Item 7 - 14940 Blossom Hill Road PREPARED BY: Sean Mullin, AICP Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 06/27/2018 ITEM NO: 7 DATE: JUNE 21, 2017 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 14940 BLOSSOM HILL ROAD. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: OMAR ALWARID AND YARAH BEDDAWI. REQUESTING APPROVAL FOR REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF IN KIND EXTERIOR LAP SIDING ON AN EXISTING PRE-1941 SINGLE-FAMILY HOUSE ON PROPERTY ZONED HR-1 APN 527-16-008. RECOMMENDATION: Review the proposed removal and replacement of in kind exterior horizontal lap siding and provide a determination as to whether the replacement is appropriate. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: c. 1870 2. Town of Los Gatos Preliminary Historic Status Code: C/I, Contributor to Town’s historic feeling 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? No 7. Standards of review required? Yes B. Background The applicant has an active building permit (B18-0019) for an interior renovation, in kind window replacement, and improvements to foundations and walls at the rear of the residence. Upon removal of the sheetrock, the applicant discovered that the exterior siding is in poor condition related to dry-rot, termite damage, and water damage. The PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: 14940 BLOSSOM HILL ROAD JUNE 21, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Blossom Hill Rd 14940 06-27-18.docx 6/22/2018 7:53 AM BACKGROUND (cont’d): applicant also discovered that the material of the existing siding is not consistent, including a mix of Redwood and Pine. The dimensions of the siding are also inconsistent, including wider boards that were part of the original structure, and narrow boards that were part of an addition to the home. Additionally, it was discovered that the existing siding is nailed directly to the wall framing, without proper sheathing or waterproofing. C. Comments The applicant has submitted a request to remove and replace the horizontal lap siding on the residence (Attachment 1). Any salvageable siding would be retained and reused. The applicant cites dry-rot, termite damage, water damage, insufficient sheathing, and concerns related to waterproofing as reasons for the replacement. The applicant proposes to unify the siding material and dimensions, utilizing milled Redwood siding to match the wider dimension siding that was original to the house. Per Town Code Section 29.10.020, the removal and replacement of in kind, non-repairable exterior siding while maintaining the exterior appearance and historic character, is allowed if approved by the deciding body. DISCUSSION: A. Standards for Review As required by Section 29.80.290 of the Town Code. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: 3. For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. B. Town Policy That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: 14940 BLOSSOM HILL ROAD JUNE 21, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Blossom Hill Rd 14940 06-27-18.docx 6/22/2018 7:53 AM Attachments: 1. Request to remove and replace existing siding by applicant, dated June 14, 2018, with supporting documents and research 2. Anne Bloomfield Architectural/Cultural Survey forms Distribution: Cc: Omar Alwarid and Yarah Beddawi, 14480 Blossom Hill Road, Los Gatos, CA 95032 0) c ·-"'C "'C (/) ro :i.... 0 0 ·-0:: (i) -+-' == >< IW E~ o ro C/) C/) C/) 0 0 0... -o Cl) :i.... 0 a.. ~() (j) a.. ::! I co ..- 0 C\J (]) c ::J J w u z w 0 Ui ~ 0 ~ <( <lJ O'> ro E ro ""O l.... 0 ·-ro E ..c 1 +-' i ·-s ll ... V') ,·I <lJ ,I N V') +-' c <lJ l.... ~ ""O c O'> c ·-\ E ~ I I 0 ~ "; u V') O'> c ·-""O V) ""O ro 0 ]; 0:: I I E 0 V') V') 0 co 0 oq- °' oq- ~ . O"l c ·--0 ·v; -0 Q) O"l ro E ro -0 ... O"l c ~ 0 0 I.... c.. I.... Q) +-' ro ~ 0 c ... 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CA 94 I I 5 61. o•: ,e,.,,;.. $-I."'"' .-.e,. b ~ D f rJ I',,: -11 I '.i. ·I /f,/fO,,.,. "' tv."'.,.. " " S •. ,,..-sh -~-.. " f'evi :fi x ""' e;v;.,.""' Lot shape: Rectangle_ L_ Rectangle with small rear jo ~ Other ________ ..;..;.== ··-/ Lo c ation: N SL E_ W side of "]!, h ' St_ Ave __ Other __ 1 <......;;;_;;.,_. __ _ distance to cross st: ft . N __ S_ E ,/" w __ f rom:_.::::t/.:.....;....1 _.:;;__.:;..-' ./ __ < __ _ at NE __ NW __ SE ("~ corner of._1-:;;;-~~"-r--=-_-ll_,_""_k_ .. ___ _ HISTORIC INFORMATION ON P A~CEL MAP Old tract or subdivision name ________ Old Block# ____ Old lot # _____ _ FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) c_,IC070 Preliminary rating -r-er ./Estimated age ~Style &; t -L-r" ./ Nt ~; ,'"4!-r-# stories .::2. I Alterations.~_~;.;...:;.~:....:...·--·~~:__~'~-·---.:./~,,~<:i'.,=-~$~~.....:...·_---_--=:;;.:-;_;.'~~--'-~5(_.:....="t:J.~s:;;....._~-=--'~~~'~-·----------~ Other '' .f3 /1,1 COUNTY ASSESSOR-PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) Page9.!Q7 EFFective date /;?· '87 rA f /J.J A-J;"" ,/ -"r 8/J 1-157 -kr.l • .:u. -2 '/~~ -< --, -J r e> I a , . \ -T ' "r' = ?Y'", _. c7 I )'r:ll i: T r--s ,{ ~ '-v CJJNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Name Source Date ____ 1891 Blk Book 1908 Source Page Location of property, or Lot Old ·tract/block/lot Size .1 Owner Name ---------------·----------------- ' i -----------~ 3;;if) e<C I t ~ i )(/ a' . 7 ....... MISCELLANEOUS PHOTOS: RoI 7 frame # "'.-.' ;1r-,/;;_ Date;{/·//· 9 National Register listed date'----------~ County Inventory 1979-------=---·,. .. l!!!!ll.-...... Town of Los Gatos: Designation ___ RecG District Name __________ .... Previous Survey Gebhard: page # illustra tion pag Butler/Junior League ________ _ (ATIAC H.W:NT 2 LOS GATOS HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY EVALUATION SHEET Building or District Na me J it:1'.-m // kJ'1 A.:-,,i:. /,,,, ..,:::;; 1 . Address(es) /~'f{o J3~c-~:...-~ .. t1 ~// J?'d, Criterion This Building A. ARCHITECTURE 2. Construction 3. Style 4 . Architect s. Design 6. Interior B. HISTORY I ~l • • • ~ • r. -6 - Ratings E &D e FP E@G FP G FP G ~ E ~ G FP ~--.. E VG G ( FP ) 7. Age J (_DG G F p 8 . Person(s) fu 11k /;/! .Jla 1-1 .... ,'/ton G.,1, le.) 9. Event 10. Patterns c. ENVIRONMENT 11. Scale/Massing er:d . cl,-,. r -r c-k( 'J I d {.,.a r7 .:>. V, ~la. ' 12. Setting r On::.i-..c; rj. I(\ 13. Landmark re.""''° k D. INTEGRITY 14. Alterations t'? .9? p .. c.. CUMULATIVE RATING: 3~Appears eliRible for National Register . 4~May become eligible for National Re gister. 5..=5._Appears eligible for local designa tion. Name of District E VG G 6 ' E VG G FP \ E ~G FP E@G FP E -'6' ~\G FP E VG G FP .-E l:/.G i G FP -------~-------~ b ~Appears ineligible for desig nation, but older than 1942 . 7~Appears ineligi b le for designation because newer thAn lQ~l. (S=single listing. D=District contributor . B=Both. N=Non-contributor to district.) Evaluated by: -----'""'"------------------- Reviewed by ____ __.__......i.------------------ Reviewed by : ___ ...;..#..;.......;L_-___ --=O...;..r ...;..·' ""iJ..:.o\\.,""",J"""-_\,.µ..:.:..9"'~1>~t-l.:....~..::.+...:..::..:..:4=t-=-i ~"'-.i:bA~c...7..:__· Revi e wed by: ----------------------- uate 3l,t Date ? :7~ Date -lb -'J/ Dat e ---- . /0 LOS GATOS HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY TALLY SHEET ;la Vi'? I !_ -h, J -1 --Building or Distric t Name /er• 111 J.!J, Address(es) /4 9 Ja 751~"" $ '°~'"-r,41! . Adjusted E VG G F/P Crite ria Total Total -- 10 6~ 2 0 Ty pe 10 Q 2 0 Const ru ction 10 (9 2 0 Style 8 4 2 Q Architect 25 @ 6 0 Design 8 4 2 r"Q) '--Interior ll_ ARCHI TECTURE (Max . 50) 60 5 2 1/0 Age 15 8 4 6) Person 10 5 2 G) Event 15 Q 4 0 Patterns fl_ HI STORY {Max . 252 25 ~ 6 0 Scale/Massing 8 (i) 2 0 Setting 25 12 6 Q Lan dm ark lb ENVIRONMENT (M ax. 25) () 0_6=>) -12 .-25 INTEGRITY -~ Cumu lat i ve Rati ng: CUMULATIVE TOTAL ~,.,- . .._J 60+ =~app ear s eligible for National Register) ~~ appear s eligible for local listing) (contributor to d ist r ic t rated one of t he a bove) 22-= 6 or 7 (ineligible) or non-contributor P'il• a ddrH• /"f i t!) Ct~~~ .JI /I&• Ja17t:U~/a_ PUllLISllBD Aln«>WCBM&lfl'S d/-nnc. : ".,om{u.fd ARCHITECTURAL SURVEY BUILDING RESEARCH ARCHITF''TURAL H ISTORY 14 15 > 922·10 t5 3 22< EBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 I 5 source1 __ Ad __ Bulle tin __ CA&BK __ c a ll __ Chron __ DPB __ ltd....A!I __ ax--••-_PCA Other Volwiie Date Page __ _ Nature of announcement: __ contract notice __ lfotic:e of ce111pletion __ BP ia1ued __ Photo __ Elev/eketch/rend'g __ Floor p l an __ Arch't/cont'r pllb __ Re a l e1t Copy exactly: owner !Bpilder/C09tractor I Architect/!ngineer I !.ocation !Nature of work I ~ BUILDING PERMIT' Source1 P•r1111t Reqi•t•r. Pr••• - Addr••• raqueet•d·~~~~--~---------- Application oate Number ................ Location £21.t OH/ •o. or llnll!... OTRmt SOURCE (11pecify thoroughly) 17t~17~.n.rk}~/'B-;~ ~6--f;;_r;v1-AP~ ~a.y &_ B~I\ a.i-d Al4f: c . "g-i .._.skU/s ,~ ,...ij k,./-~ US&S,A/e,.vAJ~~~/f/6.-n ;t. H ~ ,,,_ 7 . l<f&:/3 -... A. "1 SAN'BOIUI MAPS Color : Vac. yel, pnk, or ora nge Patch•• YH/ No. t>f Reiqht Owner " addre11• r:. No. of bay Vol/ dif. blu,qry 12!11. I . ~lbldql Addrea11 1green I ....Y.!.L I Ho 111torie1 I ...i:L.l• wi ndow• ' Builder/ Arch't/ contr. & en9in'r a ddresa & addre1111 °PoR <: I' I /.).,~r.. /Init~iah Date De11cription of work Bld<J' a width/ depth/ hllsh.t •,nitial! /fii it ia 111 Exte rior M&~!&:!al• ~ate Date Date of De•cribe or ake tcl eonstr. I plan /f"~'°""1... "'"'.,_. dln.ru !Bfoom{idJ. AICHISC.~~TlJBAL-&URVBY DMB RllDARCH ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY ~15) 922·104S3 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA I• 1 1 5 ._ (penon, tna1ldi1l9, orpniaatioa, etc>·---~~----..,.~:"'l!""------------------ 'ddreHH aa1ociated vith .... /q 91 G> l!5 ~""•'?&e>:·"I M '/7 .. l.evant da t ••• conatr~.ction"---· birth._ ___ . death._ ___ • Kher. _________ _ J. DJUCl'OaY SILUCll (CU:y Din~odH , County Dlieciad••· '1'91ephOM aoou, •oci•ty diNetoriH , •te.) Y aa • Book ----,,,., ___ ,1. .,_ ..... __ ... .:; __ T.4•••--I~--··-· ----••• ---L-~0 ••--• ·- --,, <;'o>.;z_ /.6[) ~/All' //k/;. .;:m:,,J.. A I' "" ,,. LI) '\/;l\~-1,,..~df_c,, 577 ~~7 s.J D " P'r'1M-k ~ r->"""'-<° f r\ At6er+o ., '\.. "' Wa,·.krC .. h l<J.-t:: .. /~/// ~Cr ... al t. BJOGMlllJCAL maca, iadaiM • otber a lph.a.ti•l l11 t:1np. ' dils411 41g1 •r k •x• (l.afd .or •11• (notblacJ foad) et -ob 10aroe yoa try. Lilt fMc!'-P below. Los Gatos Library: California History Center, De Anza Collese: ~-City directories (name & street index) ~-Biographical file Historic Collection Index (green boxes) ~-Photo collection ~i,o~Vl~~hompson & West, 1876 (bio index) · Pen Pictures, 1888 (bio index) ~Sunshine Fruit & Flowers, 1895 (bio ~Guinn, 1904 (bio index) ~-Sawyer, 1922 (bio index) index) ~-Bruntz, Hist'y of LG, 1971 (bio index) =:::;z'.Extended index to Bruntz San Jose Historical Museum; ~·-Great Registers (of voters) Indexes 4f,_~lo index of i-iunroe Frazer, 1881 Photo collection (2 boxes) Photo collection (Survey box) Other sources: Los Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill): __ Indexes, California Historical (')tiarterly State Library Information Index (fiche) State Library-S .F. Newspaper Ind~.¥'(") cards to big books) ~-Death records by year Funeral records (index Photo collection \ ~ Contin~ed on Re ve r ••