Item 3 - 16 Pennsylvania Avenue PREPARED BY: ERIN WALTERS Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 05/23/2018 ITEM NO: 3 DATE: MAY 16, 2018 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 16 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNER: NIKAN OMIDI LANGROUDI AND FARHAD SHAFAI. APPLICANT: DUSTIN MOORE, STRATA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE. REQUESTING RECOMMENDATION ON MODIFICATIONS TO FRONT YARD STONE RETAINING WALLS ON A PRE-1941 PROPERTY ZONED R-1D. APN 510-42-014. RECOMMENDATION: Review the proposed project, and provide a recommendation on the proposed modifications to the existing river rock landscape walls in the front yard of the property. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: 1908 2. Town of Los Gatos Preliminary Historic Status Code: I 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes B. Comments The applicant proposes landscape improvements, including, removal of the existing river rock landscape walls in the front yard and replacement with new stone veneer walls. The Anne Bloomfield Survey evaluation form denotes the existing stone fence-U-plan at PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 16 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE MAY 16, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Pennsylvania16-walls -05-23-18.docx 5/17/2018 12:59 PM BACKGROUND (continued) 16 Pennsylvania Avenue, which mirrors the stone wall configuration at the western property, 28 Pennsylvania Avenue. In 2016, the HPC recommended approval of minor exterior modifications to the house. In 2016, the Planning Commission approved the expansion of the existing below grade square footage (cellar). Currently the property is under construction with approved building permits. The contractor removed the top two river rock retaining walls for construction access. Building permits are required for the proposed improvements, including construction of the retaining walls. The applicant’s request, the Bloomfield Survey, existing photos, and the proposed development plans are attached. DISCUSSION: A. Considerations In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. B. Town Policy That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. Attachments: 1. Letter of Justification (three pages) 2. Bloomfield Survey (five pages) 3. Photos of Existing Landscape Walls (six pages) 4. Development Plans (12 pages) Distribution: Cc: Nikan Omidi Langroudi and Farhad Shafai, 16 Pennsylvania Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Dustin Moore, STRATA Landscape Architecture, 136 Freelon Street, San Francisco, CA 94107 STRATA Landscape Architecture Justification for the Proposed Landscape Improvement 16 Pennsylvania Ave, Los Gatos, CA 95030 RECEIVED MAY 09 Z018 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION It is important to preserve our historically significant elements in the community to keep a strong connection to Los Gatos' past. The town's guidelines help maintain historically important architecture . The proposed landscape improvements at 16 Pennsylvania Avenue align with the goals of the guidelines . The proposed retaining walls are approximately in the same locations as existing walls to minimize earthwork and to not disturb existing trees. The proposed stone walls will be constructed with stone in a historically accurate aesthetic. They will utilize reinforced concrete to make them stronger and safer for the homeowners and public. The stone veneer that is proposed has the appearance of dry stack stone compared to the river rock veneer that previously existed. River rock should not be used as a vertical stone veneer as the round edges could not be held up by gravity. It was the advent of concrete and mortar that allowed such veneers to be used and thus do not have a history in architecture. They are inaccurate to traditional construction methods and do not add to authentic classical details in the design guidelines of Los Gatos. The landscape design respects the existing topography with a terraced garden. The front retaining wall at the street level is intact to be consistent with the northwest neighbor's street front rock wall. The precast concrete cap is in disrepair and must to be replaced . The proposed precast cap is to match the existing cap providing consistency with the existing rock wall at the sidewalk and the existing driveway stucco wall as well. The proposed new front garden utilizes native, adaptive and drought tolerant plants. While we have a drought tolerant plant palette, the overall look has a lush feeling that is consistent with cottage gardens. The planting has also been selected to 136 Freelon Street Phone 415.431 .9200 San Francisco, CA 94107 www.strata-inc.com Fax 415.43_1.9201 tATTACHJ\.fENT 1 STRATA Landscape Architecture minimize the impact of the proposed rock walls and break down the scale from the street. We have surveyed many homes on Pennsylvania and almost all the homes display a unique wall type and a different type of masonry. T he river rock veneer is on three of the homes on the block while other homes have flagstone and ledge stone veneer. We believe that there is not precedence for river rock due to the lack of this detail on the block and the same find ings support moving to a more accurate stone ve neer. The front garden includes a moderately sized fire p it. There is very little usable space in the rear garden due to the steep slope and LRDA restrictions and we have the opportunity for a large terrace near the home in the front garden . It is only space that could accept a fire pit or lounge seating area. The fire pit is a held low at 18" above grade, uses the same stone materials as the walls and includes screening plants to minimize visibility from the street. The proposed fence is a good neighbor fence and utilizes trad itional details visible from both sides of the fence . The design is found throughout the neighborhood . Overall , the proposed landscape improvements align with the town design guidelines and will be a great improvement to the streetscape both aesthetically and functionally. 136 Freelo n Street Sa n Fra n cisco, CA 94 107 www.strota-inc.com Ph one 4 15.431.9200 Fax 41 5 .43 1.920 1 STRATA Landscape Archi1ec1urc Removed Retaining Walls 16 Pennsylvania Ave, Los Gatos, CA 95030 RECEIVED MAY 1 i 2018 TOWN O F LOS GATO S PLANNING DIVI SION The second and third retaining walls from Pennsylvania Ave were remo ve d . The retaining walls were removed because the General Contractor needed access for the construction of the basement. 136 Freelon St reet San Fran cisco, CA 94107 www .strata-inc.com Phone 415.431 .9200 Fax 415.431.920 1 r Summarv of McCu11a~h Blod:{ 1 ~{ L-;rndc.·n B1od.: D Parcels bv B1)b Schumacher f t...; ~ ~ for Los Gates Hist;;.-,ricai R t:-sc.u.rc~s Survev.2/ i 6/~: I • Summary Of# !6 Pennsyivania: Built bet.we en 1 90& and 192 8 T11e lots presently containmg ;;;-8_. # 16_. and ~28 Pennsylvania '-Nere €far1y on 11eld as one parcel • .,,Ti.thin Block "D" of the Lyndon Subd ivision and contained at least one imp rovement. In 1 gog this was :r1eld by Larder. i \6'as unable to reconstruct ovvnersllip of tl1e sepa ra te presen t day lot:3. Tll~ Sanborn maps determine t.t1e age.be t V·.Teen 1 CJO() and 192&. ATTACHMENT 3