Item 5 - 236 Edelen Avenue PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 12/13/2017 ITEM NO: 5 DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2017 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 236 EDELEN AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNERS: FARZAD TAJIK AND SALOMEH ZOHOURI. APPLICANT: JAY PLETT. REQUESTING PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF MINOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ON A NONCONTRIBUTING PRIMARY STRUCTURE IN AN HISTORIC DISTRICT ON PROPERTY ZONED R-1D:LHP. APN 529-05-009. RECOMMENDATION: Review information and provide a preliminary review of the proposed development. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Assessor’s estimated construction date: 1912 2. Preliminary Historic Status Code: None 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? Yes 4. Is structure in a historic district? Yes, University-Edelen 5. If yes, is it a contributor? No 6. Findings required? As required by Town Code 7. Considerations required? Yes PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: 236 EDELEN AVENUE DECEMBER 8, 2017 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2017\Edelen Avenue 236 - 12-13-17.docx 12/8/2017 2:38 PM BACKGROUND (cont’d): B. Comments The applicant is requesting preliminary review for a proposal to remodel a noncontributing structure in the University-Edelen Historic District. The current Assessor’s estimated construction date is 1912. However, the Historic Inventory Survey records indicate initial occupancy in 1935. A letter from a neighbor indicates the original porch area was filled-in by the 1960s. The remodel proposes relocation and reconstruction of the front gable-end to form the roof of a new front porch (see Attachment 3). Section 4.11 of the Residential Design Guidelines addresses remodels of noncontributing structures (see attached). If a formal Planning application is made, the proposed project would return to the HPC for a decision. The supporting documents are attached. DISCUSSION: A. Considerations related to the request for preliminary review of Minor Residential Development on a non-contributing single-family house in an Historic District. __ 29.80.290 In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: __ In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. 2. Town Policy __ That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: 236 EDELEN AVENUE DECEMBER 8, 2017 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2017\Edelen Avenue 236 - 12-13-17.docx 12/8/2017 2:38 PM Attachments: 1. Historic Inventory Survey ownership/occupant records (one page) 2. Letter speaking on porch alterations (one page) 3. Proposed Development Plans (one page) 4. 4.11 Noncontributing Structures, Single and Two Family Residential Design Guidelines (two pages) Distribution: Cc: Jay Plett, Architect, 213 Bean Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 236 t;delen JJ resent owner: Mrs. Christine Gonzales Ownership: Occupants· E.c.d. 1912 C.A.R. 1963 1970 1970 1925 1035 19 ·12 J 946 1954 1965 1970 1973 Robert Siegal J~nzar) o: Gonzales 1-lrs. Chri/jti11e Gon zales, graclua te student vac;u1t Mrs. l"rancis Hnwkins Jerry Kerstulovich l!:rncs t Sanders Ben H. Titus Robert Siegal Nazario Gonzal-es Christine Gonzales - finACHMENT 1 October OS , 2017 To whom it may concern: I've lived at 238 Edelen Ave since I was child. I was friends with the family that resided at 236 Edelen Ave when the homes' front fa~ade was different that it is now. To the best of my knowledge and from what I can recall, the home at 236 had a porch taking up nearly halfof the frontage (from the door to corner edge of the home). I've reviewed the sketches and plans for what Dean Tajik would like to accomplish at 236 Edelen Ave and as a long-time resident of the Edelen district, I'm in full support of his plans. I feel it is in line with the character of the neighborhood. Sincerely, Clifford t#f.ACliM.ENT 2 so·-o· --t=E---------- PROJEC T DESCRIPTION PROPOSAL TO CONSTRUCT A NEW FRONT POR CH TO THE HOME LOCATED AT 236 EDELEN AVE . HISTOR I C PARTICULARS THE HOMES OR IGINAL PORCH WAS ENC LOSED AND A LARGE PORTION OF THE OR IGINAL FRON T FACING WALL EQUAL TO 33% WAS DEMOLI SHED IN THE 1960'S PER I NFORMATION PROVIDED BY NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR. PER LIBRARY RESEARCH , PRIOR OCCUPANTS WERE NOT HISTOR ICALLY NOTABLE . THE HOME IS NOT LISTED AS A CO NTRIBUTOR TO THE EDE LEN DISTR ICT. T 0 W N RES I DENT A I L GU I D E'LI N ES POR CHES ARE EN COURAGED PER THE TOWN'S RESIDENTAIL GUIDELINES· THIS PROP OS AL HAS BEEN DES IGNED WITH CONSU LTATION OF THOSE GU IDELINE S. f ~~~-:l; ~~~ SL.el. ~I p~ + -------- \ I L ! (e) / (>Jl\w UN: -· ,, I cJ\t&-~ -~ ~~ "f!/F7/r7 Yf "-\~'' l \ \ 1 ! ' L p ,.;.,,-o-e : I~ JAY PL~T1 . ' - 40 8.354.455 1 j ay@>plett-arc.com www.plett-arc .com 21 3 Bean Avenu e Los Ga t os, CA 9 5030 i~~ ~~~ ~~l '] p~~ c::c:i~'Tt (o) .J~Y P1-8'TT "T"h:a ~~-· ~co~ maN!"lol o• °" ~ of .......,,0. by .,...,,. Ol'"~.JAY PL..•TT. ,,_. .. doca,.,..,.,,...,. 9holl "'01° be: vf'li•.cl 0 "'4/0f" duo l~~.,.,.,. P9!"'mi9e!Ol'l of ..... c:te. g,,. .. il"'l ~.i'lwO"gn '"~""-ao!• p!"'~ of .JAY ='L..aTT Rr.ti•ioft• : s.:"i.: Demo : S nee-i' A-1 i ATTACHMENT 3 Town of Los Gatos When a new project has more square footage than the surrounding structures, reduce the scale of the structure with sensitive design treatments. Setbacks, overhangs, bay windows, changes in roof slopes, and fa cade ornament are all metho d s for reducing the scale of a structure. Floor to fl oor heights should match the flo or to floor of adjacent contributing structures. The proportion of window and door o p enings in new constructio n should b e similar to that of the exi sting sur- rounding architecture. Porches on new structures should have proportio n s, ma- terials and roof slopes similar to original porches in the district. They should also have depths similar to contribut- ing structures in the dis trict which normally allows for the placement of furniture on the porch. 4.11 NONCONTRIBUTING STRUCTURES This section applies only to existing houses located within one of the Town's designated historic districts 4.11 .1 Remodel to a Contributing Status • • • Owners of noncontributing structures within the Town's historic districts are encouraged to remo del them into the style and design of a contributing stru cture in the district. Structures most suitable for this ty pe of remodel are those that would likely have been class ified as contributing structures ab sent previous remodel work or additions that were not sympathetic to the original architecture of the structure. In some cases, it may also be possible to make changes that would convert an otherwise non-descript structure into a contributing structure for the district. In genera~ Victorian, Craftsman/Bungalow, and Mission Revival/Mediterranean styles are the contributors to Los Gatos' historic districts. An applicant must produce photographs, counts, and docu- mentation of the locatio n of existing structures of that style in the district o r reference materials indicating consistency with contributing styles in the di strict. All exterior elements subject to review should be co n sistent with the pro posed style. Remove previous addition s and alternations that are no t consistent with the architectural style of the structure and the district. Carry out exterior changes to the building facade s and addi- tions u sing the guidelines in Section 4.8, 4. 9 and 4 .10 . Resi dential Design Guidelines HISTORIC RESOURCES 4 55 flTrACHMENT 4 HISTORIC RESOURCES 4 56 RESEARCH RESOURCES The following books, documents and web sites may be useful in finding out more about your house and the best means of making sensitive changes to it: • A Field Guide to American Houses Virginia & Lee McAlester Alfred A . Knopfs 2000 • Th e Abrams Guide to American House S!Jles William Morgan with Photography by Radek Kurzaj Harry N. Abrams, Inc. 2004 • Old House Dictionary: An Illustrated Guide to American Domestic Architec- ture 1600 to 1940 Steven J. Phillips John Wiley & Sons, Inc 1994 • Traditional Constr11ction Patterns: Design & Detail &lies of Thumb Stephen M Henderson McGraw-Hill 2004 • Los Gatos Observed: The A rchitect11re & HistOf)' of Los Gatos, California Alastair Dallas with Photography by Peter S. Conrad infospect press 1999 • Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties www;cr.nps gov • Office of His toric Preservation California Department of Parks and Recreation 1416 9th Street Room 1442-7 Sacramento, CA 9 5814 (916) 653-6624 www;ohp parks ca gov Town of Los Gatos 4.11.2 Remodel to a less than Contributing Status Owners not wishing or unable to remodel to the extent necessary to bring a structure up to contributing structure s tatus are never-the-less encouraged to make changes that are sen sitive and supportive of the integrity of the historic district. Additions or alterations to noncontributing structures should not disrupt the prevailing rhythm of setback s on the block. The front of the house should be oriented toward the street and the front entry clearly identified. Additions to noncontributing structures should have a similar mass to the surrounding neighborhood. For ex- ample, the addition of a second floor on a noncontributing structure in a largely one story neighborhood would be strongly di scouraged. Front elevations should be similar in scale to those seen traditionally in the dis trict. Simple gable or hipped roofs with a pitch similar to those in the district are generally appropriate. Complex or unusual roof forms are strongly discouraged. Window and door types, sizes, and proportion s should be similar to the contributing s tructures in the district. The number of window types o n a structure should be limited. Window and door trim should also be similar in material and size. Building material s and finishes s hould be similar to those of contributing structures in the district. Large amounts of glazing or the u se o f metal materials is di scouraged. Roofing materials should al so be similar to those used on n earby contributing structures. Exercise restraint on the use of decorative d etail s o n non- contributing structures. Re sid ential Des ign Guide lines