Item 5 - 245 Almendra AvenuePREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 07/25/2018 ITEM NO: 5 DATE: JULY 17, 2018 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 245 ALMENDRA AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: MARK AND VALERIE MALDONADO. REQUESTING APPROVAL FOR A REVISION TO THE APPROVED EXTERIOR MATERIALS ON A SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE IN THE ALMOND GROVE HISTORIC DISTRICT ZONED O:LHP. APN 510-10-040. RECOMMENDATION: Consider the applicant’s request for approval of revised exterior materials. BACKGROUND: A.Property Details 1.Date primary structure was built: 1911 2.Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: C, Contributor to Town’s historic feeling but has had some alterations. 3.Does property have an LHP Overlay? Yes 4.Is structure in a historic district? Yes, Almond Grove 5.If yes, is it a contributor? Yes 6.Findings required? No 7.Considerations required? Yes B.Background The applicant has an active building permit (B17-0210) for a first-floor addition to the residence with a cellar, and a new detached garage. The Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) previously reviewed this project on April 25, 2012. The project plans presented to the HPC in 2012, included an addition and a new chimney at the rear of PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: 245 ALMENDRA AVENUE JULY 17, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Almendra, 245 - 07-25-18.docx 7/17/2018 3:31 PM BACKGROUND (Cont’d): the residence, both finished with horizontal wood siding to match the existing siding. At this meeting, the HPC approved the request with the following conditions of approval: 1. The rear chimney shall be sided with brick to match the front chimney. 2. The window on the garage shall match the windows on the house. Building Permits for the project were issued in 2013. The detached garage was completed and finaled in December 2013, but work on the residence was never initiated, and the permit expired. A new Building Permit for the addition to the residence was issued in September 2017. The project plans for this permit satisfied the HPC’s condition of approval that the new rear chimney be sided with brick to match the front chimney and included wood siding on all sides of the rear addition to match the residence. C. Comments The applicant submitted for a revision to the building permit to replace the wood siding with fire-rated Hardie-board cementitious siding on the side wall at the rear addition, with dimensions to match the wood siding. Additionally, the revised plans replaced brick with wood siding on the rear chimney. The work was completed with the revised materials. The revision to the building permit has not been approved by the Planning Division and the applicant’s request is being forwarded for consideration by the HPC because the proposed revision deviates from the project approved by the HPC. DISCUSSION: A. Required Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors . Applications shall not be granted unless: 1. On landmark site s, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the landmark (and, where specified in the designating ordinance for a publicly owned landmark, its major PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: 245 ALMENDRA AVENUE JULY 17, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Almendra, 245 - 07-25-18.docx 7/17/2018 3:31 PM DISCUSSION (Cont’d): interior architectural features) nor adversely affect the character of historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site. 2. In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the cha racter, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. B. Town Policy That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. Attachments: 1. Historic Preservation Committee Minutes, April 25, 2012, 2. Historic Preservation Committee Action Letter dated May 1, 2012 3. Request to revise the approved exterior materials 4. Anne Bloomfield Survey sheet 5. Proposed Development Plans Distribution: Cc: Mark Maldonado, 245 Almendra Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95032 TOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 East Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 354-6872 SUMMARY MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE msTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE OF 1HE TOWN OF LOS GATOS FOR APRIL 25, 2012, HELD IN THE TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 110 E MAIN STREET, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. ~~---------~~--------------~~~-----------------------------------------------------~------- The meeting was called to order at 4:30 P.M. by Chair Charles Erekson. ATIENDANCE Members Present: Charles Erekson, Kathryn Janoff, Len Pacheco, Margaret Smith Members Absent: Bob Cowan Staff Present: Others present: Suzanne Avila, Senior Planner Mike Rowe VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS None ITEMl APPROVAL OF MINUTES Len Pacheco made a motion to approve the minutes of March 28, 2012, as submitted. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Charles Erekson made a motion to approve the minutes of April 11, 2012, noting that Margaret Smith was present at the meeting. The motion was seconded by Len Pacheco and passed 3-1-1 (Kathryn Janoff abstained as she was not in attendance). ITEM2 245 ALMENDRA A VENUE Mike Rowe was present for this item. Mike Rowe noted that the house is the former location of the Los Gatos Weekly Times. All of the demolition work is at the rear of the house. Len Pacheco commented that he knows the house very well. The existing materials should be matched. He asked if the roof will be replaced. Mike Rowe responded that the roofing is asbestos tile and will be entirely removed and replaced with high quality composition tile. Len Pacheco commented that the rear chimney is masonry and should be resided to replicate the front chimney which is brick. {ATTACHMENT 1 Historic Preservation Committee April 25, 2012 Page 2of2 Kathryn Janoff commented that the window style on the garage is divided light and does not match the windows on the house. Mike Rowe stated that the garage window can be modified to match the existing.windows on the house. Len Pacheco stated that it is a complementary addition and made a motion to approve the proposal finding that the proposed work will not adversely affect the architecture or other features of the property or the character of the historic district, subject to the following conditions: 1. The rear chimney shall be sided with brick to match the front chimney. 2. The window on the garage shall match the windows on the house. The motion was seconded by Kathryn Janoff and passed unanimously. ITEM2 OTHER BUSINESS Len Pacheco commented that there are a number of historic bm1dings on the Yuki property that need to be considered as the North 40 specific plan is drafted. Margaret Smith commented that the old barn would be a community r esource and a great field trip for school children. The Committee expressed an interest in making a field trip to the Yuki property to view the barn and other buildings. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm. The next regular meeting is scheduled for May 23, 2012 . Prepared by: Approved by: Su20.(11~ Avi'la -t-/~ Suzanne Avila, AICP Senior Planner N:\DBWilSTORJC PJU!Sl!JtVATION\HPC,ahnllm2012\fWCmlnoata0425 l l.doo May 1, 2012 Mike Rowe Britt Rowe COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION (408) 354-6872 FAX (408) 354-7593 108 N. Santa Cruz A venue Los Gatos, CA 95030 RE: 245 Almendra A venue Architecture and Site Application HS-12-037 Requesting approval of cellar and one-story additions to a pre-1941 residence and to construct a detached garage on property zoned R-1D:LHP (Almond Grove Historic District). APN 510-14-040. PROPERTY OWNER: Mark and Valerie Maldonado APPLICANT: Mike Rowe, Britt Rowe On April 25, 2012, the Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee made the appropriate findings and approved the additions and detached garage , subject to the following conditions: 1. The rear chimney shall be sided with brick to match the front chimney. 2. The window on the garage shall match the windows on the house . Please be aware that Section 29.20.258 of the Town Code states that this action may be appealed to the Planning Commission within 10 days of the date the action is taken. Therefore, this action should not be considered final until the appeal period has passed. Your next step is to submit an application and plans for a building permit. If you have any questions in this matter, please contact me at 408-354-6875 or by email: savila@losgatosca.gov. Sincerely, Suzanne Avila, AICP Senior Planner Cc: Mark & Valerie Maldonado, 245 Almendra Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 N :\DEY\HISTORIC PRES ERV A TION\Action Letters\20 l 2\Almendra245.doc F; !ATTACHMENT ~ TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORICAL PRESERVATION COMMITTEE 11 O East Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Friday, July 6th, 2018 RE : 245 Almendra Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 Remodel and Addition HS-12-037 To whom it may concern, This letter is intended to explain the situation we currently find ourselves regarding the above noted proj ect. H istory: On May 1, 2012 our client who resides at the above noted address, was granted permission by your committee to remodel their existing historical home (rear of home only) and erect a new detached accessory structure in the rear yard to match the main residence. Building permits were obtained for the accessory structure but due to financial reasons the property owners, Mark and Valerie Maldonado, elected NOT to pursue the remodel and addition scope of work on the main house. Severa l years later the project was scheduled to move forward once again with exactly the same scope of work. Again, building permits were obtained but as you can see from the many revisions noted on the plans, governing building codes had changed by this time and many minor changes were REQUIRED by the Town of Los Gatos Building Division. All revisions were made to the plans to the satisfaction of the chief building official and a bui lding permit was granted . 100% of the project is completed and only now a couple of questions are being raised as to the changes that were made and how they impact ( or do not impact) the intent of the HPC's original approval. Below I have outlined the changes for your continued discussion and review. Exterior Siding: The existing siding on the front and sides is an approximate 8" profile, horizontal, painted wood, "V-groove mater1al which was preserved, sanded and repainted. The addition at the rear wall of the house and along the left side (driveway) had new real wood siding milled to match the existing . However, on the right rear side, because the original home was constructed only three feet from the property line, the CA Residential Code d ictates that this wall is required to be constructed of a 1-hour fire resistive assembly. This requirement is evident by Town initiated revisions "R1, R4 and R5" indicated on the approved plans. A substitute material, that once painted, is entirely identical in appearance to the original wood siding was implemented to meet the required building code and on ly at the right side addition portion of the house (apprx. 8'- 0" x 25'-0" in overall area). This difference in material, by composition alone, is what is in question . 1) The siding was required to be of a fire resistive material by building code definition in order to obtain approvals ; V Groove siding is not fire resistant, Hardie-Board r ;ATJ'ACHMENT 8 is 2) the material substitution was approved by both the Town of Los Gatos Planning and Building Departments, for the rear garage when it was built several years ago 3) the wall section in question where the substitute siding was implemented is not visible from the street, nor the immediate neighbor's property due to the wall's close proximity to the adjacent property line and the current existing hedges 4) The advantage of the Hardie- Board siding is that it is maintenance free, eco friendly and is not susceptible to sun damage, termites, and is fire resistant. Because this alternate siding has already been installed and already painted to match the existing home, we are respectfully requesting that this material be allowed to remain as a substitute for real wood given the fire protection requirements clearly cited in the CA Residential Code and the Town's citation of fire code compliance. Again, we are only requesting for this small area in the rear of the property. Rear Chimney: Originally, back in 2012 when the first set of plans were submitted, EPA Phase 2, wood burning fireplaces were allowed and a brick veneer was needed for non-combustible fire protection along with an approved spark arrestor as a complete assembly. But due to the lapse in time between the original HPC meeting and building permit approval, the Town of Los Gatos Municipal Code had changed completely, prohibiting any/all fireplace(s) that have wood burning components. Because of this codified requirement, the property owners selected an ICC and Town of Los Gatos approved, GAS appliance which are typically directly vented, either horizontally or vertically per manufacturer's specifications. The gas venting of this appliance is no different than a typical water heater so the owners had two choices. 1) Simply extend the galvanized flue through the roof by 18" with a rain shield (similar to a water heater) or 2) create a false chimney to conceal the gas flue element. The property owners opted for the latter choice and elected to extend the chimney for pure aesthetic reasons and match the siding material to that of the existing home. The original HPC approval stated that "brick siding" shall be used at the rear chimney (assuming use of a wood burning unit) to match the existing masonry fireplace at the front of the home. Obviously, brick veneer or real brick masonry construction creates an entirely impractical hardship with respect to framing and foundation requirements to support of the heavy material. The homeowner's did not want an unsightly galvanized flue extension through the roof and created the real wood sided chase you see in the drawing(s) and in reality today. This small roof top fireplace also cannot be seen from the street. (See Front Elevation). Lastly, it is important to note that some of the other homes on Almendra Ave do not have brick rear fireplaces (301,302,307,259,322,314 to name a few), instead have used stucco or shingled siding Because the new Town Municipal Code relating to fireplaces does not allow wood burning units, the owners current options are 1) leave the chimney as built with horizontal wood siding that matches the original home, or 2) remove the chimney altogether and revert back to the standard G.I. gas flue termination. Hopefully, your committee can determine that these two minor deviations from the original design are well suited for this project. Especially when you consider that these two architectural elements do not jeopardize the history or integrity of this home nor can either elements be seen from the public street perspective. Best, Mike Rowe (Britt-Rowe) (408) 656-4732 peloncito@me.com File address ...J, ;/;, ~!'.n PARCEL MAP INFORMATION dlnru. !Bfoom{u.fd ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY 141 5) 922· 1063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 15 Lot size : ~ ~ front ft. x 'd ft. deep --- Lot shape: Rectangle_ L Rectangle with small rear jog___ Other __________ _ Location: N S ~ E w side of ___ /\" ________ St Ave r Other _____ _ distance to cross st: /{;Go ft. N __ S __ E_ W __ frorn ___ l _______ _ at NE __ NW SE SW corner of __________ _ HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PA~CEL MAP Old tract or subdivision name I Old Block# / OJd lot# l;;i... -~------------------ FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) Pr e liminary rating -+-Estimated age I,,;. ,,. Sq•J e /' -# stories__ ----------- Alterations------------------------------------~ Other ,,., " COUNTY ASSESSOR --PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Name Blk Book Source Date 1891 1908 _s_ur_v_e~v____ 1944 Source Page Lo c ation of property, or Lot Old tract/block/lot Size Own er Name EFFe c ti ve date ___ _ MISCELLANEOUS PHOTOS: Roll/fra me # /,~/• Dace __ 5 National Register listed date _________ _ County Inventory 1979 -------------Town of Los Gatos: Designation __ Recognition __ District Name _______________ _ Previous Survey Gebhard: page# illustration page# Butler/Junior League ---- n'ACHMENT 4 EXTERIOR FINISH NOTES ROOFING: Class A, asphalt roofing shingles (40 year) o/minimum 30# build ing paper or eQual, o/COX or OSB roof slleathiflg. Roof material colors and/or manufacturers shall be selected and approved by the property owner. 0$8 plywood sheathing may be used in lieu of standard pl'f>Nood upon receiving approval from U'le enginee< of record. Where roof slopes are Jess than 4/12, use (2) layers of roof,ng underlayment. CRC R905.2.2 & R905.7.2 SIDING: Exterior Walls: horizoo tal wOOd Siding to match existing residence's historical profile o/30# building paper or equ al. o/COX plywood wall sheathing, nailed O 6/12 minimum . See eng1nee<'s ·Shea r Wall Schedulew for specified plywood thickness and minimum nailing requirements. OSB wall sheathing may be used in lieu of plywood with engineer of record's approval. Nao $bear Walls: Provide a minimum of 318w COX ptywood wan sheathing, "Ful Wrap•. Nrul w/Sd Cit 6112 minimum. For remodel proiects, ooly new warts shall recei\/e full wrap sheathing (UNO). wa!l..B.ase : A minimum 0.0,9-inch (0.5 mm) (No. 26 galvanized sheet ga uge), corrosiorHesist ant weep screed or plastic weep screed, with a minimum vertical att3.chmeot flange of 3· 1 /2 inches (89 mm) shall be p rO\/ided at or below the foundation plate line on exten()( stud walls in accordance withASTM C 926. The weep screed shal l be placed a minimum of 4 inches (102 mm) above the earth or 2 inches (51 mm) above P3\/ed areas and shall be of a type that w ill allow trapped water to drain to the exte<iOI' of the building. The weather-resistant baniet" shall lap the attachment flange. The e xterior lath shall cover and terminate on the attachment flange of the weep screed. DOOR S & W INDOWS· All ext erior doors (witt, glass) & windows shall be constructed with dual paned, low "E" glazing. Tempered glazing shall be required per C~C Sections R308 & R311. Door & window manufacturer sh all be selected & appl'O\/ed by the property owner. See Sheet DW.1 for additionaJ door & window notes & schedules. ACC ENTS: See Exteriof Ele>Jations for .M:lditiona l wall & roof details & specifications. rt::J..=!------~I =~~~iw., ~----\ ma&.:hu:'.~ n,..__,.AdQlbQn I ;-·----- .11 ! :1 "?• I ~ 'l ! ___________ .,..___ /1)FF39!1~ ,-----------_L--:=t,':?"~L ..... ~-------.:--~~'°':="..,. ~1, --I~--'-----+!-~~~ !====t--------'l---:-::.,..ooc1~ I I I I ~ PortionotM:>tlionVltitlle I F<'OfflFIO<>IEi.-.at,c,n I I I I I I I I ---------------------------------------L----------------~ "'•CeaM~~&Jlfll.t"L ____________________ _J FRONT EL EVATION (NE) 1/4"= 1'-0" / l RECEIVED JUL 11 2018 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION \, E=='=="'Ei ==='==='==I ~ ----------------------------- I "1 • NG .I i ill!II ~ I f -----i I f-----i f-----i I '--- '--- ~ I,_ ; '--- ~ ~ '--- -·---~ i;,,.... ' ------......... !, N:-------------------------------------------------.~ •. '----~~1 ~ ; -!IT,,__~_._;;-____ :· ~ ~·~':!&='==+=========:_::====1,1----------------------------------------------I : I-I I-JI,,. i fFi=::=f.l i I-I-·~ MO I-CJ 1--;;;a; I- I- l= I I- l I I I (~· ----1--=~=bolld. '-----------~:f------:-------------'-------+1-~-=-·wail 1i=ffi.1 LJ I "' Ml [ 1-1 C I ~~-· -------------!-------'----------- I [ ~=====~ I l /n)AdQrtk)n8'Mainlav9I I I Cela[,t,raanolCo!.mkfdlnFAR L ----____ L _ t::::: t_l __ ----__ l_ ----------------------------------_ l __ ------------I ------------------------------------------------l _ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I Ff.lfCIH•389SO' LEFT SID E EL E VAT ION (S E ) 1/4" • 1'-0" RE VI SIONS: # 03126/18 BR -·---< ! Britt • Rowe 1 108 N Santa Cruz Ave. Los G atos, CA 95030 I 408.354.6224 (office) I 408.354.6514 (fax) www.bfitt-rowe.com "' C: 0 ·~ ;,. ., [jj .... . g 00 " ::: ;, ~ UJ c-- CJ z ~ w <( ~ a: 0 0 W O :) (') Z o W U'l >°' <( <( <( (.) a: . 0 Cf.) zO w ~ :3 CJ <( Cf.) U'l0 '<t _J C\J 'O i o::'. ... !~ 0 z ;;.: co u..i 'z _J ~ <( (.) a: Cf.) 0 A5.1 fATTACHMENT a EXTERIOR FINISH NOTES ROOFING: Class A, asphalt roofing shingles (40 year) o/minimum 30# building paper or equal, a/COX or OSB roof sheathing. Roof material colors ancVor manufacturers shalt be selected and approved by the property owner. OSB plywood sheathing m ay be used in lieu of standard plywood upon receiving approval from the engmeer of record . Whe<e roo f slopes are less than 4/12. use (2) layers of roofing undertayrnent. CRC A905.2.2 &. R905.7.2 SIDING· Exterior Walls: horizontal wood siding to m atch existing residence's historical J)fofile o/30# building pape, or equal, o/COX plywood wall sheathing. nailed O 6/12 minimum . See engineer's •she.v Wal Schedule" for specified plywood thickness and minimum nailtng requirements. OS8 wait sheathing m.1.y be u5ed in lieu of plywood v.1th engineer of record's :ipprov.11. Noo Sbear Walls: Provide a minimum of 3/8~ C OX plywOOd wall sheathing, ~Full Wrap•. Nail w/Sd O 6/1 2 minimum. For remodel pr()feCts , only new walls shall receive full wrap sheathing (UNO). ~: A minimum 0.019-inch (0.5 mm) {No. 26 gah.tanized sheet gauge}. corrosion-resistant w eep screed or plastic weep screed. w1th a minimum vertical attachment flange of 3-1/2 inches (89 mm) a.hall be provided ator below the foundation p late hne on e:,,:teriorstud walls 1n accordance with ASTM C 926. The weep screed shall be placed a minimum of 4 inches (102 mm) above the earth Of' 2 inches (51 mm) above paved areas and shall be of a type th.at will allow t rapped water to dr:iin to the e xterior of the building. The weather-r esistant barrier shall 13p the attachment flange. The exterklr lath shall cover and tenninate on the attachment flange of the weep screed. DOORS & WINDOWS: AJI exterior doors (wrth glass) & windows shall be const n.Jcted wrth dual paned, low ~E~ glazing. Tempeted glaz«lg Sliall be required per CRC Sections R308 & A311. Door & window manufacturer shall be selected & approved by the pmperty owner. See Sheet OW.1 fo( additional door & window notes & schedules. ACCENTS: See Exterior Elevaliol"\S for additional wall & roof details & speciffC,!ltK>f\S. --------ttl;:::...11-----~eP~~~,~·~ $PUCE 4&0 MIN. ALL "5Al.LOCN FRAMED~ WAL.LS -11-----AND~ WALL.!, CaREATER TM.AN 14 '-e' SMA.Ll. e E l'RAM'ED USINC. 2X& (OR Gl'iEATEl'i!) D F•2 STUW fll t.,•oc -fl-----;: :e:~i~u~~,toc· P ER cec nee~ (1) LAYER !,/6" TY"PE X 11"---41------~EEiROCI<. (TTPJ • CDX P L 'TUiOOO OR OS" SUEAi~NG= NA1UNCt Ill t•t1 MAX. SEE '~EAR WALL SC\.iEDUl.E' ~---"' FOR DESIGNATED SMEAR WAil. l'iEQl.ll'iED t,1Al1JNC;i IN5ULATION PER ~Cl.lTECTURAL f"lAN(&) ANDI ----!- O!ll T24 ENER GY CALClA.ATIONS EXTERIOR SIDE ~ WAU. UNO, UND;Ri,.'EATM U5TED EX TEFllOl't Fll',l~ MATE~AL 140TEO (;) LAT!l'i ,;/e• TTPE )( 11-----~EETl'iOCI<. (TTPJ fll lNT!:~OP<: SIOE OF WA!.L UNO. TEXT\JRE !MAU. ee SELECTED ANO APPROVED eY OJ.INEl;,;: 2X 011'12 ~ PLATE· NA!L TO FLOOR l'RAM:NG W/li&D ii lf>•oc MAX. IF SOLE Pl.A TE 1S e EARNG UPON CONCRETE SLAe, USE PTD F LUMeEl'il I I I I I I I I ----------I --------- --------------_T ________ _ _JJ _______________________________ J ___________________________ [;-' -------~-~--~---------------------------- REAR ELEVATION (SW) 114" ~ 1'-0" ~-----------~.1~G~.-rlic lc=::::11 • r:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::tfi::=ltt=~-=-=-=--=t1t=::::imp==~1, ========::'::::::::::::::::::::::::::==nl : 1 · 7,7 l .. w :'::'.~-·· I 1! 11 EN 411 t,•oc MAX. !i-EE •SI-IEAR WAU. SCMEDIJLE•. IF •EXTERIOR WALi • ." IS A DEE!o!GNATED Sl-lEAR WA.Ll.. SEE 5-14EAIIQ: WAU. &Cl-!EOUI..E ANO D E T All.S FOR AN~ORAC.E. " ii ...._ __ ~ >-----+----l ~ II !Ii I!:, 1 1 '1--,, ----':i:f;;::;::;,,::;; 1---------------------------------------~--------------~I •I 1 1 Ii" -l=====l----------------,-----------'r------;--------------1F~5.J-------------------- I I I * I I I 111i ii 111' 1 11 l1ii1::1 i ! /o)MdiToo @ Ma·n!eveJ L I , 1 I 1 C-:ftllarAwnarCQt1mftdoFAB I CtllvCoi10!et:ll EAB ., I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_ J _ -----------------------------------------------------------~ -__ [_ _ -------------------------------__ l_ ------------------~ __ [ ____ ---- RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION (NW) 114"~ 1'-0" REVISIONS: # 12/08112 05123117 03126118 04118118 I BR r-:i~RDwe 1 108 N. Santa Cruz Ave .. Los Gatos, CA 95030 , 408.354.6224 (office) 408354.6514 (fax) www.britt-rowe.com "' C: 0 ·~ > "' u3 '-0 00 ·;: 00 B >< ~ "'-1 ',C) ci ~1 !1 w ~ 0 0 WO ::>(".) Zo WlO >a, <( <( <(() a: -0(/) zO w~ :5 (!} <( (/) lOO '<f' _J C\J -0 " 0 z c>:: <(; ~ ;;.: I CO w z _J II <( () (/) A5.2