Item 4 - 16940 Roberts Road PREPARED BY: JOCELYN SHOOPMAN Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 08/22/2018 ITEM NO: 4 DATE: AUGUST 16, 2018 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 16940 ROBERTS ROAD. PROPERTY OWNER: CHANG 2003 FAMILY TRUST. APPLICANT: JOSEPHINE CHANG. REQUESTING APPROVAL TO REMOVE A PRE-1941 PROPERTY FROM THE HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY FOR PROPERTY ZONED R-M:5-12. APN 529-18-053. RECOMMENDATION: Review information and make a determination on the applicant’s request. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date original primary structure was built: 1920 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: N 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? Yes 7. Considerations required? No B. Comments The applicant is requesting to remove the pre-1941 residence from the Historic Resources Inventory and has provided supporting documents indicating that the garage was demolished and re-built in 1990 and additions were made, which included relocating the front entrance of the property, compromising the integrity of the original facade. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 16940 ROBERTS ROAD AUGUST 16, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Roberts 16940.docx 8/17/2018 8:36 AM BACKGROUND (Continued): Attached is the applicant’s Letter of Justification which outlines the research they conducted and contains justification for removal of the residence from the Historic Resources Inventory because the integrity of the structure has been compromised. DISCUSSION: A. Findings - related to a request for a determination that a pre-1941 primary structure has no historic significance or architectural merit. In evaluating a request for a determination of historic significance or architectural merit, the Historic Preservation Committee shall consider the following: 1. The structure is not associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the Town; 2. No Significant persons are associated with the site; 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master; 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history; or 5. The integrity has been compromised such that the structure no longer has the potential to convey significance. Attachments: 1. Letter of Justification 2. Property Survey 3. Historic Research 4. Structural Condition Report 5. Pest Inspection Report Distribution: Cc: Josephine Chang, P.O. Box 33097, Los Gatos CA 95031 Letter of Jus tification for Removal Date: Augu st 6, 2018 To: From: Historic Preservation Committee, Los Gatos Planning Department Josephine Chang, Applicant Address: APN: Zoning: Re: 16940 Roberts Rd., Los Gato s, CA 95032 529-18-053 RM: 5-12 Request to remove a pre-1941 structure W e are requesting to remove a pre-1941 structure; the structure was built in 1920. We completed the historica l researc h worksheets (Exhibit A, pg . 1-2) in the Lo s Gatos Library with Lynn Dougherty, in the Santa Clara County Offices, and i n the San Jose Public Li brary on 12/7 /17 . Research as follows : Los Gatos Library: (Exhibit A, 3pgs.) The only relevant document found was the Anne Bloomfield Historic Inventory Survey (E x hitib A, pg. 3). In it, she identifies NO historical significance or architectural merit. Santa Clara County Offices: (Exhibit B, 2pgs.) At the Santa Clara County office s, we obtained a property record from the Assessor's office with a picture of the original __ !O.?._O sf bungalow. The property was annexed to the Town of Los Gatos February 6, 1961. Then in 1986, an 1122 sf addition was completed and in 1990, the existing garage was demolished, and a new 550 sf garage was built. The entrance was also relocated compromising the integrity of the original fai;ade . The new addition utilized vinyl windows in the front instead of wood windows further compromising the integrity of the fai;ade. The existing house encroaches into the Fi sher Ave. street side setback; the code requires 15 ft. and it i s currently 6 .lft. Th e structure's integr ity has bee n compromised by addition and re pl ac eme nt. . . . ................ ' .. -· ·--· . . . . . . .......... . :.·:::::::::::::·i · . 1:::. :::::.:·:_ .. . : : : : ~: : : : : : : : : : ; : : : : ~Plk~ : :(~~\ ~ : : ; ;,~; : . : '. : ' •' '' •'' •' ••'•••''I • • •'' •' • • • • • '' • '' ••'' '• ' . . . . ,,,,, ..................... -. . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . ·1 ·;· · 1: ... :: ... : . ::: : : : :: : : :::: :: : y :: . . . ' .... '' ......................... ,,( .. ··:::.· : .. : ·:;;~11: .. T~:<·~l W .T:i·T ·.Y ·r ·ADDITION . , : : : : : : . : : : ! : : : .. : : : : I: . : ; . .. : . . '. i : I//~' r~.;::::::::::::::::: > :.; : · : ·-l '.-, .. r·: .... : : F , ( _ ~ '. :;.__ ~. ; ;·~ . -:-'. '.. = ; : . ::~ : . l--Addition---1------------Existing-------------! RECEIVED AUG 0 7 2018 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION !---Replaced Garage ---! ATTACHMENT 1 San Jose Public Library -California Room: (Exhibit C, 17pg.} Additional research was done in the California Room. Searching through multiple maps, we were able to locate the property and owner's initials (M .S.) on the Northwest Quadrant of the Santa Clara County Map dated 1914 in the Arbuckle Collection (Exhibit C, pgs. 1-3). Searching through multiple Polk Directories (Exhibit C, pgs . 4-14) gave us three names (Exhibit C, pg . 7) with the initials M .S., which we then looked up in the Library's computer. This lead us to the orig inal owner, Michael Schmitt, found in Eugene Sawyer's History of Santa Clara County written in 1922 (Exhibit C, pg . 15-17). Michael Schmitt was born in Germany in 1852. He immigrated to the U.S. at the age of 16 and settled in Pennsylvania. After several years, he relocated to Sonoma Valley to work on a farm . Then in 1890, he transferred to Mt. Hamilton Vineyard to farm . Five years later he purchased 12 acres on Roberts Rd . in Los Gatos to start his own farm growing prunes and apricots. He married Miss Marie Thelen, a San Francisco native, and had 2 daughters, Dorothea and Clarice . He built the lOSOsf bungalow in 1920 and passed away two years later in 1922. No significant events or persons have been found associated with this site. Structural Report dated 6/20/17: (Exhibit D, 12pgs.) The original house's foundation and basement walls are not compliant with current building code. The foundation lacks reinforcement, anchor bolts, 2500psi concrete, and appropriately sized footings. The basement walls do not have footings and the basement floor is dirt versus the currently required reinforced concrete slab. There are rotten sill plates and cripple wall studs due to improper grading, drainage, and vegetation location. The addition's foundation is showing significant cracks, gaps between the sill plate and cripple wall sill plate, and earth to wood contact. The structure displays no distinctive characteristics of any type, period, or method of construction. Termite Report dated 5/20/17: (Exhibit E, 19pgs.) The house has suffered significant damage from fungus and ongoing infestations of drywood and subterranean termites. Evidence can be seen on the exterior siding, window trim, windows, doors, garage doors, roof eaves, posts, pergolas, railings, subfloor area, sheathing, framing members, etc. (photos, Exhibit E, pg. 13-19). Much of the deterioration is caused by wood to earth contact and deferred maintenance. We hope we have provided sufficient information to support our request to remove this pre-1941 structure. Sincerely, Josephine Chang !? .. 1 . I I. . i r '' i.: :, ·•' 11!1 1·11 I '' <I I : I 'i !! ( i: .I ! i'J I• I l I : i : 8 I I : I J ~ ? IJ ATTACHMENT 2 Town of Los Gatos Hist o r ic Preservation Committee Hist o ric Resear c h Wo rks h eet Applicants shall provide written evidence and supporting documents to justify their request for a demolition, remodel, alteration, addition, etc. This worksheet is intended to assist the applicant in gathering their written evidence and supporting documents, and to assist the Historic Preservation Committee during their evaluation of the request. Applicants shall provide information of the structure's historical and architectural characteristics, regarding both structures and people, with written evidence and supporting documents. If written evidence cannot fit on this worksheet, please attach separate sheets. The applicant shall research the following (please check the box once you complete your research): 1. Town of Los Gatos Library Resources (see How to Research Your Los Gatos House): B" Vertical Files EI Tax Assessment 19' Telephone Directories s Polk Directories B' Sanborn Maps 6' Anne Bloomfield Historic Inventory \= -;...~, ~, ~ k ( p~, ~ 2. Santa Clara County Resources (especially helpful for properties previous y located in the county's jurisdiction): Er Santa Clara County Planning Department records :'.'.)ec..... C\ SSc'S>S~'S. e:,(+:-{ Ce_ cl San Jose Public Library (California Room) ~"-"'\'o., \_. c_ 3. Community Development Department Resources: a Sanborn Maps \'-\.<~'<"'C .(=U"c\ er Anne Bloomfield Historic Worksheet Binders 1 ~ 1i¥ Community Development Department property files Ass e-s.s c.~"'S o-\-~c:.c_ J l °') ~re~ed. -tt. T .,..<..Jr-. 'Z-\ ~ "' \ \ ( 'o) i(<"~\~ g e: ~re\ -c)(.."'''o\T B Applicant Name: .._Jc:i:::e ySt>o , h.~ -CAdAl+\o0 l \\z..Z-sE-) '"''¥\D ........ _ -(' e.~c.t::.c\ ~C-.0....e_ \ '14 D Property Owner's Name: c ~coco ~!::> Tt::: ro~ \ (-.)';;, r Library Staff, Local History Docent, or Volunteer Name: L=\na. \) ov§be.s-.\-v Library research was conducted on (please enter date): _\+-'1..l~""J--...\ .... \\ ____________ _ I found the following records and information (please attach copies): -'-1" ............ ro .......... e... ________ _ N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Research CheckHst.docx REGE l\tEO A.\.\G O 7 20\B LOS GATOS 1 0WN O\rNG 0 1v1s10 N p L ANN 7/01/2015 e"~\-\4'A ,~., ATTACHMENT 3 How to Research the History of a House in Los Ga t os Any house that was built before 1941 is considered hi storic by Town law. ~~\,co.."~, ~ cf::>e '?y:__ '~~a"~ \)~..\~. \'L\ \ \ \ 1 lfthe house number is a 4-digit number, it is a Campbell address. V o\v0-...\..Ce<-. L'i I\<"\ \)ou,5 "-<'"*( If the house is a 5-digit number, it is a County address (but some of these were pulled out of the County system and made into Los Gatos addresses). 1. Look in the Residences drawer s of the Vertical File, filed alphabetically by st'Aet, then numerically by street number. Any photos here would be helpful for the patron. N. ~ \ ~ ~~d\. 2. There is a file titled "Bellringers" at the beginn ing of the Residences file in the History Room and there are some newspaper articles about the genesis of the Bellringer program. There is a list of the 100 Bellringers (houses that were built before 1900 and awarded) in this file. ~~ °' ~\ \r \ r--.~ e_r 3. A list of 20+ years of the Museums of Los Gatos Historic Homes Tours is to be found in the Resource Guides bin on the shelf above the computers. If listed, find the house in the Tour Program for the year it was shown . Programs are in Cabinet #11 . \---\ ~' '"''d ~ ou l\cJ\ 4. The 1941 Tax Assessment Survey is in blue binders i n Cabinet #11 . Th i s is an assessment of houses that existed in 1941. The listings are alphabetical by street. An entry will tell you how old the owner thought the house was in 1941, which won't always be accurate. By Town decree, any house built before 1941 is considered historic, and an owner must get permission and permits to change any exterior cha racteristics. ~ t:.~, 0)f 00 00\ 5. Part of Anne Bloomfield's Survey of 1991 is in white binders in Cabinet #11 . These homes are listed by neighborhood. This is another assessment of houses that was done in 1991, and additional information can potentially be found here. "2:. --;.....'0...\ ~ \ .\-A v~, ~ 6. Look in Patrons' Inquiries binder #3 under Residences, which is located on the shelf above the computers in the History Room. These are houses that were already asked about i n the past, and there is a chance the house you are searching for can be in this binder, with all the sou rces checked already. \'l,o\-,,....._\,.....CJ--..Qo0-{°'\cA 7. Polk's Directories are in Cabinet #12 . We have volumes 1925-1974, some years missing. Most of these directories have reverse l istings so you can look up the street address for owner, and sometimes the owner's occupation . The yellow section is like a telephone directory, and the pi nk section lists the streets and house numbers and who lived there . \c.i\ "'\:-\ , \C\L\""t 1 ,q1 <t-M 0 o.C..c..\f -c:S.S \; 5~~ 0f) ""). for ~-o'oe.r>-:::,. ~d. . 8. The Sanborn Maps are bound in a book that lies on top of the microfilm file cabinet . These maps only indicate outlines of buildings in 1884, 1888, 1891, 1895, 1904, 1908, 1928 and 1944. (1944 maps have been relabeled and appear BEFORE 1928 maps.) These maps will show proportions of bui ldings and structural significances. N~'r--0-..fo~f'.fl\ 9. Searching on ancestry.com (available free only while inside the l ibrary) can be helpful if looking for a relative . l-\ ~-('t:--.~ -\'o ..J~\ 10. Business and telephone directories are in Cabinet ##12 , as early as 1881-82. ·\--\·d,'·r"\ r--~ {o 0 ,...,,\ 11. Books that are helpful: History of Los Gatos by George Bruntz (979.473); As it Was by Dora Rankin (in Cabinet #11, R979.473 R21 Los Gatos); Los Gatos Observed by Alistair Dallas (979.473); A Field Guide to American Houses by Vi rginia Savage McAlester (728 Mll). ~~'"-0 +.o...'.'l~ 12. For additional information, refer the patron to the Plann i ng Department or to the County Recorder's Office at 70 W. Hedding Street in San Jose . d/n!U !Bfoom{ufd. ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GA TOS RESEARCH File address--./,...:~:;......;;;...'l ..... ~..-... ~;;;.._.;..,":.._?..::.~....;"°';;;..' -'-~~_,._·=!'.· ___ _ PARCEL MAP INFORMATION ARCHITECTURAL HISTOR~ 1415) 922•1063 2228 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. C A g4 1 11) ':.; .t) Lot size: I tJL.' , tGli._-:' -front f t. x ___ ft. deep Lot shape: Rectangle_ L Rectangle with small rear jog___ Other __________ ~ ,. ·~ St __ Av P Other f r --.,-·.·1 Loca tion: N_ S...L"' E_ w_ side of ----------'--· distance to cross st: ----ft, N_ S_ E_ W_ f rom:..._ ________ _ at NE __ NW_ SE / sw __ corne r of .... Lo....-__;,'_:,=-1_.'.t._.....r_· _______ _ HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PARCEL MAP 1 • • Cl -, Old tract or subdivision name.._j __ ._f_,l _____ Old Block # ____ Old lot # 2 ' C' .S Q FIELD SURVEY INFO~~(handwritten in red) Preliminary rati ~ Estimated age IV ? Style. ___________ I stories__ Alterations Y-..t .. v ~ t " ·_.....;...__;_;;.,..:....,...1 ________________________________ _ Other £ p lri ..-: • l !/1···1:: JUNTY ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) EFFe ctive date. _ __.. ........ _ OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Source Source Location of property, or Lot Owner Name Date Page Old tractLblockLlot Size Name I :--i I ----------- Blk Book 8 Survey 1944 I ; ----! l ---I I I - I MISCELLANEOUS PHOTOS: Roll/ frame # ~J . ~x · Cl Date~ f. National Register listed date -------~~----~ County Inventory 1979 ___________________ __ Town of Los Gatos: Designation __ Recognition __ District Name ________ ...;.._ _____ __ .. ~ .. r~·-:. . ·.l!:~·· Previous Survey Gebhard: page H illustration page I Butler/Junior League ---- WITA CURA COllnTf #£SIDOOIAL UlllT PROPERTf RECOllO ;:.,_.,.._:· .,-.~-'D RECORD OMA' .: AolKitsS .. I (, 11/ £l ~ ' I I"!$:, .l ; . IO MULhfLUIC ·- !:;',,uRev 9fl0 DISTRICT Na. JRACT No . 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Ila >- "' ID IAl PROPUIY 1'; U:tH111 Cluut Af l k>U "' Uflltco 111oau1-:1,----H-H-H II: \ftf Uh UIA 1tJC ;--· IU 101'f1YC •llHI -----~+--1-~-t-f I I Oll U V41 ~1 IOA\OAC llD~ OIMl l r o nn (,. :.t ,:!! _ 1&1,__,_•_•1_11,..! _____ .,_..,_·_.n.,. .... , ~.._--1 1:.0 ,....,, Value lliolt11Q ,<' (~ t>I llASl I Al Y•l tr IN "'" l ftl PUU fO IU ---------! ,_ __ CAl.CUl AllOllS I . A ' ! "' '1.· ,.-' .. •. 3 '-,.,,,...e_ .... ~ , l !t .. J ; ~ .· . ,"' I,-.. ?A ;; ... ~ ? ''· ... , ;" ., () ! 'l J J '/"I --.. ,., 1(.? I D I .... ,1"( (. ,, I ("(. " ~ 2. 1 I ,.~ ,,,s ARBUCKLE COLLb California Room San Jose Public Library ON SA !VIA · CLlteA-l'oo-A17'1 ,. I tJ 12 1-1 w £.!:. i ()IA Ab;2A/J '/ J74A • C L 917.947 Polk's I I I ' c - Jas. A. Clayton & Co. ReaJEstat Loans Insurance J.4 W. Sa nta Clara St ?'ff t San Jo se A 6000 TIME KEEPER IS A FRIEND A.N D Ryder &Son Si te Deposit Block 8 S. Firat St. San Jo .. Have Made Many Frienda by Selli nr Them ' P "C>JNG .. S l~ ~ .,I:.'-ausHED uu ' ~ ScHAFFNER & MARX Clo Of HART. San J ~ HOME d Markel St• 11rni::1..·1·0R'i co·s ~t..:' Clar• •0 · 11u s n: ~ S a nta ro~ ,\ $C'hllll\:ll'11 Harr~ 1-· !arllle.. . :S H ---:-~r~bd:::~ rl , l 5 d1un:.1nn H_e-nr) C. rm r : tt •\ ~ ti' 'h ,. o-~hd <'t r. t· ~dmmann \\ m H farn\e-·t-' R.o't>"~'.; ~¥:::o~r ·t>r ;c E Rober ~ ~coheld • lri; ~I· ~I • I'\ .\ • "'r .:u: -H t f obe:-~-~': .,-.:er me 'Sh C ·~hi•'f' .... S C'Ott L~aron ,,. r .\ ::\at ·o~\ • '£ E • • · W b!k3::l: .... .;Cltl u ~ ton c. rp rt .\ .. Rot<!r"..i-'~ J ::cotl Ed\\ \Y ranch<'r tt ..\ Wblt~ '>fri \\·inifr ed S cott Eu~eut.>. 11 rt .\ 1. G-.\\ .... Robert,,OIJ .. ~ L !.sb S cott Geo " rtlllCh('r .• ~ Robioi;on tee ;i?lo tgr -t-ot • Ilo\\ :ird J carp rt ,\ P.obio ~on win H janitor rd -c u Luclu ~ ~t farmer n ·..\ Rocli::na.r: F rt A L G-Ai:naden -cott ~lrs ~ar~ rt .\ Ahuad~ Rode o_. ~ J ~tockIDil rt A I Scott .. w rt ~ "ummlt rd :i t~ Rodger.-Curt J?rocer -cott Robt \ orchdtH Roeme_,~3 tteo ,·lnydst r t,_ A on rd Sl'ripture B D rt !! Resen·o1r r• Roei : Anti.ODS rt A :;ha~n ::;en John carp rt ::i.. R~r< h 8 Canner rt -..:. 1 ,:itream b\'en \ R ze•i " .,.., • -0 : • ~ f:rncst A tcbr rt -t'Cresc Ed" :~=~ Karl R gara~e .\Imo.den .. dnm E!Yin drlYer ROit<!r~ ::-\ ah G rt ,\ L G see;.;en Emanuel Ro•e' e:i re Robt G ma~h 1 seele~ Wm B rt 1 Palm rd R~ler Chris R orchdlit rt 1 Sef,·erson .Mrs .Tennie Rosi; Fernando E carp d rd Sellers r.:mmet foremn S J Watt: I rt :i.. Alma en Ro~i!lnl Ans:e 0 · Kennedr rd C'o Ro:;slter ~rr s Pnul rt A I Sepuh e d a Chas lab Ro,.,,Jer Henry A ba_rber Sepulved11 Wm lab Rowe . .\dd11;on M elk r 1 :Shaner Geo F orchdet rt 1 Ro. e Judi;on W orchds~ r Shaner :-itn; )1nry ~t rt 1 SaratOlt Roy S G rt A U nion ~ 1 Shnnnon Harol<l R orchdst rt >.' Rueb Ernest Carmer r Shnnnou Juliu~ carp rt l Rule Jas H orchdstA.r~Ad ond rd Shnnno n Ralph \Y orchdi!t rt .\ Russell F'rank I r~ ·B e ~reek r d Sheeter C'hn~ .\ orchdst rl l Rus~ll John rt ~ ear " Sheffer Wm \\' orchdst rt l Russell Mrs Mar~ha rd S heffiel d John W rarp Hyan Geo ~l 11 bo, e rlook Sherlock Lou is F o r chd st ~::e~~ann~h (w ld J a c ob) Shlras Geo E artist rt 1 Sadler Frank J ctr H G S h irley S hir ley Horace G meats Salazar Frank mi n e r r t A Shore .las D Sa ll sbury ~fr s J ose phine E Sho r e Jun iu s D ng t Union Ic e Co Sam s Joh n drh•er I E Harrub Sho rt Wllbur C r e al est Sa n c hez S tep h e n e lk J W Cride r Shove Ella J San J ose Water Co W H C ove ll Showers ~lrs H a rriet , """~ colr Shreve C h as L driver \\ m s.,.,.. Santa Cruz Mou ntain s Lan d Co de r (Los Gatos Lumbe r Yard ) S h ule r Ben j P adt~ Sara t o ga & Los Ga tos R eal E s t ate S ils by H en ry W r t A I. G·A:m t rd Assn J D 1''arwe ll m g r rt 1 Si mmonds n 11 rt A Ouadn up Saxe Orman 1" r t A Almade n rd Simon C'ecil S m ach Rchu1ttt ~Uchae l orcbdat rt l Sim on Joh n B tatlor Schne lde r <'h as C orchds t r t A Simon Sus an (wid Pet e r ) Schofield Jo hn A orchds t Simo ns D Page m usical mdse Sch oll I.outs E orc hd s t Simons Mary (' ( wid D P) Sch rade r Cba s H r an che r rt 1 S im pson Ge o rt A San Jose rd S chramm He nry W rt A L G·Alma-Sim pton C'h ns .J \\' eng de n rd S inger .John H orc h dst rt. 1, \nrtU Schuh Cle ment orchd et Sive rt sen C h as 0 sall:;n f. G -~ rd Schuh Jos A orchdet Skin Dr F redk rt 1 Green\\ If 1 011 need a true fo uaJ of thU bicJ TRY THEM Schulthe is Edw L orchdst Sku se John s fnrnwr rt A~ City Truck & T ransf ~r Co. w.• .. Tel SJ 1129 HA ULIN!io19~0 -G£ EXPER ------' 19· s Mvk•t St ~ -..n S DONE BY AUTO TRUCKS FOR =>atrn rd e 1n S J Wat~r t rt 1 rt 1 Saratoga ·chdst rt A rt 1 ,hdst rt A st rt l st rt 1 ) bdst t 1 ts nlon Ice Co st Wm Sporle- rt-Almaden I U-erd uadaJup ,r) mdse P) ose rd oN~?LIDATE~ira~~~~.~~~ i.orae l'OUNT» ~--• ~ 0ATO~ " P Stubbs JOh• L e•g •l A ............ phys It .. 8TUoeaAK•• TAXI ... V•c• ~·'_,Ii ••••, . ' Su mm o• rl A <It E Ch~aman l Main '"' Santo ,,_. d -~·Id E farm och repr c,,., Tel 1..,, Gato, '" R """" ()a sewing m Su.,,, Al,. c.,,, •l A ;. .. : <••· ,. H rt 1 1 Greenwood Sug•• \'an L tt A Guadohopo •d '"" "'"' rt E rt Sugg• Watter o O'<hdot <•"' ••rbe forem• Sutau 11.,.,.,,. A '"•• w u Tel Co <• 1 "' J" '':; H Sulllva,. Cha• " si.eet Supt ••": >1-, B on:bdst I Sullivan John '1 Palnte• '" 1 \ sianleE ga,.onor •Sund "'''"••Jr el"' "'". fho• ..,.. I sund ~u.,eu " •••• '"" \Vm h fur rma •urf-Jahn \V ••"~ t~1<aMI ( wld Wm l Surdam Chaa (' ><Inter '"'• r Adell•::. I dre'8mkr 1 Suydam F•ed It de p A"o''"! . safdO Cbarl'"s poultrymn rt •nydam Geo \V "I Sautn ( ru~" "'"~ frank miner rl A Swansnn Albert 1. olk Wul'9n a t "'",;,.. 0 Pe~ Almaden rd Swea.lngcn Kenneth M elk B'Y•• sarn I A rt rchdst <' '°"'el• Lars C o o . '"" lo>emn POl<EC. "'""~f ... Mal"J' ~o I D >fable ... ~::~::ri, AM,. Allee (Notaon a "'''' ;.. Pacific ntr rt 1 Swindle•) "'''~'Job• H 00 A rnnche r rt A 8 _; 1 ndl., w., 11 lab :;:~r••• ~f,'!.b'ooh <wtd 1 Ml ;. .. , ••• , •,m•:,~ ft"'<'!'.,, s.mt> ·~""''" w,,; P carp. r Wm Spor· Srvmor ~"., ' summit rd Sptnnlnl!' JA>uls 0 drh o I Taklmka c;.hos gardene r rled" 1'ana a E lk SpO der , Jab 'faphouse Jas c ,::roedPr ~v: :xpmn •rate JooJ ~r!':::"'F 0 ,..hd•t " A sporled erlr\•ln lab (Uoberts & Tatha;n M~s Abbie dress mkr S11rague ...,)m er E Taylo J D shoe repr g er "" d Ta,·Jor . os Sprln 6') 1 Palm r • 10 , Wm H SprtngRe\' John L ~ Union av T'Ta~d John E contr W hardware Sprol" F rl • Arlhur h a) llm•• C'hn• rcbdet Templeman • E (wld T o W 51 ' leld Jas J •. nncher Templeton ""' lark (F•ed Ss;:~~e" Blnfo1rdd ,',;A Kennedy rd Thnckeray ~ 1 ~ Clark) grocL ~~1 . ·• Har• r Thackeray J r1 A Stan I•> H rarme 1 ) c s Melville Sta ller Edgar A (wld A 1'halcher d Sla•H Emma maden ~" Philip I. G·Alma· rae ementwkr Theaeby • b p rt A ,.:,,, Wesl ey~ ~ orchdst Thomae .Iaco •ood nl I dor! F•a• den rd 1 1 Greo•• :.::.,. Fmnk B ""f 2 Reservoir tr~ Tbomna 0 ~\1:e H plaato'9r St•waro John ,.J (wld H II) r Thompson Wm B It n1 Stlflp C'aro!!ne dltor rl l Thompson J rt 2 Sumr 1 Sa .. toga SUpp Geo H ~ nner d Thomson ('hrletlan f salan rt 1 Sill! Wm W •A Branham r Thoreson l.aw•ence .' t I Stockoon H rt carp Thoreeon e R poullr! r SIOddanl J;• 8 11 mmlt rd 1 Tidd <'~~':,. Isabell Soolt F rt ~ orchdst Tobin J•• H lab ndtkr sto .. Nelson •list 1 Tooze Ch .. S u non nl Slone Robt B Id•;, shipper rl T opping I le rl A Shan Joee ., Slone Wm T ru chdst 1'orr•Y E 8 rt A Sa• Slolla Eugene B ';; 2 Summit rd I 1·0rr•Y I.outs RE P rt 1 I l ' lfq1 Slrahwold Henry r rt 2 d Mrs Id LOW' l\nl Esta•" Slrahwold John ra~•curt Roemer • Town"'':ienrletta cw CHARD, M1rF R • s ... , Harold H mf rmer rt Z 1'raller Viii BLAN & 1 Stringfellow Wm 1 a Oak rd OLI D d Rent81I Bluart Chas D rt R n J- loa!Rt s. FRv. M,..N, .. (::. H A Loans ~ ... st. Sa• --..... --, L A _:.J Inaurance z3 w Santa t'llLW•\" c. . eal Estate ams c. " ,., ... (5) s~~'* ) ~'c...h.O\.e\ or G 'na~~ ,K-\--\ ~\ \v C\ , 'r'A."""'u e.. \ A crc..~d..?\- @ LS· I~ 1 (nr?. fh.""" d--- C-- Loo ~ed. 0 ~ 3 "~~ ·, n C ~\;~ r '°'\ ~ ~o~ L,'cx-~'"t:r c.~"~c:r- Eu '3e._r-... e ~~~ e..r , \0\ 7..-"L .. ~ \\\*or~ ~ s°"'~ L\ou~ Co ••• ~ ~. \taS-2- =ischer ' 1llarano 35 s. First Phone an Jose 528 See Pa1e il.A>S H ATOS--Cont.Jn ued o ---"' .... '-~i~l' ~ ..... n.ounds Eugene ~-.. 'ti\ l~ Rasmussen :Peter rt A San Jose av Rowe Judson Wll Ol'chd,t .JN Rathbun Carl M elk Ruch Ernest t orcbdat Rau ch J os ( F' r e u d e n t 11 a I & Ru l J ar1ner t rt l 1-P oP e . as H orcbd r l \ "fl Rauch) R at rt slllL" oil R di unge •Robt farm .\ c }lP.111J11 ofl ea 1ead Robt carp Russell Frank 1 retr '1 v ~Jl Reagan Nicholas miner Russell John rt 2 BA. Redinoa Sll Jlfl. 011 Recard Alfonso car1> Russell Mrs Marth ear Cree~ d tit 5lltl cce 1 • Relyea \Valter G foremn Sackett Mrs Hann:h tct 511 :titel< Renschler Jacob F farmer Sackett Jacob 1 orchd ~:erioc~ Rice Mrs Addie Sackett Jas H orch at 511irP. 5 Rice John A dentist Sadler Frank J butcdhat 9bir 1e Y Rice S Wallace tmstr Sams John driver er Sll 0 ~~ ~ Richards Geo E rt A San Jose rd Samuelson John orchd Sll 0 J: Richards Israel orchdst rt 1 San Jose \Va.ter Co ·n~t ~11°"0 Ri h d H n H "'s~o'11er: c ar son erbert C barber rt 1 8 cof1 11 r. Co ,e u sll''reve Saratoga rd an 1ppo S 1 a vatorc orchd gbu1er Ridley Edgar A orchdst Santa Cru "It at z " s Land snsbY Ridley La Fayette farmer Gatos Lumber Yd ) Co (Lo , den Rigby Mrs Ellen A SanUbanes ·Chas B lab snva 11. Rigby Kenneth B salsn SOCo ~antibanes Frank B miner / silnon Riggs Mrs 1Phebe E rt A I~ G· Saratoga & Los Gatos ·Real Ea s1111on Almaden rd Assn .J ID Farwell mgr rt 1 t&te SiJJlons Riggs Wm A asst cashr First Saxe Orman F rt A Almaden rd s1mpor. Nat Bk Schafney Dani J farmer s tJJlPSO Riggs Zedd S real est Schlueter Oswald orchdat simpto Rimbault Mathew M rt A Bran-Schmitt Michael orchdat rt 1 Singer ham rd Schnelder Chas C orchdat rt A. Siverts Rios Martin miner Schofield .John A orchdst Sjoste1 Ripken Henry G baker Scholl John gardener Skiff I Roberschotte Mrs Matilda Scholl Louis E orchdst Ski nnE Roberts Carl J orchdst rt 1 Schrader Chas H farmer rt 1 Smead Roberts Chas E elk Schumann Harry F farmer rt A Smith Roberts Douglas J orchdat rt 1 Schumann Jas E rancher Smith Roberts Herbert a<Sst cashr let Schumann Wm H farmer rt A anc• Nat Bk Scott Byron W carp rt A Smith Roberts Hugh 'R orchdst rt 1 Scott Eugene B rt A L G-Alma· Smith Ro'l>erts Summer V orchdst rt A den · ISmith Robertson Mrs Winifred Scott Geo W farmer !Smith Robinson Albert lab Scott Jullf~_ E surveyor I ISmith Robinson .Geo L lab Scott Mrs ~ary rt A Almaden r4 Smith Rockman Wm H janitor Scott N ·w rt 2 summit rd \ Smith Rode Otto F rt A L 0-Almaden rd Scott 1Robt A orchdst Smith Rodgers F J etockmn rt A Scripture E D rt 2 ReserYolr rd ·Snell Rodgers Hugh G farmer Sea John carp rt A ~nen Roemer Curt grocer Seastream Oren V orchd•l snow Sh d Seastream Sven V UYdE Rogers Anthony rt A annon r t' -Sobel Rogers Chas B farmer rt 2 .., Seegen Emanuel ~ Seeley Wm B rt 1 Palm rd Soorr~11E Rogers Ernest A tchr rt 2 ... Rogers Noah G rt A LG-Almaden Seellnger Louts orchdat J Water Soun Rogers & Meredith (Karl tR /Rog-Sellers Emmet foremn S Lb ers Rhys Meredith) garage Co Bean av iSo..,e Rogg Geo orcbdst Sepeda Jesus 1 mecb Stant Rooney Patrick vineydst Sepulveda Chas l&b ~l>fl.rJ Roaeveare 1Robt G salsn Sepulveda Victor tab · .Spea.1 Rosier Chris 1R orchdst rt 1 Sepulveda Wm lab J al>er1 Ross ·Fernando E carp Shafer Theo A t .Sptni Ross Thos w mech Shambaugh wm ore~~~" .:1. 1 ~ ~~hu Rossiter Mrs Paul rt A ·Ken-Shaner Geo F or E~~~·-"' c. "'r; r::=~=~~~..!n!!e~d~y~r!:!d!._ _________ L!~~h!a~n!er~M~rs~M~a~r!..1 ~ -"'\.. !:! 3 mer l!rveyor rt A Almaden rd :;ummtt rd :hdst 2 ReserTolr rd A v orchdst v 1 Palin rd trchdSt J Water 1rePlD 8 1ech lab Jab Lb rcbdst. 1 ~bdst rts" ... tof• r M rt .~c on t in u cd 1• \'('(,..,.--b iP~ ..... ··ru es t D l a :;11 tl 1111t>J~ ~arold It orchdst. rt 1 'bt.l11 Ll o1 J u liUS ca r p rt 1 ~1,a 11 110~ .fi a tp h w orcb ds t rt A sht•ll no Ch as A pain ter snerc e r J ohn w ca rp S bO(riel~l Loui s F o rchd st. sberioc Geo E arti st s birS.S }iorace G m e ats s bl rleYJ n ius 0 agt Union Ice Co 5bore \:i)bur c rea.l est Sbort Ella J S bo~eers Mrs Ha rrie t Sh0 e Chas L driver sbrev . Shuler BenJ tP susbY u enry W r t A L G-A l ma- den su va Ma n uel A or ch d ~t , s imo n Cecil S m a c h s imon Mrs Susan SiJDODS M r s Ma ry c Si mpon Geo rt A San Jose r d Simpson He nry C butch e r Sim pto n Chas J W e ng Singe r John H o r c hdst rt 1 Sivertsen Chas 0 sa l sn E G A ngell SJosten Nile s E Carmer Skiff Dr Fredk rt 1 Greenwo od r d Sk i nn er D avid E Ca rme r rt A Smead --r t 2 S ummit rd Sm ith Edw s e wing mach repr Smlth Fred k M s urgical e.ppll- anc es Smit h Henry H rt l Smith Herbert E rt 1 Greenwood Smith Jae sec f oremn Smith Peter E farme r Smith 1Ro bt E carp Sm ith Stanley B orchdst Smith Thos E gardener Smith Wm carp Snell Da ni J farmer Sne ll Geo F farmer Sno w Elizabeth fur rms Sny der Mrs Adeline ~o bey Artb ur L orchdst ~o rdello A rt A Almaden r d orenson Lars C orchdst SoLutlhern •Pacific Co (Federal nee) J W H ook t Sowen R a g St ev Thos B S anfteldd John f a r m er 1 s::!~ i obn H con t r r t 1 8Per i ugene A Si»1 n!1:~ "Utbur A f armer r t A Spinnin g Wrs Elizabeth 8J>orJeder m P car p SnorJed Lou ts 0 d r iv er , e r M iW m lab L•r,.st2 S porlc cl e i: Wm c x pm n S11r c ck el s 1Richd S p roles ·Hev .loh n L rt 1 St anfield Jas J orchdst Palm rd S t a nle y Bin f ord T farmer Stanley H a r ol d J rt A iKenn e(\y rd Statle r E d g ar H farmer Sta uss Mr s E mma A, c 1s prac Steele ·w e s1 ey J ceme ntwkr St ewa r t F rank eng Ste wart Joh n B r t 2 Reservoir r fl Ste wart Saml H f armer S tipp Mrs Caro line W rt 1 Stipp Geo H e df t o r rt 1 Stirllng s Edw G dried f ruit Stitt W m W farmer Stockton H r t A Branham rd .Stoddard Jas H carp S tone N e lson E orchdst Stone Tho s orcbds t Stone Wm T fruit shi pper rt 1 Stonier John M o rchdst Stonier .Sidney H o rchdst Storts I..l o yd B cond Stotts Eugen e B o r chdst Str ahwo ld Henry rt 2 Summ it r d Strahw o ld J o hn farmer r t 2 Stringfello w Wm farmer r t 2 .Strong Chas A tms tr S t rong •W m Ed w gatekpr Stuart CbQs ·n rt 1 Oak rd Stubbs John L eng rt A Suarez Mrs Cru z rt A Suggs Van L rt A Gu adalupe r d Sullivan Arthur T shingle r Sullh·a.n Chas M street s u pt Sullivan John M pai nter Sund Herman c o ntr Sund Herman Jr elec Sund !Russell H carp Suydam Chas C printer Suydam Fred H dep Assess or Swanso n Albe rt L el k Wulzen's Swift Geo W motormn Swindler Mrs Alice (Nelson & S windler) Swindle r ·wm H lab Syverson Mrs Jennie 'R Tapbouse Jes E elk Taylor Mrs Abbie dreBBmk r Taylor Chae D farmer Teed John E contr Templeman Ar thur W b d w Templeton Mrs Mary E Tha ckery &. Clark (Fred W !: " :r ~c oZ zO ~~ l ~~ ~ 911 •o ... ll i -• l fl Thackery E L Clar k ) grocers Thambaugh Wm orch dst 3 Thatcher Geo B c ook l T h omas Jacob lP r t '-.-~-~ ..... ~~~1 ~,~-, ..... --!!! den fO tit ,., w 0 0 u >-u w 0 c n 0 w ~ Q >. Q u c r~hr Co .l 2 Undtkr l a ce Jros r rd t le y rd t A i Bailey 1st :r oir rd . \'fos -Con• han.c•d Hoss ~l'ho s \V m ecl I cJ~ <•·o aunig G c haul R ou11d s mu ... o n e H l 1i111t•l 1 Jos h l lrnm t h R o w e J llds;n W ~·e at est 1:.111cl.1 \I 1·s :\f u r g a r e t p Lluc h Bruest fa . ot chdst rt 1 1, 1111\I U • 11 Geo p s tation e r R 1 J 1 lllor r t l " 1,;se R 1 R u e a s H orchdii t rt , Jl .ts 1111 1· o s c F reu d e n th al &. a uc l ) u m s ey 0 Ill """ f{.ttH~h l Jlobt o r chds t R · 0 n s E fur1uer 111 e11 < un ge Hobt farm e r Jll'•1c I Alfon so ca rp Russe ll Frank I ·t A R ~._,cu r e . I d farme r Ru sse ll J I . r. edmon<l rd d R 1c 1 • • 0 111 tt 2 Bear Creek l nee I , Ste \•e n l ab R u s s e ll Lore nzo E f r< ~:~1'1 ~ Fre dc.T fa rm e r R ussell Mrs i.\lartha a rme r 1 r Ge o Sack e tt :\frs Hannah ne t·~a w a i ter G fo r e mn S ack e tt J a cob I orcbdst :fi~d e c 11 a sd :. e lk Sack ett Jas H orchdst ice Mrs A ie . Sadl e r Frank .T m e at ctr It. J oh n A d en t 1s t Sa n1 s John taxi . R ~ce S Wa ll ace d ri ver Sa mue l son John orchds t ~:~r.ard s Be nJ F ca ri> San Jose Wate r Co W H C , 11 . )la rd s Is rae l o rchdst rt 1 colr O\ e ~:~bar<l s on H e r bert C barber rt 1 S anfilippo Sal nttore orchdst Sa ra toga r d Sanor Walte r L farmer Rick etts Chas W sals n Santibanes C has B eng Jlidl eY Ed gar A orc hdst Santihane s Frank B miner Ridl ey La Fayette farm e r Savio L ouie :\-1 farm e r Ri gb y )frs Elle n A Sawye r .M eredi t h farmer Riggs Wm A Saxe Orman F rt A Almade n rd Ri ggs Zedd S r eal est Schluete r Os wald orch<lst · Rim bault Luc i e n M farm e r Schmitt Michael orchdst rt 1 l Rim ba.ult i\Ja t h e w .:\1 r t A Schnaufer Chas farme r Rios Ma r tin mine1· Schneider C has C orchclst rt A Robbi ns Mairtin H mess r Schofi e ld John A Ro berts Chas E butcher Scholl Louis E orchd s t Ro be rt s Da vid gard ener Schreeb John B Ro be rts Dou g las J orchd st rt 1 Schumann H ar.ry F farmer rt A Ro be r t s H e r b ert L casbr 1st Schumann Jas E rancher Nat Bk Schumann Wm H farmer rt A Rob erts Hugh R orchdst rt 1 Sclafney Daul J farmer Ro berts Seymour J Sclafney Jos farmer Robertson Mrs Winifred Scott Byron W carp rt A Ro binson Al bert la·b Scott Eugene B rt A Ro bin son Ernest W orchdst Scott Ge o W farmer Ro binson Geo L orchdst Scott Howard J farmer Robinson Jas T orchdst Scott Julian E surveyor Rode Otto F rt A L G-Almaden rd Scott Mrs Mary rt A Almaden rd Roderick Wm farmer Scott N W rt 2 Summit rd Rodgers Hugh G farmer Scott Robt A orchdst Rodgers Tony orchdst Scripture E D rt 2 Reservoir rd :odrigues Manuel M Jab Sea John carp rt A Rogers Anthony rt A Shannon rd Seastream 1Sv en V Rogers Chas B farmer rt 2 Seeley John H lab Rogers Ernest A tchr rt 2 Seeley Wm B rt 1 Palm rd Rogers H el'bert M lah Seelinger Louis orchdst R Ogers John w conf Se llers Emmet f oremn .s J w ater R~gers No a h G rt A L G-A lmaden Co Bean av I:? n gg Geo o rchdst Sellers Henry B elk -= R~hm er Curt merch a nt Sepeda Jes u s J mech -= llo~~~~l~ \DVm .• T orchdst Sepulveda Chas lab = Roon an 10 l ab Sepulveda Victor lah = no"l cery Pa t.r ick vlneydst Se 1ml ved a \Vm lah ~ .1'-.! L.. • .L --i I c i ~ a .., Chr is R orchdst rt 1 Sh a mba u g h Wm or chdsJ ..,....,.,. v •,-(. .._ ____ Aaa .-... _____ --~ • \1,o~ \, -----· • 7 • -• - - IAMS ~sso LU~ u'"' •"'A {C orn e lia A ) c1v e ng n " tteeH L, <noualdina) 11 • ~ nnss Ralph " Mrs 1"~ma h 110 F ·tli> lrn 1 47 Alpine . A) h 1 Rogers rd iol-iter ''\' .. Hobt A ~"C~r~e~~ 82 Dougherty rd Scully Mn~ Ida I< C h 3 rd Rn sev L ~(Gertrude M) miner h 214 Seaslrom Mrs Caroline ~8 Sarutbg· Hyan ·as Heeley Wm B (Helen) h ~0400 Job11:r San Jose J 412 Univ ;, ., lie lll Sackett i\Jrs Hauuah 1 • Seely 1!.clw E (Bertha) f · rnandez .• .Jacob 1 orch r 412 ~niv Palm arlll6r h • ,, .Tas H orch r 412 Umv . " I., Edw h 90 lf'air View ::i .. Jes:e J {Ethel) lab h 412 Umv Sadle r Frank (Edith) meats 8 N Santa ·' W B rt 1 hx 7 Hernandez Cruz h 205 Tait Seko L rt A bx 13a Kirk r:v St Luke,s Episcopa l Church (Rev .T A Sellers JDmmett M (Helen A) f Collins) 24 Univ h 334 Bean ore1nn st i\Jary's Church (Re v W F Kelle r) " H e nry V lah r !134 Bean Benn cor Tait S e nator Mines rt A bx 214 itcAI Sainz Domenico J (Karen) h 16 Whit-S e pulveda Victor (Rosie) lab ~ee rd 222 g Main rear ney Sammi John H (May) h 215 Edelen Serra .Jos (Conception) lah h 532 8, Samuelson Judith rt 1 bx 5:~ Benito an Sanchez Fred h 100 Central 8hafe r Theo A h 223 Tait Sanders Mrs Carrie F h 151 Masso ! Shaffer Lafayette (Frankie) notion s Sanderson .Wrank M (Madge) mgr Los 50 N Santa Cruz Gatos i\fail-News h 103 Univ Shambaugh Wm (Sophie) rt A bx 131 San Jose \Vater ·work s 0 S Rel ph (S . Luther av J) supt 35 W Main 1 Shaner G eo F real est 36 N Santa Cruz Sanlan Nick rt A bx 171 Almad e n rd h rt 1 bx 86 Marienwoocl Santos J N rt A bx 218 Almade n rll Shannon Julius (Julia) rt 1 bx 194 Sanzone Frank (.J e nni e ) barl.Jer h 202 .. Ralph W i· 235 \V Main 'ra it Shaw Minor rt 1 bx 146 ·ginia St. 3aroff :\if orris h 126 Cleland .. \Valte r R (Helen F) mech h lS 3avio .John (Mary ) rt A hx 229 A l ma-Glen Ridge I JOSE den rd S h effield Mrs Sarall 'V h 220 Wilder 4-598 3axe 0 F rt A bx 150 Almaden rd Sheldon Mrs Mary rt 1 bx 38a .:;ay eri-; Ge o rt 1 bx 46 Shell Co of Calif station Saratoga cor .J <( ..... DC w r <( ~ '3canlin David (Lue lla B) h 212 John-Santa Cruz , 8 ?11 Shepherd Mrs i\lary G h 400 Johnson ~catma John lah r 26 E Main Sherrill Cullen M (Velma B) mach h ·ch.acht 1!e r Mi c hl M (Sophie ) orch li 506 N Santa Cruz , . 211 .N S anta Cruz Shilladey Evan B (Jessie) agt Am R~ ~ilucter ilii.w_ald <Emilyl rt 1 bx 85 Exp h 237 Glen Ridge 1-.-c ..... 11_m_f,~t M aria rt l bx 194g_] Shil'k R L rt 1 bx 81 Quito rd , ,c n ~i r E <l w (Mary I) h 212 Bella Shohoney C C rt A bx 54 Natl 8 ' . .1 Vi s ta . Shore J Dalton (Nellie) h 36 Park 1''~ .c 1 ~11 Louis ~ (Anna R) h 78 Ilcmlley "Melville D (Gladys E) driver 11 " . chh 1 oder 0 li_, rt A bx 17 Kenn e dy rd Wilder 'c uma11n H F r t A hx 242 0 6 p rk ;chweitze r ~Jr s N . vns r<l " R Lionel driver r 3 a ane ;cilini :\1 (De ll'ina)1 t.{ dJ~ 66~ Shove JiJlln J h 108 J..,lngJey ~niv e rty rd 1 >x 8aa Dough-Showers Mrs Harriet h 216 ,cott Bros rt A b Shryne Thos rt 1 bx 139 artist b " Elm e r A ( 1 x. 208 Almade n rd Shute Victor L (\Vinltred M> Univ · e unie R) carp h ~H4 357 San Jose bkPr ~or· :: G e o \V farmel' h 50 Clift Shut.es J.i, Ray (Dorothy ~Js BachJllll~ J H ( LorPtla) rt A bx on ton-Phelps Lbr Co h bi 77 fa ·· Louis R o~clith) t o ll ~6 13Natl av Siekman Katherh1e rt 1 09 Gatos h 45~) Univ ei k or Los Jey rd • • :: i\iJury E tol opr r 344 Univ Sides Geo E (Margaret -~-'4 C.. Nellie E ~tngr r :3l5 Univ , Edelen \4\-"' ,., lf ~I\ I I A•, .-... __ Sikfotis Nic.;.;h ..;..o .;.;.ln;...s_c_o_o_k_.c::;; ___ ~------' '-' \ ' d INDEX corgc E.. . . . . . . . . 1102 Aze" do, J. E... . . . . . . . . 1456 Beattie, J. Ir\'ing, M.D.. 4-95 tto .............. 1396 Azc,.:do, .:\Jannel '1' ..... 1578 Beatty, Charle~ L ....... 1629 hy, Frank.. . . . . . 1080 Az~. r cJJu, Vincent. ..... 1337 Beatty, John F ......... 1392 ·hy, \Vm. \.Vatson 928 fl.ii .. >, James '('......... 60.3 Ucck, 'L'homa s B ........ 1316 I \ 1650 I' I I ''' I J 519 Beedle, Charles ........ 1354 oscp 1 : •••• • • • • • ,ar 1ro< t, · a tcr "·.... L J I Lf' k 1055 I · I · \ I J> 1209 Bellew. Joseph ~[....... 718 o 1n (-Jc ·s. . . . . . fa, 11{:1 up1 , / rt rnr . . . . . \ 11 1056 II S I 107? Bemis, V crnon J, ....... 1425 VilJiam ..... · Ha:on, :\ >crt , y vcstc1·. -59~ 1, 89> Benjamin ~1. .\ ......... 1285 1n, L. II ........ · L B:1ilcy. Elton '"-· · .. · ·.. -B 1 , IJcnry :\., l\LD. 765 H:tioc:chi, ,\doJph .J .. .:\l.D. 1257 cnncr. Stillman 11. · · .. 1093 1061 I 166-l Hcnnl'lt. Ralph R....... 907 l l.·tl.~ton.. . . . . . . . B 1iocchi, :\I mane :t. ·. · · · 1, . . " ·~ ,, 6 1 ?()C) >Cno1 t. 1'.ugcnc I . . . . . . . 1631 j fo·ino ....... · · J.:..:J Bnkc•r, Jlerhcrt C ... ···· .. • n J 1 ·J6.J 1 , 1 I 'I' 1209 Bcn o i t, Lou is p. . . . . . . . . 582 1\J nnucl · · · · · · ,.. ,a ..:er,. :uncs · · · · · · · · · · Benson, Osrar . . . . . . . . . 1603 I . s . 1649 lhkcr Lewis E. · · · · · · · · 1211 I' ti 11 I I rnr e~ .... · · · · · · , < • • • 680 lCll t•y. ,cncrt ., Jr.... 901 ·Im 1 l .......... 1250 Baker , ~Jrs. ~largaret Jo.. Bernal, Bruno . . . . . . . . . 508 1493 Bnkcr, Orlando J.,. · · · · · · 457 Bernal. Pedro :\ ......... ~76 1J48 Baker, !-'imcon · · · · · · · · · ~~;~ Bernal. \'gnacio ......... 408 •582 t>:tk··r . 'I\. I·.·.· · · · · · · · · · · · Vo\. I' ti I \\. I >-... 1554 lCr n "' • a tcr C. . . . . 1572 316 Baknmb. Jc:in IL···.···· 1621 Berry. l'. E ............ 1192 14-14 Balistreri, Frank Oln·er · Bern·, Charil's .... ---~------' J ·i69 Ba ll , JJ;1rry l 'lyssc-;. · · · · 1595 lkn'y<.·s sa .. \ll'X ... E.~b\4-C. 1577 Ball. ;\):1rtin Charles.··· 1~~~ lh·rrye~sa . Jo s<.· J. \'-~ ,., ....._ ................ ~;.......----LJ.!b-.o.-U...J LJlu: . .__)_...\........, .. ~·~·-·-·-·_1_1_-_ucw..iu.t.' w'wl~l ---Ll·~·r~·.u.....·-----~_-_:-_-~~~-~-U~L~-~_-_-__J- /\ ~ ........ . illi·;n; Benjamin· . ' r Ccorgc \\ · · · . , ' r, \Vii lia'" ( r • • • , Frank P · · · · · · 1r cnuu\ 11 • t k <Jj ~c{ JJl i~ prl'litni- >I". gradu- !rl'd Santa ed in 19 17 d to prar- hc took a D. degree. l ' otlicc of .ckpcndcnt ccess h as eel in th e : the 1110 ~ t .n d h as a tic al affili - Colu m h u s t c <l to th e :c ; al s o a Sa n Jo se . .1t s of San . . v 1cc-prcs1- : hc Vv o rl<l 1s c ountry, as f'ig n c d; t in g in all -1 oan s and rcr of the 117, un i ted he 1n have .osalic and ~ Catholic on t ribu tor l ·V ·:· J~'lk. and 1S <ll~U C\ J.1.L ........ n.... V J llll\,; r t tu tc: t he ~ s, ' · · f · 1 h · tb i • ... • . , • In rc1tg1ous a 1t 1 e is a Cll'l tuber of C onune1 ct: . . 1 . of the Catholic Church. tllC111 >Cl CHAEL SCHMITT.-A hi g hly res p ected citi- MI -S t· Clar·a Count v a n d one w h o was loyal n:n ot an ,1 c J • I l M. l tr r of }1is adopttOll '¥aS t 1 C ate tchac) to t 1e conn ) ' . I"> Schinitl. who passed away at his h~tne on '-obcrts Road, cstec1nc<l by a ll who k n c \V ht mN. T l le b'''as 7a native of Gc n nany, horn 1n Alsace on oyc~n er .1 , 1852, a n d \\·a~ educated in t h e sch ool s ~f . 111.s t~ative . VI«, land . I-le left ho1nc a n d ca 111e t o t he Un i ted States ,<{. ,.. w h e n onl y s ix t een ye ar s o ld and l oca t e d in Pennsyl-<"/ v ani a, w h ere he r e111a in c <l for severa l years, then re--J7· n1ov in g to C ali for ni a, h e l ocat e d in the Sonon1a Val- k y a nd was occ up i e d wi t h f a nning, u n ti! h e ma d e a trip to hi s old h on1c, hi s v i s it occup y ing a ye ar. U pon hi s r e turn t o A n1 c ri r a a n d Ca l iforni a he \Va s c tn - ployc d by t h e ~It . I l a 111ilton V in eyard Con1pany and rr 111ain c d with th cn1 f or five ye ars ; th e n jn 1895, h e purchase d a t r act o f land containing s o 111c thing o ve r t \vc lYc acr es, o n Ro ~c r t s Road , a nd planted it n1o s tly to prun es and. ap ricot s , and throu g h indu s try a nd pc r scycran ce h1 s or c hard ha s be c on1 e a p rofitable i n \·c ·tin e n t. . l\.f r. S ch111i tt \v a s unite d in n 1arriage in San Fran- c1s ~o, O c tob e r 12, 1900, to Mi s s .Niarie "fhclcn a !1~tiv c o f S ~u Franci s co, and the d aughter of J os~ph I h clc n , a pi o n ee r o f San Fran c1's co "I' tl . J • · • o 1en1 \Vere )Orn two d a u g hte r s D orothc't ·1 d . vcrsi t y of C · l'f .' "' c stu cnt 111 the Uni-stu~lcnt in tl ~c1 ~~gn;~1, ~ ~ll a s sl off 1L924, and Clarice, a 19 •"l e 10 0 o o s G t 1 f 22. 1f r. Schinit t \Vas 1 a os, c ass o of a checrv d'. · ~ · a c cvot c d husband and father . . ispos tt1o n and 'l . h . ' n1easurc" tn1sscd in h i s hon1c 1 . c ~llan W o ts greatly . . anc con1nit1111 t . M S h . is a 111 o<;t actn~c i n civic affai rs f ti Y • rs. \. c mitt is ii. operation of t h e ra11. 'lo .. le localty and continues the . . . c 1 a s '"c ll l . . a11cls foi· Aptitude tn it s n1a 1 ' anc ts sho,vtng tnuch 1 age n1cnt do with C. ':f· BOLFIN G.-A .. County i .C' ~or Gil roy wli o h 1 much -appreciated -,"} 1 I · ' a s 't so b ld Fuchs, ~ ln a ttractin g t h c · ~en c xccptionall the Bank ~ltvcrs ifi c d f a rn1i n ~ att e nti o n of the p c op f. -....~L ._ ____ 1'-=S -~ U~u:._ g l lltC r CS t S Of s~nt-a C. '' ta.o.st e ..... '_' __ _ a>'"".,~ c.. ,., °' \:'.] Mr. John Gallie June 20, 2017 Subject: Foundation inspection of 16940 Roberts Rd. Los Gatos Dear Mr. Gallie, Upon the request of your agent we performed an inspection of the foundation of the above refe r- enced property today. This report summarizes our findings and any recommendations. Successful use of this report relies on a full understanding . We use laymen terminology as best we can, but we understand some of the content may appear overwhelming. We encourage you to look up un- familiar nomenclature, and to call our office to seek clarification as needed. In this report , "right side" refers to the right side of the house when viewing the house from the street. This wood-framed house, situated on a relatively level lot is a one-story, single-family residence . It was built in 1920 per an internet realty site . There is an addition at the left half of the house. Foundation Design Summary The foundation design is as follows: (a) An unreinforced original continuous concrete perimeter. (b) An unreinforced original interior continuous foundation line . (c) Isolated footings supporting interior loads. (d) A partial basement wall at the middle-third of the subarea. (t) A reinforced concrete addition at the left half of the house . R ECEIVED AUG 0 7 2018 TOWN Of-LOS GATOS PL ANNING D IVIS ION (g) Several reinforced interior continuous foundation lines at the left-third of the subarea. Regarding the original house: It should be understood at the onset that a foundation and base- ment walls of this age and construction type is not as strong as a modern foundation built to to- day's standards. The latter contains reinforcing steel , uniformly spaced anchor bolts, concrete of at least 2500 psi, and footings sized appropriately to the soil type and soil strength. The subject foundation is lacking in one or more of these characteristics. Typically, older foundations are less cupablc of resisting seismic forces, low strength soils , and other inlluenccs. ATTACHMENT 4 Floor Level Survey The primary expectation of a foundation is that it does not settle significantly differentially, that it keeps the floors level. This is a primary measurement of foundation performance . A floor level survey was performed to help determine perimeter and interior foundation perfor- mance. Differences in flooring thicknesses were accounted for during the survey. The survey is partial, not measuring every square foot of the floor, and so higher and lower elevations may be found upon closer inspection. Elevations may change seasonally when problematic soils are present, and so measurements may be found to be different in the summer than in the winter. Measurements in this survey are approximate , expected to be within .2 " of accurate. The survey was performed using a Technidea Zip Level, calibrated within the past month. The floor level survey is recorded in inches, therefore, "2. l" would be two and one tenth inch, as an example. The survey found a total of 1.2 inches of floor level elevation differential. This is a good result for a house this age and indicates the soil supporting the founda1io11 is of respectable strength . Interior Cosmetics No unusual distress was observed despite that the house has not been refreshed in several years . Original Sub-area Observations l. Some sections of the original perimeter stemwall have suffered significant spalling of the con- crete surface . See photos below. Al one location a wedge of concrete has fallen off, causing a horizontal crack. There are many reasons for concrete to deteriorate, such as sand or rock that was not sufficiently cleaned. The lost of strength of the concrete is evident as the concrete sur- face can be easily removed with little effort. 2 . Shims at some sections of the sill plate . This appears to have been done at the time of original construction . Most likely, the foundation was not poured level and was shimmed to bring the sill plate to the same elevation , le aving a gap in -between the sill plate and ste mwall. The sill plate and stemwall should be in full contact for optimum friction for lateral stability. 3. Earth to wood contact at the front-right portion of the house. The soil that has accumulated on the sill plate and studs has fallen down from the adjacent planter. This caused some rotting of the siding , sill plate , and some of the studs . 4 . A vertical crack at the rear-right third of the stemwall. Generally we do not recommend epoxy injection of the vertical cracks when there is no steel (rebar) to protect. 5 . Some of the original interior foundation s urfaces have been plastered . This does not improve significantly the compressive strength of the original conc rete. \;. ')'..'r\\'o\-\ \) :,at\'- Addition Sub-area Observations l. A shimmed section of the sill plate. Most likely the building contractor did not achieved the same elevation of the perimeter foundation and the cripple wall plate was shimmed to bring the floor to the same elevation. This created some gaps in between the sill plate and cripple wall plate. The gap between the sill plate and cripple wall plate should be shimmed and hardware connections should be installed to provide positive connection. 2. A significant vertical crack was observed in the stemwall foundation . We define "significant crack" as one which is wide enough to expose the rebar within the concrete to humidity, and therefore corrosion. Hairline cracks which do not expose the rebar are not considered significant. Significant cracks should be injected to protect the rebar from moisture and return strength to the concrete. We recommend that only contractors certified in pressure injection be hired to perform such work as incorrect repair is useless and difficult to correct. 3 . Earth to wood contact in the rear addition. Anchorage of the Framing to the Foundation Another expectation of a foundation is that it keeps the house in place during earthquakes and heavy wind. Foundation anchor bolts, or other mechanical attachment, are relied upon for this function. In the subject property, anchor bolts were only observed at the left addition. Basement I. A partial basement exists under the rear of the house. 2. The interior retaining portions do not appear to have bottom footings and the floor is dirt. The walls do not show distress so the dirt behind appears to be firm . The dirt was exceptionally dry. 3 . One section appears to have not had any concrete as a wing wall is formed right to the dirt with no sign of another wall ever touching it. The soil behind appears to be fill , and the tool marks can still be seen on rocks that were broken . Very little of the fill appears to have sloughed off. Nevertheless, a basement wall with footing should be built. 4. We suggest an upgrade of the basement , adding a slab and wall. 5 . Floor loads have been added to a wall that is not designed to take the load as it is only about 4" thick. See photo on the next page. Drainage 1. As a general note , control of the water around the entire foundation is essential to reducing differential settlement and other movement of the foundation components. The owner should take care to ensure the ground around the house is properly graded to provide positive drainage away from the house. One half inch ( 112") per foot slope, for a minimum of five (5) foet, is rec- ommended. Water should not be allowed to pool near the foundation. Downspout water must be directed well away from the foundation by concrete pads or by drain pipe.1 2. The soil level and the direction of slope of the soil level has been altered from the original condition of having the soil drop away from the house so water nms away , and not toward the house. Planting materials, dirt and wooden forms have been brought in and now divert water to- wards the house. This should all be removed and the soil graded so that water can now away from the house, not towards it. 3. There are low spots around the house where the downspout leaders are not long enough to get the water away from the house. Comments and Opinions Considering the age of the original perimeter house and the poor condition of the concrete, the original perimeter indicates that it has reached its service life end. If within your budget, we rec- ommend the original foundation be replaced . Considering the relatively level floors for its age, 1 The gutter-downspout-drain pipe combination is a system . Without drain pipes, the system is incomplete . the perimeter foundation can be replaced with a typic a l modern spread footing . In our estimation , a deep pile type foundation is not necessary. Recommendations regarding the Original House I . Regarding the original perimeter: (a) Draw plans, obtain engineering for foundation replacement, obtain permit. (b) Remove vegetation along the front -half, right, and rear-half of the perimeter wall . (c) Replace the perimeter foundation (not the basement) and a interior continuous foundation line . (b) Replace rotten sill plate and cripple wall studs. (t) Regrade soil at the front-half, right, and rear-half of the the walkway. 2 . Complete the incomplete basement. 3 . Consult with a landscaper regarding regrading the yard areas where the planter installations have brought the dirt level up too high , causing the soil to slope towards the house . The planters at the right, left and rear should be removed. 4 . Regarding the low areas where water can pond , consult with a landscaper regarding regrading the low spots and conveying the downspout water further away from the house . Recommendations regarding the Addition I. Regarding the gap in between the sill plate and the cripple wall sill plate at the the addition: Shim gap, install hardware. 2. Concerning the significant vertical foundation fracture in the foundation of the addition: Seal fractures , set injection ports , pressure inject epoxy. 3. Correct the earth-to-wood contact. General Notes Concerning Inspections by Avalon l . Dates Valid: Please note that various factors such as seismic activity, inadequate drainage, compressible soils, slope failure, poor-quality concrete, etc., can deteriorate a foundation. Thus the observations and opinions listed above are valid on the date of this visual inspection only. 2 . Termites and Dry Rot This inspection did not include examination for termite damage or dry rot. Such inspections arc performed by licensed pest control companies . 3. Asbestos: Avalon does not perform asbestos abatement or mold abatement. We offer no rec- ommendations concerning such . 4 . Soils: This inspection did not include soils tests or slope tests . Such investigations arc per- formed by licensed soils engineering companies . 5 . Expansive soils : Many houses in California are built on expansive soils . Such soil will shrink and swell with the seasons, resulting in movement of foundation elements with resultant cosmet- ic distress . Homeowners living in neighborhoods of such soils, unless in very modem houses, can expect such movement and distress to a greater or lesser degree . As we are not soils engi- neers , we recommend you as k your real estate agent if the neighborhood is known for expansive clays . An alternative would be to call a local soils engineer. This is the homebuyer or homeowner responsibility. If your home is built over expansive soils, you may need a cut-off drain (aka curtain drain or sub- drain) to mitigate the seasonal movement which can cause cosmetic distress. If such is not in- cluded in our Minimum Recommendations, and you sus pect the home is built over expansive soils, please contact our office . 6 . Water: Regarding water intrusion, due to non -visible soil conditions and other factors, we re - serve the right to revise our drainage recommendations upon re-inspection of the site towards the end of the wet season. Alternatively, you could hire a hydrology engineer to perform site tests during the dry-season and provide a prediction of moisture in the wet season. 7. Engineering Excluded: This inspection did not include materials tests, or calculations for load bearings. Such can be provided by licensed engineering companies. Avalon is a general contract - ing company specializing in foundation repair and retaining walls, and does not employ engi- neers. 8. Visual Observation Only : This inspection did not include examination of concealed areas. It was a visual inspection. No guarantee is either expressed or implied as to the life expectancy of the foundation. 9 . Concerning horizontal fractures: Such conditions are usually due to rusting rebar, which ex- pands as it rusts, eventually cracking the conc rete . As this is a dynamic process (meaning contin - uous) further cracking can occur if the original crack is not repaired and its true extent deter- mined upon original discovery. Therefore, observation of any crack or fracture in the concrete foundation is valid on the day of inspection only. lO . No Seismic Analysis Included: Recommendations he rein do not include a full seismic up- grade for the house. No warranty is offered for seismic resistance. 11. Building Plans: Unless noted otherwise, the original building plans were not made available to Avalon Structural, Inc. for examination. 12 . History of Cosmetic Distress: As interior and exterior cosmetic repairs can conceal founda- tion movement which would later become visible with the changing of the seasons, we recom- mend buyers ask sellers specifically to disclose knowledge of any cosmetic distress history. 13 . Main Structure Only: Unles s otherwise noted, this rcpo1t is limited to the main house only . Detached garages, and other detached structures , are beyond the scope of this report. 14 . Underpinning , If Recommended Above: The installation of any underpinning piles that may be recommended above will fix the area of the structure involved directly. The remainder of the structure may or may not move differentially with regard to the underpinned area. If movement of the non-underpinned area becomes apparent in the future, underpinning similar to any recom- mended herein should be provided . 15 . Remodeling: Additional loads are sometimes introduced on the foundation by remodeling . For example, adding a heavier roof, stucco, granite countertops, heavier flooring, or changing the load paths by taking out walls may add substantial weight upon the foundation or particular por- tions of the foundation. Unless otherwise stated above, this report does not assume significant additional loads being introduced . 16 . Exclusive Use and Refund: This report is for the exclusive use by the addressee of this report, and comes with a money-back guarantee. If you are dissatisfied with the quality of this report, please state the details of your dissatisfaction in writing for a full refund. This refund limits our liability for this inspection and report. This refund offer does not apply for any other reason. I would be happy to answer any of your questions concerning this report. Respectfully, Richard Wallbaum AVALON STRUCTURAL, INC. 181 RIDGEVIEW DR., APTOS; CA 95003 . CA LICENSE #677116 • (831) 479-4389 /FAX (831) 479-0328 www avalonstcuctuca l com ~ .... ,_y-\,\J,\-\) \o '*\'- Mr. John Gallie June 20 , 2017 Project address ESTIMATE Foundation and Related Work 16940 Roberts Rd . Los Gatos Information This estimate is provided to you on short notice before plans have been drawn and engineering performed. It is based on our experience as contractors in predicting the scope of work and relat- ed costs. Once the plans have been drawn and engineering has been completed, a proposal will be furnished . Scope of Work Note: For your convenience we have included our best guesses concerning expected engineering and permit costs. Avalon Structural, Inc. does not employ engineers. 1. Mark property for Underground Service Alert utility location, have the utilities marked . 2. Plans and structural design engineering 3. City permit fees, rough estimate 4. Construction Original House Remove vegetation along the front-half, right, and rear-half of the perimeter wall. Replace the perimeter foundation and an interior continuous foundation line. Replace rotten sill plate and cripple wall studs. Regrade soil at the front-half, right, and rear-half of the the walkway. Repair/replace isolated footings as needed. Install a basement wall and slab. $30. $2400. $2000 . Item 4 Rough Estimate $75 ,000. 5. Construction Addition Regarding the gap in between the sill plate and the cripple wall sill plate at the the addition: Shim gap, install hardware . Concerning the significant vertical foundation fracture in the foundation of the addition: Seal fractures , set injection ports, pressure inject epoxy. Correct the earth-to-wood contact. Shim gap between sill plate and cripple wall sill plate and install hardware . Repair vertical crack. Excluded ltem 5: $2775 . Plumbing, electrical, landscaping, siding , drywall , cosmetic repairs inside and out, any work not described above . Richard Wallbaum AVALON STRUCTURAL, INC. 181 RIDGEVIEW DR., APTOS, CA 95003 . CA LICENSE #677116 • (831) 479-4389 /FAX (831) 479-0328 www.ava lonsl ruclural,com WOOD DESTROYING PESTS AND ORGANISM INSPECTION REPORT Bulding No. Street City ZIP I Date of Inspection I Number of Pages 16940 Roberts Road Los Gatos 95032 5120/2017 Page 1 of19 ~ 510 Madera Avenue HomeGuard San Jose, CA 95112 I ncorporated (855) 331 -1900 • Fax (408) 993-1944 Registration #: PR1452 HomeGuard #: 416866 Escra.v #: Ordered By: Property Owner/Party in Interest : Report Sent to : Mark Von Kaenel John Gallie Keller Williams Bay Area Estat 16940 Roberts Road 16185 Los Gatos Boulevard# Los Gatos, CA 95032 Los Gatos, CA 95032 COMPLETE REPORT D LIMITED REPORT~ SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT 0 REINSPECTION REPORT 0 General Description : One story, single family wood framed residence with Inspection Tag Posted: Garage wood siding exterior. Limited to the main structure and the detached Other Togs Posted: None noted garage only excluding the attached deck and gazebo. An Inspection has been made of the structure(s) shown on the dl1gram in accordance with the Structural Pest Control Act. Detached porches, detached steps, dellched dtcb and any other structures not on the diagram were not lnspeclld. Subterranean Termites~ Drywood Termites~ Fungus I DryRot 1i!J Other Findings 1i!J Further Inspection ~ If any of the above boxes are checked, it Indicates that there were visible problems In accessible areas. Read the report for details on checked Items. Koy to Items on diagram: (1) Soctlon 1 Items (2) Section 2 Items (3) Unknown Further Inspection Items Inspected by: Che Moreno SEE DIAGRAM ON PAGE 2 OF THIS REPORT License#: FR49077 AUG 0 7 2018 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION / ) I / l;J I /:/Ji - Slgnature:__,__-....1._.W ____ ~f....__.l,___--=-------l I You are entitled to obtain copies of all reports and completion no41ces on thi s property filed with the board during tho proceeding two years. To obtain copies contact: Structural Pest Cmtrol Board , 2005 Evergreen Sire@!, Suite1500, Sacramento, California 95815 . NOTE: Questions or problems concerning tho above rcpat should be directed to tho manager of the Company. Unrosolved questions or problems with services performed may be directed to the Structural Post Control Board at (916)561 -8700, (800) 737-8188 or www.pestboard.ca .gov. ATTACHMENT 5 Building No. Street City 16940 Roberts Road Los Gatos 2B 1E1E 1F1F 1G1G 10 1C1W 1C 10 2C 1H 2B 1U 2B 1V 2B 2C 1W 1J 1W1C 1I 15 2E2F 3A 2G 2G2J +-e-21 2H 2H 2B1U 11B 21 I 3A 21 I 15 1U lU lA ------1 --I ----- 2A ll 1 lL 1 1C lK 2C I lN I lW 1U 1M L---1 lM 2B 1L1N1L 20 FRONT 26 20 2H 21 1U 1U 1T 1T 1U ZIP 95032 2B 1W 1C 10 2C 1U 2A Date of Inspection Number of Pages 5/20/2017 Pa e 2 of 19 2B 2A 1Q 1R 1V 1Q 1W 1P1W 20 Building No. Street City 16940 Roberts Road Los Gatos AREAS NOT INSPECTED PLEASE READ ZIP 95032 Date of Inspection Number of Pages 5/20/2017 Pa e 3 of 19 This report is an inspection for wood destroying pests and organisms to a furnished, occupied structure. Some areas of the structure were inaccessible for inspection due to furnishings, appliances, floor covering, and/or stored personal property. We did not inspect areas immediately under furnishings or appliances, nor did we inspect inside finished walls or ceilings. Our inspection does not include any electrical, heating, air conditioning, structural adequacy, pest other than wood destroying pest or mechanical systems of the structure and will not detect building code violations. The plumbing was inspected and only the leaks outlined in our report were found at this time. However, we assume no responsibility for leaks that occur after the date of this inspection. There may be health related issues associated with the findings reflected in this report. We are not qualified to and do not render an opinion concerning any such health issues. The inspection report was limited to the visible and accessible areas only. Questions concerning health related issues, which may be associated with the findings or recommendations reflected in this report, the presence of mold, the release of mold spores or concerning indoor air quality should be directed to a Certified Industrial Hygienist. It has been requested by the agent that this report be limited to the main structure and the detached garage only, excluding the attached deck and gazebo. It is recommended that the entire structure be inspected. HomeGuard Incorporated will upon request, inspect the entire structure at an additional expense. This structure has carpet installed. Although no adverse conditions were evident, we assume no responsibility for the floor under the carpet unless the carpet is removed and we perform a further inspection. The enclosed areas behind the deck were not inspected. A portion of the subfloor is insulated below the structure. There i s no evidence of any infestation in these areas; however, this insulation could possibly conceal infestations. We assume no responsibility for any infestations concealed by this insulation. As is standard practice within our industry and since our inspectors do not carry a 30' ladder on their vehicle, the eaves, wood siding and wood windows above 11' were only inspected visually from the ground. Upon request and at an additional charge HomeGuard Incorporated will return to the property and further inspect these inaccessible areas by probing the wood members. The enclosed area inside the front and rear porch overhang was not inspected. The inaccessible areas listed above which were not inspected will be inspected upon the owner's request and will be conditional to additional inspection fees. NOTE: WE GUARANTEE ALL REPAIRS DONE BY THIS COMPANY FOR ONE (1) YEAR AND FUMIGATIONS FOR A PERIOD OF THREE (3) YEARS FROM THE DATE OF COMPLETION WITH THE EXCEPTION OF PLUMBING, GROUTING, CAULKING, RAIN GUTTERS AND RE-SETTING OF TOILETS WHICH ARE GUARANTEED FOR 30 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF COMPLETION. WE CANNOT GUARANTEE WORK PERFORMED BY OTHERS. WE MAKE NO GUARANTEE AGAINST FUTURE INFECTIONS, ADVERSE CONDITIONS, OR CONDITIONS PRESENT BUT NOT EVIDENT AT THE TIME OF OUR INSPECTION. THE EXTERIOR SURFACE OF THE ROOF WAS NOT INSPECTED. IF YOU WANT THE WATER TIGHTNESS OF THE ROOF DETERMINED, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A ROOFING CONTRACTOR WHO IS LICENSED BY THE CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD. e')(..1A\1Ci.\-C :,o+\ q Building No. Street City 16940 Roberts Road Los Gatos ZIP 95032 Date of Inspection Number of Pages 5/20/2017 Pa e 4of19 NOTICE: Reports on this structure prepared by various registered companies should list the same findings (i.e. termite infestations, termite damage, fungus damage, etc.). However, recommendations to correct these findings may differ from company to company. You have the r i ght to seek a second opinion from another company. "This company will reinspect repairs done by others within four months of the original Inspection. A charge, if any, can be no greater than the original inspection fee for each reinspection. The reinspection must be done within ten (10) working days of request. The reinspection is a visual inspection and if inspection of concealed areas is desired, inspection of work while in progress will be necessary. Any guarantees must be received from parties performing repairs." Work performed by others will be reinspected for a fee of $195.00 for each trip out to the property. Open wall and open floor inspections are desirable if certification is required. THIS IS A SEPARATED REPORT WHICH IS DEFINED AS SECTION I AND SECTION 11 CONDITIONS EVIDENT ON THE DATE OF INSPECTION. SECTION I CONTAINS ITEMS WHERE THERE IS EVIDENCE OF ACTIVE INFESTATION, INFECTION, OR CONDITIONS THAT HAVE RESULTED IN OR FROM INFESTATION OR INFECTION . SECTION II ITEMS ARE CONDITIONS DEEMED LIKELY TO LEAD TO INFESTATION OR INFECTION BUT WHERE NO VISIBLE EVIDENCE OF SUCH WAS FOUND. FURTHER INSPECTION ITEMS ARE DEFINED AS RECOMMENDATIONS TO INSPECT AREA(S) WHICH DURING THE ORIGINAL INSPECTION DID NOT ALLOW THE INSPECTOR ACCESS TO COMPLETE HIS INSPECTION AND CANNOT BE DEFINED AS SECTION I OR SECTION 11. Section 1 Items 1A. FINDING: The siding is in earth wood contact and has been damaged by subterranean termites. (See Picture 1) (See Picture 2) RECOMMENDATION : Remove and replace the damaged siding and grade the soil away from the structure to eliminate the earth wood contact. Note: If additional damage is found when the soil is graded or if damage is found to extend into an enclosed area a supplemental report and bid will be issued . **********(SECTION 1 ITEM)********** 1 B. FINDING: There is evidence of an infestation of Carpenter Bees at the storage shed left post. (See Picture 3) RECOMMENDATION: Treat the infested areas with a registered pesticide Timbor (Disodium Octoborate Tetrahydrate) then return to the property to fill all emergence holes with steel wool and wood filler. NOTE: In order to perform this treatment the property must be vacated during the treatment and three hours after the treatment is performed. **********(SECTION 1 ITEM)********** Building No. 16940 Street Roberts Road City Los Gatos ZIP 95032 Date of Inspection Number of Pages 5120/2017 Pa e 5 of 19 1 C. FINDING : The s iding and trim has been damaged by drywood termites at the area indicated on the diagram . (See Picture 4) (See Picture 6) (See Picture 15) (See Picture 23) RECOMMENDATION : Remove and replace all the damaged wood members. If any damage is found to extend into any enclosed areas a supplemental report and bid will be issued . **********(SECTION 1 ITEM)********** NOTE: Due to the building materials used on th i s structure , it may be difficult to match the existing mill patterns and materials used in the original construction . HomeGuard Incorporated will replace damaged wood members with material that resembles the existing wood members with standard grade readily available wood members. IF MATCHING THE EXISTING WOOD MEMBERS IS DESIRED IT IS THE OWNERS RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY HOMEGUARD INCORPORATED SO THAT ADDITIONAL COST ASSOCIATED WITH MATCHING CAN BE CALCU LATED INTO OUR BID. 1 D. FINDING : Fungus damage was noted to the barge rafter(s) as indicated on the diagram . (See Picture 5) (See Picture 8) RECOMMENDATION : Remove and replace a section of the damaged barge(s) rafter to correct th is condition . This bid includes repa ir of the roof covering if disturbed by our repa irs. If existing gutters need to be removed to perform the repairs then our bid also includes re installation of orig inal gutters. If it becomes necessary or desirable to install new gutters this will be done only if authorized and at an additional cost. The guarantees on the roof covering are limited to the areas where the work was performed **********(SECTION 1 ITEM)********** 1 E. FINDING: The window trim has been damaged by fungus at the a rea indi cated on the diagram . (See Picture 7) RECOMMENDATION : Remove and replace all the damaged wood members. If any damage is found to extend into any enclosed areas a supplemental report and bid will be issued . **********(SECTION 1 ITEM)********** 1 F. FINDING : The window sill at the area indicated on the diagram was found to be damaged by fungus. (See Picture 7) RECOMMENDATION: Remove and replace the damaged window sill to correct this condition. **********(SECTION 1 ITEM)*********" 1G. FINDING : The wooden window sash has been damaged by fungus at the area indicated on the diagram . (See Picture 7) RECOMMENDATION: The owner is advised to contact the approp~ate trades to remove and replace the damaged wood members. **********(SECTION 1 ITEM)*********" Building No. 16940 Street City ZIP 95032 Date of Inspection Number of Pages Roberts Road Los Gatos 5/20/2017 Pa e 6 of 19 1 H. FINDING: Fungus damage was noted to the roof eaves as indicated on the diagram. (See Picture 9) RECOMMENDATION : Remove and replace the damaged wood members to correct this condition . This bid includes repair of the roof covering if disturbed by our repairs . If existing gutters need to be removed to perform the repairs then our bid also includes reinstallation of orig inal gutters. If it becomes necessary or desirable to install new gutters this will be done only if authorized and at an additional cost. The guarantees on the roof covering are limited to the areas where the repairs were performed **********(SECTION 1 ITEM}********** 11. FINDING: The sliding doors have been damaged by fungus at the area indicated on the diagram. (See P icture 10) RECOMMENDATION : The owner is advised to contact the appropriate trades to remove and replace the damaged wood members. **********(SECTION 1 ITEM)********** 1J. FINDING : The rear entry door jamb at the left side was found to be fungus damaged. (See Picture 11} RECOMMENDATION: Remove and replace the door jamb to correct this condition . **********(SECTIQN 1 ITEM)********** 1 K . FINDING : The railing and support beam has been damaged by fungus at the front patio pergola. (See Picture 12) (See Picture 13) (See Picture 14) RECOMMENDATION : Remove and replace all the damaged wood members. If any damage is found to extend into any enclosed areas a supplemental report and bid will be issued . **********(SECTION 1 ITEM) .. ******** 1 L. FINDING: The 6x6 post and trim has been damaged by fungus at the front porch pergola . (See Picture 16) (See Picture 17) (See Picture 18) RECOMMENDATION: Remove and replace all the damaged wood members. If any damage is found to extend into any enclosed areas a supplemental report and bid will be issued. **********(SECTION 1 ITEM}********** 1 M. FINDING : Fungus Damage was found to the exposed end of the support beam at the front porch pergola. (See Picture 19) (See Picture 20) RECOMMENDATION: Cut back and remove approximately 4-5 inches from the end of the beam to correct this condition . Paint end of beam with one coat of primer. ******* .. *(SECTION 1 ITEM}****** .. ** 1 N. FINDING : There is a minor amount of fungus damage at the front porch pergola rafters . (See Picture 21) (See Picture 22) RECOMMENDATION : Hollow out this area and fill the void with a plastic filler. **********(SECTION 1 IT EM)********** \.::~,D)~ t: 6ck\ \ Building No. 16940 Street Roberts Road City Los Gatos ZIP 95032 Date of Inspection Number of Pages 5/20/2017 Pa e 7 of 19 10. FINDING : The garage rear entry door has been damaged by fungus. (See Picture 24) (See Picture 25) RECOMMENDATION : Supply and install a new door. We intend to reuse the existing hardware. We at HomeGuard Incorporated are upgrade experts and can provide proposals that include tile, marble, granite, upgraded fixtures, upgraded windows and doors or any other option you may desire. **********(SECTION 1 ITEM)********** 1P. F INDING : T he garage side entry door jamb at the left and right side was found to be drywood termite damaged. (See Picture 26) RECOMMENDATION: Remove and replace the door jamb to correct this condition. **********(SECTION 1 ITEM)********** 1 Q. FINDING: The main garage door jambs are fungus damaged. (See Picture 27) RECOMMENDATION: Cut off the bottom of the door jambs and fill the void with concrete. **********(SECTION 1 ITEM)********** 1R. FINDING : We were unable to inspect the interior of the garage due to stored personal property and drywood termites were noted. (See Picture 28) (See Picture 29) RECOMMENDATION : The owner should move the storage away from the garage walls to allow for further inspection . All findings, recommendations, and bids will be issued in a supplemental report. **********(SECTION 1 ITEM)****•***** 18. FINDING : There is a surface fungus condition located under the basement staircase . (See Picture 30) RECOMMENDATION : Scrape or wire brush this area and treat with a registered fungicide Timbor (Disodium Octoborate Tetrahydrate). NOTE: In order to perform this treatment the property must be vacated for the treatment and three hours after the treatment has been completed. **********(SECTION 1 ITEM)****•***** NOTE: This item must be performed by a licensed structural pest control applicator. 1T. FINDING: The framing and sheathing has been damaged by drywood termites, subterranean termites, and fungus at the subarea as indicated on the diagram. (See Picture 31) (See Picture 32) (See Picture 34) RECOMMENDATION: Remove and replace all the damaged wood members. If any damage is found to extend into any enclosed areas a supplemental report and bid will be issued. **********(SECTION 1 ITEM)********** NOTE: The above mentioned repairs are being attempted from the subarea. If this cannot be performed in this manner, or if damage extends into inaccessible areas, a supplemental report will be issued with findings, recommendations, and bids. 1 c::*-\C\ Building No. 16940 Street Roberts Road City Los Gatos ZIP 95032 Date of Inspection Number of Pages 5/20/2017 Pa e 8of19 1 U. FINDING : Subterranean termites were noted at the exterior and subarea. (See Picture 2) (See Picture 32) (See Picture 33) (See Picture 35) RECOMMENDATION : Chemically treat the complete exterior soil at probable termite entry points with Termidor: Termidor HE(Fipronil:5-amino-1-(2,6-dichloro-4-(trifluoromethyl) pheyl)-4- ((1,R,S)-trifluoromethyl)sulfinyl)-1-H-pyrazole-3-carbonitrile and break down and brush away all subterranean termite migratory tubes. In conventional construction, this may include, rodding or trenching the soil around the foundation walls, drilling attached slabs such as patios, porches, sidewalks, or driveways that abut the structure and treat the area on the interior of the foundation where the termites were found . A ground stop device will be used to prevent drilling into concealed pipes , conduit or electrical wiring however if this were to happen it will be the owners responsibility and expense to repa i r any damage done. The holes drilled into any concrete slab, while performing the treatments, will be plugged with mortar. It will be the owners responsibility to have t hese areas repaired to match the existing surfaces as desired . NOTE : In order to perform this treatment the property must be vacant for the period during and 3 hours after the treatment has been completed . **********(SECTION 1 ITEM)********** NOTE: HomeGuard Incorporated recommends that all desired further inspection items be performed prior to any treatments being performed . NOTE: This property has bricks or t ile installed over the area to be treated . We will attempt to drill through the grout joints, however, there may be some minor cracking to the tile or brick caused by this drilling. HomeGuard Incorporated will not replace any damaged material. If this is a concern to the owner, we recommend the owner remove all bricks or tile adjacent to the area being treated. It should be noted that the holes w ill be filled with sanded grey grout. 1V. FINDING : Infestation by Drywood Termites was noted at the exterior, subarea, and detached garage. (See Picture 4) (See Picture 16) (See Picture 15) (See Picture 23) (See Picture 26) (See Picture 29) (See Picture 31) (See Picture 38) RECOMMENDATION : Due to the nature of these infestations, it will be necessary to seal the entire structure and fumigate it with Vikane (sulfuryl fluoride), usi ng Chloropicrin as a warning agent. The entire structure must be vacant for this process. It is the owners responsibility to make any preparations required by the fumigators or to have someone to do so at a separate expense and to have the gas turned back on when the fumigation is complete . "NOTICE: The charge for service that this company subcontracts to another registered company may include the company's charges for arranging and admin istering such services that are in addition to the direct costs associated with paying the subcontractor. You may accept HomeGuard lncorporated's bid or you may contract d i rectly with another registered company licensed to perform the work . If you choose to contract directly with another registered company, HomeGuard Incorporated will not in any way be responsible for any act or omission in the performance of work that you directly contract with another to perform." HomeGuard Incorporated guarantees all fumigations for a period of three years from the date of completion . ********"*(SECTION 1 ITEM)********** ~ 'j...v-:_~··c, \-C. ~ o~\ '\ Building No. 16940 Street Roberts Road City Los Gatos ZIP 95032 Date of Inspection Number of Pages 5/20/2017 Pa e 9of19 1W. FINDING : Drywood termite pellets were evident as noted in the above recommendation . (See Picture 4) (See Picture 16) (See Picture 15) (See Pi cture 23) (See Picture 26) (See Picture 29) (See Picture 31) (See Picture 38) RECOMMENDATION : Remove and/or mask over all accessible termite pellets. It is possible for the drywood termite pellets to sift down or reappear in these areas where they have been masked over. If further inspection is performed on the entire property a supplemental report will be issued with a recommendation to remove and/or mask any other evidence of drywood termites that may be found. **********(SECTION 1 ITEM)********** Section 2 Items NOTE: The attic was insulated; therefore, our inspection is limited to the visi ble and accessible wood members only. NOTE: The pergola and trellis were not connected directly to the structure. Therefore, we did not include it in this report. NOTE: A tiled surface was noted over the kitchen , hall bathroom, master bathroom , laundry room, and Jack and Jill bathroom floor. There is no outward sign of infestation or infection however we cannot represent the condition of floors beneath the tiled areas. 2A. FINDING : The fence attached to the structure creates earth to wood contacts. RECOMMENDATION : Separate th e fence from the structure by installing metal flashing between the wood members and the structure . **********(SECTION 2 ITEM)********** 28. FINDING : Various exterior wood members were noted to be delaminated and/or weathered at the area indicated on the diagram . No fungus damage was noted in this area. RECOMMENDATION: Owner is advised to keep these areas well sealed and painted to prevent future moisture intrusion. **********(SECTION 2 ITEM)********** 2C. FINDING : Earth to wood contact was noted where soil is touching the siding and trim at the area indicated on the diagram. RECOMMENDATION : Lower the soil as necessary to break all soil contact with the wood members, and provide adequate drainage away from the structure. **********(SECTION 2 ITEM)********** 20. FINDING : There is vegetation in contact with the structure. RECOMMENDATION : The owner is advised to cut back the vegetation to avoid contact with the structure. **********(SECTION 2 ITEM)********** 2E. FINDING : There is evidence of water leakage around the master bathroom glass stall shower enclosure. RECOMMENDATION : Reseal this enclosure in the most practical way. With this type of enclosure, we cannot guarantee to stop the leakage only to control it. It will be the owners responsibility to mai ntain th is enclosure in a waterproof condition . **********(SECTION 2 ITEM)********** Building No. 16940 Street Roberts Road City Los Gatos ZIP 95032 Date of Inspection Number of Pages 5/20/2017 Pa e 10of19 2F. FINDING : The window in the master bathroom is lower than the shower head. This could allow moisture intrusion onto the enclosed framing . RECOMMENDATION: The owner is to keep this area well sealed and as dry as possible. Consideration should be given to installing a water proof window curtain to prevent moisture intrusion. **********(SECTION 2 ITEM)********** 2G. FINDING : Some of the grout is loose or miss ing around the ceramic tile in the kitchen s ink counter top back splash . RECOMMENDATION : Reseal the area in the most practical way. Owner to maintain in a water tight condit ion . **********(SECTION 2 ITEM)********** 2H. FINDING : Some of the grout is loose or missi ng around the ceramic tile in the hall bathroom and Jack and Jill bathroom tub walls, and the master ba t hroom stall shower. RECOMMENDATION : Reseal the area in the most practical way. Owner to maintain in a water tight condition . **********(SECTION 2 ITEM)********** 21. FINDING : There is earth piled up on the concrete piers and sheathing in the substructure area creating earth to wood contacts . (See Picture 37) RECOMMENDATION: Grade the earth away from these posts and sheathing to eliminate earth to wood contacts . **********(SECTION 2 ITEM)********** 2J. FINDING : The toilet in the master bathroom is leaking at the bas e. (See Picture 39) RECOMMENDATION : Reinstall the toilet correctly using no-seep toilet seal. If upon removing the toilet a cracked toilet or a damaged closet flange is revealed there will be additional charges. **********(SECTION 2 ITEM)********** Further Inspection Items 3A. FINDING : A portion of the subfloor was insulated. This conceals the wood members of the substructure. (See Picture 36) RECOMMENDATION : Further inspection is recommended . Remove the insu lation from the perimeter of the structure and at all water pipe penetrations or from areas where fungus was noted . Inspect the exposed wood members, and issue a supplemental report listing all findings, recommendations, and bids. Reinstall the insulation where removed upon completion. **********(FURTHER INSPECTION ITEM)********** NOTE : "State law requires that you be given the following information: CAUTION-PESTICIDES ARE TOXIC CHEMICALS. Structural Pest Control Companies are registered and regulated by the Structural Pest Control Board , and apply pesticides which are registered and approved for use by the California Department of Pesticide Regu lation and the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Registration is granted when the state finds that based on existing scientific evidence there are no appreciable risks if proper Building No. 16940 Street City Roberts Road Los Gatos ZIP 95032 Date of Inspection Number of Pages 5120/2017 Pa e 11 of 19 use conditions are followed or that the risks are outweighed by the benefits The degree of risk depends upon the degree of exposure, so exposure should be minimized. "If within 24 hours following application, you experience symptoms similar to common seasonal illness comparable to the flu, contact your physician or poison control center and your pest control company immediately." For further information contact any of the following: HOMEGUARD INCORPORATED (408) 993-1900 Poison Control Center: (800) 876-4766 Santa Clara County Agricultural Commission (408) 918-4600 Santa Clara County Health Department (408)918-3400 San Benito County Health Department (831)637-5367 San Benito County Agricultural Commission (831)637-5344 Alameda County Agricultural Commission (510)670-5232 Alameda County Health Department (510) 267-8000 Contra Costa County Agricultural Commission {925) 646-5250 Contra Costa County Health Department (925) 646-6014 San Mateo County Agricultural Commission (650) 363-4700 San Mateo County Health Department (650) 573-2582 Structural Pest Control Board (800) 737-8188 2005 Evergreen Street Ste. #1500, Sacramento, CA 95815-3831 "Local treatment is not intended to be an entire structure treatment method. If infestations of wood-destroying pests extend or exist beyond the area(s) of local treatment, they may not be exterminated". NOTE: Unless stated otherwise, HomeGuard Incorporated bids include texturing and priming repaired areas. We will cover repaired sheetrock and wood with one coat of white primer for the contracted amount. The repaired area can be painted in a finished color at an additional charge if the owner supplies the paint. Please inquire about this service when scheduling the work. Any texturing will vary from the original texture however we will match as close as possible. All painting will be on the area repaired only. On exterior surfaces texturing and painting will only be done when the weather permits. NOTE: If damage is found to extend into any inaccessible areas a supplemental report will be issued listing additional findings, recommendations and bids. NOTE: Should the further inspection items noted in this report not be performed, HomeGuard Incorporated will assume no liability for any infestations or infection which may be concealed in these areas. NOTE: HomeGuard Incorporated recommends that all desired further inspection items be performed prior to any treatments being performed. NOTE: HomeGuard Incorporated assumes no liability for, nor do we guarantee work performed by others. All guarantees, warranties, and permits if required should be obtained from the parties performing the repairs. NOTE: If any of the wood repairs outlined in the above report are done by others, an open inspection must be performed by this company if a certification is desired. Building No. 16940 Street Cily ZIP 95032 Date of Inspection Number of Pages Roberts Road Los Gatos 5/20/2017 Pa e 12of19 NOTE: Due to the building materials used on this structure, it may be difficult to match the existing mill patterns and materials used in the original construction . HomeGuard Incorporated will replace damaged wood members with material that resembles the existing wood members with standard grade readily available wood members. IF MATCHING THE EXISTING WOOD MEMBERS IS DESIRED IT IS THE OWNERS RESPONSIBILITY TO NOTIFY HOMEGUARD INCORPORATED SO THAT ADDITIONAL COST ASSOCIATED WITH MATCHING CAN BE CALCULATED INTO OUR BID . NOTE : Please be aware that current law dictates that homes constructed prior to 1978 require a company performing the repairs be a Lead Certified Renovation Firm with Certified Renovators. HomeGuard Incorporated is a Lead Certified Renovation Firm, certification number NAT-64235-2 and when required will follow all lead safe work practices as prescribed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. NOTE : Thank you for choosing HomeGuard Incorporated to perform your inspections. If you have any questions regarding this report, please e-mail Che Moreno at cmoreno@homeguard .com. Please bear in mind that the inspectors have full schedules during the day and will make every effort to make contact with you when he is available. If you require further assistance or w ish to schedule work as recommended in this report, please feel free to contact our office. We are here to assist you! . . ..-t:::",.. ._'\..,-'-.,._ \_~T'\\•--.,_..., Building No. 16940 Street Roberts Road Report Pictures: City Los Gatos ZIP 95032 Date of Inspection 5/20/2017 Number of Pages Pa e13of19 Pictures are provided to aulst In clarifying some of the findings made In this report. No relstlve importance should be placed on thne pictures. There an> likely to be significant comments that do not have picturos auoclated with them. The pictures In this ntport do not Illustrate all of the damage associated with a particular Item. Please read the report thoroughly and contact the Inspector if you have any speclflc: questions. E i-'v'\\ 6 ~ ~ \~~\~ Building No. 16940 Street Roberts Road City Los Gatos ZIP 95032 Date of Inspection 5120/2017 Picture 8 Picture 10 Picture 12 Number of Pages Pa e 14of19 ~ -j..V..:.,'-0.. \;---\C- \ t\ d \ "'\ Bu ilding No. 16940 Picture 16 ~ -.,(_.~\~\ \-. ~ \S'*-'-°' Building No. 16940 Picture 19 Picture 21 Picture 23 Picture 20 Picture 22 Picture 24 \= Y-V..:.· ~\ \ c \\o~\ °' ___ , Picture 25 ZIP 95032 Date ot Inspection 5/20/2017 Picture 28 ~-..i._y.\,\o \-\ ~ \\ ok-\ ~ Building No. 16940 Street Roberts Road Picture 33 City Los Gatos !::: 'f-v\,~\ E \i*~' Date of Inspection 5/20/2017 E ~''°' \ \==- ,a._o\-\ q