Item 4 - 15 Loma Alta PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 03/28/2018 ITEM NO: 4 DATE: MARCH 20, 2018 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 15 LOMA ALTA AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: STARLEY MOORE. REQUESTING APPROVAL TO REMOVE A PRE-1941 PROPERTY FROM THE HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY FOR PROPERTY ZONED R-1:8. APN 532-29-073. RECOMMENDATION: Review information and make a recommendation on the applicant’s request. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: 1920-23 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: I 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? Yes 7. Considerations required? No B. Comments The applicant is requesting to remove the pre-1941 property from the Historic Resources Inventory and has provided supporting documents indicating the structure has been modified and is in poor condition. No person of historical significance appears to have resided on the property. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 15 LOMA ALTA AVENUE MARCH 20, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Loma Alta, 15 -03-28-18.docx 3/21/2018 10:45 AM BACKGROUND (cont’d): On January 24, 2018, the applicant sought feedback from the Committee regarding demolition of the residence, removal from the inventory, or modifications to the residence. The applicant is returning to the Committee with a distilled request seeking removal from the inventory due to modifications to the structure, loss of integrity, and poor condition (Attachment 1). The historic resources worksheet and supporting documents are attached. DISCUSSION: A. Findings - related to the request to remove a pre-1941 property from the historic resources inventory X The primary structure that was constructed prior to 1941 has no historic significance or architectural merit. 1. The primary structure that was constructed prior to 1941 has no historic significance or architectural merit. 2. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 3. No significant persons are associated with the site. 4. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master; and/or the integrity has been compromised such that the structure no longer has the potential to convey significance. 5. The structure does not yield information to Town history. Attachments: 1. Coversheet, Request, Photographs, Structural Condition Report, and Neighborhood Photo Survey (90 pages) 2. Historic Resources Inventory Report (four pages) Distribution: Cc: Starley Moore, 401 Capitola Avenue, Capitola, CA 95010 15 Loma Alta Ave. fATTACHMENT 1 March 8, 2018 Dear Historical Committee and the Town of Los Gatos , After thorough research of any possible historical significance, I am requesting that 15 Loma Alta Ave, Los Gatos be removed from the historical registry. The research provided in this report shows that the house does not show any structural integrity of any kind , and while it is historic from an age perspective, it is not a representation of Spanish Revival style of architecture or another other historical kind. It is also the only house of this nature on the block of Loma Alta. The following items are provided in the report: • • • • Structural/Civil Engineer's report with pictures and comments Contractors Report on the house's modifications Pictures and comments from Contractor on modifications A look at the Lorna Alta neighborhood Thank you and best regards , \Ji C)1\lu~ ff7 Starley Moore f .. · { 6tJv/ Los Gatos resident ~ I • 1'\t • ' . ·. . .... ;} ' 'C'~~\. ... ~--=--.... ~ ~-' . •;, t , I ..:·-1> ... ~,, ~,\ 14 February 15 , 2018 ~.a=-i• (fau ?It. 'Daiwa &~ 11 West Laurel Drive Suite 225 Salinas, CA 93906 C: (831) 840 -4284 0: (831) 800-7671 E-Mail: gmd.engr3@gmail.com The State Historical Resources Commission Office of Historic Preservation 1725 23rd Street, Suite I 00 Sacramento, CA 95816 The Los Gatos Building Department Building Division 110 E. Main St. Los Gatos , CA 95030 Reference: 15 Loma Alta Ave, Los Gatos, CA 95030 SUBJECT: House Inspection Sirs: This is to certify that as defined in Section 1704 & 1705 of the California Building Code, we have provided inspection on the above-described property for the following: 1. Exterior stucco is literally falling off the house 2. There are several areas that the plaster has fallen off and there are also bubbles in the plaster. 3. The front of the house and other parts of the house has an incredible amount of rots. 4. The roof system on the house is a horrible status and parapet walls around a 1: 12 pitch with all the water flowing to two 3" drain pipes. 5. There are noticeable rots in the rafters and the parapet walls which are balloon-framed from the mudsill up. 6 . There are several areas inside where the ceiling plasters are collapsed and large water stains all over the ceiling due to old-age. Below are pictures of the hou se: ll Page DELAPIDA TED FRONT WALL NEAR ENTRANCE DELAPIDATED CE ILI NG DU E TO SEVERE LEAK AT KIT CHEN AREA 21 Page DELAPIDATE D CEILING D UE TO S EVERE ROOF LEAKS @ LIVING ROOM AREA t •• I ~I I 1 DELAPIDATED CE ILING & WALLS DUE TO SE V ERE ROOF L EAKS @ MA STER B EDROOM 31 Page .! 1 I DELAP IDA TED CEILING & WALLS DUE TO SEVERE ROOF LEAKS @ DINING ROOM .. ,t • '\ ~ .,,.. .. ~ ( =.:;.;; ' -... 1 - DELAPIDATED CE ILING & WALLS DUE TO SEVERE ROOF LEAKS @ BATHROOM 4 1 P age DELA Pl DA TED CEILING & WALLS DUE TO SEVERE LEAKS @ FAMILY ROOM DELAPIDATED RAFTERS , WALLS & FLOOR DUE TO SEVERE LEAKS @ REAR COVERED PATIO SI Page DELAPIDA TED WALLS DUE TO SEVERE ROOF LEAKS @ BASEMENT DELAPIDATED WALLS DUE TO SEVERE ROOF LEAKS @ SIDE ENTRANCE 6I Page It seems that there have been attempts over the years to try and repair such dilapidated areas of the house but no good a ttempt was made. Any attempt would be futile s ince the roof is not property connected to the ,valls a nd to the foundation. It is very dangerous to anyone ne ar the exterior walls. To try a nd r e place the rots and dilapidated stud s would mean removi ng the roof and the stucco. It is required by contractor law to completely replace any rot that is found in a repair job. In order to open these all walls it would have to rebuild at least 80%. To the best of our knowledge, it is our professional judgment that the house and other buildings on the property mus t be demolished so that the general provisions of 2016 California Building Code shall be adopted in the new construction process and so that lo ss of li ves and properties would be avoided. Sincerely, GMO Engi neers (_ 71 Page Property address 15 Loma Alta Ave. Los Gatos CA Starley Moore owner. Casey Marsh Contractor This letter is intended to state the part of the home that is not original. I have inspected the home and it is obvious that several portions of the Loma Alta facing side and one portion of the Panighetti facing side are not original. Loma Alta side. Front of the home: The covered porch was added on sometime after the original construction. Judging from the type and size of lumber used it appears this was done sometime in the early to mid 1950's with repair attempted several different times. The roof is actually framed on top of the existing eve blocks. The brick work and the wooden posts are set on top of the original stucco that is painted behind. This is not the way it would have been done if it were original to the home . The stucco above the door at the entry way has a clear line of where there was originally a flat roof just above the door and the archway. The entire front of the hou se has had stucco repaired along the bottom 18 "-36" I can only assume this was done due to some attempted rot repair work. This repair job went from the chimney on the right side o f the home to the far side of the pop out wall on the Panighetti side. I originally thought thi s could have been done after the 1989 earthquake however a neighbor that was close to the previous owner told me that no work had been done on the home at that time or at any time since he had lived there over 45 years. There has been a footing poured on the outside of the original footing I can assume this was done in a futile attempt to stop water intrusion. However this footing is 3" higher than the mud sill so that it now dams up any water and encourages water to flow directly onto the rotten mudsill. Panighetti side. Side of the home. There is a pop out wall built there approximately 5'x2'. Upon looking underneath the home the foundation wall for thi s was poured sometime after the original. Also the floor joists do not run directly through they are sistered on to the originals on top of a cripple wall. When you look at the stucco it is clearly not the same as the original part of the house . While a good attempt was made you can see where it has bee n patched in. This house was a kit home and I while I am not po sitive which kit I have researched and have found several that come close to matching thi s but I can not find any that have the side pop out or an arched from entry. I believe based off of the materials and style of construction used that this house had a face B CM CONS TRU CTI ON AND REMODELI NG TELEPHONE : 83 1.247.445 3 I FAX: 83 1.7 13.5725 I EMA IL: bcmre modelin g@ gmail.com A DDRES S: 2651 S. Rodeo G ulch Road I Soquel , CA 9507 3 lift done in th e l 950 's and that at that time the pop out, archway, and covered porch were added. I think it was originally a very simple basic home. The amount of attempted repairs over the years makes it almost impossible to know exactly what was done at which point in time. I can only go off of my 23 years of experience and my research and knowledge of construction practices though out the 201h century. I believe that about 60% of the original face of the home and I 0% or the side of the home are from a date later than the original late 1920s construction. I will send pies of my investigations along with this email. Please feel free to contract me with any questions about how I have come up with this conclusion. Casey Marsh 8312474453 Owner BCM Construction and Remodeling. CCL # 930791 BC M CONS TR UCTI ON AND REMODELI NG TE LEP HONE : 83 1.247.4453 I FAX: 83 1.7 13.5 725 I EMA IL: bc mremo del in g@gmail.co m A DDRESS: 265 1 S. Rodeo Gulch Road I So qu el , C A 95073 The following photos were taken and labeled to demonstrate that the building has definitely been altered over the years and is not in its original form. Outline of stucco on the exterior wall matching the archway Rotten existing eve block with porch roof rafter nailed on top of it and stucco Exterior footing poured higher than mudsill. It is not original and poorly designed. It was probably an attempt to stop water intrusion. Porch beam was mounted on top of existing stucco with original paint. Proving that when the home was built there was no covered porch. Stucco on exterior matches archway. Seems like the entire living room portion could have been added and/or altered Newer incorrectly built porch roof. Note the material used. Particle board for roof sheeting Archway is directly in line with the parapet wall. Shows where the original the original flat roof stopped above entry bf ore porch was added Access door under pop out next to original access panel Stucco stops before the ground level on the pop out. It goes below ground level on existing house The original foundation wall and the lumber used vs the pop out wall foundation. Old dimensional lumber vs new nominal lumber The unusual design of the pop out section on that wall Stucco line where there was a flat roof originally installed. Note this is not a cut line, but a stop in the stucco. Outline of the stucco on the exterior wall matching archway The following pictures were taken and shown on plot plan on the street. It is meant to show the architectural styles on the block where 15 Loma Alta is located. 15 Loma Alta appears to be the only original Spanish revival. There are a couple of new builds that mimic the style, but the architectural style that is predominant on the block would be Craftsman. 15 Lo ma Alta .vc . @ JJ ' ' ' ' 12' ' ' 54 Los Gatos Blvd 1-~:.-.. :...-1 --.---· --···-...... . ---1 18 Loma Alta ,_;:-,-;:;... ··-, ____ , __ --···(_ .. .,, _ .., __ , I ' l • LOMA 20/20A Loma Alta a jz., 11 : '. } ....._... -~-~--·-'-'--.--"-~~~ :; ~ \ ••V1'"' ua,1 J'IQ...I ; t t 'I \ \ PQ.J I I • ,~~ .. 1 .. w~u J 24 Loma Alta ® nt~1,!!:J 7~ "-------~·~u,__ ~ /---~, .---. , 26 Loma Alta j : ' 102 Loma Alta 1_..:·.-.:.. .. "-I -.... --.. --.. ··-·Jo,.'" -----· 104 Loma Alta 1-·.-;:...--1 -··--... --s••---111 ---·-· 110 Loma Alta @I \ . "' ,, ® ----'''-"0.!..!~ 112 Loma Alta @ 11 a Loma Alta ®· fflACT NO. !!ol'~ .Jtf-N-ll _______ Jt:OL !•~ · .. ,.WI ••1-11 -~ 122 Loma Alta r. ,. f i \ ) l 4 : 1 : I : II : 11 :\\ "/'·?/11 /1'!.L . \ t •;:;:-.. ;.:;:;;-· ~~~---i..,,;--r----...::.:.._- \ @ ,...::. ,._. --·1 -··-----lll t..,'lilo.-"I ____ _. 130 Loma Alta ® __ )\ j ~ / •' " ~/ 1" ,r ' I • ~~"' . " • "·1 .: ""' ~ .. ~n=•~n~• -~•~••r•~• ~ •. ~.~ .. ~-~ .. -. ~"~"~"~"=" --,Gti]""5="j=2=z.W=29=· ~x'I }~- .----~; ,, . . .. .. " 1 ·, " -A-!Ill 1§1 1 · .. ., . ~-c ' ' ·. ' . ! U>M • 'J!.tl:""1 " rg~··-·--1 ··--.. __ , ... _ ... ., _ .. _ ...... . 132 Loma Alta J g.:.-:---1 --.---.... -···--.. -----· J 134 Loma Alta \ -~. ... ., , .,, . l• to I:: •• ~ ~ • •-":.,_ .. , I : I g • • : ' I:• ", ":.1· 8 0 , I ti ~. 14~1 W t_:' . ... . ... t' -~-:. -~· ,. •• tJ ,&f :0 ! • "'· : • u. I l fl': ft ~ IP ® rg----·-·---:.·.'7."'--:-::j ---e ·e• / 136 Loma Alta 138 Loma Alta 185 Loma Alta ~~ --·--.. =~ -... --·· 179 Loma Alta ! f. ~----·------,_.,_.,._,......., I @ I~,-.·--·~-, -·· .. --.. --···-"'-• J 177 Loma Al ta ® LOMA 'Jf_{A1,,n, i ;; ~--....a'"".-",IL,,-r--fl---<1,_..,_,,__,._...._.,..'/1,-1 ~--'-<1'-11--'#--. ' ' I I I ~ lJ I' ; ~ \ tA,l ,in., ) j i ~ \ ·:~i:······. \ ~ '--"'""-"' ~ 5 7'"\----1 --···-.... _.,. __ Loma Alta r_;"·~=----1 -... ·--.... --···-... ,., ----· 175 Loma Alta @ ,-:.-.-;:...--1 --------···-...... I ----• :', I ., " IJ!• .. " ,• i;, '..1-· .. 161 Loma Alta .. " . ., . I . ..:;.-:~ · --1 -·---... --···-...... ___ .. ,_.,.., 153 Loma Alta 149 Loma Alta @ r --·--·--1 -· .. ·--.. --··,--.. 139 Loma Al ta @ l:...~:~:~.:.=:-;;1 .-=-· .. ·· . @ ______ _ 129 Loma Alta J I . '- " .f;;.,. I t 1 i I ~ 125 Loma Alta •"'-· @ I" HU---, --·-----···--.,. ____ .,., 123 Loma Alta .. .. ,, u ' II \: : \I " t I ... ~-.r \ I .... I .~;..· .. •· !, I 14' 121 Loma Alta --·--.. ,.-..-. ,:. . -~-, --··'-""'"' _ ............. , 115 Loma Alta J 111 Loma Alta @ 1· .. -·-·~1 -.... --.. ==: .. :;.: .. ~ ., 105 Loma Alta ,-··----, -··--"" --~··--... _ .. __ , ~ I 101 Loma Alta j 23 Loma Alta ® ~: \ ': / ,, ' I '' \i t @ 19 Loma Alta dln.ru !Bfoom{u.lJ. ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY 14151 922-1063 2228 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 9 4 115 ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH File address I.~ ·_...:...: _ _:::;,_..:.:.::::;=~------- PARCEL MAP INFORMATION Parcel# --'--.:;;_.=.....:....-=-..a...-----Lot size: __ 5 _____ front ft . x i' !) ft. deep Lot shape: Rectangle_ L Rectangle with small rear jog___ Other __________ _ Location: N S E W side of ~ /1 St Ave Other l (, :!!- di stance to cross st: It?? / -'" -le,----- ft. N_ S_ E_ W_(from v.)} -,;,,,y at NE NW SE HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PA~CEL MAP FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) I Preliminary ratin=g __ _ Estimated age_/t ___ _ SW corner of __________ _ Style (11 t/ ,k,, . .,.., ~--:.1 # stories__ Alterations. _____________________________________ _ Other ---------------------------------------- COUNTY ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) Page __ EFFective date __ OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Name I Source 'Date ____ .!1891 Blk Book i 0 1908 i _s_u_rv_e __ y ____ j 1941 _____ I ___ _ I ____ , __ _ Source Page I I I Location of property, or Lot Owner Old ·tract/block/lot Size Name I I . I I ' MISCELLANEOUS PHOTOS: Roll/frame #~r ~-~-Date .? t) National Register listed date~---------County Inventory 1979 ____________ _ Town of Los Gatos: Designation __ Recognition __ District Name ~--------------- Previous Survey Ge~~d~1 age # ___ illustrati on page# EVAL A1'!0~ D " 1 ., ~ ' a ce IC/;tl'J :2 3 {f.1,., ., , Alter-ations:t' Moved_ Con tributor,./ Raised Porch encl Ea 1 . :"'x District Non-contrib.--Additi"or;' Sidino -r ies c now n --"-- Owner_ Residen tX: f'u /;,o.,iJ£;/'<J./t ,..J~ Wi ndow s _ Condit ion_ "eottt~{&-).; -' Designer : a_ b_ d_ 1..:-k;.,.,. A I l 2 File Address.~/~~=---L_-~D~n~J~~(~_I=_-_~~~ cl/mu. !J3foor '·r.l'J A RC:111 '1'1•:C'l'll RA L. ~ ll RV E Y ASSESSMENT HOLL RESEARCH Tn.K r./Bl ock/l.111 .... fov: .--/I/I:}. {., ,,., / ,l,l,ll# Wt.Ul>lt.M :»IHtt. I SAN ~ HANCISC: <' ,:: A 94 I I !> Assessments are filed by last name of 111opt•rty owner, hut 11ot necessarily iu .. 1lphabetinsl order. Some years there is an index inside the volume or in a separatt• hook. 'flit• goal of a Heat,h is lo fiud the years when the assPssed value of "improvements" (buildings) changed from Oto ovt•r $500, 111 wht>11 that fig1u-e n,:-w by $500 11r nuoe. W, ilt> down every year and name you try, including the years whPn you I iud nothing. Ditto namks art.• fine. --,Ill I dent i I i cal i 1111/Houmlar i 1·:-;--A:..scssm -------.. t!II I t .. , Date Trac t/ Page Name Al"r-t!S Blm k/ Lui/ ~ E IMy S B1ly ~ I.and lmptoVl' meuts (It her lnfo. -· -,// c;,,. ,. r-l_ I .,. __ ~~ ' 7~,, -J.;,I :J ,' 7 Gi ~r:t":r. ~~r ,(_ , ., --I I:; 1<r:11 ~-$ 4~C::.. --.:,, $ ----------?-----. ..... ------/1111t1als t1are lle addrese f 5 1-461.A.-.a, Jl ) /-;;., DtJBLISJUlO AIIBOUIICBM&WTS d/-nne :F " om{ufJ. ARCRITBCTUttAL SURVEY BUILDING RESEARCH ;ouroe, __ A&S _llullotin _CA&BN __ call __ chron __ DPB __ Bel.AB __ sx _.._ _,CA Other ARCHITEr ... uRAL HIST ORY 4151 922-1063 222" -BSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 9411 5 Volume Date Page __ •1ature of announcement: _contract notice __ Notic:9 of C0111pletion ___ BP ieaved ~Photo ___ Blev/aketch/rend'g ___ Ploor plan ___ Arch't/cont'r pub ___ Real eet. ·opy exactly, Ql!!n!!. Builder/Contractor Archii;ect/Bngineer Loc9t1on Nature of work ~ RUILDING PBRMIT9 ·ource, Poniit •egteter Preee Addreaa requested ___ _ ... -' -Application Date . ' or . . lhu11ber '>'l'ffalt SOURCE (apocify thoroughly) /<j I q F .,,, ~ ,7:,.-')'!;;... -v,, G!' • 7'-SMIBOIUI MAPS Color: Vac. yel, pnk, or orange Vol/ dif. blu,gry .8llA .e!S!. ld Addreaa reen ,~:;, ':J 7 I -,qtJt/ /'I r. /, 'i •• ' !$"'° "" '1J.,Y:, .:2(,. A -.#'/Uo ,. ., ,., u .. / Owner lfo. of • .......... Location .£211$. JlallL.. fddr,.• Patchee lfo. of Yee/ lfo. of Bel9"t bay ....!l.!.L •2 1t2ri.11 ...ill&l. w1nd5!!!!1 D I s,<' e sa ...... _ .... Builder/ Arch't/ contr. " engin'r addreH "addree• Poi:tc,. /tA. 1$C, ~-. ..-/I /Initiala Deecdption of work ..... ,., Bldg'• width/ depth/ ~ Int a• Date Bxterior n,teria1e Da e Date or Deecribe or sketch cone tr. plan r-Jl -,_ Initial• dtnne !Bfoom{u.fd ARCJUTBC~~llL'l'URAL SURVBY RAM! RBSSARCH ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY 1, I SI 922· 1063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO CA 9,6 I 1 S ••• (pareon, building, or,aniu tion, etc:1 _____ ":"'9 __________________________ _ \ddr••••• •••ociat ed with .......... J_.5-.. ..... .£..,.'9 ..... MA...._.a....__A_, ... l ... +. ....... ~=--------------------------- a.l e vant dat ea I con.tr~ction.....,. __ . birth.....,. __ • daath. ___ . other __________ _ J. DJIIIC'IORY SEARCH (City Director1••• county Dlre c:torie•, Telephone lookll, a ociety directoriea , etc:.) . Y••• Book __ ,,., .... if'--' ··--~, .. ,_., __ ,---· .111 ...... •-•-•1., aa ah.-. n •• * #ftP k,,1A#a .. \ 1 ~.11) -tf c:.r.., 1~ y kc/i.o Mr-.,. .,. r-;.,., i0cc 'i ,-) G" ~,..,_.-J /J.J~ ; I&/ ~.y dt -f-/<P~ L~ · {ti u ·v 7A!ftllCt A l -bi ·(<5' R ob+ i+at.,.. /(?,.'JI ,.1)n_ I $.JD rh,;n /..-v d' , I . I BIO~PRICAL .~.index••. other a lphabetiaal li•ting•. Na rk 'X' U.nfd .or •j• (noth1ft9 founl!) e t eac:h e ouroa you -try. Liat H.ndlln9a belov. /&Dltitll o,i, Los Gatos Library: California History Center, De Anza College: City directories (name & street index) Biographical file ~Historic Collection Index (green boxes) Photo collection / · Thompson & West, 1876 ( bio i ndex) ~-Pen Pictures, 1988 (bio index) Sunshine Fruit & Flowers, 1895 (bio ~-Guinn, 1904 (bio i ndex) Sawyer, 1922 (bio index) index) µ',.,)e.1 -i.Extended index to Bruntz , __ Blo index of Munroe Frazer, 1881 ~-Photo collection (2 boxes) San Jose Historical Museum: ~-Great Registers (of voters) Indexes Photo collection (Survey box) Other sources: __ Indexes, California Historical (:uarterly Los Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill): __ State Library Information Index (fiche) ~-Death records by year __ State Library-S.F. Newspaper Index(") ~-Funeral records (index cards to big books) ~-Photo collection III. LIST ALI. RE!'EltlMCl!:S FROM ABOVE . Find the m. Copy 9ood -teria l • a tta ch. Or c:opy belov if only a f ew word•. Or e xplain why not releva nt (a•, wrong per•on). f::J Continued on Re ver••