Item 2 - 11 Peralta Avenue PREPARED BY: ERIN WALTERS Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 05/23/2018 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: MAY 16, 2018 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: MINOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: MR-18-008. PROJECT LOCATION: 11 PERALTA AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNER: KATHLEEN WILSON. APPLICANT: TONY JEANS. REQUESTING A RECOMMENDATION ON PROPOSED EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS AND A TWO-STORY ADDITION TO A PRE-1941 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE ON PROPERTY ZONED R-1:8. APN 510-42-073. RECOMMENDATION: Review the proposed project, make the considerations for design review for the proposed addition to the residence, and forward a recommendation to the deciding body. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: c. 1890 2. Town of Los Gatos Preliminary Historic Status Code: None 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? No 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes B. Comments The applicant requests approval for external modifications and a new second story addition to an existing c. 1890 Victorian two-story residence. PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: 11 PERALTA AVENUE MAY 16, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\PeraltaAve11 -05-23-18.docx 5/16/2018 2:36 PM The proposal includes removal of the second front door at the front elevation, removal of the filled-in porch and a portion of a single-story portion (482 square feet) at the rear elevation, and removal of the side balcony and staircase. The side balcony and stair case and enclosure of the porch appears to be alterations from the original construction. The applicant proposes window replacement (retaining double hung style) and the addition of new windows on the side elevations. The proposal includes a new two-story addition (873 square feet) at the rear of the house which includes a patio and balcony. The addition will match existing materials and details of the original house. The applicant proposes to create a lower level of below grade square footage (932 square feet), with light wells as needed. The modifications do not increase existing building height. The proposed modifications are outlined in the applicant letter of justification, Attachment 1. Once the Historic Preservation Committee has made a recommendation the project will be reviewed through the Minor Residential Development Application process. A Minor Residential Development Application (MR-18-008) is in review for the proposal, submitted on May 9, 2018. A Minor Residential Development Application is required because the project proposes a second story addition greater than 100 square feet to an existing second story. The story poles and public noticing will be required. The letter of justification, a Bloomfield Survey, existing photos of the site, and proposed development plans are attached. DISCUSSION: A. Considerations In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. B. Town Policy That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: 11 PERALTA AVENUE MAY 16, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\PeraltaAve11 -05-23-18.docx 5/16/2018 2:36 PM Attachments: 1. Letter of Justification (two pages) 2. Bloomfield Survey (five pages) 3. Photos of Existing Residence (five pages) 4. Development Plans (11 pages) Distribution: Cc: Kathleen Wilson, 578 University Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94301 Tony Jeans, P.O. Box 1518, Los Gatos, CA 95031 T .H.l .S . DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95032 Attn: Historic Committee P.0 .Box 1518, Los Gatos , CA 95031 Te l: 408.3 54.1 863 Fax: 40 8 .354.182 3 May s th, 2018 Re model/ Addition at 1 1 Peralta Ave RECEIVED MAY 09 2018 Dear Historic Committee Members: Project Summary : TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION The property has been recently purchased and the new owners are plann ing to renovate the Victorian at 11 Peralta Ave . It has unfortunately not been maintained very well needing close to $100,000 in foundation work and a lot of TLC . A series of ill-conceived add itions have turned it into 3 legal rental units over the years have caused it to deviate somewhat from its true architectural integrity. We plan to retain it as 3 separate units: an ·owner Unit " on the top floor , an "ADU " on the main floor and a separate rental in a newly constructed basement , but with a less obtrusive entry configuration. It will be ADA compliant. We want to remove the second "front Door" and the "filled in Porch" at the rear and also the small , wider , single story portion. We then plan to add a new 2-story addition at the rear with a patio/balcony. At the same time it will be brought up to current UBC in terms of plumbing , electrical and mechanical systems. It should be noted that the building at "15 Peralta Ave " encroaches onto this property and this will need to be resolved at a later date. for now, a separate 6 car detached garage at the rear of the property will be separated into a 2 and a 3 car garage, avoiding the property line between the 2 parcels. Surrounding Neighborhood: Th is general area is arguably one of the most prestigious in Los Gatos. The homes that have been built there stem from the Glen Ellen subdivisions at the turn of the century. Each is unique and many have been carefully restored over the years. 11 Peralta itself is a little over 2 ,000 square ft. A 6-car garage is at the rear of the property, accessed from an Alley . As th is original subdivision was created with 50ft wide lots, many of the properties on this street are non-conforming and have reduced side setbacks of 4-5ft. We are requesting that this property be considered as having 5 ft side setbacks. Historic Research : We have already spent a significant amount of t ime using the library and other resources and have determined that the house is substantially unchanged at the front and side elevations e x cept for the second "front Door" and the side balcony and staircase wh ich we intend to remove. At the rear, the porch has been filled in to accommodate the 3 rental units and the rear windows have been replace with vinyl windows . &\TrACHMENT I Goals and Objectives : Whole House Detailing: • Replace windows retaining double hung window detailing. Use double glazed units. • Repaint body in a historic color TBD; repaint all trim. • Add a second story addition and rear facing patio and balcony as shown . • A full basement is planned . Front Elevation : • El iminate the second front door. • Retain the historic Railings at the entry porch . • No other changes Right Side Elevation : • Eliminate the enclosure at the front right porch . • Eliminate the single story portion at the rear. • Eliminate the rear porch . • Add basement light wells as needed Left Side Elevation: • Add basement lite wells as needed. • Move second floor balcony, stairs and egress door and replace with window . • Eliminate the single story portion at the rear. Rear Elevation: • This is entirely new and has been designed to match the front. • Add basement egress with lower level patio. • Add patio and balcony. Garage: • Split 6-car garage into a 2 and a 3 car garage. Neighborhood Impact : No neighbors are directly affected by the project in terms of views , light, shadows etc. In fact, once complete, this project will have only a small impact on the surrounding neighbors, and no impact on the streetscape. We believe that this renovation will be a significant benefit to the Town ; allowing this wonderful home to live for another 100 years. Please call me at 408-354-1833 if you have any questions. Yours truly .<Jt!-_._ ~ T .H.I .S. Design & Development per: A. T . Jeans 11 PERALTA AVENUE -Existing Conditions RECEIVED MAY 0 9.2018 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION fA.TTACllMENT 3 - - - -J• --~ t :___ _ ... ~ ..--• f=>rOf:'O&ed Interior remodeling and addltlone to exlettng two-eto111 reeldence ror the: WILSON I KANDAOAMY ~EOIDENCE PARCEL MAP: ""' ecAl..E.> 0 fr IC [ or C 0 U H f '( ® @ 11 and 15 Peralta Avenue Loe Gato&, CA .. 95030 A SSESSO!t --cl . II:" C 0 U H T Y , CA l I f 0 RN I .t. ~ Ii!" g,.~ <;; @ --·~ ~ ~ ..... _. U.JIO'INC[ L S'10I( -USC:ftOlll r...w. .... _..._.., ==:..lt~~S..J1 1 SCOPE OF WORK: L llEl10VE 6El..ECTEO EXl6T!NG IN~ ~ AND CON&TRUCT HSIJ INTer<IOR lllAU.6 ON 2 l'L.OOR& 2. IOEHOYE EXl6T!NG 4el."IO 61' 61N<>l.E-6TOIOY ANO IOEA!ll COVERED f'OlllCH INCUJt>ING FCUNO•TION& 5. COH6TRUCT NBIJ 480.20 MAIN FL..OOFl ADOfT10N AMO Ml.~ 6F 6liCONO FLOOR AOOIT10N 4 . CON6TIOIJCT HBIJ MU. eF MAelT Aet.E LOWER l'l..00!0 <c:a.J.Al'V AREA AND MON-+lAe/TAet.E 6 T"""'6£ AND H~ AREA &. CONVERT 6-CAR GAFIAGE INTO &E!"ARATE 2 ANP 3 C.AIO c>Al"A6E& DRAWING INDEX COVER &MEET &ITE/GolUOINa. l"t.AN TOl'Oa.RAl"MIC !"I.AN EXl6T1Na.IPEl10L T10N Fl.OOR Pl..AN6 EXl6TIN6J0Et10UTION EXTERIOR l!!L£Y•TION6 1 E><l&T INGIPEl'10LTION EXTERtOR !U!VATION& 2 PROl"O&l!P LOWl!R Fl.OOR PLAN PROPO&EO HAIN Fl.OOR l't.AN PROP06l!P 1l"f'£R Fl.OOR !"I.AN PROP06l!P EXTERIOR B.EVATION6 1 PROP06EO ~IOR EL.£YAT10Ne 2 PROPOSED PROJECT DAT A: Af'f>l<OVEO EXl6TIN6 P!llOPOSEO ALLOWED l!U'LDING; AREA <E><i&TIHCi), UNIT 'I 661.30 6f !,!:».to 6F -- UNIT '2 941.00 ef l,IM>JIO 6F _...,. .............. NOttcr:: c: 1110 UNIT .. 036.00 eF ~L» 6F ....... _, .... FLOOR AREA ll"L.A>IMIN<lo) 2,13.<.!IO eF 3,451.06 6F ~ 0 eF l,3~1.80 eF TOT AL ""'81T .1.eLE teUIU>ING> 2,G-4.>o 61' ,_,si.o. 6F l!>UJL.OIN6 a.AIOACol! 600.00 M I .oo.oo 61' COVERED PATIO o M I &o2.oo 61' -i1 . •coo 6F •u • e,ooo &F <ilt066 LOT AREA• •e. 'l:>OO 6ft 'I&. •poo 6F LDT 61..0PE, "'" "'" ALL.ClWAelE RE&toeMC& F'.A..R. 2,609.00 eF l,S26.'ll0 6! •.AO& eF "111-'DW ALL.ClWAelE ~ , ........ 133.00 6F 600.00 6F 13).00 6F 30•..o• PROPERTY DAT A: A&ee&OR'& PARCEL NO. 510 -<42 -013 I &to --42 -O"W EX16TINa. Ll6E. 6FD WI (2) l.Ea.AL RENT AL UNIT& PROP06ED U&I!• 6FD Wt ADU AND <I) LEGAL RENT AL UNIT ZONING Dl&TRICT1 R -he OCOFANCY GflitOl.F1 R>J\J FLOOD ZONE• NO CON&TRUCTION 'f"T'PE• v-1!1 &PECIAL l~eGTION l'TCM&1 YE& tfJ1"1l!IER Of' &TOIOIE&, 2 um< HAl!llT.oei..E CELI.AR LOT &tZE. '11 • •.ooo &F "" • •poo 61' VICINITY MAP <NO 6CALEJ ~ T .. M .. l .. S Deetgn DESIGN and DEVELOPMENT P .O. l!IOX 81& L.c>o "'""'6. CA. "8031 VOICE> ~.-.Je3~ -.thl-='-19'-COfl A.P.N. 1111 510 -42 -013 •IS SIO -42-014 ZONING: R _ i.e RECE.lVE P MAY 09 7.!11[1 TO'NN OF LOS G :ro s PLANNIN G D\VI 10 N i •mma....,.:;;;ucam;::z:::a. I ~ ----~-_.,.,.,, ...... '!NM ~ ~(&) --.............................. v- TCIN"f" ...... ,._---....~-..n. ....... -.. -·-9 ........ -._,--,~-.... i Rsvfafono, 9 i ------·i COVEl'i? Sl-IEET fA1TACHMENT 4 • i ~ 2018 -1!1 5hsst i H'::j O!I, 2018 TO .. Of