Item 3 - 223 Massol PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 03/28/2018 ITEM NO: 3 DATE: MARCH 20, 2018 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 223 MASSOL AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: VLADIMIR KANEVSKY. REQUESTING APPROVAL FOR A MINOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ON A NON-CONTRIBUTING SINGLE-FAMILY HOME IN THE ALMOND GROVE HISTORIC DISTRICT ON PROPERTY ZONED R1-D:LHP. APN 510-16-020. RECOMMENDATION: Review the proposed project, make the considerations for design review for the proposed attic addition to and modification of the residence, and forward a recommendation to the deciding body. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: 1908 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: None 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? Yes 4. Is structure in a historic district? Yes, Almond Grove 5. If yes, is it a contributor? No 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes B. Comments An application for a Minor Residential Development in an Historic District (HS-18-018) is in review for the proposed addition to and modification of the residence submitted on March 14, 2018. PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: 223 MASSOL AVENUE MARCH 20, 2017 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Massol 223 - 03-28-18.docx 3/21/2018 10:37 AM BACKGROUND (Continued): On December 12, 2018, the Historic Preservation Committee recommended approval of a Minor Residential Development (M-17-018) for a previous project. An objection to this project was received from a neighbor (Exhibit 1) and this application is unresolved. The applicant is proposing a different project to accomplish their goals for the residence and to address the comments received from the neighbor on previous project. The proposal includes exterior modifications to the residence and a 99 square foot addition to the top floor. The addition would be accomplished by increasing the roof pitch and introducing dormers on either side of the roof ridge. Windows would be located on the north facing dormer only. The applicant also proposes to modify the fenestration of the front elevation, relocating the front door and revising window locations and sizes. An original window would be replaced in kind to match the existing window. A new front porch with a standing-seam metal roof would be introduced as well. In addition to the proposed changes at the front elevation, the applicant proposes to change window and door locations and sizes on the side and rear elevations. Two bay sections would be eliminated, while new box bays would be introduced to the side elevations. The project has been referred to the HPC for its input and recommendations to ensure the proposal is compatible with the original structure and with the surrounding area. The revised plans address the recommendations provided by the HPC during preliminary review of the proposal. DISCUSSION: A. Considerations – related to the request for approval for a Minor Residential Development on a non-contributing single-family home in the Almond Grove Historic District. X In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: 1. In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. B. Town Policy PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: 223 MASSOL AVENUE MARCH 20, 2017 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Massol 223 - 03-28-18.docx 3/21/2018 10:37 AM X That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. Attachments: 1. Objection to Minor Residential Application M-17-018, dated March 13, 2018. 2. Development Plans, received March 15, 2018 Distribution: cc: Sandra Paim, P.O. Box 2136, Los Gatos, CA 95031 Vladimir Kanevsky, 20 Sharon Court, Menlo Park, CA 94025 March 13 , 2018 VIA PERSONAL DELIVERY Los Gatos Historical Preservation Committee 110 East Main Street Los Gatos , CA 95030 Re : 223 Massei Avenue Application No . MR-17-018 Dear Members of the Historical Preservation Committee : RECEIVED MAR 13 2018 T OWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION This office represents James McManis and Sara Wigh regarding the pending application for constructing a 3rd floor at 223 Massol Avenue , No . MR-17-018. We understand the HPC will consider certain aspects of this application at its regularly scheduled meeting on March 28, 2018 . Because Mr. and Mrs. McManis are traveling overseas and unable to attend the meeting , we are submitting their opposition to the application , previously filed with the Town on February 20 , 2018 , and we respectfully request the HPC consider the points made therein. A member of this office will attend the meeting and request an opportunity to make brief remarks as well. Thank you . Very truly yours , McMANIS FAULKNER TA:MBC Enclosure -·---- MTTAC HME NT mcmanislaw.com 1 McManis Fa,rm,i1;, Flaz-3, 10th Flov 50 W San Fsn2ndo Str,,et San .Jcse, C.a;if(Fnicl :J';113 To Whom It May Concern, Office of Sandra Paim Architect Sandra Paim AIA MGBP P.O. Box 2136 Los Gatos, CA 95031 (408) 315-1403 sandra@sandrapaim.com www.sandrapaim .com Please accept our development proposal for 223 Massol Avenue, Los Gatos. We are requesting approval of a different project as a response to neighbor concern and have submitted drawings to Sean Mullin for direction and distribution to the Historic Preservation Committee. PROJECT: Roof height lowered (previous design from 30' to 28') Change main roof pitch (existing from 7:12 to 9:12) Reduce attic square footage to be added (previous design from 271.35 SF to 99 SF) Increase rear setback at attic addition (previous design from 27'-6" to 37'-6" +/-) Remove (previous design) rear balcony at attic Remove (previous design) attic windows on left elevation (south); adding two small skylites Add cantilevered bay under existing eave at first floor breakfast nook (left elevation - south) Add cantilevered bays under existing eave at first floor floor living room and (previous design) dining room (right elevation -north) (Previous design) Remove two existing angled bay windows (right elevation -north) and remove cantilevered bay (left elevation -south) (Previous design) Modify and upgrade exterior openings including entry (Previous design) Add porch roof Thank you for your consideration. Sandra Paim Architect RECEIVED MAR 16 2018 T OWN OF LOS GAT OS PL A N NIN G DI V I SIO N February 20 , 2018 HAN D DELIVERED Sean Mullin , AICP Assoc iate Planne r Town of Los Gatos Civ ic Cen t er 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos , CA 95031 RECEIVED FEB 2 0 2018 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DI VISI ON ~ Re : 223 Massol Avenue (MR-17-018, Assessor Pa rcel No. 510-16-020) Dear Mr. Mullin : Sara Wigh and I oppose the appli cation and proposal described in your letter dated February 7 , 2018 , and referenced above . Our residence is the historic Trantham House at 216 Glen Ridge Avenue , which is the property adjoining 223 Masso! Avenue and the parcel principally affected by this proposed development. Please see Exhibits 1 and 2 . We are opposed to this project for the following reasons , among others : The posted notice at the site is titled , "Minor Residential Modification Application ." Please see Exhibit 3. The planned construction is hardly minor. Please see Exhibit 4 . It does not qualify for "minor residentia l development" treatment. In trying to satisfy the ordinance , the applicant has characterized the work as an "addition greater than 100 sq . ft . to existing second story ." Please see Exhibit 5. It is not an addition to a second story; it is a brand new 3rd story. Please see Exhibit 6 . The application must be denied for this reason alone . Further evidence that the project involves the construction of a third story , as opposed to a m i nor modification of the "attic," is the 3 rd floor p lan itself, euphemistically described as "proposed attic floor ." Please see Exhib it 7 . The new floor measures approximately 30 x 15 feet , and takes up over 450 square feet of floor space . It includes a stairway , a bedroom , a bathroom , and a "playroom." Why are w e so concerned about this proposed development? Se veral reasons , among others : the 3 rd f lo o r's f ive (5) w indows overlooking th e Trantham House McManis mcmanislaw.com Sean Mullin , AICP February 20 , 2018 Page 2 gardens, as well as our kitchen and dining room ; the elevation of the roof line (increased from its present 26 feet to a proposed 30 feet , or more ); and the size and mass of the new floor. Please see Exhibits 8, 9, 10 and 11 . Situated on the 5-foot setback from our property , the enlarged structure with its additional floor would tower over our property and would be highly invasive of our privacy. Please see Exhibit 12 . In addition , the application cannot be granted since the proposed work "adversely affects its relationship , in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with [the property's) surroundings , including neighboring structures," and it "adversely affects the character , and the historical, architectural and aesthetic interest and value of the [Almond Grove Historic District)." We have described the adverse effect of the proposed addition on our home . In terms of the neighborhood , we do not need another oversized house on Masso! Avenue . Finally , the Town "strongly recommends that applicants for any development proposal make contact with surrounding neighbors to determine their concerns prio r to submittal of the development application ." This did not happen . In fairness to the applicant, I understand you sent me an email while I was in trial reporting that the owner of 223 Masso! "welcomes [my) phone call." Although I am willing to discuss this situation with the applicant at a mutually agreeable time and place , I do not think his expressed willingness to take DJ.Y call is exactly what the Town had in mind when it "strongly recommended " that applicants "make contact" with the neighbors . I appreciate your consideration of our oppos ition to this proposal. By way of information, I do not expect my trial to finish soon , and then Sara and I will be out of the country until mid-April. Thank you . Very truly yours , McManis ADDENDUM -February 20, 2018 Opposition to MR-17-018 223 Masso! Avenue, APN 510-16-020 On February 19 , 2018 , Pres idents Day , the applicant , Vlad imir Kanevsky, met Sara Wigh by happenstance in the vicinity of 223 Masso! Avenue . After a brief conversation , she invited Mr. Kanevsky to view his project from the back porch of Trantham House . I .arrived while they were doing so . I was not present for the entire conversation , but the following is the gist of Mr. Kanevsky's comments , either made directly to me or reported by Sara after he left : Importantly, Mr. Kanevsky said he was willing to remove the windows from the "Proposed Left Side Elevation -South " and lower the overall height of the house . He went on to say he would ask his architect to prepare revised plans showing those changes. He claimed the present plans were the result of requirements the Town had imposed on him . When Sara asked to see the original plans , Mr . Kanevsky started to bring them up on his phone, and then said he could not find them or they weren 't there. I thanked Mr. Kanevsky for his willingness to consider our concerns , and said we looked forward to seeing the rev ised plans addressing them. I explained however, as a result of the Town 's letter of February 7 , 2018 , we had until February 20, 2018 , to lodge any opposition to the present plans , and we had no choice but to do so . Mr. Kanevsky was worried our opposition would delay approval of his project. As polite ly as I could , I pointed out that may be why the Town "strongly recommends that applicants ... make contact with surrounding neighbors to determine their concerns prior to submittal of the development appl ication ." I said I would withho ld our opposition if the Town gave us an extension in writing of the February 2Q 1h deadline . Sara and I are submitting this opposition in order to preserve our right to object to the 223 Masso I project. We are nevertheless willing to withdraw our objection, if the revised plans address our concerns , as stated in the opposition submitted herewith. Thank you . mes McManis Sara Wigh McManis mcma ni slaw.com EXHIBIT 1 ORDIN ANCE 21 65 ORDINANCE OF THE TO\VN OF LOS GATOS AMENDING ORDll~ANCE N 0.1919 RELATING TO Z O NE C HANGE N O . 86 (AL M ON D GROVE H I ST ORI C DISTRICT) TI1e Town Cmmcil of the Town of Los Gatos does hereby ordain: SE CTION I T h e distiict d elineated on the attached map is hereby des ignated his torically and culturally Signi ficant as the Almond Grove Historic District HD-80-lA. SECTION II T h e d istiict is designated to be hist orically, architecturally, or aesthetically significant for the reasons listed below: A. Pr operty: Almond Grove District. Boundaries : Bean to the south, Glen Rid ge Avenu e lo the west, lo.but not includ ing the Jots facing Saratoga Avenue to the North, and t o but not including the lots facing North Sant a Cruz Avenu e to the east (see map Exhibit A). B. H istoric designation no.: HD-80-l A C. D escription of designation: District D . D escription of characteris tics which justify the designation: Historical: The Almond Grove add ition was the first and largest subdi vision after the incorporation of the Town of Los Gato~ Of approximately 40 acres, the hi stmic tract was the last land, fo1merly an almon d orchard as its name sugg ests, of J 62Y:i acres bought in i 86 5 by J ohn Mason from Edward Auzerais, an imp01ian t landowner in Santa C_Iara County after whom Auzerais Street in San Jose and Auzerai s Couii in Los Gatos was name d. The pur chasers and developers of Almond Grove wer e four very important figures of Los Gatos history and honored by street n ames sti ll used in the area. They were Alphonse Eli Wilder, banker; Augustine Nicholson, capital ist; Magnus Tait, farmer and miner; an d John Bean, orchardist. Many important contributors to the development of the Town lived in the Almond Grove area. L.E. HamiHon, secreta.ry of the Odd FeJlows and director of the 1889 Los Gatos C emetery A ssociation , built his own hous e at 139 Wilder (which is still · owned an d occupied by his daughter). In addition, he also did extensive carpentry Work for lv1rs. Winchester of the famous Winchester House in San Jose. The house at 115 W ilder was owne d b y Clarence L ydon, n ephew of town pioneer John Lyndon. E.N. Davis, head trustee (mayor) on the board of trus tees, 18980-1902, iived at 1 31 Tai t. The Magnus Tait home is 231 Tait. 129 Tait was the h ome of E.E. Place and birthplace of George Place, owner of Place Mortuary housed in the Coggeshall Mansion (a Town historic landmark now the site of the Chart House). 328 Bach.man is the "Masso!" h ouse. Fenilen Masso1 was Los Gatos mayor, 1894- 97. 354 Baclunan was the home of George McMurty, who as a youth helped haul stones to build Forbes Mill Annex and later became the first treasurer of incorporated Los Gatos, a p ost he held for over 40 years. 216 G len Ridge was. the home of W .H .B . Trantham, who i n 1885 b ecame the fir st owne r of th e Los Gatos News after its founder temporarily r tired. Trantham own er the New s (later the M ail-News) u n til 197 6. The Mail-News remained in exist ence until 1953. 200 G len Ridge was at one t ime the home of Raymond J . Fisher, educator, after whom Fisher school is named. John Bean started a bl1siness ri ght in Almond Grove that evo l ve d into a loca1 family dynasty's multi -national corporation, Food Machinery Corporation. P l agued by San Jose scale on bis or chard tree s, h e developed an improved chemical spray pump, a significant developmen t in an era of tremendous fruit growing in Santa C lara Valley. Bean gave his son-in-law, David C. Crununey, a share in the business. Historical evidence i ndi cated that Crununey li v ed in the house on the corner of Bean and Santa Crnz Avenues, 212 Bean A.v e nue, until the business prospered and he built the elaborate mansion at 33 Glen Ridge Avenue. D .C. 's son, John Crnmmey, further improv ed the pump and expanded the Almond Grove h eadquartered business. (In Horati o Algier tradition, he enterpri singly rode a bicycle up and down the Sacramento Valley and lined up enough order to keep the company in business for years.) Under Crummey, the Bean Spray Pump Company became F .M.C. (still retaming a division entitled Bean Spray Pump Company). Under John Crummey's son-in-law, Paul Davies, F.M.C. became an international corporation, and a member of his fami ly still serves on the board of directors. Architectural: The predominance of Victorian architecture, including informal Wood frame cottages and impressive homes, intermixed with bungalow-style cottages Colonial Revival and Mission Revival homes built somewhat lat er reflect the history and development of the district. Individual architectural distinction is not the important factor in an historic district but the neighborhood entity created. The Almond Grove area is unique in that of the 7 8 pre-1895 houses buih here, 64 or about 82% still grace the streets. In addition, 22 houses built between 1895 and 1908, 31 houses built between 1908 and 19 l 6 and another 30 houses built between 1917 and 1930 still exist. The 198 9 earthquake significantly damaged two houses built prior to the 1900's and one built in the 1920's which were demolished. A total of 180 structures now line the streets within the boundaries of the district, 147 or 82% of those structures were built by 1930. The streetscapes remain basically unchanged. Lending the district a special old-time feeling, that for many symbolize old Los Gatos and represents an important part of the Town's heritage. Sources: Robert E. Lee, supported by Sanborn maps, T own of Los Gat os and Santa Clara County tax records; and Histo1y of Los Gatos by George Bnmtz. E . Listed below are Town features recommended for preservation. Review by the Historic Preservation Committee is required for any changes to these features. 1 . Roads are concrete and should be repaired to maintain appearance as of the year 1976. 2. Date stamp in concrete sidewalks. EXHIBIT 2 ·,. ' .. ,._\ \-~ ~ :f Hi 133 i, 39 -;, 401 llJAdm.uw P. ftnt 16 '<''-·-....J' ~- ~ ., o\CO .. r;-,.{t·""'· , ~55 145 ,, ,; 237 ·., ... _ 211 .•. ......... _ •.:. .......... 207 ............ 20 n ~ ... - 399 .... \ "N',1 245 ·-,.·-..... 20B ........... __ ... i 200 155 .... .......... ""·· ,..,., / ......... ..... ., 346 '·\. 34B .-· ..... , /f . ' ,· ,\· r , · .. · ~e., 250 ·.i. 329 .,- :· '327 .. ,·• ... ··-.. • .. , ~ 231 .... ....... ... , ·-... _ ·· .... ··~ ~~ ....... ~ 'x'" 0 c,;, 0 ~~ ~ &A ."!(.~. J , r1-;,. . ~,,1,· : , V r, , \...)' _.-., 31S . ·, •, ··, 332 ·-...... _ .. 240 1 ••• !.I:!' .:~ '·. ~"2tf11. -:.: '•, 3 H ·' . .. 3-~5 .·' ··,: ._311 ,· ·, 328 ... ·· ~o 3~?. ,0 "'"'Ale~ ll-t<~ rl.' v c,, l21 'Jf,, 307 ··,"\,, 3'03 -·,,, ., I \ ··~ ..... ?. .31 '·· 225 .... ·•. ~ ·,. ' ·' ·' . .... 3U6 31 1 300 25t 221' 2 30 224 ··... 218 ... ..... 223 -..~ .... •.,\. 4t··· '•,,, 2 "0 '······-. ..... 1 ... 211······~ ... '"- ;·,. ··'\, 1VJ1-.., 2CO '-'f'.,' -~ '··- 2'15 ~'""\.. .. 222 216 '()~ . · ... s·,o· II,' 316 ...... .... ··, ..... 21 3 ·-..... -~ ·,. ~ '- EXHIBIT 3 Minor Re5 1dentral Modlf 1tat1CX1 hpplicar,ioo MR-17 -018 Requ e5tinC\ approva l for min or resi dent ial develo pment on a nc,r contri butinC\ sinC\\e~famil ~ hom e 111 llie ~mond ~r(Jve Hl5Wr lc.. 015tr1ct on pr aper~ zcmed RI -D :lHP /fN 01 0-16-02 0 . . Appl,canb Name · Sandra Paim Arch itect f elephone Number-408 -)1 S ~ 1407 fer more informat ion abrut lliis project , please ccntad llie f (Min of ~05 Llato5 Plann l1t1 Division at 110 f . Ma in Sfreet 1 los CAatos , ( 408) 1J04-6B12. t?l an s can be view ed at we same address between 8 :00 a.m . and I :00 p.m. Monda4 and f rida4. EXHIBIT 4 119/ r ,t ' I • ,, ( EXHIBIT 5 .. ,., ·- ....-" .. AP1PLICATIOf'1 FOR MINOR RESIDENTllAL DEVELOPMENT TOWN OF 11.,0S GATOS· COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Civic Center: 110 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Phone : (408) 354-6874 FAX: (408) 354-7593 1, PROPERTY LOCATION: Address or subject property 2. APPLICANT REQUEST: -j- Q(:. <qs, ~ CIEIVED New Second Story Addition G47; Addition greater than 100 sq.ft. to el<istlng second story qS' OCT 1 g 2017 3, 4 . s. Reconstruction of a portion of a single or two-family dwelling with a nonconforming setback Accessory structure exceeding 450 sq .ft. Reduction In side/rear yard setbacks for an accessory structure Sport Court Lighting PROPERTY OWNER: Name 11 i A c;1 ,\,1 1 r~ v<1tN€: V0t Kl/ Address I\A t::,/"-' LO rA_JZI< State CA via Ka1 1:e ~ co,~cast .-111-e_± __ _ City Email TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANN ING DIVISION Zip I hereby certljy that I am the owner of reczod 0/. he property described in Box #1 and that I approve OJ the action requested herein. SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER ' Date / t) APPLICANT: Name Address City Email f hereby certify under penalty of pe(Jury that all Pf pl/ca on materlajJ and plans p,{e yue and correct . SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT ;\ ft 1· y .... /J,,/[,..1 , _i , ~ ~) I q-Date ..... ....,.. ....... "+--........ '- 6. ITEM S RECENF.D: ____ r:nvelopes "· ____ Set(s) of plans ____ Malling List (Owners & Occupant~) 0 0 NOT WRllE IN THIS SPACE 0 If site Is located within Route 85 Study Plan Area (10%) '°' If site is located within North 40 Study Plan Area PLPERMIT PLTRACI< PLANAP $ 1,950 .00 TOTAL $ The Information contained In this appllc.itlon ls considered part of t he public r ecord. Therefore, It will appear In both the public record file for the site address, which ts available upon request, and on the permitting sy~tem on the official Town of Los Gatos website at www.losgatosca.noy. N:\D£V\FORMS\Pi.nn:O£\l017·16 f0<rn,\Mlnor RosldMllol Fo,m1\MR Appllwl iof> 07/01/2017 EXHIBIT 6 -----.- ~-w;~- 1 · r: '°Jrc, f:i:.~c;.t 1c;;t,?fl~\WJ~~ '"·' ,rn: ,;;, ~,, ~r;N:i re 1w.:xi:-. ~~Of'Ut.H"',..r!Nll"I~ WN'rf>.ft lt"fX( .:w,w.•~f{).>r; ~1,:K.1 f:11,a tD.NJ7'k,(.Cl.tf,\\f,. YJ~ s,,;w.c.;: 9' r, ::o.•J.V,\~ f ),H !21.24' --------'-..~'<.•l!PX'i: 1, %l~t1.; \\lpt l'J.l(Cf.\\•lot~\,J \.00,'r, j PROP05f D/ f RON f rl rVA,ION ~ rA5f ex~ 1 i:?Plf'O! ,1 11 II 11 II ,1 11 I I L-----.J L--... --J t-X,f,f. t"X,NAr.{,fl'), fXl5flNGlfRONf rLrVA~ON fA5f $ A H D 11. A PAIM A J.C:HtTECT Resid :n1ial Cotomertial Historical 1.0.bJ.U• lmGIIOi,C'IU:.9J:Q.3J•l !fUI. A-'!J EXHIBIT 7 I I I I I L-, I I f l l' . ~·-.:.. !, :£: I I I I I I I I I I I I l __ I I I I I I I I r-J I & : ;,, I i ~ 1 1 l l.':::11 ==-==.J~I ==<'--~JTl~ ; . .l'--l -----=---J, "' : I I ;: i: /---------- ------------------", ~ ,_ :~ ~~ -; ~ -.,::'•i EXHIBIT 8 ,,..,_., ;t :tr.I ~"', ;.'i111,: ---- :..rw,?1.> .. r ':'"l\'::' .. ;fQ::;fl\'(i f?fl.~"t.\',l\~!'N.' l'dl\!i lt1,IJ.ON. \!1'-: N~.'P 1 . ---- B B ~II B PROPOiD Lr ff 51Dr rLrVAflOI~ -50UfH B 5 ;-------1 I ' I I ' ' I I : : ~ : : ~ I I .. _______ J 8X l511 ~a l rf f 51Dr rLr VA~ON -50UfH .. -- . ~l''.ol-,:J •:: \',1Ti!$~' ;::: EXHIBIT 9 EXHIBIT 10 EXHIBIT 11 EXHIBIT 12 I I \ I I \ ·:,i I \ I \ ·~ .. _ ... -:-. ·:· I ., ·; .:.~:. ,!·:·:~ ,k j:. ... 1J · •••• • .~ •• ., ... t.. • ···-· ..... .. 'ci : ··-- i_2 • ... -.. ~ ~; -·-~: ~~-)i: ,,·~· ':'" ...... ; ........ :~··: ,.. T'~ I ,/ .. ':'" ... _,_ \=· I I \ I \ F I ----1·--\ APN 5 10-16-021 .. -<:--:· _, .... ~'-"·~ ... ·~· 'I,-- .... _,..... _ _J \ \ \ I I / J ,/ L r(. . :.\. -~-- /\PN 510-16-026 , . -;6:t;f(J'(Jj t 19,1. oo· .. ~ .. ': ~:~,(Jt;t:.~: .. ',)' \• ·a:· J; 01~ .;II " ?-~ ... ........ ~. -.. ~ •,'· ... ··-·· ..... :-:-_,, --.:.~\ ·- ·~:.. .~ .: .. · ==~,:. .:::~-··: \ l~. ·:=- /''\, ;,/ii 5.'."/'."e};,s, ii ·~ ':."'.-~-~.::·· UG;:170'0J"'W 194 00' APN 5 10-16 -0 19 r:, tn J •.• ·1;rnri11 o:· •.rsr ,1 a s h r ~ti.ric:·, ;1 APN 5 10··16 -020 0.20" ACR E;S DOC N O . 2:3452828 ~ :.~;-.} ::~: .;_}: -·-·::·-=·· ·,f ....... ·''"'" ... :::-- > .·~, i·7:· :· I ---~t ;t ~,·~ ~ ·~ai.-:;.-... / ·t·' .. ~ • ~::· ,: 1: . : ';!'· ftt.;=,:~ ·-f·i':" \ cl \ \ \ \ \ I I ,~.·-\ \ I .:·' I . "\ \ ·:· g ,; I \ "!. 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