Item 4 - 25 Fillmer Avenue PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 10/24/2018 ITEM NO: 4 DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2018 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 25 FILLMER AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNERS: CHERYL AND DAVID SCHRADER. REQUESTING APPROVAL TO REMOVE A PRE-1941 PROPERTY FROM THE HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY FOR PROPERTY ZONED R-1:8. APN 532-35-054. RECOMMENDATION: Review the information provided and make a determination regarding the historical significance or architectural merit of the property. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date original primary structure was built: 1938 2. Town of Los Gatos Preliminary Historic Status Code: None 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? Yes 7. Considerations required? No B. Comments The property owners are requesting to remove the pre-1941 residence from the Historic Resources Inventory and have included justification with their request indicating that the property is not associated with any persons or events of significance and that the residence has no distinctive characteristics. The applicant has provided results from their research efforts (Attachment 1). PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 25 FILLMER AVENUE OCTOBER 16, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Fillmer Avenue, 25 - 10-24-18.docx 10/18/2018 12:18 PM DISCUSSION: A. Findings - related to a request for a determination that a pre-1941 primary structure has no historic significance or architectural merit. In evaluating a request for a determination of historic significance or architectural merit, the Historic Preservation Committee shall consider the following: 1. The structure is not associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the Town; 2. No Significant persons are associated with the site; 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master; 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history; and/or 5. The integrity has been compromised such that the structure no longer has the potential to convey significance. Attachments: 1. Coversheet, request, photographs, and research (29 pages) Distribution: Cc: Cheryl and David Schrader, 17695 Vista Avenue, Monte Sereno, CA95030 RECEIVED OCT 0 8 2018 10WN oi: LOS GATOS PL/\NNING DIVISION Town of Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee Historic Research Worksheet Applicants shall provide written evidence and supporting documents to justify their request for a remodel, alteration, addition, determination of significance, or demolition of a designated or presumptive historic resource. This worksheet is intended to assist the applicant in gathering written evidence and supporting documents, and to assist the Historic Preservation Committee during evaluation of the request. Applicants shall provide written evidence and supporting documents of the historical and architectural characteristics, regarding both structures (construction date, alteration dates, photographic documentation) and people (owner and/or resident names). If written evidence cannot fit on this worksheet, please attach separate sheets. The applicant shall research the following (please check the box once you complete your research): 1. Los Gatos Public Library (see How to Research the History of a House in Los Gatos): cJ7" Sanborn Maps .-.No IL~ LOrt-r:> 1"1 ;t1sro~~L-M4P5 (1q 3 ~)-fY\JH1.A.Jbr g 1941 "tax Assessment -NOTH;.v~ O AJ K.k~T> E!!' 1989 Anne Bloomfield Historic Resource Survey forms ~ tJor tltlU"J 1 ~ lir" Polk 's Directories -t..PrlYI f't3 srn.. 1 /1x;/.A1JO /W O f/\A-ILN 'fA -5/h.J ::N S &r 13-«.'' AJ "/z~S. A.i)Dli.<?55 a;( Telephone Directories ... h:-;1-11,.,;'1 1~rt-Cfl1YV1'e:-z..L-. '-'lsi::o 0th Mi.--IPo£.rJ1 A ;2..vii ~,·,vl..7 kb1>ru:::s5 1.-1? rt fl o er 1r.{ ~ :J1Js c.r 2 . Santa Clara County Resources (especially helpful for properties previously located in the county's jurisdiction): o Santa Clara County Planning Department records o San Jose Public Library (California Room) 3. Community Development Department Resources: Er' Sanborn Maps ra"" 1989 Anne Bloomfield Historic Resource Survey forms cY' Community Development Department property files (permit history) Applicant Name : ~~~ Eiz_u1 d Svh~e.< Property Owner's Name : ~ ~ IV>4-J.. ~u i .d ? ~o-.J.er Research was conducted on (please enter date): q / 7Jv /J,15 J IV/ 1 h 'i Records and Documents found (please attach copi es): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (!.,{) ,,_J"Tfl(.;1,' (tit~ L 5-d1L V7J. d er 4 oi -3 ; '+-lo (p (p ~ U e;t... ~ ~ @ bi M&A-1 L-· <4>~ .. 1 N :\DEV\HI STORI C PRESERVATION\H PCform s\Research\2016 HPC Research Checklist.docx 4/19/2017 ATTAC~'\'T 1 Scope of the work proposed : 1. We seek to remove the house at 25 Fillmer from the in ventory of historic homes. We seek to demolish the single story house and detac hed garage at the address . We propose construction of a single family, single story home with full basement, in a style compatible with other homes in the neighborhood. Justification: 1. The house is not associated with any people or events of historical significance . A thorough search in the Los Gatos Library of logs, maps, telephone books, and other records, a s directed by Jeannette, the local history docent, s upports this conclusion. Roland D and Marnya P Campbell purchased the home in 1956, as s hown by the attached d ee d , and lived there until Marnya Ca mpbell d ied several months ago. They had purchased the home from Eug eni a V. Gardner AKA Eugenia V. Pittman . 2. Th e design has no disti nctive characteristics. Its style is consistent in many respects with the FHA style, also called American small house, commonly constructed in middle o r working class neighborhoods during the depression year of 1938, the year it was built according to town records. Houses of th is style were built for affordability. The size is larger than typical for a house built at that time and in thi s style. It a ppears there may have been multiple non- permitted additions made prior to 1956, when the Campbell family purchased it. It appears that bedrooms were added and perhaps the kitc hen was enlarged. It's original appearance appears to have been lost behind modification s and additions. 3. No permits are on record at all for t he house since 1938; not for upgrades to the plumbing, electrical, foundation , windows, roof, or anything else. Th e record is blank e ven for the construction of the house. On visual inspecti on there do not appear to have been upgrades other than a roof at some point. If there have b een upg rades , they w ere not permitted and are of questio nable standard. The prior owner's son, Hap Campbell , says asbestos is an issue on plumbing and ducting within the house . Because of the era of the home, lead paint is also a health issue. Th e house has not b een retrofitted for earthquake safely. 4 . The owners believe that the esthetic value of the house does not j ustify the expense of a complete restoration. The floor plan is also not consistent with the owner's needs. :. s s [ '5 s (' ": ----~AN IA. C L A $i/ A fA.Lli"ORNIJ.. i ~ i ---·····-···--··--·-· ·--··-'11 ~i32 IQOJ o r r 1 c r or C 0 ~ ·~" T ¥ COU N~v . 0 I > ' I ~ I l g f ® I o , I 5: l ; '"" l _ .... --·- // ~ '-._.------· : •. __ f_,/ ~ ~ RC"'O J .. --·-· __ .. ..., ... ... ~ r .-_-_ . ·_· .... ~:::~.-.-::-_ ....... ·-·~1 -1 A .. ;; ' I -_ _.i "' . ~ , ... L-.--··--· .---r - . .. - I J ' _;. .----·--- } I \ __ ... .----l--.. -·---1 -1 ~~-* ' -41 ! ~ .. • ~-· ·-\ =' 41 • •• ~ 'l .... , • r $9 $fl 9P .,. :t I , 1 ' ... <.~ I I ' ., I ;! ~ ': l"· '> ~ 'Ji ~e ~ -, ~ • <I( r I ff.. • : ~ ... .,.~:4 r-M·-J .' ---..~ t I• 1-i ~ :~ l1i ' ... , . ". .,., _J r [JL---~t ,..i t:~ • ,. "' • 6" • • •• •4 ~ 41~;; : t • I • ~-----_,-·-... 1; I '" ~ t H ;·;;--.,.--:--._-. /i, / ' " ,;·· 1 · l l-·-·· ·-· ;I " " I I l. ' r AS t ?? 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" Earl c (Loraine H) h60 Central av " Frank T <Flora M) h30 Tait av .· _ h2'7j'' Haze.I Mrs tchr hlOl Loma Alta av t) drftsm.D , " Lucille E Mrs rt ·5 bx 12.0 " Ralph s (Gladys E) chiropractor s2 9 •nt dr \llSOn ·a\f N Santa cruz av hll San Mateo av " ·Ralph W toolmkr . 100 Cypress av r San Jose · tont dr _i\ Roland D <Marnya P) h4 Gem av ~ H p Danforth I '' Roy W f ormn H & L Chevrolet Co r Campbell ·p,gg.ie .. ·M> 'llur-. t."·S. usan C (.wid Alla. n) tchr Pub Sch , l2 do · :.. ·.. h350 Bella Vista av h2o5· ·uni~ . av " Wm E r~ ~t 3 bx 120 · 3 ...... -;~·~-..,·:,~~ ··) . . .Campen Alice tchr Pub Sch r San Jose :,l). .. '"'' .1-"'., •"' ·-c ' ..... ~__,,.. If• l. \:3M.•: .<,;:.';•" . ~ampo Ernest <Mary A) r rt 1 bx 1051 i ,~A) ~~La Ha-Ernest <Mary) r rt 1 bx 1051 . , ·e . ___ • , S'anavero Jos <Mary) h475 Univ av ~~:t#.:~;~7~:~·~': :'.;;;,,. _ Jos H <Lottie> barber 339 N Santa :~tnOJ,·-*d·'Re~t · , .. crtiz av h320 · Bachman av ai ·~~,'av · .. · Cano Wesley J <Alice> elk PG&ECo r 'actttt~;-·&;~J.Ca9'.. . C~mpbell .~ .. .,.. Canrmus Dorothy L Mrs dir LOs Gatos & 'Caei~t :h':I.;;, ~~e~t Nursery School r150 college 7 : · .-~ · ·.: ':._-.. h Yf· <Dorothy .. L> tchr PUb Sch ·-·~al :.av · 150'. ~ ~ollege av ." ~~·:.av Cantlo~, ;J~.a.ymond J <Pauline J) r231 :aJ .,·.:·:r.J.~it' 3 . Hard111g av ~· . . . . . . Cantrell Ernest ·c· . < . 'Kar10 ;n. ""vf··~···>.··,,. f" .• .::;;•,... . Land .. i . . LolS) emp J.VJ. , ' ~ • '·~ • > -ucc h60 &: ,-••••. •rl'~ " -•• c.t Caparo s· . '. .' ·U · Univ av . ' ~o· '"· .. · . ···.-· -· Al am , <Ma?V) h ren .... 185 LOilla *' .&~ .. ,;~~'"'~~~~~y· -·-~:J ··· .. -~·· .ta av · -· •J ~ .. . .... . -. . Ca -. '"'· · -L·.,,~-.. , .. ,. ... .:.i...1;..c..;-~n~r W..rn : .A L.. .... _JI ... • .. _ n'J 1 I = ( ~ • • • I I • I.... Q) E u:: LD N '+-0 en Q) I.... :J ......., u ·n. ......., c Q) I.... I.... :J u AGREEMENT OF SALE OF PROPERTY BOO (. JD~l PAGE0Jl Contract No.1_08385 THIS CONTRACT, Made and entered into this 30th day of l\lovember 19 5 fJ , by and between the DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, hereinafter called the Deportment, and ROL1\ND D. CAMPBELL - hereinafter cal I ed the Purchaser. WITNESSETH : That the Department does hereby agree to sell co said Purchaser and said Purchaser does hereby agree to purchase from the Department at the pric e and upon the terms and conditions as set forth in the unrecorded purchase contract of even dace herewith entered in to between the parties hereco and on file in the office of the Department. This Agreement covers that certain described real property known as 25 F 1llmer Avenue, Los Gatos lying and being in the County of San tu Clara State of California, particularly described as fol lows : Lots 11 ~nd 12 u s delineated and as designa ted upon Ma p entitled, "Tract No. 61 Fillmer S ub- division,pcirtly within and partl y without the Cits of Los Gatos," which . said Ma p wa s filed in the office of the County Fe corder of the County of Santa Cl ara, S tate of California, on August 23 , 1 5 37 and is of record therein in B ool~ J of F01~s , at ~ages h and 5 . FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY 13y OEPARTMENT ot\rETERAl\S AFFAIRS of rhe STA TE Of ,CAJJFORNIA . ~ . ' i. ;· ' : J. MARVIN RUSS E LL, DIRECTOR Authorized Officer ;1_. ("' r. 1 ,. /1 1//) Purchas er J/! A < { //t>•.R )l/. ( ~,,-;,.,,"':./J·.,, ,· l:'-1:, ST ATE OF CALIFORNIA .} ss. . COUNTY OF SACRAME!\1TO •) -I · l ' On ) ' 1 't ' .) · ' 1 ~) d () , l 9 __ , /". "n'" '· 1· before me "' l u ··, " a Notary Public, personally a p peared Gl':O. ~. L.A W~c e J r:..· r/ nOG (,'3681 PAGEvtJ-AS S J GNM f<:NT we . Holand.._D_._ Campbe ll Marn ya P. Campbell Hu s band a nd Wif e. h'!r eby a ss i g n a nd grant untn 111r<;" 1·. •, ' '•' ,. , r;• ., · • 1• 1 I· h ~' •11»i•'f t hP at t a ched Contract and the r eal proper ty thC'r E'i<· dr·scr1h•'d . ., : ·-• 'ir.•' ·\,:" t• • 1h.1t.1ons 111c1d1'nt there to, t o be hrrPaf ter o wned a1111 he I d by !l ~ a s i i r: · "r 128q179 BOOf,3681 PAGE53l fHJ P ~u~ --~_¥.~~~O t.!!r !'lo· n I ':._:>, !) . t~ I 1\ ·-~·. · . San Jase Abstract & Title Co. Dff I G 2 s7 ~ \9 5b '1 (. (.-/ ,) . .--· 1 95 6 ~-, T ,, T f:: "I· 1 ·A;. I I· 1 :\ ·, I I ~ ~ , . roL·:.;ry <w 3 a.nt a Cl ar:q on this '?th d av .,:_Q.~cemb er . 1r1 56 _ hPfore "'"· D ._ L. Peterman a Nota r _v Pub •J i c. ""rsona I 1:. ap1' ar.-rl ~O l and D. .C_am p]J~;l,:], _a rn! _ Nar nya P . Campbel l knr • .wii .t o Ill(' t o ... lw th" p1•r-.~11 ns '4 h•>S•' 11;1rr<'~ .1r 1• ''11 '1:--.-r illrd ,tl) ;t·/i'e f o r 't•- i:1.1m: .1:--"11!flllll•nt . and wh11 a r k111WlPdgPcl L(1 ni e ;tha t t hP :v . PX('(; Ulflll f_ h•' !:i.tlN'. SAN JOSE ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. 70 North Second St. San Jose, Californla CYpr ess 3·2430 2214 Bus iness St. San Jose , California CYpr ess 4·9503 390 South Murphy Ave. Sunnyvale , California REgent 6·5407 Hamilton at Ramona Palo Al t o, California DAvenport 3·0051 c .. ·r; J o<ie , CALIF., ......... Au:.:u.:;,.t. ... ,:~;2 . .., .... 1-9-5~---········-··· ~-·-~-~--~·-···=:.!.l-.f.0.~! ...... ~~-~~-~~.t2l?.~~.1_1 _____________________________________ .. _______________ ............. . -~ . .2 ..... :;),J .. 1.r:.~.~.: .... ;~,Y.~.•-···········································-····-··································· \e : u e rd.t!C l 1 ~~o Cf-r ~~.r;c J. l 1.0 .. ~~ .... : .. i::.~.(~!:: . ., ..... :;.f:.2 .. 1.f .•..................................... -........................................ . . ~· . ?()7 (;:~0 ;:''," . We enclose, in con neco1o n with Escrow No .................................... •·'··-·······················• t he following: ( 1 ) Check STATEMENT DEBITS CREDITS Her l'.:!T·'i 'c h : ·5"•):1 .nn , ·i_ r::, 0r•'"'. on , 1 . ..~ l r' ~ i :-i:-:-" s t ,.. ... ~ ;.! .• e r t 1 ') · .. ""l""\•1 1,l' II o·~ II fT ,-.. 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Q.~~J.t.g_~~-!~-'----·-·········--·-- thc sum of --~---~---~---~.2 r1r~; ___ r,LJ~.V.V!~.._'.JI.P. ... e.n.Q.. __ Q_O/lQQ ___ ~ __ :.:: ... ~--~---~---~---~-.::: .. ~---~---Dollars i n law ful m,1 ncy of the U nited States, w i t h interest thereon f rom d ate hereof a t the rate oL._1;_-?.:~-~------- pcr cent per ;u~n um until paid, payable .... ~:\i .. .0.~J!ll.:rlt_y_, ___________________________________________________________________ _ an<l i f not so pai,J tu he added t o and become a part o f the princ i pal, and bear the sa me rate of interes t. Principai and inter1.·sL payable in like lawful money o f the United States. If any interest on this note is n ot paid within one month after it becomes due and payable. the n the whole of sa id principal sum and interest s h a ll beco me i m media tel y due and pa yabl e, at the elec tion o f t h e h o l<ler of thi ..; note, and in the e\·ent o f such election, notice the reof is h e r eby waived. This n o te is secu r ed by Deed n ( Trust of even elate h e rewith . :~-~ :.;.·iJ_.~l~>. ?0 ?6 h() l ( •. ~} e> rd r-e :t' t lh ; - J (_'. ~ •() [" .:.. t ' . .·.1~d r~ '· .1 ::;·-2 D of 71' I ·- r ·. :r D ; .. J j :.~.: Q _,J -------- 1 ,\ !Yr 1 ; ..:~:l.0 -- ?~n ~ciea ~·n~ lo ~r D o f I~ ~0 ~ellP-r T~ -=-}'C!O r:.,,_ ] _ _?·..-."'C ,_ l:~·~~ }\<'1 "p -·:ou:1': ~)E'·st ~~or:~:ro l -~-·r A :.;<· l i :>. ~o_,--~"--~~-c.-:c~( -.. ,. /1 .-/"r' .L . /"1 1r-5 .!...r.,. ''· .:~· :)_.., 1.LJ ·. ·-/ ;_ :.. t' ·L•. \ t " ._,, -, : j r. • _, -1 r J :~ 11.!:,1iJr:·j--f;.J -r~"t~-~fj ,; r •---- ! r.;.; ":1:..r •• Pr ')·t .J tJ ... J1 . ,11'/l>t!lt I '',.:: ~I, I ) '! t 8 'J I f.I '. -~·-·::,,.,. ··r.\n ~,i:~H 1 / ~ /,8SH;i\CI ,:?,, T!TLE CO. ::.; "L'~ .'.'...: .J. (1\LiFORNJt , flAIA ti u ., ~ -·~ -·. 1.1s v ?.2 ______ i 'I 55 fr-) ---- ---,>.: r)be ll SUIEP ----------·---.. -·-._ ... ---· ----;:::. -_:_..=:.-:· R E MA il.KS ___ ----- ---· --- --- ----- -------[[_~---=--·-- ---- --- .. -·- ---- ------·---tOJ_~-~--·-· IL_ ___ _ ··- --------- -~-------ruJ~~=--==-=--- - s.i ~ .. ooo. Ll!l -____ _ . ll; .. '., '~:' ~ ... 'f; J A ]) f ' , • . ->.:.:~\,:4-\;--------------------· . . H>--),;.J- For Va.111<' Brrriwd ~e , Llw undcrsigrwd, __ :··~·J.L._ :! •• ;_,,:· .:> • ...;,,: ... ~;;u!. -~···~ii:·. • ; ... _. J._.:d ._.,._i:..i.Jl.. x.\f.~ h ereby jo intly a nd sPv<'rnlly pro111 is<' to pay Lo I.lie o rde r o f J OIIN llANCOC l\ MUT U AL LU'f•; l NSUllANCE COM PANY at it.s Horn e Offi ce in Bo~;f.on, Massrtchus0tt.s, or iL L such otl1 c·r pl::tce or phcPs as the h older of Lhis 1101,e m:ty from tirnP t.o t i111 c d<~s ig1i:tLe, wilh exc h a ngl' on Litt• C iLy of N c·w Yo rk, if !'('qu ir ed by the h old<'r o f t.ltis Hole, Llw princip:L I s urn of__.~Jl'~!~-'-~-~·~i~ _ _.·:·..:"_ ·~--'~·-· -~·.f!.l l c~·, __ -----_ .. ---_---~---=--:---~-:---~ __ -:-__ -__ -_--: ------~Do l lars with intc•n'st t.o li e co mpu t('d from .......... _ -~i~;,}t~~:. ,.:_,:.:!.. ~ _, HL )) __ , at t he rate of .. _ lf _ 3/.~ ... per centum p er annum, pa.ya.b lc on th l' {irst day of each and <'V(')'.Y _ .. _ _ _ ~O}] ~!:-_____ ... _ ...... _ .. _ _ _ _ _ ____ , b0gi11ni11g ___ {'.J .. .:-t.c~-... ~Y ----------1_, Hl .. 55:__, upo n all principal r<'rn:t ining from time to time unpa id; principal and intcn'st to b e paid in installm<'n is a s follows : $ ~7.05 on t'-'-~~.--~;,.-~!"' of ~6Cl'l t.'1.!~d CY~r ~· to . f~ 1·• t t~r ·. !)t~r 1, 1955 ·. ~ .. lL 1, H175 and ~7 .05 , in cl usive; each on the first dn.ys t h e reaf ter pro vidPd, how<!V <'r, Lh:tl. I.h r amount. of t.he fill:ti paym1 '11 L a for0said shall b<' fo r the amount. of principa.I and interest the n r<'nmin ing unpa id, each payment to lie applil'd firsl o n ini<'r<'i-it du0, Llwn on prineipal. U pon any ckfn.11l t in t he m ak ing of any of said pitynicn!.s or in t lw performance or observance of any of I.he <'Ove- nn.nts or a)!;r c cment.s of any instrument now or h e reafter ev id encing or securing t hi s note, the pr incipal !,hen r enmini11i; 11Hpai d wil.h acc nH'd int<'r<'s l. s h:ill lwar intrrl'st. al, th<' rnl<' of __ e~,~!t~-----P<'r ccntum per a nnum whi le s ul'h d efau lt <~x ists , and t h <! holder o ft.hi s n ot.e m ay apply p:i.y nH'nl.s n 'e<'iv<•d o n n.Hy :u11 011nts cin e hPn'tmdc·r or und0r I.he• t<•rn1s of a ny in s trument n ow or h c rc·after evidencing o r sreurini; I.hi s not<' a s s aid holdm· may deL<'rmi nc. UpoH any s ueh d<'fat11f, if the it o ld<'r o f tf1i s no te SO f'lpcf s, JlO( itt• of('}('(~( io n lw i11 g <'Xfll'\'S :ily waivPd, the principal l'l'lllili lling Ullpaid with acc rue d iu tc r<~8!. shall ri.t o n ce beconw due and payal>k•. Th e failure !;o <'xc rcisc, in case of om~ or m orn defaul t.s, any righ !. or rem<'dy g iv1'11 in t his paragraph s h a ll not. preclude' t.h c h o lder of t his note from exerci:;i11g a ny ri ght. or r em edy p;ivcm in thiti parap;rn.ph in cas<' o f o n e or IYI OJ'(! s ul>sc·qutmt defaul ts. Tiu ~ undersign ed itp;r(•c to pn.y all costs of coll C'c tion wlwn in c urr<'d, includ i11g rea.Rona.ble af.f.o r neys' fc·rs . No ext<'11s io11 of !.he t im e fo r t h e p ayrn<)nt of thi i-; n ole or any installu wnt t.hc'r<'o f made by ap;n•c•ment wi!.h any p0rson 11ow o r lt<•n'afL<'r li ab le for L11 c· pay1J1('n t, of I.h is noLP shall OJH'l':tlt' !.o rl'i ('m;c, dischai·p;l', 111odify, ch :wgc o r affect; the orip;ina l li abi li ty nnd<'r t hi s 110 k , <'iLIHT in who le• or in pn r !., of any of t.lt<' 1111dC'rs ip;nC'd not. a par!.y 1.o such aµ;n •cn w11L. Notw it hs l.anding any provision lwr0i11 or in any i11 s fru111 c 11t . now or lw rraffl'r S<'cmi11g t.his nol<', l.IH' ,t.ot.al Jiahil.i ty for pay11 1en!s int.he rnit .ur<' o f inl!·n·sL s ha.11 n ot. t'xc·1•t·d Lin · limi ts now impos<'d by t.lrn u sury laws of__' ... ~11j o rrti~. Thii-;notcii-;g ivenforu.loanof_ __ :;O/ .. ~ ____ : ·-~-~_,_._JJQ __ '!:'" .... ~-~-::-_-:: ... -.._-._-::-__ ---Do ll ars an d i:; Hl'Cur<'<I by a ___ ':!~~}_c!. _ ~ _;·_ :·~~·;_: _:-i_t._ .... _ .. _of l'V('ll dal.1· hl'r<'wit .h whi<"h is n. li<'n on r<':tl l'Sf ate in LIH' Coun!.y of ..J ('o.:. •. • Gl ... r · . t.h' 8 1 ·'' f : ·i ·r .·.··il.o . 1 ··f ·fl 1., .. I I. __ ........ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________ , Ill t c.tcL o ___ .... __ .. _ .. _ .. · ______ .. _ .. _...... ..tnc s l ,t uC con s!.r Ul'( uy t h e l:tw of said l:t:;L 11mnc•d st.ale. In ttci ··.i tiou to ti .. l\:fl.ont i: '>I. ;·v·ct:r•t. :Y' l ir1t:l : i·l 1.;1,0 .. ·(~ : rovi1:.ed 0 i-1 v i Ll.:l ;,;e 1 a reserved k : n,1 on <l':y l.t t vro~t ;l~·t\! : ·1 rei c 0 w 1 ·•.:::~u n t l''P•r,l t c t!io ')ri ue l".,_·l portlo ti ·· :me ;1· ;:··~i r u nt:::rt c ucc e<:!d Ye l y erH.:u 1 nr~ i n st ~!1.lm eI~t s . no t ·rc,~·e'il·er to 1.nc t..:r-d .'.3C~)(; l n ~.:-i ~.r tv~~ v c ~,..,;::>ecut.~ V O?. r ''"l n t h;. t ! · ~ · l'lvU ~:"'e. ·~f)t to bo r.111r.ul F.tive. '!'he :,rl v 1J. Ei t '(:) 1 :, •:l t>O r ese rveC. of ·re-• .::.,y int': tl.<.: 1rntl r c r. :ri11ci·pr:·.J. tm.l ;·.1,1c t~ c;.:: t. .. ~ :.;. 1 n d o hteu11•i ~~ ,, u · o n h rw 1 n t cre t:t ·:yr.!C !\ t d :>t11 ., i:: ·fol 1 0vs: on 1 ~r ba.!'··:r e ..... 1-. ·" 1· ",, ... r ...., ""' ... v ... "'·' ... , l ";~)i. 1,:1 t l ! 7. !"'t..! '.; i u:. ~ ; :'r or. l": :: .. : : ""'?" J • l ~·1:,,z:· t (! ~l P ': i tC~lJ 1!i.'['!°; t..: ..... -~· .~·.:r / .. 1 l ,.:_.,\. \ •. l t.. c· .. 1 ·~·: i C'.'l l 'r">G . ::·1>er 1 ~ 1 t ;# l : t,;t ... tu·. ~. ' -. ~ 1 I ~t....-- "111 !~.! I ' I II .. 1~1 II I) r·1 11 1 ;1 .·1 11 ·:1 iJ I .I '1 .:1 ~I II I I 1. II I I : I : 1. U· :lri:. ,, I ., 1;· tr ,,I , I I. ~I I I I X>klJii ·i\!\AMMM«···~,,, u#·fj:·i';iJi*·...,i!i..:. •*•tir-JtM!1n:p" ··xo··,·:·*5·•ii!•·+a · .. *··;A-.. :if4**:.1-£1-0W·lSI ·~( SAN JOSE ABSTRACT & TITLE CO . ES T A BLISH E D 1666 70 N OR TH SECOND STREET SAN JOSE . CALIFORNIA T ELf PH ON ~ C YPRE SS 3-2 4 ~0 AFFI LIA T E D WtrH WESTERN TITLE INSURANCE AND GUARANTY COMPANY 240 V AN N F.S S AVEN U E S A N FRA NCISC O . CALIF • Preliminary r eport for a policy o f ritlc ins urance in rhc s um o f$ N o liabilic y ass umed h ereby I ,, ··.1 TO ,... F ~ ·, ti1 lt"••.:~·u •"'n I J • • \,;...,; ~: • f\. ' f"ll'"'k.)J...., .!:,,,:'\ 1. 2. -::! ~'. N ,.. .. ) O rder o.297•.::,4 '.. SAN JOSE ABSTRACT & TITLE co., a corpora C1 o n, hereb y re porc s char cicle co che r i-al propercy herc1nafccr .k-sn1lx·d is 0 11 July 21, l 9:~1j 1:!UOENIJ\ v·. PITTMAN Subject co : ar n • ''"\ O .v . a. m . vesred in : Taxee .for the r1acnl yeer 193'.J -1956 a lien but not y!?t due or payable . Twenty-:t:1ve toot building setbac k 11.ne, 83 ahown upon t he rec orded Map hereinafter referred to. Con<litione and fk·strictiona with orov1aion for fo:rf r::1 t ure and reversion of title in event of v1o let1on thereof, c onta:!.nEJd in the Deed i'"rom John A. Fillmer nnd Mae F!llmer, his wif'c, to C. C. Reher. and Isabel M. Reher , his wife, Cl ated. April 14, 193(1 nnd recorded .Apr i l ll~, 1 9 38 in B::>olc B7 1 or Official Rec o roa, page 301, es fo llows: This Conveyance ia mn d e upon and !'hall b f~ nubjeot tci the 11 1 f o llowing expres.s cond1tion3,. t o wit: ;j :J l. The m1n1mu.m ~oat o f any d woll i nghoua o constructed upon said premi:>es flhall b a not loas t u in ~<3''.Y.n . ·)f). 2 . Sa i d premi ses shall be used for pr:-t vate ronid cnct;: put-poses f : only, and 1 t shall be (jeemed ~ breech of these cond:tt t.ons to r.iii":lintain '' thereon any apartment house, Gtore, office, laund.I"'J, wo od.yard, man u - factory, establ1ahmant for the breading and /or rc:t3:?.ng of an1tr ... ~ls and /or any o ther place of buoineno . It shall be deemed a breach of thoso condition3 to hnvc, ma.i r.tain1 or Iceep upt:>n so:td prem!sen~ n!l-~t :'.· c h1clcens , c ows, gottts, she9p , ~1o rsea or o t her an:lma ls e~rcent tl)')SC commonly kept as housohold pets. J . Any building erected or ma i nta i ned upon sn1 t1 pr emises shall be no erected or maintained at a d i 3t.Emc e or ~,c,-t l03a than :?.'.5 rm.1t from the from 11ne or said prem t ae!~. 4. no fence or !'enco 3 ohall be e rec t od o r• mn :tntaim~d with in 2 5 feet of the frontline Of S!!id pretni!lSS, nor Sht:!1 l Sl1,"{ fenC •'..) e>~ceedinz ::; r~et !n height be erected or ma1nta:tne:J on a ny o t her portion or se!d premises . '5 . No portion er said pre~ses oh all _ b~ O?~upied or used i1,I 111 conditions, subaequent, and i.my breach ther~of shall cause said premises to be subject to an 1r!!ne d 1ate right of lmtry ln 1·avor ai:' ~mid granters, or either of' them, their• h(~irs, assigns, and/or personal representativ~ and shall cause the title to th~~ sald premisesto revert unto s31d grantorn, their he:t.rs, assigns, and/o r person r~presentat1v es. 7 . That a breach o~ any of the above conditions or any :i:"'e-entry by reason of sut~h b1"each shall not defeat Ol."' render invalid, the lien of any Mortga~e or Deed or Trust made in gorx '1. f'alth end for value, trn t o SBid prop<irty or any oartttlt.n~eof, b ut said conti1t1ons shall be bi.nding upon and e.ff'ect~.v~ against any owner or. said premises, whos e title thereto in acquired by rore - c losure, trustee's sale , er o therWise. NOTE: ·raxes ~or the :f'if;cal year . 19~:,4-1955 hsve been paid. i~ece1pt Ho. 12D46 '.). First Installment plus seni tCl:""'.f tax ~<;;cc ond Installment pluu ~mnita ry tax ~1129.4 6 2.46 .:a2 9 .L~(; ~~. l~G {Inc 1 u des ~n '} . 3 I persona 1 property tax) DESCHI f ·t'IOU All that certain psl'Cel o r lan ~ oitu&te I n t h e C.ounty ot ~-;n nt :~ Clara, 3tate of California, describe d ns follows: L.oto 11 and 12 as delineated and ns design nted upon Nap entitled, n'I"ract Ho. Gl Fillmer Subdlv1s1on, partly \dthin and partly without the City of .Loa Gatos;'' which t.;;aid fJflp was filed i n the Office o!' the Gounty Record.et" of the County of Santa Clara, S tate of California, or-:i August 23, 1937 and :tz ot• recoi:'>(l theI-e:tn in Book 3 or Maps, at pages 4 and ~-). -, t llJ ( ~ I --J I ---, I ---J '-... ll -'S' -r> flus rcpcm d ocs o:ot 11:cl uJe a n ex a mina t ion of a ncl rhc palic y o f rirle i nsurance an the us ual forna will nor insure a11"im1 Ion h l' r c arnn o : · Ta xes or assessments w h ich arc not shown a s c xis ti n.11 l iens by t he recor ds of a ny raxing a gency o r by the puhlic records; and casc mcnu , lien:-. or ,n cumhranccs whic h arc nor s hown by t he p uhlic records 2. Rig !irs o r cl a ims o f persons in possession of said land whin a rc nor sh o wn by the publi c re cor ds. 3. /\,w laces, ri ghrs, interests, or claims wh ich arc n o t sh own by rhc p ub li c r ecords, bu; whic h could be ascertained by an inspcc cion of \aid la nd, or h y makinx in4uiry of persons i n posseuion thereof o r bv a corre c r s urve y . 4. J,·:i11inK cl aims. re se r vatio n s in parents, w ater ri gh t s. cl a ims or ride t0 water . 5. t.n y IPY S , x ovcrnmental a c u o r rcxularions. includi nx h111 not lirnircd rn zoning ordi nances, rcsrrictin!(, rc11ularin~ o r prohibitinit rhc occupancy, use or. n1oy menr o f rh~ IAnJ or A'•Y improvcmcnr rhcreo11 , or anv wninK o rd in anc es prnhihiring a reduc tio n in rhe dimensions o r area , o r separat ion ir. ow10. rs hip, of an y I<. or parcel o f land ; o r rhe ctfccr of a nv vio la rion of any s uc h restrictions, regulations o r prohibitions. ''TAXING ,. ·fN C::Y "' w ~u -N usco t-t f:RCIN M F AN 5 THr <i.TAfE AN (' !'A.C H C O U,.,.T Y crr v AND COUNTY . C I TY A.NO DISTRICT IN WtH Ct't S A ID __ ,.N O OR r.OMr PA.HT THC:•H:O F I'; ~ITUATEU 1 t t A r LEVl l ~ T A '<.rs O P A SSESSMEN TS ON REAL PRO PERTY . . 'PUBLIC AECOROCji '' WHEN USED HEREIN MEANS TMOSE PUOLI C flC CORDS W HI C ~-i . UNDER THE RECORD I NG LAWS, IMPART CON S TRUC.T I VF" N O TI CE O F MATTERS RELATIN G TO S AI D L A NO :I i " 1i 11 1i ii I I I I !1 ,, 11 \ I I I I I tt/ J, \ '• c/-)1)247 sfa(.;Q:t.J._I 1 llD Of. Jbbl PAGE 529 Prt'O .of ~lt'con\tt'~ancl' S.\N /OSI :: ABSTIL\CT & TITLE CO., :t (orpor:ttion, ;\ \ d.11nl Trus t<.:<.: in Roland D. Campbe ll and August 18, 1955 the d,·,:d of trust t:Xe(uted by Marnya P. Campbell, his wife, .t11d rc(urded Au~u.:;t 22, 1955 \'olu 1n c J259 of Otlici:tl Records at p:1ge 464 re cords a t the in t ~n u nt y of Sant8 Cl8.ra St:1te of C.1lifomi:1 . pursu .11H to the 11·ri ucn request ot th e l><:ncli(i:try, J ocs hereby CR.\NT :tnd RECO N\'EY unto the P.\ I~ Tl ES l·'.:'\TITL E D TH LIU·: To. without w.trr:tnty. :ill the estate and interest d ui 1c·d to it. hy or through s:t id D et.'d o f T ru~t . in the la nds therein described . ~ ··,, l ' ~ ~-. . ' IN WJTNESS WHEREOf, said Trustee h:ts execut ed th<.:se presems hy it 1 otliwrs th e reunto t hily ':n(t horizcd, rhi, 1 0th <l:t v of D 9cembe r STATE or C.\LIFORNI:\ COUNTY OF SANT:\ CL AR .-\ }ss. O n ............ .Dec.ember ... 10 .................... . \ ' ~ · .. / l :· be fore nw · .D •··:~/ .. Pe t.eru:an . t '". By ,1956 . a 'No,t:~;·y P11 b!ic, 111 ";nd ~o r said Co 11nt y ,md St1ile , paso na!ly ap- . . • • < ~- P<' <ll' c' 'd--._ ........ J.ohQ:A .. l. .. Clar.k ..................................... , . -·~ . .. . . .... . . .. ··"" . knv~r! i.o. ·~.e .co-"b(,'.Jn e. V 1 Ce P re sidozt of the corporation th at e:r ec11ll'd fhf ;{'(i~Jzir~ instrum e nt, a.1 trzutee, and also kn otL'n to m e to be the pa.•on ........ 11·/z o executed it o n behalf o f such corporatio n and acknol/'ledged t o me that .111ch corporation e:re c 11te d the same a s tru _;tee. --~~~~·-~---==~------------ N ot,zr y Public M y co mmission expire . .1 ............ ~~g i}_~:t. ... J.Q.,_ .... ~.9.?..0 : :-r , 1'9 '56 , , !; ~. · . .:. .. .. ) . • .J J J • ·"':;::-. l . ...... ··-· - (Fo r Recorde r's L\c Onl y) l ·> R ·, i,.... ~ ..._J __...':! ' ~ BOC (.3681 P~GE529 f\\.E 0 FOR RECORU n l ~ R ~ f\ i \ ~ ~ ·r n ~ ....Y f' I . -.• , ~ '.) , ~ . (',, Jn" l \'· ,1 ,. ·' <) i'1\\·' ~·\ .);ii\ 'J)'J ;1JJ •' .. .I !..'!.. I ; "v • Liff \ G 2 51 ~ \~5b c ;:ic ,:'.'--.:: .. :;;1 D3 ~;~:~rA ;::·_,-..-.1, c.ou ~nY {. p ..,n c-: '7 /I Pr--~' .,,.,;...k'\..o-V!>-. C REC O!"': ~;::_P. f ,) (.,-~ ._'/v ·----------·---· _i._ RECORDING REQUESTED BY REC . FEE 741 Z984 FILED FOR RECORD AT REQUEST OF WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO Mr . & Mrs. Roland D. Campbell MICRO UHi NOT Cfa-G. 0~JJ--I_ JUL I ·~ 10 20 ~H '82 25 Fillmer Avenue OF FICIA L RE CORDS .t SM!·:,1 ~U fL\ COU NTY (.;:rJ i·'. .:.: 11 . llA HH SM Pf Los Gatos, CA 9 5030 G 900 '.l ~c :299 R EG:~:;-;-n;.n R::c0R oER SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER 'S USE ----- NO 1'RJ\NSFER T.'\X DU::: IN TH2 O?INION OF T HE G;-{ \NTO;{. Gant De:e:d FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Deportmen t of Veterans Affairs of the State of California, successor to the Veterans Welfare Board of the State of California, does hereby grant to ~ -------ROLAND D. CAMPBELL and MARNYA P. CAMPBELL ------- Hu~band and Wife, as joint tenants, the real property situate in the County of Santa Clara , State of California, described as follows: Lot s 11 and 12 as delineated and a s designated upo n Map entitled, "Tract No. 61 Fillmer Subdivi s ion, partly within a nd partly without the City of Lo s Gatos", which said Map wa s filed in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of S anta Clara, State of C a liforn iq on Augu s t .23, 1 937 and is of record there in in Book 3 of Map s , at Pages 4 and 5. Subject to all taxes, conditions, rese7votions, assessments, restrictions, liens, rights of way, and ......--;r · .·easements of record. Dated : June 30 , 19 8 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO u . On June 30, 19 82 before me, the under•lgned, a Notaty Public, per•onally appeared Peqqy Purcell lr ..... wn to me to be an authorl:r.ed officer , known to -.to DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS /' OF THE ST A TE OF CALIFORNIA ~~"' Oy ~ V <?"--'-- AUT MO"IZllO O,,,,ICll " \ \. I ) •' \ I BOOH :]25!] PAGE . -··. :. . ......,.tV'f'!'·~~ ....... ::.·-... ~·· 112C~17 Applirnio n No ... ?.?.?fi L~O ~ j a ............... ~rant llttb 31 oint ~tnancp I , EUC1.!:LL1• V . G:J:D.~.iR , \•1:_0 C:CL;__,i1·v cl , . 1 . . ·uc·" ~ v -._,.,.,, . --·ci ~-e a:.:> .l'.. ~ •• J...:l • -'.LL ..... _ ..... ;, ,do . hmby GRANT TO fWL.-.. ... D D , C;_ .. : )__\_ . .J.. unu i·.:• .. T~::~~~ :·,. c.-_·.:-:~L.::..L, i .. i..0 .ii'.,, AS JO INT TENANTS •II 1ha1 real propeny siiu•1e in 1he AT n F n 1 1 '· ·3 ·: '1 ' ~an Jnse Abstract & 1 iUa Ci.. AuG 22 II 03~195~ (. -'.· I . • '.. ( t: : .. \_j • I) .J ~;--r \ r t'\f. .::; . / ~· ...-...'{ ? I ' ~~ '---:··'-<-"--··/ c 2 :: ·. o rrn ::. R ,,,... Cnun1y o f Sania Clara, S we o f C..lifornia, described as follows: j..i£ :t Above sr>ace for Recorcl er ....,(),,:::; ..!....L l .:: _:.s Uul.i 1 l·:;~. ~ .. 1...l ... : •• u c1~.:> u ... ...;:i .... _._, u ... , .• Lt 01t ~· \...\ , c;;.1ulG3...·c~, "'l'1·:...1C u :~o . 0:!.. .i!i .!.l::t,;l' ;.,iJd..Lvi::-,i,;:l , :)<:... ... tJ .... J .... L1,; • .J..!l ·_··.:U ~·8 11 ~1_~1 :.ii~·~'l _ll~ -~·t C ~it.~' Vi _-_,l)J (~G:.~u-', ".:.d.ic:·. S L~i \..l ..• [!~) '::~!3 L.i .. L t.:C i.. u.:C.: 1....·i.'.1.'..i.0 ·; or' ":~-C oT .. G.J ••. )(..;1·..l.."UCl' u 1' u .. G V <Y.llluj ,r .:.;a .i t <.: Cl ~.r;_~, .::ivDG 0 OJ.. C :.:;.'....l..1'01·t 1.! .... , ..... 1 •• i t·1:.-;1_, ~3 , l .. :;·; e ... d i~-; o I' r •:;0 .. 1·u L":c~r oi.t l 1 ...;Oolc ) 01 :.;~1 1 ~, ;: . ..; tw ,,., Lt-(.J ._u j . WITNESS 1.iJ hand this 15th day o f .·lll, __ : LL~ i_; , 19 j j -~~r:.~- I 11 j ~ ') q ,) ......... , . J '~ \) '~ 1 1 _1 OUV>! •) :':.. J ,' J .[:.4GE''J f j A . . ?</ 7 < j . f'. pplrcm o n No .............. '..'..' . .':~'.. ~ j f: ~rant 1Dttb Joint ~tnancp J ' .~ -~-~i) u j_ "G.I.<:; (,;_, " -: I- ~l ' :1. .l I I ._ • ~" I .l J.'' ,L( do hereby GRANT TO l\.· .~ ;.', IJ.J I ; l tll ·'' I ] AS JOINT TENANTS all that real property situate in the: Counry of Santa Clara, State o f California, described as follows: ._J I_! \J: J _L I .... ,..) l_l 1 .• t .. J. I lJ \.• I 1 .l \ (',I \I , I I ,, _,1 lb l l 1 1 . l.._..'.t ' d ,"J::_. \.; \> • ... )_!_ J..1 1 J.J_ t ... 1 · ' 'I ) (I I v .I.~ .:i. ' . ' I~ • •'- I. ,\ r n E I ) : I i . r 1" I ,_ ~n n J~s.e t'h~1rn c1 & j iUa Gias Au G ZZ II 0 3 ~195~ <1: , .. 1L, t' I , ' y: ~,1 -I~ • • ~~ v-C!..'~" / ,-.•i d0 °R ,r 10:: I Abo,·e mace for Recorrler •l , II il 1 '. :1 I J (J I .1.IJ ••U .. J.' (.' :CJ . .i. l .·l.! 't q \.. I; ~! l> ,\/ ) l -"I ~ ' t I ~ I I I .. ' c' :_ ~ ~ ':..! \j < i, •• ! : ~ .i ; v ' I,._' L .I .L (.;'. () l° j '·' 1 ·1 .;. GJ. .. I '1 ' ' i 'l·l L•,; l) J V•' I~-: ()1' 1 '1_.t._: _1'(1_ ,, :t;]'f; I I J . ! ·t II J! WITNESS \1 l\, I ~() I • ·i,, .'I •-.L·1:n·.11 1. " , (_;' .. c ll ) :l 1 : ' I 1 ,, ) C• :. uc1· !!:1 \,I •(.i '· { jJ. l • c v ~ '1 l I1 '";/ .:), _,'/ [:)._. u '!-;. 'u ) . , . • 1 h·~::z~~"J' J.... ... .. :3 .· [ .. : /-.--_ ~ .: '.74129~4 RECORDING REQUESTED BY ' WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO Mr. & Mrs . Roland D. Campbell 25 Fillmer Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 FILED Fon !~;:CO RD AT RE GUtS T OF JUL IY \0 20 M~ 'S Z Of F\Cl!1 L P.EC OROS ::.,'·' ' ! .\r ' .. co: .. ~TY 1• : i.1 l '~ t' t·1;\ '.: h r. !· ( I :; iiU H ; ..... : c N~ DER SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE NO 'I'R l\NS Ffo:R TT\X DUE IN TBS OP I NION OF' 1rHE GR.i\NTOR. Gant Dt:ed FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby aclcnowledged, the Department o f Veterans Affairs of the State of Californ ia, successor to the Veterans Welfa re Board of the State of California, does hereby grant to --------ROLAND D . CAMPBELL and MARNYA P. CAMPBELL ------- Hu~bond and Wife, as joint tenants, the real property situate in the County of Santa Clara , State of Califomia, described· as follows: Lots 11 and 12 as delineated and as designated upon Map entitled, "Tract No. 61 Fillmer Subdivi s ion, partly within and partly without the City of Los Gatos", which said Map was filed in the Office of the County Recorder of th e County of Santa Clara, State of Californi~ on August _23, 1937 and i s of record therein in Book 3 of Maps, at Pages 4 and 5. lJ :: ~ ....... 1f :'. ; ' ? ··""·~ll· 11· '---.. .;."· "J'tJ~ ....... ... .l' ....... ·' ·r ·'· ... . ,. .. :. -' ~\;ii ·-'; Subject to all taxes, conditions, reservations, assessments, restrictions, liens, rights of way, and easements of record. Dated: June 30, 1982 STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO u. On June 30, 19 82, before me , the unders lg-d, a Notcwy Public, personally appeared Peqqy Purcell DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS OF THE STA TE OF CALIFORNIA ~ By ( ~%)~e~/..(?- •uTH01uz•o o"'"''c•,. ' l -- I . ~ RECORDING REQUESTED BY WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO Mr. & Mrs. Roland D. Campbell 25 Fillmer Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER 0 S USE ------ NO T RJ\NS FER TAX DUE IN TI I 8 OPINION OF THE GR~NTOR . Gant Deed FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Department of Veterans Affairs of the State of California, successor to the Veterans Welfare Board of the State of California, does hereby grant to --------ROLAND D. CAMPBELL and MARNYA P. CAMPBELL ------- Husband and Wife, as joint tenants, the real property situate in the County of Santa Clara , State of California, described' as follows: Lots 11 and 12 as delineated and as designated upon Map entitled, "Tract No. 61 Fillmer Subdivision, partly within and partly without the City of Los Gatos", which said Map was filed in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of Californi~ -·on August 23, 1937 and is of record therein in Book 3 of Maps, at Pages 4 and 5. Subject to all taxes, conditions, reservations, assessments, restridions, liens, rights of way, and easements of record. Doted: June 30, 1982 STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO u. On June 30, 19 82 before me, the underal9necl, a Notat'y Publlc, peraonall; appeared Peqqy Purcell DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS OF THE ST A TE OF CALIFORNIA By ~e G"£ AUTHOIUZ •D Ol"l"ICUt ... RECORDING REQUESTED BY WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO Mr. & Mrs. Roland D. Campbell 25 Fillmer Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 SPAC'! •.80VE ·rHIS LINE FOR RECOROER·s US!: ------- NO 'I'H <'\l\JS F t:R T l\X DUE IN T H S OPINION O P THE GR7\NTOR . Gant Deed FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Department of Veterans Affairs of the State of California, successor to the Veterans Welfare Board of the Stat e of California, does hereby grant to --------ROLAND D . CAMPBELL and MARNYA P. CAMPBELL ------- Husband and Wife, as joint tenants, the real property situate In the County of Santa Clara , State of California, described· os follows: Lots 11 and 12 as delineated and as designated upon Map entitled, "Tract No. 61 Fillmer Subdivision, partly within and partly without the City of Los Gatos", which said Map was filed in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of Californiq on August 23, 19 3 7 and is of record therein in Book 3 of Maps , at Pages 4 and 5. Subject to all taxes, conditions, reservations, assessments, restrictions, liens, r ights of way, and easements of record. Dated: June 30, 1982 STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO u. On June 30, 19 8 2, bef«• me, the undersigned, a Hotaty Public, personally appeared Peqgy Purcell DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS OF THE ST A TE OF CALIFORNIA e, ~,,ee ----.._ __ ,.,..~ _;,:~~.;.._~• ... •. -~ . '.• ,... '• 1. _.i \:; .:._ t< r .. ; ·. j • \.~ ·.">. -.. .. :~>! .:._. ~:'£<~ \°,-!°• 1".l~ \f.~Hf._,t.. .... :n :... .... ·--- The Subject Property ******************************~***********************************************, * S T E W A R T T I T L E C 0 M P A N Y 0 F C A L I F 0 R N I A * 2055 Gateway Place, Suite 150 * San Jose, California 95110 * PHONE [408] 456-9200 FAX [408] 452-0955 ******************************•*****************i*************************~***~ * Prepared For : FRED HIBBERT AND MIKE JAMES Date of Report: 01/15/94 * Company : FOX * CARSKADON * Address : * City, ST, Zip: * P~epared By : ROB ORTIZ * ~-===-====~~-~--~ * * * * • * .. * * * * * .. * Ir * * * * * * * * * * * * • * * It * • * * • * OWNERSHIP INFORMATION ~!'!~--=-rwc:a-.....~arn Parcel No. :532 35 054 Owner :CAMPBELL MARNYA;AKA CAMPBELL MAR TRUSTE CoOwner :CAMPBELL FAMILY Site Address:25 FILI.MER AVE LOS GATOS 95032 Mail Address:25 FILI.MER AVE LOS GATOS CA 95032 Telephone :408-356-0666 SALES AND LOAN INFORMATION ====::=~=--==~==~ CUrrent Transfer Tr.ansferred: 11/05/91 Pocwnent # :11123058 Sale Price : Deed Type :TRUST TRANSFER Loan Amount: Lender Loan Type Previous 'rransfer 05/12/91 11123058 Seller Name:CAMPBELL MARNYA P TRUSTEE ASSESSMENT ANO TAX INFORMATION =======-====--!=~==~:gz:::::=z:::= Land :$23,316 Structure :$39,570 Other : Total :$62,886 t Improved :63 Exempt Type : Exempt Amount: Tax Rate Area:03001 92 -93 Taxes :$779.84 PROPER'rY DESCRIPTION .:;;;;;;;.;;;--~.-----·-·~--- Map Grid:70 F4 Census :Tract 5070.0 Block 3 Zoning : lU8 RES S I NGLE !'AMI!iY RESIDENCF,; Land Use: 01 RES / S!NGU~ FAMILY nESIDENCE Sub/Plat: F'ILl.MER SUBD Legal : PROP~:RTY CHARACTERISTICS -----·---·--i * Bathrooms:2 .00 Stories : Lot Acres :.34 Year Built:l938 ; * Bedrooms : 3 Fireplace : Lot SqFt : 14, 810 Units : ~ • Dining Rln: 1 Tennis ct ; Lot Dimen.: O!ficeSqFt: ~ • Family Rln: Pool :NO Bldg SqPt :1 ,677 Lease SqFt: ~ * util Rm : Sauna : GaraqesqFt:4sO Sprinkler : ~ * Rec. Room : Dishwasher: Ga.rage Sp. : 2 Elevat.or : • * 'l'otalRms : 6 Air Cond . : 1'.ddl SqFt : WallHeight : * *****••·······························~***************************************** TransAmerica Information Management Services c_~~ The Information Provided Is D~eliable, But Is Not Gua r ant eed. ('illl \/';J / ,\('.\Ill \ l<I ';i/l/·'\;lVd RI .\/ 1s r sn- f..£.'k:;-. .. ·· ·.:· .. ·. . . . ... ~ .. . · .. -.... :-: .. -\. Co S" . . ~-··!~::'" ,..::: ~' llSM I~ t; ~ATTHE.MCIJBT ()fl: "' . ~. JlOGBlt • • J'OYm Att:oxne7 at LaV ~:IJIG •:a L..,. -. • .,. ~ ~ ~o "'c niP ~· ,...., :>:.rr oo iiil& .. CD c:it .. 15 -• a8 :x~ ..... at : . -··:· )a ,. ~ rtl . ~neeDOCUMENT~ JIOCD •• PODER J.ttornmr at: Lav U450 tom C:.toe BoW.vard f:lliu 21' . . s:iw .t lrcoft :;:~1"'1 s -s: .. -0 '5 C) l loa Gatos,. 0. ... 95033 1111&. PN»Vlrl TAX SfAt&llJfTS lQ llaP1FI ca.pbe11 U Pill.lier Av.. Loa Gato.. ~ 95033 01527 ~· GJtA>IT ODD JJARKYA CAKPBELL, Tru•t•• ot the 1'13 ~ F»ULY TRUST date.d Jlllrch 4 • 1913, CiMJt'l'S 'l'O KAJQIYA CAMPBELL, ~t •• of the CAMPBELL HAR.lTAL TRUST dated May 12, 1991 under a9r'9Cl)l8llt dated March 4, 1983• a ll tlult a.rtain nal p~rty situai:ed in the ToVn ot LO• Gat:oa, county of santa Clara, State of C.litornia, daacribed .. follow.: ~t.8 11 and 12 a• ~lneat:ed. and •• deai9nat.d upon Hep entitled, •naot No. 61 J'il1-:r Sal>diYldon, partlI within and partly without the City ot Loa G4ltoe•. vhicb •• 4 "-P wa• tiled in th• Office ot th• County a.cordu-ot the county of Santa Clara. state of california. on AuqU•t JJ, 1937 and i• of record the rein in Book J ot Kapa. at Pa9•• 4 and 5 • • AP?h 5Jl-J5-D!i4 AXA: 25 Pillmer Ave., Loa Cato• DATED: Pt 7lfQ STATE OP CALIFORNIA CCUMTlC 01" SMH'A CLARA ) ) SG. ) ~ . .? ~~~-1983 campbell Fa• y Trust On MARCH 7, 1992 , betore ae, tho underu.19ned, • notary public in and for the Stat.a of calitornia, personally appeared XARHYA CAMPB!!LL, peraonally known to ma or proved to 11e on th• basla of aiJ..t,!sfactory ev~nce to be the person whoae na-is sul>Cll<:t;ibed to the lthlh-...inatruJDe.t,\.and acknowledged to mo that Ghe executed tha sa~e. THIS COKV!YENCE XS !far A "CHANGE OP OWNERSHIP" WHICH WOULD Rl:SULT IN A R£\SS~ 01" "l1m SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY l>S 1'1' IS A 'l'RAHSFE:R '1'0 A TRUS1'EE FOR 'l'HJr RENEn'.CIAL USE OF A SPOUSE AND THE SORVIVIHG SPOUSE OF A DECEASED ~SJl'EROR (Section 63 (a) CR'TC] MAIL PROPERTY TAX ST.\TEM?:NTS TO: Noted above