Item 3 - 202 University Avenue PREPARED BY: JOCELYN SHOOPMAN Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 01/24/2018 ITEM NO: 3 DATE: JANUARY 18, 2018 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 202 UNIVERSITY AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNER: BARRY AND LISA CHESKIN. APPLICANT: BESS WIERSEMA. REQUESTING APPROVAL OF AN APPLICATION FOR A MINOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN A HISTORIC DISTRICT FOR A FIRST FLOOR ADDITION AND EXTERIOR MODIFICATIONS TO A CONTRIBUTING SINGLE-FAMILY HOME IN THE UNIVERSITY-EDELEN DISTRICT ON PROPERTY ZONED R-1D:LHP. APN 529-04-001. RECOMMENDATION: Review and consider the applicant’s request for approval of a Minor Residential Development in a Historic District application for a first floor addition and exterior modifications. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: 1870’s 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: None 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? Yes 4. Is structure in a historic district? Yes, University-Edelen 5. If yes, is it a contributor? Yes 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes B. Comments The applicant is requesting approval of a Minor Residential Development in a Historic District application for an addition to the first floor of the existing residence and exterior PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 202 UNIVERSITY AVENUE JANUARY 18, 2018 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2018\University 202.docx 1/18/2018 3:39 PM BACKGROUND (cont’d): modifications, including expansion of the existing covered front porch, new decorative porch details, window details, turret, widow’s walk balustrade, and covered rear porch. DISCUSSION: A. Considerations – related to the request for approval for a Minor Residential Development on a contributing single-family home in the University-Edelen Historic District. X In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: 1. In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. B. Town Policy X That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. Attachments: 1. Anne Bloomfield Architectural/Cultural Survey 2. Existing Photos 3. Neighborhood Analysis 4. Development Plans, received December 1, 2017 Distribution: cc: Bess Wiersema, 638 University Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Barry and Lisa Cheskin, 948 Altos Oak Drive, Los Altos, CA 94024 Ue dln.n£ !Bloom{uld ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH File address .::i.tJ;;e U .,,, ,1ecs Y PARCEL MAP INFORMATION ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY '" 1 51 922• t 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94 1 1 5 Parcel # ,5'2..1 -tJ 4' -&(!) I Lot size: S S"" front ft. x //0 ft. deep Lot shape: Rectangle~ L_ Rectangle with small rear jog___ Other __________ _ Location: N S_ E_( W_ side of __ l) _________ St Ave / Other _____ _ distance to cross st: ----ft. N __ S __ E_ W __ from. _________ _ at NE /NW_ SE SW corner of_/14._,_'l'._•_~ ______ _ HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PA~CEL MAP Old tract or subdivision name V.'.lv md f v I~ J FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) Old Block# ~ Old lot# ------- Preliminary rating -+-Estimated age t<i:' ?(!):, Style_A_-6_/._~_,r_a _______ # stories.....,l Alterations. ___________________________________ __ Other . ., cc -=~--'-=------------------------------------ COUNTY ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Name Source Date 1891 Blk Book 1908 Survey 1944 Source Page Location of property, or Lot Old tract/block/lot Size Owner Name EFFective date ___ _ MISCELLANEOUS PHOTOS: Ro ll/frame #(NJPb/ ' Date __ National Register listed date ________ __ County Inventory 1979 ____________ _ Town of Los Gatos: Designation __ Recognition_ District Name ______________ __ Previous Survey Gebhard: page# illustration page# Butler/Junior League ----- tATTACHMEN'f 1 f rLE/3 E -PR! NT1 Street: I lh,·i_v c•r ·-i -tv In fo rm en t: i,:. l ,ac;c ;:; Hous e nuti:be Phone: 202 re:-;ent o v•ncrc;: -1:1r_. rnc1 T-,rs Rn·,; Hon r-c-r s Phone: Es ti.me-ced construc t-L0n d ete : 18C)QC .A .H.. ~ 1 qr 10J,.G .'.LR. ;1f'83 'l'itJ.e 1-n:.;. Bu il der : Original : §ccupa.tion: 1 9_ Gcorpc l·:i1 c ::; lJoJ1 .i.ns( 191\-1 L.G .'J':~R.Y' -----..-----·-... ··- ( ye ar of uurchsse ) (Pre Pent) 0 ~!fl~!." Occups.n'.:s : lli istc,ry: 19_: 19_ 19~: Olivr:!r Collins 19!'0-: A • L . :Bak e r 1.9·~5 : J· :rn . Dunha~c J,. Rudolr,h , a ·,,. · ,,; l mr r G . Ile; J tnn J..A..!....;...' (Please identify in f ormetion sourc e .) II II 11 I1 c.n.g.r:..,~.n.f...:..b::~ :.' ·-~ ... II Lo() e:c 's .:~.ra·,;o r.;~; --------·· I t " ------------ II " Occunation: 1; :t -------.. ~. II ' ti n ti ---------------------·------------------ i A!plt1 e Al!e . 1------------------------------------· u:. r-"~·os r.,.,, I ct , · (.... i , ·i-, ,: ,l..j ac,·-~ ...... nd ye 0 r c -" ch -nc.·<> '1 .J.J bu.!, .\..·.!, I Remo_ C.!.::i.n e;: r'LCGGC: a.on., ;;~'_ 1.n.ormo,, .e n .......... ... "' J. "· 0 .... •• "A·, T,~:}lnfh-·, "'i"\··,n an d h0fl.TI2.D Y1 8a(~P d nt th:· b ;·:cl: o f Lm.lf:;c . \ l-'f. "'. 1--· ----------··---~ ...!. ' r , i:.• \ \ ' \ \ l----- 1 I , __ _ !_ __ _ RECEIVED DEC O 1 2017 • > • ~-' .-;"="'. :--.............. .. l ill r ("-....,:,:,_ STUDIO THREE DES GN AACHITECTURE INTER:1oq:s 202 UNIVERSITY AVE* Neighborhood Analysis 1 68 Miles Ave 2 72 Miles Ave 3 129 Edelen Ave 4 222 University Ave 5 2 16 University Ave 6 210 University Ave * 202 University Ave RECEIVED DEC O 7 2017 TOl/v'N OF LOS GATOS PLANNING DIVISION 7 128 University Ave 8 217 University Ave 9 215 University Ave 10 209 University Ave 11 205 Uni vers ity Ave 12 201 University Ave 13 123 University Ave MTTACHJ\I ENT 3 Town of Los Gatos How to Read Your Neighborhood Workbook 1 68 Miles Ave Sinale Fami lv Lot Size: 4,260 salt . Livina Scace: 1,356 salt. FAR: 32% Facade Materials: Wood Sidina Roof Materials: Shinales Accessory Building : Garage Accessory Building Setback: 10' interior side , 5' front 1900 Southern Craftsman Notes : 2 72 Miles Ave Sinale Familv Lot Size: 3,049 soft. Livina Scace: 2,054 salt. FAR: 67% Facade Mate ri als: Wood Siding and Roof Materials: Shingles Shinales Accessorv Buildina: N/A Accessorv Buildina Setback: N/A 1894 Victorian Notes: 3 129 Edelen Ave Sinale Familv Lot Size : 10,560 soft. Livina Scace: 2,198 salt. FAR: 21% Facade Materials: Stucco and Roof Materials : Shingles Shinales Accessory Building: Garage Accessory Building Setback: O' interior side, O' rear 1900 Victorian Notes: 4 222 University Ave Sinale Familv Lot Size: 4,042 saft. Livina Soace : 782 salt. FAR: 19% Facade Materials : Stucco Roof Materials : Shinales Accessorv Buildina : N/A Accessorv Buildina Setback: N/A 1920 Countrv Bunaalow Notes : To wn of Los Gatos 5 How to Read Your Neighborhood Wo rkbook 216 University Ave Sinole Fam il y Lot Size: 5,995 soft. Livino Soace: 3,600 so ft. FAR : 60% Facade Materials: Wood Sidina Roof Materials: Shin ales Accessory Buildino: N/A Accessory Bu ildi nq Setb ack: N/A 1922 Craftsman Bunoalow Notes : 6 210 University Aue Sinole Family Lot Size 5,830 soft. Livino Soace : 1,956 soft. FAR : 34% Facade Materials : Wood Siding Roof Materials: Shingles Accessory Buil ding : N/A Accessory Bu ildin g Setback: 2' in terior side, 2' rea r 1922 Craft sman Co lonial Notes : * 202 University A"e Sin ole Fami ly Lot Size : 6,381 soft. Commercial Soace : 1,200 soft . FAR: 19% Facade Material s: Wood Sidi ng Roof Materials: Shingles Accesso ry Buildino : N/A Accessory Bu il dino Set back: N/A 1890 Victo rian Notes : 7 128 University Ave Sin ale Fam il v Lot Size : 6,490 soft Livino Space : 1,318 soft FAR: 20% Facade Materials: Wood Shin oles Roof Materi als: Shinoles Accessory Building: Garage Accessory Bu il ding Setbac k: 2' in terior side , 2' rear 1898 Victorian Notes: Tow n of Los Gatos How to Read Your Neighborhood Workbook 8 217 University Ave Sinqle Family Lot Size: 3,673 sQft Livinq Space: 768 sqft FAR : 21% Facade Materials: Sh inqles Roof Materials: Shin qles Accessory Building: N/A Accessory Building Setback: N/A 1905 Shinqle Style Notes: 9 215 University Ave Sinqle Family Lot Size : 5,566 sqft Livinq Space: 1,650 sqft Allowed FAR: 30% Facade Materials : Wood Siding and Roof Materials: Shingles Shinqles Accessory Building: Garage Accessory Bu ildi ng Setback: 2' interior side, 2' rear 1894 Victorian Notes: 10 209 University Ave Single Family Lot Size : 5,550 sqft. Livinq Space: 2,568 sQft. Allowed FAR: 46 % Facade Materials : Wood Sidinq Roof Materials: Shinqles Accessory Buil ding: Garage Accessory Building Setback : 2' interior side , 2' rear 1988 Contemoorarv Victorian Notes : 11 205 University Ave SinQle Family Lot Siz e: 5,662 sQft. Livinq Space: 1,556 sQfl. Allowed FAR: 27% Facade Materials : Wood Shinqles Roof Materials : Shinales Accessory Building : Garage Accessory Building Setback: 2' interior side, 5' rear 2015 Craftsman BunQalow Notes : Town of Los Gatos 12 How to Read Your Neighborhood Workbook 201 University Ave Sinqle Family Lot Size : 5,566 sqft. Livinq Soace : 2,900 sq ft. Allowed FAR: 18% Facade Mater ials: Wood Sidina Root Materials : Sh inales Accessory Building : Garage Accessory Bu ild ing Setback : 5' interior side , 5' rea r 1900 Victorian Notes : 13 123 University Ave Sinqle Fam il y Lot Size : 43,560 soft. Livinq Soace: 4,331 sqft. All owed FAR: 38 % Facade Materials: Stucco Roof Mate ri als: Arched Tile Accessory Bu il dinq : NIA Accessory Bu il dinq Setback : N/A 1936 Spanish Revival Notes: Town of Los Gatos Garage Doors ~ ~ ~~ 1 Car Wide 2 Cars Wide Frequency Frequency X 5 or more X 5 or more 2-4 2-4 0-1 0-1 Garage Location on the site DAIiey j ~~Garage I I • l; House Street Alley Acc ess Frequency 5 or more X 2 -4 0-1 Building Heights 6u 1 Story Frequency 5 or more X 2-4 0 -1 -. -. -. , +--Garage I I I • Ii House Street Rear Garage Frequency X 5 or more 2-4 0-1 gable . hip or shed dormers l l l m 1 !h Story Frequency 5 or more X 2 -4 0 -1 ,--- ~~ ~ J 3 Cars Wide Frequency X 5 or more 2-4 0-1 Street . Garage I 2 Car Front Frequency 5 or more 2-4 X 0-1 1 and 2 Story Frequency 5 or more 2 -4 X 0-1 How to Read Your Neighborhood Workbook Neighborhood Patterns 1 1 . t :-l I< ·: ___ i __ t Iii" I I -'--· _2 -., lL7 - Slreot ~,"' ,o · • l 1r;- 1 ~ -• 1 jL 9 8 7 6 5 Interior Parcel Corner Parcel Immediate Neighborhood Parcels r ·-·--~ I Street 2 Car Back Frequency 5 or more 2-4 X 0-1 ,... . -. -. , Street Side Load ed Frequency 5 or more 2-4 X 0-1 2 Story 2 Story plus Frequency Frequency 5 or more 5 or more X 2 -4 X 2-4 0-1 0 -1 Town of Los Gatos Craftsman Bungalow Frequency 5 or more X 2-4 0-1 Spanish / Mission Revival Frequency 5 or more 2 -4 X 0-1 Colonial / Greek Revival Frequency 5 or more 2 -4 X 0-1 How to Read Your Neighborhood Workbook Architectural Styles 1 of 2 r-._,1 ,. 5 ·: . 3 1 6 I ~ --l ~,-- -' -~· L__ Strcot s..- ~10 , •i· r ~- • • IL . , a , s s Interior Parcel Corner Parcel Immediate Neighborhood Parcels Victorian Frequency X 5 or more 2 -4 0 -1 Italianate Frequency 5 or more 2 -4 X 0-1 Town of Los Gato s Europe an Romant ic Frequen cy 5 or more 2-4 X 0-1 Ranch Frequen cy 5 or more 2 -4 X 0-1 Modern Frequen cy 5 or more 2-4 X 0 -1 How to Read Your Neighborhood Workbook Architectural Styl of • I 1. s • . , I -' ,_111 ['_ --r - ,, ,o _ , I I , 9 I 7 5 S Interio r Parcel Corner Parcel Immediate Neighborhood Parcels Bu ilde r Contemporary Frequency 5 or more 2-4 X 0 -1 Oth er Hi stor ic Sty le Frequency 5 or more 2-4 X 0-1 Oth er Non -Histor ic Sty le Frequen cy 5 or more 2-4 X 0-1 Town of Los Gatos Building Height on Adjacent Parcels Parcel 2 X 1 Story 1 17 Story 2 Story 1 and 2 Story 2 Story Plus Street Presence ,-·-·-·, ~o! I I . . I I Street Straight Facade Wide Frequency 5 or more 2 -4 X 0-1 Entries Recessed : In Wall or Under Roof Frequency 5 or more 2-4 X 0-1 Parcel 3 X 1 Story 1 Y2 Story 2 Story 1 and 2 Story 2 Story Plus r · -. -. , I D' Street Straight Facade Narrow Frequency X 5 or more 2 -4 0-1 Attached : With Low Eave Frequency 5 or mo re 2-4 X 0-1 ,-·-·-·, I I ~CJ! I I . . I I . . I I Street L Shape Frequency 5 or more 2 -4 X 0-1 Attache d : With High Eave Frequency 5 or more 2-4 X 0-1 How to Read Your Neighborhood Workbook Form ar u ~ass ng 9 8 7 & 5 ,, · ,o , . I • --I I Interior Parcel Corner Parcel Immediate Neighborhood Parcels , . -. -. , I l~]~ I I . . I I . . CORNER I I Street T Shape Other ( Diagram ) Frequency Fre quency 5 or more 5 or more 2-4 X 2-4 X 0-1 0 -1 Na rrow Po rc h Wide Porch Frequency Frequen cy X 5 or more 5 or mo re 2 -4 X 2 -4 0 -1 0-1 Town of Los Gatos Roof Forms All Gable Roofs All Hip Roofs Frequ ency Frequ ency X 5 or more 5 or more 2-4 X 2-4 0-1 0 -1 Roof Pitches D I InJ Flat Low Pitch Frequen cy Frequency 5 or more 5 or more 2-4 2-4 X 0-1 X 0-1 Gable and Hi p Mix Frequency 5 or more 2 -4 X 0-1 Moderate Pitch Frequency X 5 or more 2-4 0-1 How to Read Your Neighborhood Workbook Roos 1 o .. t a 1 , s Interior Parcel Corner Parcel 1mmea1ate Ne1ghborhooa Parcels Flat / Low Slope Other ( Di agram ) Frequen cy Frequ ency 5 or mo re 5 or more 2-4 2-4 X 0-1 X 0-1 Steep Pitch Very Steep Pitch Freque ncy Frequ ency X 5 or more 5 or more 2-4 2 -4 0-1 X 0-1 Town of Los Gatos Roof Overhangs None (6 " or less) Frequency 5 or more 2 -4 X 0-1 Roof Eaves Open Frequency 5 or more X 2-4 0 -1 Roof Features None Frequency X 5 or more 2-4 0-1 18'' or less Small (18" or less) Frequen cy X 5 or more 2-4 0-1 Open with exposed rafter tails Frequency X 5 or more 2-4 0-1 gable or hip dormer Gable or Hip Dormer Frequency 5 or more X 2-4 0-1 over 18" Large (Over 18 ") Frequency X 5 or more 2-4 0 -1 Closed sofflt Closed Frequency X 5 or more 2-4 0-1 shed Shed Dormers Frequency 5 or more 2-4 X 0-1 How to Read Your Neighborhood Workbook Roof 2 of 2 • I • ·-..:,~ •• U' ...... ...... " ,. , I f•-. I 8 7 e 5 Interior Parcel corner Parcel Immediate Neighborhood Parcels Town of Los Gatos Prominent Window Proportions vertical windows square windows I I I l I l I I I n n Vertical Square Frequency Frequency X 5 or more 5 or more 2 -4 2-4 0-1 X 0-1 Predominant Window Type t::3f;™-, t .,_.--· DD Double Hung Casement Frequen cy Frequency X 5 or more 5 or more 2-4 2 -4 0-1 X 0-1 Window Divisions DD DD D None Panes at top Frequency Frequency X 5 or more 5 or mo re 2 -4 X 2-4 0 -1 0-1 horizontal windows I l I n Horizontal Frequency 5 or more 2 -4 X 0-1 Sliding Frequency 5 or more 2 -4 X 0 -1 Panes both Frequency 5 or more 2 -4 X 0-1 How to Read Your Neighborhood Workbook Window_ . of 2 -t I 7 I S Interior Parcel ' ' I • ·-...:,- '_ .•• I ' -- 11 10 9 I I -' Corner Parcel Immediate Neighborhood Parcels FIXED Awning Other ( Diagram ) Frequency Frequency 5 or more 5 or more 2-4 X 2-4 X 0-1 0 -1 Panes at transom Other ( Diagram ) Frequency Frequency 5 or more Sor more 2 -4 2 -4 X 0-1 X 0-1 Town of Los Gatos Window Material Wood or wood-look Frequency X 5 or more 2 -4 0 -1 Metal Frequency 5 or more X 2 -4 0 -1 How to Read Your Neighborhood Workbook Windows 2 of 2 I • I I s 3 l I .:]I l\c7_ . . 9 8 7 6 S Interior Parcel Corner Parcel Immediate Neighborhood Parcels Window Groupings ( Check those that are the most common on the houses nearby ) groups of single windows paired windows three or more windows same same l I l I 1 I ' n n n n Singles Pairs Ribb on Symmetrical Frequ ency Frequency Frequency Frequency X 5 or more 5 or more 5 or more Sor more 2 -4 X 2-4 2-4 2-4 0-1 0 -1 X 0-1 X 0-1 Special Window Shapes ( Check all that are common on an individual house ) Bay Windows First Floor Frequency X 5 or more 2 -4 0 -1 Bay Windows Second Floor Frequency 5 or more 2 -4 X 0-1 Arched Heads Frequency 5 or more 2 -4 X 0-1 Estate Style Wind ows Frequency 5 or more 2-4 X 0-1 different different I I I I n Assymmetrical Frequency 5 or more 2 -4 X 0-1 Other ( Diagram ) Frequency 5 or mo re 2-4 X 0-1 Town of Los Gatos Door Sizes Door Setting 0 IT] D Single Doub le Door Only Frequency Frequency Frequency X 5 or more 5 or more X 5 or more 2-4 2 -4 2 -4 0 -1 X 0-1 0-1 Door Details D D Plain Panels Panels and Glass Frequency Frequency Frequency 5 or more 5 or more X 5 or more 2 -4 2-4 2-4 X 0-1 X 0-1 0 -1 How to Read Your Neighborhood Workbook Doors • I I s 3 ! I s -.,- 2111 l 7_ s- 9: I 7 I S 11 • 10 9 I I I Interior Parcel Comer Parcel Immediate Neighborhood Parcels [] Sidelights Frequency X 5 or more 2-4 0-1 r=il LI Divided Panes Frequency X 5 or more 2-4 0-1 Transom Frequency 5 or more 2 -4 X 0-1 Shaped Door Head Frequency 5 or more 2 -4 X 0-1 Town of Los Gatos Accent Materials in the neighborhood Stone Wall Bases Brick Wall Bases Stone Chimneys 1 Brick Chimneys 1 Other Primary Wall Materials Wood Si ding Frequen cy X 5 or more 2 -4 0 -1 Roof Materials Composi ti on Shi ngles Frequency X 5 or more 2 -4 0 -1 Shingles Frequency X 5 or more 2-4 0 -1 Wood Shakes Frequency 5 or more 2-4 X 0 -1 Stucco Frequen cy 5 or more 2-4 X 0 -1 Ti le or Concrete Fl at Frequency 5 or more 2 -4 X 0-1 How to Read Your Neighborhood Workbook Mater als 9 I 7 6i S Interior Parcel Corner Parcel Immediate Neighborhood Parcels Brick or Stone Frequency 5 or more 2-4 X 0-1 Tile or Concrete Arched Frequency 5 or more 2 -4 X 0-1 Mix of Materials Frequency 5 or more 2-4 X 0 -1 Metal Frequency 5 or more 2-4 X 0-1 Town of Lo s Gatos Front Yard Fence Frequency X 5 or more 2-4 0-1 Stone or Brick Base Frequ ency 5 or mor e 2-4 X 0 -1 Shaped or Detailed Entry Columns Frequ ency 5 or more X 2 -4 0 -1 Front Yard Arbor Frequency 5 or more 2-4 X 0 -1 Stone or Brick Chimney Frequ ency 5 or more 2 -4 X 0-1 Column Caps and Bases Frequ ency 5 or more 2-4 X 0-1 Trellises Frequenc y 5 or more 2-4 X 0 -1 Shu tters Frequ ency 5 or more 2-4 X 0-1 How to Read Your Neighborhood Workbook Ac.., .. D t iL I I 7 I S Interior Parcel • I I. • ' , I • -..:~ 1 •• l ' --11 ,o I I I I ' Corne r Parcel Immediate Neighborhood Parcels Brackets Gable Infi ll Tex tu re Frequen cy Fre que ncy 5 or more 5 or more 2-4 2-4 X 0 -1 X 0 -1 Detailed Columns and Half Timber Beams Rai lin gs Tower I Turrets Frequ ency Frequen cy Frequen cy X 5 or more 5 or more 5 or more 2-4 2-4 2-4 0-1 X 0 -1 X 0 -1 Oth er Distin cti ve Feat ures in the Imm edia te Nei gh borhood and the Br oa der Nei ghbor hoo d ( Wi thin 1 Bl ock ) Town of Los Gatos How to Read Your Neighborhood Workbook Summary of predominant neighborhood characteristi cs 'le!,,., ,n me 1rrriea1a·e NJ2.f1tlorh00d Neighborhood Patters Garage Doors Garage Doors Building He ights X 1 Car Wide Alley Access X 1 Story X 2Cars Wide X Rear Garage 1 Y2 Story 3 Cars Wide 2 Car Front 1 and 2 Story 2 Car Back 2 Story Side Load 2 Stories Plus Architectural Styles X Craftsman Bungalow Colonial Rev ival Modern Spanish/Mis sion Reviva l European Romantic Other Historic Style X Victorian Ranch Other Non-Historic Style Greek Revival Builder Contemporary Form and Massing Street Pres ence Entrie s Straight Facade : Wide Recessed : in Wall or Under Roof X Straight Facade : Narrow Attached : With Low Eave L-Sha pe Attached : With High Eave T Shape : Narrow Forwa rd X Narrow Porch X Corner Wide Porch Roofs Roof Forms Roof Overhang s Roof Eaves X All Gable Roofs None (6" or less) X Open All Hip Roofs X Small ( 18 " or less) Open with exposed rafters Gable and Hip Mix Large (ove r 18') X Closed Flat/Low Slope Other Ro of Pitches Roof Feature Flat X None Lo w Pitch Gable Dormers X Moderate Pitch Shed Dormers X Steep Pitch Very Steep Pitch Town of Lo s Gatos Windows Pred ominant Window Window Divi sio ns Proportions X None X Vertical X Panes at Top Square Panes at to p and bottom Horizontal Panes at transom Other Predominant Window Ty pe Window Material X Double Hung x I Wood or wood-like Casement I Metal Sl iding Awn ing Other Doors Door Size Door Setti ng x I Single X Door Only I Double Sidelights Transom Materials Acce nt Material s Pr imary Wall Mater ial Stone Wall Bases X Wood Siding Brick Wall Bases X Shingles Stone Chimneys Stucco Brick Chimneys Brick or Stone Other Mix of Materials Acce nt Details X Front Yard Fences Shutters Fron t Ya rd Entry Arbor Brackets Trellises Gable Infi ll Textu re Stone or Bric k Bases X Shaped or Detailed Entry Stone or Br ick Chimneys Columns Oth er Distinctive Featu res in the immediate neighb orhood . How to Read Your Neighborhood Workbook Window Group ings X Singles X Pairs Ribbon Symmetrical Asymmetrical Special Window Shapes X Bay Windows : First Floor Bay Win dows : Second Floor Arched Heads Estate Style Windows Other Doo r Detail Plain Panels X Panels and Glass X Divided Glass Panes Shaped Door Head Roof Materials X Composition Shingles Wood Shakes Tile or Concrete : Flat Tile or Concrete : Arched Metal Column Caps and Bases X Detailed Porch Railings Half Timber Beams Towers/Turrets Other Distinctive Features in the broad er neighborhood . (Within one block eac h direction) REZONING APPROVAL TowN oF Los GATOS COM'.\IUNITY DEVELOPI\JEJ\l OEPARTME:VT Planning Oivi,;on Oc tober 26. 2017 Bess W iersema Studio 3 Oes1gt'I 638 University Avenue LOS Ga t os, CA 95032 RE: 202 Univetsfty Avenue (40H) 3S4·6874 a,·u: (.a08) 35 4 -7593 General P1o1n Amendment GP-17-002 Zone Change Z-17-001 Cl\'l(_c~,..,u no t . M .. 1>1S1u.n l~C \T0t,, C.:A 95030 RequHtlng a p proval for 1 General Phan Amendment from land use design a tion Office Professional to Medium Density Residen tia l and a Zone change from O :LHP (Offlc.e w tth a landmark and Historic Preservation Overlay Zone) to Rl-0:lHP (Single-Family Residential Downtow n with a Landrmirk and Histor ic Presen1at lo n overlay Zon e). APN 5 29 -04-001. PROPERTY OW NER : Barry and Lisa Ch eskin APPLICANT: Bess W i ersema PROJECT PLANN ER: Sean M u l lin At it s meeting of October 25, 2017, the Town of Los Gatos Planning Commission recommended appro\lal of the above referenced appl1cat1ons and forwarded t hem to the Town Council for final consideration of appro11at. This matter 1s ten t atlvely scheduled to be heard by the Town Council on December 19, 2017 . If you ha ve any questions. 1 can be contacted by phone at (408) 354-6823 or by email at >mu llm@losgat o~ca.go\l. Sincerely, L2~Af':h-- Sean M ullin, Associate Planner cc Barr) and Lisa 01eskin , 202 Un1versity Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95020 NEIGHBORHOOD STREETSCAPE ~~ (D Q) 0 EAST SIDE OF UNIV ERSITY -~ © ® 0 NORTH SIDE OF MILES AVE PROJECT DATA PROJEC T ADDRESS: A .P.N.: LOT AREA (HIOV PA~CEL '-1.M>) ZONING: LAND USE: YEAR BUILT: HISTORIC DISTRICT: OCCUPANC Y: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: REQUIRED PARKING: SETBACKS FRONT: SIDE (INTERIOR/STREET). REAR BUILDING HEIGHT HOUSE ACCESSORY 202 UNIVERSITY AVENUE 529-04-001 0. 14 ACRES ('6,380 SF) REZONING FROM O:LHP TO R-1D:LHP REZONING FROM OFFICE PROFESSIONAL TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) 1898 UNIVERSITY /EDELEN DISTRICT R3 I U (SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING + GARAGE ) V-B 2 OFF STREET SPACES ALLOWED 1-5-.-- 5' /10' 20' ALLOWED 30' (MAX.) 15'(MAX) EXISTING !19'.S" N/A PROPOSED !20'-11" !14'-9" FLOOR AREA RATIO (F.A .R.) CALCULATION Wnere A = 6,380 SF / 1000 = 6.3 HOUSE 35 -( l1Lfil x .2 ) = .35 -(0052 x 2) = .35 -(0.0104) = .339 25 .399 x 6,380 SF= 2,163 SF GARAGE 10-( [A -5 )) x.07 = .10 -(0052 X .07) = .10 -(0 .0036) = .096 25 096 x 6,380 SF = 612 SF FLOOR AREA RA TIO FAR HABITABLE HOUSE ADDITION TOTAL DETACHED GARAGE ALLOWED 2.163 SF 2,163 SF 613SF CEL LAR (UNCONDITIONED) NIA ADDITION TOTAL LOT COVERAGE: NO LI M ITATION (PER PLANNER) SHADOW STUDY EXISTING 1.155 SF 1,155 SF NIA 200 SF PROPOSED 1,155 SF 996 SF 2 ,151 SF 612SF 200SF 286 SF 4 86 SF INDEX A 1.1 Cover Shoot A1.2 Techni caJ Demolition Diagrams A1 3 fait,ng ... Proposed Site Plan A2.1 Existing+ Proposed Cellar Plans A2.2 Existing• Propo sed Floor Plans A2.3 Existing• Proposed Roof Pl ans A2.4 Proposed Garage Floor Plan + Roof Ptan • Exter ior Elev ations KJ 1 Existing + Proposed Exler~ E~vations A3.2 Ex1s11ng ... Proposed Exler ior E~valtans A3 3 Existing + Proposed Extenor Efevat ions A4. 1 Building Sections CODES USED The following codes are currentty in efftct: 2016 Cahfo rrn a Building Code 2016 California Residen tial Code 2016 California Electrical Code 2016 California Mechamcal Code 2016 California Pluml>ng Code 2016 California Energy Code 2016 Californ ia Fire Code 2016 Cali fornia Ex1st ing Building Code 2015 lnternalional EK1s1ing Building Code PROJECT DESCRIPTION PROJECT INFO . Owner: Barry + Lisa Cheskin 9<l8 Altos Oak Drive Los Altes, CA 94()2 4 Designer. St udio 3 Design Contact · Bess Wfersema bess@stOOo-three .com 638 Uni versi ty Avenue Los Gatos , California 95032 ph: (408) 292 ,3252 fa, (253)399-1125 This eKistlng property is zoned O:LHP and the owners are requesting it to be re-zoned R-1:LHP, similw to the surrounding neighborhood. The proposed project includes a 996 SF addition to an existing 1 ,155 SF one-stOf)', single-family residence. The existing exterior facade on two sides will remain and the addition wrn match all existing conditions . Most of the interior will be remodeled to b'ansition the previous office to a current residential layout The existing 200 SF unconditioned cellw will r emain and be expanded by 286 SF (below the addi1lon). A new 612 SF detached garage will be added, along with a new dr~eway and patio area in the rew yard Foor (4) on-site trees will be remo •ed along with one (1 ) tree in the publ~ right-Of-wa y. PARCEL MAP r--:--, (l) ·t I • -''-'·'" .:: . . .. .., ,...... (l) VICINITY MAP .... Q 0 C) '--- C 0 0 ... i:tf !~ · -I .. ---- :=·~;E[:;;.rx~s ! ,,,r -' "'• -· I • )), -;,•-- 1, ' - ; ~/ 0 0 -.... r , ' . I INT ERIORS R E M O DELS -+ ADD IT I O NS NEW CO NSTRU CT10N 638 U N IVERSITY AV E LOS GATOS C A L IF"ORNIA 95032 T 4 0 0.292,325 2 ,: 2S.3 .399.11 25 CH ESKIN 202 UNIVERS ITY AV E LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 95030 A P N. 529-04,001 RECEIVED DEC O 11011 TO\\'N OF LOS GATOS fl.ANNING DIVISION 17 JUNE 2016 30 NOVEMBER 2017 PLANNI NG SUBMITI AL SCALE· NIA COVER SHEET A 1 . 1 faTACHMENT f-.. 1 ~ EXISTVIG 'J FLOOR PlAN ""'"" ___ _ TOTAi.WALL Ml. TOI£ ""'"' ......,, N<JmMEST "'" "' ,,.,..,, -"'" .... _, -"'" .... --''"' "'" -TOTM. 1.141Sf C 1SF jMJ TOT.tl.WM.lAAEA• U'41 IF 50'il.•110.5Sf TOTAL OONlGJOUS WAl.1.MEA • 110 Sf ttO•MJ MEETl~TOAYOIDttoNC:.111.DalO WN.J. TO --· ...... ...,. ,,.., "'" "'" m• ... .... "" .... "'"l'>"l t10SFCl,2'l,l •::.:::.. <,.,,.,,.,. ·~~·: I I I I •:.".... I I .,,,,,.,,..,,.---.-::..--- 1 -EXISTING NORTHWEST ELEVATION (FRONT -UNIIIERSITY AVE) 3 ~:=WALLNIEA • -l.ONGCITQOlrONJCUS"9WIDc:WALLMEA.1EfF\.OCJtP\NI ,,,,,,.,,.---.-::..--- •:-.:::.. c:::,"'"'/ ·~:.:..·: I I I I •!"..,.. I I 1 -EXISTING NORTHWEST ELEVATION (FRONT -UNIIIERSITY AVE.) TOTAL WAI.LNIEATO M.IMJI • "'" ~ TOTAL 'IWi!.LMu. TO REMCM • ~·" ------- 3 -EXISTING 50\JTHEAST ELEVATION ,1 7.A iOTALWMJ.AAE.A• tz,I ...... LONGDT CONTWUOUS JIBMNNG WAI.I. NflA. SEE R.OOlt !'\NI •::;:. 3 -EXISTVIG 50\JTHEAST ELEVATION .... .... .... ... ,; .. T ;:,:-;. ··-·l T ........... r :::..::..· ·=.:::, 'l r I tj I I I I I I .~. • I I I ....:iii""' ............. """""--..:..:..;.;.;..~_;;.;.~:.::.....~~;::.._;J__..IJ..~--------------1- r 2 -EXISTING SOUTHWEST ELEVATION (MILES AVE .) f A TOTAL WAU.NtEA • i'.u'''"' lOHGEST CDmNIJOUI REIMlilNG WAU. AAEA. IEf R.OOII ~ I I I I I I .. -::• • I I I _.:_,_..__..._ _______ ...... __ ~--~-------Ji.....11..---------------1- 2 -EXISTING SOUTHWEST ELEVATION (MILES AVE .) TOT Al WAU AAEA TO RE1M1N • "'" -------------------/ /.,/ i~7 ·=, I I ..I •:;: : : 'l I I I I L-l I I _l ________ J ___ _ 4 -EXISTING NORTHEAST ELEVATION f 7'.A.TOTAI..WAU.MU.• l:LJ '"'" LONGEST COJfflNUOUS RcMMING WAU. WA SEE flOOR PLAN -------------------,,,.,,..,,. ,,,"'"' .-:. ~/ i~~~/ I ~I : 'I I I I L-l I I ·=:.t _l ________ J ___ _ 4 -EXISTtlG NORTHEAST ELEVATION TOTALWAU.11//U.TO~• "" -~· .. -::::• T . J 'I &TUOI O TM ,tC:C: 0£SIGN I NTER I ORS REMODELS + A DDITION S NEW CO N STR UCTION 638 U N IVE R SITY A VE LOS GATO S C ALIF"ORNIA 95032 T 4CB.292.3252 r 253.399. 1 1 25 CHESKIN 202 UNIVERSITY AVE LOS GATOS CALIFOO NIA 95030 AP N 529-04-001 17 JUNE 2016 30 NOVEMBER 2017 PLANNING SUB MITTAL SCALE· )f= 1"-0- TECHNICAL DEMO DIAGRAMS (PlANS • ELEVAT IONS) A 1 .2 (EJ .A~Sl ll" L (E) ONE-STORY RESIDENCE U N IVERSITY A V EN U E ~ EXISTING SITE PLAN NORTH /. I I =:::it~·ON , ,-,r,.;,., o 3 jt)TREE I .. ~} o 9 (()TR£ 0 0 ([If w ::, z w > <( U) w ..J 1/J•-:i!-i--lJ-(EI WOOOJIQCT FENCE (dl·~ TOSEq!M(lt,1[0 RE~ACEowm, NEW LOW'o\'A.ll ANO Rtl'\FWLWGTO tM·c,tn,st lt,I(; ~Jll lC RQffQ ..... · . .v DEOICAi lON IJNfVERS!fYA\l'f:NU(I ~ESAY[hlU£ ACHOR Oor .. 11).rQOT """"" A:1.1t.mm:c1110•~ ~~' µ;, ---"""'---------,/'--------'---j----., . ...,....,....--,r 0 fE)IRU. (()S0EWAl ( (E) ..... "'°5C'.N'l $1 111;!1> UNI V ERSITY AVENUE ~ PROPOSED SITE PLAN NORTH n If u u --- o 3 (E)TRE E 1: I o 2 I f[J!REi [~~~, / , I L I I I • I I • I I I I I • I I I , 1 NEED TO "'x.......,. EXISTfl,G POW£R "°'"ElNES 0 9 w "'"" => z w > <( U) w ..J ~ 0 CN)I CMICO'«:=tfT[ _,,...,. ~(t.lll'"l"IGtt) 10tMTC>4Eil$T,-O "*IC~--0"-'l\.liY Of.OICAl lON 1.MV£R$1TYAVENIJE& ._UA'IEMIE J,, Q10RO er A 1 G-fOOT .. ~JS Al l'<,TERSECTION I NTERIORS R E MODELS ..,.. ADDITIONS NEW CON S T RUCTION 630 UNIVERSITY AVE LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 95032 T 408 .292.32S2 r 253.399 . 1 1 25 CHESKIN 202 UNIVERSITY AVE LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 950ll A.PN 529.()4.()()1 17 .AJNE 2016 :JJ NOVEMBER 2017 PLANN ING SUBMITTAL SCALE )',' • 1'-0' EXISTING SITE PLA.N • PROPOSED SIT E PLA.N A 1 .3 i'E)WOOO AAMP IO BERE\IOVE.D I ~I """"DUNE M:IICATES PE~IMETE R ( ~) AREA.Of {\lCELIJ,R J (E)FOOTNGSl '°"" "' CELLAR O..G."IT.•!1'" '"""' "-/ '--_/ I I I I I I I I I I I I I )_J lfJWOOO s;ePS T08E ~l,IQ\IED (EjWt1 1 FURNACE iO!IEREMO\'ED ..U.OR~?LACED Wlr+O ~W ~ EXISTING NORTH CELLAR PLAN D 0--o----i::.). / "- rr--dl th-- 11 u I 6 I p I n II ft.')RETA!Nl!.'GWALLS F~(N)CEUAR 11 11 ilil CELLAR (unconditioned ) O.G.HT •ri6" D ----=---=-----1'.4-S1E''l.1PTO U1$m.G CEWRSWI All OPTION' tONERlt,ll 10 .11.ATCH ._fWCUl ARSlA9 } = = = = = = = -"i~ --tit, zrzz:Jtt:z z z z22:t------jf---r.z:2z:?:u~ -""(1-="'---' ____ ,. I WAllSABOll'E 11 I o 11 II II IL 11 c1J I II II \.1 11 cL ~ -_J ~ r-=--=--=--=rr-}~ _lj II II ~ II IL __ _JI II J r----i ,·-~-I J =========ii 11 11 1 (N)MECH. ROOM (u nconditioned ) CLG.Hl .•.t.7'6" (NJStiE:lVlo,IG F~ STO'!AGC (N)W.W.STO Et.Cl.OSEE.X ISTNO SLM.T'SO 1S'-4 ( 0,,1 r ) lF n 11 11 JI C = 11 / 0 u I d I ~ II u=-~ ~ PROPOSED NO RTH CELLAR PLAN WALL LEGEND -, WA!.LS10REIMIN J,,.'E WWI.I.LS r777 ·/ / / / /] N(WREto\l~<;{;V.'Al.L INTERIORS REM ODE L S + ADDITIONS N EW CONST R U CTION 63B UNI VERS ITY AV E LOS G A TOS CALIF'"DRNIA 95032 T 408.292.3252 F" 253 .399. 1 I 25 CHESKIN 202 UNIVERS ITY AVE LOS GATOS CALI FORNIA 95030 A P N. 529-0 4-001 17 JUNE 20 16 30 NOVEMB ER 201 7 PLANN ING SUBMITIAI. SCAL E: X' • 1·.o· EXISTING• PROPO SED CELLAR PLANS A2.1 BEDROOM #2 ~ (ttROWO) IE) BEDROOM. #1 ClG.>tt.• t,3, (~OWO) 20tlSH L (E) FAMILY ROOM Q~\31" (t;RCW!:>) (E)DINING ROOM Cl~1l0'" (HROWOl ---~~;;,~ = ~,.T =-= --. ---,j/ 11 11 (El ENTRY l)jl 11 HALL ~ .... 0 11 CLGHT7t :31" !t (l'IROWO) II (E) LNING ROOM ClG~19 r5' (HRO'NO) • ... , EXISTING ~ FLOORPLAN NORTH ·~- ... - 11)'-T EXTfNOFA0Nl '10ffCl1 l!i'-7' ,1.,;• no O:TE'lm F~1$t1J 41-Sf 42',1f (lO EJUERIORFIHIS,;) PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN S TU D I O THR EE D E S I GN I NTERIORS REMOOE'.:LS ..,. ~~;;l6 lg~:TRUCTlON 538 UNIVERSITY AVE LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 95032 T 408.::: .. ~~:; ,,. 253 . CHESKIN 202 UNIVERSITY AVE LOS GATOS CALIFORN IA 95030 A.P.N 529-04·001 30 NOVEMBER 2017 PLANNI NG SUBMITTAL SCALE: }I' a 1'·0" EXISTING• PROPOSED FLOOR PLANS A2.2 ' ' ' ' ' x-z~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' / / / / J / / / {FIC011!?."5~tW.T ROOflNG TO 9E RE~OANl) RE~O WITH'"'=W 0 NORTH EXISTING ROOF PLAN D 0 n II I I I~ ::!~ ~ IL _______ = 11 ____ - u D n II II Li l~I ii=" -=--=-11 I [ u 11 [[ Ii It 1· :._;,!b T~t ~· 1,======= dJ !hJF.AT ROOF II II (=-·--=--.J J II ~fMl IL __ __1 1~~ Jr----, CJ' ,1 ~~= ~' \~ II 11 '? ~--7-...----l..---'-'----l..'--~ NEWROOFrAAMIII(; < EXISTNGflOOF'rRA.Ult«; ~wooowoows WAJ..f.llAlUST~ "'-ONG P£1ULETER D OfFLAl ROOF D SHf.klERtOR ELE IJATIONS n I I II II u D D N) TIJRRE T WJ ZINC OR COP~R~ING• WEATHERYA-,E 0 PROPOSED NORTH ROOF PLAN I NTER IORS RE M ODELS -t ADDITIONS NEW CONSTRUCTI O N 638 U N IVERSITY AVE LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 95032 T 400.292.3252 F 253 .399. I 1 25 CHESKIN 202 UNIVERSITY AVE LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 95030 A.P N 529--04-001 17 JUNE 2016 30 NOVEMBER 2017 PLANNING SUBMITIAL SCALE. y.· = 1'-0" EXI STING• PROPOSED ROOF PLANS A2.3 v~ J 'ii ),-!QRIZC)NlAL----' ,, \'.000 SID!NGTO "" TCt1DJSTt.G $~c, '"'' A uu , / 1 -PROPOSED SOUTHWEST ELEVATION (MILES AVE .) ------- uu fut::Jt::J .., ot'.fi A~* , GAIi.AGE ~ ., r ~~ ~ </_<T ...... ,,, ... 2-PROPOSED SOUTHEAST ELEVATION l"'1P~E OECOR4ffiE eAAC.<E'TS ~~~E su.e. (M)tt0Rll0Nl.At WOOl.)S()INGTO !Mi ~ Dl'.ISa.G •t,C"A:.V:~ "'""' ~t,All;.si>a. GA:V.GE i\] ~,!O(-------,----------------------i1ai----.. ~0 ~-..,, SW! 3-PROPOSED NORTHEAST ELEVATION .,~-~-~~ G,\AAG£ 4 -PROPOSED NORTHWEST ELEVATION 0 PROPOSED GARAGE ROOF PLAN NORTH .,.,. (TOE TERIOAFINIS) ' ' -r "'" (TO ROUGH FAA ~ING) /<>1CHINDICAT£S Qt.UOJR F.Rt (N)3016~ (H)301&FX (I.J3016 FX ~T{OWALlSA1..0NG FIRER.A.TH) flREFt.\TEO FIRE RATED PR()PEJtrY L!NE!S) ~ ~ n -1· /') '.!I ~- i ~ '(_ -I : ( l\ ! --"'-----~-~~. 0 " I u-• ~ l) ~ ~ \ .: \S El ! IN)TWO-CAR - :! ~-~ GARAGE r 1~ .~ (Sl'8) ! oa:: r-T-ti :l I I I I I ; ~ I I ~ I ~ I 'Si~ -I I I '~ I I I~ I I I I I I I l-.l_ _ Im '.!I ~ R F \e_ WATER ~EA.TUR£ j ., l -';.-- ,.. I 4 '-10' 15-0· 1 ,,. ,,. •. ~ PROPOSED GARAGE PLAN 0 NORTH 4·-0· , .. , .. ,.- ,., WALL LEGEND , .. I W"LLS 10 REMMN NEWWAI.LS i t! i j f ii ii ,it jjfj NEWONE-HO.lflRAlEOWALLS ; ~ i ~ .,. -~ "I ~ .... 8 g g INTER IORS REM ODELS + AOOtTIONS N E W CONSTRUCTIO N 53B UNIVERSITY A VE LOS GATOS CALIFORN I A 95032 T 408,292,3252 F 253.399.1 l25 CHESKIN 202 UNIVERS ITY AVE LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 95030 A.P N 529-04-001 17 JUNE 2016 30 NOVEMBER 2017 PlANNING SUBMITTAL SCALE· Y.' = 1'-0' PROPOSED GARAGE - ROOF PLANS A2.4 ~F (E)Pl H1 {~)WOCO AA!UNG •SP\NDLES TO hl.ATCHEXJS Tl"IG " ,15tt,j> // / / / / / -/ ..,_l I I -t- I -I I -I 1~1 -:~ ~ I I I -!_.,.. I I - I - I - I - L?:O l lNEL!.O'CATES ~OAOt>t'QN ~-+------------------------~ )_ I I / --/ / --E)c.c»l.i' ASPH"1 T """"" - " -- ~ -,-__ -- D --lB3 -,=== ----., - / ' ' ----~ ::i Ir---'s ' I ' \ =r1 ' ~ .... ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ---- ---- I= 8 ~ i i I '= -- ~E)WOOOACCE.sS DOOA.S ~E)WCOO PORCH • ~E)~SIO NG ~NCUNll ~E)V€TAJ.. TO THE CELI.AA. PA.•neo HANDRAIL •STEPS(NOT OR:G~TOHOIJSE) 2-EXISTING SOUTHEAST ELEVATION 6-PROPOSED SOUTHEAST ELEVATION AAUNG {~T OR~~TO """" ' ' ' --'-::;,--·\6:~~ ~ r I I --(E~e~c'::~~ --t- I RiAAPCOO< ".,J I I ~ i I I ~ I I I I I --1---(E)FIN~l~(ii I I I I I ~E)WOOD --,am ~OllNEINOICAlES ('------__ ./_ __ ~'°'"'"°' -------------t--1' )_ _______ I I / / / .... .... E)COl.'P ,t,S.PtlAi J / 6~ ~ / / / ~ ~ .,_ ......... t«'X::F~ / / / ~ y " .... .... / / -" .... / .... / / A"T'-n -.... .... / 'r ---.... / -----.... ...._ •11'-fi" A.F ~ ~E)Pl ~ 1 ---1,;~ ~ ~~ lffi "' r I -----I ~~ --L......I L-......1_ ,___, ,~;~-~~ 0 I -, ---"k-I ~R.(),11 PORCH I I --I'==!! >-D D D -I ~ I I --,~.,. -V t) WCCO SIDING ;,'I' l l --~~ --J-11}'1,CAADS ) ~~ l I ~ -l=2 -= = -8 I ~ I l ~ -- ~,- I l I ---:, I l I ----~ l I a . .-,-I <= ;= a":~ ~ I l I t== = ' ' 00 ---I l I ~ 11 I II II 11 'I -II l [ _ ... Cl c:::::I Cl --I I I -...., = n -1--.-~' I I ,·, '"'""" ·1-I i'l Sc "" =~ I I I ~ I -<!' I I I 1 111 I ~ I I . ~)WCXl0 0EC.r;~E)WOOOS 1€P$ ~E)WOCO POST ~E)WOODRA.LING • ~}~TE E)W0::0STEP5 L.,""" ----if)DECORATIVE BRACX ETS PA.N1E0 P°"NT(O 8AtUSTERS P-'l"ITEO Pit.NIED 1 -EXISTING NORTHWEST ELEVATION (FRONT -UNIVERSITY AVE .) ~TION '"'""" . ~ r:.··=wocws (N)T{•••ET WIMC OR~ -I W~M fW.USTAAO( coPPfR RC()flf'IG • 0 0 .6. (N)StC 'l'LIGIT 1111 111111 111111 IIIIII IIIII KIII II Ill ii 11111111111 II_I IIU lllil ,111 1111111111111 1 111 )Rj\\, I CU~IIIOJN1EO iCOYP ""'' ,, .. '"' """ / / 6~_,, ~ ~ WI ;"'"'"'"' ~ -r- .. ~ ~. ~,--~ ~:---( ~ ~ ' lOOA "VI'-C'<JDECORA SAAOCHSQE.-; F~i"ORCti SHMG ii ',rswec::. ..-i=r-, ... ~ @ -~ I-' ==1 ,----==1 ,_ .... (N) N) -1 .... ~ 'ff 'If 'If ti ti 'If '11 l!' l!' ~ ~ j,, ~ ~ ~ _J~ J,,L J,,L I • [N)HQRIZONTAL ~ l')Ot:COAAT S!OlNGlO IIIATCH 8AACl(ETS Q EXIST1NG EXlSTr~ r-,_ ,_ --= e=== --->I "'' • • ILJL J U JL -""' " " ~)WCCORAll Nl ~mo ~ "U ffe "' L......I ....__, L......I -. ,.,_..,........--~ D ---,~ II ~ -D D ----~ -- uu ----------------~I----_,_ ,n l!'J. '" - • 00 =\-= JL -~ Cl c::::::J Cl --" '" I I n~ I I I ' ~E)~TESTE~)WCOO STEPS E)OOW:TER 5-PROPOSED NORTHWEST ELEVATION (FRONT -UNIVERSITY AVE.) MATERIALS NOTES EX1Sllt,ic;STAJCrt;qfl'SHSTOIOC A..L NEW IMTERJALS & OETAILS HEEOlOMATCtl[OR ~Cl.OSE TO) THE D'JSTING WCX1JSIO'NC t()RI Z00TALWCXXlSr00G PA'NlED ( .5.5'W1DE &OAAOS ~1Et0 vERIJ:'VJ W"'®WS WOOO Ct.ADEXTEA:ICR &tNTERI~ 9AJN IGW>E W::X,0 1NTERIOR 1t0l6EOR~OEO DOORS INTE~ S!M~ORAl'PRC\'EOEQ DOORS fll!E'VOR flEEl"WCX»()ll;APPROVf.DE:O ROOFING !VRfl:E:1 GUTIERS DOWNSPOOTS Et0XEOEA\£S ~UNG M/Ci,;\IENE[R ST~VE,O,,""EfR. crn,.1'QSIJE ~~ALTR.0Clf;NG PRESIDENTIALHIGHDEfr'\-'liON ZINC OA ~R oooPER oooPER WCXXl PA:\TED WOCO PA.~TED @C<MREO POROi f~P!.AC!c retl (!WATER f E,\l lJRE TBD (E)Pl. ~T @ Ii ~ 1-l- ,._ -(~)PAIRED 1::: OECOAATIVE BRAC~ETS 1::: ~!~ 1:: ~~~ 1::: El ~ 1::: (CJ~rNis:fL~~ I~ EJ 8 ~-IMDE WOOO SIOINC ~ ~f •2 "o ~ :i ~ STUDIO T HREE OC:SIGN I NTERIO RS REMODEL S + ADD ITIONS N E W C O NSTRUCTI ON 6 3 8 UN IVERS I TY AVE LOS GATOS CALIFOR NIA 95032 T 408,292,3 252 r 253 .399. I I 25 CHESKIN 202 UNIVER SITY AV E LOS GATOS CALIFORNIA 95030 A.P.N 529-04-00 1 17 JUNE 20 16 30 NOVEMBER 2017 PLANN ING SU BMITTAL SCALE X' • 1'-0' EXl STING -PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A3.1 I\ ,, /L ------------------------------_ /:~;~'!;':.',~" __ -------------------1\ I I I I -~ ,,, / -...... )~~T ,,, / I \ ','~ """'"° ,,, ,,, I ~ ,,, I ~, ,,, " I I I ·,Y-r'-,J, ,,, ,,, -,,, ·~, "' -,,, -,,, ,11.fi'AFf ' ~- (~) 1 ~,T~fHf q, !E)Pl.Hl 'IT: ~ i;..;.;;J ~ ---t~f~~ D~~ D D D D D Cl"""l'ORCH 8 ----'----'.K"f ?==== =~= ~i :! ,_ --'---- ~f{ ~ I Cl . "'" (E)FL"IFlR ~ \ I ,,,,_ ' \ \ \ ''-\ Le,wocosTEf'S PAINTED ~f'IWOOO S-Olr.G ~fl~lON"IAI.. )WOCJJHA.,DAAL {d-1l'J'9()A.R0S) WOCOS,.,.'10 PhNTEO 3-EXISTING SOUTHWEST ELEVATION (MILES AVE.) 5 ~\l~'HI -- N)Tl;fUtl:TW!ZlN(;C,R CoPPER ROOf NG • WEAl l4:RVAf'E 7 -PROPOSED SOUTHWEST ELEVATION (MILES AVE .) MATERIALS NO TES: EXlS nNGSTRUCTUR!:JS HISTORIC All NEW MATERIALS & OEl,t,iLS NEED TO MA TCH (OR "5 CLOSE 10) THE: 0JSTIIIIG WO(X) SIDING HQRJ~l"1. w<X1J SID!NG P,'Jrfl'ED f 2'5'Wl0Erio,..11,0SFIEl.0VERl'V) wr~s WCXXl CV,C EXTERIOR & INT[RiOA PAINT CJVID E WC00 INTE!liM ,c;OL8EOR~OEQ OCX)RS INTERK;R S,MPSQN ~ ~CM:O {0 COORS EXTERIOR H EETWCOD OR N'f'ROVEO EO TURRET OUtl[RS OONNSPOUTS BOXED EAVES "'LING BRICltVfNE.ER STONEVE '-'EER COW'OSIT(ASIIHA!.lf«X)GNG ~SIDEHt lALHOH Ol:F M TIQ,J ZJNCCRCOPPEi:t = COOPER WCXJOPAINTEO w<X:1)1¥.<NTEO Cl CCNEREO PORCH FtREPLACE TSO ow.-.1E'IHEATURE 180 ·--II -'---- --(EHIN-:-l~~ -· \ ; ~EJPAIAE.OW1~ ~""""'""""· Wl w<XIJTRiM• STEPS(NOJORIGINAI I I S!lLS PA;III EO O><lUSEI f)(,51,NG ""''"'" I ; L -------------------1 I.__ -------..... ,, 'i:Ic.1 ............... 1 ',, c/ \:i ..... '.J I ', I r::;:,: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------------~--L-- --~ INTERIORS REMODE LS + ADDITIONS NEW CONSTRUCTION 638 UNIVERSITY AVE LOS GATOS C ALIFORN I A 9 5032 T 408.292.3252 JC 253.399. l 1 25 CHESKIN 202 UNIVERSITY AVE LOS GATOS CALIFORN IA 9= A.P N 529-04-001 17 JUN E 2016 30 NOVEMBER 20 17 PLANNING SUBMITTAL SCALE Y.' = 1'-0' EXISTING • PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEVAT IONS A3.2 (N)WOCO RAlllNG•SP!NOlH TO \IATCH f.WJSTING 8 -PARTIAL PROPOSED NORTHEAST ELEVATION (NJWOCOOJ RM.ING • SP110.ES l0 W.TCH£XJSIING ~ S ;E';!~":.r C - """"""°' 1--D ,-D I-,- 1-----I--r=== --0 ---C X -. \ i~6~~~~ """'" 4-EXISTING NORTHEAST ELEVATION 8 -PROPOSED NORTHEAST ELEVATION MATERIALS NO TES E.)(JSTtNG STRtJCi \.l.'l£IS>11S JOAIC A.!.LNPlor.lATERJAt.S , OETMS t.EEO TO IAATOl (OR "5 Cl.OSE TO, 11-E EXISTING WOCO S:OING lfORJZOOTAL WOOO SIDING PAJ.,.,TEO 1:r.' S' 1'110E BOARD!. FIELD \1£A.fY! 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