Item 2 - 16940 Roberts Road PREPARED BY: JOCELYN SHOOPMAN Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 09/26/2018 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: SEPTEMBER 12, 2018 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 16940 ROBERTS ROAD. PROPERTY OWNER: CHANG 2003 FAMILY TRUST. APPLICANT: JOSEPHINE CHANG. REQUESTING APPROVAL TO REMOVE A PRE-1941 PROPERTY FROM THE HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY FOR PROPERTY ZONED R-M:5-12. APN 529-18-053. RECOMMENDATION: Review information and make a determination on the applicant’s request. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date original primary structure was built: 1920 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: N 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? Yes 7. Considerations required? No B. Comments On August 22, 2018, the Committee considered a request to remove the pre-1941 residence from the Historic Resources Inventory. The Committee discussed the matter and continued the item to the following meeting with a request for to schedule a site visit for the Committee to evaluate all elevations of the residence and for the applicant to submit pictures of all elevations of the residence for Committee members who would be unable to PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 16940 ROBERTS ROAD SEPTEMBER 12, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Roberts 16940_9-26-18.docx 9/20/2018 11:37 AM BACKGROUND (Continued): attend a site visit. The minutes for the August 22, 2018 meeting are included in the September 26, 2018 agenda as Consent Item 1. In response to the Committee’s discussion, the applicant has provided a letter of justification which outlines a timeline for modifications made to the original structure, Santa Clara County property records, a copy of the Anne Bloomfield survey of the residence, a survey of the property, and images of the existing residence. DISCUSSION: A. Findings - related to a request for a determination that a pre-1941 primary structure has no historic significance or architectural merit. In evaluating a request for a determination of historic significance or architectural merit, the Historic Preservation Committee shall consider the following: 1. The structure is not associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the Town; 2. No Significant persons are associated with the site; 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master; 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history; or 5. The integrity has been compromised such that the structure no longer has the potential to convey significance. Attachments: 1. Letter of Justification (one page) 2. Historic Research (two pages) 3. Anne Bloomfield Architectural Survey (two pages) 4. Survey (one page) 5. Pictures of the Existing Residence (sixteen pages) Distribution: Cc: Josephine Chang, P.O. Box 33097, Los Gatos CA 95031 Date: To: From: Address: APN : Zoning: Re: Timeline Letter of Justification for Removal: part 2 Timeline & Photographs September 11, 2018 Historic Preservation Committee, Los Gatos Planning Department Josephine Chang, Applicant 16940 Roberts Rd., Los Gatos, CA 95032 529-18-053 RM: 5-12 Request to remove a pre -1941 structure, Timeline & Photographs 1961 Photo taken by County Assessor 1920: 1050 sf Home Built 1961: Property annexed to Town of Los Gatos 1986: 1122 sf Addition 1989: Anne Bloomfield Survey, Preliminary Rating : N, New, Appears to have been built since 1941. Of the 13 Historic Resources Status Codes, Anne Bloomfield gives this house the LEAST historical status. 1990: 550 sf Garage Replaced \ I.MO VAlU[ COMPUTATIONS A.P.N. ~=>;).. l · I !I '. t'J .:'I .':I • ' 11a11,.11.ut hlU.tlH •lUl lAtiD Af1Rl8UJ[S Iii WIOIII IIFll~l11P(I r ? 191 DINNtlfltcrl'lf, I ..,. ,./ lal seuur rl.111JAIUI Ji' '..I. ,11 p l~I d;I IGVl.U IIO II\ IO! (Ul 0 1 ~C 110 11S IC!> i,;m ., ... ,s, :,011 '" 1----------~---:.;JO~l""Al:.:~IIOl'CRTUULIIMRY 111 •1111 ,ic,11 TU AU!IIIIIIII fl-Al-----·l-"---·---+'-'-------1-l_t _____ -it-l_t ____ ·---t-:lc-ll·t--"-* __ 11_1 ____ ft_~_I0_11_110 ____ .. -+"'f-n_1-H .,,U~IR II> CUIU CUIIU 110 ~ HI UG/lhl-OAMW II& Mllt,r41& 110 ~ 111 l ,C II. Ill Sllllll l1Clt1S ~0 • YII u .1.Ji O 11• r&IM,A> 110 ~ IIS IAHOYAIII I Ill PAWM<~CS 11l1 P NO JlS IVfl/,A IIOll lli /Oltlfll'. 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AR~HITECTURALJCUtTURAL SURVEY LOS GA~0S RESEARCH -~ "9' File address ....... l-'iCP,.......1'"""T ... • .... ~c; ___ ,_-.._'fl:.....;;.~-'l"_,_ ... ~ ____ _ PARCEL MAP INFORMATION "RCHITECTURAL HISTORY 141SI 922·1063 2229 WEB&T£R STREET SAN FRANCISCO, C A 941 1 S Parcel # !;;,; J 1·K Lot size.: l IJZ/ ~-.... 0 ti'-... -.,, front ft. x -~-ft.deep Lot shape ; Rectangle_ b Rectangle with smalil. rear jog__ Othel':----------a.:::== Location: N_ S1/cE_ W_ side of ----------St:_ Ave, Other fr::_, .. ,,: distance to cross st: Et. N_ S_ E_ W_ from. ___________ __ at NE_ NW_ SE/ sw_ corner of . .L,..C._-~~::;,.;..I •.;;.:_: .;..1 _· ____ _ HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PARCEL MAP , Old tract or subdi:vision name.._/ __ ·_,;,..._I:_,,, _____ • @ld Block II ____ O)!d lot # z 9 r: 5 ?. FiELD SURVEY !~~(handwritten in red) Pnel iminary rati~ Estimated age IV ? Style.___ ___________ # stories..._ _.,,(? Alterations '/',1,ef.;I r t,• r Other ~-~ ,,. ·· v ,· ,.,.,. · 0 \{t , ·, - JUNT'i ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) EFfective date. _ __.a;a;..;;..._ OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Source Source Location of property, or I...ot Owner Name Date Page Old ·tract1block/lot ,Size Name '---!-1 .. ~ F -~ ~ -~--~ - Blk Book · .. -~-I[ 908 --I Survey 1944 l ·---·-. . ---l I --! -I I I ---I -I -' I - HISCEI.JLANEOUS PHOTOS: Rol1/ frame # 'J . ~/· :, Date~ . .., ~atioJ1al Register listed date.~---~-------- County Inventory 1979=,...,......--------e!!""--..,.....---- Town of Los Gatos; Designation_. _ Recognition_ Oistr-ii.ct Name ·------------------------- Previous Survey Gebhard: page I illustration ~ge, f Butler/ Junior_ League... ----- Town of Los Gatos CODE STATUS lS Lis ted in the National Register of Historic Places 2S Officially determined to be eligible fo r the Na- tional Register and appears to be eligible for local designation 3S Ap p ears to be eligible as an ind ividual property fo r the National Register and local designa- tion 3D Co ntributor to a district that ap pears eligible fo r the Nationa l Register and local designation 3N Noncontributor to a di strict that appears eligi b le for the N ational Re gister and local designa - tion 3V Vacant p arc el in a district that appears eligib le for the National Registe r and local designation 3B Appears eligible for th e National Register and lo - cal designatio n as b o th an individual property and as a co ntributor to a di strict 4B May bec o m e eligible for the National Re gister and lo cal designation as b o th an individual property and as a co ntributor to a district 4D Contributor to a di stric t that may become eli gible for the National Register and loca l d esigna- tion 4N Nonco ntributor to a di strict that ma y become eligible for the National Regi ster and local de signati o n 4S May beco me eligible as an individual property for the National Register and local d es ignati on 4V Vacant p arc el in a district that may becom e eligible for the National Re gister and local desi gn atio n Residential Design Guidelines Public Review Draft February 1 , 200 8 Historic Resources Status Codes CODE STATUS SS Appea rs eligib le fo r local designation as an indi- vid u al property SD Appears eligible for local designation as a con- tributor to a district SN Noncontributor to a dis tric t that appears eligible for local designation SV Vacant parcel in a district that appears eli gible for local de signation SB Appears eligib le for local desi gn ation both as an individual property and as a co ntributor to a di strict 6S Appears ineligible for local designation but con- tribute s to the T own's historic atmosphere 7S Appears ineligi ble for local designation becaus e C I N built afte r 1941 Preliminary rating: Contributor to Town's historic fe eling but has h ad some alterations Preliminary rating: Contributor to Town's hi storic feeling and appears intact Preliminary rating: New; Appears to have been built since 1941 R Preli min ary rating: Rem odeled heavil y; appears built before 1942 RS Preliminary rating: May become eligible for local design atio n bas ed on future research RG Preliminary rating: Contributor t o group eligibil- ity for local recognition only 89 ! i ,j i I i ii ! ! ! 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