Item 6 - 16 Chestnut Avenue PREPARED BY: Erin Walters Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 06/27/2018 ITEM NO: 6 DATE: JUNE 22, 2018 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 16 CHESTNUT AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNERS: KENNETH GARRET AND KIM ROPER. APPLICANT: BESS WIERSEMA, STUDIO 3 DESIGN. REQUESTING APPROVAL FOR A TECHNICAL DEMOLITION OF A PRE-1941 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE ON PROPERTY ZONED R-1:12. APN 510-40-012. RECOMMENDATION: Review the applicant’s request and make a recommendation to the Community Development Director regarding the findings for technical demolition of a historic structure. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: 1910 2. Town of Los Gatos Preliminary Historic Status Code: I / Contributor to Town’s historic feeling and appears intact 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? Yes 7. Considerations required? No B. Comments On October 25, 2017, the Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) considered the applicant’s request for preliminary review of a proposal to construct first- and PAGE 2 OF 4 SUBJECT: 16 CHESTNUT AVENUE JUNE 22, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Chestnut Avenue 16 - 06-27-18.docx 6/22/2018 7:18 AM BACKGROUND (continued): second-story additions to the subject single-family residence. HPC provided feedback to the applicant including concerns regarding proposed bulk and mass, and compatibility of the proposed roof forms (Attachment 1). Based on the feedback from HPC, the Town Code’s definition of demolition for historic structures, and the applicant’s objectives, an Architecture and Site application (S-17-047) has submitted for the project, including a request for a technical demolition of the existing single-family residence to allow the proposed construction. Town Code Section 29.10.020 generally defines demolition of historic structures as removal, enclosure, or alteration of more than twenty-five percent of the wall(s) facing a public street, or fifty percent of all exterior walls: Demolition (historic structures) means: (1) Removal of more than twenty-five (25) percent of the wall(s) facing a public street(s) (or a street facing elevation if the parcel is a corridor lot or is landlocked) or fifty (50) percent of all exterior walls; or (2) Enclosure or alteration (ie: new window and or window relocation) of more than twenty-five (25) percent of the walls facing a public street (or a street facing elevation if the parcel is a corridor lot or is landlocked) or fifty (50) percent of the exterior walls so that they no longer function as exterior walls; or All remaining exterior walls must be contiguous and must retain the existing exterior wall covering. No new exterior wall covering shall be permitted over the existing exterior wall covering. The following are exempt from this definition: a. Replacement. The exterior wall covering may be removed if the covering is not original to the structure. b. Repair. The removal and replacement of in kind non-repairable exterior wall covering resulting in no change to its exterior appearance or historic character if approved by the deciding body. c. Removal. The removal of an addition(s) that is not part of the original structure and which has no historic significance, as determined by the Historic Preservation Committee. Demolition shall be determined by subsections (1) and (2) above for the original structure, where walls enclosed by additions shall be considered as exterior walls. PAGE 3 OF 4 SUBJECT: 16 CHESTNUT AVENUE JUNE 22, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Chestnut Avenue 16 - 06-27-18.docx 6/22/2018 7:18 AM BACKGROUND (continued): The subject property and the site orientation of the existing structure creates three street facing elevations, therefore the project is considered a demolition if it would result in removal of more than twenty-five (25) percent of the wall(s) facing public streets. The request to demolish the primary structure constructed prior to 1941 (Attachment 2) is accompanied by a historical report by Bonnie Bamburg, Urban Programmers (Attachment 3). The report describes all aspects of the structure’s physical condition and incorporates pertinent information from the Town’s Historic Resources Inventory describing the structure’s historical and architectural characteristics. The historical report includes the following information in support of the request: The house is designed in the Craftsman style, circa 1928. The house is recognized for the style but is not distinctive of a type, period region or method of construction. It does not represent the work of a master or possess high artistic values. Alterations have enlarged and changed the design of the original house. In reviewing the historical value of the structure, the HPC considers the following: a. Association with events that have made a significant contribution to the Town; b. Association with significant persons; and c. Distinctive characteristics of type, period, or method of construction, or representation of work of a master; and the integrity of the structure. Should the HPC find merit in the request, additional findings may be provided to support a recommendation for technical demolition. The historic resources worksheet and supporting documents are attached. PAGE 4 OF 4 SUBJECT: 16 CHESTNUT AVENUE JUNE 22, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Chestnut Avenue 16 - 06-27-18.docx 6/22/2018 7:18 AM DISCUSSION: A. Findings As required by Town Code Section 29.10.09030(c) Demolition of historic structures, a demolition permit for a historic structure may only be approved if: 2. The structure poses an imminent safety hazard; or 3. The structure is determined not to have any special historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value. Any request to demolish an historic structure shall be reviewed by the Historic Preservation Committee. All applications to demolish an historic structure which has been identified as a contributor to an existing historic district, a potential historic district, or is eligible for local designation shall be accompanied by a detailed report describing all aspects of the structure’s physical condition and shall incorporate pertinent information from the Town’s Historic Resources Inventory describing the structure’s historical and architectural characteristics. Attachments: 1. Minutes of the HPC October 25, 2017 (two pages) 2. Request (four pages) 3. Historical Report, prepared by Urban Programmers (21 pages) 4. Photos of existing residence (ten pages) 5. Historic Resources Worksheet (five pages) 6. Applicant’s Presentation and Architectural and Site Application Development Plans Distribution: Cc: Bess Wiersema, Studio 3 Design, 638 University Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Kenneth Garret and Kim Roper, 16 Chestnut Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95032 PAGE20F2 MINUTES OF THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF OCTOBER 25, 2017 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4 :48 p.m . APPROVED AS TO FORM : Sally Za rnowitz Plannin g Manager N:\DEV\HISTORI C PRESERVATIO N\HP Cminutes\2017\10-25-17 M i ns.docx Page 1 of 21 *Resource Name or #: (Assigned by recorder) 16 Chestnut Ave, Los Gatos P1. Other Identifier: State of California  The Resources Agency Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # PRIMARY RECORD Trinomial NRHP Status Code Other Listings Review Code Reviewer Date *P2. Location: Not for Publication  Unrestricted *a. County Santa Clara and (P2c, P2e, and P2b or P2d. Attach a Location Map as necessary.) *b. USGS 7.5' Quad Los Gatos Date 1980 T ; R ; of of Sec ; B.M. c.Address 16 Chestnut Avenue City Los Gatos Zip 95030 d.UTM: (Give more than one for large and/or linear resources) Zone 10,591036.37 mE/ 4119616.85 mN e.Other Locational Data: (e.g., parcel #, directions to resource, elevation, decimal degrees, etc., as appropriate)APN 510-40-012 *P3a. Description: (Describe resource and its major elements. Include design, materials, condition, alterations, size, setting, and boundaries) The property is on a slight slope at the junction of Chestnut Ave and Hernandez Avenue, west of the downtown of Los Gatos. The immediate area has a variety of lot sizes and building styles. The house is a Craftsman Style (Airplane sub set) constructed in 1928. The front façade exhibits a front facing gable that extends over the porch. The porch has a deep eve defined by a verge-board is accented with rafters that penetrate ending in pyramidal end caps. The peak of the gable is defined with radiating timbers, and is supported by tow oversized square columns that sit on the half wall of the porch. (continued page 3) *P3b. Resource Attributes: (List attributes and codes) HP2 Single Family house, HP# Multiple family property *P4. Resources Present:  Building Structure Object Site District Element of District Other (Isolates, etc.) P5b. Description of Photo: (view, date, accession #) West façade 5/15/2016 *P6. Date Constructed/Age and Source: Historic Prehistoric Both 19128 Assessor’s records Deed *P7. Owner and Address: Kim roper & Kenneth Garret 16 Chestnut Ave. Los Gatos CA 95030 *P8. Recorded by: (Name, affiliation, and address) Bonnie Bamburg Urban Programmers 10710 Ridgeview Ave. San Jose, CA 95127 *P9.Date Recorded: 4/20/2018 *P10. Survey Type: (Describe) Project specific *P11. Report Citation: (Cite survey report and other sources, or enter "none.") Los Gatos Historic Preservation Inventory _ *Attachments: NONE Location Map Continuation Sheet Building, Structure, and Object Record Archaeological Record District Record Linear Feature Record Milling Station Record Rock Art Record P5a. Photograph or Drawing (Photograph required for buildings, structures, and objects.) DPR 523A (9/2013) *Required information Attachment 3 *Resource Name or # (Assigned by recorder) 16 Chestnut Ave. Los Gatos 95030 *NRHP Status Code 6J Page 3 of 21 State of California  The Resources Agency Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# BUILDING, STRUCTURE, AND OBJECT RECORD (This space reserved for official comments.) (Sketch Map with north arrow required.) B1. Historic Name: Brown House B2. Common Name: none B3. Original Use: residential B4. Present Use: residential *B5. Architectural Style: Cratsman *B6. Construction History: (Construction date, alterations, and date of alterations) constructed c.1928, Alterations and additions after 1950, Earthquake repair 1990 *B7. Moved? No Yes Unknown Date:Original Location: *B8. Related Features: Natural hillside setting , mature trees B9a. Architect: Unknown b. Builder: unknown *B10. Significance: Theme residential architecture Area Los Gatos Period of Significance 1928-1980 Property Type house Applicable Criteria NA (Discuss importance in terms of historical or architectural context as defined by theme, period, and geographic scope. Also address integrity.) The house at 16 Chestnut Avenue, is listed in the Los Gatos Inventory of Historic Resources and is a Bell Ringer home. It is not eligible for Los Gatos Landmark Status or for listing in the California Register of Historic Resources because no significant event or person is associated with the property and while the architecture is pleasant, the house has been enlarged and better examples of the Craftsman style exist in Los Gatos. Background: The current house was constructed in 1928, according to the Santa Clara County Assessor’s records and the listings of people in the City Directories. The property is lots 1 & 2 of block 5 in the Glen Ridge Park subdivision, located in Redwood Township (now Los Gatos). According to the Official Records of Santa Clara County, the owner of the property when it was sold for development was Fred and Dorothy Crisp. Fred was a realtor in Los Gatos with Crisp & Reilly Real Estate and Insurance, 4 University Ave. The sale in 1927, was to Ray B and Jennie F Brown. The couple moved from New York where Roy’s family had been in the knitted garment business for at least 2 generation B11. Additional Resource Attributes: (List attributes and codes) HP3 *B12. References: Official Records and deeds, City Directories, US Census records. (continued page 20) B13. Remarks: *B14. Evaluator: Bonnie Bamburg/William Zavlaris *Date of Evaluation: 4/20/2018 DPR 523B (9/2013) *Required information *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 4/20/2018  Continuation  Update State of California  Natural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Property Name: _16 Chestnut Ave t. Los Gatos 95030__ Page _3____ of __21__ P3a Description Continued: surrounding the porch. The porch is raised 4 brick steps. The entry door is in the center with high windows on each side. The side facing gable body of the building has a wide dormer on the rear slope of the roof. The lower level is a canted and sheathed in stucco with a single windows in each facade. The East façade is similar with a stucco base and a band of windows. On the west side of the building what appears to be a flat roof addition has a band of casement windows that extend from the front, behind the pooch, around the side of the building in sets of two, one operable that is covered by a screen. A set of three small windows are in the peak of the side-facing gable. In the original building, the windows occur in mid height on the wall and are double-hung style. The rear of the house has a large picture type window and a band of double-hung style across the back wall up to the rear porch that has been filled in with half-wall and windows. A wooden porch extends partially under the overhanging roof. A pitched roof shed covers the entrance to the basement. The porches and body of the building is sheathed in dropped horizontal, wide-board siding. The roof is rolled asphalt material. Landscaping is formal in the front of the house with flowering bushes along the walkway to the porch. Beyond that, the landscape is contained in rock gardens that are on the side of the main house and in front of the guest house. Large trees are on the property and along the property line. A chicken coop is behind the house. Also on the property is a building that his several additions in a vernacular style. This has elements of the 1940s and later without a defined style. The siding appears to be T-111 manufactured board. The overall condition of the building appears to be very good with the Craftsman stylistic elements retained through the repairs. DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 4/20/2018  Continuation  Update State of California  Natural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Property Name: _16 Chestnut Ave t. Los Gatos 95030__ Page _4____ of __21__ P5b Photographs: Photograph 1 16 Chestnut Avenue, Los Gatos View: Entry into the property. Date: March 2018 DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 4/20/2018  Continuation  Update State of California  Natural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Property Name: _16 Chestnut Ave t. Los Gatos 95030__ Page _5____ of __21__ Photograph 2 16 Chestnut Avenue, Los Gatos View: Main House. Front porch Date: March 2018 DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 4/20/2018  Continuation  Update State of California  Natural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Property Name: _16 Chestnut Ave t. Los Gatos 95030__ Page _6____ of __21__ Photograph 3 16 Chestnut Avenue, Los Gatos View: Main House. Front corner with the large sunroom addition Date: March 2018 DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 4/20/2018  Continuation  Update State of California  Natural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Property Name: _16 Chestnut Ave t. Los Gatos 95030__ Page _7____ of __21__ Photograph 4 16 Chestnut Avenue, Los Gatos View: Main House. Side façade covered by the sunroom addition. Note the windows in peak of side gable. Date: March 2018 DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 4/20/2018  Continuation  Update State of California  Natural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Property Name: _16 Chestnut Ave t. Los Gatos 95030__ Page _8____ of __21__ Photograph 4 16 Chestnut Avenue, Los Gatos View: Main House. rear façade, entry to basement addition, wood porch added when the utility porch was enclosed. Date: March 2018 DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 4/20/2018  Continuation  Update State of California  Natural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Property Name: _16 Chestnut Ave t. Los Gatos 95030__ Page _9____ of __21__ Photograph 5 16 Chestnut Avenue, Los Gatos View: Shed. Date: March 2018 DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 4/20/2018  Continuation  Update State of California  Natural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Property Name: _16 Chestnut Ave t. Los Gatos 95030__ Page _10____ of __21__ Photograph 6 16 Chestnut Avenue, Los Gatos View: Guest house. Date: March 2018 DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 4/20/2018  Continuation  Update State of California  Natural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Property Name: _16 Chestnut Ave t. Los Gatos 95030__ Page _11____ of __21__ Photograph 7 16 Chestnut Avenue, Los Gatos View: Guest house Façade facing Chestnut Avenue. Date: March 2018 B10. Significance continued: knitted garment manufacturing for at least 3 generations when he retired and moved to Los Gatos in 1927. Roy was born in 1872 in New York, Jennie was from Holland becoming a naturalized citizen in 1888.1 The couple first lived on Ellenwood Drive while the house on Chestnut was under construction. They moved 1 1920; Census Place: Colonie, Albany, New York; Roll: T625_1083; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 145 DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 4/20/2018  Continuation  Update State of California  Natural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Property Name: _16 Chestnut Ave t. Los Gatos 95030__ Page _12____ of __21__ in in 1930. After Roy passed away, Jennie Ford Brown sold the property in 1936. The next sale was to Edward H. and Bernice Loftus.2 Edward was born in Singapore, Bengal India, March 24, 1865 and educated in had before the couple left for California in 1927. The couple lived on Ellwood Avenue in Los Gatos during construction of the Chestnut Avenue house.3 They moved into 16 Chestnut Avenue in mid-1930. After Roy passed away, Jennie Ford Brown sold the property to Edward H and Bernice A. Loftus on December 29,1936,4 Edward was born and educated in England, as was his wife Beatrice A. Fernol Loftus.5 The couple married July 5, 1892 in Surry England.6 Edward’s father John A. Loftus, a Captain in the Royal Navy, became the Astronomer for the King of Siam, where the family spent several years. The 1901 English Survey shows Edward and Beatrice living in Wimbledon, England where he was an Attaché in Diplomatic Service. Edward, drawing upon his experience in Siam, become the Secretary for the Legation of Siam (Thailand). During his career, the couple lived in Los Angles in the Arlington Apartments and in Washington DC. In 1928, the City Directory listed them with their son Reginald at their summer home, 111 Bass Lane, Gloucester Massachusetts.7 The couple moved to Los Gatos in 1936, although it may have been part time for at least one year. During the time, they owned the Chestnut Avenue house the sunroom was added and the rear porch was altered. Prior to his marriage, their son lived with his aging parents. In 1941 Reginald married Stanford Professor Claire MacGregor. In 1946, the year after Edward passed away, Beatrice transferred the property to their son Reginald A.F. Loftus and Claire MacGregor Loftus. Reginald was born in England and as a bachelor he moved with his parents, to Washington D.C. and then to Santa Monica where he was before moving to Los Gatos late in the 1930s to be with his aging parents. His profession was in Social Welfare where he worked as an investigator for the California State Welfare Fund and other agencies. Reginald and his wife Claire lived in the house following the death of Beatrice. In 1955, the property was sold to Robert A and Jane H. Lindsay. The property was sold again in 1969 to Louis A waters Jr and a quiet claim to Valrie H. Waters, his wife. The property remained in the Waters family until it was sold to the current owners, Kim Roper and Kenneth Garrett in 2016 2 Deed Grown to Loftus, Book 800 Official Records, page362 recorded 12/29/1936 3 US Census 1930, Redwood Township, Santa Clara County CA 4 Deed Brown to Loftus, Book 800 Official Records page 362, 12/29/1936 5 Ancestry.com. India, Select Births and Baptisms, 1786-1947 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014. 6 Ancestry.com. Surrey, England, Church of England Marriages, 1754-1937 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2013. 7 City Directory for 1928-1930 Gloucester, Mass, pg 235 DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 4/20/2018  Continuation  Update State of California  Natural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Property Name: _16 Chestnut Ave t. Los Gatos 95030__ Page _13____ of __21__ In 1976 as part of the Bicentennial celebration the town of Los Gatos, under the leadership of former Mayor Mardi Gualtieri, instituted a program to provide funds to repair pre-1900 homes where the neighborhoods were deteriorating and owners were elderly or could not afford the repairs. The program used federal funds as well as private donations. July 4, 1976, 61 homes received the designation and another 5 were designated July 4, 4977. The house at 16 Chestnut was one of the houses that invited into the program. The program, known as the Los Gatos Bell Ringers repaired 100 homes before ceasing.8 Each home was given a distinctive plaque with a doorbell button in the center. It does not appear the plaque is still on the house. Research did not uncover any significant events or people important in the history of Los Gatos that were associated with this property. The first and second owners moved from the East Coast to Los Gatos to retire in a more hospitable climate. Policy and Regulations: California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR)9 The California Register of Historical Resources is “an authoritative listing and guide to be used by state and local agencies, private groups and citizens in identifying the existing historical resources of the state and to indicate which resources deserve to be protected, to the extent prudent and feasible, from substantial adverse change”(Public Resources Code Section 5024.1[a]). The criteria for eligibility to the California Register are based on National Register criteria (Public Resources Code Section 5024.1[b]). Certain resources are determined by the statute to be automatically included in the California Register, including California properties formally determined eligible for or listed in the National Register. To be eligible for the California Register as a historical resource, a prehistoric or 8 Dougherty, Lynn, The History of the Bell Ringers, Los Gatos Library 9 Brown tone print is taken from the pamphlet; “California Register of Historic Resources and CEQA”- California Office of Historic Preservation DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 4/20/2018  Continuation  Update State of California  Natural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Property Name: _16 Chestnut Ave t. Los Gatos 95030__ Page _14____ of __21__ historic-period resource must be significant at the local or state level under one or more of the following criteria: 1 It is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of local or regional history, or the cultural heritage of California or the United States; The property at 16 Chestnut Avenue, a single-family house, is not associated with events that contributed to the broad patterns of local, regional history or the cultural heritage of California. 2 It is associated with the lives of persons important to local, California, or national history; The subject property is associated with a retired couple and their son. Neither is important to local, California or national history. 3 It embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of construction, or represents the work of a master, or possesses high artistic values; or The house is designed in the Craftsman style, circa 1928. The house is recognized for the style but is not distinctive of a type, period, region or method of construction. It does not represent the work of a master or possess high artistic values. Alterations have enlarged and changed the design of the original house. 4 It has yielded, or has the potential to yield, information important to the prehistory or history of the local area, California, or the nation. The site is not near a waterway and has been graded for construction and landscaping. It is unlikely to have yield information important to the prehistory of the area. The building is wood frame and uses materials in common use. It cannot yield important information from history. DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 4/20/2018  Continuation  Update State of California  Natural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Property Name: _16 Chestnut Ave t. Los Gatos 95030__ Page _15____ of __21__ For a resource to be eligible for the California Register, it must also retain enough integrity to be recognizable as a historical resource and to convey its significance. The seven aspects of integrity are: location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association. A resource that does not retain sufficient integrity to meet the National Register criteria may still be eligible for listing in the California Register. A resource that has lost its historic character or appearance may still have sufficient integrity for the California Register if it maintains the potential to yield significant scientific or historical information or specific data. The house does not meet the criteria for significance and is not a significant historic resource eligible for listing in the California Register of Historic Recourses. This is because it is not associated with events or people of significance in the history of Los Gatos and does not exhibit artistic or significant architecture designed by a master. Town of Los Gatos: The following Town of Los Gatos 2020 General Plan goals and policies relating to archaeological and historic resources are applicable to consider. Goal OSP-9 To protect Los Gatos’s archaeological and cultural resources to maintain and enhance a unique sense of place. Policy OSP-9.1 Evaluate archaeological and/or cultural resources early in the development review process through consultation with interested parties and the use of contemporary professional techniques in archaeology, ethnography, and architectural history. The property was extensively researched and evaluated for cultural and architectural importance. The evaluation is provided to the Town prior to a development proposal. DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 4/20/2018  Continuation  Update State of California  Natural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Property Name: _16 Chestnut Ave t. Los Gatos 95030__ Page _16____ of __21__ Goal CD-12 To preserve significant historic and architectural features within the Town. The research and evaluation show that the buildings on the property have been altered and enlarged and are not significant features in Los Gatos. Although not eligible for landmark status the main house is recognized as contributing to the overall character of the neighborhood. It was recognized during the Bell Ringer program and provided a grant for repairs. The property is listed in the Los Gatos Historic Resource Inventory. Division 3. Historic Preservation and LHP or Landmark and Historic Preservation Overlay Zone Sec. 29.80.215. Purposes. It is hereby found that structures, sites and areas of special character or special historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value have been and continue to be unnecessarily destroyed or impaired, despite the feasibility of preserving them. It is further found that the public health, safety and welfare require prevention of needless destruction and impairment, and promotion of the economic utilization and discouragement of the decay and desuetude of such structures, sites and areas. The purpose of historic preservation is to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the public through: (1) The protection, enhancement, perpetuation and use of structures, sites and areas that are reminders of past eras, events and persons important in local, State, or National history, or which provide significant examples of architectural styles of the past or are landmarks in the history of architecture, or which are unique and irreplaceable assets to the Town and its neighborhoods, or which provide for this and future generations examples of the physical surroundings in which past generations lived. DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 4/20/2018  Continuation  Update State of California  Natural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Property Name: _16 Chestnut Ave t. Los Gatos 95030__ Page _17____ of __21__ (2) The development and maintenance of appropriate settings and environment for such structures. (3) The enhancement of property values, the stabilization of neighborhood and areas of the Town, the increase of economic and financial benefits to the Town and its inhabitants, and the promotion of tourist trade and interest. (4) The enrichment of human life in its educational and cultural dimensions by serving aesthetic as well as material needs and fostering knowledge of the living heritage of the past. The Town recognizes an historic resource as follows: any structure/site that is located within an historic district; any structure/site that is historically designated; or any primary structure constructed prior to 1941 unless the Town has determined that the structure has no historic significance or architectural merit. Finding: The Town has designated historic districts as; Almond Grove, Broadway, Los Gatos Commercial, Fairview Plaza and University/Edelen. All the historic districts are located in the historic core area of Los Gatos. The subject property is not in a designated historic district and was originally part of Redwood Township before annexation to Los Gatos. Los Gatos is fortunate to have many fine examples of Craftsman style homes that represent the style more authentically than the building at 16 Chestnut Avenue. The very pleasant house exhibits character that contributes to the neighborhood, with architectural interest and is therefore of value to the built environment of Los Gatos. People who were retired owned or occupied the property. The owners did not influence the history of Santa Clara County or DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 4/20/2018  Continuation  Update State of California  Natural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Property Name: _16 Chestnut Ave t. Los Gatos 95030__ Page _18____ of __21__ Los Gatos. The house is not associated with an event or a person of importance. The building is a pleasant version of Craftsman design that is located on a prominent corner and contributes architecturally to the neighborhood. The large addition to the side and alterations to the rear of the house have not established significance and detract from the original small cottage. Thus, without exceptional design, it is not eligible for designation to the California Register of Historical Resources or landmark designation in Los Gatos. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) In the historic resource section of CEQA, the concern is directed toward any project that may create an adverse change to any historic resource. CEQA Guidelines appendix G indicates that a project may have a significant effect on the environment if it would: 1. cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource as defined in section 15064.5; 2. cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource pursuant to section 15064.5; 3. directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geologic feature; 4. disturb any human remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries; or 5. conflict with a plan or policy adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect. A “substantial adverse change” to a historic resource is defined in Guidelines Section 15064.5(b) as “physical demolition, destruction, relocation, or alteration of the resource or its immediate surroundings such that the significance of a historical DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 4/20/2018  Continuation  Update State of California  Natural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Property Name: _16 Chestnut Ave t. Los Gatos 95030__ Page _19____ of __21__ resource would be materially impaired. The significance of an historic resource is materially impaired when a project “demolishes or materially alters in an adverse manner those physical characteristics of a historical resource that convey its historical significance and that justify its inclusion in, or eligibility for inclusion in the California Register of Historical Resources;” or “demolishes or materially alters in an adverse manner those physical characteristics that account for its inclusion in a local register of historical resources...” or “demolishes or materially alters in an adverse manner those physical characteristics of a historical resource that convey its historical significance and that justify its eligibility for inclusion in the California Register of Historical Resources as determined by a lead agency for purposes of CEQA.” CEQA (Guidelines Section 15064.5), define the term “historical resources” to include the following: 1. A resource listed in, or determined to be eligible by the State Historical Resources Commission, for listing in the California Register (Public Resources Code §5024.1, Title 14 California Code of Regulations, Section 4850 et seq.). 2. A resource included in a local register of historical resources, as defined in Section 5020.1(k) of the Public Resources Code or identified as significant in a historical resource survey meeting the requirements of Section 5024.1(g) of the Public Resources Code, shall be presumed to be historically or culturally significant. Public agencies must treat any such resource as significant unless the preponderance of evidence demonstrates that it is not historically or culturally significant. 3. Any object, building, structure, site, area, place, record, or manuscript which a lead agency determines to be historically significant or significant in the architectural, engineering, scientific, economic, DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 4/20/2018  Continuation  Update State of California  Natural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Property Name: _16 Chestnut Ave t. Los Gatos 95030__ Page _20____ of __21__ agricultural, educational, social, political, military, or cultural annals of California, may be considered to be a historical resource, provided the lead agency’s determination is supported by substantial evidence in light of the whole record. Generally, a resource shall be considered by the lead agency to be “historically significant” if the resource meets the criteria for listing in the California Register (Public Resources Code Section 5024.1, Title 14 California Code of Regulations, Section 4852) Properties that do not meet the criteria above for listing in the California Register of Historic Resources or a local register based upon research and the whole record are not considered historical resources under CEQA. CEQA Finding: The research and evaluation of the house and garage at 16 Chestnut conclude the property and buildings do not meet the criteria of the California Register of Historic Resources or the criteria of the Town of Los Gatos for designating a historic resource. For purposes of CEQA the subject property is not a “Historic Resource” under the CEQA Guidelines. Sources Consulted: Building permits and deeds are listed in the footnotes. Bruntz, George G., History of Los Gatos-Gem of the Foothills, Valley Publishers, 1981 California Office of Historic Preservation, “CEQA and Historic Preservation” Comstock, William T., Suburban and Country Homes, New York, 1893 Conway, Peggy, Los Gatos Generations. Images of America, Arcadia Publishing Co, 2007 DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 4/20/2018  Continuation  Update State of California  Natural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Property Name: _16 Chestnut Ave t. Los Gatos 95030__ Page _21____ of __21__ Conway,Peggy, Los Gatos, Images of Modern America, Arcadia Press 2017 Conway-Bergtold, Peggy, Legendary Locals of Los Gatos, Arcadia Publishing, 2014 Foley, Mary Mix, The American House, Harper Colophon Books, Harper & Row Publishers, New York, 1980 McAlester, V & L. A Field Guide to American Houses, A. Knopf, New York, 1985 Rifkind, C. A Field Guide to American Architecture, Times Mirror, New York 1980 Town of Los Gatos, 2020 General Plan. Town of Los Gatos, “How to Research Your Los Gatos House”. Whiffin, Marcus, American Architecture Since 1780 A Guide to Styles, M.I.T.Press, Cambridge Mass. 1981 Wilson, Henry L., California Bungalows of the 1920s, Dover Publications, New York 1993 Winter, Robert, California Bungalows, 1980 Winter, Robert & Vertkioff, Alexander, Craftsman Style, 2004 U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Cultural Resources, National Register, National Register Bulletin – How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation, Government Printing Office, 1997 DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 4/20/2018  Continuation  Update State of California  Natural Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # Trinomial CONTINUATION SHEET Property Name: _16 Chestnut Ave t. Los Gatos 95030__ Page _22____ of __21__ DPR 523L (Rev. 1/1995)(Word 9/2013) Rece1veo JUN 1 .1 2018 TO WN OF Los GATOS PLANNING DIVISION 16 CHESTNUT A VENUE 16 CHESTNUT A VENUE 155 HERNANDEZ AVENUE 9 CHESTNUT A VENUE 15 CHESTNUT A VENUE 15 CHESTNUT A VENUE 21 CHESTNUT A VENUE 134 HERNANDEZ AVENUE Pile addre••~ ~~/ntrf PU8Lil8SD Am>UJICWlft'8 Cff nnE. :J::5loomfi£La ARCHITBCT .L SURVEY BUILDING RESEARCH 1ource1 MiB JNlletin CA68lf call Chron DPB Bd..AB SX llewa PCA Other Yo'iuae --D&te ----Paqe ------ - 2229 SAN FRA 141 5 1 9 22·10 63 1STER STREET .:o. C A 941 1 !:I Nature of announcesent: ___ contract notice ___ Notice of c011pletion __ BP i••ued ___ Photo ___ Blev/•ketch/rend'q ___ Ploor plan ___ Arch't/cont'r pub ___ Real e a t. Copy exactly1 2!!n!!. Builder/Contractor BUILDING PERMITS Sourcer Permit !Wqiater, Pr••• Addre•• recrue•ted'--~~~- -Appl1cat1on oat• Nuaiber .....__ : O'l'llSJt SOURCB (a pecify thoroughly) SANBONI MAPS Color: Vac . yel, pnk, or orange Vol/ dif. blu,qry Architect/Engineer Location UM/ Owner llO. 0 f Location ~ .Ya.UL. tddreu Pa tch•• aa . .... b d !'...... ti _n._ {~ 13 1i..-~ '/& r-·h.u :/.Ji.. _D Ye•/ No. of lfo ft tori•• y Al No. of BeiCJht bay -UL.1.1 window1. (j.. !t:rif I\ ~ ' n#l K~~u K I I ;t_ l ·~ .'/-. t ~.3 } , .... "' I .§0..i .... ~· /f Nature of work Builder/ Arch't/ Cott /Initial• Date Bldg'• width/ --------- addre•• & address Description of work height Materials f ' I I Differences fro~ today in1 Y.u. . Storiee, Footprint Pc.Re tt D I n ~itia /Initial• Date Date of constr. Describe or •ketch Plan • _. ~~.-- -:;/ ··r<.f ~CJ /Initials ~- ..,,.... / ,:u ~f Chestnut House16 Chestnut AvenueJune 27thHistorical Preservation CommitteeAttachment 6 Historical Report SummaryA historical report was prepared for the project 16 Chestnut Ave by Bonnie Bamburg, Urban Programmers on April 20, 2018.•Listed in the Los Gatos Inventory of Historical Resources and Bell Ringer Home (Page 3 of 21)•Not eligible for Los Gatos Landmark Status or listing in California Register of Historical Resources because no significant event or person is associated with the property (Page 3 of 21)•While the architecture is pleasant, the house has been enlarged, and better examples of Craftsman style exist in Los Gatos (Page 3 of 21)•Constructed 1928 (per Santa Clara County Assessor’s records and listings of people in the City Directories) (Page 3 of 21)•California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR) (Page 13 of 21 through 15 of 21)•The property at 16 Chestnut Avenue, a single‐family house, is not associated with events that contribute to the broad patterns of local, regional history or the cultural heritage of California.•The subject property is associated with a retired couple and their son. Neither is important to the local, California or national history.•The house is designed in the Craftsman style, circa 1928. The house is recognized for the style but is not distinctive of a type, period, region or method of construction. It does not represent the work of a master or possess high artistic values. Alterations have enlarged and changed the design of the original house. •The site is not near a waterway and has been graded for construction and landscaping. It is unlikely to have yield information important to the prehistory of the area. The building is wood frame and uses materials in common use. It cannot yield important information from history. Town of Los Gatos – Code of OrdinanceSection 29.10.020. – Definitions. Demolition(historic structures) means:(1) Removal of more than twenty‐five (25) percent of the wall(s) facing a public street(s) (or a street facing elevation if the parcel is a corridor lot or is a landlocked) or fifty (50) percent of all exterior walls; or(2) Enclosure or alternation (i.e.: new window and or window relocation) of more than twenty‐five (25) percent of the walls facing a public street (or a street facing elevation if the parcel is corridor lot or landlocked) or fifty (50) percent of the exterior walls so that they no longer function as exterior walls; orAll remaining exterior walls must be contiguous and must retain the existing exterior wall covering. No new exterior wall covering shall be permitted over the existing exterior wall covering. The following are exempt from this definition:a) Replacement. The exterior wall covering may be removed if the covering is not original to the structureb) Repair. The removal and replacement of in kind non‐repairable exterior wall covering resulting in no change to its exterior appearance or historic character if approved by the deciding body.c) Removal. The removal of an addition(s) that is not part of the original structure and which has no historic significance, as determined by subsection (1) and (2) above for the original structure, where walls enclosed by additions shall be considered as exterior walls. Existing Site PlanConstraints Due to Site:•Existing substantial trees•(3) Street (front) sides which requires stringent 25% ruleExisting site has three (3) street facing sides:•South Elevation (Front) –Facing Chestnut Ave.•East Elevation (Side) –Facing Hernandez Ave.•North Side (Rear) –Facing Hernandez Ave.The interior side elevation (West) is the non‐street facing elevation.  This is also the most private side of the house/property which will remain.Street FacingChestnut Ave.Street FacingHernandez Ave.Street FacingHernandez Ave.Non Street FacingTrees HERNANDEZ AVECHESTNUT AVENSEW Technical Demolition Diagrams(Analyses of Existing vs. Non‐Original)EXISTINGEXISTING MINUS NON‐ORIGINAL AREA Technical Demolition Diagram – South ElevationsExisting Wall Area = 454 SF25% = 114 SFWall Area To Be Removed = 454 SFSunroomSunroom area(Analyses of Existing vs. Non‐Original, Maximum allowed for Historical Structure = 25%)South ElevationExisting minus Non‐Original = 364 SF (454‐90)25% = 91 SFWall Area To Be Removed = 364 SF•Non‐Original (Sun Room) = 90 SF East ElevationSunroom area(Analyses of Existing vs. Non‐Original, Maximum allowed for Historical Structure = 25%)Technical Demolition Diagram – East ElevationsExisting Wall Area = 688 SF25% = 172 SFWall Area To Be Removed = 485 SFExisting minus Non‐Original = 383 SF (688‐305)25% = 96 SFWall Area To Be Removed = 180 SF•Non‐Original (Sun Room) = 305 SFSunroom Technical Demolition Diagram – North ElevationsNorth ElevationSunroom areaEnclosed Porch AreaSunroom areaEnclosed Porch Area(Analyses of Existing vs. Non‐Original, Maximum allowed for Historical Structure = 25%)Cellar “Shed”Cellar “Shed”Existing Wall Area = 493 SF25% = 123 SFWall Area To Be Removed = 155 SFExisting minus Non‐Original = 234 SF (493‐259)25% = 59 SFWall Area To Be Removed = 34 SF•Non‐Original (Sun Room/Shed/Porch) = 259 SF**121 of non‐original to be removed WestElevation(Analyses of Existing vs. Non‐Original, Maximum allowed Non‐Street Facing Side = 50%)Enclosed Porch AreaEnclosed Porch AreaExisting Wall Area = 553 SF50% = 277 SFWall Area To Be Removed = 193 SFExisting minus Non‐Original = 492 SF (553‐61)50% = 246 SFWall Area To Be Removed = 135 SF•Non‐Original (Porch) = 61 SFTechnical Demolition Diagram – West Elevations EXTERIOR NORTH ELEVATIONEXISTING NORTH ELEVATION HAS BEEN SIGNIFICANTLY MODFIED BY THE ADDITION OF NEW WINDOWS + ENCLOSURE OF COVERD PORCHNEW WINDOW AT KITCHEN IS A DIFFERENT HEAD HEIGHT + TRIM DOES NOT MATCH ORIGINALCELLAR “SHED” WAS ADDED ON + NOT ORIGINAL, SEE EXTERIOR SIDING ON THE INSIDE NORTH ELEVATION HAS INCONSISTENT WINDOW MULLIONS, FUNCTION + HEAD HEIGHTS(Demonstrates Non‐Original Conditions) EXTERIOR NORTH ELEVATIONAlteration to rear corner of house: covered porch enclosed to become a utility room.Exterior door leading to kitchenWindow + door trim does not match original trimInterior finish matches that of front porch Linoleum floor inconsistent with wood floors in home(Demonstrates Non‐Original Conditions) DRIVEWAY DIAGRAM 16 CHESTNUT AVE.(VIEWS FROM INTERSECTION TO NEIGHBORING DRIVEWAYS) DRIVEWAY DIAGRAM 16 CHESTNUT AVE.(VIEWS TOWARDS INTERSECTION OF CHESTNUT AVE. + HERNANDEZ AVE.) CURRENT DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE16 CHESTNUT AVE.(Note: Easily visible as different from public roads) CURRENT DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE+/‐25’‐0”HISTORICAL COLUMNS DEFINE DRIVEWAY VISUALLY + CREATE SEPARATION FROM PUBLIC TRAFFIC PATTERNNOTE, DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE IS PULLED AHEAD OF STOP SIGN WHICH ALLOWS FOR VISUAL CLEARANCE DRIVEWAY DIAGRAM Proposed location of relocated driveway entrance along Chestnut Ave. (Per Town Engineering Dept.)Issues with Town Proposal:•Grade change create complex driveway access•Curb + Gutter detail at street, affecting existing street drainage•Impacts existing landscaping•Proposed driveway in close proximity to existing mature trees•Moving driveway allows for new landscaping at corner creating potential visibility issues for traffic at cornerEXISTINGTOWN PROPOSED Exterior Elevation Comparison (South /Front Elevation)HPC Issues/Concerns with Initial Design:•Bulk + Mass•2 tiers in front overwhelming•Shed takes over house, too dominate•Add gables, not sheds in front•Integrate sheds with shingles, not metal roof•Drop shed plate height•Gable roof pitches appear steeper than typical Craftsman homes, house appears “tall”New Design Addresses Issues/Concerns:•Switched shed + gable: added gable to 2ndfloor + shed for new covered porch•Dropped metal roof, all roofing is comp. asphalt•Replicate porch columns, eave details, window mullion patterns, trim details all siding materials•Enhanced Craftsman character with details at eaves, fascia, gable venting, brackets + rafter tails, consistent with those on existing home•Simplify eave detail at ridges + reduces overall length of roof  which reduces overall bulk + mass•Reduced overall bulk + mass with roof changes, better proportions at entry•Reduced roof pitches at secondary gables to be more consistent with Craftsman style homes which also reduces overall height of bays Exterior Elevation Comparison(East/Street Side Elevation)HPC Issues/Concerns with Initial Design:•Bulk + Mass•Too many gables•Complicated roof line•Eliminate other pitches•Add gables, not sheds•Home appears “tall”/verticalNew Design Addresses Issues/Concerns:•Gables at second story addition simplifies side (East) elevation•Proportions adjusted + new roof configuration at sides create less vertical mass•Overall proportions are more horizontal, gable roof of new addition at second story slopes away (no more vertical wall elements at large shed) •Modified large bay with shed roof reducing overall height/verticality, windows are also reduced in height to better suit Craftsman proportions Exterior Elevation Comparison(North/Rear Elevation)HPC Issues/Concerns with Initial Design:•Bulk + Mass•Shed takes over house, too dominate•Gable roof pitches appear more sloped than typical Craftsman and makes house feel “tall”New Design Addresses Issues/Concerns:•Added gable with shed at rear elevation•Reduced gable roof pitch at first floor to be more consistent with Craftsman style•Eliminates metal roof•Simplifies eave at ridge•Reduced roof pitches to appear less vertical, reduced size of shed to appear less massive at upper ridge line•New gables at bays are lower pitched appearing less “tall” and window proportions have been modified to appear low  which is consistent with Craftsman home character Exterior Elevation Comparison(West/Interior Side Elevation)HPC Issue/Concerns with Initial Design:•Bulk + Mass of shed at front as viewed from side•Shed takes over house, too dominate•Massing of proposed bay + extended eave is largeNew Design Addresses Issues/Concerns:•Eliminating shed at front reduces vertical walls at second story as seen from this elevation•Bay at 2ndstory mass is modified + reduced with a new shed roof and appears less “tall”•Windows at left/right of bay are modified to lessen the vertical proportion and appear lower fitting better in the gable end•Trellis has been added back to match original house condition Floor Plan Comparison (Existing + Proposed 1stFloor)Sunroom AreaNon-OriginalUtility RoomNon-OriginalPrivate Space/Area to MaintainExisting 1stFloor = 1,771 SFExisting 1stFloor = 1,771 SFAddition =     480 SFProposed = 2,251 SFRoom to ExpandArea of AdditionArea of Addition(Covered Porch) Floor Plan Comparison (Existing + Proposed 2ndFloor)Existing 2ndFloor = 802 SF2 Bedroom1 BathExisting 2ndFloor =    802 SFAddition =    426 SFProposed = 1,228 SF3 Bedroom2 BathArea of Addition Floor Plan Comparison (Existing + Proposed Basement)Existing Basement = 876 SFNo Current GarageLarge Cellar, Unconditioned/ Unfinished SpaceProposed Basement = 1,591 SFAttached Garage =    767 SFNew Laundry, Utility + Guest Room Take advantage of Existing Cellar Space to reduce 2ndFloor additionArea of Addition Roof Plan Comparison (Existing + Proposed) STREETSCAPE PHOTOS + RENDERINGSEXISTING VIEW FROM CHESTNUT AVE.PROPOSED VIEW FROM CHESTNUT AVE. STREETSCAPE PHOTOS + RENDERINGSEXISTING VIEW FROM CHESTNUT AVE.PROPOSED VIEW FROM CHESTNUT AVE. STREETSCAPE PHOTOS + RENDERINGSEXISTING VIEW FROM CORNER (CHESTNUT/HERNANDEZ AVE.)PROPOSED VIEW FROM CORNER (CHESTNUT/HERNANDEZ AVE.) STREETSCAPE PHOTOS + RENDERINGSEXISTING VIEW FROM HERNANDEZ AVE.PROPOSED VIEW FROM HERNANDEZ AVE. 3D RENDERINGS 3D RENDERINGS COVER SHEETA1.1SCALE: N/AINDEXLOCATION MAPOwner:16 Chestnut AvenueLos Gatos, Ca 95030PH: (408) 348-3004PROJECT INFO.Designer:Studio 3 DesignContact: Bess Wiersemabess@studio-three.com638 University Ave.Los Gatos, California 95032ph: (408) 292-3252fax: (253) 399-1125PARCEL MAPPROJECT DATASTUDIO THREE DESIGNTHE CHESTNUT HOUSE16 CHESTNUT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503017 APRIL 201713 OCTOBER 2017HPC SUBMITTAL30 NOVEMBER 2017PLANNING SUBMITTAL13 JUNE 2018HPC SUBMITTAL IIA.P.N. 510-40-01213 MARCH 2017BP REVISIONS1INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVE.LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.112517 APRIL 201723 AUGUST 2017SCHEME A /CLIENT MEETING28 SEPTEMBER 2017REPRINT AS-BUILTSCODES USEDPROJECT DESCRIPTIONThis project is a 906 SF addition to an existing 2,573 SF, two-story, single family residencewhich also includes the following:•Addition + remodel to the existing first + second floors•Existing cellar to be converted to conditioned living area•New 767 SF attached 3-car garage•New deck + patio w/trellis to replace existing•Existing accessory structures to remain, no workSTREET SCAPENEIGHBORHOOD STREETSCAPESHADOW STUDY(1) - 155 HERNANDEZ AVE.(2) - 9 CHESTNUT AVE.(3) -15 CHESTNUT AVE.(4) - 21 CHESTNUT AVE.(5) - 29 CHESTNUT AVE.(6) - 48 CHESTNUT AVE.(7) - 20 CHESTNUT AVE.(*) - 16 CHESTNUT AVE.(8) - 200 HERNANDEZ AVE.(9) - 134 HERNANDEZ AVE.3D RENDERINGSDesigner:Studio 3 DesignContact: Bess Wiersemabess@studio-three.com638 University Ave.Los Gatos, California 95032ph: (408) 292-3252fax: (253) 399-1125Surveyor:C & DC Inc.Contact: Velimir Sulic5901 Cadiz DriveSan Jose, CA 95123ph: 408.966-0165PROJECT ADDRESS:16 CHESTNUT AVENUEA.P.N. :510-40-012LOT AREA: ±17,600 SF (0.40 ACRES)AVERAGE SLOPE:8.11%YEAR BUILT:1910ZONING: R-1:12OCCUPANCY:R3 (SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING) / U (UTILITY)CONSTRUCT TYPE:V-BHISTORIC SITE:NOFLOOD ZONE:DWUII:YES, WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACESETBACKSALLOWEDFRONT: 25'-0"SIDE:10'-0"REAR: 20'-0"STREET:15' BUILDING HEIGHT ALLOWEDEXISTINGPROPOSEDMAIN RESIDENCE:30'-0"±28'-0"VARIES, SLOPEDFLOOR AREA RATIO (F.A.R.) CALCULATIONWhere A = 17,600 SF / 1000 = 17.6HOUSE = .35 - ( [ A - 5 ] x .2) = .35 - (.504 x .2) = .35 - (.1008) = .249 25= .249 x 17,600 SF = 4,382 SF GARAGE = .10 - ( [ A - 5 ] ) x.07 = .10 - (.504 x .07) = .10 - (.035) = .065 25= .065 x 17,600 SF = 1,144 SFSQUARE FOOTAGEALLOWEDEXISTINGPROPOSEDHABITABLE HOUSE: 4,382 SFFIRST FLOOR: 1,771 SF 1,771 SFADDITION: 480 SFSECOND FLOOR: 802 SF 802 SFADDITION: 426 SFTOTAL4,382 SF 2,573 SF 3,479 SFACCESSORY STRUCTURES:GUEST HOUSE, 1ST FLOOR 575 SF NO CHANGEGUEST HOUSE, 2ND FLOOR 247 SF NO CHANGEGARAGE: 1,144 SF N/A 767 SFCELLAR: 876 SF 876 SFCONVERTED CRAWLSPACE: 715 SFTOTAL1,591 SFBUILDING COVERAGE ALLOWEDEXISTINGPROPOSED(40% MAX = 0.40 X 17,600) = 7,040 SF HABITABLE HOUSEFIRST FLOOR: 1,771 SF 2,251 SFGUEST HOUSEFIRST FLOOR: 575 SF 575 SFSHED: 232 SF 232 SFCHICK COOP: 130 SF 130 SFGREEN HOUSE: 84 SF 84 SFGAZEBO: 107 SF 107 SFTOTAL7,040 SF 2,889 SF 3,379 SFSITE COVERAGE ALLOWEDEXISTINGPROPOSED(40% MAX = 0.40 X 17,600) = 7,040 SFHABITABLE HOUSEFIRST FLOOR: 1,771 SF 2,251 SFGUEST HOUSEFIRST FLOOR: 575 SF 575 SFFRONT PORCH: 139 SF 329 SFLIGHTWELL: N/A 342 SFGAZEBO: 232 SF 232 SFCHICK COOP: 130 SF 130 SFGREEN HOUSE: 84 SF 84 SFGAZEBO: 107 SF 107 SFDECK 324 SF 185 SFPATIO AREA: 337 SF 528 SFDRIVEWAY: 4,114 SF PERMIABLEWALKWAY: 765 SF ±550 SFTOTAL7,040 SF 8,578 SF 5,313 SFA1.1 Cover SheetA1.2 Technical Demolition DiagramsC-1 Topographic MapA1.4 Existing Site PlanA1.5 Proposed Site PlanA2.1 Existing Cellar PlanA2.2 Proposed Cellar PlanA2.3 Existing First Floor PlanA2.4 Proposed First Floor PlanA2.5 Existing Second Floor PlanA2.6 Proposed Second Floor PlanA2.7 Existing Roof PlanA2.8 Proposed Roof PlanA3.1 Existing + Proposed Exterior ElevationsA3.2 Existing + Proposed Exterior ElevationsA3.3 Existing + Proposed Exterior ElevationsA3.4 Existing + Proposed Exterior ElevationsA4.1 Existing Building SectionsThe following codes are currently in effect:2016 California Building Code2016 California Residential Code2016 California Electrical Code2016 California Mechanical Code2016 California Plumbing Code2016 California Energy Code2016 California Fire Code2016 California Existing Building Code2015 International Existing Building Code2016 California Green Building Standards - CALGreen TECHNICAL DEMOLITIONDIAGRAMS(PLANS + ELEVATIONS)A1.2SCALE:18" = 1'-0"STUDIO THREE DESIGNTHE CHESTNUT HOUSE16 CHESTNUT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503017 APRIL 201713 OCTOBER 2017HPC SUBMITTAL30 NOVEMBER 2017PLANNING SUBMITTAL13 JUNE 2018HPC SUBMITTAL IIA.P.N. 510-40-01213 MARCH 2017BP REVISIONS1INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVE.LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.112517 APRIL 201723 AUGUST 2017SCHEME A /CLIENT MEETING28 SEPTEMBER 2017REPRINT AS-BUILTSAttachment 6 EXISTING SITE PLANA1.4SCALE:18" = 1'-0"STUDIO THREE DESIGNTHE CHESTNUT HOUSE16 CHESTNUT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503017 APRIL 201713 OCTOBER 2017HPC SUBMITTAL30 NOVEMBER 2017PLANNING SUBMITTAL13 JUNE 2018HPC SUBMITTAL IIA.P.N. 510-40-01213 MARCH 2017BP REVISIONS1INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVE.LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.112517 APRIL 201723 AUGUST 2017SCHEME A /CLIENT MEETING28 SEPTEMBER 2017REPRINT AS-BUILTS PROPOSED SITE PLANA1.5SCALE:18" = 1'-0"STUDIO THREE DESIGNTHE CHESTNUT HOUSE16 CHESTNUT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503017 APRIL 201713 OCTOBER 2017HPC SUBMITTAL30 NOVEMBER 2017PLANNING SUBMITTAL13 JUNE 2018HPC SUBMITTAL IIA.P.N. 510-40-01213 MARCH 2017BP REVISIONS1INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVE.LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.112517 APRIL 201723 AUGUST 2017SCHEME A /CLIENT MEETING28 SEPTEMBER 2017REPRINT AS-BUILTS (E)W/H(E)FURN.(E) CELLAR(E) CRAWLSPACENORTH(E) CRAWL SPACEDNDN(E) 2768(E) 3068(E) 2138 FX(E) 3420 C(E) 3120 A (E) 3726 AW(E) 3726 AW (E) 3420 A (E) 3420 A CONCRETE SLAB(CLG. HT. + 6'-8")CHIMNEY FOOTING34'-4"10'-4"34'-4"41'-1112"10'-1012"45'-212"30'-412"1'-3" 41'-1112"10'-1012"45'-212"(E) COLUMN TYP.(E) LOW CONCRETE WALLSAREA OF GARAGE ADDITION2 A3.2 3A3.34A3.4 WALLS TO REMAINWALL LEGENDWALLS TO BE REMOVEDAREA OF ADDITION(E) RETAINING WALLA A4.1 BA4.11A3.1(DIRT)(DIRT)(E) PORCH ABOVE(E) WATER HEATERTO BE REMOVEDA2.1EXISTING CELLAR PLANSCALE: 1/4" =1'-0"STUDIO THREE DESIGNTHE CHESTNUT HOUSE16 CHESTNUT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503017 APRIL 201713 OCTOBER 2017HPC SUBMITTAL30 NOVEMBER 2017PLANNING SUBMITTAL13 JUNE 2018HPC SUBMITTAL IIA.P.N. 510-40-01213 MARCH 2017BP REVISIONS1INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVE.LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.112517 APRIL 201723 AUGUST 2017SCHEME A /CLIENT MEETING28 SEPTEMBER 2017REPRINT AS-BUILTS NORTHWALLS TO REMAINWALL LEGENDNEW WALLS (N) 3-CARGARAGEFURN. FURN.WATERSOFTNERW/H(N) LAUNDRY /MUDROOMBENCH SEAT(N) UTILITY ROOM /STORAGE(N) COMMON ROOM(N) BEDROOM #4LINENFULL HEIGHT CABINETS 8' X 4'ISLANDFULL HEIGHTCABINETSFULL HEIGHTCABINETSQUEEN60" X 80"OPEN RAILINGUPDN(N) BATH #4(N) LIGHT WELL(N) CLOSET(N) 8070 SLIDING DOORTEMP.(N)UNDER-STAIRCLOSETLOW RETAINING WALL, TBDLOW RETAININGWALL, TBD(N) 8070 O.H. SECTIONAL GARAGE DOOR LOW RETAINING WALL, TBD (N) 3040 SHEGRESS(N) 2868(N) 2668(N) 2870(N) 2668(N) 2 6 6 8 (N) 2668(N) 2 8 6 8 (N) 2 8 6 8 (N) 2 4 6 8 WASHER DRYER(N) 8070 O.H. SECTIONAL GARAGE DOOR (N) 8070 O.H. SECTIONAL GARAGE DOOR 34'-1"22'-0"46'-8" 34'-0" 7'-512" 6'-4"56'-1"34'-1"22'-0"23'-1"46'-8" 6'-4" 7'-0"35'-112"5A3.16 A3.2 7A3.38A3.4NEW RETAINING WALLS FULL HEIGHTCABINETSFULL HEIGHTCABINETSFULL HEIGHTCABINETSLOW RETAININGWALL, TBDPROVIDE 2 X 4 FURRINGALONG PERIMETER FORELECTRICAL ANDPLUMBINGHATCHED WALL INDICATES(N) CONCRETE RETAINING WALL(N) PORCH ABOVE(N) DECK ABOVE(N) PATIO ABOVEA2.2PROPOSED CELLAR PLANSCALE: 1/4" =1'-0"STUDIO THREE DESIGNTHE CHESTNUT HOUSE16 CHESTNUT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503017 APRIL 201713 OCTOBER 2017HPC SUBMITTAL30 NOVEMBER 2017PLANNING SUBMITTAL13 JUNE 2018HPC SUBMITTAL IIA.P.N. 510-40-01213 MARCH 2017BP REVISIONS1INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVE.LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.112517 APRIL 201723 AUGUST 2017SCHEME A /CLIENT MEETING28 SEPTEMBER 2017REPRINT AS-BUILTS DWOVEN/MICRO.36"REFRIG.W / DSTACKED(E) LIVING ROOM(E) SUNROOM #1(E) OFFICE(E) SITTING ROOM(E) KITCHEN(E) UTILITY ROOM(E) DINING ROOM(E) BREAKFASTAREA(E) BATH #2(E)SUNROOM#2(E)PWR.(E) CLOSET#4(E) COVEREDPORCH(E) CLOSET#5UPBUILT-INHUTCHBUILT-INBOOKSHELVES(E) ELECTRICALPANEL41'-1112" (TO EXTERIOR FINISH)(E) ELECTRICPANEL(E) GAS METERUNDER THE DECKDN(E) DECKDNDNDNDNBUILT-INCABINETBUILT-INCABINETDNPLANTERBUILT-INSEATSBUILT-INCABINET(E) PATIO W/TRELLIS10'-4" 1'-3"10'-1012"19'-2"14'-11"10'-1012"9'-512"9'-412"15'-3"7'-712" 41'-812" (TO ROUGH FRAMING)44'-1112"(TO ROUGH FRAMING)41'-812"(TO ROUGH FRAMING)7'-712"44'-1112"(TO ROUGH FRAMING)10'-912"14'-712"4'-012"14'-1112"A / CUNITNORTH(E) 3015 AW(E) 5045 SH(E) 2445 FX(E) 2445 FX(E) 2445 CS (E) 2445 CS (E) 2345 CS (E) 2345 FX (E) 2345 CS (E) 2345 FX (E) 2345 CS (E) 2245 CS (E) 2245 FX (E) 2245 CS (E) 2245 FX (E) 2245 CS (E) 2245 FX (E) 4945 FXCARPET(CLG. HT. + 7'-4")CARPET(CLG. HT. + 7'-5")CARPET(CLG. HT. + 9'-0")CARPET(CLG. HT. + 9'-0")LINOLEUM(CLG. HT. + 9'-0")LINOLEUM(CLG. HT. + 9'-0")(E) 3015 AW(E) 5045 SH(E) 2 8 6 8 (E) 2868(E) 3 0 6 8 CARPET(CLG. HT. + 9'-0")(E) HALLCARPET(CLG. HT. + 8'-0")TILE(CLG. HT. + 9'-0")(E) 23210 DH (E) 2 8 6 8 (E) 2868CARPET(CLG. HT. + 9'-0")CARPET(CLG. HT. + 9'-0")CARPET(CLG. HT. + 9'-0")(E) 2668(E) 2868(E) 35411 DH (E) 5243 FX(E) 3044 DH(E) 3433 FX(E) 3044 DH(E) 2768(E) 11068(E) 2868(E) 2068(E) 3 PANEL 10311 SL(E) 74311 FX LINOLEUM(CLG. HT. + 9'-0")(E) 2668(E) 2668(E) 2868(E) 29681A3.12 A3.2 3A3.34A3.4 DN(E) RIDGE 4:12SLOPE 412SLOPECRAWLSPACEACCESSCELLARACCESS45'-212"(TO EXTERIOR FINISH)45'-212"(TO EXTERIOR FINISH)41'-1112"(TO EXTERIOR FINISH)2 BASIN SINKSTOVE31" FIREPLACEWALLS TO REMAINWALL LEGENDWALLS TO BE REMOVEDAREA OF ADDITION30'-112" A A4.1 BA4.1AREA OF ADDITIONAREA OF ADDITIONAREA OF PORCH ADDITION(E) DECK TO BEREMOVED(E) PATIO + TRELLISTO BE REMOVEDA2.3EXISTING FIRSTFLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/4" =1'-0"STUDIO THREE DESIGNTHE CHESTNUT HOUSE16 CHESTNUT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503017 APRIL 201713 OCTOBER 2017HPC SUBMITTAL30 NOVEMBER 2017PLANNING SUBMITTAL13 JUNE 2018HPC SUBMITTAL IIA.P.N. 510-40-01213 MARCH 2017BP REVISIONS1INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVE.LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.112517 APRIL 201723 AUGUST 2017SCHEME A /CLIENT MEETING28 SEPTEMBER 2017REPRINT AS-BUILTS NORTHWALLS TO REMAINWALL LEGENDNEW WALLS (N) FAMILYROOM(N) OFFICE(N) NOOK22'-0"U/CREFRIG.BUFFET AREA(N) GLASS PANEL POCKET DOORS (N) 4036 FX(N) 4014 FXTRANSOM(N) 2860 SH(N) 2446 SH(N) 2 8 8 0 SINK(E) DOOR TO BESALVAGED,CHANGE DOORSWINGVAULTVAULT56'-4"(TO EXTERIOR FINISH)46'-11"(TO EXTERIOR FINISH)(N) COVEREDPORCH(N) FOYER(N) DININGROOM(N) KITCHEN(N) SITTINGROOM56'-4"(TO EXTERIOR FINISH)(N) BUTLER'SPANTRY(N) PATIOAREA(N) DECK5'-8" 5'-6" WINDOW SEAT BOOKSBOOKS(N) 5036 SHDN(N) 3016 AW(N) 3016 AW(N) 5036 SH4' x 12'ISLANDSINK W/DISPOSALUPWINDOW SEAT 42" GAS FIREPLACE 48" GAS RANGEW/ HOOD34'-1"5'-1112"16'-012"2'-4"CANTILEVER46'-8" (TO ROUGH FRAMING) 9'-8"3'-10"56'-1"(TO ROUGH FRAMING)56'-1"(TO ROUGH FRAMING)2'-4"CANTILEVER46'-8"(TO ROUGH FRAMING)DN(N) DOOR INEXISTING OPENING34'-1"MICRO. 1 2 HT. WALL BOOKS 1 2 HT. WALL BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS (N) 5036 SH (N) 2436 SH(N) 2414 FXTRANSOM(N) 2446 SH (N) 2446 SH(N) 2860 SH(N) 2860 SH (N) 2860 SH(N) 2880(N) 2860 SH(N) 2880(E) 3068VAULTVAULTVAULT VAULT 46'-11" (TO EXTERIOR FINISH) (N) 2 8 8 0(N) 28802'-2"5'-6"12'-0"2'-4" 27'-4"8'-0"11'-0"3'-0"3'-412"27'-4"3'-412"9'-0"(N) 3016 AW(N) 2436 SH(N) 2414 FXTRANSOM(N) 3016 AW (N) 3016 AW (N) 2450 SH (N) 2414 FX TRANSOM (N) 3050 FX (N) 3014 FX TRANSOM (N) 2450 SH (N) 2414 FX TRANSOM TRANSOM(N) 2414 FX(N) 2436 SHTRANSOM(N) 4014 FX(N) 4036 FXTRANSOM(N) 2414 FX(N) 2436 SH5A3.16 A3.2 7A3.38A3.4 WINDOWSEATWINDOWSEATDNDNDN(N) 2836 SH (N) 2836 SH 9'-0"23'-1"15'-912"31'-412"7'-912"8'-112"5'-212"4'-1012"DWPREPSINK48"FREEZER48"REFRIG.(N) 2836 SH (N) 2836 SH A2.4PROPOSED FIRSTFLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/4" =1'-0"STUDIO THREE DESIGNTHE CHESTNUT HOUSE16 CHESTNUT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503017 APRIL 201713 OCTOBER 2017HPC SUBMITTAL30 NOVEMBER 2017PLANNING SUBMITTAL13 JUNE 2018HPC SUBMITTAL IIA.P.N. 510-40-01213 MARCH 2017BP REVISIONS1INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVE.LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.112517 APRIL 201723 AUGUST 2017SCHEME A /CLIENT MEETING28 SEPTEMBER 2017REPRINT AS-BUILTS CABINET(E) MASTERBEDROOM(E) BEDROOM #2(E) MASTERCLOSET#1(E) MASTERCLOSET#2(E) BATH #1(E) CLOSET#3(E) LANDINGDN(E)LINENATTICACCESSC.A.R.(E) ATTIC2'-5"27'-412"34'-1"(TO ROUGH FRAMING)29'-912" (TO ROUGH FRAMING)34'-1"(TO ROUGH FRAMING)29'-912"(TO ROUGH FRAMING)11'-4"14'-812"9'-0"SLOPE SLOPE SLOPENORTHCARPET(CLG. HT. + 7'-4")(E) 2 0 6 8(E) 28682634 DH2634 DH2534 DH(E) 2668(E) 2668(E) 2468(E) 3068(E) 3068(E) 11064 F (E) 1 9 6 8 CARPET(CLG. HT. + 8'-0")CARPET(CLG. HT. + 8'-0")CARPET(CLG. HT. + 8'-0")(E) 25311 DH (E) 25311 DH (E) 22681ST FLOOR WALL BELOW34'-4"(TO EXTERIOR FINISH)30'-012" (TO EXTERIOR FINISH)34'-4"(EXTERIOR FINISH)30'-012"(EXTERIOR FINISH)AREA OF ADDITIONAREA OF ADDITIONAREA OF ADDITION 2 A3.2 3A3.34A3.4 WALLS TO REMAINWALL LEGENDWALLS TO BE REMOVEDAREA OF ADDITION4'-1012"29'-212"A A4.1 BA4.11A3.1AREA OF ADDITIONA2.5EXISTING SECONDFLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/4" =1'-0"STUDIO THREE DESIGNTHE CHESTNUT HOUSE16 CHESTNUT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503017 APRIL 201713 OCTOBER 2017HPC SUBMITTAL30 NOVEMBER 2017PLANNING SUBMITTAL13 JUNE 2018HPC SUBMITTAL IIA.P.N. 510-40-01213 MARCH 2017BP REVISIONS1INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVE.LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.112517 APRIL 201723 AUGUST 2017SCHEME A /CLIENT MEETING28 SEPTEMBER 2017REPRINT AS-BUILTS WALLS BELOW34'-1"(TO ROUGH FRAMING)4'-9"46'-8"(TO ROUGH FRAMING)2'-4"CANTILEVER2'-7"6'-5"2'-6"NORTHWALLS TO REMAINWALL LEGENDNEW WALLS 34'-4"(TO EXTERIOR FINISH)4'-9"46'-11"(TO EXTERIOR FINISH)13'-5"6'-512"6'-5"5'-1112"34'-4"(TO EXTERIOR FINISH)34'-1"(TO ROUGH FRAMING)6'-6"2'-7"2'-4"CANTILEVER46'-11" (TO EXTERIOR FINISH) 46'-8" (TO ROUGH FRAMING) 12'-5"15'-412"12'-11"5'-1112" 9'-0" VANITY5.5' X 3.5'SHOWERKING76" X 85"(N) MASTERW.I.C. #1DNSTACKEDW/D(N) 3016 AW(N) 3050 SH(N) 3050 SH(N) 4050 FX(N) 3036 SH(N) 3016 AWFREE STANDING TUB (N) 2020 CS(N) 2020 CS TEMP. VAULT VAULT (N) 2868(N) 2 6 6 8 (N) 2668(N) 2 6 6 8 (N) 2668 POCKET QUEEN60" X 80"(N) MASTERBEDROOM(N) BATH#2(N) MASTERBATH(N) MASTERW.I.C. #2(N) BEDROOM#2(N) BEDROOM#3(6' X 6')(6' X 12.5')CHASEBUILT-INSATTICAREAATTICAREAATTICAREAATTICAREAQUEEN60" X 80"(N) 2444 SH (N) 2444 SH(N) 2444 SH (N) 2444 SH (N) 3036 SH TRANSOM (N) 1814 FX (N) 1842 CS TRANSOM (N) 1814 FX (N) 1842 CS TRANSOM (N) 3414 FX (N) 3442 CS 6 A3.25A3.17A3.38A3.4 24'-7"5'-5"16'-0"(N) 2868(N) 2 6 6 8 (N) 2468(N) 2668(N) PORCH BELOWA2.6PROPOSED SECONDFLOOR PLANSCALE: 1/4" =1'-0"STUDIO THREE DESIGNTHE CHESTNUT HOUSE16 CHESTNUT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503017 APRIL 201713 OCTOBER 2017HPC SUBMITTAL30 NOVEMBER 2017PLANNING SUBMITTAL13 JUNE 2018HPC SUBMITTAL IIA.P.N. 510-40-01213 MARCH 2017BP REVISIONS1INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVE.LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.112517 APRIL 201723 AUGUST 2017SCHEME A /CLIENT MEETING28 SEPTEMBER 2017REPRINT AS-BUILTS NORTH(E) RIDGE 8:12 SLOPE 8:12 SLOPE (E) RIDGE 8:12SLOPE 8:12SLOPEFLATROOF(E) RIDGE 4:12SLOPE 4:12SLOPE 4:12 SLOPE(E) TRELLIS(E) ELECTRICPANEL(E) GAS METERUNDER THE DECK(E) DECKSLOPE(E) VALLEY(E) V A L L E Y (E) PITCHBREAK1'-0"1'-0"2'-11"2'-11"2'-10"2'-10"1'-0"1'-0"2'-10" 1'-0" 2'-10"2'-10"2 A3.2 3A3.34A3.4 EXISTING BRICKCHIMNEY TO BEREMOVEDA A4.1 BA4.1(E) COMP.ASPHALTROOFING1A3.1A2.7EXISTING ROOF PLANSCALE: 1/4" =1'-0"STUDIO THREE DESIGNTHE CHESTNUT HOUSE16 CHESTNUT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503017 APRIL 201713 OCTOBER 2017HPC SUBMITTAL30 NOVEMBER 2017PLANNING SUBMITTAL13 JUNE 2018HPC SUBMITTAL IIA.P.N. 510-40-01213 MARCH 2017BP REVISIONS1INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVE.LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.112517 APRIL 201723 AUGUST 2017SCHEME A /CLIENT MEETING28 SEPTEMBER 2017REPRINT AS-BUILTS (N) RIDGENORTH5A3.16 A3.2 7A3.38A3.4 (N) PITCH BREAK(N) RIDGE(N) RIDGE (N) RIDGE (N) RIDGE(N) RIDGE(N) V A L L E Y(N) VALLEY(N ) VA L LEY (N) VALLEY( N ) V A L L E Y(N) VALLEY 4:12 SHED ROOF 8:12 SHED ROOF 4:12SHEDROOF 8:12 SHED ROOF 8:12SHEDROOF 4:12ROOFPITCH 4:12ROOFPITCH 4:12ROOFPITCH 4:12ROOFPITCH 4:12 SHED ROOF 4:12 SHED ROOF 8:12 ROOF PITCH 8:12 ROOF PITCH 8:12 ROOF PITCH 8:12 ROOF PITCH 4:12SHEDROOF 8:12 ROOF PITCH 8:12 ROOF PITCH 4:12ROOFPITCH 4:12ROOFPITCH 4:12ROOFPITCH 4:12ROOFPITCH2'-10"2'-10"2'-6"2'-6"3'-0"2'-6"2'-6"2'-0"2'-10"2'-10" 2'-10"1'-6"1'-0"2'-6"2'-0"3'-3"2'-10" 2'-6"1'-6"NEW CHIMNEY WITHSTONE VENEER(N) COMP. ASPHALTROOFING(PRESIDENTIAL)A2.8PROPOSED ROOF PLANSCALE: 1/4" =1'-0"STUDIO THREE DESIGNTHE CHESTNUT HOUSE16 CHESTNUT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503017 APRIL 201713 OCTOBER 2017HPC SUBMITTAL30 NOVEMBER 2017PLANNING SUBMITTAL13 JUNE 2018HPC SUBMITTAL IIA.P.N. 510-40-01213 MARCH 2017BP REVISIONS1INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVE.LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.112517 APRIL 201723 AUGUST 2017SCHEME A /CLIENT MEETING28 SEPTEMBER 2017REPRINT AS-BUILTS SLOPE8126'-8" HEAD HEIGHT +7'- 5" A.F.FPL. HT. @SUN ROOM1 - EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION(E) STUCCO @BASE OF HOUSE+9'-0" A.F.FPL. HT.2ND FLOORFINISH FLOOR+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(581.40)+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(581.40)+9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.(E) STUCCO +WOOD INLAY16(E) BRICKCHIMNEY(E) COMP. ASPHALTROOFING(E) BRICK STEPS@ PORCH(E) WOOD TRIM @WINDOWS(E) EXPOSEDRAFTER TAILS(E) FLAT ROOF @SUN ROOM /UNFINISHED BALCONY(E) WOOD POSTS &HANDRAIL @ PORCH(E) WOODTRIM &HORIZONTALBELLY BAND(E) HORIZONTALWOOD SIDING2ND FLOORFINISH FLOOR-7'-8" B.F.F.CELLAR SLABDASHED LINE INDICATESPROPOSED ADDITION(E) WOODCOLUMNS &TRELLISMAX. BUILDING HEIGHT30-FEET ABOVE EXISTING GRADEMAX. BUILDING HEIGHT30-FEET ABOVE EXISTING GRADE±24'-1" ±28'-9" ±13'-912"-7'-8" B.F.F.CELLAR SLAB5 - PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATION+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(581.40)+9'-0" A.F.FPL. HT. @ 1ST FLOOR2ND FLOORFINISH FLOOR+9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT. @ 1ST FLOOR+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(581.40)+9'-0" A.F.FPL. HT. @ 2ND FLOOR+9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT. @ 2ND FLOOR-10'-6" B.F.F.(N) GARAGE SLABSLOPE412(N) CHIMNEYW/STONE VENEER(N) COMP.ASPHALTROOFING(N) STUCCO @ BASEOF HOUSE TO MATCHEXISTING(N) BRICK STEPS@ ENTRY PORCH(N) WOOD TRIM@ WINDOWS(N) EXPOSEDRAFTER TAILS(N) WOOD POSTS &HANDRAIL @ ENTRYPORCH(N) HORIZONTALWOOD SIDING TOMATCH EXISTING(N) COMP. ASPHALTROOFINGSLOPE412(N) WOOD TRIM @WINDOWS TO MATCHEXISTING(N) WOOD TRIM +GABLE DETAILS TOMATCH EXISTING(N) WOOD BRACKETSTO MATCH EXISTING(N)(N)(E)(N)(N)(N) (N)(N) (N)(N)(N) (N)(N)(N) (N)(N)-10'-0" B.F.F.(N) CELLAR6'-8" HEAD HEIGHT 7'-8" HEAD HEIGHT 6'-8" HEAD HEIGHT(N) EXPOSED RAFTERTAILS±27'-10" ±25'-812"MAX. BUILDING HEIGHT30-FEET ABOVE EXISTING GRADEMAX. BUILDING HEIGHT30-FEET ABOVE EXISTING GRADEEXISTING GRADE @ CENTERLINEOF HOUSEEXISTING GRADE @ CENTERLINEOF HOUSE+10'-0" A.F.FPL. HT. @ GABLE(1ST FLOOR)±29'-2"(N) WOODTRELLIS BEYOND(N) GABLEVENT(N) WOODCORBELSSTUDIO THREE DESIGNTHE CHESTNUT HOUSE16 CHESTNUT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503017 APRIL 201713 OCTOBER 2017HPC SUBMITTAL30 NOVEMBER 2017PLANNING SUBMITTAL13 JUNE 2018HPC SUBMITTAL IIA.P.N. 510-40-01213 MARCH 2017BP REVISIONS1INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVE.LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.112517 APRIL 201723 AUGUST 2017SCHEME A /CLIENT MEETING28 SEPTEMBER 2017REPRINT AS-BUILTSEXISTING + PROPOSEDEXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA3.1SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SLOPE812+7'-4" A.F.F.PL. HT. @ SHED"POP OUT"SLOPE4122 - EXISTING EAST ELEVATION2ND FLOORFINISH FLOOR+9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(581.40)-7'-8" B.F.F.CELLAR SLAB+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(581.40)+9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.+7'-5" A.F.F.PL. HT. @SUN ROOM+7'- 5" A.F.FPL. HT. @SUN ROOM(E) STUCCO @BASE OF HOUSE(E) HORIZONTALWOOD SIDING(E) AC UNIT& PAD(E) FLAT ROOF @SUN ROOM /UNFINISHED BALCONYSLOPE812(E) BRICKCHIMNEY(E) GABLEVENT(E) SHED"POP-OUT"(E) WOOD TRIM &HORIZONTALBELLY BAND(E) WOOD HORIZONTALBELLY BAND(E) WOOD POSTS &HANDRAIL @ PORCH2ND FLOORFINISH FLOORDASHED LINE INDICATESPROPOSED ADDITION6'-8" HEAD HEIGHT-7'-8" B.F.F.CELLAR SLAB6 - PROPOSED EAST ELEVATION2ND FLOORFINISH FLOOR+9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT. @ 1ST FLOOR+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(581.40)-10'-6" B.F.F.(N) GARAGE SLAB+9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT. @ 2ND FLOOR+6'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT. @ BATH+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(581.40)+9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT. @ 1ST FLOOR2ND FLOORFINISH FLOOR+9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT. @ 2ND FLOOR-10'-6" B.F.F.(N) GARAGE SLABSLOPE812(N) CHIMNEYW/STONEVENEER(N) GABLEVENT(N) O.H. SECTIONALGARAGE DOOR, TYP. OF 3(N) RETAININGWALLS @ GARAGE,TBD(N) WOOD TRIM+ BELLY BAND(N) EXPOSED RAFTERTAILS(N) WOOD TRIM +GABLE DETAILSTO MATCHEXISTING(N) WOOD FASCIA TOMATCH EXISTING(N) STEPSBEYOND TOLIGHT WELLBEYOND(N) COMP.ASPHALTROOFING(N) FRONTPORCHBEYOND(N) STUCCO @ BASEOF HOUSE TO MATCHEXISTING(N) HORIZONTAL WOODSIDING TO MATCHEXISTING(N)(N)(N)(N)(N)6'-8" HEAD HEIGHT (N) (N)(N)(N)(N)(N)(N) WOODBRACKETS(N) WOODGUARDRAIL,HANDRAIL & STEPS@ (N) DECK BEYOND(N) WOOD CORBELS7'-0" HEAD HEIGHT 8'-0" HEAD HEIGHT 6'-8" HEAD HEIGHT 7'-0" HEAD HEIGHT +8'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT. @ SHED(2ND FLOOR)±27'-10" ±29'-9"STUDIO THREE DESIGNTHE CHESTNUT HOUSE16 CHESTNUT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503017 APRIL 201713 OCTOBER 2017HPC SUBMITTAL30 NOVEMBER 2017PLANNING SUBMITTAL13 JUNE 2018HPC SUBMITTAL IIA.P.N. 510-40-01213 MARCH 2017BP REVISIONS1INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVE.LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.112517 APRIL 201723 AUGUST 2017SCHEME A /CLIENT MEETING28 SEPTEMBER 2017REPRINT AS-BUILTSEXISTING + PROPOSEDEXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA3.2SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" +0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(581.40)+9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.-7'-8" B.F.F.CELLAR SLAB7'-3" HEAD HEIGHT 6'-8" HEAD HEIGHT +7'-5" A.F.F.PL. HT. @SUN ROOM(E)6'-8"HEAD HEIGHT 7'-3" HEAD HEIGHT 3 - EXISTING NORTH ELEVATION+7-4" A.F.FPL. HT. @ SHED"POP OUT"+7'-4" A.F.F. PL. HT. @ SHED"POP OUT"+9'-0" A.F.F. PL. HT.0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(581.40)(E) AC UNIT& PAD(E) BOARDEDWINDOWOPENING(E) STUCCO @BASE OF HOUSE(E) GAS METER TOREMAIN(UNDER DECK)(E) DOOR TOCELLAR(E) SHED"POP-OUT"(E) BRICKCHIMNEY(E) COMP. ASPHALTROOFING(E) HORIZONTALWOOD SIDING(E) HORIZONTALWOOD SIDING(E) WOOD DECK,STEPS, HANDRAIL& GUARDRAIL2ND FLOORFINISH FLOOR2ND FLOORFINISH FLOORDASHED LINE INDICATESPROPOSED ADDITION(E) DOOR TOCELLAR(E) WOODCOLUMNS &TRELLIS7'-1112" HEAD HEIGHT MAX. BUILDING HEIGHT30-FEET ABOVE EXISTING GRADE±24'-1"-7'-8" B.F.F.CELLAR SLAB6'-8" HEAD HEIGHT7 - PROPOSED NORTH ELEVATION+9'-0" A.F.F. PL. HT. @ 1ST FLOOR0'-0"FINISH FLOOR (581.40)2ND FLOORFINISH FLOOR+9'-0" A.F.F. PL. HT. @ 2ND FLOOR+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(581.40)+9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT. @ 1ST FLOOR+9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT. @ 2ND FLOOR-10'-6" B.F.F.(N) GARAGE SLAB+6'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT. @ BATH(N) COMP.ASPHALTROOFING(N) EXPOSED RAFTERTAILS(N) WOOD TRIM @WINDOWS TO MATCHEXISTING(N) WOOD TRIM +GABLE DETAILS TOMATCH EXISTING(N) WOOD BRACKETSTO MATCH EXISTING(N) STUCCO @ BASEOF HOUSE TO MATCHEXISTING(N) HORIZONTALWOOD SIDING TOMATCH EXISTING(N) RETAININGWALLS @ LIGHTWELL, TBD(N) GARAGE MANDOOR BEYOND(N) HORIZONTALWOOD SIDING TOMATCH EXISTING(N) WOOD TRIMDETAIL TO MATCHEXISTING(N) WOOD DECK W/HORIZONTAL WOODSIDING(N) WOODGUARDRAIL @(N) DECK(N) CHIMNEYW/STONEVENEER(N) (N)(N)(N) (N)(N)(N)(N)(N)(N) (N)(N)(N)(N)(N)(N)(N)(N)-10'-0" B.F.F.(N) CELLAR6'-8"HEAD HEIGHT 7'-0" HEAD HEIGHT 8'-0" HEAD HEIGHT 7'-0" HEAD HEIGHT ±25'-812" ±27'-10"MAX. BUILDING HEIGHT30-FEET ABOVE EXISTING GRADEMAX. BUILDING HEIGHT30-FEET ABOVE EXISTING GRADEEXISTING GRADE @ CENTERLINEOF HOUSE(E) GAS METER TOREMAIN(UNDER DECK)+10'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT. @ GABLE(1ST FLOOR)+8'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT. @ SHED(2ND FLOOR)(N)(N)±29'-9"(N) WOODTRELLIS BEYONDSTUDIO THREE DESIGNTHE CHESTNUT HOUSE16 CHESTNUT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503017 APRIL 201713 OCTOBER 2017HPC SUBMITTAL30 NOVEMBER 2017PLANNING SUBMITTAL13 JUNE 2018HPC SUBMITTAL IIA.P.N. 510-40-01213 MARCH 2017BP REVISIONS1INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVE.LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.112517 APRIL 201723 AUGUST 2017SCHEME A /CLIENT MEETING28 SEPTEMBER 2017REPRINT AS-BUILTSEXISTING + PROPOSEDEXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA3.3SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" +0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(581.40)+9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.+7-4" A.F.FPL. HT. @ SHED"POP OUT"4 - EXISTING WEST ELEVATIONSLOPE812SLOPE124(E) WOODCOLUMNS &TRELLIS+9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(581.40)(E) ELECTRICALPANEL TO BERELOCATED, TBD(E) HORIZONTALWOOD SIDING(E) GABLEVENT(E) SHED"POP-OUT"(E) WOOD DECK,STEPS, HANDRAIL& GUARDRAIL(E) WOOD HORIZONTALBELLY BAND2ND FLOORFINISH FLOOR2ND FLOORFINISH FLOOR(E) BRICKCHIMNEYDASHED LINE INDICATESPROPOSED ADDITION6'-8"HEAD HEIGHT ±24'-1"1'-7" 25'-8"8 - PROPOSED WEST ELEVATION+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(581.40)+9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT. @ 1ST FLOOR+9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT. @ 1ST FLOOR+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(581.40)2ND FLOORFINISH FLOOR2ND FLOORFINISH FLOOR+9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT. @ 2ND FLOOR+9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT. @ 2ND FLOOR(N) WOOD DECK &GUARDRAIL(E) HORIZONTALWOOD SIDING(E) WOODHORIZONTALBELLY BAND(N) (N)(N)(N)(N)(N)(N)(N)(N)(N)(N)-10'-0" B.F.F.(N) CELLAR-10'-0" B.F.F.(N) CELLAR(N) WOOD TRIM +GABLE DETAILSTO MATCHEXISTING(N) COMP.ASPHALTROOFING(N) EXPOSED RAFTERTAILS(N) FRONTPORCHBEYOND(N) WOODBRACKETS(N) GABLEVENT(N) WOOD CORBELS7'-0" HEAD HEIGHT 8'-0" HEAD HEIGHT 6'-8" HEAD HEIGHT +8'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT. @ SHED(2ND FLOOR)(N)(N)(N)(N) WOOD TRELLIS(N) WOOD COLUMNS±27'-312" ±25'-812"1'-7"STUDIO THREE DESIGNTHE CHESTNUT HOUSE16 CHESTNUT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503017 APRIL 201713 OCTOBER 2017HPC SUBMITTAL30 NOVEMBER 2017PLANNING SUBMITTAL13 JUNE 2018HPC SUBMITTAL IIA.P.N. 510-40-01213 MARCH 2017BP REVISIONS1INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVE.LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.112517 APRIL 201723 AUGUST 2017SCHEME A /CLIENT MEETING28 SEPTEMBER 2017REPRINT AS-BUILTSEXISTING + PROPOSEDEXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA3.4SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" (E) LIVINGROOM(E) CLOSET#1SLOPE812+7'-4" A.F.F.PL. HT. @ SHED"POP OUT"SLOPE412A-BUILDING SECTION2ND FLOORFINISH FLOOR+9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR-7'-8" B.F.F.BASEMENT SLAB+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR+9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.+7'-5" A.F.F.PL. HT. @SUN ROOM+7'- 5" A.F.FPL. HT. @SUN ROOMSLOPE8122ND FLOORFINISH FLOOR(E) DININGROOM(E) KITCHEN(E) MASTERBEDROOM(E) CLOSET#2(E) CELLAR #1DASHED LINE INDICATESPROPOSED ADDITIONDASHED LINE INDICATESPROPOSED REMODEL(REMOVE + LOWERCELLAR SLAB)-7'-8" B.F.F.CELLAR SLAB+8'-0" A.F.F.CEILING(E)ATTIC+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR+7'- 5" A.F.FPL. HT. @SUN ROOMB-BUILDING SECTION+9'-0" A.F.FPL. HT.+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR2ND FLOORFINISH FLOOR+9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.(E) COMP. ASPHALTROOFING(E) FLAT ROOF @SUN ROOM /UNFINISHED BALCONY2ND FLOORFINISH FLOOR-7'-8" B.F.F.BASEMENT SLAB(E) CELLAR #1(E) CELLAR #2(E) BATH #2(E) HALL(E) CLOSET#4(E) CLOSET#5(E) DINING ROOM(E) SUNROOM #2(E) MASTERBEDROOM(E) BEDROOM #2(E)LINEN(E)STAIRWELLDASHED LINE INDICATESPROPOSED ADDITIONDASHED LINE INDICATESPROPOSED REMODEL(REMOVE + LOWERCELLAR SLAB)DASHED LINE INDICATESPROPOSED ADDITION-7'-8" B.F.F.CELLAR SLAB+8'-0" A.F.FCEILING+9'-0" A.F.F.CEILINGDASHED LINE INDICATESPROPOSED ADDITION(E)ATTICSTUDIO THREE DESIGNTHE CHESTNUT HOUSE16 CHESTNUT AVENUELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503017 APRIL 201713 OCTOBER 2017HPC SUBMITTAL30 NOVEMBER 2017PLANNING SUBMITTAL13 JUNE 2018HPC SUBMITTAL IIA.P.N. 510-40-01213 MARCH 2017BP REVISIONS1INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVE.LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.112517 APRIL 201723 AUGUST 2017SCHEME A /CLIENT MEETING28 SEPTEMBER 2017REPRINT AS-BUILTSEXISTING BUILDINGSECTIONSA4.1SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"