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Item 7 - 32 Walnut
PREPARED BY: Erin Walters Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 02/28/2018 ITEM NO: 7 DATE: FEBURARY 23, 2018 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 32 WALNUT AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNERS: TERRY AND SUSAN SHAFTEL. APPLICANT: PARK MILLER, ARCHITECT. REQUESTING RECOMMENDATION ON A PROPOSED SINGLE-STORY ADDITION TO A PRE-1941 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE ON PROPERTY ZONED R-1:8. APN 510-41-013. RECOMMENDATION: Review information and provide a recommendation on the proposed single-story addition to ensure compatibility with the original structure and the surrounding area. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: 1900 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: I- Preliminary Rating: Contributor to Town’s historic feeling and appears intact. 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes B. Comments The applicant is requesting a recommendation for the proposal to construct additions totaling 801 square feet to an existing single-family residence. The additions include a 422-square foot one-story addition to the rear of the house and a 379-square foot PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 32 WALNUT AVENUE FEBURARY 23, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\WalnutAve 32 - 02-28-18.docx 2/23/2018 11:47 AM BACKGROUND (cont’d): addition to the lower level (countable square footage). The additions do not result in a two-story elevation as the height of the lower level is less than six (6) feet above grade. The pre-1941 structure has a Preliminary Rating of I: contributor to Town’s historic feeling and appears intact. The supporting documents are attached. The proposed work requires a building permit. The project has been referred to the Committee for its input and recommendations to ensure the compatibility of the proposed changes with the original structure and the surrounding area. DISCUSSION: A. Considerations X In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. B. Town Policy X That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. Attachments: 1. Letter of Justification (one page) 2. Bloomfield Survey (three pages) 3. Photos of existing residence (two pages) 4. Proposed Development Plans (four pages) Distribution: Cc: Park Miller, Architect, 327 Oak Meadow Drive, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Terry and Susan Shaftel, 32 Walnut Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 ' / 327 OAK MEADOW DRIVE LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA 95032 PHONE (408) 399-5040 FAX (408) 399-5041 Letter of justification RECEIVED FEB 1 4 2018 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION We are proposing a single story addition to a historical home to accommodate a new master suite, laundry, and second bath. All work will conform to carpenter Victorian character of the existing structure and will use the same colors, materials, textures and details. The house is currently supported on wood mud sills and has unsupported earth cuts at its subspace. Footings and retaining walls will be provided and a slab added underneath for storage. The house will remain at the same elevation and does not need to be raised. The addition is at the rear of the house and would be difficult to view from the street. The character and massing of the structure will remain totally compatible to the neighborhood. {ATTAC'f01E1'iT 1 cflnne. !Bfoom(u.td ARCHITECTURAL /CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH File address 3..:2.. {,,Jj, I ~". ,1-/ PARCEL MAP INFORMATION 7 ARCHITECTURAL H:STORY 141 5 ) 922· 1063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 1 5 Parcel# JS;n ... ,:'f/-C)/,3 Lot size: .1!)0 front ft . x /.:;;CJ' ft. deep Lot shape: Rectangle~ L __ Rectangl e with small rear jog_____ Other _________ -,-- Location: N s E ./ W side of ~ St Ave -/ Other ---------------- distance to cross st : / "fjG-ft. N __ S / E __ W__ from'.___:._/;,:..:~_.:....• -~/l!,,....::!.6?..;.:.vi....:;:/c~~:::...,-Zc-...._ at NE __ NW SE SW corner of __________ _ HI STORIC INFORMATION ON PARCE L MAP Old t r act or s u bdivision name t::/',~,f?:t:/1~ ~rf:.. Old Bl ock # ;;2. Old lot # 2.. -------I FI ELD SURVEY INFORMATION (han dw r itten in red) Preliminary rating -I-Estimated age /8:ot's Style L-p krt I # sto ries__ Alterations·----------,------------------------------ Other _______________________________________ _ COUNTY ASSESSOR --PROPERTY CHA RACTER I STICS (past e on copy) Page __ EFFect i ve dat e. ___ _ OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Name I So u rce Date 11891 -----1 Blk Book Su r v ey I ! 1908 i 1194 1 So urce Page Location of pr operty , or Old ·tract /block/lot I I I Lot Size -- ' Ow ner Name -----, ___ -------------------------------- i MISCELLA NEOUS PHOTO S : Ro ll/frame #25.~:i,/'9 National Register listed date ----------County Inven tory 1979 -------------Town of Los Gato s : De signation __ Recognition __ Distri ct Name _______________ _ Previ ~ve y Gebhard : · pa ge-.#,__ illus tra tion page # Bu tler/Junior Leag ue ---- fA'rrACHl\ ENT 2 dlnn.r. !Bloom{u.fd. UCIUSC~~~~-SURVBY 8MB RBDARCH ARCHITECTURAL HISTOR (4151 922·106 2229 WEBSTER STREE' SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94 1 1 ! .... (paraon, Duildin9, orpniution, etc)~--:------------------------------ Addr••••• aaaociated with ..... ...:~:i::::;.;;2~....;;.t,l/.~~;.;;.:,.;.'1.;.:;.LI_-/ ______________________________ ~ .. 1evant datea1 eonatr~ction. ____ . Dirth, ___ • ct.ath. ___ . other. ___________ _ I. DIUCTOllY SBAllCH (City Directoriea ; county Dlrect"oriee, Telephone Booka, aociety directori••, etc.) - Y••• Book ••.....,/Cl••-,ifi..A •• _.,_ T.4a•4R-,A,_.U .... ,.rla. ____ _., •• _ ... -----i, , ..... ·-· .._ .... , ··-. -., '!:,{} pJ'O W"'-' I l-'l t..14, ~~ ~,t:,. e.-·-;-kc r,,,~ tS> c.:;:J +Ian~ t£ , ~ ~£ Lb!} If dtt;s I, BIOcaAPRICAL IDaal, indexea It other alphabetical Uetinqa. Nark 'X' (infd .or •J• (nothinC) found) et each aource you try. Liat fi.ndtacJe below. Los Gatos Library: California History Center, De Anza College: City directories (name & street index) ~-Biographical file Historic Collection Index (green boxes) Photo collection __ Thompson & West, 1876 (bio index) index) Pen Pictures, 1B88 (bio index) --Sunshine Fruit & Flowers, 1895 (bio ~-Guinn, 1904 (bio index) ~-Sawyer, 1922 (bio index) --Bruntz, Hist'y of LG, 1971 (bio index) ~-Extended index to Bruntz San Jose Historical Museum: ~-Great Registers (of voters) Indexes Blo i ndex of Munr.oe Frazer, 1881 (Survey Photo collection (2 boxes) Photo collection box) Other sources: -~Indexes, California Historical ~u~rterl y Los Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill): State Library Information Index (fiche) __ Death records by year State Library-S.F. Newspaper Ind~x 0 ( 11 ) __ Funeral records (index cards to big books) __ Photo collection III, LIST ALL llPEllBNCES PROM ABOVE . rind th••· Copy good material "attach. Or copy Dalow if only a few worda. Or explain why not relevant (aa, wrong paraon). I::J Continued on Reverae ile addreH 3 ~ A:i./.-1v1/ cflnne ,... -Jmfu1d ARCHITBCTURAL SURVEY BUILDING RESEARCH PUBLISBBD MB>mJCIM.IIITS source 1 _AU _·_Bulletin __ CA&BH __ call __ chron _DPB _Bd...AB __ BX _llfewa _PCA Other ARCHITf -RAL HI STORY .415) 922·1063 2, NEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO . CA 9411 5 Volwae Date · Page __ _ Nature of announcement : __ contract notice __ Notice of completion __ BP iaaued __ Photo __ Elev/aketch/rend'g __ Floor plan __ Arch't/cont'r pub Real eat . Copy exactly: -- Q!!M!. !Builder/Contractor I Architect/Engineer I Location !Nature of work 1 .£2!.! BU!;D;N~ PERMITS i ource r Permit {egiater, Pr••• Address requ~st•d·~~~~~------------ -Application Date Number ----Location £oil. OTRBR SOURCB (specify thoroughly) . SANBORN MAPS Color: vac. yel, pnk, or orange Patches Vol/ dif. 1 YH/ No. of Rill ,,...~ ......... Use No stories 13</6' IB 'i,·s . 7 3 w -. D A) / 1tJt./ 5' l'1 H r> .., >-i. ,,, '1 J.~ /4 ,,, 32. u) Pl ·-\...._--·- UN/ owner 110, OIi • !ZDill..... address No. of Height bay ~ window1 ~ /It.ST ,€ J4J'.:.Jf ~· "I /in1tials Date Builder/ Arch't/ concr. 6' eng1n·r address & address Description of work Bldg's width/ depth/ height Exterior Materials "Po~ctl ,5;,,,~/j? L ,,. <I-~Cl -- Differences from today in: Q!.!! Stories, Footprint ........... __ _ .-1.1. ~ ~ate Initiah Date Date of Describe or sketch constr. I plan £L°"r ........ I T-... -_.-_.:-_. .1 ~ n ... _ fAT TAClL'\lENT 3 (f,.) (.11.\ ~-+) 0 0 t4d_,!d 0 0 f.DDlTloN~~ ~1s ?,°YJ_ lrV'.,Ll-!LJF f."1::1'1.L.li:J I . l.-c6~ --·-·-·-·t ., • I'-~ ~ ~ --;,L. --r--, -+-~ ____ k_"_. I~ ~;;. ~=t~ . ~~/\' •••:/// ; i ~ .+i.(.t+ ti --........._::-,.II / .,,-• 1-----h-rA ~ i _J¢.__j ~.r~.~ ~~ ~B.~ ( . ~', / -vr,L--Isa,;:+~~ -='I~ p<,i~ ~ -zl0D t ~ 14-1.I .G,. -r'1-IO.o ~ SCOPE OF WORK Single story :.idctition to a hiMorical structure lo accommodate a new mostcr suite, laundry, and second bath. The house sils on IA"Ood mud sills aml has unsupported: earth C'Ut.!I .it its subspace. Footings and retaining walls will be provided and A dab provided for storage. House will remain at the same elevation, and docs not need to be raised to accommodate Uus work. All work will be consistant ~ith exist.in~ materials, colr:>rs, and textures. ;;©~ 01TIE-fh::tJ 1M ... d.o~ -1---&-1,,1 -W,4.v-NLJt A~Ni.ts., f?.P.W ·. __ _ IATTACHiHENT 4 266-M-46 KOULOURAS 510-41 -014 " r 30• GALLIEN 510-41-054 (H 05'20' E SO.ocl'XA) ·-·----~-·-·-·-·-·-~·-·-·-· \"497 ....... 3: g< '"" 8 . - 0 nu, + ........ ,.._ ,._, II ...... ~11, 101· "'" ~ ... · ~ .... ~.~. •5'10.S ,..,,., -1.= -~2.0 ss C/0 ...... SHAfffi 510-41-013 ~·:><><'r--::,..:.----t....,, r"""' u·<UWII (S oe.·~o· w ~00')(") a!-<"20 ... ....... CAS M11' WALNUT A V E N U E (60') g ' '"'/ ORtW:WAY e ---------------------~ ----_.L_ __ 7'!,<,-.,--- DOUGLAS 510-41-012 .. lEQlNICAL INFORMAllOII ' ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: APN: 510-41-013 ADDRESS Of PROJECT: 32 WALNUT A=UE LOS GATOS, CA 95030-5837 OWNER'S NAME: SHAFTEL • SIZE or LOT: 8,500 Sf NET AVERAGE SITE SLOPE: 9.2" ZONING DISTRICT: RIBB INDICATES DATA FROM FIRST AMERICAN 1>1N DATA REFERENCES (A) E-M-97 (B) OOCf 12506345 ~ e INOICA TES SURVEY MONUMENT, FOUND AS NO TEO ( ) INDICATES RECORD DATA PER REFERENCE TABLE ALL DISTANCES SHOWN ARE IN FEET ANO DECIMALS THEREOF. BA9S Of EILVA llONS THE BASIS Of ELEVATIONS FOR THIS MAP IS TOWN Of LOS GATOS BENCHMARK NO. LG33, EL • 563.56" BASIS Of BEARINGS BEARINGS ARE BASED UPON THE CENTER LINE Of HERNANDEZ AVENUE AS SHOWN ON THAT MAP FILED IN VOLU ME 712 Of MAPS AT PAGE 13, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS. AND ESTABLISHED BE1'\£EN MONUMENTS FOUND AS SHOWN -Nor,TI-' 6\'M' v.f'';T NOlE: BOUNDARY LINES DELINE A TED ON THIS 1,1AP ARE BASED ON THE SURVEYOR'S OPINION UTILIZING FOUND PHYSICAL rnDENCE, RECORDED MAPS AND OTHER APPURTENANT RECORDS AS SHOWN IN THE REFERENCE DOCU MENTS. NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED BY OUNBAR & CRAJG FOR THE EXISTENCE Of ANY EASEl,IENTS, ENCUMBRANCES, DISCREPANCIES IN BOUNDAR Y OR TITLE DEFECTS NOT MENTIONED IN SAID DOCUMENTS ANO THEREFORE NOT SHOWN ON THIS ORAl'>ING. A REOUESlED TITLE REPORT WAS NOT PROVIDED FOR THIS SURVEY. THIS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP REPRESENTS THE CONDITIONS Of THE SITE AT THE TIME THE SURVEY FIELD \\ORK WAS COMPLETED AND SHOWS SURF ACE OBJECTS ONLY. SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES, If ANY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LI MITED TO FOUNDATIONS, PILINGS, UNDERGROUND TANKS AND UNDERGROU ND UTILITY LINES MAY NOT BE SHOWN . r ~ C-L..-Llc?c. -I? Fa :2.... l P-t:::F1<g....e..1~ GRAPHIC SCALE " I i ( Ill FEE'T ) l inch • 10 rt. 510-41-013 DUNBAR and CRAIG LICENSED LAND SURVEYORS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Of' LANOS OF SHAfTEL l2 WALNUT A~UE Situate In LOS GATOS i Co.inty of Sonto Ooro. Stot• of CotifomJo J08 NO. 051142 CHCO<ED: CCO ACAD NO. ®142tpo.d,rg f1l£ NO. 2 k IN.(;;. m === AWWW411W:i 327 OAK Nlt:AUOw OR UlS GATOS CAL$'0ANtA 95032 (-408) 399-5010 (408) :399-~1 FM ,------- I I t 0 -----. ----· -t-Pt?tr:10!:l.._--+ ---- t;;+I!,. [-=-- -.~ 8 I ]- 327 OAK rvtE.AOCJW OR LOS GATOS CALlfORNiA 95032 (4081 399-5040 t40BI 39S.!J041 FAX