Item 6 - Staff Report and Attachments 1-5 PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 06/24/2020 ITEM NO: 6 DATE: June 17, 2020 TO: Historic Preservation Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Preliminary Review for Construction of Exterior Alterations and an Addition to a Pre-1941 Residence on Property Zoned R-M:5-12 Located at 432 Los Gatos Boulevard. APN 532-07-113. Property Owners/Applicants: Lauren and Joseph Fulcher. Project Planner: Sean Mullin RECOMMENDATION: Consider a preliminary review for construction of exterior alterations and an addition to a pre- 1941 residence on property zoned R-1:D located at 432 Los Gatos Boulevard. PROPERTY DETAILS: 1. Date primary structure was built: 1910 per County Assessor’s Database 2. Town of Los Gatos Preliminary Rating: +, historic and intact, worthy of special note 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? N/A 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes BACKGROUND: The applicant is requesting preliminary review of a proposal to construct exterior alterations and an addition to a residence located at 432 Los Gatos Boulevard. The subject property is located on the southeast corner of Los Gatos Boulevard and Spencer Avenue. PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: 432 Los Gatos Boulevard DATE: June 17, 2020 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2020\06-24-20\Item 6 - 432 Los Gatos Boulevard\Staff Report.docx DISCUSSION: The applicant proposes an interior remodel of the first floor of the existing residence and a 404- square foot single-story street side master suite addition to the north of the existing residence (Attachment 5, A1.1). The addition would step back from the front elevation of the existing residence, and the street side elevation of the existing detached garage. A subordinate connection between the existing residence and the master suite addition would accommodate a hallway and closet areas. Exterior materials on the proposed connection would include vertical board and batten siding and a standing seam metal roof, differentiating itself from the historic portion of the residence and the proposed master suite addition. Exterior materials on the proposed master suite addition would match those of the existing residence: horizontal wood siding, composition roof, and wood trim. A patio and deck would be situated between the master suite addition and the existing detached garage . Proposed exterior alterations to the existing residence include: • Los Gatos Boulevard Front (West) Elevation (A3.1): o Replacement of all existing windows to match existing; o Replacement of the existing front door and sidelight; and o Replacement of an existing window at bedroom 2 with a fixed art glass window. • Spencer Avenue Side (North) Elevation (A3.1): o New sliding door at the family room. • Neighbor Side (South) Elevation (A3.2): o New art glass window at the new bathroom; and o Replacement of one existing double-hung window with two double-hung windows or a bay window. CONCLUSION: The applicant is seeking preliminary feedback from the Committee on the proposal. Should the Committee find merit in the request, the project could be completed with a Building Permit, and if confirmed through Planning review to be in substantial conformance with the Committee’s review and recommendations, would not return to the Committee. A. Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Application s shall not be granted unless: PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: 432 Los Gatos Boulevard DATE: June 17, 2020 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2020\06-24-20\Item 6 - 432 Los Gatos Boulevard\Staff Report.docx CONCLUSION (continued): For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. B. Residential Design Guidelines –Section 4.9 of the Town’s Residential Design Guidelines offers recommendations for additions to historic resources through reference to Section 3.9 (Attachment 4). ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter of Justification 2. 1990 Bloomfield Survey 3. Sanborn Map Exhibit 4. Section 3.9, Residential Design Guidelines 5. Development Plans This Page Intentionally Left Blank Town of Los Gatos Planning Department Attn: HPC June 08, 2020 To whom it concerns, Four years ago, my husband Joey and I enthusiastically purchased a historic Los Gatos home. As a young & growing family, buying a home in Los Gatos was a dream realized; we scraped together every penny we had, stretching far beyond what was comfortable, to build community in a town that we’d already grown to love. And while the layout of a historic home doesn’t always lend itself to seamless, modern-family living, we felt (and still feel) privileged to call this sliver of California history - ‘ours’. Joey and I met as college Students at the University of Colorado, Boulder; I - an architecture major from the Chicago suburbs, and Joey - a history major from Los Altos, CA. While in college, I studied historic preservation, and had a vision of moving to the East Coast to pursue historic restoration & rehabs. But alas, life had different plans; when Joey got a job in his hometown of Mountain View, CA, I followed him to the land of mid-century ranches. My dream of living in a charming old home, walkable to a historic downtown was sidelined, until I set my sights on Los Gatos. As a young couple, we spent many date nights on Santa Cruz Avenue, and cruised the nearby residential streets with big hopes for our future. And as fate would have it, a few years later while pregnant with our second child - only months after fully renovating our downtown Los Altos condo - we stumbled upon a Redfin listing for 432 Los Gatos, Blvd. The next day, we drove down to see the house, and that night, we made an offer. Joey and I weren’t in the market for a house, but this one felt like home. Since that day four years ago, our family has grown again - bringing us to a grand total of 5 people, and 1 bathroom (It gets ugly sometimes)! And although we must add square footage [and a toilet] in order to stay on our beloved corner of LG, our love for history and design have us striving to maintain all of the home’s story, while adding to it - just a little bit. — We will not demolish any part of the historic house, nor will we alter the existing facade, except to put in a new front door package, and install a fixed, decorative window in lieu of an operable one that currently exposes bedroom #2 to Los Gatos Blvd. This is simply for privacy and safety, as it concerns our daughters who will share bedroom #2. As you will notice on the site plan, the only side of the house that does not already sit on a setback is the North side, which faces Spencer Avenue and the Valero station across the street. It is our intention to shield our view of the gas station (and others’ view of us!) with a tasteful, single-story master suite addition. When the home was built in 1884, they didn’t have the fore-site to orient the home’s views away from Valero. So now that the site on which the house was built has changed, a little strategic reorienting will greatly improve this home’s livability. The design strategy for the add-on is for it to appear as a separate building that has been connected to the original house. Rather than risk confusing what may have been original with ATTACHMENT 1 what is new, our goal is to make it clear that an addition occurred, but in a manner that pays homage to the original design. Some key design decisions are outlined below: •We have dropped the plate of the addition so that the new portion of the house will not be as prominent as the original house. •We chose not to add the skirt that is on the original house, to maintain a sense of hierarchy - that the historic structure is more significant than the addition. •We intend to use the same horizontal siding on the new portion of the house, with the exception of the connection. The connection will likely be vertical board & batten in order to achieve the illusion that the new structure is separate from the original one. •We are maintaining a single story home, with rooflines that match those on the original house. •A new porch on the North side of the home will have a trellis to help screen some of the gas- station commotion, and will boast some of the same detailing visible on the front porch - maintaining the same high-level of design integrity. We appreciate the time you’re taking to review this project. We love this town’s rich history, and look forward to being part of it for many years to come. Respectfully, -BVSFO'VMDIFS dlnn£ !Bloom{u fd ARC HITE CTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GA TOS RESEARCH File addres s L( _3,;? /.. C~ b PARCEL MAP INFORMATION ARC HITECTURAL H ISTORY 14151 922·1 063 2229 WEBST ER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94 1 1 5 Parcel # 5 ~~ -07 -113 Lot size: 9l c ,L/2... front ft. x ft. deep )' Lot shape: Recta n gle~ L __ _ Rectangle with small rear jog ___ Other ____________________ __ Location: N S E /w side of _ ___.!:L-=-..:G=-------St Ave distance to cross st : ____ f t . N ___ S ___ E ___ W __ from~------------------- at NE NW SE / SW co rn er o f ___ :S--rtbUZ==-:..·1'1-'--a!!...--"-/---------1 HISTORIC INFORMATION ON P~RCEL MAP Old tract or su bd ivision name /<t!-n~vJy Svb ?' Old Bl oc k # Old lot # ,;;;;_ ---------------- FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red ) Preliminary rating + Estimated age l"3?0~ Style Qu ~.., AJ?~ # stories_ Alter ations --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ot he r ~ )( J f,:J J _, I COUNTY ASSESSO R--PROPER TY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on co py) Page __ EFFect i ve date ___ _ OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS So u rce So u rce So ur c e Name Da t e Page .,..., . /gq,s-. ./tT"~+If.frs'.-'-J.s. : ~ 71-72. Location of propert y, Ol d t r act/block/lot i t ~" ..Jo·;;..' .Jus+ ~ : tJ a -rc~, L ..... ~ or Lot Si ze I Owner Na me I Blk Book 1908 -------..;..-------------------------'--------------------------- Su r vey i 1941 _______ -=-----,--------,---:::::::-:-----________ ! --------------------------- 1 1+~---~~"':;) y R'J\ l'"' .... l..i I -I /1 v I £,, t. o.rd ' l<b''b<6 ' =1 t> 6, ~ ...._ S..il"' r : .::::::..~ -k'fi!:-o-f T' en..-~Cit 'il.'l'*~w.f 1~71 .. i __ j " i I Ar-. .1 ~ -· 1 i MISCELLANEOUS PHOTOS: Roll/frame #~ ~~~~1 National Register listed date __________________ _ Co unty Inventory 1 979------------~~---:----:-------- To wn of Los Gatos: Desig n ation ___ Recog nition __ _ Distr ict Name -'------------------------------- Previous Survey Gebhar d : page # ill ustration page # Butler/Junio r Leag ue ---- ATTACHMENT 2 .n-~::.::~-~-:;:::;;.=-== ~=-=~=.:...:=-~,;;; ~~ ~..;;..;.~~~~.:...;:.;~~;;_~~~ ~:.....~:::............ ~· ~ ----l 'll f t I Project Bellringer II !I "Dedicated to 'the Conservation of I lJ ·Our Architectural Heritage!·'··· I II working in c:~~unction with .. ·l II "National Trust for Historic Preservation'_' 1 l' ."., ..... ~ .... A4. ....... ~,..,..,~......., ...... ...,..,___,~........,.-.-...--.-...,.,......,.,_,..,.__,.~..._.. ..................... ~~,....,.,.-....................... ~._.. .... --.._._.~ ........ ~.._. ......... .._,......_,~.....,..._..-...-.._. ... ......_.~,.._.,~..._.,._.~~-- u P~Z..LV! ~ ~ J3 R. ll.. tJ&J~ ~3 / \'!·~\· II J1o.11~~"~'"'-""~"""""'""""""'""~"~ ~ -~.I..W . ........Q..\UA ... -~UUJ.,'l .'t.~:1 J,..A..It;)cr~ II 4-3 ') L:rM . ~·4-.;.-,'-~ (3, Cv J . ~ 5"~ -· 8 8 \8 II --r -. 1 . e o. 3 / r OJt::t rw " lJ /"":; y, Q "-, ~I_) ~--~~(. , ..... ---------· ---. f . c,· , t. \-r .. J) (1 \..!.'--~) .t)"'-~'·. _; ~·~ -~..f-'-'\l~-.... · -~~~~-J ~LC\L\..., ll . . J~r-6'' ·f' . / .. .;.> o tJ Y c:..~. v---. . .• II (; ,.,v-,.-..~~:~ --~-~ u n u u ·u u u .u . ·ll II .II u II li .. tJ ,. •I:' • File Address .1./.-.: .:2 LC: 6 cfl nne. ..d[oom{ufJ ARCIIJTECTIJRAL SURVEY ASSESSMENT ROLL RESEARCH Tract/Block/Lot ;; f,/e-)1, r:ty S J L• ~I L. I f WEBSTER STREEf SAN 1-t<ANCISCO. CA 94 I 15 As~essrnents are fil e d by l a st name of property owner, but not necessarily in alphabetical order . Some years there is an i nde x ins ide the volume or in a separate book. The goal of a search is to find the years when the assessed value of "j mprov e ments" (buildings) changed from 0 to over $500 , or when that figure rose by $500 or mroe. Write down every year n nd namr yotJ try, including the years when you find nothing. Ditto marks are fine. Identification/Boundaries----L ----------m Assess ent for-------ot Block/ Lot / N Bdy E Bdy S Bdy w Bdy Land -- $ Improve- ments Other Info . Tract/ Page Name Acres 7 I -y,t 1 : r-ev ~ Date .d/19 -- f;L<r/f--~ $ ) dln/U !Bloom{ufd ARCHim<::~~VLTURAL_ SURVBY NAME RBSBARCH ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY C415l 922 ·1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO . CA 941 IS •-(peraon, buildin9, orpniaation, etc)'--:---:----------------------------- Addre•••• •••ociated with Haftle,_/f.:.,...,.~~j;:;P=----='-;;.;.....(;;=....;:3:;... ___________________________ _ .. levant datea s con•tr~~tion. ___ ': birth._ ___ . c!eatn. ___ • other, _________ _ I. DIRECTORY SEARCH (City Directori••• COIIfttY ob·ect-ori••• Telephone Book•, society dil'tlctoriea , etc.) Yea1 Book lf._/Claaaifiad ",..,.,,. Liat:intt lt!<>DV ant:ira axaf!t:l~ aa ahOWft uaa * for bolt'lfa.,.\ 97# I ~1) · -&rreY. L_pu,-r.B CHn;u e) rv~"l 6arr/l!!r-PCJ ~ Sa.,. ftJ-;. d. to/ , r-5/.:J..Lt-1 111!2 l ~n / "' 1'\ ,.,_ "' Yl r " ..... .,. r I rt t:fo5 ~0 , "' ..... "" t'\ ~:~~ 1</ LPYI Jv l.~v! t1Jn 5~..,,CJA £i"J "" (~n Vl~: c-) Ca.,.,....,-,-e-r --p'C) ;,...._ ....,_ ,.. ., "'R r+_s l/4J? ~ {'/. II. b?A'Ba, +-c~"f>'-1!>-Y.J. ~j ~<-tJ ,. t..:B II'.,; ··Htf <:') r r-~7 A--1:'"6.., "11 J ':l-r sJAu -' BIOGRAPRlCAL s~. indexes 1o other alphabetical li8tinqa. · · (inititlt dttt Mark •x• (J.nfd .or ·-· (nothiftCJ found) et each source you try. Li8t ft.ndfa9a below. ·Los Gatos Library: California History Center, De Anza College: City directories (name & street index) ___ Biographical file ~Historic Collection Index (green boxes) Photo collection ---Thompson & West, 1876 (bio index) Pen Pictures, 1888 (bio index) Sunshine Fruit & Flowers, 1895 (bio ---Guinn, 1904 (bio index) ---Sawyer, 1922 (bio index) index) Bruntz , Hist'y of LG, 1971 (bio index) San Jose Historical Museum: __ Great Regis.ters (of voters) Indexes Extended index to Bruntz ___ Blo index of Hum:.oe Frazer, 1881 ___ Photo collection (2 boxes) Photo collection (Survey box) Other sources: ___ Indexes, California Historical ~u·arterly Los Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill): State Library Information Index (fiche) ___ Death records by year State Library-S.F. Newspaper Ind~x --(11 ) ___ Funeral records (index cards to big books) __ Photo collection L:7 Continued on Reverse P'ile address ¥' 0,;;? L t:; J5 PUBLISRSD AHNOUNCSM.!IIITS 'loom{ufd ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY BUILDING RESEARCH source a __ A&B __ Bulletin __ CA&BN __ call __ chron __ DPB __ E<LAB __ EX __ News _PCA Other ARCH'' :TURAL HISTORY <41 51 922·1 063 2 ~""' WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCI SCO. CA 9411 5 VolWIIe Date · Page __ _ Nature of announcement: __ contract notice __ Notice of completion __ BP issued __ Photo __ Elev/sketch/rend 'g __ Floor plan __ Arch't/cont'r pub ___ Real eat . Copy exactly: ~ Builder/Contractor Architect/Engineer 4ocation Nature of work .£Q!!. BUILDING PERMIT9 ' Source: Permit Reqieter Preas Address requested, ________ ._, _________ __ ' -Application Dem. •• or . . Number OTHER SOURCE (specify thoroughly) SANBORN MAPS Vac. or Vol/ dif. ;q¥~ 2 3 ft.t's .J/5;; sJA, Date I · ~ bldg Address '-• 3 "'" $ J 1?4 !7'2 f) 4·' ~J Date . ........,. Location £2.U. Color: yel, pnk, orange Patches blu,gry Yea/ No. of reen .....!!tt-No stories 0 -h ... h I .... , ,., Use/ Owner Builder/ No. of & contr . & Units address address : No . of Height bay 'Po~c ~ _llW windows I 3 n """ Arch't/ engin'r & address Description ,M,,s,~. /Initials Date of work Bldg's width/ I depth height ;.nitials /Initlals Exterior Materials date Date Date of Describe or sketcl constr . plan 0 ., I I I j Building or LOS GATOS HISTORIC RESO URCES INVENTORY EVALUATION SHEET District Name /::e/1~-&rre'r' d~'!i-L- / J Address ( es )_....:...//._'3_;;2_....:...L--=~::.._;:;~~--=--~=--~:..:........::~:;___B:=-t9~1.1-'-/c--'-e.-=v-a----=r/'----(--=tZ~J(..;__:Rf___;3~7'~;;_)c._ __ _ Criterion Th i s Building Ratings A. ARCHITECTURE 1. Building t y pe ___,_/_--...... :5'-"h......::...=-r-j~....;.~~-v-.:!=:;....~=---------- W CJ@)~ E VG (QJ FP E VG ~ FP E VG ~FP E VG G@ E VG @ FP E VG G @ 2 . 3 . 4 . 5. 6 . B. 7. 8 . 9. 10. c. 11. 12. 13. D. Construction St yle Architect Desig n Interior HISTORY Age Person(s) Event Patterns ENVIRONME NT ? i,q ;,,..Jiew~rJ:. {?&rei..<! u;,..,r /efJ r.oof E ~:=-,c/eAW deveke a.i~A.~ hn~p~~r-kb, E rl? v -k-v( -Ke,-,ALJ~ ~ r £) 1 <t ~ O:z.;Ly~"- VG G ® vG @ FP Scale /Massing, __ ~---=:....:.:.H?~£/.::...!w-/.=-:.._',.:!:::b~A'-.::e==---------=---- I' t 1 -.d ";;/ /-) I' ck,..../ -/2, q_ E VG '® FP E(v_§)G FP E VG~ Setting r Landmark =-=fiii-.: tWo".( u r Nr ~ s 4.4."' INTEGRITY LV VG G FP CUMULATIVE RATING : 3 __ Appears eligible for National Register. ~~ 4 __ May become eligib l e for National Register. 5 ~Appears eligible for local designation. d Na me of District ~pears inel . ....,i_g_,.i.,....b.,....le-f=-o-r__,d_e _s ....,ig_n_a_t_i_o_n_, """"'b:-u-t-o-=-1-=-d-er-than 1942. ? __ Appears ineligible for designation because newer t hRn 1 q41 . (S =single listing . D=District contributor . B=Both. N=Non -contributor to district.) Eva l uated by: IY\L -LouJ. b a.s \ "f-4'CM,, Uate Reviewed by ______________________ ___ Date ---- Reviewed by: --------------------------------------Date ---- Reviewed by : -------------------------Date ---- LO S GATOS HI STORIC RE SOURCES INVENTORY TALLY SHEET Building or District Name Address(es) L/-3d2 L&;; Z5 Adjusted E VG G F/P Criteria Total Total 10 5 Q 0 Type 10 5 0 0 Construction 10 5 (5J 0 Style 8 4 2 iV Architect 25 12 [Y 0 De s ign 8 4 2 (J) Interior -!:7-. ARCHITECTURE (Max . 50) 10 {l) 2 1/0 Age 15 8 (§) 0 Person 10 5 2 G) Event 15 8 (f) 0 Patter ns l2_ HISTORY ~Max . 252 25 12 G5 0 Scal e /Massin g 8 (f) 2 0 Setting I~ 25 12 CD 6) Landmark t'6l- ENVIRONMENT (Max. 25) 0 -6 -1 2 .K 25 INTEGRITY ---~ Cumulative Ratin g: CUMULATIVE TOTAL ~ 60+ = 3 (a ppears el i gible for Nationa l Register) 40-59 = 5 (appears e l igi ble for local listing) 23-59 = D (contributor to di strict rated one of the above) 22-6 or 7 (i neli gible) or n on-contributor 1928 324 Los Gatos Blvd ATTACHMENT 3 1944 324 Los Gatos Blvd 1956 432 Los Gatos Blvd This Page Intentionally Left Blank Residential Design Guidelines 33 Town of Los Gatos BUILDING DESIGN3 3.8.3 Use traditional detailing •Treat openings in walls as though they were constructed of the traditional material for the style. For example, be sure to provide substantial wall space above arches in stucco and stone walls. Traditionally, wall space above the arch would have been necessary to structurally span the opening, and to make the space too small is inconsistent with the archi- tectural style. •Openings in walls faced with stone, real or synthetic, should have defined lintels above the opening except in Mission or Spanish Eclectic styles. Lintels may be stone, brick or wood as suits the style of the house. •Treat synthetic materials as though they were authentic. For example, select synthetic stone patterns that place the individual stones in a horizontal plane as they would have been in a load bearing masonry wall. •Select roof materials that are consistent with the traditional architectural style (e.g., avoid concrete roof tiles on a Crafts- man Style house.) 3.8.4 Materials changes •Make materials and color changes at inside corners rather than outside corners to avoid a pasted on look. 3.9 ADDITIONS/ACCESSORY BUILDINGS/SECONDARY UNITS •Site additions in the least conspicuous place. In many cases this is a rear or side elevation - only rarely is it a rooftop. •The existing built forms, components and materials should be reinforced. Heights and proportions of additions and alterations should be consistent with and continue the original architectural style and design. •Additions should be subordinate, and compatible in scale and proportion to the historically significant portions of the existing structure. •When an addition or remodel requires the use of newly constructed exterior elements, they should be identical in size, dimension, shape and location as the original, and Use stone or wood lintels over openings in stone walls Additions, accessory buildings and secondary units should match the form, architectural style, and details of the original house ATTACHMENT 4 Residential Design Guidelines34 Town of Los Gatos BUILDING DESIGN3 should utilize the same materials as the existing protected exterior elements. • When an addition necessitates the removal of architectural materials, such as siding, windows, doors, and decorative elements, they should be carefully removed and reused in the addition where possible. • The introduction of window and door openings not char- acteristic in proportion, scale, or style with the original architecture is strongly discouraged (e.g., sliding windows or doors in a structure characterized by double hung windows and swinging doors). • The character of any addition or alteration should be in keeping with and subordinate to the integrity of the original structure. • The amount of foundation exposed on the addition should match that of the original building. • Do not add roof top additions where the roof is of historic significance. • Second floor additions are discouraged in neighborhoods with largely one story homes. If horizontal expansion of the house is not possible, consider incorporating a second floor addition within the roof form as shown in the example to the left. • Second floor additions which are not embedded within the roof form should be located to the rear of the structure. • The height and proportion of an addition or a second story should not dominate the original structure. • Deck additions should be placed to the rear of the struc- ture only, and should be subordinate in terms of scale and detailing. • New outbuildings, such as garages, should be clearly subor- dinate to the main structure in massing, and should utilize forms, materials and details which are similar to the main structure. • Garages should generally be located to the rear of the lot behind the rear wall of the residence. One car wide access driveways should be utilized. Original structure Addition incorporated into the roof successfully adds space while respecting the integrity of the existing house and the scale of the neighborhood Placing a two story addition to the rear can minimize its impact on the historic resource and the scale of the neighborhood 36" FIREPLACE DN DN (HRDWD) ENTRY (E) BEDROOM #2 (HRDWD) DN CLOSETCLOSET DNUPDN (HRDWD) OFFICE / BONUS ROOM (HRDWD) CLOSET (N) MASTER BATH (N) MASTER BEDROOMBEDROOM #3 (TILE) (HRDWD) (E) DINING RM (E) KITCHEN (HRDWD) (TILE) (N) DECK (E) BACK DECK 6'-3"10'-8"6'-41 2"16'-7"6'-0"11'-6"1'-0"13'-91 2"2'-91 2"2'-912"3'-8"3'-6"5'-11"2'-10"6'-0"12'-212"3'-512"(E) ENTRY PORCH ALIGN ABV.8'-0"5'-101 2" 2'-101 2"(REUSEEXISTING)(NEW) (NEW) NEW STAIN GRADE DOOR PACKAGE W/ SIDELIGHT NEW FIXED ART GLASS WINDOW (NEW) (N) BATH (TILE) BBQ(NEW)(NEW)(N) WALKWAY / PATIO (E)WALKWAY (N) BRICK WALL (N) FOUNTAIN (N) FOUNTAIN (N) DRIVEWAY STAMPED CONCRETE EXISTING GARAGE NO WORK ETR ETR ETR HOT TUB OUTDOOR LIVING ROOM DINING ETR ETR (N) SLIDING GATE EXISTING PICKET FENCE TO REMAIN REPAIR / REWORK AS NEEDED TO FOR SLIDING GATE AT DRIVEWAY (N) BRICK POST EXISTING PINE TO REMAIN EXISTING REDWOOD TO REMAIN LOS G A T O S B L V D .SPENCER AVE.COVER SHEETA1.1 INDEX LOCATION MAP Owner: Lauren & Joseph Fulcher 432 Los Gatos Blvd. Los Gatos, CA 95032 PROJECT INFO. PROJECT ADDRESS:432 LOS GATOS BLVD A.P.N. :532-07-113 LOT AREA (FROM PARCEL MAP)9,583 SF ZONING =RM: 5-12 OCCUPANCY= MULTI-FAMILY CONSTRUCTION TYPE= V-B REQUIRED PARKING=3 OFF STREET SPACES BUILT:1910 (PER ZILLOW) ZONING COMPLIANCE: SETBACKS EXISTING PROPOSED ALLOWED FRONT:28'28'25' SIDE (SPENCER): 52'30'20' SIDE (LEFT) 9'9'8' REAR:20'20'20' BUILDING HEIGHT EXISTING PROPOSED ALLOWED MAIN RESIDENCE:25'-2"+/- 25'-2"+/-30'-0" (MAX.) SQUARE FOOTAGE EXISTING PROPOSED (FROM FIELD MEASUREMENTS) MAIN HOUSE 1349 SF 1753 SF (+404) UPSTAIRS APPARTMENT 632 SF 632SF (NO CHANGE) DETTACHED GARAGE: 461 SF 461 SF (NO CHANGE) TOTAL 2,442 SF 2,846 SF (+404) BUILDING COVERAGE FIRST FLOOR:1349 SF 1753 SF (+404 SF) DETACHED GARAGE: 461 SF 461 SF (NO CHANGE) COVERED PORCHES 250 SF 250 SF (NO CHANGE) TOTAL 2,060 SF 2,464 SF 26% LOT CALCULATIONS HARDSCAPE: SF SF PARCEL MAP A1.1 Cover Sheet A2.1 Floor Plan (existing + proposed) A2.2 Roof Plan (existing + proposed) A3.1 Elevations (existing + proposed) A3.2 Elevations (existing + proposed) PROJECT DATA SITE PLAN PROPOSED DESIGN A.P.N. 532-07-113FULCHER432 LOS GATOS BLVDLOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032LAUREN FULCHER LAUREN.D.FULCHER@GMAIL.COM 630.805.1962 JUNE 10, 2020 HPC SUBMITTAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION ·THE ADDITION OF 404 SQUARE FEET; TO INCLUDE A MASTER SUITE & NEW CLOSET FOR BEDROOM #2. ·THE RECONFIGURATION OF INTERIOR ROOMS TO IMPROVE OVERALL FLOW ·A NEW SIDE PATIO & RE-PAVING OF THE DRIVEWAY. SCOPE OF WORK NOTES ·THE REPLACEMENT OF ALL WINDOWS & SKYLIGHTS - LIKE FOR LIKE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ·REFINISH EXISTING WOOD FLOOR THROUHOUT, AND MATCH AT ADDITION ·MATCH EXISTING INTERIOR TRIM, TO INCLUDE WINDOW CASEMENTS, 10" BASEBOARD, CHAIR RAIL & CROWN MOLDING ·ALL NEW DORS SHALL BE CUSTOM T0 MATCH EXISTING 5 PANEL DOORS ·ALL EXISTING DOORS TO BE REUSED WILL BE STRIPPED AND REPAINTED NEIGHBORHOOD LOS GATOS BLVD. SPENCER AVE. ATTACHMENT 5 BEDROOM FAMILY ROOM BEDROOM / OFFICE (E) BEDROOM #3 DINING RM BATHROOM KITCHENBACK DECK ENTRY PORCH DN CELLAR BELOW KITCHEN TO REMAIN STAIR TO SECOND-FLOOR APARTMENT TO REMAIN 36" FIREPLACE DN DN (HRDWD) ENTRY (E) BEDROOM #2 (HRDWD) DN CLOSETCLOSET DNUPDN (HRDWD) OFFICE / BONUS ROOM (HRDWD) CLOSET (N) MASTER BATH (N) MASTER BEDROOMBEDROOM #3 (TILE) (HRDWD) DINING RM (E) KITCHEN (HRDWD) (TILE) (N) DECK (E) BACK DECK 6'-3"10'-8"6'-41 2"16'-7"6'-0"11'-6"1'-0"13'-91 2"2'-91 2"2'-912"3'-8"3'-6"5'-11"2'-10"6'-0"12'-212"3'-512"(E) ENTRY PORCH ALIGN ABV.8'-0"5'-101 2" 2'-101 2"(REUSEEXISTING)(NEW) (NEW) NEW STAIN GRADE DOOR PACKAGE W/ SIDELIGHT NEW FIXED ART GLASS WINDOW (NEW) (N) BATH (TILE) BBQ(NEW)(NEW)FAMILY RM (HRDWD) OPTION FOR NEW BAY WINDOW COATS LINE OF (E) SECOND FLOOR APARTMENT TO REMAIN LINE OF (E) SECOND FLOOR TO REMAIN LINE OF (E) SECOND FLOOR APARTMENT TO REMAIN CELLAR BELOW KITCHEN TO REMAIN STAIR TO SECOND-FLOOR APARTMENT TO REMAIN FIRST FLOOR PLAN (EXISTING & PROPOSED) A.P.N. 532-07-113FULCHER432 LOS GATOS BLVDLOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032LAUREN FULCHER LAUREN.D.FULCHER@GMAIL.COM 630.805.1962 JUNE 10, 2020 HPC SUBMITTAL FIRST FLOOR PLAN EXISTING + PROPOSED A2.1 SCALE: 1 4"=1'-0" SCALE: 1 4"=1'-0" ROOF PLAN (EXISTING & PROPOSED) A.P.N. 532-07-113FULCHER432 LOS GATOS BLVDLOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032LAUREN FULCHER LAUREN.D.FULCHER@GMAIL.COM 630.805.1962 JUNE 10, 2020 HPC SUBMITTAL ROOF PLAN EXISTING + PROPOSED A2.2 3'-6"10'-0"25'-2"2'-6"9'-0"19'-1"(E) F.F. (E) PLATE (E) BLDG. HT. (TO REMAIN) F.F.@ ADDITION PLATE @ ADDITION NEW STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF NEW COMPOSITE ROOT TO MATCH EXISTING HORIZONTAL WOOD SIDING TO MATCH EXISTING VERTICAL BOARD + BATTEN EXISTING TO REMAINADDITION EXISTING PORCH & STAIRS TO REMAIN3'-1"NEW, FIXED ART GLASS WINDOW NEW, DOOR & SIDELIGHT PACKAGE NEW RETRACTING DOOR SYSTEM, WOOD FRAME. NEW COMPOSITE ROOF TO MATCH EXISTING CUPOLA NEW TRELLIS OVER DECK ORNAMENTAL DETAILS TO MATCH (E) FROM PORCH 8'-0"HORIZONTAL WOOD SIDING TO MATCH EXISTING ADDITION LOS GATOS BLVD.(WEST) SPENCER AVE. (NORTH) A.P.N. 532-07-113FULCHER432 LOS GATOS BLVDLOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032LAUREN FULCHER LAUREN.D.FULCHER@GMAIL.COM 630.805.1962 JUNE 10, 2020 HPC SUBMITTAL EXISTING + PROPOSED ELEVATIONS A3.1 SCALE: 1 4"=1'-0" TV (E) BLDG. HT. (TO REMAIN) BLDG. HT. @ ADDITION PLT. @ ADDITION ADDITIONEXISTING TO REMAIN TV NEW STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF NEW COMPOSITE ROOT TO MATCH EXISTING HORIZONTAL WOOD SIDING TO MATCH EXISTING VERTICAL BOARD+BATTEN NEW DECK TRELLIS 8'-1"NEW BRICK CHIMNEY NEW DECORATIVE WINDOW & SHOWER NEW WINDOW/ OPTION FOR BAY WINDOW (E)APARTMENT & DECK/ STAIRS TO REMAIN REAR (EAST) NEIGHBOR SIDE (SOUTH) A.P.N. 532-07-113FULCHER432 LOS GATOS BLVDLOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032LAUREN FULCHER LAUREN.D.FULCHER@GMAIL.COM 630.805.1962 JUNE 10, 2020 HPC SUBMITTAL EXISTING + PROPOSED ELEVATIONS A3.2 SCALE: 1 4"=1'-0"