Item 4 - 128 Tait Avenue PREPARED BY: SALLY ZARNOWITZ, AIA, LEED AP Planning Manager 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 04/25/2018 ITEM NO: 4 DATE: APRIL 17, 2018 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: MINOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT APPLICATION HS-18-030. PROJECT LOCATION: 128 TAIT AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNER: MARIO AND MARTHA QUIEROZ. APPLICANT: JAY PLETT ARCHITECT. REQUESTING APPROVAL FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO A CONTRIBUTING SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE IN THE ALMOND GROVE HISTORIC DISTRICT ON PROPERTY ZONED R1-D:LHP. APN 510-18-021. RECOMMENDATION: Consider the proposed project and request for approval. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: 1890s 2. Town of Los Gatos Preliminary Historic Status Code: Contributor to Town’s historic feeling but has had some alterations 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? Yes 4. Is structure in a historic district? Yes, Almond Grove 5. If yes, is it a contributor? Yes 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes B. Comments A Minor Residential Development in an Historic District application (HS-18-019) has been submitted for the proposed exterior alterations to the residence, not otherwise requiring approval of a Minor Residential Development application. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 128 TAIT AVENUE APRIL 17, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Tait 128 - 04-25-18.docx 4/19/2018 8:03 AM BACKGROUND (Continued): The proposal includes rooftop alterations on the sides of the residence, not visible from the street. An egress window would be added within an existing gable on the south side elevation; and a new dormer would be added to allow light into a reconfigured stairway on the north side elevation. To allow adequate headroom for improved circulation on the upper floor, a small extension of the dormer would connect to a false chimney. The proposal for exterior modifications to a property within a historic district, not otherwise requiring approval of a Minor Residential Development application, is required to be considered by the Historic Preservation Committee at a public meeting, and the Committee can either approve, deny, or continue the matter. DISCUSSION: A. Considerations – related to the request for approval of a Minor Residential Development on a contributing single-family residence in the Almond Grove Historic District. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: 1. In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. B. Town Policy That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. Attachments: 1. Anne Bloomfield Architectural/Cultural Survey 2. Development Plans and Photographs, received April 11, 2018 Distribution: cc: Jay Plett Architect, 213 Bean Avenue, Los Gatos, CA, 95030 Mario and Martha Quieroz, 128 Tait Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 t PARCEL MAP INFOR MATIO N d/nm:. 23{ o om{Le[d ARCHI T EC TURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATO S RESEARCE Parcel '-----------------~ Lot size: d fr on t (t . x --- Lot sha pe : Rec tangl e__ L Rectangle with smal l rear jog___ Other .ARCHI TECTURAL H I STO RY (41 51 9 2 2 ·1063 2.229 W E BSTER S T REET SAN FRANCISCO C A 9 4 1 15 ~ .. ~ ft . rleep Loca ti.on : N s E w side of ____ / ______ St __ Ave Other ------ a t NE __ NW SE __ SW __ corne r of ___________ _ HISTORIC INFO RMATION ON PARCEL MAP FIELD SU RVE Y INFORMATION (handwritten i n red) Pr e l i mi na ry r atin g~---Estimated age ___ _ Alter a t ions _rc._,_, __________________ ---___ ~ ___ ·..._/ ___ ~ __________________________________ ~ Othe r _________________________________________________________________________ _ -:OUNTY A SSESSOR~PROPERTY CHAR ACTER I STICS (paste on cop y ) OWNER SHIP SHOWN ON MAPS So urce Name Blk Boo k S ur ve~ Source Date . 18 91 1908 1944 ! I So urce Page Location of proper t y, or Lot Ol d trac t/block/l o t Size i I l ' I I I l ' I : I I I ' I I Owne r Name EFFect i ve date ___ _ MISCELLA NEO US PHOTOS : Roll/frame # ----National Register listed date __________________ _ County I nvent or y 1979 ------------------------~ To~n of Lo s Ga t os : Designation ____ Re c ognition __ _ Dis t r ict Name ~---------------------------~ Prev ious Su r ve y u ebhard : pag e # illustr ation pa ge # But ler/ J unior Lea g u e ----- ii.-TA CHM • T 1 S t.r t ot : . ~ I /·? r) ·----,s.-:.C!..._ __ j o .11 ...., , " f ,vP . .. ,r..tJ ~ .. ~ .. _ JI ,\J d L'i __ _ 19 L~j ­ ~9 __ I '~ .. • J L t~ ~ ~ . '-... ..1 ..J ,.::.. ·;~~ -/fi"'-b ;zj !: 1-:s I or-:c-!. /3,/.../~ ~..) / . " l l -·---·-· ---------------·-'-· II II i'.o tl<:! 'I " -I • l.. • • I • I ; •· • II ll I -or- .., ·71~ ·r ~·..., _ ... _J_... ---- ; __________ .. --. ,' ' _... I a: .. '} ~ . . j ,,-; .· ' -.,__ __ , ____ ,.{), --·-------I ·" ____ -. ~ .. ,..,_ ''( __:._'__( ______ ----~----· / • I --:· ___ _..,.,~--·~--- 128 Tait John & Lavon Peck 354-8386 Planning Commission files 1890s Queen Anne From picture taken 1125 /90: Working on house when taken; no front stairs. Sanborn maps No house 1891 ; #32 1895; #78 1904/08 128 T 1928 house expanded reoriented on lot? Sanborn maps (store on N Santa Cruz) 1884/1888 G 'l Merch + 2 dwlgs; 1891 same, but shape change 1 dwlg 1895 "Grocer"; 1 dwlg gone; 1904 if same scale, store moved, dwlgs gone 1941 T ax Assessment: O\vner: Louisa Wilder lot 22 Block 3 Almond Grove About 4 7' long, 28' v.ide front, 23' wide at back; 1203 sq. ft repro cost $3068 front & rear porches 104 sq. ft. 440 ft sq garage 1 story 6 rooms dbl wall constr mudsill, gable roof, 2 car gar. rustic redwood outside. 5 rms plastered, 1 plywood; 3 papered, 3 painted. old style plumbing, 1 sm med bath. modem elect stove heating, water heater. med constr, design and floor plan acceptable. lot 46.5" x 133.5' Description: Bay at front right, roof overhang. porch front left, spindle work. Both aspects must be original. Front gable over bay, partially hipped roof. cross-gable on left side, may be o riginal. Bay is now sitting room, left front room, once probably the living room, now dining room. Both papered in dark (blue?) print paper; striking! White moldings at ceiling in two front rooms probably original. DIR leads to short hall, with two rooms opening to the right. One is a charming bedroom, with print wall paper, the other is to be used as an office, but probably originally a second bedroom .. Neither have the ceiling moldings visible in the front rooms. "Grandson," who came to the door a few years ago, for his 20th or 25th HIS reunion, remembered the bedroom as his "grandpapa's." Kitchen to the left. What was 6th room in 1941? smaller kitchen, with DIR to the rear? : Kitchen has been re-done, partially by the contractor who owned the house before the Pecks, but finished by the Pecks (who also did almost all the decorating). The house has been extended to the rear by the contractor-owner, who also replaced the mudsill foundation. Above ground, but below the level of the rest of the house, is a new Living room with fireplace , opening to deck in rear. Above is the master bedroom and stairs to a "bonus" room, which may be part of the attic of the original house. 5 10/21197 In the back yard is an old redwood tree, assessed, by a gardener, to be 150 years old. The garage at the rear has been covered with Jattice, and vine are beginning to grow up the sides. The garden is a lovely English type. Directories 1924/5 Walton T Downs (Effie) teamster 1930 Walton T Do wns (Effie) 1934 Geo Philippi mechanic 1940/l Chas. A. MacCallum (Mary) [LS Wilder (wid N otia I) h 244 E Main (owns)] 1945 Chas. A. MacCallwn (May) creamery worker, Beatrice Creamery Co . 1949150 H. Dave Hoffman (Bette) clerk 19 52 vacant 1954 Albert Wild (Hulda) O\vner (no occ.) 1956 Mrs . Hulda V Wild (wid Albert) 1964 Mrs. Hulda V Wild (wid Albert) 1965 no occ , Wild not in dir. 1970 Robert Mitchell (Julia) foreman Cal Dry Wall 1974 Rich G Ramsdell (Carol) eng Arrow Co 1871 /2 Almaden: Frank Pearce, miner and Wm, miner 1875 no Pearce~ Pierce, farmer 14 mi W SJ SJ PO 188112 Pearce, Wm L farmer (LG); no Pearces New Almaden 1884/5 Pearce, WL & Son; \VL & JH 1887/8 Pearce, JH (WLP & Son) r SCrz Pearce, WL r Main re aann i aenn p ccnn Pearce, WL & Son, (WL & JH) SCrz Ave. (J Pearce constable in Almaden) 1889 Pearce, Jas . H groceries, provisions & hdw, Main op Alpine House , r same R-slr- P-star Pearce, L Mrs & WL R-secl-1-ctrr-P-scer Pearce, WL groceries & General merchandise Scrz, r same 1892 Pearce, Frank W clerk James H groceries, hay & grain, Main op El Monte, r same WL gen'l merch. Scrz Ave, r same 1894/5/617 Pearce, Barth, mgr WL Pearce, r SCrz Franklin, clerk WS (?) Pearce r SCrz Jas. H groceries, Main near Alpine r same Louisa J Miss, bkkpr WL Pearce r SCrz Wm L Pearce general merchandise SCrz Ave, r same Jos, miner (New Almaden) 6 10/21/97 Directories (cont) 1900 Pearce, Barth. W mgr WLP Co, r Scrz nr Main Franklin W., elk, WLP Co, r Scrz nr Main James H, groceries Main nr Alpine Louisa J bkkpr WLP Co, r Scrz Wm Lr Scrz nr Main 190 l Pearce, B W mgr L WP Co, r Tait FW elk L WP Co, r Tait Jas H groceries Main nr Alpine. res same Louisa J bk L WP Co, r Tait Wm L r Scrz nr Main Pearce, The WL Co., gen'! merch. 1902 Pearce , FW grocer SCrz Ave, r 78 Tait BW grocer 78 Tait JH groceries E Main, r E Main LJ Miss, bkkpr r 78 Tait WLr78 Tait Bartholomew ? 1905/6 Pearce BW Justice of the Peace r 78 Tait B W (L W Pearce Co, r 78 Tait FW (L W Pearce Co), r 78 Tai t JH general merchandise E Main, r E :r-.fain LJ Miss , bk.kpr r 78 Tait Harry H emp JHP r Main JT clerk JL Pearce Co r Tait The \VL Pearce Co General Merchandise Store Wilder, NI on Masso] 190617 Pearce, BW, FW, JT (elk WLP r Tait), Miss Lr 78 Tait; no WL Wilder, NI dry goods Hofstra Blk r 76 Massol Ave. 1907/8 Pearce, BW, with WLP Co & Justice of the Peace, r 78 Tait Franklin W , with WLP Co, r 78 Tait JT, clerk WLP Co, r Tait L?] Harry H elk JHP r Main nr Alpine Louisa J elk WLP r Tait Pearce , WL Co, gen'I rnerch , Scrz nr Main Wilder , Notia I clothing Hofstra Blk r 76 Massol Ave. (Earnes t L also lives there) 1908/9 Pearce , BW elk WLP Just of Peace, r 78 Tait FW elk WLP r 78 Tait Harry H c1k JHP r Main Louisa r 78 Tait Wm L r78 Tait Wilder, Notia I dry goods r 78 Tait 7 10/21/97 Directories (cont) 1912/3 Pearce , Barth. W r 78 Tait Franklin B b 78 Tait Harry clerk ( JH Pearce) r Main cnr Alpine James H, general merchandise no WL Pearce Co Wilder, NI dry goods Scrz, r 78 Tait 1919 Pearce, Frank W clerk Jas H groceries Josiah T elk 1919 Wilder, Notia dry goods, no addr 1920 no Pearces in New Almaden 1924 Pearce, Frank W (Bertha) clerk JH Pearce, h 250 Johnson James H (HG) grocer 308 E Main, h 304 E Main J Harry, clerk JHP r 304 E Main JS r 31 1/2 E Main Wilder, Notia I (Louisa) h 244 E Main 1925 Pearce, Frank W (Bertha) clerk JH Pearce, h 250 Johnson James H (HG) grocer 308 E Main, h 304 E Main 1927 Pearce, Frank Welk, 250 Johnson Ave Harry, lab , 304 E Main Jas H (Henrietta 0) 304 E Main John Slab 244 Almendra Wilder, Notia I (Louisa J) elk SC Kimball h 244 E Main 1930 Pearce, Frank W (Bertha) elk, 250 Johnson Ave . Irving F r 250 Johnson JS plmr Lewis & Son, r rear 244 Almendra JW #1bx146 Walter L seam r 250 Johnson Wilder, Jennie Mrs. slsw r 244 E Main Louisa Jr 244 E Main Louise J Mrs elk r 244 E Main Notia I (Jennie) h 244 E Main Plann ing Comm. fi les: 128 Tait 510-18-021; 47' x 133 ' Almond Grove A blk 3 lot 22. 1890s Queen Anne changes: foundation & porch; new 1/1 Windows from LGMA survey 1975: 1970s tenants Bill and Joanie Jones (Bill teacher} owner Barbara Baxter, Sommers, Mont house built 1899 LGTR [sic] 8 10/21 /97 owner 1941 Louisa Wilder 1949 Barbara Baxter [sic] redwood foundation on posts. Original chimney gone (behind wall inside house) lath and plaster construction LR, DR, study (Bay window), 1 Br. Large kitchen; back porch enclosed. Nicest Victorian on street. Nice aspect. Redwood tree in back biggest in area (more than 200 yrs old). In 1949 lovely yellow and white painted trim. Because of type of plaster used (which crumbles) whole house is papered, including ceilings. Block Book: AG 22/3 Louisa Wilder Tax Assessment Records: 1892: pl 7 Mrs . A (or W) e Howard owned AG lot 22 blk 3 value $170, no impr. I 893 p28 L & WL Pearce owned AG lot 22 blk 3: land 170, impr 500; lived on Main; store Lynd 6&7/1 1894 p42 WL & L Pearce owned AG lot 22 blk 3; lived E Main (E Belshie, W Beckwith) land 1340, imp 1150; store Lynd 6&7/1 2250, 1500; fur 50, me 10. groc 900, fix 50, wag 50, ham 10, 3 horses 75 I 895 p25 +/-same, plus 1 lot. 1905 p 41 Mrs. WL still owns house on S Main 134' by 140 ' deep, 1240 land , 1035 impr, also runs store (Lynd 6&7 1240, 1035, L ynd N 112 5, 360, 1036, and AG 14/4, 175, 345. Furn 50, merch 1745, ham 10, horses 75. p3 FW Pearce owns AG 22/3 land 175, impr 430, no ppty tax. p58 JHP owns 65' N side Main E Dennis, W Ball+ 10 lots goldsworth addn no impr; Templeton addition 10-15 land 530, imp 1380; furn 50, mchd 1600, ham 10, horses 125, wagons 125 Wilder, NI, AG 22/6 (also Jennie L Wilder AG 21 /6 1909 p58 Pearce, Bertha L 40' N side Johnson x 105' E Foster Rd 135 , 250 JH 11 lots, no impr, Goldsworthy & Whitney; 65 ' (N?) side Main (lots 10- 15) x 200 ft deep, I 800, imp 2000, auto 440, furn 100, goods 1600, ham 25, piano 50, watch 10, wagon 125 Pearce Co., WL Lynd Sub 6-7/1(store)12500, imp 1200; N 1/2 5 625, 1050 AG 14/4 (200, 450); 15/4 (200,700) AG 22/3 200, 600 134.8' S side Main x 305" deep E is Moore, W Schofield & Harding 1610, 1000. Furn 150, goods 1750, horses 75, ham 10, wagons 25 Wilder, NI AG 22/6 200, 600, merch 5200 Earnest AG 21/6 no impr Mrs (?) LA AG 4-5/2 800, 650; 20/6 200, 300. Prob not our L Wilder. I 910 p58 WL Pearce Co owns multiple properties, including AG 22/3; I 200, imp 600 1912 WL Pearce & Co still ovvns AG 22/3 9 10/21 /97 Tax Assessment Reds (cont) 1913 p 69 Pearce, Bertha L (wife of Franklin) 45 ' S side Johnson Ave, 105, 250 BW Hildebrand subd #22 150, 350, +AG 14/4 200, 500 both sold 1913 44.75 ' SE Main x 305 ' E wilder, W Sheffield & Hdg. 540, 300, cows 90 JH Jr. Hildeb . sub 18& 19 300, 300, motor bike 50 JH many lots Goldsworthy & Whitney subd, I 600 imp, 3 with 100 imp Templeton subd 10-15 1 1000, imp 2500, also N main l 300, no imp, ppty 1930 incl merch 1400, auto I 00? or 700. Frank WAG 15 /4 200, 700 + 44.75' SE Main x 305' 540, 200, W Wilder Henrietta AG 115 WL & Co Lynd sub 6-7112750,1200; N 1/2 5/1 750. 1500 no ppty Wilder, N I AG 22/6 (200, 600) 512 (400, 650), 22/3 (200,600) 44 .3' SE Main x 325 ' E FWP, w BWP 540, 200, pp furn 500, store 3160 1917 lots of Pearces, none owns AG 22/3 1925 p147 N I Wilder owns AG lot 22 blk 3; land 290, imp 620. prob lived E Main. 1951 no Barbara Baxter (owned under different name?) Pen Pictures 1888 WL Pearce b England 1/26/1819. He lived with his parents until 23 . Apr 4 , 1843 married Elizabeth Hicks. He worked in mines at Ballswiden, near his parent's home (Lands End} both before and after his marriage . He came to NY in Oct, 1848 and worked mines in the east. including 3 years 9 mos at copper mines in Ct. His wife died in England in 1853 , leaving four children. He sent for them when she died. His son William died accidentally in Mexico in 1885. Francis and John live in the LA area. Elizabeth Dunstone lives at the Almaden mines. WL Pearce went to Wisconsin in 1856, bought a fann, and married 10/25/56 Louisa Dunstone, s ister of the John Dunstone who married his daughter. WL worked that farm until 1860. WL came to CA and worked the Almaden mines for about 15 years. In 1869 he bought a ranch in LG and came to live here in 1875. He sold the ranch in 1882, and in January 1884 went into the grocery business. He and his second wife had six children -- John H . [sic, James H}, Josiah. Bartholomew (diseased), Louisa, Bartholomew, Franklin. Scrap Book 39A Mar 26, 1943 Josiah T Pearce death yesterday morning --passed away at the home of his sister, Mrs. Louisa J Wilder, 244 E Main St. Aged 82, JT has been a resident of the Almaden-LG district for 77 years, arriving in Almaden with his mother in 1866. He was born in Wisconsin. His father was the late WL Pearce, who preceded the family 's arrival by 12 years, arriving in 1854 [sic]. Both father and Josiah worked in the Almaden mines, the latter for many years. Father was one of the early land owners, owning tract first known as Echo Glen, later Ridge Crest, on Saratoga Rd. Ranched in Colorado for many years, returned here about 28 years ago . He never married. Lived with his sister for the last 10 years. Came to CA at age 7. (SJ Mere 3/27/45) 10 10121 /97 T&W Atlas SCCty 1876 shows a W Pierce [sic?] with 10 .9 acres on Saratoga Rd . Bruntz: pl6 p58 p70 p81 pll6 pl68 JH Pearce one of signers of petition to incorporate town Jas. H Pearce on Board of Trustees, 1902 [pl67 trustee 1902 -6] One of first gas street lights in To'A-'Il near Jame s Pearce 's store B W Pearce was town recorder Mrs . Pearce on commission for Carnegie Library abt 190 1 BW Pearc e Town treasurer 1896-8 Block Boo k (u pstairs) 22/3 Louisa Wilder Block Book (dovmstairs): AG 14 & 1514 are on Tai t; FW Pearce shov.n as owner #15 (th ird lot from Bachman) AG 22 /3 Louise J Wilder E Main: Louisa W. E of church, FWP to her E, -> Smjth Voter registers: 1867 no Pearce 1879 Pearce , John Hicks 22 b England. laborer, Almaden Twnshp, nat Aug 27, 1869 SJ, re g same da y Pearce , Francis 24, b England, engineer , Almaden Twnshp , nat Aug 27 , 1869 SJ, re g same day Pe arce , William , 27, b Eng land , student. SJ#2, reg, nat Sep 18, 1876 SJ, reg same day [may be William "L"'s son William] Dunston, John, 39, b England, miner, Almaden Tow11ship , by naturalization of father, reg Aug 25 , 1875 (#2821 ) [Louisa Pearce 's brother, hush WLP dau Eliz.] 188 4 Pearce, Jame s Henry, 23 b Wisconsin, blacksmith, LG reg July 2, 1880 #6024 Pearce, William "L" 61 , b Eng, farmer LG nat Aug 25, l 871 SJ, reg 7/311880 Dunston, John, 45, miner, Almaden, reg July 30, 1880 [b 1835 /6] 1890 Pearce, Jame s Henry, 23 b Wisconsin, blacksmith, LG reg July 2, 1880 #8176 Pearce, William "L" 61. b Eng, farmer LG nat Aug 25, 1871 SJ, reg 7/3/18 80 Dun ston , John ... same as 1880 (#3021) Dunston, Francis Pierce Dunston, 22, b Mich., fireman , Almaden, reg 1888 (3022) 1896 LG Pre cincts James Henry Pearce, merchant, 39 , 5'7 1/2 '', fafr complex, hazel ey es, black hair. b Wisc .; reg Aug 8, 1896 (LG # 1) Frankli n Walter Pearce , merchant, 21, 5'9" fair, brown eyes, brown hair, b CA reg 614196 (LG#2) Bartholomew William Pearce, merchant, 26 , 5' 11 112" fair , brown, brown, b CA re g 6/4/96 (L G#2) William "L" Pearce merchant, 77, 5'7 1/2" dark, blue, gray b Eng nat. .. reg Aug 4,1 896 (LG#2) 11 l 0/21/97 1896 Voter Register -other Dunston, John, miner, 61 , 5'8 1/2" tall, dark complexion, brown eyes, gray hair, b Eng, Almaden Di strict, reg Aug 31 , 1896 (#508) Dunston , William John, student, 28. b Mich. Almaden Di strict Eli A. Wilder , capitalist, 80, 6' no Pearce Monroe-Frasier 1900 C ensus Pearce, Wm L head b Jan 1819, 81 , m 44 yrs Eng Eng Eng , ent US 1847 , 53 Yrs US, nat Lo uisa wife b Feb 1829 , 71 yrs, 6 children 5 living, Eng , Eng, Eng, to US 1841 Louisa J daub Mar 1867, 33 , Sing , b CA, sales lady groceries Wm B , son , b Sep 1869, 30, CA dealer in groceries Franklin W son b Apr 1871 , 29, CA, salesman groceries [p7l l 8] Pearce. James H b Sep 1858 MIS b Wisc, Eng Eng, groceries; own free Henrietta, wife b Dec 1864 , 35 , 2 children liv, Eng, Eng , Eng 1870 ent US James H son b Nov 86, 13 , b CA, @ school Rita G , dau, b July 93 , 6. b CA ,@ school 1910 C ensus Pearce , JH #0244? almost unreadable; he and son g'l merch; dau 16 no occ Pearce,Barth W head 40 Ml 5, b CA retail merch groceries owner, owns home Gertrude, wife, 31 Ml 5 yrs, 3 chil li ving b CA, Maine. Maine Barth, son, 4, b CA Richard, son, 2 b CA Alein, dau, 1 b CA House on Tait, #419 Pearce, FW head 38 Ml 4 b CA retail merch owner, owns home Bertha, wife, 32 , 2 child, I living(?), CA, CT, PA Walter, son, 3 Irving, son, 1 Mary Halker (?)mother-in-law 59, wid, 3 child, 2 liv, PA, PA, PA House on Tait , #420 Wilder, NI head 50 M2 3 yr, b Iowa, DK parent's births, retail merch dry goods Louisa J, wife 40 M 1 5? yrs, 0 child. b CA no occ Louisa Pearce, mo-in-law, 81wid,6 chil, 5 liv, ent US 1849 From Notia Wilder Smith daughter ofLouisaJ and Notia Wilder, b Dec, 1910 at 128 Tait , where her grandmother died . They moved to the E Main St. house because 128 Tait was more easily rented. E Main house was nothing much. Her mother told her that the house at 128 Tait was moved from behind the N Scruz store. She saw the house when it was last on the market. Alterations to enlarge the kitchen had reduced the size of the li ving room . \Vhen she lived there, there was a large living room 12 10/21 /97 on the left, \\.-ith a dining room behind, plus a small kitchen behind that, and back p orch. Bathroom wa s on the back porch. When her mother moved t he bathroom inside, she had no trouble renting it. F u n eral r eco r ds and obits : JH Pearce d May 23 , 1932 , Los Gatos, retired merchant, age 74 -8-16; LG Cemetery Fa of J I larry Pearce of LG and Mrs. Rita G Seekeres of SJ. Brother of John Hicks Pearce of Long Beach, (Judge) Bartholemue Pearce of Turlock, Josiah & Frank W Pearce and Mrs. LJ Wilder of LG. Mo Louisa DlUlston b Penzance, England. In district 64 years. 66 years in CA. Came CA age 10. Retired 8 yrs ago . Mason. Came to LG 1868 , started grocery store 1885 {another article says 1887]. Died at home at 304 Main. (Scrap book May 23, 1932?) Josiah Pearce d March 25. 1943 in LG, age 82-9-6 , b Wisc , LG Cemetery Notia I Wilder d Feb 25 {?}, 1934 in LG at 244 E Main, retired dry goods merchant, age 73 -8-27, b Wisc. 13 10/21 /97 \ I I PHOTO AS TAKEN FROM STREET. ( I I I I I l, SITE PLAN 5GALE: 111'" = 1' -O" REMODELED HOUSE ' l _______ J EB N 'mm /~ PHOTO WITH 3-D MODEL SUPERIMPOSED . NEW DORMERS AND CHIMNEY DO NOT APPEAR . OWNERS : MARIO AND MARTHA QUE I ROZ 128 TAIT AVENUE LOS GATOS, CA 95030 PROJECT CRITERIA CONCERNS • EXISTING UPPER BEDROOM DOES NOT HAVE WINDOW FOR NATURAL LIGHT OR SECONDARY MEANS OF EGRESS . • EXISTING UPPER ROOM CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED THRU STAIRWAY IN MASTER BEDROOM, EFFECTIVELY MAKING MASTER BEDROOM A PASSAGE HALL. PROPOSALS • CREATE NEW STAIRWELL DORMER AT REAR NORTH OF HOUSE FOR NEW MODIFIED STAIR TO EXISTING UPPER BEDROOM TO BY-PASS MASTER BEDROOM . IN ADDITION, THIS DORMER WILL PROVIDE MUCH NEEDED NATURAL LIGHT TO THIS INTERIOR PORTION OF HOUSE . • CREATE NEW DORMER IN EXISTING UPPER BEDROOM FOR NATURAL LIGHT AND SECONDARY MEAN S OF EGRESS TO COMPLY WITH BUILDING CODES AND SAFETY . l.A1TACIL1\1ENT, 2 4/11/18 JAY PLETT 408.354.4551 jay@plett-arc.com www.plett-arc.com 21 3 Bean Avenue Los Gatos , CA 95030 UJ \.) < z \) UJ .,,- 0 .2 It! lf) I/) "' UJ c oc -1 N u > a < ~ oc "iii -I- UJ d) <-. ~ ~ ~ ~,,.. Cl::ic:.Jl'T'l•"l't -=-~•Tl'!'V"W• ~-,.,.#~c~r•d ~...-olc•c::i"'l ir..-..,.....,.......,.. o' ......... .::Cl er,• ....... .:::..-!:h~oe'"'" J ,;;...;y PL..l!iT. 'Tha.c doc~~ •"ioq ~ ':1-c r.J1"1:<a::•c:! t:r.d/o r C::.Ql'C01'•d ""11"ho1.h T,..,. ~-.,, •• 6>C,., Cl{"'"• d••'",.,.,.. '" INroi'!",.,". T.,. d••·r .... ~l"t9 ~•"• #,.c=o--v r;;& _,..,,,,,...,. i=>~T'T' PRELIM § P LAN~K ~ONST SET Sc:olc : A -1 ,,:. __ Ul 2 01 , ,-CRICKET 5KYLT D::CORA.TIYE '--CHll',._EY (t-.) FILL" I 1'· RJD(;E SK""L T-~- (E) (!:) R EMODEL ROOF PLAN SC.ALE: 1/4 " = 1' -O" """ (E) (::) j f ~ (E) M BED I-< "' "' -3'--0" (E) 6,.,.,.- (E) ~T @ 10 1"'" • i·-e 114· _,, .. ,, <.. i} ,, (E) ROOM OPEN TO 8ELOI" M BED I UPPER LEVEL R EMODEL PLAN SC.ALE: 1/4" = 1' -O" r (E) FA MI LY RM (E) SERVI BAT H (E) ROOM~ -----1-----> .: 3 2 t (:;) KITC.HEN 0.... ''--L.INE 0" CL6 OPEN IN6 5KYLT c: r.:o===:::? J 5E .. T FAMILY ROOM I K ITGHEN LEV EL R EMOD EL PL A N SC.ALE: 1/4" = 1' -O" I 111>1 408.354.4551 Jay@plett ·arc.com www.p!ett·arc.corn 21 3 Bean Avcoue Los Gatos. CA 95030 Ul \.) <( z \.) Ul ui D () f- <( U) \!) w If) a oc ..J N u.i () ~ f-oc < f- Ul <C ~ N (J !) .... .,:!' fl:C#')' .. a -o::J ~..,.:i1c:•c:"" .......... ""'IO.,,. :::;~ so--v::;c ~Y '°"Cl =-ci..•c=-J-""...,. c:t_s ... T-e.ee oc::: .. ..,c~ •'"'c n.::r- i:~~ ="--= ..... ,-c::;JT .. ,.., ::-o-~••::>f'I ,;.# '"'"'c =c• e-c ... ,. """r""°.,il· -.,. ::.c•'llf' PRELIM ~ FLAN CK C01'5T 5ET S i::alc: D.:rrc : S h cc-t A -2 \ ' __:_ __ r '1 c,;:_· I I . \. I I I ... r -.. ~f:;) I ~ ~.,, £..: I j.:-,- l L~ I ,'. :::::..' .... > ' ~--z/.· -~f .I I .. ;a.1.Vi: . I• ..-.. ~~ I I 'C I I . ,/• I ... I I I ... .iJ. c:.....--~--LL.-.-.... _ ... ........ / /~ '1 ;?:_ , ./• I ,_.., l ~ r --I I' , I --1- '::; j .. -' II I I I l-- 1 j I::;., ,-. ,fvvi · --- -r ,.. "'-- \1 .~ 1n- -~ ----t-~ ~ .... ~._ __ .... _ -'(.,.. 4 • I -? ( - '1/11/I M J!~Y PU: IT 405 .354.4~ 1 jay,;>p 'ett-arc.c0m VIWW .plett·rirc.tom 2 1 3 ?-ean Avenue Los t..•tOS , CA ~~o;;o lU \) <{ z \.) UJ .,; D .9 t;1 ,J) c. w c. IY- N Cl> C) ..t ~ Ci I- UJ ' :J C< ~ C1 .,... cc::;:L.. -&-• c::~o-----~cs cr;-'11::1 c~ .. -::,_,.cd -o-~l"IO QIJ .::-.... -'"!,....,..:- ~ £ef"\.-::-•:v ~ :::.:: .. ::-.:.:: .:-~~·,.~ be 1.-t :z:.ad a-d c:: ... .:: ... p :a-rcd \\ tno...I"' ~ For--U..:'" c:;: ,_. c.c-9 ... 4 ,., .:r"I .......... -.,cic:io.v r"O""k;-· ""°"' •c:• "-c:::..,...._C.:J,.:.,-Pt...;:~ I GO• ;r. • .. l j-1 ---~-~ DQ°t'e : .-----------------, I ' r.:::============:;i·-------, I I I \ (E) M BED (E) M BATH L -- LINE OF 5' • o·_/ C.L(; H EIGHT C.LG HGT BELOl"I 5' • 0" C.L(;HGT AllOVES'-ll' (E) ROOM ----J / (N) BATH (E) M BED I UPPER LEVEL DEMO PLAN SC.ALE : 1/4" = 1' -O" (E) FAMILY RM (E) K ITGHEN (E) FAMILY ROOM I KITCHEN LEVEL DEMO PLAN SC.ALE : 1/4" = 1' -O" / / / , PriM dQ't"e : 4111/lft JAY PLETT 408.354.455 1 jay@p lett-arc.com www.plett-arc.com 2 13 Bea n Averiue Los Ga tos, CA 95030 T~ doc.J,.,,.,,.. cc"'_.....,.J1'99 Ot"ifi-"'OI ~~ ITIO"WriolCl•Of'l~"l"W""' of ~b'Yi+• ori;::hrt"~ .JAY s>...s-rr. ~ooo~•~l l"Of t:o• ll'rili.sed Ol'Jdlc:tt" ~~~ ....... pe<"°l'Tll .. iorl of m. d4'6:pf'\er" ri-i-fl~Trw~·W'I ,..,-io'!dN1+".e~ ~of .JAY P 1, .• .1rrr ~•ion•: PRELIM PLAN c.t<:: W NST. SET Scale : D"1'•: AB I D-1