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Item 5 - 15 Loma Alta Avenue
PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 01/24/2018 ITEM NO: 5 DATE: JANUARY 17, 2017 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 15 LOMA ALTA AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: STARLEY MOORE. REQUESTING PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF A PROPOSAL TO DEMOLISH A PRE-1941 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE ON PROPERTY ZONED R-1:8. APN 532-29-073. RECOMMENDATION: Review information and provide a preliminary review of the applicant’s request. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: 1920-23 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: I 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? Yes 7. Considerations required? No B. Comments The applicant is proposing to demolish the existing single-family residence and construct a new single-family residence. Due to the historic rating of the property, the applicant has chosen to pursue feedback on the request ahead of submitting the required Planning application. If a formal Planning application is made, the proposed project would return to the HPC for a formal recommendation. The applicant cites the poor PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: 15 LOMA ALTA AVENUE JANUARY 17, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Loma Alta, 15.docx 1/18/2018 2:36 PM BACKGROUND (cont’d): condition of the residence as reasoning for the request for demolition. The historic resources worksheet and supporting documents are attached. Town Code Section 29.10.020 generally defines demolition of historic structures as removal, enclosure, or alteration of more than twenty-five percent of the wall(s) facing a public street, or fifty percent of all exterior or walls: Demolition (historic structures) means: (1) Removal of more than twenty-five (25) percent of the wall(s) facing a public street(s) (or a street facing elevation if the parcel is a corridor lot or is landlocked) or fifty (50) percent of all exterior walls; or (2) Enclosure or alteration (ie: new window and or window relocation) of more than twenty-five (25) percent of the walls facing a public street (or a street facing elevation if the parcel is a corridor lot or is landlocked) or fifty (50) percent of the exterior walls so that they no longer function as exterior walls; or All remaining exterior walls must be contiguous and must retain the existing exterior wall covering. No new exterior wall covering shall be permitted over the existing exterior wall covering. The following are exempt from this definition: a. Replacement. The exterior wall covering may be removed if the covering is not original to the structure. b. Repair. The removal and replacement of in kind non-repairable exterior wall covering resulting in no change to its exterior appearance or historic character if approved by the deciding body. c. Removal. The removal of an addition(s) that is not part of the original structure and which has no historic significance, as determined by the Historic Preservation Committee. Demolition shall be determined by subsections (1) and (2) above for the original structure, where walls enclosed by additions shall be considered as exterior walls. DISCUSSION: Findings As required by Town Code Section 29.10.09030(c) Demolition of historic structures, a demolition permit for a historic structure may only be approved if: 1. The structure poses an imminent safety hazard; or PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: 15 LOMA ALTA AVENUE JANUARY 17, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\Loma Alta, 15.docx 1/18/2018 2:36 PM 2. The structure is determined not to have any special historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value. Any request to demolish an historic structure shall be reviewed by the Historic Preservation Committee. All applications to demolish an historic structure which has been identified as a contributor to an existing historic district, a potential historic district, or is eligible for local designation shall be accompanied by a detailed report describing all aspects of the structure’s physical condition and shall incorporate pertinent information from the Town’s Historic Resources Inventory describing the structure’s historical and architectural characteristics. This report shall be prepared by a qualified person knowledgeable in historic preservation under contract with the Town at the applicant's expense. Applications for all other historic structures proposed for demolition shall be accompanied by a detailed report describing all aspects of the structure's physical condition prepared by an architect, licensed design professional or registered civil engineer at the applicant's expense. Attachments: 1. Request (two pages) 2. Historic Research (10 pages) 3. Structural condition reports from CES Engineering and BCM Construction and Engineering (two pages) 4. Photos (five pages) Distribution: Cc: Starley Moore, 401 Capitola Avenue, Capitola, CA 95010 Starl ey Bullard-Moore I am an interior architectural designer. I have recently relocated to the Los Gatos area from Capitola where I had my retail/design business, Charley & Co. Charley & Co. opened in 2012 and featured newly designed home furnishings crafted from reclaimed materials . My mission at Charley & Co was to preserve and protect the richness of the past by bringing it into the present. Since I was a child, I have always been drawn to old construction. I have always been very curious about the stories older and historic buildings have to share, and never quite understood why these treasures were often demolished and replaced by track homes or strip malls. Even then I was aware that something quite precious had be taken and could never be brought back. It was this love of architecture that led me to the design profession and the start of my company. In 2012 I purchased dilapidated duplex in Capitola. My original thoughts were to restore the building and move my business in there. Unfortunately after years of sitting idle and two devastating floods, it could not be saved. I had to rebuild. My primary goal for the new building was to capture through architecture, the history and story of the little seaside town of Capitola. The building needed to make sense for the community regardless of whether my business was in there or not. My inspiration for this building came from the train trestle by which it sits. Capitola was originally a summer retreat from the heat for people living in the valley. They arrived in Capitola by train. So I decided that a train depot would be the perfect solution. It gives a respectful nod to the past and serves to welcome guests to Capitola today. I have the similar goals in mind for 15 Loma Alta, Los Gatos, California. I would like to preserve its story through historic restoration of what exists, and add.to that story by designing it to function more effectively in the 21st century. This little property is in pretty bad shape, but I believe with the right design and craftsmanship it can be nudged back to life. I believe that a thoughtful and effective solution can be found today for this property through understanding and respecting the past. 401 Capitola Ave., Capitola, Ca Before Today I i 0i;1 -1:,,,;..~:1 t t~~ ,,~~ l 11: ..,.~., I I 1.4i:or£..:-t) 11·~~ ( t ~!Ni\~1(:,1 I pntq _ fu.ipir,•T~---------=---·---·------- ~ IDadcb)·: Te~ ~ Eor~il Otllef ___ __.. ____ ~-- StattPawi/Vahmt.ttt&?tfanPM,-~-----··----~- ....... -----~--------...a..cao.-.-------·------· ----------'----------------------------- J9fpnnation ,Found 1 -~~C:::::.-__(~----·--------------~_.,._~~.c---~d!L~· ~ti'.'~1>~-'t~1~~ ~ t<~v:v~ f-/7 .. -~I.6. 4 --------.. ---- ~CB!vmNr. 2 -~-. .- HOVII TO RESSARCH T HE HISTORY O F A HO U.S E lN L.OS GATOS ./ 1. TI:>!-1ij.;; !,a,;,c AS!eS$fif1~flt .SUf'i1r,y J!, in k:lfrJ~ bifld8f9 1"1 6ic>J 'a;~:;.,g #11 . T t,1~ • r..~t:l'l!JS a-10 oiptaa~tk:al b~ ~,~1)1. Im 1:i!'l''JY 1N'J ·, trail yc.u 110\'.t o-:.:.! th ,; a-,,.r.e: thOUG il~ tit& hott~ ''""as f:i 11 ~ 1. ~( ~t .... ,,:,'$ \.,f¢l.!3te. B)' To.tn d 1:>~i:.!1-). ;my ~t0 use bui,l b~forv 19,1 1 ;g C(lfl~idcre>~ hisr~.iie, al'!d an O'l'IM.! m1,1!;t Ql)t pe r mis.,s.!or"l and p erm ·~~ H) (::ti'il'llfigEI .H'IW e:.J!c r.i:: c:-.h;J.Jtlt l~ri ~t:C. V'2. p~ at Ann{il 6!oo:rJie 1• s ~l.ifV ti'Y of 199i fs In ic:ua itr·,d~-~ lri &o-o"1<caJSc #·1 i , nras.e hmn rJ.i .3,te '4~ trr nci,;hl};) nooo . ~. sanbftm Maps. On t..w lft'l!crofi'm file c:a~ktf.l'~ in tli t: r~k.ed {:.clSEti iUO~. l?q}ti; r-nap, o~ty hKUe.,!e outiin,a. cf l!?Uil'dil1£!S l1i 188~. 1·fU!i, UW1, t$9$. 1iJJ'4, 1 Sl:r3. 19'28 :>nP t944 (19¢4 ra'i:iJ~ h;)•.r(J-Qt(;Ja re~~ a"'1 appe$r BEFOR5: 1 !)23 mep,.) V 4 . :F'(! ... l(.'s Oire!:'!llrles. ue 1.r:i &t)ki~,e JU :2:. We h a-,,e 1.1c0lumes 1924-1'974, iqme yeort m.isSing. Mos?. or tiu ~~ d:Ji!ci.QMo~ h~vo tev(U'OO liS-1in9$ so you ca n took u p m-o ~lfc~ ~t1ress ,or--m~Mr. and :&.c.'l'leti'mes the a..mer's 00l:;.Upaiit1 11. v";_ lusiae !:$ .;:;,~ totepm,l't@ dirGctoria~ E!re io!TJ Sookeas• # 12. as ea~y 3$ 1331 .32 , • t , 8o()k$ O'lo t .am lpfuJ: Hi&,l!oo; ot: Li:» G.~l>s b,1 G~rge Bn..r~tz (979.473~: ~ il !l!i§ tt)' Dora Ran km (an Book~$!; ;rtt f~ ~ 9gr.ru;_ O,bs§t;\!Bd by A1,s~air Oalla:$ (919.413}, A Bd$.LG,u:"(f1 12:s,Am,alican ,Houses by Vi~iflia Satvag,i'I P,.~ester. (728. M11 .in .fiO~ flcUonJ V~ 8. AJi stof 20• ye~~ e-f #?e Mu:,eums,or L~s Gtt~s Hisll oric H~me:s Tou'l'S 1s t,;, bs ta1.md i n tiis Referenoe fjfe oo the :shel! above &'te to!Vlpt:11:lar$... If li~t ed, ftAd me hou-se tt'I the Tattr Pms~m. f~r tll~ ye~r it V4l.S stto·l1rt Progra:.'fls arie cfl '9¢oke.a.S$ #1 \. ~9 look. in t:;,s R!lS~dences artw1~"S 0,f ~ Vmtical Fi"e. f.;too .a lph.ab~tic..alty t.'J ,,rcet. then numerics 11t by srti:l:tn!Jfflbot. AA'/ pfu)lci here,,-o u!d be h~?~I fo r tho patron. · 10. Look 111 Patront · rnquiriff ibiooer ;tS ttnd~.r Res.":den,:;e,,:;. ioeatad ,en t he shelf above the computers in tke Histu.ry Room. U sti..~ art'habe1ic~by b•,i street V::t 1. Belldngers. Thtre ,s a file ,itle.tt Bc!tlingers a.~ the beginr.i in9-0! 'th:e R&si-c:fC3n.c.es e 111 the History Room and ther8 Jl'fi ·li()me n owspap~r tJrt ic~es .a oo ut the gene sis of the Bellrl~ P'(Ogram There is a 'ht1 of 111s 1 C<) 8elh1·tt.ge~-s in this fite. 12 For actdioona in onnatJon refor the patron t.o the P;antt irtg tl ,ap~rtme n~ or ~ 'lin e Co~ Recott!er's Office :at 70 \V. HeUdr.ng St ki s~n .Jose ':a~~ ·e... ~=c G~:~e:.i .:-t:!,~~.!..'l-'.,1:l. 9.L!~~·.:i~f:~ S~\-e-J ·-~.:,r.-eX'i.~·..;~~::.:-!J. 't~ .:~:.:~~.:. :>. ~ v·c -:.,t;. .. , G.:-.. ':o::: ~:. •,nt • !-C::'~·t 7.nKl'.~'i .H:U~E :it! L Jom;n.~n. Built 1895-I~~, csa~orn. 11ax-eo-1~ M«p) Ale.se::e "rhe~'C QD Ct.:!t./Re s : S"-t'ah--Dani ~: -o~ear ;9:2$ :sant.:;:.m... ca:n.i.el -'roar.st e r : o~,ea ~ ... LQl:) ~re ?". RCBERT&E~C .HM;r..Kt liC'iJSE 15 LOU:.S Al.a P~~~e:; 532-29-~73 e~il~ l92v-;l ~P~~t~graphJ A.i~: Fe·,1 er ~en~ a;;tpe-:-ant F'..es r lia.nle:·s Dated as~ ~r dir~":,!:tri!?~- 05 1/10 dtn~ fBloomf~.u (4151 92"2 · 106;3 ~229 WEBS'TER STREET SAN FRAN€1SC0. C ~ 94 1 15 ARGHITECTURAL/CT:JLTUR~L SURVEY LOS GATOS RE'SEARC.f.t l" li1i 1-e ai;l.:<!l~ess 16' /...c v'n4:-Jf(.~ · · P~ECEL MAP INFORMATIQN ( ' f>arcel # 5 3 ;;; -;ti -.CJ 7' 3, Tuot size: front ft. x //~ ft. cleep --- Lo.t sl;lape : Rectangle_L L __ Ree._tangle with small rear j og__ 0'tb:_e.r----------- ,,/ Lefcation-: N ./ S E 'W side pf l l-3 ii istance t<:> cro ss s t: I "(;20 ~ A $t Ave:: ./ Other / -'t. '-' "IJ lvr/.,.... ___ _ ~t. N_ s_. _ E_ w~ from VA ,4Fw::/ a ,t NE __ NW __ SE __ SW __ c ~rrt~r o-f_-------=---- MISTOR'H:: J:NFORMATION ON P&RGEL. MAP Old tt.ac t eJ; subdivision aame"-..,k i .... ~ A~·"' -<)~a Bloc~ #. _____ J----'"_ -Old 1ot # ./3e~7 FiELD SURVEY INF©RMATION (handwri tten iti red ' Rtel im,inaTy rating -+ Es timated a .ge~~!... S,tyJ.e (Jlk //..krrc:Jt..~ .... P?vw s ·tori e$:._ ALterat:i ons _...;:..-------,--.,;-..;;;;.-.------''-----..O:.------,-=--,,=---=-r.--:---:---se---:--:-::-:,-:0------------ 6.lt · ar --,,----------------'=---------.-----------_.... ________ ...._......_ OWNERSf.lIP SHOWN . bN. MAFS 7 Sou:t<;,e Source Napue . Pa:t ~ S(i)u;1:ce Lqcati0-n 0f prp;µerty, or, Le,t Owner Bage 0.ld ~tr;·aetl bloc~Yl<;>t .:Site. tt1;1J11e -- --~[1691 ~-1Q08 ..;;.S..;c.u .... ~v~~""""Y'---1_1_9li--l=-~ _____ l·---,=--- 1 Blk Bo~k ---... -----• I .. ------- I -·----- I ----., .. -------., -- I ---- ' l MISCELLANEOUS Natioaal Register listed date County Inventory 1979 ----. --. ---- Te~ of Los Gatos: Designation __ Recognition __ _ District Name -------...;_~---,,-----,-- Previous Surv·ey File Address/e:>:(~~ ,4. 1-b. -:din ~ !Bloor r,E [J. AHCHITt·:C'l'U HAL ::,U R,VEY ASSESSMENT HOLL RE SE ARCH SAN FRANCIS Cf' ~ A i 4 I I ~ Tract/JHock/Lot ~~,,,~~/f/13 ~~f.a,lf'/oo ~~ Wt,,, +17]) AssessmeAts are filed f:>y last name of p rt>Jlerty QWner ,, bu>t n<.>t n eces,s •ari}y .r n a lpl~a bet i.ca l o·rder. Some years there is a n inde~ insicle t::he volume or in a se,parat.e book. Th e goa I of c1 sent c h .i s to find t h e years when the as~t:ssed value of "impro'Vements." (buildjn,.gs) changed fn,.n·, 0 t0 over $500, ur wf.l e1 1 th,H . figure r ose by $500 or ml'oe·. Wtit e dawn every year a:od name you •try, iocl ucdin,g the years wbe.1,1 yiu,u J iud nothi'n,t. Ditt o marks are tine. Da ,te 1~:t /flt, P,;1 ge "?3 7'/ - .- : - . - ,:J Name 114' on . c;. ..i ~ wt, ... , ·. '16., S ,~i~/ $j Ct,., ../-1.a,..J ,u /f1.o rr , <. --·---- . -. -- -------- " ~ ---. -. - ~ --- ----. --- -- --·---·1 l 'ract Acres ~4 .. 'S:t/!J ,.., -- -- ~ - -- ·, ---- 1--- I -- - ~--~ J d.e-u -t if i , .'It ion/ Ro urn l a r i es-------------Ass-essme11 -t for -- 1.i l.o < k / L ol / lmp,irove- N Hdy E Udy S Btly W BJy La meou;, I O~her Info. I L31 l,t10 $ .$- ;, 6-:;;.6- --. ---- ----- -------r -- --.;. I -I --- -· --~ -. / 111 1.'t1:a Is trnTI! ·--~~-- 'il• addr ••• / 5 '-r91Md'< 4 J. h:._ dtnn, !F " omfu.fd ARCHITBCTO~ SURVEY BUILDING RESEARCH ARC HITEr-ruR A L HISTORY 41 5) 92·2 .1 063 222~ -'-BSTER STRE ET S AN FRAN CISCO. CA 94 11 5 PUN.HIID Aa>~S '>ourae , A&.B __ Buile tin __ CA&BN __ c a ll __ chron __ DPB __ Bd_.AB __ a _.._ _•eA ~her var-Da te Page __ _ t~ature of a nnounceme nt: __ Clllntra ct notice __ ·Notice of completion _Bf ieeued __ •ho.to _1Uev/aketch/rend'g _Pl:oor plan __ Arch't/cont'r pub __ Real eat ·~opy e x a ctlyi ~ tauHder/Contracto; I Arch;it•ct/-Bngi919t I Location !Nature ot wo;Jt I £2!!. I 13'0,lLDINO PBRMI'J'S ,oaroe , Penait .ie 9i•t•r, Pr•• Addreaa requea ted. ____ _ _ -~ 'lea ·-Ap.pU.cat:ion Number : ' .. I ' I ~ ! r . . -1 .. . - OTRn SOURCB (apecify thoroughly) /'119 ~.r1"'ra,~;;Ha--ib.ca.,_.,,.,I. J SAN1IORll1 MAPS va c. oat• -......... Location I I• ~ I - ·-· Color: yel~ pnk, orange Patehee YH/ .RISA an·~ I Addreee blu,g:ry 1s;een I ...!!IL I no ~ /~ti':J ~ I I~ (t/&t/ /'1/J 3 ,~r r 'f'-"6 ~· -. .'; is-LA t) /9(/b-Y) sa-. UN/ Gwner Bugder/ ... of • contr. & ~ a.u,._ fddreu addreu J. ·' I I ' I , I I I r' < I -. - •o. of So. of .. itht bay ~ ,,,toriH I -'A..1.r windo9 ' ~R,C .. ., 11 I I s,c/ e ,6,......-~11 Arch't/ engin'r & addr••• I I . ' I I 1 I .. --. - A,,c. /Inffiala Bldg'• width/ deptb/ Date Bxte rior De.acdption of work ~ Ma t,ri•l• . ' [. i 1j I ! I I ': ~ ' I I ~f·f /Inltla-Ye Dai!, Date or Deacri.be or eketch c ona,tr. I Plan D d+nnz. !Bfoomf i.L.fd AaCHI'lBC~C..tJL~ SURVBY NAM£ RBDARCH ARCHITECTU RAL HISTOR'( 141 5 1 92 2 ·1063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISC O . CA 94 1 1 S a ... (per•on, buildin9, organisa tion, e tc>-----~--------------------......... ----- \ddre•••• a••ociated with ..... ___ )_5= _____ .L..,.o ___ m ...... d...__-A....__1_k...._ ........ ________________________ _ .. leva nt date•: conatr~ction..__ __ . birth..__ __ • death. ___ . othe r __________ _ I . DIRECTORY SEARCH (City Dire ctoriea, county Dlre ctorJ.ee, Telephone llooka, a ocie ty directoriH , ate.) - Yaa r Book Jta-l rl•••;,·,.,1 u_ .... , __ ... --;--,,. ............. ;-ava-1u •• a h,-, n•• • ,,...,. '--•A••--,\ ,. ~.n, ..,-k., ... /.y kdo Mr-$. rH# Oc.c.:i r )~~-.A. A l h 11t:j ~¢ <(..~/4,J LG .g {1/1/ f..&1} -J ~ -~ .. 'A ,-1.,,, '6""" ~111::>+-#-..,...lcw I 122.. rhiin /ev I d . $Jc { I / BIOGRAPHICAL ISAJtCR, indaxea. other alphabetical liatinq•. Nark 'X' Unfd .or •j• (nothing found) e t each aourca you try. Liat fuidtnp below. /iftititll dl!il Los Gatos Library: Ca lifo rnia History Center, De Anza College: City directories (name & street i nd ex) ___ Bi og raphical file ~Historic Collection Index (green boxes) Ph o t o col l ecti on ~Th o mps on & West, 1876 (bio index) Pen Pictures, 1888 (bio index) Sunshine Fruit & Flowers, 1895 (bio ---Gu i nn, 190 4 (bio index) Sawyer, 1922 (bio index) index) San Jose Historical Museum : ___ Great Registers (of voters) Ind exe s \ 1...J,.i ~Extend e d i ndex to Bruntz ~ ___ Blo index of Munroe Frazer , ___ Photo collection (2 boxes) 168 1 (Survey Photo collection box) Other sources: ___ Indexes, California Historical 0 uarterly Los Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill): State Library Information Index (fiche) Death records by year State Library-S.F. Newspaper Index(") ---Funeral records (index card s to big books) ---Photo collection III , LIST ALL REFERENCES PROM ABOVE. Pind them . Copy 9ood 111&tarial • a tta ch. Or copy below if only a few word•. Or e xplain why not rele vant (a•, wron9 peraon). ~ Continued on Reve r•e ~own of Los Gatos :istorical Resources Survey -Master Index STREET ADDRESS 140 141 142 145 198 200 201 202 203 2~6 240 250 253 301 311 315 320 321 324 325 : 3z..B 3 __ ~?JI 333 348 354 356 16220 16995 3 15 191 16761 16826 16760 16770 16791 16801 10 15 Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson-LG Kennedy Kennedy Kimble Kimble Kimble Leroy Leroy Loma Loma Loma Loma Loma Alta Loma Alta Page 13 HISTORIC NAME HOWARD COTTAGE HOUSE DUPLEX GEORGE W BERRY HOUSE MRS MARGARET SPENCER HOUSE HANNAH RI CHARD BARN . MCCOY FAMILY HOUSE WM H JOHNSTONE HOUSE MC COY RENTAL COTTAGE MARY COX HOUSE ANNA B FOSTER HOUSE ABBIE&DANIEL INGHAM HOUSE MRS AC MILLER HOUSE MRS HS ASHLEY HOUSE A E HOUSE HOUSE ROSETTA STORM HOUSE MRS SE SHAFER HOUSE HOMER&ERMINA STEPHENS HOUSE JAMES&AGNES TAYLOR HOUSE CHAS&MILDRED SAYLER HOUSE THOS&AMELIA MITCHELL HOUSE FRANK FULMER HOUSE IONE SMITH HOUSE SOLAZZI HOUSE PETER&JOHANNA JENSEN HOUSE HOUSE Blv JOHNSON-LOS GATOS BLVD DISTRICT FARM HOUSE J J FRETWELL HOUSE FRANCIS B HORSBURG #1 SUMMER HOUSE LORANO/MENUHIN HOUSE HOUSE ROBERT&ECHO HANLEY HOUSE Print date: 07-21-1991-09 :17:32 DISTRICT INDEX Johnson Av 1159 Johnson Av 395 Johnson Av 254 Johnson Av 396 Johnson Av 255 Johnson Av 256 Johnson Av 397 Johnson Av 257 No distric 398 No distric 259 No distric 260 Johnson Re 261 Johnson Re 415 Johnson Re 416 Johnson Re 417 Johnson Re 418 Johnson Re 400 Johnson Re 419 Johnson Re 401 Johnson Re 420 Johnson Re 402 Johnson Re 421 Johnson Re 422 No distric 403 No distric 404 No distric 405 District a 1140 No distric 724 No distric 723 Cleland/Co 470 Cleland/Co 309 No distric 423 No distric 424 No distric 425 No distric 726 No distric 725 No distric 727 No distric 728 Johnson Av 1141 Johnson Av 426 LGMindex.RPT RHS-3/90 II "'-6 I ,-.. • , .. : I X D ~n • 15' • ZJ . .:o ~11 .. n, z.:i I ~ . ll ..u I.S C , • " --- II - II IX l ,, / )( ,, II . . ,a;~ ,, .!1J (!; .. ~\ -~ : ~-sP· ~ I r' ,q ,<\ '~ II -~ 35, II '( II 54) H I " 11 II .. • II -~ II • 411 I I, •• ... d ~ d ~5 • 0 . ~ V . I .. J '5 ff- ::D l ..... fl ~ SI •, :D [Z] / ,, I • ..... • -I 45 51 I f OAK i .. I ~ • • • • • • • • • 14' t- 1..J c( ' • J< ,:& .g ' • I -~ ... ~ -"" EJ~ .. r.. ~r:.<:a 0 I II- @ I, . k{l_,:J [:J .5/ R - OAK (WHITNEY N.) .... OIi so-..... . ~ n a I z,· r, .. ., I ' ~ [] Cl 0 8 0 ~ I II .._ \ -\ ..... \ ~· ' ' ~- " }E t CES Engineering January 4, 2018 SM 17 .9 Starley Moore, 15 Loma Alta Ave., Los Gatos: The following is a brief report on the residence status of the two exterior walls facing the streets at 15 Loma Alta Avenue. Thi s report is based on the findings from s ite inspections conducted by CES Engineering in November and December of 2017. The existing roof and parapet walls have leaks everywhere. The existing exterior stucco and interior plaster is cracked, bubbled, and completely void in large areas. These walls and rafters over the years have extensive water and dry rot damage. The walls require more than twenty-five percent removed so that the remaining rafters and studs are of sound framing material. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns regarding thi s report. Regards, Caro llyn E. Scott, P .E. 859 University Avenue# 29, Los Gatos CA , 950332 408-354-4537 ATTACHMENT 3 Property Address: 15 Loma Alta Owner: Starley Moore The reason for this letter is to describe the reasons why we cannot remodel the home on Alta Loma. In accordance with the city of Los Gatos there are two exterior walls we cannot remove more than 25% of, the 2 exterior walls facing the streets. The problem with that is the exterior stucco is literally falling off the house. There are several sections where there are bubbles that are sticking out and also all along the mud sill the stucco has pulled away. So much so that I can stick my entire hand behind it and wiggle and watch the whole wall move. Any attempt to repair the stucco would be futile as it is not connected to the walls at all and is a danger to anyone near the exterior walls. The interior plaster is in not much better condition. There are several areas that the plaster has fallen off and there are also bubbles in the plaster. The front of the house has an incredible amount of rot. To try and replace the rot would mean removing the roof and the stucco from the front. This is only the amount that I can see. There have been attempts over the years to try and repair areas but no good attempt was made. The materials used are substandard and not meant to be used on an exterior. Any contractor is required by contractor law to completely replace any rot which we find. If I were to open these walls I would have to rebuild at least 80% of them. The roof system on the house is a horrible design with parapet walls around a 1 /12 pitch with all the water flowing to two 3" drain pipes. There is noticeable rot in the rafters and the parapet walls which are balloon framed from the mudsill up. There are several areas inside where the ceiling plaster has collapsed and large water stains all over the ceiling from a faulty roof design. In short this house is a disaster. There is no way to remedy the problems within the allowance of the city. The home is an eye sore to the neighborhood and several times I have had people walking by ask if we are going to bulldoze it. I have been working with the new owner of the property Starley for years on several projects and I know how she likes things done. She is definitely not shy to do things the right way and give a property what it deserves. Ifwe are allowed to demo this place and build a new home it will be an amazing home that actually fits in with the neighborhood and no one will refer to it as "Oh, that house" anymore. Please feel free to call me with any questions regarding this letter. I look forward to working with the city to build a beautiful new home. Casey Marsh BCM CON STRU CTION AND REMODELING T ELEPHON E: 831.247.4453 I F AX: 831.7 13 .5725 I EMAIL: bcmremodeling@gmail.com ADDRESS: 45 Mt. Madonna Rd. Watsonville, CA 95076 'ATTACHMENT 4 . ----.. ··..:· i -~·' . i (_