Item 3 - 19 Hernandez PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 02/28/2018 ITEM NO: 3 DATE: FEBRUARY 23, 2018 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ARCHITECTURE AND SITE APPLICATION S-18-008. PROJECT LOCATION: 19 HERNANDEZ AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNERS: ALAIN AND SILVIA COUDER. APPLICANT: LYLE MOSHER. REQUESTING A RECOMMENDATION ON AN APPLICATION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION TO A PRE-1941 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE TO EXCEED THE FLOOR AREA RATIOS (FAR) STANDARDS ON PROPERTY ZONED R-1:8. APN 510-42-035. RECOMMENDATION: Review the proposed project, make the considerations for design review for the proposed addition to the residence, and forward a recommendation to the deciding body. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: prior to 1906 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: I - Preliminary rating: contributor to Town’s historic feeling and appears intact 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes B. Comments On December 13, 2017, the Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) conducted a preliminary review of a proposed 42-square foot addition to the residence. At this meeting, the Committee discussed the matter and provided the following direction to the applicant: PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: 19 HERNANDEZ AVENUE FEBRUARY 23, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Hernandez 19 - 02-28-18.docx 2/23/2018 11:41 AM BACKGROUND (cont’d): • Move the addition back to terminate into the side of the existing residence; and • Match new windows with the existing windows. An application for an Architecture and Site Application (S-18-008) is in review for the proposed addition to the residence submitted on January 31, 2018. The applicant has revised the project plans to address the Committee’s direction provided at the previous meeting. Specifically, the proposed addition has been reduced from 42 square feet to 36 square feet to allow the front wall of the addition to be moved back 12 inches to terminate into the side elevation of the existing portion of the residence. Additionally, the front elevation window previously proposed has been eliminated, eliminating a potential mismatch in window sill heights. The project has been referred to the HPC for its input and recommendations to ensure the proposed addition is compatible with the original structure and with the surrounding area. The revised plans address the recommendations provided by the HPC during preliminary review of the proposal. DISCUSSION: A. Considerations – related to the request for approval for a Minor Residential Development on a non-contributing single-family home in the Almond Grove Historic District. X In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. B. Town Policy X That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: 19 HERNANDEZ AVENUE FEBRUARY 23, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Hernandez 19 - 02-28-18.docx 2/23/2018 11:41 AM Attachments: 1. Research (17 pages) 2. Photos (seven sheets) 3. Previously reviewed Development Plans received November 30, 2017 (eight pages) 4. Development Plans (nine pages) Distribution: Cc: Lyle Mosher, 1116 Willow Glen Way, San Jose, CA 95125 Alain and Silvia Couder, 19 Hernandez Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 j:,i::..Ll,~l} ite:;, H istonc Home.~ To ur -H~rnan d c :r Ave.nue 19 I\• Hc."tn.:a.mJc, A,,·nut.• •·ou l ~T •·omil~ lloLL,;,, Thi, 1v.u-,1urv ()11,·,·11 Ann<.' V"·1nrian "'" l>uih hdnrc lll<JI. h f~;ctun:, 1.·,uuiil."\ Cfl·,1 h:1) "intlo\\, on th\" rii:ht fron1 anJ ri!!hl ,ttlc t1hc l:,111:1 :.,lllc-.1 r,·,:cnllyJ. a complc, hoppc,I ru,,t hm:. ;o pl>l,h \\ ith turned ,·.,h111111 ~ am! u w1111:,I, 111>111 -focinf gahk. h h a, dtanncJ ru ,1 k ,ithnt~ :Intl j, r :1111h.·d ~l!lluw Wtlh \\hilC lflUI aml hl3d, dc1a1l111 r.. II " S11rru1111.lctl h ) a hrod :oml \\ ruugh 1-1m11 km .. "·· :\hhuut?h J..n,,\,n '" .. Jud!!L··· F,,\,lt.·1·, h,,u,c. TI1t Jnt:1, Fti,,·h.·r ,,;.t, ;1,·1u;1H~ ;1 ,1..•n:uor ,,ht, Jt.'f)h.·~·ntC'd Fn.•,n t.,. Tubn..'. 1\1.•m ;u ul \t,•no ,~ounli\·, In, d ght ~'-·Jr, h l'I\\C1.•n rxot, anil IXX I. ll11rn m lr~laml ,·. 1112;. he 111111·.-,.l 10 (";1Ji 1,,rn1a in IX~2 ;11111 in 1ln-IXSI) n ·n,u~ \\a, :t 1nuh.'r ll\ ,n~ in \ i,uha "11h h i~ ,, ii"· 1\1;,r, ;.in\1 f c,ur d1it.ln·n. rJnl!tllj! in•':!<' Imm ncl\h<.m t II• JO. lk ha,1 .lar ,:c l.an,I hu lt.hn!,!, in \·1,a li a an,t 1,.·o untcd h,, t.'J tl ll" rn thl· kn, ,,t lhPu...;.uhh 111..· m u,1 h a , 1..· du.•J he tort.· h i, \\Jh: :md .:h1 ld,,·n m,1\\•ll fh.-h: , IN'>lJ, 11rc ,un'l.1ht~ t>::,a u,," h'-·r t,n,1h"·r. 1·1-'('n F.u lt.·~. ll\ l"\I m I t h f i.1tn, .md \\ ,, th .. •, "h1\·r o t lh\· n ~ml \•I 1.,..., (i,1h 1, ~1.u ~ "·'' h,,111 in '.\tid •i~.tll in l~J~. Ttw Jnu r f n,, ll·t r h1hln·n i_!n.·,, ur h t.'h ' l ,·una hl. h l•n, 111 I h 7 )\, "J' a l;l\,~,.·r pr .. ,didn~ i11 S .m Ji >'\\:' ,uht m }')OU r.111 ou th~ 1)~111 tt..·r~1ti "· 1id,1..·t h 1 rcpn .. ·,\."rU th1 , a,,·~ 111 ah~ ,t~tc ;1,,\!'mM ~ lk ";,, 1h,· ,\uornc~ ( i.-ncr;il 01 °'"'·"~1 '"'"' I •J 11<-1911 . The .:1.1,·,t '"''· TI1011 u,. h11rn c.. I k70 . l-c.:;1111 : 1hc ,up-;1i11t.:111km ul lhc h ,h.:1 llo u11n,! ~l,lh on :-.1::i11l c 1);1111'h 1c1 blna. hn m in 1117 ~. "a , a I~ p.:,\.'lkr h •r lh"'· /J ,, (iur ,,, .\Jail ln r ;i nu m~·r ot J C'.Jh am\ 11,, ~t ,hon 11m ~ \\';h :t (kJHU y rc1.ot-Jl!1 in San Jth4,.•. liulh d.au r hh,•r , llhl\\0 '-1 t U lh\0 ~1..':ltlk :U'-';.I :md j HtnC',1 ._1 f.."U fl\ t,!OI a ft\'( lh,• !:,m il~ "'ld th~ h.,n ,~ h > Celia S Jui in l'IOS I ttlh: ,, ~1u•\,11 01h,tU l ('d1J J,1, .• , \\ldo,,. Sh,· \\J \ llu r11 an ).l,l\,:ll·h11\\'1t , in l ~55 .and i, ,:u;I 10 h;,-.· u...-d pJrl of the hnu,c a, " r~·o1 al S he c\l~n1l.-d 11 h • 1hc r,·:.r in I'l l i 1110" thf ,un """'" O.inid \\" Ej!n ,·r ;,ml hi , ,i,1c r Ka1h,·1inc Hcili~~r pur,·ha ,.:,l 1hc ph•pc ni 1111111 J i•) in 1hc IJIC 19.!0, :.1111 li<1:-,I h,r.: "11h h~, hu,h ~n,t \\'1lh.un lriuu 1... l')~,i thn.,ui:h ;H k ..t,t l'JJJ . E1•nf."r L'olllimu.·t.l lu l h ~ hl.'t c unut hi, dcollh in l')..l I. H.: "a, bl,rn m U..!hutH•n.·. i'\br. l:,mt " 11\XU a nd ft'llf\.•cl tu l.o , (t~10,. tk h.td l>c,11 a h iflt c,,-.:u.1iw h•r th,· l 'S Huhh,:1 (\,. in 1hc Ou1d1 \\ ,,1 Im.he:-. •mt.I 'lh>l, .. at h.•.::,,t li\'i..' l;ingu.::i~c,. Iii , 'hll'r ;1n\l hl.'t hu,h.mtl \\,·r,· I~ :and !Cl )c ars ,,hkr 1han Egn,·r. The) "•·r,· t,,,m 1n ~1:Jryhan,1 ~,n,1 !\.1a":u .. ·hu,c11,. n.·~p(."..:-lh.,;ol}, 'iut-,,·,1uc-nt U\\fh .. 'r, md,uh.·.._t C hri,h ,phct ;and c ;._•,w \tl'''-' R;,~. R1,h:ml aml SarJlt l,;inr . h,· :o pul->lil-~du••I t,·Jch.:r. Ri,·harJ ~nd J,,~ ,·.-Klin~. :md ( ;. \\\"!.·~ P.111cr.on Tiu.· 1. urr .. ~,u "'' n.:r. P~,=t:-~ ~h. < ·:.nh). r111r..:ha ,'-~d 1h"· hpu ,c in ~uou. Sh\.· h:s, r,·,nud"-·1..: .. 1. Ill l.4,.•1..·rm~ ,, ilh II!'> lt\'f 10d, ;\till ;HMctf a 1hir,I :r,.h 1r~ 1~,r ~ ll1j'-lt. .. r hc.•dnl11111 i.tlllf h a1 h Th'-" ,,rii:en,1 1 ,.:\."r1in ~, u n 1h1..· n-cun llt'h ll ,H·r .. · 11 t1..·t·t hit•h. hul h,,h' h"·.:n hnh·r'-'1.I ,hf htl ~ u, ;, .. ·,·,,mm,'t.lah · 1h1.• m ;h h.:r ht•"lrnnm ;hhlitinn .Sh "· 1.·nl:iri'"'"' lhL· lih.hi..~n mtu :, &:'"'·"' 1ou 111. int..·o r~,ratm:.: ,\h:11 '-... ,, nntin~tlJ ) fl ,111 ,,f thl· ,,.,k ,k d .. h h h1:f l ;,H )tllc h it Un. h,·t aw,..: of lh t!h ,·:11 \h.'\\', ul l.t " Cj a1w~. S h,· ,r\.·,h1 , lu·1 t.k• .. ,,r Jh1r . ~h.•hod., I 11S~t\ "'· h ,r l u.:r l1 dp p l.uuunl,! 1t1c h.'mu,h.·I. T h1..~ huu ,,· h:,, ;, , , •tnpkh: h.1 ,\"llh:n1 cha t \\ :..., .ah\ J~, 1.:o n,1Jl"lt'\I p.:,rt \ ,t tht.· h \'lfl~ ,p~u.:~. f.ATTACIIMFNT l RiEC ORIDiN~ rui:Q U[STI!:lt) ev: Ch!u:1~;0 11Uh? C.omp,~ny [l.T.m-."J No .: : J ~tl3 I005; toi:.;,btN:11.: c,-.rn 7MJ 77H })llJ O~,'lfiUC0!,1 111f2 ~c.: I 3 903l2ft1JS3 RP When IIUraGPrdcaJ Mai! lmmJmeatt ontli'l Tau s~wm eni. To : l:t"C,:-":, C-:;.) It·•., AM~ i,: .. :; ---~-----Al;;i in A. Cou:i~r 19 Hemarn:le, A.vt> i~[ ... ,:.~ ,\l • .. I ~1 l ',..J1:t,,~; ~ ,V 111. I . -:,;.-r, ,:,u· J • KL • l '~·1.+ I;_ •J f'L r.l "1~-1 " . l o :. C"n"I!<):., CA 95'J:!0 l,i-;'_-; 1~,.1 .j : \f'tr'" '(·f"J IJ~• .. f .,,. • ~, I :t . J • I ~ I :· .. I ,.'~. : C, ~?. t,,·: GRANT DEIED Thie und4!ffiign~ g r.o nrnir{!l~ fll ed.:>re(5 ) 1 06:tUffl:::Jl~fV traJnm'cr tti u Is $ O.CD --•. -... - Cliy T ran Siw 'tan i!3 $ O.OD Al,l iA A C1l'.llde1 ( J rornµuUt>.d on full vall!i: of pi 01r:~rty w nve yett, or -' [ ] mmp:ulk!rl en full va1ui: h!S5 vat uc~ of !:.me; 01 c.:rtr.um br.ir.re~ rcmr1 in11 }y a~ tml..? o f sail?, l } Uni ntoq:nra!-ed Ares,-; f fr.Y,or Los Gatc5, "'Tho5 oo~u ey~nOE tfi)nr.;fw5 I.he ~t'1 tf efiit 's antere!il In to hifi or h '-'i' vevcw:i!!Jte h va,1 9 tnl!rt, M & T 1193G." FOR/:. VAtUAIEILIE (:0~5XD[RATION , reccJ pt ~1 w hich t$ hereby a cl\ni,wl~stl, Aldin A Courier c:mrl Sylv,..i R. S11mm.:r~ Coi.:a :?r, husli,md amtl wife~ r:om 1,1unity prup?.;rty wil ih riglilt nf su rv1v.;irsh 1µ hip.,1·cby GMNT(S ) to ftlam A Cou:frr anti Syl v~ R ~.urn rnur<"."".::U udH, r,o~'"I~ ol lhP Hcv.ca Ami.:,iC<I> lru,-,t datct.i fit.,, u~ry 12, .!.OOJ -;-~ '": ~. tlhe foU0 11".rl119 descri~-d re.)i proJM!rtv in ttc2 (~ ul Los G~. (ci:mty o l ~~m CtG>ra. State of Ciliifom~ai : SfE LXtHRTI "A" fiTI P.CHf.D t lH ffTO ANO MADF A i'AIRT HLR f OF ut.rFO : l 1!1J?tSI')' 26, i.GlJ s !.ilP o1 Cc1 lifnm 1~ Cou nty o ~ _"-.j .-_ ... · -L. i,_,. •- On _ +-~ _b~· )-i.._ "' '~.!.-_ he ~orc mP, . i -'L:.,..-r!2!::!. .... __ _ _ _ , ~J ot a iy Pu11rc (f'"le :c 111 !-lf=Jt mm1e arnJ til ,!e of lh P. off1u ~r ), pt:r:!.0113:t y t1 r:11ea n.:cJ __ f.'·., ...:..:...::.-L ' :_'..;_J!~ ... ~;· ~1:..:.u ,>· ~~~ __ _ ~: ,-~~ ... ·,,.. 2.__ C .. r _~-_ _ __ __ , wtto prow;:f tc 1m• on the h~si s of 'La ti!:fcJt10:",,' cv ::i?n :.C tn he t it:.: p :·;,;:i.,(:.;, ·.,ihi..\:i c nam.:(~:) 1.f.,-..l!r(! !i ..1L,:,cri !lf:,j lo t h 1.: 'l"l,l'",1 , in~.1rum.:::11t and a~11 n L",le<lyi.:d to ~ tt1 iNt ~.~l.~/they l ?Xr<:ut•.:i.l fhP '.'i.tm~ ;n h i~/Lhek ;u.o lh oni7,•..i c.ip;i,Jty (h.".>), a n tl thNt ll,y ~t:s>/ttle1~ !>i;t,natu~e :~, o n th-:.: i:n,;;trutm!r.l the J:{!rson(!a), or the eHrn y upc11 l;;-a haQf u f wh:dl tr, ... pe1s:.1;1(~) a:.'1.:tl, e xe:..ute!d m(: 1m,1rumcnL I te:t J y 11nder P l Nf1llY 0 1 PFIUUHY 1nd e, lfu : l.:.v;s d H tP Sta 1c of Gjllfumi rt th.i~ lht> fo1 ~goir..q par i.lyr .iph 15 aruc a nd corrc~. WI f NFSS nli h,itilt-0Rd.0J.i ir,ir1I s~ail. \ ' ,A l J I M ,,,, -·--Sqrmt u re __ .+·-~.:l ·1, ·~ / - AIJ Ill II cc U(ZI !~ :...•.• -·-.---=----_-_ ---~~ 5 \'l•lllol fi:. Sui rrp;r~tiD!?PT- ~ ..Jo.: U tl~2(.DS3 L<. l..cailb& ~o.: C/,Cl J ,'./43 l/43 l 9.!l.f0Ll;;!B.l0 0:>3 Tit!~ N~.: lJ 0332005~ W> !HE.LANI) RU LRRLO IOIILRLIN ULLOW 15 S!IUA I UHN m L lO'itfN Of LOS GAiOS, <.:OUN lY OJ SANIA CLAM, sr A I L o r CAUrGR rJIA, AND JS D[S.CRm rn AS m t l OW-S : POIUB O N OJ LOI 10 IN OLUC.:K 2 AS SHOVVN LU"GN lliAT CFRTAJ N MAJ> IH JTl11fD, "9JRDIVtS Jm~ OF Bl OOCS I A~D 7. OF THf MCO..Jt·t A.GH mACT J~ AND AiDJOINlt{G THf TO'J'J'N OF LOS Gf\TOSM, 'NHICH MAP WN;; FILED FOR RECORD IN THF GFFIC.f OF TH F RFCOROF R OF TH F COUl\!TY Of SAN'Tl1 CT.1'RA, STATE OF CAUFOJ?Nrn, O N MIW 29. 188B IN ROOK O OF MAP'S, AT PAG>F ~ AND t.mRE PAR llOUlAR L Y m :sooorn AS ~OLWWS: COMMLNONG Al lt1L F'OlNI Of IN I E..R5l C HON or Tl i l SDU1H[RLY U NJ.: or IILRN.ANDl!..L AVLN UL Vt!W I lllL LASURLY UNt or PlMU A ~t RtL1; RU NN I NG THf!NC[ Al ()..JG THF SOlHl t~R l Y I INf. OJ· Hf R.NANl)J-/ AVn!lJI SOUT H 6 ! OEG \R([ 15' EAST H7.0S f[['f 10 'Ull l\lU~ltiWLSf(RLY COR~~U ( 0~ 1H.A1 PAA(l:L OI l ~.NlH'.ONVi~YW TO NIE\.'VAN A . HPLLER BY CJEUA S. JOY, BY DflEO OATFD OCTOBFR !4, l 'J7 1 AND RECORDED OCT00~R 17, 192 1 I N 6~0X 541 Of D!EEDS , fff PAGF 19-9, SANTA C!J\.RA CCU NTY RfCOR OS; RUNN IN G THENCE t,LON{; THE WE STERl YI INF OJ SA[D ,~~oJ>tR1Y so COf\.'Vl VLD to I U LLER S:Ol11H S DEG RH :10' Wf S'l A D I S1 A.f.JCL m (:,:J.o:m 1 1.:El 10 r m. OTVIDJNG I m F !f!fTVu'EEN SATP l OTS 10 /\ND 11 OF SAIO TRt1CT, THENCE ;ALONG THF OTVJO i l\!G UNE BF.T\IV ffN S.f\l D LO IS WAND 11, Nt>R t ll 8 4 OlC:.iRLL -:JO' WLSr A DISTANU or 107.]D n.u TO A POI N T ON )Ml lASrtRL'I' UN:L Of PFRJ\I TA STRFFT; AND THFll!(F Al Ofl!G IHF FASTFR l VI.INF OF PflR/ll TA STRffT, NO RThi 5 OFGR FF 70' FAST l l6 iFFFT IO 1 ML POlN I 01 C.:OMMLN(t.MLN I . IWN: Sl0...g 2 -035 ......... _._. ....... '~ ,~~ t;?!i\ I,~ /7 --d'./L ST. AVE. CITY OF LOS Gill CAL I FORM I A 1rcal_eH 1" = .50 'tttHEIGIIT •. ! I I+++++· J..Ja~_, ./ ,, •• FT• ! JJ.IT ~ ea_,, -OW~J.;RSll!I' ll-+-++-l-H -+-!-++-1 -1_,__._ IH I I I I H -+++- 71 ·~r Out'bldgs I Pres.Value · I ... ~F.lDIVISION _ /, {~~~;RACT, 7)1 e_ ~ ~ J' /> d-e. NUMBER / O _'J '.~~~PTION {,(,,I , {e; '1, f' .. / § o,./f_ ..._~__,_JI --.:-- A /(") 7 Dimensions Area or Cuhage IJ111t Cost .•. ~ .;'.""' ~.'i i P,\ X X X X X X -~age X ;()JZ,J ncl at I on X I ;i.3 ~~:H M 0 ? 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Stonr. 1'1tt~~f1dwc1 , __ "ld Styl e -..b::::'.:::.. lluftf'!t k Ft Full_Part~on;_ ·H -H-f--1-1-1 -~++~ ~ ... : .. ,.-· Orf1r• Ot ,ltc nrt c-k ._Stour _____ Trrra r,,ttt1 l'alnt f'ttY-.r.u .. l'ft ._ w,,11•m lloo1: Cu1~s ___ P'loor 1(f,t':"!t.dtf.'"Ot -!!• 1 Ar a rt~ l'o 4t.!-_Pil'tr~--Ttlr> Goo1 I_ \A~Ct1t --Lo rkPr, l'&l!A;:t,f=St.V.Ot ~Rm~. llot,.I 'hub! 11 ------~tu CCt) f'atr11 t flll!rl~---Uol~flnl!'fl~II _ftm,tt , 11011,,..11 11"'" __ nu Yoorl 1.ttth WAl ,l.,S le CE ll,l !'fliS hlTll lloo\4S n,.rrt r."r&tor .., r,· _ •. ___ 1tm1. ll oi,1,,, __ 1h1 l'hlr"kt's r c-l'ta~t .. rf>,l __ tt,,." l ,111,'Jtt!_._Sm,dlJ........._ r.,-,~11 Sht"h ·g.~ lttl.VATfJns Dank ll f'.IJ -_ lh1~t1 c_11l' __ mi l 'llll!llt, llrl.~llnl~ Room~ --__ No. S p eed:_111 __ !,ow ~Yrtu.e . tort JIHO I· He~a•el\ roml'r>· 11,1 . __ n,..~ t:,u,,1 __ M(sf.1-:LWFJ1VS _.. El,.r.._lJyn._.iA.u to ..:...L.._r.ar G11 ra1tP fiA h l ~~I~\; ___ Hn1, & HAr. ___ Sluero ____ Um"'i ~•11111111 __ ~ St fl("•tllk' L1,t,'t.~-J't1~t1. P'rt • .,.tuh Wt. ___ s1111r. ThP11.tr~ Hlf'l~#\mh,rl __ ShJrl•I'----1J111tu•rot U1••n,1 __ c___ Jo"J r-P" F.~~ai(E-s---11Pt(ht /' Ft Mi,ll ___ FActory Meu!t iu,1 ~l>l'"fflr __ ~(n'"'l ty __ T&f;_ Ptu1r.lr.d 4 Shu••r __ ----l'J atf' Ul ft.Sf! ___ Std~•U·'---- ~ls ~tett o 11 ___ l'llltu _C~-<'o rr. Tron . ___ 0>,_a.inf?{1 CotlJ11r,:_/_ T~J.-F l uo r--.-- Green tlou~"---l '111 11t."•I ~ f{hu..l,,t4 I / 1'lJ,. "'el I h ; ~- ilchool S t ,il11•d~ ====:;:=~:::;;:;;e=~=:;;:::=::::;;:==== ._._._ • ..._.STREET FRONTl-1-H I I I I I I PIUCF.n m £f a.~l! 61 nATF. 7/12.j.!I/_._ CllSSIFICATIOR ~--& B C 0 QUA.l,fTY: f:ht-"fl· ••• : M~, •• : Gon,1..,, ~ S 111•d 111 •.•. , OCCtlrA'U!Y llw11(to;/7' v,.c,uit T,•u ,mt ~ot, ll n,_~•-' ------Age //6 Tra, R...,,d•led Age~ Yrs, Condition: Now Poor ,~ .vr.. <.,;._ :· >} rr{ UJ.;C OltAT UUi l ,Jc;lf'rf"lli MtCUANTCAJ. E~IJTVIIF.NT -Pree .Val • ... -0 L tan nTMOS ~~!'l~e~ i I'll PrPct::::::2:._ll,,,< ~o-or F!,:t. ___ VeutUat.1ng ~Y"''~"' ~ , .. ~1: . . · /I Stories ~~~!:;~~~ r ' nm,F.l,.<"t rt c k": SrrSnkJ•rSy~tell' ¥ ,, ?!?~,~~cnce ; 'f RQ~~;; tl '.~ ~.,(~i ___ ~ TJUU Tint~ 1----ll lr\ S t 'I A~1tol'le,U c FirE> Alann $ -;-• • ,• .. ~ ---:·· ,-''I 1 ~ rtt'. , ."., ..• / ·. :~'J'J I •· ""~01 ,ry C a.nV llot ____ rb< '4 1 · ' ,.V:::-:::--VAemu, r.tPIUltn2: sy~t~ S , ?{ , : · ~Dcorecl at Ion for: l.11e 1c nr P tJ 111 y, .... · · • ... ~ -~;;.,.. y~1ilJ ·~~~': ___ ,llr t."'l ;a,tlt":-1-, --~tr.I<. r:~"'Mt ,11 1 Watr r ll•ater __ Stor a,c".lZ'utoreatte·~~ ~ T ,_,, "', ·- ~ Medlua Vet llo f\Jt1l"tln11,i1 0t-r .. e 1 ~ .••.. ~ !!!ifl~lot __ itniat-~· •' 1'1 11.ot ll t . .l o t I n:.J)·ur ,,.~ ,: ~ M~ :Ur ConrUt10111t1tt s ., . ~.;,. .. ··" llrnlPr •••• j lf1T f"'O YPl'lf'11L: fl)t'ftl)(\JI, •••...•• :t ··~. r.c~n T J J r ---' "t11-u~m -·-11•--VI dari l f.l p -· --ffil 9un,;. ___ • • --,--I/ 1'111.)11 Mp,t , "~-s,1PCial l'rl ! ___ Ju t J --• ~('. U!!'l'f'--,.,-- ·nott~~-Sht1C~-rte _\4rt1._C1t,-~fu'ltl~-----Tn.,tlc _____ rrroi;;"'i urr Sy c;,1.flm __ t>£S t GN· Goo d .•. ,; Ac[iiipt~h Je ... ,; Pour,, .. ; F'r "Ak,,,., °§.tf~... ' J-UACIIES: :rn~II Ef\ ~;~~:::-.,-,t------ll~ATISG « &rinRUCJI(l,)f F ro11t.J-ll-"r--'--l'l 1t)11 .. Z --FlJH tHS ,.,,....1 ,1 ,Y-sio~'__;,,--IHITHU{UJU((jS-V ALUE l luder Swo ~MV,_nvy._ o1,_..11 .J_ooo f'Pcl~ ":11ml 1r1· or Roo'!'f · llot Alr f"11r11.e:__ ntm11tn, __ x ___ ft:A.R., --,-,«--- ~tlOOlll'Y sr r<"•n,.,1 1•s "-----.....!J.._ ~r.t.!111 :_l'tpeJ e "" "'"Jl, __ Aoof __ F~=---- ~td.Conc ._Fr ,_ c:1a~~,.,t Ju ~ 11 11.rtlwo o,t_ J_ c:a, o r 0 1 1 FtrP_ AN'!' ___ s,,Ft i S .. ~2.Y:•. Ft . STOH t-~ Fltmcr .. r'!'nu•·u t _____ n,uHAut J,~,,.,. ___ u ... pro.f.:ost :i~..,"'---·--------- ~i -Fram~~ OUTAIJIIJllNGS ,<0 _ INJ~a•I TlJ ,. ___ ---Stea,1 o r Hot 'lr'At , ___ .f. ftoo.d,rl'1{ES ,\'ALU t-: 8 ~-•--o,r-__ l~Ar&f';~ ,. C 11r!II __ l'tat.VO ,,,.t. MarhJ e _____ A.rcD.llt. SJ!lllterw _ ··_,,,,- i~;~de ___ U,.tchd· .taChPd_ ~-V ,. 111 Wood Tt?rra1;zo ____ The"90!1Jtat t!.~:W'alJ~Sh ·-"""'-.-.--J11.tt>MSt"red C:ompo,tt lon ___ f'looror Ml scella.n~usRt•arks ~;&.f~.:t1u1...t:'___ Wtry llou!!t>___ ShPet Glt1Ss. Eftrth __ ---W&.11 F\lm. ____ See He•erse ~i}UAT AX S'i81'EM TIIE MlllJEI\N ANALYTir. METHOO OF R~:ALTY V,\J ,IJATION--.JAMES r,, STAFFOJU) t,,, ASSOPA1'l!:S , t-1JH11t 11 1,AN : tic,od ••.• ; AccrrA,ct«t'~ ••• _._;_ lt•k•ti n l •••• , • , , • 11,r1 •,.t.r r o r w,u1..,.LJS:rt : :'(umhP r rJf r111r,.J•·~ ..... ::.:·· rer --Sourr.~ o r (nfor-Met t nu-- lU-:ST 1 ---Mo . Tenant Ag Pnl B.!1ts111At-·'1 IIAKI.ANII ANll SAN PIV.NC:ISCO, Ci\T,tl", ~1 9 •o . ~.,.,. "r, n ,, r , ,", J I \ I J'.. I\ r r I\ I\ 1 ,"I " a., l II "'If I I t t\ I I II a • • •• ... V r• t • v" " -........ ., .. --!~f ., 13 itO Clt no. LOT llO . /0~ <>Q BLOCK BOO K PAGE I t/-YEAH UHll J fl 19 10 I s /g o!} s $ $ -Oesc ri rt 1J f\, C,i m ens I on~ ana O w rie r:::,t1 i p o f Peal Pr oot r t y Oescrib ~a he re in. con f o r ms w ith f,an rl Off i r iAI PI c c k B L'O k , lHlll 45 Sc~smen t ~'"P o r rt, e ci t , Na me d o n Re v e rse . Value d t o t\<:C:o unLH'i l i ty .t ssunied f <•r M3t ter s L 09 8 I in Char acLer. Co,.rut a t ion o f Vi;ilue ~ o r Oull,liug -u~/$ $ $ , l ano ana Au i ldings i n Ac~o rda nc e wt th f1.>t'\t r ac t Pro v isions fd'i' E(luat a • Syst em Valuati o n. Valur SYM!Jll, F1to ~T OF.:l'Tll PCT. CO"F· UNIT COMP ll TF.D VALU E ~umh er of Blrlp.;s / OWNF.RS IIIP RECORD err ,..:;,.,-, 1..7.t/f.' lb I / .§"Cl. ~9 X I {lf · loS-$ 1940 I • • . ~ .. '17 X t I lf 7 (;),,'3 33,o../-lb '5°:2.fef · 1041 ~ C:.a-n-<= I ~ I I X 1942 X 1 94 ~1 ,oic Ae:t.}<~:~~tl a,~ I~\:) I 1 .... c:r 1944 1945 Aclrl ed Fo,· All "Y . SYMBOLS 1 9 4 6 l ','f,:fr·u ut T~1,e:I I', f\,T,=lll'~Jnnp;le, D,L,,.llllck l,ot r.01np, TOTAL I ~ D ~ C.I.=t ·,.,.,,,.,. li1p11rl', rJ1 = It!' se r.or11Pr Comp, $ 1947 Retail Uus _l 11r~s D H.t ?S1 f1 t'l1 Cf\ D SPECI Ai, RF:MAJ tKS SKETC II ES OR f\EMARK S, OR Semi Uusi u r•~s D t11<1ust.rl al D M F,'l'ES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION REVI SIOtlS A~O AOJUSTMEflTS: Hecorrl Belo" Suhs e!l u e n t Chnr1~1'S 111 Vo.luP due to Re-aryru sal . l11 dicl!.tP Reason for Action Such as Arl i t.ions,AJ tP rnti ons, Rehu .lrllng, F l rP Loss, llemo U t ion, or llemoval of Hui l din,e:s, ll ,\T E llrl\!'<o n for >\r.t.lon IIY COST REPRO, DEPRF:CI A-REVISED FACTOR COST TION V/\Wl': .. ili,_;~t;t;t( . ' " .... ;~ ... ;--,.:.:-.,,;,~ ..... -.;r.r n 1l ~ ;it~~':~:~;·, .. ~ Sanbom Maps --Document Lrn ages Click on map to: ro zoom in r re-center Select window size for viewing; Los Garo~ O ct 1904 . Sheet o aaoDD l I r 1 I I I •. •, ,--. \ \ 5 ··-- ----- -----·---.. _\ Page 1 of I Zoom: 1107% 3 / t hllp ://0-sanbom. umi .com.mi 111 .sj Ii brary.org/sanbom/image/v iew?state=ca&reel id-=-reel35&1 . .. 03/22/06 Sanborn Maps --Document Images Click on map to : ,o zoom in .-re-center Select window size for viewing: 0 0 0 0 D I.GS C.llU~ Apr 1 B0 'i . S llfJO I I :) \ I 0 , . \ \ \ \ \ \(;> \~ Page I of I Zoom: 1215% ---~ -1 v : ,/ \ .jO ---./ \ http:t/0-sanbom. umi .corn .mi 111 .sj library .org/sanbo rn/i magel view'?state=ca&reelid==reel35& I... 04/05/06 Sanborn Maps --Docume nt Images Click on map to : ro zoom in r re-center Select w indow s ize for viewing : D O D D 0 Los Gatos June 1908. Sheet 7 . ~ . ' .. • .. ~ @ \ I b~u:, \":?- \-C .. -·.•p Zoom: j 216 % ~ \~-------I I \ \ -1 =>-- t Page 1 of I ' ' ' ~ . ~· ' ·-. http ://O-sanbom .um i .com.m i ll I .sj librar y .o rg /sanbom/image/vi e w?st ate=ca&reelid =reel35&1 ... 03/22/06 Sanborn Maps --Docume nt Images Click on map to : ro zoom in (" re-center Sel ect wm dow size for viewin g · D O O O D Los Gatos Ma, 1~28 Jul y 19-14 . Sheet 1~· .... -....... ®'· I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ . so·, I \ \ \ \ > \ \_. \ . · .. ~ . • >, . I Zoom: 1215% ····-·.:4, ~ (.• • .1~· \ -' __ ... -------\ ---_ . .,..:.-\ \ ·, . .,, -·-.-· Page I of I -- http ://0-san bom.umi .com .m i 111 .sj I ib rary .o rg/sanbom/im age/v iew?sta te=ca&reel id =ree l35& I... 03/26/06 Sanborn Map s ·· Doc ument Images Click on map to: <ii zoom in r re-cente r Select window size for viewing : D D O D D Los Ga:os M dr 1928. S h eet 1 S \ \ \ \ \ \ Cl\• v·, :.{i'. V • \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I . I \ \. \ \~. ,;_ ·--~ Page I of I Zoom: !214% I L ____ _ ·-~~ ----- http ://O-sa nb o rn .um i .corn.mi 111.sj I ibrary.org/sanbom/image/v iew?s tate=ca&rec lid :c:ree l35 &1 ... 03 / 19/00 File address d/n.,u. !Bfoo m(ufd ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH ---------------PARC EL MAP INFORMATION Parcel II ______ ._..;.._..;.;;.....;.....;... ____ _ Lot siz e :-~--front ft . x ARC H rTECTU R AL H iSlUIH 14 151 922-1063 2220 WEBSTER STREET S AN f R ANCISCO. C A 8 4 1 15 ___ ft . deep Lot shape : Rectangle L ___ Re ctangle with small rear JO&.._ Other r------------- Location : N / S " E w side of ___________ St __ Ave· Other _____ _ distance to cross st : ft. N_ S_ E_ W_ from:....----------- a t NE __ NW SE __ SH corner o f. ___________ _ HISTORIC I NFORMATION ON PA~CEL MAP Old tract or subdivision name:--=__::.. _____ Old Block II ____ Old lot # __ ....;...--'-'--- FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) Preli minary rating~-~-·-Estimated age ___ _ Alt~rations. ________________ .....:.~---------~d:.._ __________ _ Other. _____________________________________________ _ OWNERS! Source ~~ Source Da t e ____ /1891 I Blk Book ' 1908 1941 Source Pag2 Su r ve y r---I Location of propercy , Old tract/block/lot ·-------~~-------- o r Lot Olmer Size Name ' l ~ ' - "' EV,LUATION . Det ~_ ~ \•, -C/0 (-jr,}) C ' Contributer)( • Alterauons f Hovell I R.iu:••d Porch encl-----------------------• "· I) -_ ----· 1stn.ct Hon-contnb_ l::a rl:iest known Addit ion_ S1d1n~ Windows Cond1t1on IJvne r:s_ Re s ident : l • > r .Gmttexf {s > : ------------------------Des111 ner : e_ b_ d_ /'1 I l'lJ.;:>t-c LL1m.1:1..1u .:> PHOTOS : Roll /frame # ____ Date_ National Reg i ster l isted date _________ _ County Inventory 1979 -------.,,.....------Town of Los Gatos: Designation __ Reco gnition __ District Name _______________ __ Prev1 ous Surve y C-. ---------------Get har d: page # i llustrat i on page# Butler/Junior Leagu e ---- -·------------------ fir~t t::Jr ~5-c0rci e;r(a.~t v.,1i t h t!:lf)f(Yti,•.en:~nt: 1s !(~~ 1 T~~tS'T7 ;s I:') ~'SYJr!G. ic,!· !Oct Owner is Pc:-,v,,l<e:, r';?i~rr~d t.o a~ 'Judgf· in tli~ f-&11 Ring·-2.·· v,.'fit.f.'lr:'. H:,:-i<lu(, t&.J, HBti:n.g i.: lvirs i.1.lE. Fowioe r. Tii.E: 191J2 ,jty d1r~ct-.::.ry 11sr;:. 2. (.,.?' ~,,. •• ·,,.! .... ~,,_ 1~· ,._r., "'f-'J -·11 p ·r. \-J,' Ii r,c-1 1 . -., y L'"'i,.._,,. ..... ~ ..;,_.,""" J-n • '.l •\C ,. !'." 1' ·r: l".":'.•;'71 !~'. ih .. Y , •l·.,l. . .<•,iJ,!!: \•l :--!',! ..! l' ,\',•i'e'! ,id .1"i <::! i!,:h!•A'.'.:'. ,: ! C.'':'., ·' c! . .t•.; . ';'I.'_• J•11.·'t'T ,•r .•· •.i .:•t"-:_,.~ .•.4• ,-,J"\" ;:.~,•I ,-.' j • i('1 -'r\• • +-~-~ ,,•• •.,•,L•r~ •'( 1'·"•~•'' ,:. ( .. .j,;,-•1 j,._ l..! r::-;-' it.t -:-t;. .... ,...,-1...! .... ' .. 1 ,J'_;c;!.L 1 ... Jt...,~6~. !ll : !,i •) ... t!t.: L,C,.1:.. .:. ;::"1,..•J1 "" V \·Vi..:.-.. l J.:, 1.._!l.,:.,. ... \ r..-; !•·;._; ',·~• ~-··,"\1;7C ;•·; f '{·::, 1\)fJ··o t •'•t A•.:· "•iir.,-·,··lj :;.r \•·,~'.;i <"( "•'-Y•r .(')1 1.:,l·(!:0 ",'t C ,;;,1·• ....... J ... , -1.i.,-, _ -1-......... ,. .~ ;1 .C''\'\'.._ ......... _ .. !J-V .__o ... i.v.i ... -.. it. J.!!l! .. _l .................. _.i.,.;: ._ l\, , .. (.(1,ti(,iJ~ t:· r~:;1 .. ~t;1!<·v ., ?~f~ .. i~~ .. · r1r€-:;ttr.113t1;' tl1~ sar1}e co;·r~-s-r :. ~~1C~'?-,·1c-9 Tter& 8i)~'·:?a ~·:~: :_.~~ t~t: 81:,J~J Sf act.~tt..ior1 tri!,Cif !r: 1·;!7 t~)~ j·:::·:i c::,~<:1.:!1 r f T.~. tE.:: r:2c;,r{·:. ~.~.,·c r 0 19 Hernandez photo c. 1984 0 c/lnru. !Bfoomf uld. ANCH l TBC'!'URAL/CUL~ SURWY ARCHITECTURAL H ISTORY (,415l 1122·1063 22211 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 941 15 ~ RESEARCH Doe::, (porocm, Hilding. o r90nii:0Uo11 , o tcl _____ ;_,._:-_-_. _.:._·· :_'_)_..,_; ___ . _-_-_ .. ,,., ___________________ _ Addrooooc a 1>o ocia t od vith M111110, __________ '_·-_·: __ ,._ .... • -___ 1_.;.../_:~.:..~----·:· __ :-;_-_··----------------- o l o vo nt dntoo1 conotr~etion ~-' ·• birth.._ ___ . dooth._ __ J. DJllEC'i'OftY SEARCIC (City Dlro~orioo , county Diroc:torioo, Tolopho ll:'.J lil =ltc, o ocio ty diroctorioo, otc.) Y nn• Sool:c nn--,/~t11nntO <""' u--~·-........ .a--,_ ..... _t ~-•I.Pn o•n .. t-tv on n h n=,• u m , 11 f n v boldfn""'I '·;, , (} I,..-~ ,:. ,· J.? J . ' , (~· ,-/ l -•){,If ., /. . l ).:,· ( I ~..,. ) I /-r .. -I ) -:_ .I ... ,. I - ; ., -0j,...J:....,:.-r . - - --I / :. -, /I. ·-ff;;-~//;::,; ; I _._-~--, ., ., . /I . -=?· /;'/ I {-;,, ,{' ... .. 'I ---// f....,' It;/ ~--, I ,.~ ·,..: /I I . : I ' I ' . I' I ! ~ '/ ~7 /.q t ,JD .Jc ,J c.,,._,/;tt f? ;tA.r ,.;, I? 4,f::r-.. I ~F)l) (t:J ,,~/p ,. LE Q) I BIOGRAPR ICAL IWUIICI!!, ln6olioo 6 othor olphabotlcrol llot1119~. ~rlt 'X' (lnfd o ir 'ti' (nothin9 fOIIIM9 ) ot ooch a o11rco you try. Llot Undtavo bol0t:1. Los Gatos Library Cal ifornia History Center, De Anza College ~-Directories, 1919+ ~-Biographical file Historic Collection Index Photo collection ~-Thompson & West, 1876 -- Photo collection ~-County history 1888, Pen Pictures ~-County history 1922, Sawyer ~~.G. history 1971, Bruntz ~vJ lr.,f'- Los Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill) Death records/obituaries --Directory , 1902 or 1903 Photo collect ion San Jose Histor ical Great Registers --Indexes --Photo Collection Museum (of voters) General sources, unknown l oc ation(s) __ Indexes, California Historical Quarterly State Li brary Informat ion Index (fiche) State Library-S.F. Newspaper Index Census (microfilm) ~-Co un ty history 1881, Monr oe Fr aser --Brainard maps I I I. LIST ALL R2~£R£~C£S FROM ABOVE . Find them. Copy good llllltorin l 6 ottnch, Or copy bQlo~ if only n f~ ~orda. or cxpl11i n ~hy not rolovo nt (no, wrong poroon), l::J Continued on Rovo rec d ot.,9 Fi le Arld .-ess Ir ,f~/4-NtJCtE.:. din.rt£ !A. omfufJ. ARC HI T~GTUNAL SURVEY ASSESSMENT RO LL RESEARC H 22' '•E8SfF.:A !. 1Rf.£t SAN~ ISCO CA 9 4 I 15 Tract/Block/Lot /Jlc{j,U4fJI J.;G I L4r Z....... Ass<>ssments are filed h'! last name of propert y ot:tner , but not necesser ily i n al phabet i cal o r der . Some years there is an jndeit i.nside the volume or i n a separate book. The goal of a search is to find t he years when the assessed value of ";mpr ov<>mPn t:s " {buildings) changed from Oto over $500, or when that figure r ose by $500 or mroe . Write dot:tn ever y year ancl n;im,, vou try , i nclud1ng the yea r s when you find noth ing . Ditto marks are fin~. -----Lot Identification/Boundaries------------Assessm ent for-- Date Page /9971 --/?9/ ~1--4--V ~ , _________ _ Name Tr act/ Block/ Lot/ Acres ~ ~ ~ w Bdy 1!! $ :JJtJ Improve- ~ Ot he r Info. $ //ao Jrq-fi:,y~ ~ /1'lP«i!_ fz_ 1yr,-~ 1 ~ I ff;.J-r/fO l c,u~ s. lb <fO G,tr11 ''N./i~~ .... ~ o f ,,~~rt)~~ ,~6('1'Q ~ ~ /gu0 6_a,, ~~~ ~-..) "*' 9/0 .:~~fl~ :~ ---- -~~-~~--~-~---------------- ----------- - - I':' -·-.-_:._. __ /rn 1 bals mn:t! (c : t./. t ·1 I I ~-· ( I ' I, . , I I (,. t •-, • I (Jc: ,(.":. • I . ' i , . .,, ,. I ! .. , ·.! , . .. ' 'I/ I (. I \ • l, ~ , .. '· I I I I,' ., -'\ ' . ' /)(,.' , I 'i '. Street: r flEAS!: t'RINTl l..&.s ~Atos Museum A.s~c.,a.-t ,o n. M ,s1ono. Home Su r'VI!: y I n f orms nt : j HERNANDEZ Hl")u~G numbe1T: I Phrrne: 19 i£forn 'fc: I Phone: 354 -9224 r re ~e nt ov ·n ers: Joyce and Richard Kline . kstlmAted c ~nstruc tl~n d8te: --~CA ....... B-c.l_B_9=0-'=s--__ ----------------------------~ b BuildGr: wnei'IS~ip : Original : Judge fowler OccUl)Qti on: 19_: Mr s . Joy 11 II _widow II II " " (yee r of 19!_&. ...ti.a .lioe . .r or He i liggr ourchss e } l~..:_6: c .c. Barre II II II II I 1 9~: Richard Kj _ng (f r om estate) le Pre r:G nt) 192._0: Richerd ts line 01',n er teacher OccuDent e: 19_: Occunation : II II 19~~: M C 5 J ___, rs . , . oy II II " It 19 35: U.W. Egner ~ W.H. Heiliger I 19 "6: _...c ...... c_ ... e ... a .... r .... r .... e __________________ _ I - ! History: (Please identify infor mation sourc o .) DoPa Rankin l .s . -Judge Fowle r had son . Leonard , an attorn ey and 2 daughtex i nuns in Washinton Mrs art of the housA as rental One of the tenants wu~ Ed ~elvin , owner of Wes t Valley Mortuary and had a s on born here . .5~ Afp 1ne Aue.1------------------------------- Ori qinell v (Plees e identi fy in i o rm c tion aour c G a nd year of chsnge.) a one family dwelllnq now '4 apawtments . 777? l.65 ~tos. O!. II Remodeling: ---------------------------------------------------- It in a one family dwelling -extensivelly re -modeled by the Kings who made it into 3 floors. ~ . I I I t"' ~ I ' ' . I t i I ~ ~ ~ I ' ! \ll ti. ~ ~ 0- 3. ' ,'• 'C < I ,;~ I 1.l ., -~4 ..• r- () ~ ' "' • t ~ t ~ ~-~ -! ~ ~ 6 i ! ~ 't?I ,.. m ~ i , ~ fj j I ~ § I ~ ~ B I ~ ~ t ~ '- ~ ~ t I 2 i ~ Ill w ::I. a--! ' .J i ~ I I ~ ,q_ ! I i ~ ~ '-' 2 () ~ J i i ':I U) s1 ~ ~ . : --- 71N~ "'t,ik'.lrl~d;H bl -d~O?? ,d'V\,},,I;,, i" NW'l._l' t ,i:;,-,;c~,, >-I~ ,C,.1N3W;>.N>,l,JWI ,._ _________ --------------~- 9".)11...-m.,j cM-l ,~.J ~._,,....,...,, 'rH'1J 3Ll~ t:) 2 .. J \\. :., t- .. C ~ ~ ~ t • ~ J 4) ~ .. IC :I' ~ " ,, ,, ( -, > 1 I -c,001\7,? •IA'l,l~ ,.C !"1 1.....-V f ~01~"pz:! .. 4."r C..J.N;l..-l .l,..Od.:IL,-,» ,01 .,-?J. Stf<:11"1J .f:?71.:tl -,;;..,,..11 ru,,• •• 1 ;-"' 1~~ -d;t101 i -·-·.,. {! ~~ '1 ~ ~ L ~l I T I I ./ C l 1 ~~ :~ :~ -'< -. ~ ;! ; I ~ ' ~ > IU J z ! ~ " 2 ~ ~ • t\' ~ I J !!J IL ·•· t "] ~ ~ ~J cO ~ . ' ul it1 ~ b I 7.: -r \) J I ~- I om ·~ W'I --;vw "%.iOr!o'f'f,...att ~ -.,;t:l/10? ~,.. ~......, f ;r.><001~ .. o. .;.,~.,...-, > ~ Ul ,,,,.,,.,.t{ <,,NOf,J...,,....31°8 30tdai..,(~ " 2 () ~ > " _} \\ J.•../ .. ,,;.,,.:,.a .,0 1 g g i ~i i ' i ~! ~ I "' i ! ff'?·~ <ic'l ·~ ~~:H 1..1 ,1 I ~ ' , . .. 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Yll''\.L~ r ,, ..,.,.. t ;:l'.,?J'IOOI~ .11~ + t;.J,.N;lvJ-;At)~cA,lf > j Ill :t s , l\ -· ~ • t ,n,••,'!,( 9"101J.-:il'~1tli IOtd~ • Sf'OU.IQ,K)? <?ri lil';.1,-<~ " "' t " ~ "' I~ ~ " 2 > () ' ~ ( ) Ill _l Ul II d. ~ :j: .. "' ~ {\ \- ~ ,:__ Ill 0 0 2 ! d .t r- " ), "' I I r \ ' ~ \ \ ~ ,- [, ! > ~ ,c " lU ' " ---l ,, 2 tu () i > UI \ ~ Ill U) tt cl ~ lll ~ cJ. II ~ 3-l: I- 'I, I.I N.f.S AO Site Plan, Zoning and Tabulations, Assessors Parcel Map A 1 Forst Floor Plan, Details A2. Forst Floer ,F.oundirtion and Floor Framilg Plan, Details A3 Exterior Elevations A4 Exteri<>r Elevations, Building Section EC1 Existing Conditions • Lower Level and Main Level Floor Plans EC2 Existing Conditions -Upper Level and Porch/Patio Floor Plans EC3 Existing Conditions • Exterior Elevations EC4 Existing Conditions -Exterior Elevations PHASE ONE • Remove existing wood deck surface . • lns1all furring and'plyw.lod to flush out all-. • Waterproof and install tile finish surface . • Install new deck guardrail to replace existing . • Replace existing wood stair to grade with new wood stair. • lnstail treltis over portion of deck. • Install bnck al front porch and steps . • Replace existing spiral stair to grade. PHASE JWO (Separate Building Petmitl • New 36 SF addition. • Relocate existing electriclll panel/meler and solar Inverter panel. The Cum,ntCodes odot*,d, as amended by the Town of Los Gatos effeclive January 1, 2017, we 2016 Calilomia Building Code• • Part 1 California Administratiw Code • Part 2 Califomia B..icing Code, Volumes 1& 2 • Part2.5caJifcmiaReoidentialCode • Pa!l 3 Califomia Eleclrical Code • Part 4 Ca1itomia Mechanical Code • Part 5 California Plumbing Code • Part 6 Ca1i1omia Energy Code • Part 8 California HlstoricaJ Building Code • Part 9 California Fin, Code • Part 11 Calitomia Green Building Standards-CAL.Green, 1st Slat&-Adopted Green Code • Part 12 Califomla Referenced Standard Code And updated , • 2015 lnlorndonal Code !of Property Maintenance • 2015 lnlomationaJ Existing &-.g Code, Chapters 9, 14 and Appendioos Al, A2, A:J, M & AS CODi=.'5 Zone: Rl-8 Setbacks: Boo'd bv Zoning Front 25ft Street Side 15 ft Interior Side 8 ft Rear 20ft Lot Area: 9927.29 sf (.228 acre) FAR: .35-~x.20 ~.311 25 Allowable Floor Area: Floor Area Tabulations: Lower Level Main Level Upper Level Total 3087.4 sf Existing 621 sf 2090 sf 427 sf 3138 sf Grand Total (E+N) 3114-sf Actual 18.2tt 11.3tt 43 .5tt 28.8ft Addition 36> sf Lot Coverage : 2090 (existing main floor area) , +%(additionarea)(SEflo-Pe~M~PEQ D) +740 (raised deck area) 28""sf (28'-'> X 100)/9927.29= 28.61 % C>.Yner: Alain and Sylvia Couder 19 Hernandez Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 Ph (408) 313-9005 couderal@gmail com svtviasumcou@omail com Ir--·· I G II,' f'-'.D,lD ' ~ij-ol!i+ I "~ ~ ~ - J 9 107.;o' RECEIVED JAN 3 + 2018 T OWN OF LOS GAT OS P L ANN I NG DIVI SIO N ~ :r (i ..: Ul 3, 's }:, ~I '!) ::, I z h ~ C { Jw.qeD q \ IQJ ~ I /~i;.~.Fr)= I ~ J / ~ -,.,--<l. 11·4-tl. Ill ll... !I ATTAC:Ji\"2NT 111 ,10 '-o' ,,. REVISIONS BY ~ 1' r'--+----1 ~ !S ~ f-1"",-...J..---l i g 3 1----+----I ~ ~ Drawn ~ Job 400· I• ShNt AD Of ShNl:e N.f.S AO Site Plan, Zoning and Tabulations, Assessors Parcel Map A 1 Forst Floor Plan, Details A2. Forst Floer ,F.oundirtion and Floor Framilg Plan, Details A3 Exterior Elevations A4 Exteri<>r Elevations, Building Section EC1 Existing Conditions • Lower Level and Main Level Floor Plans EC2 Existing Conditions -Upper Level and Porch/Patio Floor Plans EC3 Existing Conditions • Exterior Elevations EC4 Existing Conditions -Exterior Elevations PHASE ONE • Remove existing wood deck surface . • lns1all furring and'plyw.lod to flush out all-. • Waterproof and install tile finish surface . • Install new deck guardrail to replace existing . • Replace existing wood stair to grade with new wood stair. • lnstail treltis over portion of deck. • Install bnck al front porch and steps . • Replace existing spiral stair to grade. PHASE JWO (Separate Building Petmitl • New 36 SF addition. • Relocate existing electriclll panel/meler and solar Inverter panel. The Cum,ntCodes odot*,d, as amended by the Town of Los Gatos effeclive January 1, 2017, we 2016 Calilomia Building Code• • Part 1 California Administratiw Code • Part 2 Califomia B..icing Code, Volumes 1& 2 • Part2.5caJifcmiaReoidentialCode • Pa!l 3 Califomia Eleclrical Code • Part 4 Ca1itomia Mechanical Code • Part 5 California Plumbing Code • Part 6 Ca1i1omia Energy Code • Part 8 California HlstoricaJ Building Code • Part 9 California Fin, Code • Part 11 Calitomia Green Building Standards-CAL.Green, 1st Slat&-Adopted Green Code • Part 12 Califomla Referenced Standard Code And updated , • 2015 lnlorndonal Code !of Property Maintenance • 2015 lnlomationaJ Existing &-.g Code, Chapters 9, 14 and Appendioos Al, A2, A:J, M & AS CODi=.'5 Zone: Rl-8 Setbacks: Boo'd bv Zoning Front 25ft Street Side 15 ft Interior Side 8 ft Rear 20ft Lot Area: 9927.29 sf (.228 acre) FAR: .35-~x.20 ~.311 25 Allowable Floor Area: Floor Area Tabulations: Lower Level Main Level Upper Level Total 3087.4 sf Existing 621 sf 2090 sf 427 sf 3138 sf Grand Total (E+N) 3114-sf Actual 18.2tt 11.3tt 43 .5tt 28.8ft Addition 36> sf Lot Coverage : 2090 (existing main floor area) , +%(additionarea)(SEflo-Pe~M~PEQ D) +740 (raised deck area) 28""sf (28'-'> X 100)/9927.29= 28.61 % C>.Yner: Alain and Sylvia Couder 19 Hernandez Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 Ph (408) 313-9005 couderal@gmail com svtviasumcou@omail com Ir--·· I G II,' f'-'.D,lD ' ~ij-ol!i+ I "~ ~ ~ - J 9 107.;o' RECEIVED JAN 3 + 2018 T OWN OF LOS GAT OS P L ANN I NG DIVI SIO N ~ :r (i ..: Ul 3, 's }:, ~I '!) ::, I z h ~ C { Jw.qeD q \ IQJ ~ I /~i;.~.Fr)= I ~ J / ~ -,.,--<l. 11·4-tl. Ill ll... !I ATTAC:Ji\"2NT 111 ,10 '-o' ,,. REVISIONS BY ~ 1' r'--+----1 ~ !S ~ f-1"",-...J..---l i g 3 1----+----I ~ ~ Drawn ~ Job 400· I• ShNt AD Of ShNl:e ClTT (Ee) MOlOI\Jb 1>T(i.)ee;>11 ~?,~.~,] , ~tM'tfEfl°Ft;W ¥<\' WXCI'- 10 y/=.rll, 1\.1,aP ~fi~f [--1 -D -------------------------------------- <--- 1 ----------------------------- :, ---------------- ( I I I I I I I I "' - / I I ~: //,' / . -t ~ .. (~)~ '/. H2. I _-4· ~I /" I ~fo ---1 /' Jh .... '. ~i ~ (ell / 5~ I 0 ~ l ,;'./ : :f:'/, ------- /, Pl"'l2.TI/-' L-!ZOO f PV>N ( .<OOl110N) ---~-------- I I ' ii 11 II 11 11 ,,.i-t------ ( (-1:::::::.:.·.·.t -~- I ! I i 1~·~~ ~C::O f fl.AN V4-', i'-o" 2. ·----- t-.=-,+--+w-...J,.,--""-~,---------r \ .,,_ ____________ _ REVISIONS BY ~ ~ i ~ :<l ~ V V t i § ~ ~ --.:;_ cl. ~ Ill a ifi => £ ~ .! 4... ~ 4 ~ ~ ,..i ~ \I) 0 2 i t 'l "" i Ill :z :r. ~ ~ \l.. <\.. ~ ~ e, ~ ~ ! ~ Ii: o.to 3o NOV 11 ..... 5 µovJ,.J Drawn Job .f<X'· 1-"1 ..... 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