Item 2 - 11 Peralta Avenue PREPARED BY: ERIN WALTERS Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 01/23/2019 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: JANUARY 17, 2019 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: MINOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION MR-18-008. PROJECT LOCATION: 11 PERALTA AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNER: WENDY FAN KANDASAMY, APPLICANT: TONY JEANS. REQUESTING APPROVAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION TO AN EXISTING SECOND STORY OF A PRE-1941 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE ON PROPERTY ZONED R-1:8. APN 510-42-073. RECOMMENDATION: Review and provide comment to the deciding body on the proposed window modifications. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: c. 1890 2. Town of Los Gatos Preliminary Historic Status Code: None 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? No 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes PAGE 2 OF 4 SUBJECT: 11 PERALTA AVENUE JANUARY 17, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2019\PeraltaAve11 -01-23-19.docx 1/18/2019 9:56 AM BACKGROUND (continued): B. Comments On May 9, 2018 the applicant submitted a Minor Residential Development application (MR-18-008) for the construction of an addition to an existing second story of a pre- 1941 single-family residence. Historic Preservation Committee Review On May 23, 2018, the Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) reviewed a Minor Residential Development application (MR-18-008) for the construction of an addition to an existing second story of a pre-1941 single-family residence. The Committee recommended approval of the proposal to the Community Development Director with modifications to the plans, which included modification of the vertical pickets at the south side of the second story rear covered patio to match those on the north and west sides. The HPC also recommended retaining existing materials of the front elevation as referenced in the existing exterior elevations that were presented on the May 23, 2018 Historic Preservation Committee coversheet. Action minutes for that meeting are included as Attachment 5. Minor Residential Development Application – Objections by Neighbors Story poles were installed and on August 15, 2018, the Notice of Pending Approval for the Minor Residential Development application was mailed to the surrounding property owners and occupants as required by the Town Code. On September 4, 2018, the Town received written objection from the southern neighbor adjacent to the subject project. The application was scheduled for the December 12, 2018 Planning Commission public hearing. On December 12, 2018, the Planning Commission continued the public hearing to a date certain of January 23, 2019 per the request of the applicant and appellant due to a noticing error. The appellant and applicant have requested Planning Commission to continue to the public hearing to a date certain of February 13, 2019 due to the appellant’s availability. On December 11, 2018 a public comment was received by staff regarding proposed windows (Attachment 6). On January 7, 2019 staff received written correspondence from the applicant responding to the public comment regarding the proposed window modifications (Attachment 7). The following provides clarification regarding the proposed windows: PAGE 3 OF 4 SUBJECT: 11 PERALTA AVENUE JANUARY 17, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2019\PeraltaAve11 -01-23-19.docx 1/18/2019 9:56 AM BACKGROUND (continued): • There have been no modifications to the proposed windows at the front, rear and north elevations since the May 23, 2018 Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) meeting (Attachment 8). The design reviewed by the HPC included a combination of both double hung windows and casement windows. • Following circulation of the “Notice of Pending Approval” for the design reviewed by the HPC, the applicant worked with the appellant to modify window size and placement on the southern elevation to address privacy concerns. • The proposed modifications are incorporated in the Development Plans and include reducing a triple double hung window to a triple casement window, eliminating one casement window, and relocating one casement window. A drafting error omitting double hung widows on the first floor was also corrected (Attachment 9). The window modifications on the southern elevation have been referred to the Historic Preservation Committee for its information and input. The Historic Preservation Committee may make further recommendations on the window modifications and the project will continue to be reviewed through the Minor Residential Development Application process at a Planning Commission Public Hearing. DISCUSSION: A. Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. B. Town Policy That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. PAGE 4 OF 4 SUBJECT: 11 PERALTA AVENUE JANUARY 17, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2019\PeraltaAve11 -01-23-19.docx 1/18/2019 9:56 AM Attachments: Previously received with May 23, 2018 Staff Report: 1. Letter of Justification (two pages) 2. Bloomfield Survey (five pages) 3. Photos of Existing Residence (five pages) 4. Development Plans (11 pages) Received with this Staff Report: 5. Historic Preservation Committee Action Minutes, May 23, 2018 (three pages) 6. Public Comment to Planning Commission regarding window modifications, received December 11, 2018 (four pages) 7. Letter to Planning Commission from Applicant addressing window modifications, received Monday, January 7, 2019 (two pages) 8. HPC Approved Elevations, received May 9, 2048 (two pages) 9. Revised Elevations showing window modifications, received December 3, 2018 (two pages) Distribution: Cc: Tony Jeans, T.H.I.S. Design and Development, P.O. Box 1518, Los Gatos, CA 95031 Kathleen Wilson, P.O. Box 1518, Los Gatos, CA 95031 Wendy Kandasamy, 233 Valley Street, Los Altos, CA 94022 John and Donna Fox, 9 Peralta Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING MAY23,2018 The Historic Preservation Committee of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a Regular Meeting on May 23, 2018, at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Nancy Derham, Vice Chair Matthew Hudes, Committee Member Robert Cowan, Committee Member Thomas O'Donnell, Committee Member Leonard Pacheco Absent: None MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 4:00 P.M. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approval of Minutes -April 25, 2018 MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Thomas O'Donnell to approve the consent items. Seconded by Vice Chair Matthew Hudes. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 11 Peralta Avenue Requesting a recommendation on a proposed exterior alterations and a two-story addition to a pre-1941 single-family residence on property zoned R-1:8. APN 510-42- 073. PROPERTY OWNER: Peralta Residences LLC APPLICANT: Tony Jeans PROJECT PLANNER: Erin Walters Erin Walters, Associate Planner, presented the staff report Opened the Public Comment. 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 • 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov PAGE 2 OF3 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 23, 2018 Lee Quintana Asked clarifying questions about the project. Closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Committee Member Thomas O'Donnell to recommend approval with the following conditions: second story rear covered patio is to have vertical pickets at the southside to match north and west sides; and existing materials of the front elevation are to remain as referenced in the existing exterior that were presented as Attachment 3 to the May 23, 2018 staff report. Seconded by Committee Member .Robert Cowan. VOTE: Motion passed 4-1, Vice Chair Matthew Hudes-nay. OTHER BUSINESS 3. 16 Pennsylvania Avenue Requesting recommendation on modifications to front yard stone retaining walls on a pre-1941 property zoned R-1D. APN 510-42-014. PROPERTY OWNER: Nikan Omidi Langroudi and Farhad Shafai APPLICANT: Dustin Moore, Strata Landscape Architecture PROJECT PLANNER: Erin Walters Erin Walters, Associate Planner, presented the staff report. The owner presented the proposed project. Opened the Public Comment. Lee Quintana Stated that the proposal was not consistent with the plans that were approved in September. Closed the Public Comment. Committee members discussed the matter. N:\OEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPCminutes\2018\5-23·18 Mins.docx PAGE30F3 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 23, 2018 MOTION: VOTE: ADJOURNMENT Motion by Committee Member Thomas O'Donnell to deny the proposal to replace the river rock material at the street and next level up, and made the following recommendations: the terrazzo caps and threshold of the firsHier wall may be modified; and the river rock materials at the second-tier wall should be reused as practicable or replaced in-kind where necessary. Seconded by Committee Member Leonard Pacheco. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 5:37 p.m. This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the mlnutes of the May 23, 2018 meeting as approved by the Historic Preservation Committee. \' () -f N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESfRVATION\HPCminutes\2018\5-23-18 Mins.docx This Page Intentionally Left Blank From: Lee Quinta• leeandpaul@earthlink.net Subject: 11 Peralta Plannlng Commission Dec. 12, 2018 Item 4 Date: December 11, 2018«110:27 AM To: Erin M. Walters ewalters@losgatosoa.gov To: From: The Planning Commission Lee Quintana Re: Date: Comments on Agenda Item 4 • 11 Peralta A"8nue Dec. 9,2018 RECEIVED UEG 11 2018 \Atz. --1e;' ttJtJf5 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNtNG OlVISION The proposed project meets or exceeds the Town's requirements for FAR, setbacks, pasti'lg, provides generous private open space In the fonn af courtyard patio and decks for eett unit, as wel a back yard aiea that e)OC8eds the ~ireme,ms for Its zone. The proposed project efiminales pa.st altllrations, Timproves the placement cf window, restores and preserves 1M historic character Of the home, maintains the appearance Of a single family home that Is consistent with and preserves the character of the neighborhood In which it iS located. The applicant and owner have agreed mow the hOUlile to the Nor1h three feet, modifying the location and height of windows, added new fencing landscaping &Jong the south property between 9 Peralta and 11 Peralta to aooommodated most of the concerns of neighbor... I tiupport this project but ask the Commi881on to consider Incorporating the following changes to windows and decks: Victorian Architecture: Common characteristics Of windows found in victorian architecture are: • Height of windowa may vary both from house to house and within a single house • The vast majority of the windows are double hung windows • Them a few Casement wi'tdows, generally reserved for windows less than two feet high. • Windows tend to be stac:ked above each olh8r from floor to floor. The window elevations shown proposed in Exhibit 15 sheets A4.1 and A4.2 ara different from those seen by the Historic Preservation Commi!lee.The heigh of windows on the north end south sides have been shortened and changed IO casement window. The numbet' of casement windows is not comMstant wfth victorian architecture. Propoled modification: Change all casement windows shown on Sheets 4.1 and 4.5 of E:xhiblt 15 to double hung wil"ldows. This modification would: • Maintains changes in window placement and &ize wodted out b81W88n the neighbor at 9 Peralta to addrass privacy issues, • Be consistent with the characteristics of windows in vk:tonan ardlitecklre • Be more consistent with the plans reviewed by the Historic P~on Corrmittee. • Be Cl0nsist.8nt with other windows found ill olher viclorians In the neighborhood. • See Attachment comparing elevations of existing windows, proposed windows presented to th& HPC and the windows as currently proposed in Exhibit 15, Sheets 4.1 and 4.2 DtH;/aJand PtltiOS: The «d(ition of decks to the rear elevation add visual mass. Proposed modification. • Reduce the depth of the second stol'y deck, eliminate the trellis and eictend the root cowring this deck. • Reduce the depth of the root of the main ffoor • See Attadlment Thank you for yourconsiderallon. Attachment 1 / ~ l-j --·--r-' ~-- ', I ·, ' ... ,. ..... ,...,.~--- :1 ' ' ........ -.... ..., : ... , ..... !l: ! ~ ......... __ _ ·-> .; .... ,,_ ....... A 11> t> II It> II ---·""' I ,, =--:: - -·--._.,::.,..,....'-c,~1,' - - -- . ,. ·: __ , .. " • •1 .:!'·Jt I I .J • Existing windo\NS: 29 windows: 26 double hung (90%} 3 casement (10%) • Plans presented 1D HPC: 30 windows: 'O dol*"8 hung (90%) 3 casement (t0%} • Final Plans Ex. 15 A4.1 & A4.2: 37 windows 22double hung (60%) 15 casement (40%) • If change casement to double hung: 37 windows 37 double hung (100%) Attachments 1-4: window elevalions as they cuminUy exist, as presented to the Historic Preservation Committee, and as currently proposed. Attachment S: One possible all8malive to rear eleYation (decks and courtyard) T.H.I.S. DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 9503 2 Attn: Planning Commission P.O.Box 1518, Los Gatos, CA 95031 Tel: 408.354.1863 Fax: 408.354.1823 January rn, 2019 Remodel/ Addition ot 11 Perolta Ave RECEIVED Mr-7-le:,-o~e, JAN O 7 2019 Comments on Neighbor Letter -Lee Quintano TOWN OF LOS GATOS Dear Commissioners: PLANNING DIVISION As I mentioned in an earlier letter [Nov 15th] a few relatively minor changes were made to the plans [primarily on the Elevations shown on Sheets 4.1 and 4.2] subsequent to the Historic Committee Review. Lee Quintana has identified some of these in her Dec 11th submission -specifically in relation to windows. I am not going to comment on the "count" of windows in Lee's letter, but rather will clarify the changes made: · 1. There were no changes to the front, right and rear elevations in terms of windows and doors. [Count or otherwise]. A mix of casements and double hung widows are evident. 2. The left side was modified during discussions with the neighbors to the left [Foxes] and the resulting window sizes/placement agreed with them. With those changes a triple double hung window was modified and reduced to a casement triple, a drafting error corrected, one casement window eliminated and another was moved a few feet. An agreement was also made to put privacy [etched] glass on the doors on that side. · As I understand the comments from Lee's letter, it suggests that making all the casement windows double hung might be more appropriate for a Victorian. This was discussed very briefly at the HPC meeting where I pointed out that I did not like mixing short/squat double hung windows with the taller/elegant ones elsewhere on the building and pref erred to have the short windows as casements so that the individual glass panes remained consistent in width/height aspect. Additionally ventilation is substantially reduced with short double hung windows. As it happens, the owner and I were able to meet with Lee after the last (non)hearing on December 12th and we had a very productive discussion. As a result. if the commission so wishes, both the owner and Lee would both be happy to compromise on modifying the short casement windows by adding a central horizontal mullion bar to give the appearance of double hung windows. This would apply to all the casement windows on both sides of the building-there are none at the front or rear. Examples of the proposed change are shown on the following page. There are members of the HPC in the Planning Commission who might want to comment on this proposed modification, but from a functional and energy standpoint the change has no impact. Al1J\C\-\W\EN1 7 The second item in Lee's submission addresses a possible reduction of the second story balcony or the elimination of the trellis over it. The HPC hos previously reviewed this submission and made no comment on the rear patio/balcony other than requesting a railing change, which we subsequently incorporated into the plans. The owner also does not wish to reduce the size of this balcony, as it is the only location in their home from which they can see the Los Gatos foothills as the rest of their view is completely blocked by the Foxes' house at 9 Peralta, which is the largest house on the street. As to the trellis, I personally like it. It satisfies the need to reduce late afternoon sun as a passive solar measure and casts no shadows on neighboring homes. Please note that this trellis is 20 ft from the immediate neighbors, but if the commission feels that this change would substantially reduce the bulk and mass of the addition, then the owner would find this acceptable also. Yours truly T.H.I.S. Design & Development per: A. T. Jeans WINDOW OPTIONS: Prima ry Windows 2666 Double Hung Seconda ry Windows O ptions I i I 1 I i t ·r Used as single/ double/triple 2640 Casement I >l T ... f3 As shown in Plans -not "Victorian" ? 2640 Double Hung Short Double-Hung -poor ventilation 2640 Casement With Mullion Bar Compromise -acceptable 1op OI ---$510,;IO' _Top <>!: Plata "· jii,o............e. ............ ,.t 11-----.·~ r- ~:~ m.:» .. a ee ,r R I Gs 1-l T _ & I D E _ <N O R T_H_) __ E !:. E V A T I O N I .. :-.:.: F R O N T ___ (E A _g_!L__ !;_ _h E.. V A T I O N EXT~IOFi! FINISl-lE&, I. MATERIAl.6 TO REHAIN UNCI-IA~ED FROM ORl51NAL 2. ROOF, 51DING. TRIM DETAIL&, AHP !'lAILINc.& TO MATCH E><USTIN5 3. MOIJ&E WILL. eE Jlil!PAINT!!O U&INGo 1-ll&TORIC COi.OR& ITBDJ l ~MOTOYOL.TAIC &OLA!'< PANEL!, .4Dt)£) AT ROOF ·-----·--------- APPROVED BY HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE ~2?) 2-oit:o ~~ °MIN\AT~ ~ ~17rn't7N~ . i.. .L~ D®~J~ DESIGN and DEVELOPMENT P.O. BOX 1518 ·!,oo Gato<, CA. 960!1 VOICE, <CO&.*"!.Je33 ...... lhfKH»lgn.cor. RECEIVED M~-1g-~ MAY O 9 2018 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION 1·4'1,i Ntf>t 11·1'"1 •P/G-~·e ,"!··. ·t il a~·-,· a, ue .,,e c:i1 op<>Md lnl.erlcr ,....,.,.,...lf"S MW:! M:ldl\10"8 to axlollns WIO-ll""':l ,-Jdenc:a ror , KATl-lLEEN WILSON and WENDY KANDASAMY 11 and IS P.sralta AvellU'9 Loe a.atc,11,, C:A 9SOllO A..P.N. •11 SIO -42 -013 •15 SIO -42-014 ZONING,~ -1:8 __ ;:s=.;1;;·,t"~JE.::"-I Torr,IIMC =-..t,.;~...:.~.M.'t.~~-.. --... R.evlelone: f § I -------·i rl9ht &Ide and f'ront exterior elevatlo11& 2018 -l'il Sheet ~ l G g' ~_r::L 1__l__L_J_==:::c:r__L._L ...L T ,----;-::::r:J~ f ::> 4 1 ec...i..s. :... • r..c-• :ic:i '' H•Y 09. 2018 f ----------------'--------''" I::. E F T .. 5 _!_P ~ __ JS O U T ti.L E L !; ~-~ T I O N I ~.ao ,,,rep ~ ~loor t Ta,c:,1P1~,, \,! ! -.. , ; ""'·"" !Ii • .,,. cl "'"'iq I 1 ra,, 9' ! inl I 4U 00· ~ _T~ d ~18!l ! -·--~----;, ' II EXTEf.!10~ FIN151-1E5, I. 1'1ATERl.4Lf> TO i;!EMAIN. UNCI-IANGEO FROM Oll!IC.tNAL 11' l ! 2. :.~;,:sDtNG, T!ll!IM DETAIL&. ANO ~AIL!"IC.S TO MATCH , , 3. HOUSE WILL BE REPAINTED ll&l"IG, M1STOF!IC caLOF!S (TBDJ ! I i' 4. PHOTOVOLTAIC 60L.AF! PANELS .ADDED .AT ROD" I l::---···~ --. -. ·--' --·-··-· -==---===-. .:-:--===-===- " APPROVED BY HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE ~2~.zo,~ q~Ml~U~ ~ U'Nj?r-fi0}.\.7 T .. M .. tS Deergn DE51GsN al'ld DEVELOPMENT .... · P.O. EOM 1&1e ~ Gltoe, CA. !1!031 VOICE ,IQe.3&4.183> ~.\hlede,,'g,'!.~ RECEIVED t-1'2-lg-e>~g MAY O 9 2018 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION op<>ee,; lnterlcr ,.,l!Odall119 ·....i .oddlllo .. to _,,ur,g lwo-t\clrg r•olde!'Ce ror; K.ATI-ILEEN WILSON and WENDY KANDASAMY II and 15 F'eiralui Averue Loe C:satoe. CA 90030 A.P.N. •11 &10 • 42 • 013 ~S SIO -42-014 ZONING, R · 1,8 i :&= .. =:;±:..~e=-~· i ....,•rfal --.-... ...:..---~•"ft:UL.. ; "Of9 ...... __, ___ ._..,,. ...... _ .. --.-..... -.... -·· . ., ___ , .... ,.,..«·· f;!avt1lor.1, § ------··--·-·-3 -------~ ---·--·-·---I ~ ----J lert &Ide and rear exterior elevation& 201& • l'!I • l B 8 f L -~. ~ : 4 , , '-" ·• ---:<:-14 M•Y 03!, 201S f ___________________ ____._ _____ ____.. Tq, d RI~ <Mtpt. Feint or Fo!ooP'J "i:---------- 1 I { '""' <!{ --'-s•n=· ,:op of PlaMt J .. ' _!_op~ ~!~,o,.oo' ' !__cip ~ ~~.'* ~~-- T --,_ ~~ -- ~!i~l'r: A~ ·-- EXISITING WALLS TO REMAIN -~ - ---· t, - (I '~ R ---, G 1-1 T FFi!ONT --- . WINDOWS TO MATCH ~~.:.= ~ [TALL= DOUBLE HUN&, en SHg~T = CASEMEN!l_ = N -/. T .f I · , {I ·· q ~lr-·11--J ·· . . --' ........ ---5 I D E (N O R T l·D ELEVATION (E A & V E b__J;_Y A T I O N -·---- ' :T ___ i_·1 T"f'~~l~. -() i i~ i " -.. - EXTEFi!IOR FINl&I-IE&, I. MATERIALS TO REMAIN UNCI-IANGEO l'ROM ORIGINAL 2. FlOOF, SIDING, TRIM DETAILS, ANO r;!AILING& TO MATCM !!><1STIN6 WILL ae ~AINTEO USING f.llSTORIC COLOIQS t'T6DJ ==:::JJ .__ _ _..._ _ __, __ _,.__--c... ____ ,<___.,>- RECEIVED viiz~ 1e, ---tJoe DEC O 3 2018· TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION L _._._,___.._,_ ~-.l j _L .:__] • l i__Lj ,-~ J 0 D 16 "' .. 9CALE, v•• • 1'.0- T .. f-1 .. tS Dset9n DESIGN and DEVEl..oPMENT P.O. BOX 1!119 Loo GIIIOI, CA. ,O)I VOIC1i1 408,3s.f..18!3 IIIIG,U°l[ldael9"-CCX1 N " 11'.r-11:1:1:::.:~;t~1='~it= '-<> e><l&tleg llllo-<,\c>r!j rcsolde""'" ror, WENDY ~ANDASAMY II F«IIIY Avenus Lo& 611toi., CA ~S0.30 A.P.N. ~10 -42 -O'U ZONING, R -1,8 L!\ ,,_. pi....-.1,.. revSN e>i-o.-a. § _&~d~s \1-U.3 ---jelaJl ~ IHS § . I " lght elde and f'ront i exterior elevallone Sheet 1 A4J f 2018 • 19 MaY O'!I, 2018 :r .. J ~ ~..$!!...~-f9&n.,o· { 1:'op cf P!~ :9 ... -9 '-'"""'-~·S"""°"' -.. I I I l b ... in N TRELUS " BALCONY R E A R ADDITION -- /·_ -~--:-·-u Ii I I , , j-' ~ "i} :y , - > .,. L E F T 6 I D E I· IL --[.h: ____ _ ~ y ~ "'- ,, J ,.,, REMODEL ~-~ Ii::,.~-====:::;::;:::;:~ -~ ~ I , __ ... ,.__._ ~. ,__,.. -,- . l -- b ... .,, N --_i.-._ -- . ~ -;"'"" ·it -~· --~}· z ,., r~· ... . /1 ) , ....... ·-'--/ £ . ,/ ·\-1~--1~ -..___ lj LL..&. ,·~·? . ~ ' ~ -l , ~ " 5I!)IN6 TO MATCH EXlSTING ,------.-- 7) r I ~ - ., .....-___ 11,,..:,"' I •-I --.... - (: 1' 11 r iL 11 'I 11 • , , ----~ 11 /1.1t i -=-~j_-~~J --~ (5 0 U T 14 J ~oo· ~oe~~~-., TCf!."'.1~ '\. 91 ... :m.oo' S-Tep 9f ~-""""i? . -..1 ~ .1 "491.00' S --:T~-~ tllat r---========----~,:___:__:_=-~---- I. MATERIAL& TO REMAIN UNOIAN6ED FROM ORIGINAL I EXTERfOFi! FINl614E5: 2. ROOI', 61DING, TRIM DETAIL&, AND RAILINc.6 TO MATCM EXl&TINC. 3, MOU&E WILL Bl= REPAINTED ll51NC. 1-il&TOFllC COLOR& <TBD RECEIVED Vt12---1~ -ooB DEC O 3 2018 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION <W E 5 TJ ELEVATION ... 0 f t 1 ,11 111----.L • . ,. ecALai a,4• • t-cl' .Ll L3 ,o u T,1-tL.S DeeTgn DESIGN and DEVELOPMENT ;.,.;:·;.,;. '/si.i""~.i~,"d..,;;. ~31 VOICE, 40&..3!M.l9n ...... U,t.c:lelol9W=Ofl ~111::;:'1:·:.;1:.r::m:~ to exl•tlng tlllo-olO'lJ re•lde,.,. ror , WENDY KANDASAMY II F'sralt.a Avsnus L<:>a Ciat<:>a, CA 95030 A.P.N. SIO -42 -O'n ZONING, lot • 1,8 Fit:evreloms -L....,,-,\-por_p _______ cr,-. __ "'_ ~ /i'. ooi9hi,.,,.. .li5<,a:s.,,.s 1·!14. ~ 3 ~ii d..~ ,._,s § __ ! left &Ide and rear i exterior elevation& 2018 -l'!i HaY' O'll, 2018