Item 2 - 94 Hernandez Avenue PREPARED BY: JOCELYN SHOOPMAN Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 10/24/2018 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2018 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 94 HERNANDEZ AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNERS: HELEN AND WILLIE CADIENTE. APPLICANT: DE MATTEI CONSTRUCTION, INC. REQUESTING APPROVAL FOR REMOVAL OF NON-ORIGINAL STUCCO WALL COVERING AND REPLACEMENT OF CEDAR SHINGLE WALL COVERING ON AN EXISTING PRE-1941 RESIDENCE ON PROPERTY ZONED R-1:8. APN 510-20-024. RECOMMENDATION: Review the request and provide a determination to the Community Development Director as to whether the removal and replacement in kind of the non-repairable cedar shingle siding is appropriate. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: Pre-1941 (c. 1928) 2. Town of Los Gatos Preliminary Historic Status: Contributor to the Town’s historic feeling but remodeled heavily; appears built before 1942 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? Yes 7. Considerations required? No PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: 94 HERNANDEZ AVENUE OCTOBER 16, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Hernandez 94 - 10-24-18.docx 10/18/2018 12:17 PM BACKGROUND (Continued): B. Background On September 28, 2016, the Committee approved a request for exterior modifications to the residence, which included retaining and patching the existing stucco wall covering. The previous applicant submitted plans for a Building Permit (B17-0177) for the approved modifications in March of 2017. After considering alternatives, the owner chose to move ahead with the project as proposed, and the Building Permit was issued to the current applicant, De Mattei Construction, Inc., on September 24, 2018. C. Comments The applicant is proposing the removal of the deteriorated stucco siding, and the removal and replacement in kind of the non-repairable underlying cedar shingle siding. The proposal is discussed in the request and photographs (Attachment 1) and illustrated in the development plans (Attachment 2). Per Town Code Section 29.10.020, removal of more than twenty-five percent of the exterior wall(s) (framing and siding) facing a public street(s) or removal of fifty percent of all exterior walls of a historic structure constitutes demolition of the structure. If the exterior wall covering (siding) is not original, it may be removed and is exempt from the demolition definition. The removal and replacement in kind of non-repairable siding resulting in no change to its exterior appearance or historic character is also exempt from the demolition definition if approved by the deciding body. The applicant is seeking a determination from the Committee that the removal and replacement in kind of the non-repairable cedar shingle siding is appropriate and consistent with the original condition of the home and is therefore exempt from the demolition definition. DISCUSSION: A. Findings Sec. 29.10.020. Demolition (historic structures) All remaining exterior walls must be contiguous and must retain the existing exterior wall covering. No new exterior wall covering shall be permitted over the existing exterior wall covering. The following are exempt from this definition: a. Replacement. The exterior wall covering may be removed if the covering is not original to the structure. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: 94 HERNANDEZ AVENUE OCTOBER 16, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Hernandez 94 - 10-24-18.docx 10/18/2018 12:17 PM DISCUSSION (Continued): b. Repair. The removal and replacement of in kind non-repairable exterior wall covering (siding) resulting in no change to its exterior appearance or historic character if approved by the deciding body. B. Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. Attachments: 1. Request and photographs (10 pages) 2. Development plans (three sheets) Distribution: Cc: Jim Whitney, De Mattei Construction Inc., 1794 The Alameda, San Jose, CA 95126 Helen and Willie Cadiente, PO Box 2322, Los Gatos, CA 95031 Jocelyn Shoopman Associate Planner Town of Los Gatos Community Development Dept. 110 E Main St. Los Gatos, CA 95031 (408) 354-6802 Permit Numbe r : B17-0177 Project Name : 94 Hernandez Project Address: 94 Hernandez Ave . Date: 10/10/18 Project Description and Justification. Ms. Shoopman, De Mattei Construction Inc. -~t Bui/ding Relatlon•hlp• The purpose of this letter is to describe the proposed project and justify the scope of work. The current 2-sto ry, single family residence located at 94 He rnandez was built approximately 1928 and sits on the corner of Hernandez and Ellenwood Avenu es. The house is currently finished with rough stucco, some wood siding, and wood widows. The stucco which was added at some point by a former owner was placed over the original ce dar shingle siding which is in poor condition (see attached photos). Currently there is an approved pe rmit (817-0177, plans provided under sepa r ate copy for r efe r e n ce ) wh ic h proposes new stucco throughout th e exterior of the home. It is our intention to remove the existing, out-of-period stucco finish and res tore the home bac k to its original condition by insta lling n ew cedar shingl e siding like for li ke r ath er than replacing the stucco as proposed. W e feel that the new cedar shingle siding will not only provid e longevity to the home but help the home regain its original character and r estore its place in th e comm unity. Pl ease don't he si tate to contact m e with a ny que st ions or conce rn s. Regards, Jim Whitney De Mattei Construction 408-350-4224 RECEIVED OCT 1 2 2018 TOWN OF LOS PLANNING o GATO~ ATTACHMENT 1 IVISION .--,,.... , ' COVER SHEETSHEET:SCALE:DRAWN BY:DRAWINGS PROVIDED BY:JWCSDESCRIPTIONDATE:PROJECT DESCRIPTION:Cadiente Residence94 Hernandez Ave.Los Gatos, CA. 95030BY DATENO.SHEET TITLE:DeMattei Construction, Inc.1794 The Alameda, San Jose,CA. 95126P: (408) 295-7516F: (408) 286-6589LIC.# B-47845510/11/2018DISCLAIMER:THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINSCONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARYINFORMATION THAT IS INTENDED FORTHE USE OF "De Mattei Construction Inc."DRAWINGS SHOULD NOT BEREPRODUCED OR DIVULGED, INWHOLE OR IN PART, WITHOUT WRITTENAUTHORIZATION FROM "De MatteiConstruction Inc." "De Mattei ConstructionInc." CANNOT BE HELD LIABLE IN THEEVENT THE DRAWINGS AREREPRODUCED OR DIVULGED WITHOUTWRITTEN AUTHORIZATION.AS SHOWNCadiente ResidenceAttachment 2 b I -,.... • ~ I ."' PROVIDE R-13 BATT --~.--~~ INSULATION, TYP. BE1WEEN (E) EXTERIOR STUDS PROVIDE R-30 BA TT INSULATION, TYP . BETWEEN (E) JOISTS 2 (E) ATTIC (E) SECOND FLOOR SECTION AT (E) ATTIC SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" & ADDRESS NUMERALS SHALL BE ---- MINIMUM 4-INCHES HIGH, 1'11TH A MINIMUM STOKE WIDTH OF 1/2-INCH AND SHALL CONTRAST WITH THEIR BACKGROUND • N I ;,, • ,.... I Oo REQ'D LOWER ROOF VENTILATION LOWER ROOF AREA = 1,073 SQ. FT. • 0 I ;.._ b I ro j._ I "' • N I 'N REQ'D. AREA OE VENTS =1,073/150 = 7.2 SQ. FT. REQ'D. NO OF 5.5x22.5 VENTS = 7.2/0.8 = 9.0 VENTS NO. OF 5.5x22.5 VENTS PROVIDED = 10 VENTS PROVIDE 10 SCREENED VENTS EQUALLY SPACED ALONG ALL SIDES OF LOWER ROOF. . . .. '· -~·-' (N) RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" REO'D ATTIC SPACE VENTILATION ATTIC SPACE ROOF AREA = 1,313 SQ. FT. REQ'D. AREA OF VENTS =1,313/150 = 8.8 SQ. FT. REQ'D. NO OF 3.5x22.5 VENTS = B.8/0.55 = 16.0 VENTS NO. OF 3.5x22.5 VENTS PROVIDED = 16 VENTS PROVIDE 8 SCREENED VENTS EQUALLY SPACED ALONG BOTH SIDES OF ROOF. (N) FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" REQ'D FOUNDA TION VENTILATION FOUNDATION ROOF AREA = 2,201 SQ. FT. REQ'D . AREA OF VENTS =2,201/150 = 14 .7 SQ. FT. REQ'D. NO OE 8x14 VENTS = 14.7/0.8 = 18.4 VENTS NO. OF 8x14 VENTS PROV1DED = 20 VENTS PROVIDE 20 SCREENED VENTS EQUALLY SPACED ALONG ALL SIDES OF FOUNDATION. ONE VE NT SHALL BE LOCATED 1'11THIN 3 FT. OF EACH CORNER OF FOUNDATION ~ I ·co • "' I ;,, ~ "' I ;.._ • 0 I ·co b I Oo ~ I 0 ,,., 3-COAT, 1 7 /8" THK. STUCCO WITH (2) LAYERS GRADE 'D' PAPER UNDER STUCCO OVER PLYWOOD SHEA TH ING, TYP. 3-COAT STUCCO BUILT-UP ROOFING eJ2-JeMo . f )Af'lS <YL s\tit: D .1- RIVER ROCK STONE VENEER WA INSCOT; PROV1DE 22 GA. GALVANIZED SHEET METAL ANCHOR TIES (1'11TH LIP OR HOOK ON EXTENDED LEG ENGAGING NO. 9 CONTINUOUS 1'11RE JOINT REINFORCEMENT) SPACED AT 16" O.C. MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL AND 16" 0.C. MAXIMUM VERTICAL CLASS-A, 40-YEAR, & COMPOS ITION SHINGLES 1'11TH DOUBLE UNDERLAYMEN 3-COAT, 1 7 /8" THK. STUCCO WITH (2) LAYERS GRADE 'D' PAPER UNDER STUCCO OVER PLYWOOD SHEATHING, TYP. & 3-COAT, 1 7 /8" THK. STUCCO WITH (2) LAYERS GRADE 'D' PAPER UNDER STUCCO OVER PLYWOOD SHEATHING, TYP. ~-----------_,-+---RIVER ROCK STONE 2 N I N VENEER WAINSCOT PROVIDE 26 GA . GALVAN IZED WEEP SCREED AT LEAST 4" ABOVE GRADE OR 2" ABOVE CONCRETE OR PAVING 2 PLAN REVIEW SEP 0 REVISIONS BY PERMIT SET JPA 03/17 P.C. COMMENTS JPA 05/17 PC. COMMENTS JPA 07/18 lHIS ORAllNG iUIO OlKER OOCUt.1ENTS PREPAAEI> EN .W!dE P. ARAflLES, J>E ~ 1lilS PftD..ECT ~ INS"TRUMENTS Of' SERW:C AHO ARE TO ROl>.tl nlt PROPER1Y Of' .M.lllE I". ARAFlfS, PE. MSE DOCIMNlS al PARTS Cf IT, WAY,.,, 8E U~ BY TH£ o.IER OR OTHEiS ~ OTHER PRO.CCTS. FOR ADDlllON 10 )IS PRo..fCT, OR F'OR COlof'tETION C# lHlS OOCtJlllENTATION 8'r O'lliERS £Xct'.Pl BY AGREEr.IOH ~ Wllll<IG AND APPROPRIATE COYPENSAT\ON TO JAIME P. ARAFl.ES, PE. w Q. ~ U) w ..J ..... u.. < ~ < • Q. w ~ ..... < ..., DRAWN CHECKED DATE E 0 ,.._ "" ~ "' -..,. g "' QJ '( "' u~ ".+: ~" -'-u " ~ .f; 0 ·c..:..: => ·s -E "' ' "' w N * -°' . °' 'U co 2: "' co ' 0 "' 'U "" <l M '-~ go --'( "' ~ "" ., 0 " -0 N..<:: "' 0. w :::> 0 zM WO >IO < °' N< w u_ 0 l/) zo < 1-Z < CL. ~ w l/) ::r: 0 -.:!" -1 °' JA JPA SEPTEMBER 14, 2015 SCALE AS NOTED JOB NO. 2152860 SHEET 'CCEPTANC7 4 2018 O'BRIEN CODE CONSUL TING, INC. 2 ~ I 3-COAT, 1 7 /8" THK. STUCCO -H'i---+---------,-------Jl'.:ffiil!'l 1 1 iat(tlI!l;;11 JC?" I 1CltJliMJ:Jti;l~~~~~~~~~~!#lr~fut'.ftd'.fti. e::::::i:!D::~G.-cl'T f'l/,ll.!+it1 1 Yh!41 ~~T~E~2GNLtEiRiTUG;~gEo~~~ l-'i.-------_j-------1~1,IJ,-l,i.,!Jb,l,J,,.ll-Jbfl:·iil·"1·"1···;;;·ii'o .. ~···'i9···,;;···'ii.·!-·e;·~-~~~~#~~~l.J7~~~¥1J:~1i~;~'"~;;2;.:~'.'.~;·L;··•·.t,-::~·-~~'.~~-=2·~~-~~£~"~-t·~~~::~-:~~-·--~~;~~':~-~~:~f~~~~~~~~~~~l~!~~~~1~1 ~ PLYWOOD SHEA THING, TYP. "·<' • 0 I 1tl • N I 'N "'··:. 2 RIVER ROCK STONE VENEER WAINSCOT;"'<-~-----------------" PROVIDE 22 GA. GALVANIZED SHEET METAL ANCHOR TIES (WITH LIP OR HOOK ON EXTENDED LEG ENGAGING NO. 9 CONTINUOUS WIRE JOINT REINFORCEMENT) SPACED AT 16" O.C. MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL AND 16" 0.C. MAXIMUM VERTICAL ' <D -~ ' en I 'N -·, · .. • -I r-- (N) REAR ELEVATION SCALE: CLASS-A, 40-YEAR, ------~ I COMPOSITION SHINGLES WITH DOUBLE UNOERLAYMENY, TYP. : :,: ·, __ ,·:. 3/16" = 1'-0" .. ,, ' -'. D D •. •;' '·'· DD _ ... ,. ' -... __ ,,.. ' "'" I b I OC) • r-- I "' ' 't1 I ":;j PROVIDE 26 GA . GALVANIZED WEEP SCREED AT LEAST 4" ABOVE GRADE OR 2" ABOVE CONCRETE OR PAVING j... I a'.> 3-COAT, 1 7 /8" THK. STUCCO WITH (2) LAYERS GRADE 'D' PAPER UNDER STUCCO OVER PLYWOOD SHEA THING, TYP. CLASS-A, 40-YEAR, COMPOSITION SHINGLES •o:·_-:·~;.,:+~1----------l--_j_ ______ 3-COAT, 1 7/8" THK. STUCCO :-: . (N) LEFT SIDE ELEVATION SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" ·.· .. ;-: • N I N WITH (2) LAYERS GRADE 'D' PAPER UNDER STUCCO OVER PLYWOOD SHEA THING , TYP . PROVIDE 26 GA. GALVAN IZED WEEP SCREED AT LEAST 4" ABOVE GRADE OR 2" ABOVE CONCRETE OR PAVING PROVIDE R-1 c INSULATION, T (E) EXTERIOR PROVIDE R-31 BA TT INSULAT BETWEEN (E) PLANR E s O'BRIEN ~ REVISIONS BY PERMIT SET JPA 03/17 P.C. COMMENTS JPA 05/17 P.C. COMMENTS JPA 07/18 'THIS DRA'MNG AN!> OMR OOCUMElflS PREPARED B'r' JAIUE P. ARAFllLS, PE FOR TMIS PRO.ECT ARE: INSlRIJUENlS Of SERVICE AMP ARE 10 REI.CAIN THE FROP£R'TY OF JAJl,IE P, ~ PL lHESE OOCUMENTS OR PARTS OF IT, WIY NOT SE USEI> 8Y 1H£ O'M<IER OR OTl£RS OH OlHER PRo.£C1S. fOR ADblllOM m 'fHIS PRo.ICT, OR FOR Cl'.»ilPLEllON or 11-ilS OOCUYENlA110N BY OTHE!IS £XC£J>T 8'1' AGR££WEN1 1111 WfllllffG Ate) APPRoPfi:IAlE COMF'ENSA TlON 10 JAIME F'. ARAflLES. PE. c 40483 El<p. 03/31/19 w 0- ~ V) w E ..J ..... 0 00 '! IO - H ... g "' @J lL <( "" '-' ~ < ~ .:+: ~" a. G 5 i:::: .e; < 0 ·c....:...:. => ·o ·E "" ' • "'w N 0-:it ' "' " "' w -g 00 -io "' ' 0 "' ~ "O 00 0 "" !lo H --<( IO < ~ 00 ., 0" ..., -0 N ..C "" £l. -l w 0 w 0 :::> 0 ~ zM wO w > LO a. <I( 0\ -l N < w \..) < -Cl If) ~ zo '<( I-z z <I( w ct. ~ 0 w If) Io 1-t """ ...J U) 0\ w a. t>f:IAWN JA CHECKED JPA DATE SEPTEMBER 14, 2015 SCALE AS NOTED JOB NO. 2152860 SHEET ~:: :::~;ac~ 'E CONSlJL Tl!\!~ ·· --