Item 4 - Staff Report and Attachments 1 - 4 PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 06/24/2020 ITEM NO: 4 DATE: June 16, 2020 TO: Historic Preservation Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Consider a Request to Remove a Pre-1941 Property from the Historic Resources Inventory for Property Zoned R-1D Located at 324 Los Gatos Boulevard. APN 532-36-033. Property Owners: Gary Tsang and Yin Yap. Applicant: Andrew Tang, Project Designer. Project Planner: Sean Mullin RECOMMENDATION: Consider a request to remove a pre-1941 property from the Historic Resources Inventory for property zoned R-1:8 located at 324 Los Gatos Boulevard. PROPERTY DETAILS: 1. Date primary structure was built: 1937 per County Assessor’s Database 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: +, historic and intact, worthy of special note; or, ✓, historic and some altered but still contributor to district if there is one 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? Yes 7. Considerations required? No DISCUSSION: The applicant is requesting approval to remove the pre-1941 residence from the Historic Resources Inventory and has provided a Letter of Justification and photos of the residence (Attachments 1 and 2). Additional attachments include the 1990 Anne Bloomfield Survey and a Sanborn Map Exhibit (Attachments 3 and 4). The applicant requests that the residence be removed from the Historic Resources Inventory due to its lack of historic significan ce and loss of integrity resulting from alterations to the residence. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 324 Los Gatos Boulevard DATE: June 16, 2020 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2020\06-24-20\Item 4 - 324 Los Gatos Boulevard\Staff Report.docx CONCLUSION: The applicant’s Letter of Justification (Attachment 1) outlines reasons for the request to remove the structure from the Historic Resources Inventory, including lack of historic significance and loss of integrity resulting from alterations to the residence. Should the Committee find that the structure does not have sufficient historic significance or architectural merit, the structure would be removed from the Historic Resources Inventory and any proposed work would not return to the Committee. A. Findings - related to a request for a determination that a pre-1941 primary structure has no historic significance or architectural merit. In evaluating a request for a determination of historic significance or architectural merit, the Historic Preservation Committee shall consider the following: 1. The structure is not associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the Town; 2. No Significant persons are associated with the site; 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master; 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history; or 5. The integrity has been compromised such that the structure no longer has the potential to convey significance. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter of Justification 2. Photos 3. 1990 Bloomfield Survey 4. Sanborn Map Exhibit 1 6 4 8 U n i o n S t r e e t S u i t e 1 0 1 S a n F r a n c i s c o , C A 9 4 1 2 3 t e l 4 1 5 4 0 9 8 8 0 8 w w w . t e a m 7 . c o m 10/June/2020 (revision #1 16/June/2020) Members of Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee 110 E. Main Street. Los Gatos, CA 95030 Ref.: Request to remove 324 Los Gatos Boulevard, from Los Gatos Historic Inventory. Dear Members of Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee: My name is Andrew Tang; Project Designer from Team7 International (T7) a small Architectural design firm in San Francisco. My office was commissioned by Property Owners at 324 Los Gatos Boulevard for this extension project. The property owners, whom just purchased the property on March 2020, are planning on doing a vertical extension and exterior/ architectural style modification on the residence, as their family is growing and would want to have a larger house to accommodate the growing family. Since the property owners wouldn’t and couldn’t increase the site coverage, vertical extension / expanding to second floor would be the only option to achieve their need. As the residence at 324 Los Gatos Blvd, was constructed in 1937, it is considered part of the historic inventory of the town. By doing a vertical extension, the street facing façade exterior materials will be affect more than 25% of the exterior façade. REQUEST: In order to achieve a vertical extension yet still maintaining disturbed street facing façade exterior material under 50%, I would like request to remove 324 Los Gatos Boulevard, from the historic inventory list. FINDINGS: The existing house at 324 Los Gatos, while its architectural style can be categorized as a Ranch Style house, many of the original architectural characteristics have been removed and altered throughout the span of the house existence. The current property owners (my client) have not engaged in any modification and renovation at the property. Any modifications and renovations exhibited in the below document and finding were done by previous property owners. Document 1) Building permit record shows that on 2003, a new roofing permit was issue, assuming there might have been many reroofing throughout the span of the house existence, and the new thin asphalt shingles are in no resemblance to the original roofing materials that were used in 1937 and has significantly reduce the house original characteristic. ATTACHMENT 1 1 6 4 8 U n i o n S t r e e t S u i t e 1 0 1 S a n F r a n c i s c o , C A 9 4 1 2 3 t e l 4 1 5 4 0 9 8 8 0 8 w w w . t e a m 7 . c o m Document 1. Building permit on new roofing on 2003 1 6 4 8 U n i o n S t r e e t S u i t e 1 0 1 S a n F r a n c i s c o , C A 9 4 1 2 3 t e l 4 1 5 4 0 9 8 8 0 8 w w w . t e a m 7 . c o m Document 2) Photos taken from Google Map dated back to 2009, few of the original architectural elements were still intact; the exterior wooden window shutters, front porch wood picket fence, street facing main door, and thin profile exterior window frames. Document 2.1) Is the current photo of the house, the exterior wooden window shutters are taken out, the front porch wood picket fence are also gone, the main entrance door had been relocated to the side, and all exterior window frames have been replaced by substantial thicker profile window frame, with all these architectural elements taken out, the current house doesn’t hold much of the original architectural character, more so, it has rendered the current house to an nondescript architectural style house with no particular historic reference. Document 2.1 Current photo of house. Taken on March 2020 Document 2. Google Map street view of house in 2009. 1 6 4 8 U n i o n S t r e e t S u i t e 1 0 1 S a n F r a n c i s c o , C A 9 4 1 2 3 t e l 4 1 5 4 0 9 8 8 0 8 w w w . t e a m 7 . c o m Document 3) Prior to the current use as a single family house, the previous use of the house was an Residential Care Home. Document 3 is from Chamber of Commerce.com indicating 324 Los Gatos was a Residential Care Home before. As such there had been many alteration/ modifications interiorly and exteriorly in the house to accommodate the change of use to a residential care home. A total of 3 additional ½ baths were added, new exterior exits doors are added to the house as well. Please see Document 3.1 for the existing house floor plan/ interior configuration for the added ½ baths and also added exterior exit doors. With this change of use, and the interior and exterior modification associated with the change of all the added exterior doors, it further more hindered the historic integrity of the house. Document 3.1) Existing residence floor plan Document 3 Chamber of Commerce indicates previous “Change of Use” The use of house is indicated as Residential Care Home. Document 3.1 Existing residence. With arrows indicating all the modification and new doors to accommodate the residential care home 1 6 4 8 U n i o n S t r e e t S u i t e 1 0 1 S a n F r a n c i s c o , C A 9 4 1 2 3 t e l 4 1 5 4 0 9 8 8 0 8 w w w . t e a m 7 . c o m Document 4) Existing interior photos depicting street facing room, showing new added exterior door and also new vinyl windows that are facing the street, as all windows and doors have been altered modified and it had lost the residence original present. With above document 2-4 as proof of exterior window changes and new added doors and openings throughout the house, it is suffice to say that there had been exterior stucco work to patch up all the new windows during window replacement and also new doors installation. I believe all these finding would support that the current residence has had substantial modification throughout the life span of the house and that the house has lost most if not all of its historical integrity. I hope the above documents, evidence, and photographs would justify my request to remove 324 Los Gatos Blvd from the town’s historic inventory. Hopefully allowing the house to be removed from the historic inventory, the Owner’s could attain this remodeling project and proceed forward with creating their dream home and enjoy it with their growing family. Sincerely, Andrew Tang Project Designer Team 7 International Document 4 New replaced vinyl windows & new door This Page Intentionally Left Blank ATTACHMENT 2 d/nne !Bloom{u.fd ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH File address 8~4 ~~~ Go A:,-;7 b PARCEL MAP INFORMATION ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY (41 51 922-1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 15 Parcel #58.;2 -~~ -o~ Lot size: cg 2 front ft. x / t!7 D ft. deep Lot shape: Rectangle ~L __ _ Rectangle with small rear jog ___ Other ____________________ __ Location: N s E /' W Ave Other side of _ __::..L-_&-;~-----St ------- distance to cross st: ft . N S E W from --------------:.__ __________________ _ at NE NW SE _/ SW corner of -4, ,eJ,-7 HISTORIC INFORMATION ON P~RCEL MAP L b7 Old tract or subdivision name vJ'-'•~'1 .. nl • Old Block # ____ Old lot #_?_;_¢ ___ _ FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) Preliminary rating I ~ r-1" Estimated age i'I,!,J... ~C/Style /J4 e d f-kr ~VI~ 1 It stories__ Alterations :__ ___________________________________________________________________ _ Other ----------------------------------------------------------------------- COUNTY ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) Pagej~ EFFective date 1;;2 -'157 OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Name Source Date Source Location of property, or Lot Page Old -tract/block/lot Size Owner Name ! I ----:1891 ---,---------------'! ___________ _ Blk Book ' 1908 11 1941 : I/_ I ~ I I I ~ 2 ~ ~~J l J I. ) d k s , /j/ !2 L =Su=r:....:.v-.::e.;_y ___ 1 •""BJ~ t{3 . ;5 E S J A v <t ~ilfl'! ! X /oo , ·If-/.. t:JY ,v .-· :....(' ~{'_. i I T . I I : i I ! I ______ ,___ I ------------------------ _____ ! ___ -------------------------------------------------- i I MISCELLANEOUS PHOTOS: Roll/ frame It (!::?~""' /i,; 7 National Register listed date _______________ _ County Inventory 1979 _________ ~~---------- Town of Los Gatos: Designation __ Recognition __ _ District Name :,__ ___________________________ _ Prev f'~ffJ\vey ~Afii./foN .~ fqdfl ( 1 /_ J .1 j•l. Contri butor)( Ha TO •"~4J MP 1 i"r~ District Non-contrib Earliesc know n --- Oiroer,X Resident~: Elsa. If a."" :8...,rz.f ~): /. "17 !>VMI\U" ~. ~"''C'.,O P ; ,._I 1 Alteration~:~ Moved ·Rai sed Porch encl-- Addition__ Sidin~ Windows __ Condition __ Designer : a __ b_ d)( c. p '"Bt-t ,.J Date I /JO.J..:r ?t7 ATTACHMENT 3 ~ile address 3 ;;2 4" L Q .S PUBLISRBD MllfJUNCEMEI!rrS dlnne .r "?om{LE.[J ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY BUILDING RESEARCH Souree1 __ A&B __ Bulletin __ CA&BN __ call __ chron __ DPB __ Ed_.AB __ !DC __ News _PCA Other ARCHIT~~TURA L HISTORY !4 1 5) 922·1 063 22:<.. .JEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISC O. CA 9411 5 VolWIIe Date · Paqe __ _ Nature of ·announeement: __ contract notice __ Notice of completion __ BP issued __ Photo __ Elev/sketch/rend'g __ Floor plan __ Arch't/cont'r pub ___ Real est. Copy exactly1 owner Builder/Contractor Architect/Engineer .!,ocation Nature of work Coat BUILDING PERMIT~ Source: Permit Reqister P Address requested. ________ . _________________ __ I ress-Application Date Dem., or . . . Number OTHER SOURCE (specify thoroughly) ~!Sur-vi -til-/9s6 -/~$~' SANBORN HAPS Vac. or Vol/ dif. .P!.!1! bldg -:;;./ ~ ,., ;it,s, Address Color: yel, pnk, orange blu,gry reen . ............... Location Patches Yea/ No £2.tt No. of stories! ' Use / Owner No. of & !l!!.ll!... address No . of Height bay ~windows Builder/ Arch't/ contr. & engin'r address & address Description /Initials Date Bldg's width/ depth/ Exterior of work height Mater,:ials ~.nitials date /Initials Date Date of constr . \ Describe or aketcl plan dlnlU !Bloom{ufd AaelUTBC~~~~-SURVBY RAMB 'RBDARCH ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY 141 5) 922·1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94 1 1 5 •-(peraon, buildinCJ, orCJ&nia&tion, etc)~--~--------------------------- \ddr••••• •••oc:iated with Hanle . ..-::3~;?,=-4"'--_L_;::;<fi~P..::;... ___________________________ _ a.levant dat••s conatr~etion. ___ . birth. ___ . deathi-.--· other _________ _ J. DJMC'l'ORY SBARCH (City Directori••• county Dlrectorie8, Telephoaw look•, aociety cUrectoriea, ate.) r.l••'"'" '"""D" ent:ir.. exa..t:l;:, •• ehown · uae • for boldla-) Year Book N!Mle/Cla••if!'Led u .... ,.,,..,. jtl:;o I ~D SoW\ • '1'h L 141 'I tl J r + "3 b~ ~ 3 _r:__"L~ t:~r:.c.-_1 n ~ f..ov H 'CL. .e ""A..) d e-1, · , s-AI s. c "l. a.v r It"~ ~4 t r v 1 e:--..v /fiM /> it ~ h. "-\lu,/v'"'" 154~ ~~- I 11!/i fSA.l> Va A ~~~~ E/!14~ ~-k-n Ba-/;._J!_ /~lv r56JI /J.,-.,:1"/v I'-, /fJ() !SJ'P $a.-J~ A "" 3~t" ¢_ datt ~. BIOGRAPHICAL S&AltCR, indexe• • other alphal)etie.l lhtinqa •.. Mark 'X' Unfd .or 'II' (nothinCJ fCNftd) at each aource you try . Lbt fi.ndia98 below. -Los Gatos Library: City directories (name & street index) ---Historic Collection Index (green boxes) ---Thompson & West, 1876 (bio index) California History Center , De Anza College: ___ Biographical file Photo collection ---Pen Pictures, 1888 (bio index) ---Sunshine Fruit & Flowers, 1895 (bio index) --Guinn, 1904 (bio index) San Jose Historical Nuseum: ---Sawyer, 1922 (bio index) Great Registers (of voters) ---Bruntz, Hist'y of LG, 1971 (bio index) Indexes ~~~xtended index to Bruntz Photo collection Blo index of Nunroe Frazer, 1881 (Survey box) Photo collection (2 boxes) Other sources: ___ Indexes, California Historical 0tfarter1 y Los Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill): State Library Information Index (fiche) Death records by year State Library-S . F. Newspaper Ind~x · ('') Funeral records (index cards to big books) Photo collection L:7 Continued on Rever•e File Address~ #: L..r; .ZS d/nne !Bfoc-.. -{iLfd ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY ASSESSMENT ROLL RESEARCH Tract/Block/Lot ______________________ ____ , .... c;) 922·1 063 2229 wr ~R STREET SAN FRANC I . CA 9 4 I 1 5 Assessments are filed by last name of property owner, but not necessarily in alphabetical order. Some years there is an index inside the volume or in a separate book . The goal of a search is to find the years when the assessed value of "improvements" (buildings) changed from 0 to over $500, or when that figure rose by $500 or mroe. Write down every year and name you try, including the years when you find nothing . Ditto marks are fine. -----Lot Tract/ Date Page Name Acres .I/ 7}? J ; n:J ~ -r,. ;it: 3?)~ I 11 \fa.., 15!),,. kl 11 " ),~·------"'"\. ~ P1 5S"&-I~"" Av :sl=" c . /o..cre It 70 /IN-/ "' ... ..., ..., " >'\ .. -g.z-t' Identification/Boundaries---- Block/ Lot/ N Bdy E Bdy S Bdy ~I.P. /00' (;J,~.f 'yt , /1 -/-4rJt;_z &.-n:l h 'Po.t.r.L <i" aJ • 11 ~~ ------- W Bdy stAv 1'1 .JI --A ssessm ent for-- Improve- Land ments Other Info. -- $ $~------1---------- 56'0 -- "66V 7'~&- ... 660 1908 324 Los Gatos Blvd Harding Avenue ATTACHMENT 4 1928 Harding Avenue 324 Los Gatos Blvd 1956 Harding Avenue 324 Los Gatos Blvd This Page Intentionally Left Blank