Item 5 - 81 Fairview Plaza Unit A PREPARED BY: AZHAR KHAN Assistant Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 06/27/2018 ITEM NO: 5 DATE: JUNE 20, 2018 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 81 FAIRVIEW PLAZA UNIT A. PROPERTY OWNER: KATHY GIORDANO. APPLICANT: FLURY-BRYANT DESIGN GROUP REQUESTING APPROVAL OF MINOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN A HISTORIC DISTRICT FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS ON A NONCONTRIBUTING MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENCE IN THE FAIRVIEW PLAZA HISTORIC DISTRICT ON PROPERTY ZONED R-1:8 LHP. APN 510-43-021. RECOMMENDATION: Consider the proposed alterations and request for approval. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: 1935 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: R 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? Yes 4. Is structure in a historic district? Yes 5. If yes, is it a contributor? No 6. Findings required? Yes 7. Considerations required? Yes B. Discussion An application for a Minor Residential Development in an Historic District (HS-18-041) was submitted on May 10, 2018 for the proposed exterior alterations on a noncontributing multi-family residence. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 81 FAIRVIEW PLAZA UNIT A JUNE 19, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Fairview Plaza 81 6.27.18.docx 6/21/2018 11:20 AM BACKGROUND (Continued): The applicant proposes to remove and replace five original windows on two elevations of the building. The proposed Milgard Style Line vinyl windows are similar in size, proportion, and dimension to the existing steel windows. The applicant is seeking a determination from the HPC that the replacement is appropriate and will not change the exterior appearance or historic character of the residence. DISCUSSION: A. Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: 2. In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. Attachments: 1. Justification letter (two pages) 2. Existing photos (two pages) 3. Historic Research (eleven pages) 4. Window specifications (three pages) 5. Development Plans (two pages) Distribution: cc: Kathy Giordano, 81 Fairview Plaza Apt. A, Los Gatos, CA 95030 ftury :Bryant 2Jesign (irozg:;, Inc. June 19, 2018 Historic Preservation Committee TOWN OF LOS GATOS 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, California 95030 Re: Vinyl Window Justification 81 Fairview Plaza, Unit A Dear Committee Members, Our project proposes replacing failing single pane steel windows in the above referenced property with new vinyl frame windows. The new windows will be Style Line units as manufactured by Milgard Windows. These units will have insulated glass , with simulated divided lights in configurations closely matching the original windows . The Style Line units offer frames that are narrower than standard vinyl windows , resulting in a visual aesthetic similar to the existing steel frame windows. Additionally, the manufacturer offers these units in Silver, again closely matching the existing steel frames . It is our belief that the proposed vinyl windows will be a close match to the existing steel windows as viewed from below on Fairview A venue and the adjoi ning streets. Bob Bryant Cc: Kathy Giordano Melinda Giordano DESIGNERS OF FINE HOMES 761 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SUITE A, LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA 9503 2 TEL: (408) 356-5500 FAX: (408) 356-5115 WWW FLURYBRYANT.COM l.AITACH.t\fENT 1 MaylOth, 2018 Town of Los Gatos Community Development Department 110 East Main Street P.O. Box 949 Los Gatos, California 95031 Re: 81 Fairview Plaza Apt-A-Los Gatos , CA-95030-Window Replacement Dear Mr. Khan, Please be advised that the above referenced scope of alteration is limited to the replacement of (5) windows in Unit A. The existing windows appear to be steel frame, painted white. The proposed Milgard Style Line windows have a narrower frame si milar to steel which should match the existing windows. Please note that all replacements are identical in size, shape and same dimensions as the original windows with the exception of one of the bedroom windows (See Front Elevation) that will be approximately 12 " taller than the existing in order to meet egress requirements. As you can see in the pictures the building is not visible from Fairview Plaza, as most of the exterior is surrounded by luscious trees. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you need further information. Thank you kindly for your assistance with this process . Best Regards, Patricia Carvajal J'{ury 1Jryant 'Design (jrouy 761 University Avenue, Suite A Los Gatos, California 95032 Tel: (408) 356-55 00, ext. 305 Fax: (408)356-5115 FAIRVIEW RENTAL 81 Fairview Plaza Los Gatos, California Existing Elevation -As Viewed From Fairview A venue Existing El evation -A s Viewed From Fairview A v enue I.AT TACHMENT 2 Existing Left Side Elevation Existing Right Side Elevation Existing Elevation -As Viewed From Building Corners April 26 , 2018 Re: Fairview Rentals 81 Fairview Plaza-Apartment A- Los Gatos Califomia-95030 Local Hi storic Research l . 1941 Tax Assessment Survey: 2. Anne Bloomfield's Survey, 1991: 3. The Sanborn Maps: 4. Polk's Directories: No record of 81 Fairview Plaza* No record of 81 Fairview Plaza No record of 81 Fairview Plaza-1935 No record of Chas E. Moore (1935-0wner) The 1941 Tax Assessment Survey shows record on 83 Fairview Plaza* fA'f'fACHMENT 3 :>treet Name-----~~ Co llege Ave 59 Cro ss Av e 14 Cr os s Av e 17 Cross Ave 27 Ditt os Ln 18-20-24-26 Ellen wood Ave 15 Ellenwood Ave 1 6 Ell enwood Ave 68 Fairview Plaza 44 Fairview Plaza 48 Fairview Plaza 52 Fairview Plaza 57 Fairview Plaza 63 Fairview Plaza 67 Fairview Plaza 68 Fairview Plaza 72 Fairview Plaza 75 Fairview Plaza 78 Fairview Plaza 80 Fairview Plaza 89 Fairview Plaza 90 Fairview Plaza 91 Fairview Plaza 92 Fairview Plaza 95 Fairview Plaza 98 Fi esta Way 17 Glen Ridge Ave 10 Glen Ridge Ave 101 Gl en Ridge Ave 115 Gle n Ridge Ave 12 1 Glen Ri dge Ave 125 Gl en Ri dg e Ave 133 Gle n Ri dge Ave 139 Gle n Ri dge Av e 14 Ul::t\.I ''°~ A"\ ~~ ~.H.1fiet.1) 'BVl<VC:Y-\9ctl Cleland-College Johnson/Los Gatos Blvd Johnson /Los Gatos Blvd Johnson/Los Gato s Blvd Indivi dual Prope rties Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Gl en Ridge Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza Fa i rview Plaza Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza Fairview Plaza Fa i rview Plaza Fairview Plaza Individual Prope rti es Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Glen Ridge 1t . .b ~. ~ ~ c~, store, rtzd, 'fe] ~ 23d t 1' ' l\'{ttl'ke s ,a rk av s J carJiln l tcian order ttys 12 S 1st noiS av plstr h31 las 3th h v 1174 Lin- ~n way lk Rosicru- 3th lcian Order tnabar >hington av Div of La- nforcement :n way ~ad Flem- ~3 s 23d 1 E Julian '' .t\ftil j1 ;teward ll ;i ~o o otn 't11-t< 'J:>\~~~s p--1 ...,... ,, :aen. F r347 S 8th lq3] -te M .. :aet.t 1 0 e A <Rosamond) sl sinn JO~rt ~ '' J3Yl 0 hl •' cOV";.c1 .AsburY O~i J:l.ll · J..1 ,, earl b58 N 10th ,, JO <J ~ " carroll D r75 Duane ,, JOS c " Chas r246 S 3d ,, JO~ie:r1 " Cba5 gdnr r3521h S 7th pes.1 " CbaS E (Violet V) atdt LR lia l v •' 1.s :roY h154 s 24th erso11 •• ve c1a.t MOORE CHARLES E (Stella) PhySi . ... ;\9' 1 and surgeon, 415 Twoh y Bid Cla,l\ ,, JP ar' s 1st, Tel B~.llard 6094, hl73 s\~~ 11 .,._!is Tel Columb1a 3881 ' ~a1ei " Chas J (Laura J) real est 12 s 2d h " 1sti 200 Delmas av ,, !Jlar@ " Chas p lab r190 s 26th r9e " Chas S <Eliz) lab PG&ECo h459 Del-.. )11ari mas av 1s~ " chester W <Marie J) Justice of the •• }Aati peace Hall of Justice h99 Glen Eyre " }t{a " Clara B <wid Melvin) h448 S 12th s " Cleo Mrs h257 E St John " Ma1 " Donald K r448 S 12th " Ma: " DorQthy cash Fashion Bootery r503 !11 S 6th " )le '' Edw E <Freda) ydmn SPCo h148 N ~ 6th "M~ " Edw G h628 Washington " M " Edwin B elk SPCo r3'72 Fruitdale av " N " Eleanor nurse r429 N 3d " Eliz Mrs h69 N 10th " Ellen nurse h1168 Peach ct t '' Elmer w slsmn s J Ice Co r San a Clara " Emma Mrs h1059 Hamline . " Ernest M slsmn Kraft Assoc 01strs rll S 10th 1 " Esther Mrs slswn M Blum & Co r5o " s 2d b48 Eug W <Maxine) court reporter Younger av • "N " " ,, l " j ,, D Sheet Dittos J...,ane ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E Edelen Ave ..•. . • • . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • . . • • .100·139 •• •• . . 200-261 . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • • • . • • • •• .1-46 El en wood ,\ve. .. . • • • • . • . . . • • • . . . . " " . 4 7-61 . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . • • • . . . " " . 50-60 • • . . . • . . • . . . . . . . " " . 55·98 • • • • • . . • • . • . . . . • • . . . • I • • " " w .. . 1-99 • • . . • . . . . . . . . • • . . . . .. ,, . 2-20 . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • . . . . . . Elm . . . • • • . • • • • • • • . . . . • • • . • • • • • • • . . • • . • F Fairview Ave .. • • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. 1-23 •. 2-22 . 24-6H . 62-99 " " • • • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • " " • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I e e ••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Forest Ave .. 14,oster R'd .... • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Glen Ridge Ave .......................... 1-38 ...................... 100-239 •..................... 241-249 G " .. ,. Gray1 Lane .......................... 100-138 _._______.._ _ __..._ _________ . __ . .101-139 22 17 12 10 •9 •s 9 •9 *8 17 *15 *14 14 15 4 29 ] f, 10 *5 •12 •17 La Mot Laurel Live 0 Lo1na " Lyn OI " Main, .. " u " " " . ' " • . ' I• •' Marip :\l'°'t'OW:il23 ITH ~y r lA'~lAss fl t WALL s1 av oor UM EROf'SlOllCS M E.TAL CORN IC ( SHI Glt R>OI" X C'OMoSiliON R'r • Fl Rt WA LL 12 I N B Poor WOOD COR ICE P' :l t 0 "TI N Rr O Ff RE WALL 181 B 1 R OOf I t -. -f RAM E p RT I T I 0 It-----OP EN I NG VvlTH IRO DOOR [ ' i~f~ •• ~, hS TAND RD Iii-~._ IRON DOOR __ ~ W IN OOWS&IRO SHUTTERS \?t~IGi E.. WINDOW I . STORY ~~~ t-t:.'"'a: WlNDOWS l 8 !"& 3 °STORI s ¥1 ~ ,~ ;sl "'! i O :> e. 2NO A rta u "" Fo • 0 ,. ..,. "' ~1 s rAB~E {C .B) CON CR ETE LOCK t!U I LD I N GS C OLORED YELLOW AR E FR~ME ·,.. "' RED BR I C •. ., BLUE. s10 r "' ... GRAY IRO I I ,, ,, BROWN FJRE P ROOF I (r;.'\(jli\ INDICAl E D. AU TOMATIC I ~} :!./RE I ATlVE HEIGHiS ~SPR I NKLER S I + FIRE STATION, A~ S HOWN ON KEY M A P I AL T[~NAT E ST REET NUMBERS ARE AC TUAL ~NSE CU IVE STREET No's ARE AP8 1T R~ I / .' ' ·. '\. ·. ' #1/ / , . ' ' ·. ' ' I • . I __ II'): -..J I... How to Research the History of a House in Los Gatos Any house that was built before 1941 is con sidered hi storic by To w n law. If the house number i s a 4-digit numbe r, it is a Campbell address . If the hou se is a 5-digit number, it is a County address (but some of these were pulled out of the County system and made into Los Gatos addresses). 1. Look in Patrons' Inquiries binder #3 under Residences , which is located on the shelf above the computers in the History Room . The se are houses that were alr eady asked about in the pa st , and there is a chance the house you are searching for can be in thi s binder, with all the sources checked already. 2. Look in the Residences drawers of the Vertical File, filed alphabetically by street, then numerically by str eet number. Any photos here would be helpful for the patron. 3. Th ere is a file titled "Bell ringers " at the beginning of the Residences file in the History Room and there are some newspaper articles about the genesis of the Bell ringer program. There is a list of the 100 Bell ringers (houses that were built before 1900 and awarded) in this file. 4. A list of 20+ years of the Museums of Lo s Gatos Historic Homes Tours is to be found in the Resource Guides bin on the shelf above the computers. If listed, find th e house in the Tour Program for the year it was shown. Programs are in Cabinet #11. ~l'IJ°t:>~\..: '::#+ ~ R9c..o\:"0. Crf1 The 1941 Tax Assessment Survey i s in blue binders in Cabinet #11. This is an assessment of houses that existed b 3 •i in 1941. The listings are alphabetical by st re et. An entry will tell you how old the owner thought the house wa 51"°q'.<iJ ,,: ,.j in 1941, which won't always be accurate . By Town decree, any house built before 1941 is co nsid e red hi storic, and an owner must get permi ssio n and permits to change any exterior characteristics . @Part of Anne Bloomfield's Survey of 1991 is in white binders in Cabinet #11. Th ese h omes are l isted by n eig hborhood. This is another assessment of houses that was done in 1991, and additional information can potentially be found here ._ ~0 T<-¥c,. r ~ ..... -. t.-· 8 I T-A l ~J i r-~tJ\:'-L.. M A Q The Sanborn Maps are bound in a book that lies on top of the microfilm file cabinet. Th ese maps only indicate outlines of buildings in 1884, 1888, 1891, 1895, 1904, 1908, 1928 and 1944. (1944 maps hav e;zee relabeled and appear BEFORE 1928 maps.) The se fa_ps will show proportio_rs of buildi!J,&~_R nd ~t ructura l gnificances. ~ { 1 vt 3 s 11 ;;, '\), -r· "-J ~1.. P ii f~ _ J+-or ~Polk's Directories are in Cabinet #12. W ~ h ave vo lumes 1925-1974, so me years missing . Most of these L/ directories have reverse listings so you can look up the st ree t address for owner, and sometimes th e owner's occupation. The yellow section is like a telephone directory, and the pink sectio n list s the streets and house nurl]._bers an_~ who lived there. _NC) '"K \'."co ·~\::) (,<6J li1 I { v1 .t'!A) -t? 1 aj I Cl ~7~1 :_!AA'7;)'. ·~'..('It' C• -~--'"·:J f-""t'--o ¥'·""S O t --${ ;• 1 • T" • i.-,__,:"'r2 A 9. Searching on ancestry.com (available free only while inside the l ibrary) can be helpful if looking for a re lative. 10. Business and telephone directories are in Cabinet #12 , as early as 1881-82. 11. Books that are he lpful : History of Los Gatos by George Bruntz (979.473); As it Was by Dora Rankin (in Cabinet #11, R979.473 R21 Lo s Gatos); Los Gatos Observed by Alistair Dalla s (979.473); A Field Guide to American Houses by Virginia Savage McAlester (728 Mll). 12. For ad ditional information, refer the patron to t he Plan ni ng Department or to the County Recorder's Office at 70 W. Hedding Street in Sa n Jose. APN-510-43-021 r~ I -: -.. _J @ 6.6y A. < --- OFFICE 0 f COUNTY AS S ESSOR S A N TA Cl A R A C OUNTY, @ @ ~. '!i"!Cl..i ;·;., ·~"'· ? 'l.q, --... --···--···-\ 1-~_,,,~ .. ~/ .. / ~ :l ~;)O• \ ~~ v ~\ 'I.'<> ~ l -----··~ @ R.o.s. 877/45 -~-1- ,l .,. 1 ,,, .. ~ I / f.1 /~:-s' --;,. /, cf' /.~b:o 9 '·~ // .., ' - ~ ... / ~"'" '\.~ ~ ~'1.~ ""'-"'"' "~ '°";)"'.:.~··..;> '2 ,,_, ~'\.~ ,,u !! ·.P .""' ,'> ""' ,<O / 11 ,<i' !l ... t' •:~ J - -.,o•} -,1~6-. -·~· ... ?-\ \ ' @ !:! ,,~ l§ .~ •' ,-!'· ?? ~ \}~ vt'1s .. i-fs ~~ <( 0 g~li-f4 :::>> <(~ _, ~1 ~ 10,507sf 1J ~'~ w ~ ~ ~ °' ~ -------..., ~ 45 0 ~ -..... vj <( 11 20 1 ____ {!~~0J____ 0 Z 0: <( M !iii!: ?; ~ ") >- (/) z z 47 g ... a.. I l a.J -E~ "'8" . 20 ~ ... _,. ·f! c,·- / v~ ..,a .} ~-'.. ..,ro"' , !2 ,o · o>~~o '.o "' 1'~ A ~<': (-('1 It- ... •. .,, ~ \ [510 ][ 43] i GLEN RIDGE PARK BK . G PG . 13/ @ " -"' ·-i. :I X )J .. /' f' "oo. ~ ... :/ ~"/., ,. .,, k !J ~$ !§ ,'<> ,.., .. .,. ----c".!" -\ ® s,,,, •11· HO:.~ .,.,.." t\ 9,· F<w .. ~.. t,I ~ ~ ~ ···~. @ Dl4 Dl'r.AW"n lA\\flENCE E. STONE -ASSESSOR Cocto.ird ~ lor °'"''"'"'' ,,..._, Mly. Compi ed under R. & T Code, Sec. J21 Eff.au..,. RoH Yeor 2017-2018 TOWN OF LOS GATOS • N Fairview Plaza Historic District· Boundaries A As Established by Ordinance 1918 on October 19, 1992 ~ EXHIBIT A ORDINANCE 2167 . ORDINANCE OF THE TO\VN OF LOS GATOS AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1918 EFFECTING ZONE CHANGE NO. 89 (FAIRVIEW PLAZA HISTORIC DISTRICT) The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos does hereby ordain: SECTION I The district delineated on the attached map is hereby designated histori cally and culturally significant as the Fairview Plaza Historic District HD-76-lA. SECTION II The district is designated to be historically, architecturally, or aesthetically significant for the reasons listed below: A. Property: Fairview Plaza Historic District (see map Exhibit A). B. Historic designation no.: HD-76-lA C. Description of designation: District D. Description of characteristics which justify the designation: Historical: "Fairview Plaza" was the original name given the cul-de-sac termination of Pennsylvania A venue in the subdivision known as "Fairview Addition:, surveyed in June 1885 by HciTrnann Brothers, Land Surveyors, San Jose, California for Mr. F.H. Mccullagh and recorded in County of Santa Clara, Book 5 of Maps, page 26. "Fairview Plaza" retains the same co nfiguration as originally mapped and contains a landscaped island as a foc~l point. Approximately three quarters of the homes within the subdivision were built prior to 1900 and retain the character of that era. The pedestrian walk lab eled "Turnstile Walk" on the original map remains essentially unchanged and is l ocated at the eastern end of the cul-de-sac. While originally named "Pennsylvania Avenue", that portion of the street within th e "Fairview Addition" subdivision has been renamed Fairview Plaza (from the cul-de-sac west to the intersection with Oak Knoll Road, Manzanita Avenue and Wadswm1h Avenue). Both the street and adjoining hou ses are popularly referred to as "Fairview Plaza". "Fai rview Plaza" is a rare and unique neighborhood because o f the authentic , well- maintained Victo rian and Craftsman houses in close p roximity with one an other. The atmosphere is enhanced because the street is not a "through street", thus all owing a scale and sense o f "apparitions" which i s not found in mos t other neighborhoods. E. Listed below are Town features recommended for preservation. Review by the Historic Preservation Committee is required for any changes to these features. 1. Central Plaza Island 2. The access to Turnstile Walk. 3. Date stamp in concrete sidewalks. SECTION III T his Ordinance was introduced at a regul ar meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gato s on October 6, 2008, and adopted by the following vote as an ordinance o f the Town of Los Gatos at a meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos on October 20, 2008. This ordinance takes effect 30 days after it is adopted. COUNCIL MEMBERS: AYES: Steve Glickman, Diane McNutt, Joe Pirzynski, Mike Was setman and Mayor Barbara Spector. NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: s/J ackie Ros e CLERK OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA SIGNED: s/Barbara Spector MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA ~ n ~ ~ ~ Cross Section Drawing Stvleline Single Hung Window Stucco Key Frame, 1 3/8" i"aHfin Set Back CAD File Scale NTS View Horizontal & Vertical File Name Styleline_621J_SH_l.375in_stucco More Technical Document s can be found at mllgard.com/professlonals 2?-f,·1 1%"-il-1~·1 lh;4' ro <.:on{ln1ml 111~p;urh ·rnli cfovPlupm~nt. Cetails maw bt: chDrief"d ~t 01nv timn 1'';'01 M ·ir I Mfr SINGLE HUNG SERIES 6211 Units Inch et.~. -:r1.,,, 6dir. Revision 5/;>015 1~· 1-------FRAME WIDTH-------1 :Xe" 1~· ,,.. 1-1 DAYLIGHT OPENING 2 1 ~11· DAYLIGHT OPENING 2'Xs" HEAD & SILL FRAME HEIGHT 1%" l~s'' JAMBS ,~ .. , = ~s" Cross Section Drawing Styleline Full Casement Window 1" cin Set Back Accessory Groove Frame, 3/IJ." Flat "J" Channel 3~· CAO File Scale NTS 2~· 1·-Jt--1~· DA'ttJGHT OPENING 3~· ,~- HEAD & SILL View Horizontal & Vertical File Name 6530-0lJFC Units Inch More Technical Documents can be found at mllgard.com/professlonals FRAME HEIGHT Ouc l ~ contlnu:i l rcs~arch and dcv-... lopmcnt, detail~ may be ch:merd flt any '·•mt.'. ~JOl 3 Mi'r,Jrd M;r, CASEMENT SERIES 6530J ,~.· 1~· 2~· 1· t------FRAME WIDTH------1 1~{," 1----3~· DAYLI GHT _._ __ OPENING 3~·----1 JAMBS 2· Single Hung Wi ndow Configurations D DD t t t Si ngle Hung Double Single Hung t Gable Top Single Hung Double Single Hung /C enter Ute D D D t t t Tri ple Single Hung NOTE: Fo r engineering approval contact your Milgard representat ive for any configuration over 40 square feet. Each Mi/gard Manufacturing plant reserves the right to alter or change sizes and configurations according to location capabilities. Ask your Milgard rep about specialty applications. Windows aver 40 squa re fe et shipped apen for field glazing. Varies by location. Not all frame styles available at all Milgard locations. Contact your Milgard Representative for more information. © Milgard M anufac t uri ng , In c. Styl e Line· Series Vinyl Windows & Patio Doors Architectura l Manual Min imum/Maximum Sizes Single-Hung Min 1°2° Max 4 °66 Double Sing le-Hung Min 2°2° Triple Single-Hung Min 3°2° Max 7°66 Max 9°66 Double Single-Hung with Center Lite Min 3°2° Max 9°6 6 Gable Top Single Hung Min 1°26 Max 4°66 Minimum egress is 3°5° with a 30" bar set or 26 6° with a 36" bar set. SH vent set: 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33 or 36. Avai lable Frame Styles 1-3/8" Nail Fin Setback 1" Nail Fin Setback with Stucco Key 1" Nail Fin Setback with J-Channel Contour Z-bar Flat Z-bar Block Frame (no fin) Single Hung Window -68 Casement Window Configurations Full Casement Single Casement Double Casement I I ~CJ Double bottom Casement Double Ca sement/Picture NOTE: For engineering approval con tact your Milgard representa tive for any configuration over 40 square feet . Ea ch Milgard Manufacturing plant reserves the right to alter or change sizes and configur ations according to loca tion capabilities. Ask your Milgard rep about specialty applications. Windows over 40 square feet shipped open for field glazing. Varies by location. Not all frame styles available at all Milgard locations. Contact your Milgard Representative for more information. IO Milgard Manu facturing, In c. St yle Line· Se r ies Vi nyl Win dow s & Pat io Do ors Architectural Manual Minimum/Maximum Sizes Full Casement Min 16 2° Sing l e Casement Min 3°2° Fixed Casement Min 16 2° Double Casement Min 3°2° Max 3°6° Max 8°5° Max 3°6° Max 6°6° Double Bottom Casement Min 3°36 Max 6°7° Double Casement Picture Max 10°6° Available Frame Styles 1-3/8" Fin Setback 1 "Fin Setback with J-channel 1" Fin Setback with Stucco Key 1-1 /2" Contour Z-bar 1-1 /2" Flat Z-bar Block Frame (no fin) Casement Window -23 "' "' " " " " "' "" "" " "' " ;,' " " " " " " " ll H II 1 11 II 1 11 1111 II " '"""" 11 11 i ll ll Tiii II " ':,' " "" ""'Ill " " " " "' "" " "' II ~ • m m " I ~1• " " " ~ I ~ ~ ::: 141/ ..___ ..___ I-~ I-~ ~ ~ "' ~ ~ ~ ~ ---- (N ) 3·.o· I( 3·.o· I (NJ 6 '-IO' K 5 '·0' I {NJ 2·-0· )( 3 1-0· I MORIZ. SUDER WINDCW MDRIZCMTAJ.. SLIDER l-IOl'ii!:1L SLIDER WIHDOJJ ~y 'MILGARD' 4LJ IN EXl5T. PROPOSED FRONT E L E VATION (A5 VIEILEDFRG1'1FAIRVIEUJAV!:~EI NOTE: NO ~5 TO Wt-0°"'6 AT TlE EX15Tn-ti UPPER LEVE L FLOOR PLAN AAE PROPOSED A5 PART OF TMIS PROJECT. EXISTt.k:s ca1FOSIT!ON Sil~ ROO'I<; TO fllllllllj "= I I I 1111 11111 1111 II Ill llH ·11 l l TT 11 ~li '1 Tl ~li rn I I 1111 11 11 11 1 11 -.rr= • " --~li®"rfa EXISTt.k:s PAll-mD CEMENT PLASTER TOFCEMANI-------------_,._~~ " " -- " (N)3'·6' I( 5''-0' 51t«A.E~5mEL lt£ d-IOOJJ BY i-11L6ARD' tOR EGl.IAL> __ ,, I ~-~-L.~. ~~~res EXISTt.k:s PAINTED HORIZCNTAl... IJ.iOOP <N>3'-&' x 2'-0' l-IORlza.i.TAL SLICER WINDOW 6Y '11LGi.4f;?D ' <~Ea.L41...>IN EXIST. Of'EN,..,--------a-------'-------------------l SIDI<; TO FiEMAN------------11----+-------------------l lt.4'. !'-0' PROPOSED R IGl-I T S IDE E L EVATION ~ N NOTE• NEW WINDOUlS TO BE MIL~SffiELINE u.m-1 l,l.MlTE V1NYL FRAMES (COL.OR TO MATCM EXIST~ AS ClOSE AS P0551Bl.EJ. r-------------------------------------------1 I I I I I I I I I CRAU.l SPACE I I I I I I D I I FAU I <NJ 3'-0' )( 3 '-0' l<ORlL SUDER WWOJJ BY 'Mll.6ARD' fCREQl.IAL J DN EXIST. OflENrNU LIVING ROC!1 r-1 I I I I L_J <N16'·IO' x!)'-0' l-ltC'R!ZONT AL 5l..IDER UlN:lC\U BT '11L.6AAO' <OR EQJALJ ~EXIST. OP£N>G PROPOSED MA IN L E V EL 'UN IT A ' FLOOR PLAN NO EXTERIOR t100FlcATk::»4& OR Cl-IANC:.E5 IN FLOOR Afi1EA AFi£ PROPOSED AS PART a-n.tl5 FRO.IECf. (N) 2'·0' )( 3'·0' 1-!GlRll. SLIDER ~OJ.I BY t11LGARO' <OREClJ.Al..1~ EXIST. OPEN N:ii BEDROC!1 (NJ 3'-6' )( ~'-0' &lNUlE ~ Srrt.E L~ IUNDCW 6Y 'T11L.G~' <OR EQUAL ) 1/.4' • l'·O' . g ~~~ >l i:o ~~i~ di~ 114'. l'·O' ft\'ITACHMENT PROGRESS PRINT -NOT FOR CONSTRUCT ION """""'''°'" REVISIONS I BY ~ ~ ~ ~ < ~~ ~ :; t~ i5 'J'\ I!! is' ~ g~ -~ ~~ ~ ~< ~ ~~ I ~ ~~ ~ ili~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :> ~ ~ ~ ('l ir >= ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :ii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~w ~ .:; :I: ~ ~ I I I I ~ ~ ! ~ I _j -<t I--<( ill ~ <( {}'.'.: ~ ~ 3 ~"' w ~ u > iii ~f {}'.'.: ~ ~ -<t ~ ~ lL .. -' w .,.,av Re ""'""n -M• - ""' Ae NOTED ~·~ 16-011 -1 ""'' 1 I -~ c.o (") x ~ N I Cl) N U5 0 I 0 Cl'.'. <t: (") x "'1" N (") x T""" N a.: ~ <t: I-- CJ) CERTIFtCATE OF COMPLIANCE · RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD CF1R.PRF-Ol P;119e-1 of6 Project Nitrnt. Giordano Apartments C1lcutatlon Oe acrip11on: Title 24 Analy11s Caleu tati<Mi 0111mme: H.43 foe, Ai;r 03. 2018 l np111 Fllci Name: tmp7C08 .tmp_xml G£NER"1. IMFORMATION "roj1c:t NW11j GtotO-~ " C•k:uutiotlDHc.rtp-., 1n.12•~ "rojectloceU-(IJ F~f'W:a·U...A. Cityl lo.~ .. $tandwcl• 'hnionl~101 7 .. ZipCCMMI MOlD " c-..aanc•M-.r~lit0!~20lll0l l G'6SP2) C""9M141Z-I~ .. Softw.at•~l ~72 .. ·--1 -·-ff1:11nCon.nl•tiOftC....,C~IO " "'*c.l kOtMI Addit<lrl~ot N!Ma1tot1 " Nl.nNHl rolDiw.ant\#llta I I fot.aaCot1cl.Floot.Mt1(ft1)I S90 Number of Z-• I 1 11 Sl1bAru(ftl)IO " N1trnbtlrol $toriH It .. AddltionCom:l.floorArH (ft')IO 11 N•lllnl G.H Anif1 bl• lvn " AdditlonSl.11bArH(ft1jl 0 " Gllotin1i1 P1re1nta11•l%ll12 2% COMPLIANC E ME!ULTS r " T1111ilding Comp/••• .... u. c°"'""" Pttto...., ... n r " Tn11.. twlldJng IM0tJ>OPllH t.1t1u .. lh.t r.qvlr• fi.14 tnbr\9 •Ml/Of' ""lfk•on b~ • c•ttlftt>Cll HER$ •.-1~ ...,.rt.\. 1up.1:Nttloft ol • CEC..apfMo.,.d HERS provtHr. r Trw. bllllg;"f lnoc0tJllOfl>IH -Of'f'IOf't Spedal fe:atlM'es altown bebw EMf.ROY UH SUMMARY .. " " .. E~gy u-(krovlft1"Y') StanOMd Detlglt "'°'"" O.W,1t Comphnn Mw1• P.utnt"""1_..i Spac:t Htatlflt 61 51 5335 '" ""' Sp:aceCoollnt ,,,. 2347 IAOV•ntil.11tlo1t 000 000 000 "" W1ter~eatin9 .... .. ,, 0 00 o"' Photovoll•~OftHI 000 000 Complianc• [nt1rty Tot.Ill 1su• 141,7) 1.t5 S . .2% 111.[QUll".EO SPECIAL FEATIJRES l TN~:nfeature~INtmu.tbtlMU!hd .. CIClt'idlLonbmeetflgtne model<ld ....,-!lY"'1~1ortt'lllcomou1tir ~srs ·D...c;ttlncr....t~• l I ~non~ 211-POICllJM"TlA~~ ~a9Drl~--:tlt.Q4.C.)11 .. I) ttE.RS PtOWCMr ccntTS- CAB-..dlngEnetV1 Ef';aencySlft.os·201f RtitoOWU'COll'~ Repoc1~·Cl'IR.02'Cf201t-I 016$P2 R"'°" Ge'*~ ll 201&-04-oJ 1N3.,. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE . Rl!SIOENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD CF1 R·PRF·0 1 Pa ge4of6 p,ojoct Namo : Giordano Apartments Calculation DHcription; r~ 24 ~· WATER: HEATING SYSTEMS .. Sy-sltmlYP4 OHWSys1 """ WAT!R HEAT(R5 " " ., Ofsb'ftNtlo1'TYP4 "'"""" Tank Calculallon D•t•rrlm•: 1t 43. Tue. AP\' 03, 201e Input F i .. Nam•: lmp7CD8Jmp_xml •• .. .. ...... Wat.,Ht•t-N~of I '';:o" I Status I v~::i~:tine --· ...... 01 " .. T•1tk Hnl tr Elemtl'lt '"' T•flk Ty~ ~:~n~ j v~~~e Unifor"'liMfliJ)' F1ci0<fEn1r9y f'1 et0t/Efficitrte:Y IApt.llR•t~ff P'ilol/ Th11m•t IEfflc!uc ~ lnsulallon R·nl11• (mttE.t) Standby Lou / Rtc:ovcry •• flr•tH0 11r R1lln9 f f'lowR•t• Ne:EA H••IPvmP Brand/MocHI Tank Loc:atfi)n o:>r Amb!.nl. Condition OHW~«l ... SlflalS'°"ago SPACE COMDITIONING nsreMS .. SC Sys"-a~-""' Newf'AU1 °"* ~ _. c..-.. ~ .. .,,,. fHVA C ·HEATING UNIT TYPES r T r "T f Healing Componeflt 1 I HVAC ·COOLING UNIT TYPES I " Nam • Sy1IM1~ ~Comflonen11 I -- 50 o_aEr 40,000&tl,llh .. Ht.untUnl*N_.. c.-.uM Mameo _..., """""*' 1 0.0....,"""-' " $ysl.tnl'fy~ Cn\llfutnae. I Ol I 04 I OS I I ... ,.M, N"rnb•r of Ul'llll f.ER: S!E:R -r -r .,, "" .. fanN- HV,AChn 1 "'' "'' T T DislntNt!Of'I ·-T "~"" -· l 01 I N"'"btrofUl\l\t 1 1 .. nl• 07 '"'"' .... f.ttidtnc:y 9.llAFUE 07 "l v.riftMIE-llb"t Condition l 1 I 1 COt11pr1tt0t fV~ l ZOtUlly Concroiled HERS V.rification "'' 1 "' "' A..gls!rlti«IN"'"°"'· 213-PO~r:fAOOO..,,.OOOOOOG-OOOO R995l1.t.cn ~ 20!1~03 11 .4913 HER.$ Prov• C·..aRTS ft; CA Buildir'lg Energy E,.ICleftC~ StandMctl . 2(116 Rnod9n4111 co,,,pl!.nc:. fl"'°" v,.,,on ·C~IR .OZ08201 .. 1016$P2 RotP011G.,_1i.<1 11 2011-04-0311044 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE· RESI DENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD CF1R-PRF-01 Pa~2of6 Proj•ct Nam•: Glordano Apartm ents C•lcul•tiof'I Ducriptton: T ille 24 Analysis HERS Fl!ATUR I! SUMMARY CalculaUon Cat.mm.· 11 43. Ttie A.pf 03, 2018 lnp111 Fil• Nam•: tmo7C06 I.mp xml Ti,.~ it aloUf'M'lary oftie 1,,,.11,1rn th1 1 mu~O.1.-ld ~lflf'd ~I e.ni~•O HEkS Rat« as a c:ondit!on fol "'"4tftG ~ ~ ~ pMlo-m"'ui for tl'lit;C01'1'1P1Jl"' 1 Mlr,o9it A.:ktil.IOMI MUilis p•O\l!Otd In tlMI bo.fding OOIT'ponerts ta*s below Builch,,._....,..~,roc:atoofts : .... _ CoollngS.-st•mV.nfic:atioto•: • -M-.- HVACO .. tri~Sptnro~on .. · • D\KtS.•~ 0-tllc MotWl!l..,Sp te.. Yeorit"~. . _....,._ B UIUMNO ·fl!A.T\JRU IHfOflMATtON " .,. 02 T " T T " .,. .,. " NYl'l'IWof O-Hing Co,,OltloMG f'!oor ArH (ft'I Unlb N11rnber ol ltdrooms Proj..c:I N•m• Numbtrofl-s 1 N\llTib•rotV.ntlladOf'I T Cooli nlilSyal•m• N"mb41rof W•tu H"tlnf Sytl•m'I Giotes&t!o ApaM\lnes 500 1 .,. .,. ZOHE INFORMATION " T " T .,. .,. "T " Zont1 N-z-Tr,. HVAC Syat.n.H<1me 1 Z.-f loorArH I Av9.C...,1 I I '"'I ~--W•tw H.atlng Sytlll'I t WMff HHlino' Sral•m 2 ""'' .,.__ T -"""· I SiO I • I DHWSys 1 I '" OPAQU! SURFACES 02 " .. .. ff " " " 10 -CorotlNc:tion -Window & D-I Tl11 I I hit l ing OrMnl•lloft I Gross Arlt {k 'l I ArH (fl') (•'II S1.i-.. COl'lditlon rrortt w.ii ..... W.-Pnortoltll f'fQflt I '4• I &a.6 l90l£m""'GI No Bacio.Wall UM A Wo1Priol k1Ul18 180 .... to I flliM·"9 RiQM WaH Un<A Wa11Pl1ofk1191! 270 .,.,,, 110 7.l to I e .. w,,. front Ulllity Room Wa.~ UMA 0.0QOWtaf>f'iorto 1978 ,,..,, 90 I E:>.i•ti"O No Lt'ltU~lyROOlflWall UMA Glr1ge w.~ PriorfQ 1978 .. ,,. go I c~1•t•"51 ..... ,,.,. ""1A FloorCrawllf)OGAPrlo<lo ... l'.ldst1rig No R99M'Mion,..._. 21~~~ ~lltlOllOMa'T._ 2'01.ot4t ll•t1J i<ASP"""6ot' C..C:PtT $-.. CA ~E'*VFE~Standan:t$·2016 R~~ Ropotl 'WIM:ln·Cf1R-C1081011·10'6$P1 Repor1C0.-11.0a 2011-(14.Gl U 044 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE · RESIDE NTIAL P ERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Proj.ct Name: Giordano Apartments C•lclll•tion DHctlptlon: r1110 2 4 Anatysls HVAC • 0tSTR19UTIOH SYSTEMS " ........... C1kul1tion D1telflme: 11.43 , Tue, Apr 03. 2015 Input Fil• N•m•: tmp7C08.tmp_xml os I N I '1 .. CF1R·PRF-Gt Page S of6 ·-T,p• Ow.tLUUO-s:,=-I R==' f e,,.. .. 0vc:i $tarua '"'=.!.ti"' I v.:~ """°""~ I Ductttoca~in a cra..i ls.-.clwodMtM Sytlttn1 HVAC DISTRI BUTION· HERS VERIFICATION T T ~OilltibullonS~i.m l -Mft:-diSl T .. Du<.t LHkqt Vtrll'lcetton R~wld fHVAC •FA N S Y$TEM$ £.HERS VERtfJCATION r T r ...... T •• Di.tc:l l t1k.a99 T.,e•t l".4> ... .. "" en...t~ I Cn.iSP909 - T .. T .. "T .. Vttifitd D11cl I V11lflt<1 Dixt I Loullo" Dnlgn D'"' I Nol Roqi..irtd j NOIRec.11'l'tG j Nol Reql,lired T " T ,..,P'OW.f(W•ttal'Cf"M) r HVACF-1 T sqll s,.-1 pSC R.Mace Fan T .... flAQC1n4oorAlr OVlilly)FAHS r T T " "T .. ... I 01 I I 0"·~·,.... I ""'" I NotROQutrtO I T A#Ootlribuaion ·-·-M " low.luk'"" Alrlt111 dltr "" T HlRS Vitritk.Mion i .,. .. r ·-T IAQC""' .,. IAC P..,~ I \AO RK-eq' EfhclM ... •94%) I H'flS\'tfMc:1t'°" r S~am!A~ "T "T """" 0 ... _ l f\.gitllODOl'lh..nnbw" J~10094ol~-OOOOOC)fj~ R-.q:•lra !ion Oal.rT"irn. 1QtMM•l 1 1~1 ) HER5PrOVI09'f' c.icuns - CA 81.110ir!9 E"'''l1Elli<MncySl::ind31'da .201& FW!llMl'ltiol Com~ R•POl1 Ve-son -CF1R 02082011·1011 SP2 ReoM c;.n.,sled al, 2011.0l.Ol 11 4J 44 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE· RESIDENTIAL PERFORMANCE COMPLIANCE METHOD Proj•cl N1me: Giofd~llO Apartm.nts Calc.il atlon DHcrl ptlo": TrUo 2<1 Ana~s C aJculatton Dalefl'ltrl•~ 11 4 3, Tu•, Apr 03, 201 8 Input Fii• Nam •: tmp7COB tmp •ml CFt R.PRF-01 P•9t )of6 FENESTRATION /GLAZING " 02 " .. Cl 01 .. " ·-surt~ tori-tatilM-Az'"""thl I w~ tn> I Hlifhl lf'IJ I MYltlP** I ""' cttl1 I U-ttctoo' I I HCC I htffiO< s h.-dlng ....... E&l1t1nt , ........ w-rrOl'llWal (r rorw:O) _, Fron~ (FIQll!,.()} ·-· ffO"llWal (Front-0) -· fl'Ol'lfWal (FronMI> -· Aight Wai (llght.;,10) r OPAOUt DOORS I " .,. " [ N1m. T Sldtof Suildint r °"' T f 10f1\W;)ll OPAQUE SURFACE CONSTRUCTIONS " " COlt•ll'wc:hMH-$""1.c• TJP" I Con"""''"'" Tr,. ~Pnor-1918 ~Wab I WoociffsneaWa4 ..... o... Root o---. PT.or 10 Cra-~ I WoodFr.....OFW Cartig•W .. Poorkl 1!HI &ttrlotWah I WOOtJFrM'lt<!Wall r8UI LDING ENVELOPE• HERS VEREICATION r " T T T .. Fnim_,9 b4C)lln.Q_C bt2.l 6 n OC. b4Q18n.OC "' 1 11 I o8l I lrlMctSc:t-<defMJ I Ela.._, No .. I,, I 01) I ~Screen (~ .... l I ~ No '" 11t I 013 I lllMttScrMl'l(oelai.«J I E.OtW1g No " 032 I OH f lrllCCtSc:rffft (oefU:) I ~ No " t 19 I OU I lnseet$c:r .... (def..,.J I E.ulll'llf .. " T I os T U.t1(.tor j SI.Illa Vuitl•d £•1tlln9 CondltlOl'I Arn trt2) .,. 000 ~I No " .. 07 To:.~~=I I WJn~~!:'•"' I An flftbty l.ay9A • lnSldeFnslt G)'P-&Md • ~IF1-nowi:JU l b4 0311 I· Exretroffn#l Jco.rSNoco 0216 .,., ·Root'~~ -~o.ct.Wood'~-. • c..r<yl h-m/MCll l h12 • ~ FftM. G)lp.-i 8oeld • er.My/Fram. notr1al /b 4 • E.fttlUr Fiflnh. l COii' Stvcco l 02 ., .. r Qu•lity ln sul1110f'I lnttaMIUon (Qll) I Quelity l1t•tilllatlon ol Sprl)' f~rfl ln•u!atlon J Building En~•loP• Alf LHhUt I Cf'M50 I r NOIR•q..,.rtd NOI R9qUll'ed I NolRtttVlttd I l Reov:*Mllll\NunW t 1 .... •Wf'on•.OCJO ooo.OCXlOODCMXIDO A .... illlol\OelMT.,.. 20~1 1 f9 11 H ERS PtOMOtr ~TS- CA8 ...... E~Eflc;~SMndWdt 2016~Compianw ~Ywlb-t CJ'1R-0208201S.f0 16SP1 R<lpOl't Generil{9d at: 2016 04-ol 11 <13 4' CERTlf'ICAT E O F COM PLIANCE· R£Sl 0ENTl .AL PERFO RM ANCE COM PLIANCE METHOD P roject Name: Giordano Apartments Calcul•llen o .. cripUon: Title 24 Analysis Cakutation Da remm•: 11 43 Ttie, Apr03, 2018 I nput File N~me : ltl'lp7CDB lrnP xml CF 1R.PR F-01 Pa916ofl DOCUNIEHT.t.T/OH AUTHOM"S OECL.AR.ATIOH STATEMENT 1 l ocr1Jfy-"-lhlt.C.•Q•of(.ompl.~~~"ec:c:uf'19#tdc:on"' ... Docu~AulhorN­ He atherClalk """"-""""'-'pe.ntl<U OmA :- Builders' Ene1gy Servic;es, Inc --· 5;;"~ 11.4843 c ~~ ICEAIHE~SCor\Jlic.aoor\t"-'t.llcMlon (M • _ _A..,,§..E h~.--- 460 W Edmundson Avenue R16·1f>.20084 'ii O!jiifj l#.1A1ifti CitylSt1i./?11> Morgan Hill, CA 95037 AESPON$111 LE-PERSON'S OECLARATION STATEMENT I c.mty t119 loMowtng \lf\\!tr "rWI)' of P<lfiury. lll'!(l(t( !M i.ws «th• Slalt of C.:.kwnoa """"" 408-20 2-907 5 1 l ameligoblltUl'IOer~ J Ol't!'le~W1C1,~fl'ldPrQte~COO.fQac'CepC 1tS90fl.-,.lffol"~ bvilding<:H19"1(Wf'111~ on Lh1t.Cot11roe11oof~e- 1 1 onf')o the! tt... ~It.tin• w ~~ions ~ti.don""c..it1c:•t•ol Comol1WOC• oontotm toh ~.-..n11 of Ta. 24. Par1 t ¥Id Pan6dttwc•-Code o1 ........... li'lt~°"'9"'~1ot1\Wilm depgnlu:..W-Q~Ofl ... CMik.1'8olColT'pUnc.a at9 ~WllflN~PfO'<'ldell on«ner~~OONrnMl1 wot11t.hMte.e.~Pllntond~sublt11.'9d11111»~..,..eylor~w1'1if'lllb&.ti"I~~ R~•~H-Ip~~~~ Roberl8'va11\ ~,...a" "'-1--,..., 8'ya11\ Oe-G<oup 15951 Los Giitos Blvd, Ste 1 City!Slatell-p Los Gatos, CA 95032 2018-04-03 1149 13 """"" """"'' 4Qa-356-55()0 °'9if"'r..,.Wbfc.K:fltTS lhn .alvgn.11M~tt (Jffl'l>:SH111 orfln 10 HC1ttlfw~IMl'olrltr,,._:erff~~.itd111 00 ...,,.._,,.,~,,"'"" """'"""'~.,..,..,,.~~#C"folh~ ~tr lllal'!~ 2 1..,.10'.!9+4 12.4.!XJO,DOO~O R~~O.'.tfl'"im. 2911.#M-Olll ~,13 C A ~(-9y D·~Sl.id31ds·2016Re,icanl.ill C~ Rtoor1 V•SIOll·CFIR-02'08Z01i-10 1GSP2 •"·l!l .. !ill. .· £My1DIJW, •c.cERTSOOM HE RS Provider C'llellllTS ....._ R•OC111 ~GCl1t 20HMM.O:J 11 4344 TITLE24 ENERGY COMPLIAN CE REPORT REV ISIONS I BY ~l >-i I> e> ~c ~ c:: d = ~~IH W-"l ~ • -H ;; Cl) Cl) < ;d c::w ~=~ W~H~ c....1>ih 1 c:: ~ l!" 5w ~~;. men H I ~ SERVWG AACHfff(:fS, SULOU~SAHO ""'1EOWN£ .. HT\.~tt MER$1lAT .. GI CAUN"°"'t U f!.ltl t'h'fAG'l'STAJtl'All:TMf:lll:S HEJts •cunr&O ClACfl'lTFllO WITHO .. FICU 9'1: MOftGAN HL L S4 NJQl l! <t: CJ) I- I--0 z z (") LU:JO ~ I l!) 1-~m 0::: <t: <t: 0 a.. _J -<t: a.. (/) os~ Z LU <t: <t: > 0 0 0::: CJ) 0::: -0 0 <t: _J -LL 0 (") co Date 04/03118 Draw n HEC Client'• Jobi BES Job i 08192 ...... T24.1