Item 5 - CLG 2017-2018 Annual ReportCertified Local Government Program -- 2017-2018 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018) 1 Complete Se Name of CLG Town of Los Gatos Report Prepared by: Sally Zarnowitz Date of commission/board review: October 2017-September 2018 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFICATION I. Enforce Appropriate State or Local Legislation for the Designation and Protection of Historic Properties. A.Preservation Laws 1.What amendments or revisions, if any, are you considering to the certified ordinance? Please forward drafts or proposals. REMINDER: Pursuant to the CLG Agreement, OHP must have the opportunity to review and comment on ordinance changes prior to adoption. Changes that do not meet the CLG requirements could affect certification status. None. 2.Provide an electronic link to your ordinance or appropriate section(s) of the municipal/zoning code. https://www.municode.com/library/ca/los_gatos/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=CO_CH29ZORE_ARTVIIIOVZOHIPR INSTRUCTIONS: This a Word form with expanding text fields and check boxes. It will probably open as Read-Only. Save it to your computer before you begin entering data. This form can be saved and reopened. Because this is a WORD form, it will behave generally like a regular Word document except that the font, size , and color are set by the text field. •Start typing where indicated to provide the requested information. •Click on the check box to mark either yes or no. •To enter more than one item in a particular text box, just insert an extra line (Enter) between the items. Save completed form and email as an attachment to Lucinda.Woodward@parks.ca.gov. You can also convert it to a PDF and send as an email attachment. Use the Acrobat tab in WORD and select Create and Attach to Email. You can then attach the required documents to that email. If the attachments are too large (greater than10mb total), you will need to send them in a second or third email. MEETING DATE: 01/23/19ITEM NO. 5 Certified Local Government Program -- 2017-2018 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018) 2 B. New Local Landmark Designations (Comprehensive list of properties/districts designated under local ordinance, HPOZ, etc.) 1. During the reporting period, October 1, 2017 – September 30, 2018, what properties/districts have been locally designated? REMINDER: Pursuant to California Government Code § 27288.2, “the county recorder shall record a certified resolution establishing an historical resources designation issued by the State Historical Resources Commission or a local agency, or unit thereof.” 2. What properties/districts have been de-designated this past year? For districts, include the total number of resource contributors? Property Name/Address Date Designated If a district, number of contributors Date Recorded by County Recorder Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Certified Local Government Program -- 2017-2018 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018) 3 Property Name/Address Date Removed Reason 15310 Suview Drive 12/13/2017 Pre-1941 Property has no historic significance and was requested to be removed from the inventory by owner. 51 College 01/24/2018 Pre-1941 Property has no historic significance and was requested to be removed from the inventory by owner. 16883 Spencer Avenue 02/28/2018 Pre-1941 Property has no historic significance and was requested to be removed from the inventory by owner. 15 Loma Alta Avenue 03/25/208 Pre-1941 Property has no historic significance and was requested to be removed from the inventory by owner. 16928 Kenndey Road 07/25/2018 Pre-1941 Property has no historic significance and was requested to be removed from the inventory by owner. 214 Caldwell Avenue 07/25/2018 Pre-1941 Property has no historic significance and was requested to be removed from the inventory by owner. 16940 Roberts Road 09/26/2018 Pre-1941 Property has no historic significance and was requested to be removed from the inventory by owner. C. Historic Preservation Element/Plan 1. Do you address historic preservation in your general plan? ☐ No ☐ Yes, in a separate historic preservation element. ☒ Yes, it is included in another element. Provide an electronic link to the historic preservation section(s) of the General Plan. http://www.losgatosca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/1725 Certified Local Government Program -- 2017-2018 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018) 4 2. Have you made any updates to your historic preservation plan or historic preservation element in your community’s general plan? ☐ Yes ☒ No If you have, provide an electronic link. Type here. 3. When will your next General Plan update occur? The 2040 General Plan Update is in progress and anticipated to be completed in July of 2020. D. Review Responsibilities 1. Who takes responsibility for design review or Certificates of Appropriateness? ☐ All projects subject to design review go the commission. ☒ Some projects are reviewed at the staff level without commission review. What is the threshold between staff-only review and full-commission review? Work on properties with local, state, or federal designations, including contributors to historic districts, is required by ordinance to be reviewed by the Historic Preservation Committee (HPC). Pre-1941 structures are presumptive historic resources unless determined not to be significant. Proposed demolitions of pre-1941 structures are reviewed by the HPC. Exterior alterations to pre-1941 structures are reviewed by staff and referred to the HPC for comment on a discretionary basis. 2. California Environmental Quality Act • What is the role of the staff and commission in providing input to CEQA documents prepared for or by the local government? HPC reviews proposed demolition and/or potentially adverse alterations to designated and pre-1941 structures, to provide input to CEQA documents prepared for the Town. What is the role of the staff and commission in reviewing CEQA documents for projects that are proposed within the jurisdiction of the local government? Staff reviews CEQA documents based on designation or input from the HPC. 3. Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act Certified Local Government Program -- 2017-2018 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018) 5 • What is the role of the staff and commission in providing input to Section 106 documents prepared for or by; the local government? Staff would provide input and forward to HPC to provide input to Town officials when applicable. • What is the role of the staff and commission in reviewing Section 106 documents for projects that are proposed within the jurisdiction of the local government? HPC would provide input to Town officials when applicable. II. Establish an Adequate and Qualified Historic Preservation Review Commission by State or Local Legislation. A. Commission Membership Attach resumes and Statement of Qualifications forms for all members. 1. If you do not have two qualified professionals on your commission, explain why the professional qualifications not been met and how professional expertise is otherwise being provided. N/A 2. If all positions are not currently filled, why is there a vacancy, and when will the position will be filled? N/A Name Professional Discipline Date Appointed Date Term Ends Email Address Robert Cowan Retired Community Development Director September 2004 December 2021 rscowan@comcast.net Leonard Pacheco Retired Design Professional August 2001 December 2019 Leopac95030@gmail.com Nancy Derham Retired Speech Pathologist January 2017 December 2020 nrderham@verizon.net Thomas O’Donnell Land Use Attorney Planning Commissioner October 2012 December 2018 todonnell2@gmail.com Matthew Hudes US Managing Principal Planning Commissioner January 2017 December 2018 mhudes@comcast.net Certified Local Government Program -- 2017-2018 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018) 6 B. Staff to the Commission/CLG staff 1. Is the staff to your commission the same as your CLG coordinator? ☒ Yes ☐ No If not, who serves as staff? 2. If the position(s) is not currently filled, why is there a vacancy? N/A Attach resumes and Statement of Qualifications forms for staff. C. Attendance Record Please complete attendance chart for each commissioner and staff member. Commissions are required to meet four times a year, at a minimum. If you haven’t met at least four times, explain why not. Please see attached attendance chart for regular and special meeting attendance D. Training Received Indicate what training each commissioner and staff member has received. Remember it is a CLG requirement is that all commissioners and staff to the commission attend at least one training program relevant to your commission each year. It is up to the CLG to determine the relevancy of the training. Commissioner/Staff Name Training Title & Description (including method presentation, e.g., webinar, workshop) Duration of Training Training Provider Date Sally Zarnowitz California Preservation Conference 4 days California Preservation Foundation 5/17-20, 2018 Sean Mullin California Preservation Conference 4 days California Preservation Foundation 5/17-20, 2018 Sean Mullin APA Conference 4 days American Planning Addociation 10/7-10, 2018 Name/Title Discipline Dept. Affiliation Email Address Sally Zarnowitz, AIA, LEED AP, Planning Manager Architecture, Historic Architecture Community Development Department (CDD) szarnowitz@losgatosca.gov Sean Mullin, AICP, Associate Planner Masters in Urban Planning CDD smullin@losgatosca.gov Certified Local Government Program -- 2017-2018 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018) 7 III. Maintain a System for the Survey and Inventory of Properties that Furthers the Purposes of the National Historic Preservation Act A. Historical Contexts: initiated, researched, or developed in the reporting year (excluding those funded by OHP) NOTE: California CLG procedures require CLGs to submit survey results, including historic contexts, to OHP. If you have not done so, submit a copy (PDF or link if available online) with this report. Context Name Description How it is Being Used Date Submitted to OHP N/A B. New Surveys or Survey Updates (excluding those funded by OHP) NOTE: The evaluation of a single property is not a survey. Also, material changes to a property that is included in a survey, is not a change to the survey and should not be reported here. How are you using the survey data? C. Corrections or changes to Historic Property Inventory Survey Area Context Based- yes/no Level: Reconnaissance or Intensive Acreage # of Properties Surveyed Date Completed Date Submitted to OHP Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. Certified Local Government Program -- 2017-2018 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018) 8 Property Name/Address Additions/Deletions to Inventory Status Code Change From _ To_ Reason Date of Change N/A Type here. Type here. Type here. Type here. IV. Provide for Adequate Public Participation in the Local Historic Preservation Program A. Public Education What public outreach, training, or publications programs has the CLG undertaken? How were the commissioners and staff involved? Please provide copy of (or an electronic link) to all publications or other products not previously provided to OHP. Item or Event Description Date Town of Los Gatos website Town history: http://www.losgatosca.gov/index.aspx?NID=1822 Historic Preservation: http://www.losgatosca.gov/index.aspx?NID=190 On-going Hooked on Los Gatos The Los Gatos Library and History Museum of Los Gatos maintain a web-site that provides digitized images of over 5,000 photographs, maps, death records, minutes, letters, advertisements, postcards and family archives. http://www.historylosgatos.org/cdm/ On-going ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR NATIONAL PARK SERVICE ANNUAL PRODUCTS REPORTS FOR CLGS NOTE: OHP will forward this information to NPS on your behalf. Please read “Guidance for completing the Annual Products Report for CLGs” located at http://www.nps.gov/clg/2015CLG_GPRA/FY2013_BaselineQuestionnaireGuidance- May2015.docx. A. CLG Inventory Program Certified Local Government Program -- 2017-2018 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018) 9 During the reporting period (October 1, 2017-September 30, 2018) how many historic properties did your local government add to the CLG inventory? This is the total number of historic properties and contributors to districts (or your best estimate of the number) added to your inventory from all programs, local, state, and Federal, during the reporting year. These might include National Register, California Register, California Historic Landmarks, locally funded surveys, CLG surveys, and local designations. Program area Number of Properties added N/A Type here. B. Local Register (i.e., Local Landmarks and Historic Districts) Program 1. During the reporting period (October 1, 2017-September 30, 2018) did you have a local register program to create local landmarks and/or local districts (or a similar list of designations) created by local law? ☒Yes ☐ No 2. If the answer is yes, then how many properties have been added to your register or designated from October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017? 0 C. Local Tax Incentives Program 1. During the reporting period (October 1, 2017-September 30, 2018) did you have a Local Tax Incentives Program, such as the Mills Act? ☐ Yes ☒ No 2. If the answer is yes, how many properties have been added to this program from October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018? N/A Name of Program Number of Properties Added During 2016-2017 Total Number of Properties Benefiting From Program Type here. Type here. Certified Local Government Program -- 2017-2018 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018) 10 D. Local “bricks and mortar” grants/loan program 1. During the reporting period (October 1, 2017-September 30, 2018) did you have a local government historic preservation grant and/or loan program for rehabilitating/restoring historic properties? ☐Yes ☒No 2. If the answer is yes, then how many properties have been assisted under the program(s) from October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018? Type here. Name of Program Number of Properties that have Benefited Type here. Type here. E. Design Review/Local Regulatory Program 1. During the reporting period (October 1, 2017-September 30, 2018) did your local government have a historic preservation regulatory law(s) (e.g., an ordinance) authorizing Commission and/or staff review of local government projects or impacts on historic properties? ☒ Yes ☐ No 2. If the answer is yes, how many historic properties did your local government review for compliance with your local government’s historic preservation regulatory law(s) from October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018? 30 F. Local Property Acquisition Program 1. During the reporting period (October 1, 2017-September 30, 2018) did you have a local program to acquire (or help to acquire) historic properties in whole or in part through purchase, donation, or other means? ☐Yes ☒ No 2. If the answer is yes, then how many properties have been assisted under the program(s) from October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018? Type here. Name of Program Number of Properties that have Benefited Certified Local Government Program -- 2017-2018 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018) 11 Type here. Type here. IN ADDITION TO THE MINIMUM CLG REQUIREMENTS, OHP IS INTERESTED IN A SUMMARY OF LOCAL PRESERVATION PROGRAMS A. What are your most critical preservation planning issues? Preservation,rehabilitation, and re-use of historic resources. B. What is the single accomplishment of your local government this year that has done the most to further preservation in your community? Providing useful direction regarding rehabilitation and re-use of historic resources. C. What recognition are you providing for successful preservation projects or programs? None at this time D. How did you meet or not meet the goals identified in your annual report for last year? Considered review of projects related to Contributing Structures and Demolition Criteria. E. What are your local historic preservation goals for 2018-2019? Carried over goals from 2017-18: Discuss Contributing Structures, Demolition Criteria, Attic Definition/Policy, and Height Exceptions; and Consider review of Los Gatos Preservation/Rehabilitation Guidelines. F. So that we may better serve you in the future, are there specific areas and/or issues with which you could use technical assistance from OHP? Type here. G. In what subject areas would you like to see training provided by the OHP? How you like would to see the training delivered (workshops, online, technical assistance bulletins, etc.)? Certified Local Government Program -- 2017-2018 Annual Report (Reporting period is from October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018) 12 Training Needed or Desired Desired Delivery Format Type here. Type here. H. Would you be willing to host a training working workshop in cooperation with OHP? ☐Yes ☒ No G. Is there anything else you would like to share with OHP? XII Attachments ☒Resumes and Statement of Qualifications forms for all commission members/alternatives and staff ☒Minutes from commission meetings ☐Drafts of proposed changes to the ordinance ☐Drafts of proposed changes to the General Plan ☐Public outreach publications Email to Lucinda.Woodward@parks.ca.gov Historic Preversation Committee AttendanceOctober 2017 ‐ September 2018Oct Nov** Dec* Dec ** Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug SeptCowan P P P P P P P P P P PPacheco P P P P P P P P P P PO'Donnell P P P P P P P P A P PHudes P P P P P P P P P P PDerham P P P P P P P P P P PZarnowitz P P P P P P P P P P PMullin P P P P P P P P P P PP = PresentT = Term ExpiredA = AbsentR = Resigned * = Special Meeting ** = Meeting cancelled Statement of Qualifications for Certified Local Governments Commissioners Local Government Town of Los Gatos Name of Commissioner Leonard (Len) Pacheco Date of Appointment: January 1, 2008 Date Term Expires: December 31, 2019 Certified Local Government procedures require local commissions to meet specific professional requirements. The commission shall include a minimum membership of five individuals with all members having demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in historic preservation. Commission membership may also include lay members who have demonstrated special interests, competence, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation. At least two Commission members are encouraged to be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of history, architecture, architectural history, planning, pre-historic and historic archeology, folklore, cultural anthropology, curation, conservation, and landscape architecture or related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, or cultural geography, to the extent that such professionals are available in the community. Are you a professional in one of the disciplines associated with historic preservation? __X__Yes ____No Summarize you qualifying education, professional experience, and any appropriate licenses or certificates. 35, years experience in architecture and design Design coordinator for historic renovation of County Courthouse, San Jose, CA Design consultant for Superior Court of CA, Santa Clara County Town of Los Gatos Planning Commission 1994-2001 Town of Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee 1991-1993 45, year resident of the Town of Los Gatos Statement of Qualifications for Certified Local Governments Commissioners Local Government: Town of Los Gatos Name of Commissioner: Nancy Derham Date of Appointment: January 2017 Date Term Expires: December 31, 2020 Certified Local Government procedures require local commissions to meet specific professional requirements. The commission shall include a minimum membership of five individuals with all members having demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in historic preservation. Commission membership may also include lay members who have demonstrated special interests, competence, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation. At least two Commission members are encouraged to be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of history, architecture, architectural history, planning, pre-historic and historic archeology, folklore, cultural anthropology, curation, conservation, and landscape architecture or related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, or cultural geography, to the extent that such professionals are available in the community. Are you a professional in one of the disciplines associated with historic preservation? ____Yes X No Summarize you qualifying education, professional experience, and any appropriate licenses or certificates. Historic Preservation Member 2017 to present 44 year resident of the Town of Los Gatos Statement of Qualifications for Certified Local Governments Commissioners Local Government Town of Los Gatos Name of Commissioner Robert (Bob) Cowan Date of Appointment: January 1, 2004 Date Term Expires: December 31, 2022 Certified Local Government procedures require local commissions to meet specific professional requirements. The commission shall include a minimum membership of five individuals with all members having demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in historic preservation. Commission membership may also include lay members who have demonstrated special interests, competence, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation. At least two Commission members are encouraged to be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of history, architecture, architectural history, planning, pre-historic and historic archeology, folklore, cultural anthropology, curation, conservation, and landscape architecture or related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, or cultural geography, to the extent that such professionals are available in the community. Are you a professional in one of the disciplines associated with historic preservation? __X__Yes ____No Summarize you qualifying education, professional experience, and any appropriate licenses or certificates. Town of Los Gatos Community Services Commission 1978 -1984 Town of Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee, 1984 -1991, 2004 to present Director of Community Development, City of Cupertino, 1985 -1999 75 year resident of the Town of Los Gatos (owns pre-1900 home in the Almond Grove Historic District) Statement of Qualifications for Certified Local Governments Commissioners Local Government: Town of Los Gatos Name of Commissioner: Thomas (Tom) O’Donnell Date of Appointment: September 2012 Date Term Expires: December 31, 2017 Certified Local Government procedures require local commissions to meet specific professional requirements. The commission shall include a minimum membership of five individuals with all members having demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in historic preservation. Commission membership may also include lay members who have demonstrated special interests, competence, experience , or knowledge in historic preservation. At least two Commission members are encouraged to be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of history, architecture, architectural history, planning, pre-historic and historic archeology, folklore, cultural anthropology, curation, conservation, and landscape architecture or related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, or cultural geography, to the extent that such professionals are available in the community. Are you a professional in one of the disciplines associated with historic preservation? ____Yes X No Summarize you qualifying education, professional experience, and any appropriate licenses or certificates. Town of Los Gatos Planning Commission, 2004 to present Historic Preservation Member 2012 to present 43 year resident of the Town of Los Gatos Statement of Qualifications for Certified Local Governments Commissioners Local Government: Town of Los Gatos Name of Commissioner: Matthew Hudes Date of Appointment: January 2017 Date Term Expires: December 31, 2017 Certified Local Government procedures require local commissions to meet specific professional requirements. The commission shall include a minimum membership of five individuals with all members having demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in historic preservation. Commission membership may also include lay members who have demonstrated special interests, competence, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation. At least two Commission members are encouraged to be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of history, architecture, architectural history, planning, pre-historic and historic archeology, folklore, cultural anthropology, curation, conservation, and landscape architecture or related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, or cultural geography, to the extent that such professionals are available in the community. Are you a professional in one of the disciplines associated with historic preservation? ____Yes X No Summarize you qualifying education, professional experience, and any appropriate licenses or certificates. Town of Los Gatos Planning Commission, 2016 to present Historic Preservation Member 2017 to present 27 year resident of the Town of Los Gatos Statement of Qualifications for Certified Local Governments Staff Local Government Town of Los Gatos Name of Staff Member Sally Zarnowitz, AIA, LEED AP, Planning Manager Certified Local Government procedures require local commissions to meet specific professional requirements. The commission shall include a minimum membership of five individuals with all members having demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in historic preservation. Commission membership may also include lay members who have demonstrated special interests, competence, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation. At least two Commission members are encouraged to be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of history, architecture, architectural history, planning, pre-historic and historic archeology, folklore, cultural anthropology, curation, conservation, and landscape architecture or related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, or cultural geography, to the extent that such professionals are available in the community. Are you a professional in one of the disciplines associated with historic preservation? __X__Yes ____No Architectural History Architecture Historic Architecture Summarize you qualifying education, professional experience, and any appropriate licenses or certificates. BA, History, University of California Berkeley, 1981 MArch, Architecture, Harvard University Graduate School of Design, 1986 Architect, California License No. C 23136 American Institute of Architects (AIA) Professional Architect 1986 - 1999 Professional City Planner 1999 - Present Statement of Qualifications for Certified Local Governments Staff Local Government: Town of Los Gatos Name of Staff Member: Sean Mullin, AICP, Associate Planner Certified Local Government procedures require local commissions to meet specific professional requirements. The commission shall include a minimum membership of five individuals with all members having demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in historic preservation. Commission membership may also include lay members who have demonstrated special interests, competence, experience, or knowledge in historic preservation. At least two Commission members are encouraged to be appointed from among professionals in the disciplines of history, architecture, architectural history, planning, pre-historic and historic archeology, folklore, cultural anthropology, curation, conservation, and landscape architecture or related disciplines, such as urban planning, American studies, American civilization, or cultural geography, to the extent that such professionals are available in the community. Are you a professional in one of the disciplines associated with historic preservation? __X__Yes ____No Planning Summarize you qualifying education, professional experience, and any appropriate licenses or certificates. BA, Geography, University of California at Santa Barbara Masters, Urban Planning, San Jose State University, 2014 American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) Professional Planner, 2013 to present TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OCTOBER 25, 2017 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on October 25, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present : Chair Leonard Pacheco, Vice Chair Nancy Derham, Committee Member Robert Cowan, Committee Member Matthew Hudes, Committee Member Thomas O'Donnell Absent: None MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 4:00 P.M. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes -August 23, 2017 MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Thomas O'Donnell to approve the consent calendar. Seconded by Committee Member Matthew Hudes. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. OTHER BUSINESS 2. 16 Chestnut Avenue Requesting a recommendation for a second-story addition to a pre-1941 single-family residence on property zoned R-1:12. APN 510-40-012. PROPERTY OWNER : Kenneth Garret and Kim Roper APPLICANT: Bess Wiersema, Studio 3 Design PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Committee members discussed the matter. 110 E. M ai n Street Lo s Gatos, CA 95030 • 408-354 -6874 www.losgatosca .go v PAGE20F2 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF OCTOBER 25, 2017 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4 :48 p.m . APPROVED AS TO FORM : Sally Za rnowitz Plannin g Manager N:\DEV\HISTORI C PRESERVATIO N\HP Cminutes\2017\10-25-17 M i ns.docx TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING DECEMBER 13, 2017 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Special Meeting on December 13, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present : Chair Leonard Pacheco, Vice Chair Nancy Derham, Committee Member Robert Cowan, Committee Member Matthew Hudes, Committee Member Thomas O'Donnell Absent: None MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 4:00 P.M. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes -October 25, 2017 MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Matthew Hudes to approve the consent calendar. Seconded by Committee Member Thomas O'Donnell. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 223 Massol Avenue Requesting approval for a minor residential development on a non-contributing single-family home in a the Almond Grove Historic District on property zoned Rl-D :LHP. APN 510-16-020. PROPERTY OWNER: Vladimir Kanevsky APPLICANT: Sandra Paim PROJECT PLANNER : Sean Mullin Open and closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. 110 E. Main Street Lo s Gatos, CA 95030 • 408-354-6874 w ww.losg atosca.gov PAGE 2 OF 3 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING OF DECEMBER 13, 2017 MOTION : Motion by Committee Member Hudes to recommend approval to approve with a condition to work with staff to further integrate the proposed dormer and the attic addition . Seconded by Chair Leonard Pacheco. VOTE : Motion passed 4-0-1, Committee Member Robert Cowan recused. 3. 15310 Suview Drive Requesting a determination that a primary structure constructed prior to 1941 has no historic significance and approval to remove a pre-1941 property from the historic resources inventory for property zoned HR -2Yz . APN 537-24-024 . PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Jim Vergara PROJECT PLANNER : Sean Mullin Open and closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Chair Leonard Pacheco to determine that the primary structure located at 15310 Suview Drive has no historic significance or architectural merit and will be removed from the Historic Resources Inventory. Seconded by Committee Member Matthew Hudes . VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. OTHER BUS INESS 4 . 19 Hernandez Avenue Requesting preliminary review for a proposal for minor residential development on a pre-1941 single-family residence on property zoned R-1 :8. APN 510-42-035 . PROPERTY OWNER : Alain and Silvia Couder APPLICANT: Lyle Mosher PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Chai r Leonard Pacheco recused himself. Committee members discussed the matter. N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION \HPCminutes\20 17\12-13-17 Special Mtg Mins.docx PAGE 3 OF 3 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING OF DECEMBER 13, 2017 5. 236 Edelen Avenue Requesting preliminary review of minor residential development on a noncontributing primary structure in an historic district on property zoned R-lD:LHP. APN 529-05-009 . PROPERTY OWNER: Farzad Tajik and Salomeh Zohouri APPLICANT : Jay Plett PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Committee members discussed the matter. 6. Review FY 2016-17Certified Local Government Program Annual Reports Committee members discussed the matter. 7. Review Los Gatos Preservation/Rehabilitation Guidelines Committee members discussed the matter. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:24 p .m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the December 13, 2017 meeting as approved by the N:\OEV\HISTORI C PRESERVATI O N\HPC minutes\2017\12-13-1 7 Sp eci al Mtg M ins.docx TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 24, 2018 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on January 24, 2018, at 4:00 p.m . ROLL CA LL Present: Chair Leonard Pacheco, Vice Chair Nancy Derham (arrived at 4:04 p.m .), Committee Member Robert Cowan, Committee Member Matthew Hudes, Committee Member Thomas O'Donnell Absent : None MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 4:00 P.M. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes -December 13, 2017 MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Thomas O'Donnell to approve the consent calendar. Seconded by Committee Member Matthew Hudes. VOTE: Motion passed 4-0-1, Vice Chair Nancy Derham absent PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 121 Glen Ridge Avenue Requesting approval for replacement of original windows on a pre-1941 single-family house on property zoned for R-1 :8 . APN 510-19-006. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT : Harry Dickinson PROJECT PLANNER : Azhar Khan Open and closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 • 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca .gov PAGE 2 OF 3 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JANUARY 24, 2018 MOTION: Motion by Committee Thomas O'Donnell to approve the proposed request to replace the windows per sheet AS of the proposed development plans . Seconded by Vice Chair Nancy Derham. VOTE: Motion passed 4-1, Committee Matthew Hudes -nay. 3. 202 University Avenue Requesting approval of a Minor Residential Development in a Historic District for a first floor addition and exterior modifications to a contributing single-family home in the University-Edelen Historic District on property zoned R-lD :LHP. APN 529-04-001. PROPERTY OWNERS : Barry and Lisa Cheskin APPLICANT: Bess Wiersema PROJECT PLANNER : Jocelyn Shoopman Open and closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Matthew Hudes to continue this matter to the February 28, 2018 Historic Preservation Committee meeting. Seconded by Committee Member Thomas O'Donnell. VOTE: Motion passed unani mously. 4. 51 College Avenue Requesting approval to remove a pre-1941 property from the Historic Resources Inventory for property zoned R-lD . APN 529-29-060. PROPERTY OWNERS: David and Allison Mendoza APPLICANT : Rolando Noriega PROJECT PLANNER : Erin Walters Open and closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: VOTE: Motion by Chair Leonard Pacheco to remove the property located at 51 College Avenue from the Historic Resources Inventory. Seconded by Committee Member Thomas O'Donnell. Motion passed unanimously. N :\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPCminutes\2018\1-24-18 Mins.docx PAGE 3 OF 3 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JANUARY 24, 2018 OTHER BUSINESS 5 . 15 Loma Alta Avenue Requesting preliminary review of a proposal to demolish a pre-1941 single-family residence on property zoned R-1 :8. APN 532-29-073 . PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Starley Moore PROJECT PLANNER : Sean Mullin Committee members discussed the matter. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:38 p .m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the January 24, 2018 meeting as approved by the n Committee. inistrative Technician N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPCminutes\2018\1-24-18 Mins.docx TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HI STORIC PRESERVAT ION COMM ITTEE MEET I NG FEBRUARY 28, 2018 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on February 28, 2018, at 4 :00 p.m. ROL L CALL Present: Chair Leonard Pacheco, Vice Chair Nancy Derham, Committee Member Robert Cowan, Committee Member Matthew Hudes, Committee Member Thomas O'Donnell Absent: None MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 4:00 P.M. VERBAL COMMUN ICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SI NGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes -January 24, 2018 MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Matthew Hudes to approve the Consent Items. Seconded by Committee Member Robert Cowan. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PUB LI C HEAR I NGS 2. 202 University Avenue Requesting approval of an application for a Minor Residential Development in an hi storic district for a first floor addition and exterior modifications to a contributing single-family home in the University-Edelen historic district on property zoned R-lD:LHP . APN 529-04- 001 PROPERTY OWNERS : Barry and Lisa Cheskin APPLICANT: Bess Wiersema PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Shoopman Continued from 1/24/2018 110 E. M ain St reet Los Ga tos, CA 950 30 • 408 -354-6874 www .l osga t osca.gov PAGE20F4 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 28, 2018 Open and closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Thomas O'Donnell to continue the matter to the March 28, 2018 HPC meeting. Seconded by Committee Member Matthew Hudes. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. 3 . 19 Hernandez Avenue Architecture and Site Application S-18-008 Requesting a recommendation of an application for the construction of an addition to a pre-1941 single-family residence to exceed the floor area ratio (FAR) standards on property zoned R-1:8. APN 510-42-035 . PROPERTY OWNERS: Alain and Sylvia Couder APPLICANT : Lyle Mosher PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Open and closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Nancy Derham to recommend approval of the request. Seconded by Committee Member Thomas O'Donnell. VOTE: Motion passed 4-0-1, Len Pacheco Recused. 4. 511 N. Santa Cruz Avenue Requesting removal of a pre-1941 property from the Historic Resources Inventory on property zoned C-1. APN 410-15-063 . PROPERTY OWNERS : Doug and Diana Chan APPLICANT : Terry Martin PROJECT PLANNER : Azhar Khan Open and closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. N :\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPCminutes\2018\2-28-18 Mins.docx PAGE3 OF4 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 28, 2018 MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Matthew Hudes to deny the request . Seconded by Vice Chair Nancy Derham. VOTE: Motion passed 4-1, Bob Cowan nay. 5. 16883 Spencer Avenue Requesting removal of a pre-1941 property from the Historic Resource Inventory for property zoned R-1:8. APN 532-07-045 PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Cynthia Hsieh PROJECT PLANNER : Jocelyn Shoopman Open and closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Matthew Hudes to approve the request. Seconded by Chair Len Pacheco. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. 6. 236 Edelen Avenue Architecture and Site Application S-18-012 Requesting a recommendation of an application including, technical demolition, and construction of a single-family residence in an historic district on property zoned R-lD:LHP . APN 529-05-009. PROPERTY OWNERS: Farzad Tajik and Salomeh Zohouri APPLICANT : Jay Plett PROJECT PLANNER : Sean Mullin Open and closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: VOTE : OTHER BUSINESS Motion by Chair Len Pacheco recommended approval of the request. Seconded by Committee Member Matthew Hudes. Motion passed unanimously. N :\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPCminutes\2018\2-28-18 Mins.docx PAGE40F4 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF FE BRUARY 28, 2018 7. 32 Walnut Avenue Requesting a recommendation on a proposed single-story addition to a pre-1941 single- family residence on property zoned R-1:8. APN 510-41-013. PROPERTY OWNERS: Terrance and Susan Shaftel APPLICANT : Park Miller, Architect PROJECT PLANNER: Erin Walters Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: VOTE : Motion by Committee Member Robert Cowan recommended approval of the proposed project. Seconded by Committee Member Thomas O'Donnell . Motion passed 4-0, Lend Pacheco recused. 8. Election of Chair and Vice Cha i r MOTION: VOTE: MOTION: VOTE: ADJOURNMENT Motion by Chair Len Pacheco to elect Vice Chair Nancy Derham as Chair. Seconded by Committee Member Thomas O'Donnell. Motion passed unanimously. Motion by Chair Len Pacheco to elect Committee Member Matthew Hudes as Vice Chair. Seconded by Thomas O'Donnell. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 5:26 P.M . This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the February 28, 2018 meeting as approved by the N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPCminutes\2018\2-28 -18 Mins.docx 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING MARCH 28, 2018 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on March 28, 2018, at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Nancy Derham, Vice Chair Matthew Hudes, Committee Member Robert Cowan, Committee Member Leonard Pacheco, Committee Member Thomas O’Donnell Absent: None MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 4:00 P.M. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes – February 28, 2018 MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Leonard Pacheco to approve the Consent Items. Seconded by Committee Member Thomas O’Donnell. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 202 University Avenue Requesting approval of an application for a Minor Residential Development in an historic district for a first floor addition and exterior modifications to a contributing single-family home in the University-Edelen historic district on property zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 529-04- 001. PROPERTY OWNERS: Barry and Lisa Cheskin APPLICANT: Bess Wiersema PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Shoopman Continued from 1/24/2018 PAGE 2 OF 3 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 28, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPCminutes\2018\3-28-18 Mins.docx Application withdrawn. 3. 223 Massol Avenue Requesting approval for a Minor Residential development in a Historic District on a noncontributing single-family single-family residence in the Almond Grove Historic District on property zoned R1-D:LHP APN 510-16-020 PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Vladimir Kanevsky PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Open and closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Leonard Pacheco to continue item to a date uncertain. Seconded by Committee Member Thomas O’Donnell. VOTE: Motion passed 4-0-1, Robert Cowan Recused. 4. 15 Loma Alta Avenue Requesting a determination that a pre-1941 primary structure has no historic significance or architectural merit on property zoned R-1:8. APN 532-29-073 PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Starley Moore PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Open and closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Thomas O’Donnell to determine that the primary structure located at 15 Loma Alta Avenue has no historic significance or architectural merit and will be removed from the Historic Resources Inventory. The maker of the motion also recommended that the applicant rebuild the structure in existing style. Seconded by Chair Nancy Derham. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PAGE 3 OF 3 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 28, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPCminutes\2018\3-28-18 Mins.docx OTHER BUSINESS 5. 25 West Main Avenue Requesting preliminary review of a proposal for exterior modifications and an addition to a contributing commercial building in the downtown historic commercial district on a property zoned C-2:LHP. APN 529-01-017 PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Steve Leonardis PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Shoopman Opened and closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. 6. 16998 Kennedy Road Requesting a preliminary review of a proposed second-story addition to a pre-1941 single-family residence on property zoned R-1:8. APN 532-35-059. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Starley Moore PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Opened and closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:15 P.M. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the March 28, 2018 meeting as approved by the Historic Preservation Committee. /s/ Jessica Atilano, Administrative Assistant 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING APRIL 25, 2018 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on April 25, 2018, at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Nancy Derham, Vice Chair Matthew Hudes, Committee Member Robert Cowan, Committee Member Thomas O’Donnell, Committee Member Leonard Pacheco Absent: None MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 4:00 P.M. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes – March 28, 2018 MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Thomas O’Donnell to approve the consent items. Seconded by Committee Member Leonard Pacheco. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 223 Massol Avenue Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS-18-018 Requesting approval for exterior alterations to a non-contributing single-family residence in the Almond Grove historic district on property zoned R1-D:LHP. APN 510- 16-020. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Vladimir Kanevsky PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Continued from 3/28/2018 The applicant presented the proposed project. PAGE 2 OF 4 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 25, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPCminutes\2018\4-25-18 Mins.docx Opened the Public Comment. Tyler Atkinson - Questioned what type of outreach and noticing was done for this public hearing. He expressed concerns about the project and not being able to see the property in person. Mark Carlquist - Expressed concerns about current height of the project. Vlade Herman - Stated he would like to see the current height of the property stay the same. He wants to work with the property owners to come to some sort of solution to solve surrounding neighbors’ concerns. Closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Thomas O’Donnell to approve the request with the conditions of adding three non-functional vents to the dormer on the south elevation and to include three windows on the dormer on the north elevation. Seconded by Vice Chair Matthew Hudes. VOTE: Motion passed 4-0-1, Committee Member Robert Cowan recused. 3. 223 Massol Avenue Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS-18-031 Requesting approval for an addition to a residential accessory structure less than 450 square feet or less visible from the street in the Almond Grove historic district on property zoned R1-D:LHP. APN 510-16-020. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Vladimir Kanevsky PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin The applicant presented the proposed project. Opened the Public Comment. Tyler Atkinson - Questioned what type of outreach and noticing was done for this public hearing. He expressed concerns about the proposed design and it not being in line with the historic feel of the neighborhood. PAGE 3 OF 4 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 25, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPCminutes\2018\4-25-18 Mins.docx Closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Leonard Pacheco to approve the request with following conditions: Revise the garage roof to a hip roof with a pitch matching that of the main residence; provide full details of the proposed railing to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director; and match the roof of the awning covering the stairway to the approved standing seam metal roof on the porch of the residence. Seconded by Committee Member Thomas O’Donnell. VOTE: Motion passed 4-0-1, Committee Member Robert Cowan recused. 4. 128 Tait Avenue Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS-18-019 Requesting approval for exterior alterations to a contributing single-family residence in the Almond Grove historic district on property zoned R1-D:LHP. APN 510-18-021. PROPERTY OWNER: Mario and Martha Quieroz APPLICANT: Jay Plett, Architect PROJECT PLANNER: Sally Zarnowitz The applicant presented the proposed project. Open and closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Robert Cowan to approve the request with a condition that the north facing window material be wood and the design be similar to that indicated in the drawing (Exhibit A) presented at the meeting. Seconded by Vice Chair Matthew Hudes. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 23, 2018 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on May 23, 2018, at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Nancy Derham, Vice Chair Matthew Hudes, Committee Member Robert Cowan, Committee Member Thomas O’Donnell, Committee Member Leonard Pacheco Absent: None MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 4:00 P.M. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes – April 25, 2018 MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Thomas O’Donnell to approve the consent items. Seconded by Vice Chair Matthew Hudes. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 11 Peralta Avenue Requesting a recommendation on a proposed exterior alterations and a two-story addition to a pre-1941 single-family residence on property zoned R-1:8. APN 510-42- 073. PROPERTY OWNER: Peralta Residences LLC APPLICANT: Tony Jeans PROJECT PLANNER: Erin Walters Erin Walters, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened the Public Comment. PAGE 2 OF 3 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 23, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPCminutes\2018\5-23-18 Mins.docx Lee Quintana - Asked clarifying questions about the project. Closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Thomas O’Donnell to recommend approval with the following conditions: second story rear covered patio is to have vertical pickets at the southside to match north and west sides; and existing materials of the front elevation are to remain as referenced in the existing exterior that were presented as Attachment 3 to the May 23, 2018 staff report. Seconded by Committee Member Robert Cowan. VOTE: Motion passed 4-1, Vice Chair Matthew Hudes – nay. OTHER BUSINESS 3. 16 Pennsylvania Avenue Requesting recommendation on modifications to front yard stone retaining walls on a pre-1941 property zoned R-1D. APN 510-42-014. PROPERTY OWNER: Nikan Omidi Langroudi and Farhad Shafai APPLICANT: Dustin Moore, Strata Landscape Architecture PROJECT PLANNER: Erin Walters Erin Walters, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. The owner presented the proposed project. Opened the Public Comment. Lee Quintana - Stated that the proposal was not consistent with the plans that were approved in September. Closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. PAGE 3 OF 3 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 23, 2018 MOTION : VOTE: ADJOURNMENT Motion by Committee Member Thomas O'Donnell to deny the proposal to replace the river rock material at the street and next level up, and made the following recommendations : the terrazzo caps and threshold of the first-tier wall may be modified; and the river rock materials at the second-tier wall should be reused as practicable or replaced in-kind where necessary. Seconded by Committee Member Leonard Pacheco. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 5:37 p.m . This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the May 23, 2018 meeting as approved by the Historic Preservation Committee. :~} -f m i nistrative Technician N:\DEV\HISTO RI C PRE SERVATION\HP Cminutes\2018\5-23-18 Mins.docx 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING JUNE 27, 2018 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on June 27, 2018, at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Nancy Derham, Vice Chair Matthew Hudes, Committee Member Robert Cowan, Committee Member Thomas O’Donnell, Committee Member Leonard Pacheco Absent: None MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 4:00 P.M. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes – May 23, 2018 MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Thomas O’Donnell to approve the consent items. Seconded by Committee Member Leonard Pacheco. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 128 Tait Avenue Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS-18-019 Requesting modified approval for additional exterior alterations to a contributing single- family residence in the Almond Grove historic district on property zoned R1-D:LHP. APN 510-18-021. PROPERTY OWNER: Mario and Martha Quieroz APPLICANT: Jay Plett, Architect PROJECT PLANNER: Sally Zarnowitz Sally Zarnowitz, Planning Manager, presented the staff report. Open and closed the Public Comment. PAGE 2 OF 5 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 27, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPCminutes\2018\6-27-18 Mins.docx Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Matthew Hudes to approve the request. Seconded by Committee Member Thomas O’Donnell. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. 3. 115 University Avenue Historic Development Application PHST-17-001 Requesting modified approval for additional exterior alterations to a contributing single- family home in the University-Edelen District on property zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 529-03-008. PROPERTY OWNER: Larry Vertin APPLICANT: Kohlsaat & Associates, Inc PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Shoopman Jocelyn Shoopman, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. The applicant presented the proposed project. Open and closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Leonard Pacheco to approve the request with the condition that the proposed stone match the existing stone used elsewhere on the residence. Seconded by Vice Chair Matthew Hudes. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. 4. 121 Glen Ridge Avenue Architecture and Site Application S-16-055 Requesting recommendation for removal and replacement of in kind exterior shingle siding on an existing pre-1941 single-family house on property zoned R-1:8. APN 510-19-006. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Harry Dickinson PROJECT PLANNER: Azhar Khan Azhar Khan, Assistant Planner, presented the staff report. PAGE 3 OF 5 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 27, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPCminutes\2018\6-27-18 Mins.docx The applicant presented the proposed project. Open and closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Thomas O’Donnell to recommend approval of the request. Seconded by Committee Member Leonard Pacheco. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. 5. 81 Fairview Plaza Unit A Minor Development in an Historic District Application HS-18-041 Requesting approval of minor residential development in a historic district for exterior alterations on a noncontributing multi-family residence in the Fairview Plaza Historic District on property zoned R-1:8 LHP. APN 510-43-021. PROPERTY OWNER: Kathy Giordano APPLICANT: Flury-Bryant Design Group PROJECT PLANNER: Azhar Khan Azhar Khan, Assistant Planner, presented the staff report. The owner presented the proposed project. Open the Public Comment. Melinda Giordano - Expressed her opposition to the window alternations. Closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Matthew Hudes to approve continued this matter to the July 25, 2018 Historic Preservation Committee meeting. Seconded by Committee Member Thomas O’Donnell. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. 6. 16 Chestnut Avenue Architecture and Site Application S-17-047 PAGE 4 OF 5 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 27, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPCminutes\2018\6-27-18 Mins.docx Requesting approval for a technical demolition of a pre-1941 single-family residence on property zoned R-1:12. APN 510-40-012. PROPERTY OWNERS: Kenneth Garret and Kim Roper APPLICANT: Bess Wiersema, Studio 3 Design PROJECT PLANNER: Erin Walters Erin Walters, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. The applicant presented the proposed project. Open and closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Robert Cowan to recommend approval of the request. Seconded by Committee Member Leonard Pacheco. VOTE: Motion passed 4-0-1, Vice Chair Matthew Hudes – abstained. OTHER BUSINESS 7. 14940 Blossom Hill Road Building Permit B18-0019 Requesting approval for removal and replacement of in-kind exterior lap siding on an existing pre-1941 single-family house on property zoned HR-1 APN 527-16-008. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Omar Alwarid and Yarah Beddawi PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Sean Mullin, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. The owner presented the proposed project. Open and closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Robert Cowan to approve the request with the condition that the in-kind material be of uniform width. Seconded by Vice Chair Matthew Hudes. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PAGE 5 OF 5 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 27, 2018 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m . This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the June 27, 2018 meeting as approved by the Sylvie N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPCminutes\2018\6-27-18 Mins.docx 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING JULY 25, 2018 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on July 25, 2018, at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Nancy Derham, Vice Chair Matthew Hudes, Committee Member Robert Cowan, Committee Member Leonard Pacheco Absent: Committee Member Thomas O’Donnell MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 4:00 P.M. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes – June 27, 2018 MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Leonard Pacheco to approve the Consent Items. Seconded by Committee Member Robert Cowan. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS 4. 16928 Kennedy Road (HEARD OUT OF ORDER) Architectural and Site Application S-17-028 Requesting approval to remove a pre-1941 property from the Historic Resources Inventory for property zoned R-1:8. APN 532-35-064. PROPERTY OWNER: Mike and Tina Giusto APPLICANT: Studio Three Design PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty Ryan Safty, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. The owner presented the proposed project. PAGE 2 OF 4 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 25, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPCminutes\2018\7-25-18 Mins.docx Open and closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Leonard Pacheco to approve the removal of a pre-1941 property located at 16928 Kennedy Road from the Historic Resource Inventory. Seconded by Chair Nancy Derham. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. 2. 81 Fairview Plaza Unit A Minor Development in an Historic District Application HS-18-041 Requesting approval of minor residential development in a historic district for exterior alterations on a noncontributing multi-family residence in the Fairview Plaza Historic District on property zoned R-1:8 LHP. APN 510-43-021. PROPERTY OWNER: Kathy Giordano APPLICANT: Flury-Bryant Design Group PROJECT PLANNER: Azhar Khan Continued from June 25, 2018 The owner presented the proposed project. Open and closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Leonard Pacheco to recommend approval of the request to replace the existing steel casement windows throughout the building with vinyl windows, with the following conditions: All windows should be simulated divided lite with projecting muntin elements on the exterior and interior of the glass in horizontal muntin pattern, similar to existing steel windows; where possible, all windows on the second floor and most windows on the first floor should be casement windows; and where not possible, windows can be sliders, not to impact pedestrians. Seconded by Vice Chair Matthew Hudes. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PAGE 3 OF 4 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 25, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPCminutes\2018\7-25-18 Mins.docx 3. 214 Caldwell Avenue Requesting approval to remove a pre-1941 property from the Historic Resources Inventory for property zoned R-1:8. APN 529-20-037. PROPERTY OWNER: Maria and Jan Fencl APPLICANT: Gkw Architects, Inc. PROJECT PLANNER: Sally Zarnowitz Sally Zarnowitz, Planning Manager, presented the staff report. Open and closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Robert Cowan to approve the removal of a pre-1941 property located at 214 Caldwell Avenue from the Historic Resource Inventory. Seconded by Committee Member Leonard Pacheco. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS 4. 245 Almendra Avenue Building Permit B17-0210 Requesting approval for a revision to the approved exterior materials on a single-family residence in the Almond Grove Historic District zoned O:LHP. APN 510-10-040. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Mark and Valerie Maldonado PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin The owner presented the proposed project. Open and closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Matthew Hudes to approve the request. Seconded by Committee Member Leonard Pacheco. VOTE: Motion passed 3-0-1, Committee Member Robert Cowan recused. PAGE 4 OF 4 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JULY 25, 2018 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5 :16 p .m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the July 25, 2018 meeting as approved by the Sylvie inistrative Technician N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPCminutes\2018\7-25-18 Mins.docx 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 22, 2018 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Special Meeting on August 22, 2018, 2018, at 3:30 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Nancy Derham, Vice Chair Matthew Hudes (arrived at 3:57 p.m.), Committee Member Robert Cowan, Committee Member Thomas O’Donnell, Committee Member Leonard Pacheco Absent: None MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 3:30 P.M. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes – July 25, 2018 MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Leonard Pacheco to approve the consent item. Seconded by Committee Member Thomas O’Donnell. VOTE: Motion passed 4-0-1, Vice Chair Matthew Hudes absent. OTHER BUSINESS 2. 33 Walnut Avenue Requesting comments on proposed modifications to the front porch of a pre-1941 property zoned R-1:8. APN 510-41-007. PROPERTY OWNER: Jeffrey Siegel APPLICANT: David V. Hernandez, Heritage Architecture PROJECT PLANNER: Erin Walters Committee Member Leonard Pacheco recused himself from this item. Erin Walters, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. PAGE 2 OF 3 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 22, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPCminutes\2018\8-22-18 Mins.docx Opened and closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. 3. 25 W. Main Street Requesting preliminary review of a proposal for exterior modifications and an addition to a contributing commercial building in the Downtown Historic Commercial District on property zoned C-2:LHP. APN 529-01-017. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Steve Leonardis PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Shoopman Jocelyn Shoopman, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Opened Public Comment. Karen Delaney - Expressed disapproval of the current mural on the side of building. Closed Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. PUBLIC HEARINGS 4. 16940 Roberts Road Requesting approval to remove a pre-1941 property from the Historic Resources Inventory for property zoned R-M:5-12. APN 529-18-053. PROPERTY OWNER: Chang 2003 Family Trust APPLICANT: Josephine Chang PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Shoopman Jocelyn Shoopman, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Open and closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Thomas O’Donnell to continue this matter to the September 26, 2018 Historic Preservation Committee meeting. Seconded by Chair Nancy Derham. VOTE: Motion passed 5-0. PAGE 3 OF 3 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF AUGUST 22, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPCminutes\2018\8-22-18 Mins.docx ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:08 p.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the August 22, 2018 meeting as approved by the Historic Preservation Committee. /s/ Sylvie Roussel, Administrative Technician 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on September 26, 2018, at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Nancy Derham, Vice Chair Matthew Hudes, Committee Member Robert Cowan, Committee Member Thomas O’Donnell, Committee Member Leonard Pacheco Absent: None MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 4:00 P.M. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes – August 22, 2018 MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Leonard Pacheco to approve the consent item. Seconded by Committee Member Thomas O’Donnell. VOTE: Motion passed 4-0-1, Vice Chair Matthew Hudes abstained. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 16940 Roberts Road Requesting approval to remove a pre-1941 property from the Historic Resources Inventory for property zoned R-M:5-12. APN 529-18-053. PROPERTY OWNER: Chang 2003 Family Trust APPLICANT: Josephine Chang PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Shoopman Continued from 8/22/2018 Jocelyn Shoopman, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Open and closed the Public Comment. PAGE 2 OF 2 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPCminutes\2018\9-26-18 Mins.docx Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Vice Chair Matthew Hudes to approve the removal of a pre-1941 property located at 16940 Roberts Road from the Historic Resource Inventory. Seconded by Committee Member Leonard Pacheco. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS 3. 221 Almendra Avenue Requesting preliminary review of a proposal for construction of a second story addition to a non-contributing structure in the almond grove historic district on property zoned R-1D:LHP. APN 510-14-044. PROPERTY OWNER: Devcon Construction Inc. APPLICANT: Brett Brenkwitz PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Shoopman Committee Member Robert Cowan recused himself from this item. Jocelyn Shoopman, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. Committee members discussed the matter. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:38 p.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the September 26, 2018 meeting as approved by the Historic Preservation Committee. /s/ Sylvie Roussel, Administrative Technician