Item 2 - Staff Report and Attachments 1 - 5 PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 12/11/2019 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: DECEMBER 5, 2019 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 477 UNIVERSITY AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNERS: ERIC AND LISA HOFFNER. APPLICANT: BESS WIERSEMA, STUDIO THREE DESIGN. REQUESTING APPROVAL FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO A PRE-1941 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE ON PROPERTY ZONED R-1:D. APN 529-07-029. RECOMMENDATION: Consider the proposed project and provide a recommendation to the Community Development Director on the request for approval. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date original primary structure was built: c. 1900 2. Town of Los Gatos Preliminary Historic Status Code: None 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes B. Comments The Santa Clara County Assessor’s estimated construction date for the residence is 1900. The 1989 Anne Bloomfield survey does not indicate a build date or preliminary rating for the residence (Attachment 2). The property owners are requesting approval for exterior alterations, including a new covered front porch and roof addition. PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: 477 UNIVERSITY AVENUE DECEMBER 5, 2019 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Scanned Reports\2019\12-11-19 SPECIAL MTG\Prior Versions\Item 2 - 477 University Ave\Item 2 - Staff Report.docx 12/6/2019 12:22 PM BACKGROUND (continued): The applicant is requesting approval for exterior alterations to a pre-1941 residence. The proposal includes removal of the existing front porch, three-in-twelve gable-end roof, and scalloped siding on the front elevation; and demolition of the shed roof on the south elevation (Attachment 5). A new front porch would be constructed across the width of the residence finished with a wood horizontal lap siding skirt to match the existing siding on the residence, wood stairs, and wood railings. The existing front window would be replaced with an aluminum clad wood window in a similar style to the existing window. The front porch would be covered by a new seven-in-twelve gable-end roof projecting approximately eight feet from the front wall of the residence supported by square wood posts. The new roof addition would include wood horizontal lap siding to match the existing siding and an aluminum clad wood window with wood trim. A one-in-twelve shed roof section along the south elevation would be replaced with a three-in-twelve shed roof, finished to match the existing residence. The roof addition would increase the overall height of the residence by five feet, eight inches. The applicant has submitted a Letter of Justification including photos of nearby residences (Attachment 3), Historic Preservation Research (Attachment 4), and proposed Development Plans (Attachment 5) for the Committee’s consideration. The applicant’s Letter of Justification indicates that extensive work has occurred on the exterior of the house and little of the original house remains. DISCUSSION: Town Code Section 29.10.020 clarifies that demolition of an historic structure means removal of more than twenty-five percent of the wall(s) facing a public street or fifty percent of all exterior walls. The removal of exterior wall coverings and/or additions that are not original to the structure and which have no historic significance are exempt from the above definition when approved by the deciding body. The applicant is seeking a determination from the Committee that the removal of exterior wall materials and/or additions that are not original to the structure is exempt from the demolition definition and that the proposed exterior alterations are appropriate. Should the Committee find merit in the request, a building permit could be approved by the Community Development Director and the project would not return to the Committee. A. Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: 477 UNIVERSITY AVENUE DECEMBER 5, 2019 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Scanned Reports\2019\12-11-19 SPECIAL MTG\Prior Versions\Item 2 - 477 University Ave\Item 2 - Staff Report.docx 12/6/2019 12:22 PM DISCUSSION (continued): Applications shall not be granted unless: For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristic or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. Anne Bloomfield Survey Form 3. Letter of Justification 4. Historic Preservation Research 5. Development Plans DISTRIBUTION: Cc: Bess Wiersema, Studio Three Design, 638 University Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Eric and Lisa Hoffner, P.O. Box 1203, Los Gatos, CA 95031 This Page Intentionally Left Blank UNIVERSITY AVN SANTA CRUZ AVANDRE W S S T TOWNE T E CHESTER S T BIRD AVAVERY LNWRAIGHT AVMONTEREY AVHUBBELL W Y WOODLAND AV 477 University Avenue 0 0.250.125 Miles ° Update Notes:- Updated 12/20/17 to link to tlg-sql12 server data (sm)- Updated 11/22/19 adding centerpoint guides, Buildings layer, and Project Site leader with label ATTACHMENT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank This Page Intentionally Left Blank