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Item 5 - 94 Hernandez Avenue
PREPARED BY: JOCELYN SHOOPMAN Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 04/25/2018 ITEM NO: 5 DATE: APRIL 19, 2018 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 94 HERNANDEZ AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNERS: HELEN AND WILLIE CADIENTE. APPLICANT: JAIME ARAFILES. REQUESTING PRELIMINARY REVIEW FOR DEMOLITION OF AN EXISTING PRE-1941 GROUP HOME ON PROPERTY ZONED R-1:8. APN 510-20-024. RECOMMENDATION: Review information and provide a preliminary recommendation regarding the request for demolition of a pre-1941 group home on property zone R-1:8. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: Pre-1941 2. Town of Los Gatos Preliminary Historic Status: Contributor to the Town’s historic feeling but remodeled heavily; appears built before 1942 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? Yes 7. Considerations required? No B. Comments The applicant is requesting a preliminary recommendation for demolition of an existing group home and construction of a new single-family residence. On September 28, 2016, the Committee approved a request for exterior modifications to the residence. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 94 HERNANDEZ AVENUE APRIL 19, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Hernandez 94 - 04-25-18.docx 4/19/2018 2:19 PM BACKGROUND (continued): The applicant submitted for Building permits for the exterior remodel on March 28, 2017. The applicant received significant comments from the Town’s Plan Check Consultant due to the structural condition of the existing building. As discussed in the applicant’s letter, the existing foundation is unreinforced with substantial cracks, requiring that it be entirely replaced to meet Building code requirements (Attachment 1). In addition, the existing exterior walls must be reinforced with plywood sheathing in order to meet Building code requirements, which would result in removal of extensive portions of the exterior stucco plaster, resulting in a technical demolition of the home pursuant to the Town’s Demolition Policy. Should the Committee find that the proposed historic structure lacks the integrity necessary to convey its value, demolition of the historic structure could be allowed through approval of an Architecture and Site application. DISCUSSION: A. Findings As required by Town Code Section 29.10.09030(c) Demolition of historic structures, a demolition permit for a historic structure may only be approved if: 1. The structure poses an imminent safety hazard; or 2. The structure is determined not to have any special historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value. Any request to demolish an historic structure shall be reviewed by the Historic Preservation Committee... Applications for all other historic structures proposed for demolition shall be accompanied by a detailed report describing all aspects of the structure’s physical condition prepared by an architect, licensed design professional or registered civil engineer at the applicant’s expense. Attachments: 1. Request and Photographs 2. Historic Resources Research 3. Anne Bloomfield Architectural/Cultural Survey Distribution: Cc: Jaime P. Arafiles, 32108 Alvarado Boulevard Suite 293, Union City, CA 94587 Helen Cadiente, PO Box 2322, Los Gatos, CA 95031 JAIME P. ARAFILES, PE, SE April 19 , 2018 32108 Al varado Blvd., Suite 293, Union City, CA 94587 Tel (510) 386-5 899 jparafiles@aol.com Historic Preservation Committee Town Of Los Gatos 110 E Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 RECEIVED APR 1 ~2018 TOWN Reference: Letter of Justification PL.A OF LO S GATOS NN ING DIVIS ION Project: Request to Demolish Existing Buildings 94 Hernandez A venue , Los Gatos, CA 95030 APN 510-20-024, Zoning: R-1:8 This project involves the architectural and structural alterations to an existing pre- 1941 , two story, single family residential building. There are three other one story accessory buildings in the rear of the property. One structure, which is fronting Ellenwood A venue, is planned to be demolished and the other two structures are planned to remain. These existing buildings do not meet current Los Gatos zoning setbacks and FAR requirements. On September 28, 2016, the Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee recommended approval of the proposed architectural and structural alterations to the main building and we proceeded to prepare planning and building permit submittal documents. Using these documents , the owner obtained con struction estimates and determined that the planned interior and exterior alterations will involve substantial costs that will be close to the cost of a new building of similar size and architecture. Furthermore, the structural anal ysis of this building revealed the following: 1. The existing foundation is a conventional spread footing system which is unreinforced and exhibited substantial cracking and differential settlement as a result of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake and due to over 90 years of service. This foundation system will have to be completely replaced in order to meet current building code requirements. 2. The existing lateral force resisting system consists of diagonal board sheathing on the exterior face of the exterior walls. There are no mudsill anchor bolts that will resist the lateral shear from the exterior wall down to the foundation. The entire exterior walls must be reinforced with plywood sheathing in order to meet current building code requirements. This would mean removing the existing stucco plaster and replacing it with a new 3- coat stucco plaster. fA'FTA C flMENT l With the information above, we respectfully request that we be allowed to demolish these structures and replace the main building with a new main building with similar size and architecture and a one story accessory dwelling unit that will meet the current Los Gatos planning and building regulations . Respectfully submitted, Jaime P. Arafiles, PE, SE s 3232 Ex p . 03/31/19 Acknowledged: Cc: Wilfred Cadiente, Property Owner Sally Zarnowitz, AIA, Planning Manager Jocelyn Shoopman, Associate Planner Attachments: ( 6) photographs of existing foundation and exterior sheathing ' I dln.ru:. !Bfoom{iLlJ. ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH File address I __ __.:...._...;._...;..;;....;..._ _______ _ PARCEL MAP INFORMATION ARCHITECTURAL H:STORY (4 1 !5) 922· 1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET S AN F RA NCISCO. CA 941 I S Parcel ti __________ ....;....;..;.......;...._ ____ ~ Lot size: ___ front ft. x ___ ft. deep Lot shape: Rectangl~~ L__ Rectangle with small rear jog__ Other __________ _ Location: N S E w side of ----------~ St __ Ave Other ______ _ distance to cross st: ----ft. N __ S __ E __ w __ from:._ ________ _ at NE NW SE SW HISTORIC INFORMATION ON P A~CEL MAP Old tract or subdivision name _________ Old Block # ____ Old lot # _______ _ FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) Prel i minary ratin ~g __ _ Estimated age ____ _ Style Crt.' COUNTY ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) Page __ EFFective date. ___ _ OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Name I Source Date _____ J1891 Blk Book 1908 ( Survey !1941 Source Page Locati on of property, or Lot Old tract/block/lot Size Owner Name ______ ! ____ ----+-------------!-----·---------------; MISCELLANEOUS PHOTOS: Roll /frame # Date _ __;...::.....:.--,;; ---National Regi ster listed date. _________ _ County Inventory 1979 _____________ _ Town of Los Gatos: Designation __ Recognition __ District Na me ---------------- Previous Survey Gebhard: page # illustration oa2e.t!_t. EV~ATi~N-.. J • ~u cm 7 ("~ .... -4,_ Alterau o ~s. : Kond_ _ Contributor~ iaice d~.Forc.h encl~ rft./=r:::"-"" ./. #' District No n-eontrib j,, Addit>.on.1.. Sidin&,_ ·i;.E&-r"""l-ie_s_t ... ..,.iii'O""f V:: / _ /J .t.K Window~ Condition_ Owner~ Reside nt)( : f;;OUVdU , _:_.,,,-llcnsner: a_ b_ d_ -tAl'u~tixt(t). I "J:)vf;-J~ 9 'f Af r/Ja .11d~ z. iTrACHMENT 2 dlnne. !Bfoom{ufJ ARCHI'l'.BCTURl\L/C.ULWRAL_ SURVBY ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY "' 151 922· 1083 22 29 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. C A 9 4 1 I 5 (; ~ RESEARCH •~(~u~b~W~~o~bui~.~cl ___ i _/_·_,_. ___________________________ ~ \ddr•••e• aaaocia t e d with .._.__ __________________ .,. __________________ _ .. 1e va nt dat••• col\lltr~c:tion,__ __ • birth,__ __ • death. __ _ other----------~ J. DIUCTOltY SU.llCll (City o1re c:tor1••• county Dliei::t ari••• T•~phone aooka, a ociety dbe ctori••· a te.) look a .. ' j ..;' •I I (' t ' 1 lt ;f, ;t I . I I , >\ • / (initial! dttt I. BIOGRAPHICAL SSIUtCB, index•• • other .. lphabetieal ll•tincJ•· Mrk •x• (lnfd .or 'I ' (nothlnt fOWMS) a t ••ch source you try. Lbt findfDf9 below. Los Gatos Library California Hi story Ce nter, De Anza College __ Directories, 1919+ __ Biographical file Historic Collection Index Photo co llection Thompson & West, 1876 -- Photo collection --County history 1888, Pen Pictures ~County history 1922, Sawyer ~~-~ /6 L .G. history 1971, Bruntz M-CTJ"~' -r-- San Jose Hist orical __ Great Re gisters Indexes --Photo Collection Muse um (of voters ) General sources, unknown l oc ation(s) ! 1 Los Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill) Death records/obituaries Directory, 1902 or 1903 __ Ph oto collection __ Indexes, California Historical Quarterly __ State Libra ry Information Index (fiche ) __ State Library-S.F. Newspaper Index Census (mic r ofilm) County hist ory 1881, Monroe Fraser __ Br ai nard ma ps III. LIST ALL REP'EREMCES FROM ABOVB. Find the ... Copy 9ood material "attach. Or copy below if only a f ew worda. Or explain why not r e l e vant (••• wron9 peraon). f::J Continued on Reverae lhiti•l • date ~ Pile addre••·~r~·~-~~~..;....;.._ PUILllBID A9>UllCINllll'I dlnru. !1:3l'oomfi.E.ld ARCHIT.BCTURAL SURVEY BUILDING RBSBARCH c• I 5l 922· I 063 2229 WEBSTER S TREET SAN FR ANCISCO. CA 9 • I 15 1011roe1 AU _INll•tln __ CM.Bal __ c a ll _chron __ on __ 84..AB __ ax_.._ _'PCA Othe r YOr-Date Pa ge __ _ Matar• of a nnounce11ent 1 __ contract notice __ •otioe of eomple tion __ a. laa .... __ Photo __ Blev/•k•tch/rend'9 __ Floor plan __ Arch't/c:ont'r pub __ a.al ••t. Copy exactlyz 2!mll !Builde r/Contra ctor I Arsbittst/IMiMfr I Location f!•tur• of work I .£211 BOILDillG PBRMl'J'I sourc. 1 Perai t "99i•t•r, Pre, ·-. Addr••• reque•t•d·~--- Application Dat• •~r -.- OTRD IOUltCS (apecify thoro119hly) UM/ OWn•r llo. Of • Logttiop ~ JIMSa_ Addrt!! Builder/ Arch't/ contr. • en9in'r addre11 • •ddrt!! /Initial• Date . De•gription of work ~t~4- Bld9'a width/ / d e pth ~ • IS!tHi•J,• da l'.• , _ _ _j:(n_i._tlal• Dllt• SAllBORll M PS Vac. or Vol/ dif. Ria I .RIB . '"'-/ J Mdrt1a . ' II Color: y.l, pnk, orang e bl11,9ry Patche• llo. of ...JllL YH/ llo. of .. ight bay I lo f ttofit1 I ~I windowt b .'i -0 I/ . I P..1tc,. Diffe r e nce• fr09I toda y 101 I Date of Oeacribe or eltetch ll19l _Storie•, Footprint c ona tr.J plan j, . ~ • ;:l. ~ I { --~t " ~ tf f,J ''fl.( . ' ..,j '\.411 •• (lni· ~t• File Address.~~~~~~~~~~~ d/mu. ~foor '·~fJ Al<Clll'i'l':t:Tlll<Al. :"ltlHVEY ASSESSMENT ROLi. R~SEARCH Tract. /Block/Lot· ~~~~~~~~- ,i,i~V Wt.ts::Olt.H l»IHt.t. I SAN tRANUSCO CA Ml I~ Assessments are filed by last 11BJ1e of pr open y owner·, hul not 11eces~mri J y i 11 a I phabet tea I order. Some yE>ars there is Hn index inside the volume or in a separat<> hook. Tht-goal of a sear1 h is tu I ind the years when the as~wssed value or "improvements" (buiJdJngs) changed from 0 lo uvt·r $'>00, 111 wht•n thal figu1e r·u:.;t• hy $500 or 11uue. Wri t e dovn every year and name you try, including the years wht •n you find nothing. l>ittu marks a1e tine. --1.111 I tlt!lll i I frat i 1111/Bo11111lar i c•s - '1'1 a1 I/ IH 11c k I 1.ut I Date Page Name A.-res !Llli!l. ~ S IM y I , .,_. -, - ' " -- - -~ C/0~ - __:;;-..~, - --- - - - w Btly - - - - - - ' =--~" «~_,, ~ --_, c:::. ~" -, - - - - Assessment f 01 ~ $ mpr oVl' m£..!l!..::!. - $ j - - - - - - - - Other lnfo. r~ fTI11tH1ls aare D~ of Searr"°' at hbr°'r'{ l'i/rt8/tro Nar<le. o(: \Jo\urr\-€er/sicAff £:.f&r ~ t1. tt \--\ ietl \SP--N ~ ".l 0 l o -'to -:--en-<\- HOW TO RESEARCH THE HISTORY OF A HOUSE IN LOS GATOS ~. If known to be old, start w ith the list of 20 years of the Museums of Los Gatos Historic Homes Tours . to be found on yellow binder sheets in the front of the Museums of LG in the vertical f ile . If listed, find the house in the Tour Program for the year it was shown . Programs are on the shelf above the laptop . NOT I N (...L \,t.0@0 1 N ~ y/" 2 . Look in the Residences File in the Vertical File, filed alphabetically by street, then numerically by street number. t-\01'"' Ot-'. f1 L£ t/'.3. Anne Bloomfield's survey is in a binder on the shelf above the computers. These are listed by neighborhood, so you might have trouble finding the street. One of my jobs is to index this info by street. ~ 0(,o%1) v< 1941 Tax Assessment Survey is in blue binders in the locked cases. It will tell you the owner that year and whether he lived there or rented it It will tell you how old the owner thought the house was, not always accurate. It will tell you the number of rooms, the type of walls, something about the foundation and how it was heated. By Town decree, any house bu il t before 1941 is considered historic, and must get perm ission and permits to clla nge any exterior characteristic . t{Of DK T·A. 71MZv'~ /s. Sanborn Maps. On the file cabinet in the locked cases area . Would only give outline of buildings in 1884, 1888, 1891 , 1895, 1904. 1908, 1928 and 1944. Helpful to find out ~ u ~. , ... ,) when a building was there or not there. M~ \'Vl.-g ) ?· q (10L06. m;;rL~t 7pVl.N'' / 6 . Polk's Directories are in the locked case . We have from 1924-197 4 , some years missing. These directories have reverse listings so you can look up the street tor owner, and sometimes the owner's occupation. \ q 14 \-\off ~ 1 4 . j l 'i'1Z, 15Au L J f \ dt 4-\ \.J. \\1-'. kWI , -H . ·, I ~ ¥i ,b.4-H G.. -v/'7 . Telephone directories are in the same tase as Polks. In the early years, you might find the street, but often the house number is not listed . ~ ve; />.£, \ t-\ ~(p ~V"t vS · Bellringers. There is a file ·at the beginning of the Residences file and there are some newspaper articles about the Bellringers. Pretty much a shot in the dark to find something unique. This info would be in the Program description if the house had been on a H i stone Homes Tour. There is a list of the 100 Bellringers in this file also and some information on the 1975 Los Gatos Museums survey. (Precursor to the Bellringer projects.) NoT F~O lN. Ll~\ ./ 9 Look in Patrons' Inquiries. Someone else might have asked the same question. . Filed alphabetically by street under Residences. f'lo l ~QUIP\ e7::> (J\l\J<O€ ~ L \l?~~ f°\V"d\~s /DoOJ.rnen+s ~C,E:. JoUll'.i'r \~ (_~~) ~P(.,)~t\~©14~.:..-;\ t\~~4 ...... -""'""\ ..... 54_S~l_..~) t-,\11\ lt-\. +-\. \ ~fhL :JJ.?LM2- tAT-TACHM.ENT 3