Item 5 - 47 Alpine Avenue PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 10/24/2018 ITEM NO: 5 DATE: OCTOBER 17, 2018 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 47 ALPINE AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: TESSA KEATING AND STEPHAN ROTHROCK. REQUESTING PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF A PROPOSAL FOR MODIFICATIONS TO THE ALPINE AVENUE STONE WALLS LANDMARK SITE ON PROPERTY ZONED R-1:20:LHP. APN 529-38-031. RECOMMENDATION: Review the proposed project and provide a recommendation on the proposed modifications to the Alpine Avenue Stone Walls Landmark Site (HD-73-9), located in the front yard of the 47 Alpine Avenue property. BACKGROUND: A. Landmark Site Details 1. Date walls were built: 1923 2. Date of landmark site designation: 1974, Ordinance 1146 B. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: 1925 2. Town of Los Gatos Preliminary Historic Status Code: + 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure a landmark in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: 47 ALPINE AVENUE OCTOBER 17, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Alpine Avenue, 47 -walls - 10-24-18.docx 10/18/2018 12:17 PM BACKGROUND (continued) C. Comments The rock walls adjacent to the sidewalks along Alpine Avenue were designated as a historically and culturally significant Landmark Site by the Town Council on April 1, 1974 (Attachment 1). The walls were constructed in 1923 by an Italian stone mason and are an example of attractive, unaltered stonework formerly common to the Town. It is believed that the stones used for the walls came from the quarry that was used to create Lake Vasona. The Anne Bloomfield 1989 Survey evaluation forms for the walls and residence are included as Attachment 2. The applicant requests recommendations on their plans to modify the driveway configuration at 47 Alpine Avenue (Attachment 4). The submitted plans would require removal of a nine-foot section of wall to accommodate a new driveway entrance. New stone walls would be located adjacent to portions of the new driveway and would be clad with the old stones from the removed section of wall. Building permits would be required for the proposed project, including the proposed driveway improvements and construction of the new walls. Per Town Code Section 29.80.255, construction, alteration, demolition or removal work for which a Town permit is required is prohibited on a designated landmark site or in a designated historic district unless approval by the Planning Commission has been granted as provided in Sections 29.80.260 through 29.80.300 of the Town Code. DISCUSSION: A. Considerations In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: On landmark sites, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character of historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: 47 ALPINE AVENUE OCTOBER 17, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Alpine Avenue, 47 -walls - 10-24-18.docx 10/18/2018 12:17 PM Attachments: 1. Ordinance 1146 (four pages) 2. Bloomfield Survey (four pages) 3. Applicant’s Request (one page) 4. Development Plans (one page) Distribution: Cc: Tessa Keating and Stephen Rothrock, 47 Alpine Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Chris Spaulding, Architect, 801 Camelia Street, Suite E, Berkeley, CA 94710 - ORD I NANCE NO. 1146 ------ AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING FIVE (5) LANDMARKS AS HISTORICALLY ANO CULTURALLY SIGNIFICANT. The Town Counci 1 of the Town of Los Gatos does ordain as f o 11 ows : SECTION 1. The following landmarks are hereby designated historically and culturally significant: H0-73-9 Alpine Avenue Stone Walls -both sides of Alpine Avenue between Main Street and Foster Road . The detailed description of the designated landmarks, the char- acteristics which justify designation, and a map showing their location and delineation of the historic site, are part of this Ordinance . -l - Ite m VI-A SECTION 2. The property listed Is designated to be of historic, archl- tectura1, or aesthetic significance for the reasons listed below. Property: Alpine Avenue Stone Walls -Walls fronting on properties on both sides of Alpine Avenue between Hain Street and Foster Road, on properties addressed as 19, 25, 38, ~7. 57, 58, 78, 126, and 13~ Alpine Avenue. Historic Designation No. HD-73-9 Classification (structure or landmark): Landmarks. Description of ltem(s) Designated: adjacent to sidewalk. Stone retaining walls located Description of the characteristics which justify the designation: ALPINE AVENUE STONE WALLS: These walls, built In 1923 by an Italian stone mason, are an example of attractive, unaltered stonework formerly common to this area. It Is believed that the s'A:>nes came from the quarry that was u~ed to create Lake Vasona . . . •· Description of particular features that should be preserved In addition to Items covered under Section 9-3.1 (site area, appurte- nance, landscape feature, other). None. -2- - SECTION 3. The To wn Clerk shall attest to the adoption of this Ordinance . This Ordinance shall be published once in the Los Gatos Ti mes - Saratoga Observer, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and publ i shed in the Town of Los Gatos within fifteen (15) days of its final passage and ' this Ord i nance shall take effect thirty (30) days following its final passage. The above and foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly intro- duced at a meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Ga to s held on the 18th day of PASSED AND ADOPTED as an Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos, California, at a regular meeting of the Town Council held on the Is t day of April , 1974, by the follo1-Jing vote: ~~~__;..,~~~~ AYES: COUNCILMEN Ruth Cannon Hark B. OiOuca Albert B. Smith John B. Lochner NOES: COUNCILMEN None ABSENT : COUNC I U1EN Egon Jensen SIGNED: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ATTEST: . /·~ _ .......... CLE~_~)~)F TH; ... 1«)w/~1o;··as GATOS -4- 0 AJ?~D ~l ~t---i-J~ lDh\N\1:-:blON-l?A1~ 2113;74 At7P~VC:,D B) TOW~ (OLJf-:tC.IL DAT~ 4 -1-74 --~ 9tep_/t-146 __ TOWt-+ CL-t:-RK-j r f./ 4-·\t ·u·tj-i\t\A.\OK. { yz. ' , ·1-· v··,, ., < -3 - I dlnn£ !Bfoom{ulJ. -~ j'A~TECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY .._2-l-o .'~ !jJ (A.,\ _ LOS GATOS RESEARCH F1leaddress }q ~-=-<Z:i-.... ,d ·p -Av e. PARCEL KAP INFORMATION ;- A RCHITECTUAAL HISTORY 141 5 1 922 ·1~J Z2 H WEeSttlt S~t:T S M.i l'ltAHCISC:O. CA 9411 5 Parcel f : ;._ . -:. '1?' -a ,:... ·· ~ -Lot size: ___ front ft. x ___ ft . deep Lot •hape: Rectangle_ L_ Rectangle with small rear jog__ Other _________ _ Location : N_ S_ E W_ side of----------St_ Ave_ Other ____ _ distance to cross st:----ft. N_ S_ E_ W_ from _________ _ at NE_ NW_ SE_ SW_ corner of __________ _ HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PARCEL MAP Old tract or subdivision name ________ Old Block # ____ Old lot # _____ _ FIELD SURVEY INFORMAnON (handwritten in r ·ed) Preliminary ratin...,g __ _ Estimated age ___ _ Style ___________ I stories.__ Alterations"-----------------------------------------~ Other ---------------------------------------------- OOUNTY ASSESSOR-PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) EFFecti ve date ---- <MfERSHIP SHM ON MAPS Source Name Source Date Source Location of property, or Lot Owner Na11e Page Old tract/block/lot Size 1891 ----- Blk Book 1908 Survey 1944 HISCELI..ANF.OUS National Register listed date. ________ _ County Inventory 1979------~-~--­ Town of Los Gatos: Designation __ Recognition_ District Name ------------------ Previous Survey Gebhard: page I illustration page # ___ _ Butler/Junior League ____________ __ PHOTOS: Roll/frame I C.~·?~ Date~ ) :Z..7 r"* 'tl' . ,... w~i '-.; ·.-d ~-. Los Gatos M.~£/i ii:!'!! =' 15 1.:Fi ... .cu-i..:. cu dct4 ~;ur NO~C .,,...=.r ti:# .'"iror-~::• l">:r.tlo . <Ccwr:HI' cf l.t:• ::C::.:a .~~u:r ' ~::Z:i:.r~r. f.!OJ'f.=t':# \'=:•i: ;;c;:!t:.1r~ ~ ;.·:::::::.-; ,;. -;.·..,:.r ,;.'" th' :..c ~ j;7 :e .~·er ·{:.::' f'rQl,r"J~~:~r; S~~~c ~~ ar:d .:-~:..-::;.. ... :~:ac:.Ctr.e~ ,;r:., H~neE. FAIRVIEW PLAZA HISTORIC DISTRICT "Fairview Plau" was the original n1me given this cul-de-sic termination of Pennsylv1nia Avenue on F.H . HcCull19h's 1885 survey 11\ip . The neighborhood of predorr.inately pre-1900 homes ret1ins its original features with a landscaped focal i sland and "Turnstile llalk" pedes- trian path at the east end of Fairview Avenue. '· 75 ALPlllE AV E:Hi£--The date "1889 " is recorded under the ~arble fireplace mantle of this house . The entry hall is two stories ~iith ;i 180 ' stairc1Se of hand-turned ualnut . 2. Stone wall, l.l?WE A'W Cr~ot--The rock used to build this rustic, early 20th r.entury wall is believed to have come from the gravel pit that has since been converted to Lake Vasona . 3. :1assol-llatk i ns ho use. 328 GA CHt1A U--In 1885 frank f . Watkins, co-owner of Watkins-Skinkle Drug Store, purch1sed Hissol's orch1rd 1nd built this house. pitched roof is reminiscent of roofs of some e1stern houses . 20-.cre almond Its steeply the sn011 shedding 4. Hount1in Springs Pu1111 House, west of BEAN & Mlssol--This was built about 1893, possibly by Harry Perrin whose name is inscribed on two of the "well" tops. It was composed of four brick cylinder "wells" with three-foot circular open- ings at the top. A develop"~nt is planned around the present pumping station . 5. Waterman house, 45 BROAO~AY--This Italianate style house was built by John 8 . Waterman in the late 1880s. During renovation though, window latches were discovered with a patfnt date "1866 ". 6. 33 COLLEGE AVEtlUE--Construction date for this house r.iay hive been 1871, according to early tu records, 1111king it one of the oldest remaining private ho1nes in town . It was a hundry and boarding house during the lg40s . 7. Los Gatos Presbyterian Church, 101 CHURCH STREET--Originally built in 1885, this structure was remodelled for private off i ce use when the church moved i ts services t o d new build i ng on Shannon Road in 1958 . •• ' ' FilP Address 4 ?·· .,, (/../ · 3. dlruu !Bloom{ulJ ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY ASSESSMENT ROLL RESEARCH Tract/Block/Lot -r; -el' lo -/-,/ 4. 2 )J • ARCHITE<. .AL HISTORY CAtSJ 122·t0H 222• Mnl'P S~T SAN "'ANCISCO. CA Mt 1 5 A~~~··~nts are filed by last name of property owner, but not necessarily in alphabetical order . Some )ears there is an iPd~x insi1e the vollllle or in a separate book. The goel of a search is to find the years when the assessed value of "i~provemencs" (buildings) changed from 0 to over $SOO, or when that figure rose by $500 or oroe. Writ~ down every year and r.~111e y~u try, including the years when you find nothing. Ditto 11arks are fine. --Lot Identification or Boundaries---- Tract or Block or Lot I or Pase M8lle Ag!!, N Bdy _ E Bdy S Bely W Bdy -AssesSlll@nt for- lmprove- Land !!!!!!!. !Other Info. Date /.,1 . . r I '2..J..J , .J ---I y c , I ----·-/ oit .:·7·)! ·• '-$ 31w.,; $ 74..> 1------- -~-;-::-n--r.i:: --:-... ,.. t-_-;~ ii t:> """-,, .. :. I • ' , ~ u •\"~!' ..... ... . .,.., I . •" "' • /tn1tials date dlnn.£ !BloomfulJ ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH File address # "7 Al ,v1 ' :...e... ; A RCHITECTURAL HISTORY 14151 922·10.S 2229 WEnTElt STME T SAN '"AHCISCO. CA I' 11 S PARCEL MAP INFORMATION Parcel I S'.2..1-~7€ -a ::s I Lot size : ___ front f t . x ___ f t. deep Lot shape: Rectangl~ L_ Location: N_! S_ ~ W_ Rectangle with sull rear jog__ Other _________ _ side of __ .._A..._· -----.---St_ Ave/ Other ____ _ distance to cross st : C. 9 (!JV ft . N_ S / E_::_ w_ f roia __ e:_·_,6.-_U .... ~_,,,. _____ _ et NE_ NW_ SE_ SW_ corner of __________ _ HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PARCEL HAP -.,. . ., "".:- Old tract or subdivis ion nue '/. £ (' .. ,. ; , . Old Block I Old lot I FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) Preli minary rating .f-Estimated aae/ 1 2 c?i:-Style .filr.~ -<I' J<' ~ .,/I I I storieL-. Alterations~lr;.:..:v~~~-~,.....a~e~?~,./i~~~_....;;z~z;~'~-'~· ~¥-·~c·'~·--~~--~c~ee-1 _....;~:.,_._~ __ ; _____________ ~ I " I Other--------------------------------------~ X>lJNTY ASSFSSOR-PROPERTY OIARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) EFFecthe date ·---- OWNERSHIP SHCMf ON KAPS Source Source Source Location of property, or Lot Owner !!!!!. Date Page Old ·tractlblocltllot Size Nue I I 1891 Blk Book 1908 Survey 1944 I i I I I I HISCELLAHFDUS PHOTOS: Roll/fra me I "':>2 j11 2 Date~~O National Register listed da te._ _______ _ County Inventory 1979 ___________ _ Town of Los Gatos : Designation __ Recognition_ District Name.__ _____________ _ Prev i ous Survey Gebhard: page I illustration page f ___ _ Butler/ Junior League ____________ _ 47 Alpine Avenue Los Gatos Ca 95030 October 5, 2018 To whom it may concern c.c. Chris Spaulding, Architect. RE..CEIVE=D I I Please accept our application to change our driveway configuration at 47 Alpine Avenue, Los Gatos, 95030. We have found that the current arrangement makes it very difficult for guests to find the way to the front door and is especially difficult for more elderly guests and visitors to come into the house. We have asked Chris Spaulding to suggest a design that is in keeping with the original style of the house and preserves the historic wall (attached). We like the new design because it will allow us to keep the wall (with one small additional cut) and maintains the character of the home. Kind regards Tessa Keating and Stephen Rothrock This Page Intentionally Left Blank LEGEND .................... ltm ..;,t.fCS [f'] ST~r ·,\All TO 6(" R.n.iovro PROPOSE D DRIVEWAY it PARKI NG PlOTTf:J on St...RVf'Y &'f ROBERT J. CP..AIG, JOe # C-1 ~. OAT(D 4'-2,-201". 608 CR>IG l'tiONe ,, (406 ) e~4-37'?1 'j I I I I I " i ( ll'1''HT) 11Dch -18 ft. RECEIVED OC T 10 2018 rOWN OF L OS GA l OS PLANN I NG D IVIS IO N 10' -O" i DRAWINGS PREPARED DY CHRIS SPAULDING c A R C H ITECT c SOl CAMELL4.. STREET StJlTE E BERKELEY CALifOR.i.'1A 91710 (SIO) ~27-~997 FA."< (~1 0) ~2i·~999 RE'vlSJONS BY PREUMJX . ..,,.RY SET DESIGS REVIEW SET PU.." CHECK SET PER..\fITSIT CONSlllUCTION SET ~ u z <!'. ~ LLl --z 0 > M 0:: < 0 0 ~ I u.. r/J 00 :J ~ LLl M <!'. I u :z °' ~ -N 0 0.. I(") 0 u _J .. ;z 0 <( :z E= ~ 0:: 0.. u..l ~ ~ 0... ~ < ;:) ~ u 0 ~ DATE: 9-:d.-1.5 SCALE • AS NOTtO DR.AWN: ..:S,C-eJJ'.[) JOB• ROTI1ROCK. SHEET A 1 OF I SHEETS ATIACHi\fiENT 4