Item 2 - 223 Massol Avenue contd item PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 04/25/2018 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: APRIL 19, 2018 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: MINOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT APPLICATION HS-18-018. PROJECT LOCATION: 223 MASSOL AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: VLADIMIR KANEVSKY. REQUESTING APPROVAL FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO A NONCONTRIBUTING SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE IN THE ALMOND GROVE HISTORIC DISTRICT ON PROPERTY ZONED R1-D:LHP. APN 510-16-020. RECOMMENDATION: Consider the proposed project and request for approval. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: 1908 2. Town of Los Gatos Preliminary Historic Status Code: None 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? Yes 4. Is structure in a historic district? Yes, Almond Grove 5. If yes, is it a contributor? No 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes B. Comments An application for a Minor Residential Development in an Historic District application (HS-18-018) has been submitted for the proposed addition to and modification of the residence, submitted on March 14, 2018. PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: 223 MASSOL AVENUE APRIL 19, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Massol 223 (residence) - 04-25-18.docx 4/20/2018 9:02 AM BACKGROUND (Continued): On March 28, 2018, the Historic Preservation Committee reviewed a proposal for exterior modifications to the residence and a 99-square foot addition to the attic floor. The HPC reviewed the proposal and continued the item with the following direction: • Revise the top of each dormer to be at least six inches lower than the main roof ridge; and • Revise the new windows to be consistent with the architectural style. The applicant has submitted revised plans showing that the top of the proposed dormers have been lowered to six inches below the main roof ridge (Exhibit 4, Sheet A- 3). The applicant also revised the windows to include new double-hung windows and casement windows. The proposed casement windows would include a center muntin to be compatible with the double-hung window’s meeting rail. All windows would include sill and trim detail to match the existing window details (Exhibit 4, Sheets A-3 through A-5). As was previously proposed, the addition would be accomplished by increasing the roof pitch and introducing dormers on either side of the roof ridge. Windows would be located on the north facing dormer only. In addition, the applicant proposes to change window and door locations and sizes on the side and rear elevations. An existing angled bay on the north elevation of the cellar floor would be removed. On the first floor, an existing box bay on the south elevation would be removed and a new box bay added toward the rear of this elevation. A new box bay would be added to the north elevation and an existing angled bay would be reconfigured, becoming a box bay. This design treatment would be consistent with Residential Design Guideline 4.10, which recommends bay windows and changes in roof slopes as methods for reducing the scale of an addition to an historic structure. The applicant also proposes to modify the fenestration of the front elevation, relocating the front door and revising window locations and sizes. An original window would be replaced in kind to match the existing window, and a new front porch with a standing- seam metal roof would be introduced. The proposal for minor exterior changes for a property within an historic district is required to be considered by the Historic Preservation Committee at a public meeting prior to submittal of Building permits. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: 223 MASSOL AVENUE APRIL 19, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Massol 223 (residence) - 04-25-18.docx 4/20/2018 9:02 AM DISCUSSION: A. Considerations – related to the request for approval of a Minor Residential Development on a noncontributing single-family residence in the Almond Grove Historic District. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: 1. In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. B. Town Policy That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. Attachments: Previously received with March 28, 2018 Staff Report: 1. Objection to Minor Residential Application M-17-018, dated March 13, 2018. 2. Development Plans, received March 15, 2018 Received with this Staff Report: 3. Letter from Tyler Atkinson, an attorney representing Sara Wigh and Jim McManis (216 Massol Avenue), dated April 12, 2018 4. Revised Development Plans, received March 30, 2018 Distribution: cc: Sandra Paim, P.O. Box 2136, Los Gatos, CA 95031 Vladimir Kanevsky, 20 Sharon Court, Menlo Park, CA 94025 April 12, 2018 VIA HAND DELIVERY Historic Preservation Committee Town of Los Gatos Civic Center 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos , CA 95031 ''.)r:- t\\IC: CEtVEo APR 1 2 ~018 TOVVN OF LO f1L.ANNJNG D s GA ros IVJSJON Re : 223 Massei Avenue (MR-17-018, Assessor Parcel No. 510-16-020) Dear Committee Members : My clients , Sara Wigh and Jim McManis, submit the following comments to the "03/30/2018 REVISED Plans for 223 Massei Avenue :" Mr. McManis and Ms . Wigh are encouraged by the elimination of the 3rd story windows on the Proposed Left Side Elevation -South , and the removal of the balcony on the back side of the structure . They also appreciate the reduction in square footage of the 3rd floor, noting however that it is not 322.65 square feet as claimed, but rather 352 square feet (or more) as clearly shown on Sheet A-2 .2. They are still concerned about the size and mass of the new floor , and they question its "relationship , in terms of harmony and appropriateness , with [the property's] surroundings , including neighboring structures ," and its effect on the "character , and the historical , architectural and aesthetic interest and value of the [Almond Grove Historic District]." Those questions may however be best left to the informed discretion of the Historic Preservation Committee. If the Committee does approve the current set of plans , my clients reserve the right to supplement their opposition after the story poles are put up again. There are some serious credibility issues with this application : 1. The applicant sent Ms. Wigh and Mr. McManis an angry email with a number of misleading statements , which I was required to address . Please see enclosed email and my response . fA'fTACiMENT 3 McManis mcmanislaw.com Historic Preservation Committee April 12 , 2018 Page 2 2 . The applicant's architect was asked to submit a summary of his neighborhood outreach efforts , including neighbors contacted , date contacted , and response . We requested applicant provide us with a copy of the summary . To date, we have not received one . 3. After the Committee reviewed the initial plans , the applicant added a balcony to the back of the house without permission . But for the challenge to his application , this unapproved change would have been incorporated into the structure , a serious violation of the spirit if not the letter of the Historic District ordinance. 4 . The square footage of the additional floor is uncertain. See above . Is it 322 feet? 352 feet? Or something else? In short , the Committee should proceed with caution in evaluating this application . Thank you for your consideration . Very truly yours , McMANIS FAULKNER // c=-~-5 /0YLER ATKINSON TA:svn Enclosure cc : Vladimir Kanevsky McManis April 11, 2018 VIA U.S. MAIL AND EMAIL Vladimir Kanevsky 20 Sharon Court Menlo Park, CA 94025 Re : 223 Masso! Avenue Dear Mr. Kanevsky : As you know, I represent Jim McManis and Sara Wigh regarding your development application for the above-described property. I write in reply to your email to Mr. McManis and Ms. Wigh of Saturday, April 7, 2018, at 2 :57 PM (copy enclosed). In the f uture , please direct any communications in this matter to me , not my clients. Normally, I would not dignify your accusations with a response, but since you have tried to prejudice my clients in the eyes of the Town by copying three members of the Community Development Department, I have no choice but to address some of your unfounded statements . You assert that Mr. McManis and Ms. Wigh were "on vacation" and indifferent to your concerns . Nothing could be further from the truth . From February 251h to April 5th, except for two brief intervals, they were traveling for business and professional reasons in Europe , New York, and Be ijing , not "on vacation ." The suggestion that they should set aside lon gstanding obl iga t ions to address your project is misplaced . I remind you again of the policy of the Town which "recommends that applicants for any development proposal make contact with surrounding neighbors to determine their concerns prior to submittal of the development application." This did not happen . Regarding your duty to contact neighbors before submitting an application, Sean Mul li n asked your architect as long ago as February 61h for a "summary of your [neighborhood outreach] efforts ... , including neighbors contacted , date contacted. and response ." To date, we have seen no such summary. If one exists , please send me a copy . M M . ")~:~ .. , .... ;;; ,Jl l:t --~ .. .c::-· :-~ C anls " 1·' ,·..J•f 'i,:·l1•)1 \1:'1i'1 ····M:• ·~· l .. l · "'~1·;· ·\'if ~-,!. ·~1. '·· Te lep;wne l08.279.870t1 ! mcmanislaw.com F<,irm ont Plaza, 1Cth F!cor, 50 IJI/. S;,n Ferna ndo S t 1'tcet, San .lose, Califorili<i 95113 Vlad imir Kanevsky Apri l 11 , 2018 Page 2 Perhaps your most unfortunate accusation is the statement that the reasonable concerns of my clients have affected "the quality of life for [your] family " and that "[t]his experience has left [your] wife and fam ily truly traumatized ." If those claims are true, and not the usual plea that is made far too frequently by development applicants, I suggest with respect you accept responsibility for your situation, instead of blaming your neighbors. Jim and Sara purchased the Trantham House in 1984 and painstakingly restored it over a 4-year period . It is cited as a contributing residence in the Town's ordinance relating to the Almond Grove Historic District. Ordinance 2165 . They treasure th is property , as does the Town . They are not going to be bullied and rushed into "approving " your project by emails such as yours of April 71h. I suggest you would be well advised to address the concerns raised by the Historic Preservation Committee , rather than lashing out at your neighbors . Thank you . Very truly yours , McMANIS FAULKNER TA:svn Enclosure cc : Town of Los Gatos, Community Development Department .~ Carvajal, Manuel From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Jim/Sara, Vladim ir Kane vsky <vladimi r.kanevsky@gmai l.com> Saturday, A pril 7, 2018 2:57 PM Carvaja l, Manuel McManis, James; Sandra Paim; Sean Mull in; W igh, Sara ; Joel Paulson; Sally Zarnowitz; Will iam Fisher; cris t ianepdemelo@gma tl.com Re: FW: 223 Massei It would not have taken much to rev iew the drawings and have a conversation prior to you leaving, especially knowing that leaving on vacation without a resolution, would delay my house by at least several m6nths. Maybe a bit naive, bu t I e x pected more from my neighbors. It is apparent that you're not bothered by or h!lve any consideration for the emotional and financial stress this delay has put on my family. I am truly disheartened . Regardless, I have heard your complaints and as someo ne with the right intent ions, took them to heart and have made many seriou s concessions in an effort to address all of them. My willingness to address your concerns have come at a huge incremental financial burden, both in terms of the time delay and development of r evised s tru ctural/architectural drawings. These alternate plans will also result in material impact on my prop erty values and even m ore imp ortant, to the quality of life for my family. I made the proposals anyway because I was genuinely concerned about impacting your quality of life. By doing so, I have seemingly put your family's well being ahead of my own. This experience has l eft my wife and family truly traumatized . You on the othe r hand, have not even taken the time to respond or even meet to di scuss my proposals/changes even to my multip le requests to di s cuss them . You have now had over 2 months with at least 3 weeks before you left on vacation. Tec hnology being what it is, I imagi ne you have acces s to email and phones even while on vacati on. In th e spirit of being good neighbors, I ask you to keep al l this in mind and give me a call anytime or provide comments v ia email. I hope to hear from you by l 2pm PT on Tues, 10/11 /18. V ladimir . 408 892-2680 On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 3 :48 PM, Carvajal, Manuel <mcarvajal@mcmanislaw :com> wrote: Dear M r. Kanev sk y: I am t he pe rs o n al ass ist ant to M r . and Mrs. M cM ani s, and I am famil iar w ith t hi s matter . As you ma y re cal l from th ei r opposit ion t o your appl ic ati on, they are t r aveli ng, and they are n ot.expected to return until April 10 1h . I am certa in they wi l l b e avai l ab le to discuss yo ur case with yo u when they return . OVvNE:R CONfACf 1Nf0RMA110N PROJE:Cf SCOPE: VIC INllY MAP 5HE:E:f INt?E:X ~UIL.t?INli & Sift: t?AfA ~i.:e.; ill' O."'ll \<\,,~ ... ~"-'<fV~Y A-I sin: PL.AN, fl'fl,,f' SHee-r, BUIL.l/INCA & s:n: OAfA, PROJ.'.Cr ;(:OPE' CAeNem INfORMAflON Sft"f'f INC'eX, ViCINllY MAP, CONfl'Cf INfORMAflON f'XISflNCA use· SINCA~f' fAMIL.YR!".StC'eNC c M"l.""" """1JCSS 20 '>WON~, Mf'l-0 -~.CA l<XMOt?eL. S!NCAL.f'-fAMIL. y 1(!';511/E'NCE: A-2,0 eXISflNCi CONOl110NS PROPC/5et:1 US<:: SINa.f' fAMIL. y i(f;Slt/E:Na PrOI\~ •OB 6''2·2b80 A-2,I ai..L.A'< & f lRSf FL.DOR P~PNS AVE'R,Aa;; SIT!: SL.Of'!: n>.O ,..,,I,.·"" 'Y"' ::t.r 1908 A-~ ~Q-jf ., •vAflON ASSCSSOR'S f'A'<CC:L. NUMBeR :;10 18 020 V"-<.A·•""-~ vv• ---ZON1Nc:i l/E'%NAT10N· R;-O A-4 1.._eFHL.f'VAflON ROOI' Pl-AN L./'NO use: MWIUM C?eNSlfY ReSIOE'N11t'J.. ~ •m.tC".«•ro. 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Calif. 95031-2136 408 •315•1403 """w.sandrapaim.com ~ D ~ ~~ :z "" ~~ ~ '-' ~es "'--.,_ ~ "-" ~ ~ ~ ~~ lltl:S2""6 °" ~. ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~§ OAll ~HJ ~· :/•. -0" ~>iii·"· ':if --- ill 'Jl1UJ.Y I I'-si;:or, A-6 IJ m-:; \ I I ~ I ' \ I ' \ ' I \ ' I •\ .. ~-~· l"'- 3 -..... (t b lO -...I Ul :J z Ul \ !1/-< I ~ I\ \ \_ 0 BENCHMARK MAG 1'11,.,IL ELEV • 100.00" i \\ 1\ ··\', _ ___________________ _J ' I ~ I I \ "'/-:x.:.r - ~ ·1- ... .. ., \ ·:i ' ~ \ / ~ ··:Jr-· -. .... ::~ ~~l -z 4,1.. ___ _ ,. ~~-<>'\::-.:.----< -=<~-~--'"'·1 ~z --- ....... J?·~· APN 510-16-021 I I \ I I \ I I \ APN 510-16-026 \ I ' \ I I \ I I \ . .-I // . /" == --I iili=vd!-.~, 'C-Sll2'20'03"~S-4.00~ ~--. ··-'· ---:-::-::---:--:;-::_---:;;-x \ ... -~~v.?j__ . -.. · .. ~ ·--=--, ' .. ,_ .. -"""-· ---:+ .. c.:' .... ~-\ f "'"'• , GARAGE ~-. -.\"-\::f:J5!.2i;::;..-t=.;=z=-~~7_:__-=--=.-=--"'._ ,:-:~ ..... ; ~ _ --t--,:\ :=. Z ~ FF• 10864 ·-~ '· "~ ,-,..~ ~-f.·-'!· <-:. ... .... -~.. -:=.. 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PHYSICAL I TEMS SHOWN ON THIS SURVEY ARE LIMITED TO THOSE SURFACE ITEMS VISIBLE AS OF THE DATE OF THIS SURVEY AND FROM AVAILABLE RECORD DATA. SUBSURFACE OBJECTS, IF ANY, MAY NOT BE SHOWN. SAID SUBSURFACE OBJECTS MAY INCLUDE. BUT ARE NOT LIM ITED TO. UNDERGROUND, U TILITY LINES, UTILI TY VAULTS, CONCRE TE FOOTINGS, SLABS. SHORING. STRUCTURAL PILES, PIPING, UNDERGROUND TANKS, ANO ANY OTHER SUBSURFACE S TRUCTURES NOT REVEALED BY A SURFACE INSPECTION. 2. DJMENSJONS SHOWN HEREON ARE GROUND DISTANCES IN F££T AND DECIMA LS THEREOF. 3 . NO PROPER TY CORNERS ARE PROPOSED TO BE SET BY THIS SURVEY. 4. ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER' 510-16-020 5. TREE TRUNK LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. TREES THAT CROSS A PROPERTY LINE AT GROUND LEVEL SHOULD BE CONSIDERED TO BE JOINTLY OWNED BY THE RESPECTIVE PROPERTY OWNERS. CONSULT AN ARBOR/ST FOR DETAILS 6. DIMENSIONS FROM HOUSE TO PROPERTY LINE ARE MEASURED FROM THE BUILDING FACE OF THE STRUCTURE. PERPENDICULAR TO THE PROPERTY LINES. BASIS OF BEARINGS SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT THIS BOUNDARY SUR VEY ANO TOPOGRAP HI C MAP WAS PREPARED B Y ME CR UNDER MY DIRECTION. ~~~ TOM H. M ILU L.S. 6438 08/D8/17 DATE KA NEVSKY ROAD NAME MASSOL AVENUE FILE NO 0 z ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 iii ~ ~ C§ ~"' ~I I" !l 8 ~1 ~ "'"' ~ ~1 ! ~ l!J z -('.! w w z -l!J z w i )!1 ~ 1 ~ < • -.( w " '-&l ll! 2i ~ --~ CD NI' 8 ~~~~ () <( !:2 cd()~ iiS 11 -~ ~ CD 8'::' ~ ~i~~ ~ ~ ~ i Fli~ ~~1~ g i 1~~~ ~ ~ g f ~ 11 g g ,g ~ ~ i's g ~lg ~ ~