROOF T.O. PLATE T.O. PLATE 17 SF. (E)WALL TO BE REMOVED EXTERIOR WALL: LF. X HT.AREA (SF.) DEMO (SF.) ·NORTH 43.3 X 10 433 25 ·SOUTH 43.3 X 10 433 17 ·EAST 26.3 X 10 263 0 ·WEST 26.3 X 10 263 38 ·TOTAL WALL AREA 1,392 80 (5.75%) A3.1 Drawing No. Sheet Title Mark Date Description Drawings Prepared By: Project Title Revisions Issue Date: CAD File Name Project No. 4355 CONEJO DRIVE DANVILLE, CA 94506 DG Design 510-579-2004 dgdesign.ca@ comcast.net 925-522-6385 Issue Date: CAD File Name Plot Date: 6/16/20 DINO GARCIA PBD WOLF RESIDENCE 224 WILDER AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 APN: 510-17-099 Drawn By DG Checked By Issue: PROJECT REVIEWAll Drawings and Written Materials Appearing Herein Constitute the Original and Unpublished Work of the Designer and the Same May Not be Duplicated, Used or Disclosed Without the Written Consent of the Designer.EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION4 SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION3 SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"EXISTING WEST ELEVATION1 PROPOSED WEST ELEVATION2 00 5'10' 00 5'10' 00 5'10'00 5'10'21"11 12 13 (E)WINDOW TO BE REMOVED AND RELOCATED PER PAN AND SCHEDULE 8 9 10 MATCH (E)WINDOW TRIM MATERIAL AND FINISH, TYP. AT (N)WINDOWS MATCH (E)WINDOW TRIM MATERIAL AND FINISH, TYP. AT (N)WINDOWS MATCH (E)DOOR TRIM MATERIAL AND FINISH, TYP. AT (N)DOORS (E)LANDING/STEPS TO BE REMOVED (E)DOOR, VINYL WINDOWS AND LANDING/STEPS TO BE REMOVED (E)STEPS TO BE REMOVED (E)WINDOW TO BE REMOVED (N)WOOD DECK 18 SF. (E)WALL TO BE REMOVEDproperty lineproperty lineproperty lineproperty line18'-11"1'-10"10'7'-1"18'-5"1'-4"10'7'-1" FIN. FLOOR GRADE T.O. ROOF FIN. FLOOR GRADE T.O. ROOF 18'-11"1'-10"10'7'-1"18'-5"1'-4"10'7'-1" FIN. FLOOR GRADE T.O. ROOF FIN. FLOOR GRADE T.O. ROOF T.O. PLATE T.O. PLATE T.O. PLATE T.O. PLATE 38 SF. (E)WALL TO BE REMOVED (E)WINDOW TO BE REMOVED, TYP. 7 SF. (E)WALL TO BE REMOVED EXTERIOR NOTES: 1. ALL EXTERIOR LIGHTING WILL BE DOWNWARD DIRECTED AND SHIELDED FROM VIEW TO COMPLY WITH TOWN CODE. 2. NEW EXTERIOR MATERIALS WILL MATCH EXISTING FOR IN-FILL AREAS. 3. NEW DOOR/WINDOW MATERIALS, CLADDING, COLORS, ETC. SHALL MATCH EXISTING WINDOWS AND DOORS. ·MATERIAL: CLAD-WOOD ·COLOR: BLACK ·GLAZING: CLEAR ·TRIM: WHITE EXTERIOR WALL: LF. X HT.AREA (SF.) DEMO (SF.) ·NORTH 43.3 X 10 433 25 ·SOUTH 43.3 X 10 433 17 ·EAST 26.3 X 10 263 0 ·WEST 26.3 X 10 263 38 ·TOTAL WALL AREA 1,392 80 (5.75%) A3.2 Drawing No. Sheet Title Mark Date Description Drawings Prepared By: Project Title Revisions Issue Date: CAD File Name Project No. 4355 CONEJO DRIVE DANVILLE, CA 94506 DG Design 510-579-2004 dgdesign.ca@ comcast.net 925-522-6385 Issue Date: CAD File Name Plot Date: 6/16/20 DINO GARCIA PBD WOLF RESIDENCE 224 WILDER AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 APN: 510-17-099 Drawn By DG Checked By Issue: PROJECT REVIEWAll Drawings and Written Materials Appearing Herein Constitute the Original and Unpublished Work of the Designer and the Same May Not be Duplicated, Used or Disclosed Without the Written Consent of the Designer.EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"PROPOSED NORTH ELEVATION4 SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"EXISTING NORTH ELEVATION3 SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"EXISTING EAST ELEVATION1 PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION2