Item 4 - 51 College Avenue PREPARED BY: ERIN WALTERS Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 01/24/2018 ITEM NO: 4 DATE: JANUARY 18, 2018 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 51 COLLEGE AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNER: DAVID AND ALLISON MENDOZA. APPLICANT: ROLANDO NORIEGA. REQUESTING APPROVAL TO REMOVE A PRE-1941 PROPERTY FROM THE HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY FOR PROPERTY ZONED R-1D. APN 529-29-060. RECOMMENDATION: Review information and make a recommendation on the applicant’s request. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: 1939 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: None 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? No 6. Findings required? Yes 7. Considerations required? No B. Comments The applicant is requesting to remove the pre-1941 property from the Historic Resources Inventory and has provided supporting documents indicating the structure has lost its integrity as multiple additions were constructed in 1965 and 1991. No person of historical significance appears to have resided on the property. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 51 COLLEGE AVENUE JANUARY 18, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2017\15820 Shady 1/18/2018 2:19 PM BACKGROUND (cont’d): The structure was identified as a non-contributor to a potential district, Cleland-College, as described in the attached 1991 Historic Resources Inventory Report (Attachment 4). The structure was not built within the period of significance (1870-1908) identified in the report. The historic resources worksheet and supporting documents are attached. DISCUSSION: Considerations The primary structure that was constructed prior to 1941 has no historic significance or architectural merit. 1. The primary structure that was constructed prior to 1941 has no historic significance or architectural merit. 2. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 3. No significant persons are associated with the site. 4. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master; and/or the integrity has been compromised such that the structure no longer has the potential to convey significance. 5. The structure does not yield information to Town history. Attachments: 1. Coversheet, Request and Photographs (two pages) 2. Assessor’s Parcel Map (one page) 3. Topographical Map/Site Plan (one page) 4. Historic Resources Inventory Report for Cleland-College District Eligible for National Register of Historic Places and Local Historic Designation (report written in 1991) (18 pages) 5. Residential Alteration Timeline (one page) 6. Owner History List (one page) 7. Site History Organized by Property Owner (72 pages) 8. Historic Resources Worksheet (one page) Distribution: Cc: Ronaldo Noriega Design, 1290 Pampas Drive, San Jose, CA 95120 David and Allison Mendoza, 51 College Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 ROLANDO NORIEGA DESIGN PLANNING • CONSULTING • CUSTOM HOMES • REMODELING I 290 Pampas Drive, San Jose, CA 95 I 20 (0) 408-997-3594, (C) 408-G5G-G944 E-mail: rnor1egades1gn@gma1l.com Date: January 12 , 2018 To: Historic Preservation Committee RECEIVED JAN l t 2018 TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DNISION 51 College A venue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 r ·-=----~---.-,. .. _. ___ _ Ii . .., ' I ~ ... , t i ~ I •' # ~-· Report by: Rolando Noriega 2 ROLANDO NORIEGA DESIGN PLANNING • CONSULT ING • CUSTOM HOMES • REMODELING I 290 Pampas Drive, San Jose, CA 95 I 20 (0) 408-997-3594, (C) 408-G5G-G944 E-mail: rnoriegades1gn@gma1l .com January 12 , 2018 Erin M. Walters Associate Planner, Town of Los Gatos I 10 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Re: Remove Property from the Hjstoric Resources Inventory, 51 College A venue, Los Gatos CA , 95030 Dear Ms. Walters: I would like to request that the Historic Preservation Committee remove the property at 51 College A venue, Los Gatos from the Historic Resources Inventory. Thi s pre-1941 property is located in the Cleland-College District of Los Gatos. I have researched the history of ownership on this property (see attached sheet) and have found no person of interest having owned t his property after it was bwlt in 1941. Additionally, the structure at 51 College A venue is a non-contributor to a potential district, Cleland-College that appears to be eligible for the national registration and local designation. The subject structure was not built within the period of significance (1870-1908) of the potential Cleland-College district. Lastly, the structure has had many significantly alterations following the 1939 construction date . Below is brief break down: 1939 -Original structure built by the Beck family. 1965 -Alteration to the front entrance, converted cover porch into living area and a new bay- window. New utility room addition and bathroom extension at rear of house. Converted garage into a bedroom & storage. Also a new car poti with roof deck, built by the Jones family. 1991 -Room adilition and new two-car garage, built by the Simons family. If you have an y questions, please contact me at my office. Thank you. Sincerely, Rolando B . Noriega Owner C~elana -Co l l ege Di s t rict Co ntut 8[1C:t pag<2 ·, List of Properties in District Ost Address Historic Nome Rote Poree I No Built Index CL Cl eland CLELAND A\ STONE \¥ Al 30 529-33-xxx early 20U B3 54 DOW HOUSE SITE 3N 529-33 -0 24 1960+ 1,097 56 TRANTHAM · HOUSE 3D 529-33-025 1BB5 B4 BO COX/SULL l Y HOUSE 3D 529-33-026 1BB3 BS 90 CLELAND HOUSE 3D 529-33-027 1675 103 STEWART HOUSE 30 529-33-025 1B77 -1 BE B6 1 09 AYERS HOU~ S !TE 3N 529-33-029 1960-70s 1,099 114 LEWIS HOUSE 3N 529-33-030 1695 B7 120 STANFIELD/ HOUSE 30 529-33-03 1 1893-95 BB 126 STANFIELD · HOUSE 3B 529-33-032 1891 B9 Col lege 33 RANKIN HOUSE 3D 529-29-019 18B6 93 35 WAGONER HI SITE 3N 529-29-020 1950+ 95 3 9 HICKS HOUSE 30 529-29-02 1 1 El91 94 51 BECK HOUSE SITE 3N 529-29-051 1939 I 1 101 59 JJ GROOM/S HOUSE 3D 529-29-045 1BB5/l9C 96 Ki mble 3 FRETWELL HOUSE 3D 529-34-056 1891 470 15 HORSBURG ' SUMMER H( 30 529-32-017 1904-07 309 Reservoir B ~'/ATER PIPE 3N 529-29-35 VACANT 1,09B 9 ELLIS HOUSl SITE-N 3N 529-33-044 19BOs 1,095 10 TISDALE HOUSE 3D 529-29-039 189 0 310 11 ELLI S HOUS! SITE-C 3N 529 -33 -045 19SOs 1,096 12 WATER PIPE 3N 529-29-40 VACANT l, 16 l 2 5 ELLIS HDUS[ SITE-S 3N 529-33-0 43 19BOs 1,0 94 39 KING HOUSE 30 529-33-022 pre-1 BBB 311 50 t1 ANUFACTU RESERYOIF 30 529-3 1-0 4 1 c1B70 1,100 Rogers 36 RYLAND HOUSE 36 529 -3 3-033 1B9 0 312 : -S/20/91 Cleland-College District Continuation page G 1 . DESCR IPTI ON (Cont .) to topography and street pattern, but each is free -standing o n all sides . Some are at the ends of long private drivewavs, others hug the screec . ~o ts are well landscaped and have many trees. Th ere are detached garages and ocher out~uildings. some of them complete but subsidiary , well-hidden and non-contri b uting hous es (e .g . at 33 College Ave. and 10 Reservoir Rd.). Many properties have his t o r ic stone retaining walls of designs va r ying from one p r oper ty to the next. Their craftsmanship is good. Th e stone wall at the north side of Cleland i s at the edge of Town property proposed for the new library building ; its top is a ro1s' of stones s et like spikes. Sidewal ks and gutters in th e district are unpaved, giving a rustic/historic feeling. Streets ar e narrow, with sharp curves . Evervbody has views over the town . ~any of the houses a re--or were --small, but two or th ree are quite large. On l y six of the historic houses appear from the street to have two full Stories; the rest have one or one and a h alf stories, with foundation a djustments fo r the hillside. 0£ the 15 cont ributing bui ldings, seven began as simple ve r nacular ~ouses wit h no pretense to style . The rest, in cludin g the large houses , have Stick , Queen , and/or Craftsman elements. Only one is known to have been designeo by an architect: the Rvland House at 36 Roger s , by Los Ga tos architect Frank Lobdell, is t h e g ra ndest house in the district, and the highes t on the hill . Al l the houses have woo d sid ing , mainly cha nnel rustic . The su rvivin g histo r ic windows have wood sash, usually double hung , occasionally withou t ho rns (indicati~g very early const ruct ion). Roofs are pi t c hed, but most of them not steeply. The i r fo rms are usually gable end to the side, o r else hipped, some wit h doroers (some dormers [e.g . 39 Reservoir] appear later tha n t heir houses, but still construc:e d within the period of sig nificance). Most houses have porches, not i nfre quentlv of later date than the main buildi ng . Mos t facades were designe d wlcho u c a tten- tion co syrrunetry, but rather in t erms of fun ct io n . ~he reser voi r is included ~n the district for h isto r ic reasons (see b lock 20). Creat ed by an earthen d am co bloc k the exit of a natural depression. che r eser voi, is visible tod a y as a nearly r ound , standing seam metal cove r about 250 ft. in di ame :er, an i y-cove red north d am wall with a river rock-lined access path . and 3 small pumphouse at its foot . The cover, path and pumphouse appear oi earl y 20th centur y v ernacular industrial construction , the on lv stylistl c appurtena nc e s je~i ng construction oE th e pa th walls from r~ver roc ks ra ther t han conc rete. A cnain link fence surrounds the prop er t y . Almost every ho use has be en altered :o a greater o r lesser degree, }et most ear l, owners wocld b e able co r ecognize their old houses today, though tney ~ould not be able to r ecognize the rest of Los Gatos , so much has i t g r own. ~anv of the alterati o ns are addit ion s, since the p ioneers' ho uses tend ed co ue qui te sma l l . A number of additions are more than SO vears o!d and the ref o re have hi s to ri c significance jn thei r own right. Three · houses (59 Co llege, !~~imble. 25 Reservoi r , were consi derab ly made o ver some t i ~e between 1900 and 190, sc1l! within :he ,J er-1od o f sig n ificance. 0::-r.e r al:erations a re win dow s . basemer1t ~ladd in g , porches a nd exte r i or steps /r ai lings. n the !960s one house (1 14 Clelan~) ~as so alt ere a in siding (u npainte d shin gles ), wi ndows , porch and basement, that onlf 1cs pat t ern e d shi n gle gable end remains original ; it is therefore c onsidered a n o n- ~o ntr i butor . 0Lhe r houses have been totally demolished and replaced . ~oweve r enough of the original houses remain that th e dist ri ct retains i :1_egricv as c o d esi qn, locati o:1, feeling , 2r,d associa t ion . Cl e lana-Col ege Di str ict Co ne 'l 'Jac 1cn page ~ Lis t of Properties in Di s tri ct Ost Address Historic Name Rote Parcel No Bui 1 t Index -- CL Cl eland CLELAND A\. STONE W AJ 30 529-33 -xxx early 20 U B3 54 DOW HOUSE SITE 3N 529-33-024 19 60+ 1,097 56 TRANTHAM · HOUSE 3D 529-33-025 1BB5 B4 BO COX/SULLIV HOUSE 30 529-33 -026 1BB3 BS 90 CLELAND HOUSE 30 529-33-027 IB75 103 STEWART HOU SE 30 529-33-02B 1B77 -1 BE 8 6 109 AVERS HOU: SITE 3N 529-33-029 196 0-70s 1,099 114 LEWIS HOUSE 3N 529-33-030 189 5 B7 120 STANF IEL D/ HOUSE 3 0 529-33-031 1593-95 BB 12 6 ST ANF 1 ELD · HOUSE 3B 529-33-032 1B91 B9 Co llege 33 RANKIN HOUSE 3 0 529-29 -019 1B86 93 35 ~v AGONER HI SIT E 3N 52 9 -29-020 1950+-95 39 HI CKS HOU SE 30 529-29-021 1591 94 5 1 BE CK HOUSE S1TE 3N 529 -29-051 1939 1,10 1 59 JJ GROOM/S HOUSE 30 529-29 -045 1BB5/19C 9 6 Ki mble 3 FRETWELL HOUSE 30 529 -3 4-05 6 1891 47 0 15 HORSBURG i SUMMER HC 30 529-32 -017 1904 -07 309 Re s ervo1 r B WAT ER PIPE 3 N 529-29-38 VACANT 1,09B 9 ELLIS HOUS! SITE-N 3N 529-33 -044 19B Os 1,095 10 TISDALE HOUSE 30 529-29-039 1B 9 0 310 11 ELLI S HOU St S ITE -C 3 N 529 -33-045 19BOs 1,096 12 Irv ATER PIPE 3N 52 9-29-40 V ACANT 1,161 25 ELLIS HO US[ SIT E-S 3N 529 -33 -043 19BO s 1,094 39 KIN G HOU SE 3 0 529-33 -022 pre -1 BBB 31 1 so t1A NU FACTU RESER VOI~ 30 529 -31-041 c.187 0 1,100 Rog ers 36 RY LAND HOUSE 3B 529 -33 -0 33 159 0 3 12 : -S/20 /9 1 Cl eland -College Dist ricc Continuation page~ DESCRIPTIO~ (Cone . J to t opog raphy an d sc reet pat ter n , but each is f ree-s t andin g o n all sides . Som e are a t :he ends o: long priva t e d r jvewavs, othe rs r1ug c~e scr eec . '.ots a r e well lan d sc2?ed and have nany tr ees . There are detached garages a n~ oc ~er o u_juilc1nes, some oi tneo com ple ce but subsidiary , well -hidden and no~-contribucing hous es (e .g . at 33 Co'lege Ave . and 10 Rese r voi r Rd .). Man y prope r ties ~ave h ist o r ic stone retaining wal~s of designs va r ying fr om one pr o perty co che next. Their c r afts mans hip is good. Til e scone wall at tr1e north side of Cleland is at tr.e edg e: of Town propercy pro posed for the new library building ; its cop is a r o w of s con es s ec like spikes . Sidewalks and g utter s in the distr ic t are unpaved, 31vi ng a rust j c /!1istoric fe elL,g . St reets are narro 11 , with sharp curves. ~~ver yoo dy ;ias views over the tow~. ~an y of th e hous e s a re--or were--small, but two or t hree are quite large . Only six of the historic houses ap pear f r om the street to have two full stories; the rest have one o r one and a half stories , with foundation adjuscments fo r the hi l lside . Of t h e 15 cont ri buting buildings , seven began as simple ver~acul ar houses with no pretense to scvle . The rest, including the la r ge ho u s es, have St j c k, Queen, an d /o r Craftsman eleDents. Onlv one is known to have been des i2 n c bv an a r c hite c t: t he Ryland House at 36 Roge~s. bv Los Gatos architect Frank - Lobdell , i s the gra ndest !1ouse in the district, and the nighes t on t h e hill.. Ali cn e houses have woo d siding, ~ainly cha nnel rustic . Th e Silrv iv1 ng h i sco r1 c windo~s have wood sash, usua~ly double hung, occasional~y wich out ho r ns (i ndi cat i ng ve ry ea r ly const ru ction). Roo fs are pitc hed , bu t mos t OL them no sceeplv . The ir forms are usually gable end to the side , or else hipped , some with d o roers (some dormers [e .g . 39 Reservoir] appea r later th an t heir houses, but still constructed within t he peri od of sig n ifi c anc e). Most houses have porches, ~o: i nfrequentlv o~ later date than t' e main bui lding . ~ost ~acades were desi g ne d wi thou t 2tt en - t1o n to syrrme:ry, but rather in ter ms of fun ct io n . The reservoir is included i n the distric t for histor ic reasons lS ee block 20 ). Cr ea:ed by an earthen dam co ~loc k th e exit of a natura l de pressi n . he reser~o1r i s visib le :oday as a near y r ound, standing seam metal co er abou: 2 50 f:. in d i ame:e r, an ivy -cove r ed north dam wall with a river rock-lin ec access path. and J small pumphouse ac its foo:. The cover, path and pumphouse appear oi early 20 :h cenc ur y vernacular i ndus:rial construction , the on lv scvl 1s c1c aµp urtenan c e s ~e~1n ~ constru c tion of the path wa lls from r::.ver rocks ra che r t han concr ete. ~ ;hain link fen c e surrounds the propertv. 'l oost eve r y ho use h as been altered ~o a g r eate r or lesser de gree .. ec mosc ear l1 nw~ers wocld be able co recogn i ze their old houses toda y , th o11gh t~ev ~ould no t .,e ab.'..e t1) recog nize r.:he rest of Los Gatos , so mu ch has it gr own. \[anv of the alcera:1o ns are addi:ions, si n c e t he pioneers ' houses :ended to be oui:e small . A numbe r of additi o ns are more tha n SO vears o.'..d and the refore have ~i s:o ri c significanc e ln t heir own right. Three .ho uses (59 College, JY Kim bl e . 25 Rcserv 011 •.,'ere con sj dc:>rably made o ver sor:ie t ::.~1e between 19 00 and 1908 , SL il L ,, thi.n :he ~eriod a i significance. OL he r a l:erat1 o ns a r e windows. ~a s emc 11 _l~udi n g , purches a na ex te rior s:eps /r2ilin 5s. In .he !960s one house (!14 Clelanc ) w·as so a le.ere ,:: lr. siding (u nDainted s'iing es), •.,i nd ows , porch and basement, C'"Iat ,rni1· ics ~ac terned shi n gle gable end remai ns original ; it is t~e r ef o re r.o n s idered a nu n- ~0 r.tri buco r. (l cher houses have been co:allv d emol ish e d and r eola c e~. ~oweve~ e nough o f the original houses remain th ac the dist r icc retains 11c e gri:v es t0 ,i es1 ~n. !ocati-x-1, reeli ng , .3 r~d associa ti.on . Cle l and -College Dist r i c t HI STORICAL INFORMATION Co n tinua tion page 6 15 . C<>ns1ruction Date(s) 18 70 -1 908 Original Location _..!.Y.:a:"'.zS:__ _______ Date Moved ------- 7 . Arch itect Mos t l v unkno wn Bulldar -""";-.1.;.o~s1..1t._.l...,',c..' ..:t.u!Q_..,k.,,n""o"'-w,,_nu.._ ___________ _ 02 -Single family prop e rt y. 0 3-Multiple fam ily pro perty . 1a. Historic Attr!butes (wttnNumbertromllst) 08 Indust r ial s tr uc t ure . 0 4 -Ancillary bnjldipo . SIGNI F ICANCE ANO EVALUATION 19. Conte.xttorEY3luation: Theme Res i dentia l Develo pment Area Los Gates Period 186 5-1 941 Property Type ___ _:D~i:..::S::..:t::..:r:..:i~c::..:t==----------Conten Formally Develope<l7 __.N.!.!o"--- 20 . Briefly discuss the property's Importance within the context. U$8 historical and architectural analysis as appropriate. Compare with similar properties. The Cl ela nd-College Dis trict appears e l igi ble fo r the Na ti o nal Register of Historic Pla ces an d fo r local hist o ri c des i gnatio n i n th e con text of Los Gatos' res i de n tial develop men t under c riteria A-e vent s /pa tt e rn s and B-perso ns , because it con t a i ns the only or earlies t survivin g homes of many early me rcha n ts and leaders of Los Ga tos, s uch as n ewspape r editor and pu blishe r W.H.B. Tr antham (5 6 Cle lan d), me r chant Thomas Cl el a nd (90 Cl eland), ba n ke r and early Town Tr easurer J .J . Stan field (12 6 Clela nd), ear l y h e alth seeking i n val i d J u dge Benj am i n P. Rankin (33 College), the town 's f irst j ewele r J .J . Fretwell (3 Ki mble ), Los Ga tos Ma n ufa ctur i n g Co . pr esid en t Wi l liam Tisdale (10 Reserv oi r ), an d early ba nker Jose ph Ryland (36 Rogers ). Half of the contribut i n g r eso urce s were original ly built be fore the Town was inco r po- rated i n 1887 . The dist rict shows t he res idential growth fr om very ea r l y a nd tiny vernacular ho us e s t o larger and mo re stylish o n es . It de mon s t rat es that ea rl y town lead ers chose to live o n a hillside r ight above the commun i t y 's main street (now Eas t Mai n St .) with the untamed San ta Cruz Mountains at the i r backs a n d faci n g the vi ew o ver the village they ow n ed a nd the f arms beyo nd it . So me liied alo ng the l owe r po rtio n of the old Ind ian trail (now Co llege Ave .), lace r used by Spaniards, Mexica ns , and lumber men. So me lived next t o t he improved power sys tem (the r ese rvo ir and mill r ace) buil t in 1870 by the Los Gatos Ma nu f a c turing Co . fo r the o l d Fo r bes Mill . The period of signi f i ca n c e is 1870 -1908 , f r om constru c t io n 2 1. Sources (See Co ntinu a ti o n page 7 .) Se e Continuati on pag e 10 . A-events /pat tern s 22. Ap plicable National Register Criteria B-pe rso ns 2 3. Other Recognition State Landmark No. (if applicable) ----------- 2 ~. Evaluator Anne Bl oo mf ield Date ol Evaluation _...:S...:e..cp...:t...:·:__l:....9c..9:....0.:_ ________ _ 25 . Survey Type ___ ...:L:.:o_c....:a:....l ____________ _ Sketch map. Show location and boundaries of property in relation to nearby streets, ra ilways , natural landmarks. etc. Name each feature . See Sketch ~a p p . 2 . 2 5. Survey Name Los Gatos Historic Res our ces Invenco y 27 . Year Form Prepared l 991 ----,----------------8 y (Name) Rob ert H. Sc hum ache r & An n e Bloomfield Organization Bloomfield Architectural Histo n ' Address 2229 Webs ter St. City & ZIP Sa n Fran cisco , CA 94 11 5 Phone (415) 922 -106 3 u Cleland -College Di s trict 20 . ::IGNIFIO.NCE ( Co n c. 1 Co nt i nuatio n page 1 oi the reserv oir co t he la st s 1gn1 r1ca n t reco ns:ru ction of tw o houses . 3y 1Y U8 th e pioneers an d most o f their widows were go ne. Since th en :nere nav e bee n losses. a lterations a~d numer ou s additi on s , but mos t of the period of significance residencs would be able t o recog nize their houses t od ay. The hi l l area is r ich in hi sto r y of the earliest pe r iods of Lo s Gatos . The dis c r ict includes the houses of t ow nspeop le from the o r iginal set tlemen t o f Forbes Mill a nd Main S treet, when ~hat is no w East Lo s Gat os was the whole t own. lli sro rical fea c ures on the hill in clud e a porti o n o the o ld I ndian /S panish trail f r om Sa n Jose to San ta Cru z (which be came Jones Lumber Road ), t he Forbes Mill reservoi r and its water-ca rryin g sys tem , t h e H. Wilcox/Nov i t iate tract, Kimble S ubdivisi o ns #1 and 2, the site of the C .F . Wilco x/C .T. Ryland /Z.A . Macab e e mansi o n, the Th om as S. Cleland House and houses of ot her ear ly settlers . The r oute of Co llege Av enue app ears to go back t o preh istoric times. I n 1791 whe n Father Lasuen fou nd e d Mi ssion Sa n t a Cruz , Indians show e d him their tr ail over he Santa Cruz Moun t ai ns , which was then imp r ov ed i nt o a mu l e t r ail to s upp l y the n ew missi on . The foothill climbing po r tion o f this trail lay east of Lo s Ga t os Creek , i n contrast to the west side r o ute of Santa Cruz Avenue that was developed later. Th e trail c ontinued in use aft er J ose Maria Hernandez ana Sebastian Fabian Pera l ta we r e g r anted the Ranch o Rinconada d e las Gatos i n 1839 . The Cl eland-College District l ies in the very sou t he rn porti on of this r ancno , all but the re servoir i tsel f , which extends fa r t her south. Late i n l 47 Isaac Branha~ bo ught la nd a nd sta r t ed t o build ''th e fir st water powered sawm i ll o n the Santa Clara Vall e y s i de o: th e Santa Cru z Mo un tains , wher e Lexington Dam is located today . . . To bring in the mill machinery and co move o ut the cut l umber , i t was neces - sar y to impr ove the portion o f the r oad fr o m the base o f the mountain, where Forbes' Mi ll was later built . to the mi l l site . Th e trail wa s widened i n a a narrow r oad, but th e steep grade wa s r e tained ov er what is now ca lled St . Jos eph 's Hill ... I t was almost imp o s sible , fo r ev e n a t e am pulling a hal f loa a, t o ascend t h is g rad e . The descent wa s even more hazardous, with skids o r drag s being placed on the whe el s of the l cmber wagons . Chains we r e also used as a fo rm of brake .... Two wav traffic o n t h is po rt ion o f the r oad was enti rel v o ut o f th e ~ues t i o n. Then [came tne gol d rus~J . . As s oo n as the first mi ne r s had re- :ur ne d t o San Jose, ... t he v had go ld to i nve st i n new houses, scores , and ho tels. The need fo r l um ber wa s imm e d ia te and u r g en t , but the sawm ill located [in Lexi n g :onJ ... was unab le to i nc rea se i t s del iveries beca use of th e bott~eneck caused by the steep road to t he mill. . [I n 1849] Za cha r iah Jones [bought t h e sa wmi ll and ] proceeded to solve t he pr o b lem . . by creating a lumberyard at the base of t he mountain , near the presen t in tersec tio n o f Co l lege Av en ue a nd Jones Road , 1~ Lo s Gat os . Fr o m this point a teamster d r iving o u f r om San Jo se wo uld have to t r a vel on ly as far as this lum berva rd of Zac hari ah J o nes. l oa d his wagon with cut l umb er , and retur n by a rather gentle r oa d [ College Ave . J to the Santa Clara Vallev ." Wu lf , 36 -37 / I n 185 2 James Alexa nd er Fo rbe s be ga n constr ucc:on of his stor.e :l o ur mi ll, he 1880 annex t o w~ich survives at 7~ Ch ur c h St reet. His wo rk e rs' sha c k s and cabins constituted th e be gin n i ngs ot the village of Los Ga t os . .\t ;:h e same µe nod ce a mste r s and l umbermen, who d idn 't like Jo nes' monopoly of the o l d mule trail . 1,ere peti tio n i ng the co unty for an imaroved wag o n roa d o ver che mo untai n s . [n 1858 such a road was construc:ed, as a or1va te coll r oad . I t bvpassed the old road over College Avenue and St . ~os eph i s ~ill . going u n th e kes t ban k oi ~os Cleland-Col lege District Con tinuati o n page 8 20 . 3IG~IFICANCE (ConL .J Gatos Creek, wnere Souch Santa Cru z Avenue and the old Santa Cruz Highway lie Loday . Jones soon sold out, and the road from his lumberyard to Fo r bes ~ill reverted t~ very loc al status . In tne 1860s and early !870s , the hills ide area consisted mainly of la r ge tracts cleared f o r orchards and vineyards. Th e f lume and the r eser voir ~ere built in 1870 by the Lo s Gatos Manufactaring Company, remote successo rs to Forbes, ~ho re vamped the mill 's power system by ra ising th e head of the millrace to 200 i t., which is the droo from this re servoir to the mil l site . The millrace dropped from the reserv o ir in a straight run next t o Reserv oir Road , ove r Main St~~et o n a trestle , and do wn to t he mill 's t urb ines , i nstalled i n 1866 . few house s were huilt in this period except do wn near the intersection of Col lege and Villa. Harvev Wilcox built a h ouse on wnat is now the Novitia t e property. ~.a rge land holders included Harvey Wilcox, Cha rles Wilcox , William McMurtry, Mc~il l an, ~nd William Lai'lontagne . ,:ones, College , and Reservoir roads all existed . From 18 75 t o 1880 large hold i ngs continued, i ncluding those of W.O. Johnso n and King . Som e single lot su bd ivision be gan. Los Gatos merchant Thoma s Cle land bo ught a lot in 1874 an d buil t tile fi;st surviving house on Cleland Aven ue (#90 ). ~he firsc smal ler hom es of townspeople were bu i lt , a s well as orcha r ds and farrr.s . Du ring the 1880s houses were bui lt in the di strict f o r farmers, ~own businessmen, day wo rkers, and o rchardists, including Thomas Cox (80 Cleland) in 1883 , E.E. Dow (demol ished) and W.H.B . Trantham (56 Cleland) in 1885 . Wilcox sold ac r eage to the Jesuits f o r the Novitiate in 1886 . Pa rcels started getting smaller. Ki mble bought La Montagne · s pr operty fo r Kimble Sul.Jdi vision, 1,t:i ch ,.,,as recorded in 1887 . it includes the land of the distr i c t 's 114, 120 and t :6 Cleland , 3 ana 15 Kimble. and 36 Rogers, as lots 1, 2 , 3 , 4 , 8, and 14/16 in Block 1. From 1890 to 1908 larger and /o r more elaborate houses were built . ln c.he first cou ple o f decades after the period of significance. there , .. ;as a corn - oination of local owners and more absentee owners with rental s and su:nmer ~ouses . There were still vineyards and orc hards. Ho rsburg build a second ~ouse (d em o l isne a l farthe r up Kimble Avenue than his dl5 . Fr om 1930 t o 1950 the o l de r ~ouses began ~o declin e . The r e were ~o re rentals in t he lower part . Ag r ic ultur e was al most finish ed in thi s part of town . In the 1950s and l960s new housing was bui l t abov~ and in tne district . The r e we re urbanization , razing of olde r houses, and t h e c onstruction of multiple units . All vineyards ceased production . Since 1970 tne emphasis has been upon resto rati o n and upg r ading of the rem aining older houses. The presumed first ho use on Clela nd Avenue, #90, survives with additions. It was Duil: by Thomas Cleland (b . Indiana 1838 ) about 1875 . Cle land was a partner in Cleland & 'lcMurtn· (George !'lc:'lu r t r y , son of \hlliam of t he Los Cacos .'lanufoctunn1, Co .) and ge neral merchanL i~ the Los Ga t os Store . Cleland's deed was dated 2, 9ecemh er 1675 . He also mad e additions to his res iden ce in the 1880s . He moved from Los Gatos to Monte rey Countv in !887 . The probably second ~ouse , 80 Cleland , sta nds with alteraLions . ~he deed t o ~ho mas Cox lb . Ire land 1846) is dated l June 1883 . The house seems ro r.ave been bui l c 1n 1SS3 . as the ne wspaper ta lks of Cox 's addi t Lon 1n 188 5 . Co x was listed •_n the 1886 city d i reCL o ry as che miller at Los Gatos Manuiacturrn5 C.,mapnr, .. .ind Cleland-Co llege District 20 . SIGNIFICAN CE (Co nt. 1 Continuation page 9 as day Labore r a c Los Gatos Ice Company (both partly owned by th e eld er Mc Murtr y). Reco r d s be tween 1901 and 1910 show o n the pro perty o ne John Sulliva n , reported l y Cox's son-in-law , a painter . Later he becaQe the Town Fire Chief a nu Building Inspector . Sull iva n's daughter Cecilia liv ed here u ntil she died in the early 198 0 s . The third ho use, 56 Clela n d , al s o s t a nds with a lterati o ns. The deed is dated 16 April 1886, to W.H .B. Trantham (1 847-1927 ), who had just arrived in Lo s Gatos and had bou ght the Lo s Gatos News , which he ran until 1925 . An 1885 i ssue de scr i bes Tr antham's new o ne story residenc e on Cleland. About 1890 Tranthem moved to 115 Massol, s e lling th e Cleiand house by 189 1 to John El lis . Another 1885 house no longer stands at 54 Clela nd. It belonged to E .E . Dow, a bla cksm ith (Dow & Ball), who a l s o s er ved a term a s Sta te Assemblyman . Do w's widow Caro line died here i n 1928 at t he age o f 91. The lar ge r and more elaborate houses were bui lt l ater, most in the 18 90s. The l a r g es t and most elabo r ate , 36 Roge rs, stand s with l itt le r emodel i ng exc ept chimney s . It was built i n 1890 by C.F. Scammon fo r J oseph R. Ryl and, president l)f the Comme r cial Bank of Lo s Gatos . The archit ec ts were Lob dell & Mahoney, the former a Lo s Gatos man. This was a significa n t stru ct ure. The pr ope r ty adjacen t t o the south on ce co n t ained the C.F. Wilcox ma ns ion a nd was o wn ed by Ry lan d 's f ather at t he t iQe that #36 wa s built. Owner 1907-1925 was F.A. Colley , wh o s e resi dence was giv en in the 19 12 city dire c t o ry, withou t occupation. a s Co llege Ave nu e , which may have been the end of his access road . The nex t largest, a nother wide ve randaed Queen Anne at 10 Reservoi r, app ears essentiall y intact exc ept fo r serious alterations to the c entral bay . It was built o n former Los Gat o s Manufactu ring Co mpan y land in 1890 for William D. Tisdale (184 3-1898), pres id ent of the Los Gato s Manufacturing Co mpany , of t he First Nationa l Bank of San Jose, and of the San J ose Wa t er Compan y. Cnder Tisdale 's presiden cy in 1887, th e Ma nu facturing Compa ny had co nver t ed the flou r mill to a brewery, and he i s pr ob abl y respon sible for transferring the r eservo ir proper ty to t he Sa n ~ose Wate r Co mpan y, whi c h sti l l owns it. I n 18 91 f a s hionable houses were bui l t f o r the brothe rs-i n-l a w J ,j , S ~a n field , with Bank of Los Gat o s and Town Treasurer, and Joseph Fr etwel l , the firs t j eweler in town and l a t er builder of the Fret wel l Build ing (88 West Main ) in the Los Gatos Historic Commercial Di strict . Their houses were across the st reet from each oth er at 126 Cleland and 3 Kim ble , o n Kimble Tract Lots 3 a nd 4 of Bl ock 1 . Soo n a :ter 1900 th ree of the ve r y o l d houses were brought up t o date with Co l o nial Revival /Cr a ftsman remodelings. The 1885 Groom House at 33 College was t ho r oughl y ~od erniz e d by Cr. S .C. Moore, fi rst president of the Lo s Ga t os Boa r d of He alth. An unkn own small ho use at 15 Kimb le was g iven Craftsman windows and s iding by So ut hern Pacific exec utive Francis B. Ho r sburg, as h is summe r dwelling un ti l he bu i lt a grander one a t #24. Los Gat os' first dentist Joh n J . ~ing bv 188 7 had built a house with h i s o rchard s at 39 Reservo ir. Jus t befo re 1908 h e added uo rme~s an d na rr ow clap board siding . Owner Rolando Nor iega Design Hi storic Prese rvatio n Co mmittee (HPC) II E A L E S T A 1' I~ Al'PHA[SAL C n M I' U TAT IO N . VAL U AT IO H RECORD BLOCK HO. 1 ON LOT HO. BLOCK BOOK PAGE _:; ~/ YEAR 1n 40 1lJ 19 10 Des c riptiun, Dimtnsi ons and Ownership or R ea l Pr opert:, De sc r ibed he r e i n , conforms with L II.II d $// C) c~ $ $ $ Valu e o rricial B 1 oc k Book , and As ses sment Map or The Ci t y Named on Rt:verse. ~- No ac c ou11tab i l i ty A ssum~d r or M atters Leg a 1 in Chara c t er . Comp u t a ti on or v a 1 u e s or Hui l ,li 11 g; ~!;oc $ $ $ Land and Build i ngs in Accord an ce w ith Cont ra c t Provision s ror Eq uat ax S y s tern Val u at ion . Value .. Nw11h e r --z_ SYMBOL FIIONT DEP'l'll PCT. COEF. UNIT COMPU'l'ED VALUE of Di dg;s OWNEflSIIIP RECOHD I,?,; 1) X 9--%'"~ .,(1,, ·." $ 1 9 110 '~"-•,d} - .'·~:~t" ;.-· ... , 1"4~/ ~ n·:; :&~e:~~ X .,,·f , y \ n 'CfS\ ""') q--s -.___t_.ff:?1-£. I /(J //()l'. 194::. 194:J X 1944 Added Fo r Corn er 1045 Added For All ey .. SYMBOLS 1946 F ,T,=Frout Triangle, fl.T,=Rear T,~langle. B,L,:Rack Lot Comp, T OTAL C. I. =Corner Influen ce . <1 = Re verse Corner Comp , $ 194;? Retail llusiness D Resid e nce D SPECIAL REMAflKS ~ ~~ A.JJ-t. d flt, I S KETCHES OR REMARKS, OR . i ·</ Semi Busiuess D Industrial D MET E S ANO BO UN DS DE~ w. ?I~ ~ ; .. , Record Below Subse~uent Chw1§es in Vali.w d ue to Re-aprraisal. I11dicate ' REVI SIOHS AHD ADJUSTMENTS: Reason for Action uch as Ad itions, Alterations, Rebu lding , Fi re Loss, ' Demolition, or Rem o y al o f Bui 1 dings, ' DATE Reason for Actio n BY COS'l' IU-:PRO, DEPlmCIA-JlEVISEO .. FAC'r0R COS'l' TION VALUE ' ·i ,, f ' . 1 )· ·~"-: i ! j ---' Inform ation o n the Guerin Fa mily I . TOWN Of lOS GATOS Building lo!p&.:Hon Otparfment Ph9ne Elgato .C-.4520 APPUCATiON FOR BUllOINO PERMIT lO(-,f iOf'I ....................................... · ...................................................................... -·#····"'·· .. ·~ ................... . St,ee<t.~ ..... :.L:!.~~-........ (\~.l/t'..f..t' .... d..ll~~-~ ..... -................... ~r.~~: ..................... . N~.sr .. ~. ···-···· ....................................................... ~-......................................... , ................. _ ........ . }..ppliuti¢11 ls l-.erab1 r-•~• for • parrr:t ~ &) t~t f¢>!1,('1,~ y..{i,rl ~ 1l,.J\t Pl"Pt,ty Jr, 1«~~1:-.0 v.1:h ~·,·.t 1·A-ltli.J t:"d t!l t;-pt.ul~, Tc;·,.,·:,~ Co-.1nt)' 1r,d Stt~• ~..-i·l\4.";(U, ff~·Att:~s t:id , • .,, I g.;·, ~,r.t~ J.z,n~:~ • .,. cor.11t\(t°'!)I) 1:-J «<'--tarcy of l-Jl~r..a. • (Cird1 Oi-.1) 8UJlO •........... Story ...... : .... F~n1tly R<?iiden<e ~nd .................... -..................................................................................... . REMODEL t~o. No. · ,,.~ . ~ .. (ft:_D_~ TO) or .................................. ·-....................... ~· ................... ··~····., ........................................................... ,, .............................. , ...................... . MOVE Occup~n~ ................................................................................................................................................................................... ~ Owner's E,tim~teJ lotal Vorve of lmprovcmentJ .. , ............ " ...................................................................................................... . Ow net ..... t .... ~;(: .... :~l: .?.t~ ... <:-..-!. .................................. .-........... .l.ddrc-s , .... :f.J .. ( .L( /.<.. j ~ ... 4..L~ .... ; ......................... ~ ........... . Contr~tt<>t ••....... (::-.(.~: .. '.!.! .. ~;.~~~!.. ..................... ~ ...................... Addrc~s .................................................................................... . , Ucense Nurnber ................. !._. .................... F'h<>n~ ~vm1r ..... :.$:J~~/ .. -: ... 'l.(.::l! ...................................................... Q.;~·~; Appfrt-ant Sfgn Here ........ {l'1..:.t.t.-.:L.4.y. ..... 0 • .,{..: .. )/t.: ,n...{ .. !-.. • .1. .............................. Jor {0-bncr . . . . . . . , .. C ) ~l lM_ 11-6.5 ... " · .. , ~,rre,:.~ • 4 , • ! • , •• _( ) ••• i ' • Information on the Jones Family ' i 10: t I { 'filofutt nf 1filt~ (6ttfl1S ··ih\en of Homes .. ~o& ~tthts1 tl!alifontilt OATlt NoY..,.r 17. 19~S "tchard o. Jone, SJ Coll•s• AW Loi Gatos, c.tifotnla ~,l!~Jl:CT: IS ,s 87 RMIOdtllng 51 Ce1togo Av•• This is to notify you or th~ f?llm1ir,9 'Li::ion ta!<cn by the PI ann i ng C0,wol s s I on on y, .. r .,. ,:lJ i c.:,:..t_'._.J;, 1at ll»s t>l.tnning Corrmission r.·e<:>tl1,9 ·:' ___ JJt:N_-__ !__1_,_,_~_Q_ APPftOY£D: subject to dr.wlngt •• s~ltt•d, Yours very tru,y, H.:ir t I ey s~cgcr P,annlng Director ::on:: Appr.:ival a1Jtor.v,th:all ,:,>.:plr<'!s if 1,uildlng pcrr:,it h-:1s not !Jean issued six mon'. · frc11 date 0f approv-01. I .. a- ': " ~ C, • I ;1' z: 7 .... ! ; a- :a. . -· ,:, .... . ... .. . . .. , .. ·r;: .. ·~.t ·.;" ... ~ . 1 .. , ;: .. " . .. ~] • .. . . •. .. ·~··· ··.~·... lwti ~-,~ ~~· .... ....... -·· ............... . N~ ~ S4?_3 B .. -· ... . . .I. . ... ··: . ..I ·._· htW.. IMptdion Departm,nt \' • • Phoffl1 Elgtlo 4-4520 ··J:iullDING PERMIT . ~ . le<tfl,,o ............... ~~2/.~ ........ (~q.~~.~.~ ..... d.::(.~: .................................... :'. ht at~,\ ?ud . ' .. St,~i, ....................................................... _ ........................................................... ·· ~tlbu\1 ft. . 0 i ~(Ont.;...................... ·-.~ ..... ~·---· ~ ,~.-~ .. ~ ... ~~~,~~~-~tA~:~-~-~~ ··m1r~i;-·--; '. ·rono .. t:., ............... ~lde( ........ ) c ....... ) ··--·· -··----···---·· ·,:··-····· ·-·· ... ---·······-·····"··· _._' \ . _ . ~ Rm.-·:·········:...... ... . ,(t: . ·--:;;;;;:~;~ ;~~~$-... ··+ ___ ... J _ . . . .. , . < . . o,tt ..... / ............ r2. .. 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TOWtl OF LOS GATOS 8ulldln9 tnspectloij _Oepartm~nt Phone•• 3S~-6811 . : ~ APf>LICATiOH FOR 8UILOING PERHIT j • . •.• location ·--... -·--cot·------~·-iroc1t-,-•·-·-···v,-Tiitr··---_..., .• Street#. __ .,.,/1 .. _L_.~ ~-4-~ ... ~a~.~~--.~.,-···"" Near .... ~·~,•r..•, •• ~,-:..,. ...,\,*•,.-...~-... ··-.... -·-~ ... ----·---·-.,. _ ...... -··-----"-.. -·-,~- Applle~tlon ls .hoJ'cby ~ado for a pcrr.1lt to do the followlng 1-:ork on above pr/,por ty In accordance with plans submitted and all applle~bto T&tin. County, and Stato Otdtn~nccs, regulations and la•.,s 9overnlng lo"»tlon, construction and oceupanc.y of bul ldlng, (Cir-etc One) BUILO REHODEl er;~~ MOVE S t<>ry F~r~ I I y Ros f den cc and --Ho--: ... -·.. -~tll·rr,o:· .. -"'. ,,,.. ... ""••"'·; ..... ,,. ....... -.. . ..,, ........ ,." ............. -...... . or --·--··,_,.___,. _____ .._ ___ ..,,_'otl1er-Typo_S_t""""i_u __ c __ tu--r-e-··•·A---~-·---·~----........... -... ,.,.-... --- Occ.upaney._.:.-i-...~.,.,. .. .,. ~ ~ ....... -._._____ ............ •r --·--··· .. --..... ~··-·,)Ill'\,.,_ __ ......... ,. ....... _._ .... --........... "-4"""'-~·· .,,. ~, ... --- Owner I s Est I mated oota I II a luo Of I cr9roverren ts _____ .... -. ... -----··-·-----·-·········---- Owno r ..£.~ -r.J..d...1-·--·-···-·-.. .Address •• .fi::/..-... /},1.,.d.tft-.fh1.k ·------- Cont r<>c tor •.. -. .... ~----· .. f.:.I.J.J.:!.1:-:-.~.,:,..,/,. ............ ,. ··-··· ... ~·-..... Addrass •.. -... ~-.. -~ ......... ·---·_, _____ ,., _____ --···~ ·-··---- L f ccnso N~er·-----·--·---.. ~-·#-.-.---.-.. Phono ........ , .. .!;2_r~~~--e._0 .. Jl_./ ........ ,.u•~ .......... .,. -~~-~~ Applicant Sign Here 4~¥ ~L . :. _ '."ror::;::~~~i~;:::~~:~Ji .l > ,· . " . . . . ~ -! ·->~ .. '• ...... J • ··~ . . ' No. ... to~Y ; ........ Estilnat<·<l ( 'o.~r . . .... r $ / .·f_;· · eo . ~. . . . .. HC'r~h·.~,I ii-·ay11u•nt o,,~ -·Ol'>t Jr,sr~"'·'ti) .... ... ""'.· ... . . ,. . . • Ill, • • • •• ~ • • ... ~ • • .. • • ·.·.. . . •• •., •• \ I '. .': Infor m ation on the Simons Family . ... .. ~ :;~i .. ~,' ;~:·:~ n ······~-.,.. r' "" ' . . . e • " I ~ I .; ... ... . ._, ... . .. ~ W D.l c .i .. - ( HMH, Incorporated CM~•Plamln•~ 01:SCRIPl ION COi.LEGE A VENUE I.OT I.INF. ADJUSTMENT Jrtl 1 Hi·~ 1,·1',a:n J 'liq~. RC E :":ovember 15. 1996 lt\HI 2S-12-00-00 Page I of2 All that certain real property situate in the To.,.,n of l.os Gatos, County of Santa Clara County, State of California. described as foilows AOJUSTED LOT NO. 20 All that ccrt,in real propNty dcstribcd in th.: lkcd 10 Robeit ,\ Simons et ux recorded September 27, 1984 in Hook 1916 of Oflicial Records at page 517, Santa Clara County RIX'ords. and a poition of S3n Jose Water ('ompany's l.ot No 70-,\ ~s sho\\O on RccorJ of Su,v.:y. \fap No 199, San Jose Waler Works Lands recorded May 27. 1967 in Book 222 of ~taps . pages 33 through 39, S.1nta Clara C!lunt)' llctords, ntore particularly described as follows BEGINNl~G at the most westerly Ct1incr of said Simons prcpcrt)', lying in th(' southe3sttrly line ofColkgc .-hcnm~. Thrncc along said line, North S.t"IO'OI" fasl, 45 72 feel. and North 67 .,2 l'OS" Ea~t. 80. 77 feel 10 the most nonherly oornc·, of said Simon property. Thence along the easterly line of said property and its southerly profongalion, South I S0 1 l'20· East . )SO 39 feet 10 the southerly line of saiJ Lot No 70-A : lhen,:~ along said line the following fi\'e (S) courses · Sout" &7.,1 s·oo • West. 29.47 feet; North 90~00'00" West, IS .60 fee1 ; South 8)0 )0'00" w~,. 13 .02 feet, South 71 ° . .J5'00" West, 13 74 feet, and South 66°4<,00" West, 2S .9~ feet to the southerly pro1ongation of the westerly line of .taid Simon propcrt)·, l5./l/J1b 010 t5700a~l3~ Aoad. Suile 200 • P.O Bol&m,o • $..n.Jose.CU516t-1$10 • 408/487•2200 • Fax.. 4QIV481·2222 . -~ :, t •• ( ( TOWN OF LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT State of Californla Coonty of Santa Clara On----------before me, MARIAN V. COSGROVE. Town Clerf<, personally appeared LF.E E. BOWMAN, Planning Director, personally known to me to be the person whose name Is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same lo his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the within instrument the entity upon behalf of which the person acted. The Town of Los Gatos, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (Town crerk of Los Gatos, California) CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER: Municipal Officer of the Town of Los Gatos DESCRIPTION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT: Title of Document: Number of Pages: Date of Document: Certificate of Lot Line Adjustment 61 College Avenue 5 Signer(•) Other than Named Above: None ·-----------··--- ( ( \Jt/(·f( Memorandum To: From: Date: Subject: Marian V. Cosgrove, Town Clerk Lee E. Bowman, Planning Director May 7, 1998 51 College Avenue Certificate of Lot Line Adjustment Attached Is the original of the Certificate of Lot line Adjustment required as a condition of approval for the subject parcels. The document has been signed . Please attest to my signature . Please call the applicant's title officer, as listed below, for recording the documents : Melanie Gow, Title Officer Phone: 288-7800 Financial Title Co. 701 Miller Street San Jose, CA 95110 If you have any questions about this. please call Trish at 6860 . "'\"• .a ·d i."!; •, ' ·' :~ L ;• "'· ,-, ... I j ~--------------------------------------...- I "•-'• •••••1• In fo rm ati o n o n t he Mendoza Fa mil y Order No 520-1845637-60 Exhibit ·'A'' Adjusted Lot 20 pursuant to the Certificate of Lo t Line Adjustment record ed on May 29, 1998 as In strument No. 1998-14207062 of Official Reco rds particularly des cri bed as follows: Parcel One: A ll t h at certain real p roperty described in the Deed to Robert A. Simons e t ux recorded September 27, 1984 in Book !91 6 of Official Records at Page 517, Santa C la ra Co unty Records, and a portion of San Jose Water Company's Lot No. 70-A as shown on Record of survey, Map No. 199, San Jose Water Works Lands recor ded May 27, 1967 in Book 222 of Maps, Pages 33 through 39, Santa Cl ara County Records, more p articularly described as fo ll ows: Begi nni ng at the mos t Wester ly corner of said Simons property, lying in the Southeasterly line of College Avenue: Thence al ong said l ine, North 54° IO' 01" East, 45.72 feet; and North 67° 2 1' 08" East, 80.77 feet to the most Northerly cornerof said Si mon property; Thence along the Easterly line o f said property and its Southerly prolo ngation, South 15 ° 11' 20" Eas t, 350.39 feet to the Southerly line of said Lot No. 70 -A ; Thence along said line the following fi ve (5) courses: South 87° 15' 00" West, 29.47 feet; North 90° 00' 00" West , 15.60 feet; South 83 ° 30' 00" West, 13.02 feet; So uth 71 ° 45 ' 00" West, 13.74 fee t ; and South 66° 46' 00" West, 25.94 feet to t he Southerly prolongation of the Westerly line of said Simo n property; T hence along said prolongation and Westerly line, North 20° 01 ' 59" West, 316.88 feet to the point of beginning. Parcel Two: Together with the easement as granted by the Deeds dated Jul y 12, 1971 and recorded Ju ly 14, 197 1 in Book 9417 Offi ci al Records, Page 36 and Book 9417 of Official Records, Page 38 , executed by George E . Baltes, et ux and by Robert L. Coonce, et ux, respectively, in favor of Richard D. Jones and Dorothy L. Jones, his wife, as joint tenants, described as follows: A non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress along a strip of land IO fee t wide, the Northe rl y line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a stake K. W .I. set on the Southerl y line on Jones Road, now known as Co llege Aven ue, and said point being the Northwesterly corne r of land conveyed to Jo hn A. Hicks, by Deed recorded May 20, 1891 in Book 133 of Deeds, Page 219, Santa C lara County Records; thence South 15 deg. 07' East 31.24 feet to a stake K. W . on t he Northerl y line of a lane IO fee t wide, as con veyed to Hiram Wagner, by Deed reco rded January 2, 1890 in Book 124 of Deeds, Page 8, Santa Clara County Records, and t he True Point of Beginn ing of the strip of land to b e described thence South 77 deg. 3 0' West along the Northerly line of said lan e 123 feet m ore or less, to its intersection with College Avenue, formerly Jones Road; th e Westerly terminus of said str ip of land sh a ll be the Southerly li ne of College Avenue, formerly Jones Roa d. Assessor's Parce l N umbers(s): 529-29-060 Page 9 BOE-502-A [Pl )REV 12(05-i3) P RELI MINARY C HANGE OF OW NE RS H IP RE PORT To be completed by th e tra ns fe ree (buyer) p rior to a transfer of su bject pro perty , in accorda c e with s ection 480.3 of th e Revenu e a nd Taxati o n Code. A Pre liminar; Change of Ownership Report musl be f il ed wi th each co nveyance i n the County Record e r's office for the county w here the p ro pe rty is locate d_ NAME ANO MAILING ADDRE SS OF BUYER/TRANSFEREE (Make necessary con9etions ,o the prin ted nam e an d mailing address) The David A . & Allison D. Me ndoza, 1988 T ru st UDT dated April 27, 1988 5 1 Co llege Avenue Los Gatos , CA 95030 ASSE SSOR 'S PARCEL NUMBER 529 -29-060 SELLER/T RANSFEROR Robert A. S imons . T ru ste e of th e Survivo r's Trust created October 11, 2014 under lhe S i mo ns Livi ng T rust dated February 10 , 1992 a nd Robert A . Simons , Trustee of the Family Trust created October 11 , 2014 under the Simons Living Trust date d Fe bruary 10 , 1992 BUYER'S DAYTIM E TaEPHONE NUMBE'l . -~-:/'"'., ~-2.: z'-~· -;. ;.I':,• ~ BUYER 'S EMAI L ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS OR PH YS ICAL LOCATION OF R EAL PROPERTY 5 1 College Avenue, L o s Gatos , CA 95030 MAIL PROPERTY TAX INF ORMAT ION TO (NAME) The David A . & A llis on D . Me ndoza, 1988 Trust UDT date d April 27, 1988 ADDRESS I CITY STATE Z IP CODE CA 9 5030 51 Co lleoe Avenue !Los Gatos D YES D NO Th is property Is intended as my pri ncipal res idence . If YES , pl ease in dicate th e date of occ upancy I MO or in tended occupa ncy. DAY YEAR PART 1. TRANSFER INFORMATION Please complete all statements . YES NO o D D {] D 0 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 0 T his section c ontains possible exclu si ons from reassessment for ce rta in types of transfers A. This tra n sfer is sole ly between spouses (addition or remova l of a spouse. death of a spouse. di vorce settlement, etc.). B . This transfer is solely between domestic partners currently registered w ith the Califo rn ia Secretary of State {additio n or removal of a partner. death of a partner, t ermination settlement, etc.). •c . This is a transfer: D between parent(s} and child(ren) D from grandparent(s) to grandchild(ren). ·o, This transfer is the result of a cotenan t's death . Date of deat h ------------ 'E . This tra nsactio n is t o replace a pri ncipal res iden ce by a person 55 years of age or older. WJth in the same county? D YES D NO 'F. Thi transaction is t o replace a principal residence by a person who is severely disabled as defined by Revenue and Ta xation Cod e sectior 69.5 . Withl n t he same county? D YES D NO G . This tra saction is only a correction of the name(s ) o f the person(s} holding title to the property (e .g., a name change upon marriage). If Y ES, p lease explain : --------- H. The recorded docu ment creates . terminates, or recon veys a lender's intere st i n the property. I. This transacti on i s recorded only as a requi rement fo r financing purposes or to create , ter m inate, or reconvey a security interest (e .g ., cosigner)\lf YES , please explain : J . The recorded docliment substitutes a trustee of a trust, mortgage, or other similar document. K . This is a transfer of pr.operty: 1. to/from a revocable trust that may be revoked by the t ransferor and is for the benefit o f D the transferor, and/or D the transferor's spouse D registered domestic partner. 2 . to/from a trust that ma be revoked by the creatorlgrantorltrustor who is also a joi nt tenant. and which names the other Joint tenant(s) as beneficiari es w en the creator/grantorltrustor d ie s. 3 . to/from ar. Irrevocable trust for. the benefit of the D c realor/grantor/trustor andlo D grantor's /truster's spouse D grantor's/trus te r's registered domestic pa rt ne r. L. This property is subject to a lease with remaining lease term of 35 years or more including written options . M. This is a transfer between parties in which proportional interests of l he tr ansferor(s) and t ransferee(s) In each and ev ery parcel being tra nsferred remain exactly the same fte r the transfer. N . Th is is a transfer subject to subsidized low-insome hou sing requi rements w ith governme ntally Imposed restrictions. ·o . This transfer is to the first pu rc haser of a new b ilding contain i ng an active s olar energy s ystem . • Please refer to th e i nstructions for Part 1 . Please provide any other information that will help the Assessor understand the nature of the transfer. THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT SUBJECT TO PUBLIC INSPECTION