Item 4 - 19 Hernandez Avenue PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 12/13/2017 ITEM NO: 4 DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2017 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 19 HERNANDEZ AVENUE. PROPERTY OWNER: ALAIN AND SILVIA COUDER. APPLICANT: LYLE MOSHER. REQUESTING PRELIMINARY REVIEW FOR AN ADDITION TO A PRE-1941 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE ON PROPERTY ZONED R-1:8. APN 510-42-035. RECOMMENDATION: Review information and provide a preliminary review of the applicant’s request. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: prior to 1906 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: I - Preliminary rating: contributor to Town’s historic feeling and appears intact 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? No B. Comments The applicant requests preliminary review by the Committee to receive feedback on a design for a proposed 42-square foot addition on the first floor of an existing single- family residence facing Hernandez Avenue. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 19 HERNANDEZ AVENUE DECEMBER 8, 2017 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2017\Tait 125 12/8/2017 3:25 PM DISCUSSION: The proposal is being referred to the Committee for its input and recommendation on whether the proposed addition is compatible with the original structure and the surrounding neighborhood. Attachments: 1. Research (17 page) 2. Photos (seven sheets) 3. Development Plans (eight pages) Distribution: Cc: Lyle Mosher, 1116 Willow Glen Way, San Jose, CA 95125 Alain and Silvia Couder, 19 Hernandez Avenue, Los Gatos, CA 95030 l'1 Z.tir:t t i:IS jte::i: Historic Homes Tour· Hernandez Avenue 19 I\) H.:-mandc1 t"cnuc t'o" ... r l':m1i1~· lfou.se Thh t\\O·,lory Quc,•n Anne Victorian w:b huih hcforc 1~91. It fcatur ... ~ .:;111t ilc •cr,,1 ha} "inclo\\< on the right front :>.nd r ight 'iJc tthc fatter ad1kd r•..:cntly1. a wmplc' hiprcd n ~lf line. a pnrch \\ith tumcd c1>lumn' and a .:cntral. front-fa.:ing gahk. It ha' .:hanncl ru'ti.-,iJrni; and i' p:iinlc<l ycllow w11 h \\hit c mm :md hl;id, tkt;uhnJ,!. It " '11m>1111dcd h~ a hrid and "rought·iron fon.:c. Alt hough 1..no" n a' "J u1 l1!c·· Fm• lcr'' ho1hC. Thom:i-F1•w lcr \\;t> act1m lly :1 -cn:nnr who rcpr.:-cml'd Frc,nt>. T ulare. Kem :ind '.\lmw Ct>un ti.:' fur eight ~car-l>cl\\Ccn l ~ffl and 11!!!1. Bo rn 111 Ire la nd c . Ill~~-h e mowd to C;tlifornia in ll!S~ and in th•· 1~80 n·n,11> \\a' a rmncr Ii\ ing in \ i\:l.lia \\1th hi' '' ifc '.\far) and four children. ranging in ag<' from llC\\OOm to IO. lie had lari:c lantl huh.Im{!> in \'1,,;ilia and ,·nun1t;d hi< c·aulc in the ten' <'l thnu-.an;h .. Hc lllU\I h:i'c dicd ~l ore hi' \\ 1tc :1ml .:holtlrcn 111<>\\'<l h<'rc l '. I XOO. prc,unc1h l ~ h::<.:lthC her hm1hcr. l'hc:-n F.orlc\, IJ\l"tl 111 l .1" Ga1 c" .ind'"" 1hi: ,,,,h1,·r nl 1h,• U:uil.. o l '-•" (;;uo~. i\1.1') "·'' hdm in ~1kh•gJ n in l)\4S. Tht' fnur f'mdcr chililrl."n grc\\ up h,·r,· l l."nnard. lwm m I K7S. ":" .t la"><'r pr.1•1i.:in~ in $;111 J1 •"-' aml in 1900 r.111 on th<' !Xrnon:111• 1id:l't 111 rl'prc,l."nt th1' area m the 'tmc a"emhl~. lie \\a' 1hc Attomc} General 111 N""""' from 1911<-19:?~. The dde't "111. 1110111;1\, horn • .. 11170. hc.:amc 1h.: 'upcr i111cmlcnt \lf thc l·l'h.:1 l-l ou11nl! !\lll b m Seattle l>a u{!htcr l:Alna. horn m 11175, ""'a t~ p.:,ctter fur th.:/~., G,111" .\111il for a numh.:r nl )Car-and f<•r a 'hon rime ,,.a, a deputy rcrnnlcr in San J1"c. Hoth ,faui;hto:r' """<'<I "'th<' Sc:mil• arc;i and join<'<I a nun cm after the fomi l} "'ld the hornl' to Celia S. Ju) in l•)(ll!. I 11111." " l.nt>\\ 11 ah11Ut CcliJ J11). " "1tlo\\. She WJ\ born in '.\l.1,~achuwm in I li5S .ind i' 'aid t<> h:I\ c U•ctl p .. rt of the hou•e :h a rcntal. She c't~mkd II t\l the rear in 1'>1 7 l no\\ the 'un mo1111. Daniel \\' Ei;n•·r and hi' ,i,tc r Katherine H.:i ligcr pur.:ha.,cd 1hc prupt~rt} fn1111 Jny in thl' fJtc 11)2(), :111,l l i,cd hcrc "ilh hi:r hu,hand \\'illi.nn fr nm .:. 11>:?9 through at lca't 19.U . Ei•n<'r .:on1 inu.,,l 1n Ii<.: h.:r.: until hi' <lc:t lh in lt)~I. H.: \\;\.,horn 111~B.1h111l<'rc. l\lanland <' IXKfland r<•tirl'd It> I.ch (iJln,. lk h:itl l>ccn a high <'~L'l."U.th·c lnr th•· US Rubber Co. in the Ou11:h \\ "'t lndH:> anti 'rol..c at 1 ... a,t fi\'l' lan{!uagc,. Ub ,i,tc r aml her hn,h.:cnd \\Cre 15 and 20 )ear-older than Egner. They "ere hu m m !\1ar)·l:1111I and !\l.t"a.:hu,l."11,. re,p,-..ti\cly. S11hw11ucn1 "" ncr, mdmkd Chri,111phcr .1ml <icll<.'\ il'\ c Barre. Rich.ml aml SarJh 1-:ing. he a puhlk "'hcK1 l tca.:hcr. Ri,·hard and fo)<:c 1-:l in.:. a nd Ci . \\'c'k) Paucr-un. The <.urr,•nt O\\ ner. Pl."!!!.!) :.kCarth}. pnrcha,cd the hou'c in :?000. Sh.: ha' rcmodo:k'<I. 111 leering "i1h it' 1icri od. and ad1kd a 1hir.I >hlr) fur a nw,tcr hcdmom and ha1h . The urigmal •·ciling ' on lh.: 111:1111 lloor wcr<' 11 kcl hit•h . hut h.I\\! t>..·cn hl\\.:rc<I 'hf htl~ Ill a.:.:ommodat\' th•· m:"tcr hctlmnm adllitinn. .She 1..·nl;1rt:t.•J 1hc lih.:hcn imn •• ~r'"·.u n>tun. im..·orptlr;nin t: \\hat "'·'' •'rlfi n:11ly r:nt <>f t h ~ 'idc <lcrk . h '' h.:r f:l\'OrtlC r<l<llll, h\•<::tll._., nf '" ~rc~d \IC'\\'' ot 1.o' G:uo""· Sh ... · ,·n..~fll, ht"r t.k,·or;ah'r . ~1chnll .t L11S;I\ "'· h>r h,·r hd p planrunf the 1c1111><kl. Th.: hou'c ha' ;i l'tlntplclc hJ,c111cnl th.u wa' al\\J~' """'idcr\"tl part of the h "ill)! 'race. UTTACHMENT 1 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Ch x:.cl90 1 ille Com~ny [5CJ'OW No .: H 9831005J. t.oc;am No.; Cl\CT17 /4J-774l .?Y8 .H>!Ji9BU0051 title No.: l J 98l:Z0053 RP When Recorded MaiJ Document and Tax Statement To: Alain A Cou:fer 19 Hernande, Av ~ l o!i G"ltO!i, CA 9~030 / I OOCU Mt ~T: f "''.' i ::t "·?~ C r:p1~:0. AM ! r1 :, r J k·[,_, ~"~ Al •"'1. ._.t \Jt<;.1.·; .... .i.rHA 1.'_;,~r. i_)U'J' t<L •1.1 f:o'D I-'<' 1 "'I 3(_j ••1 I ~ 1 ~ i\::1<1er. .. ' .1 1 J.-1 ·~ I ,., .. lt: l·W~ n ~~-1 -~ I ' Lid .: '3 ~2' ft 1'~ l 1 ~~ -_,r ie-d .1 ~ ~ t'" f ~i"u ~-; t ,, t ~ -SP.A.<..1: Ai!OVf JH'JS Irr~ fOR RflURD fR<c; tH'" GRANT DEED The undersigned grantor{s) ltecfare(s) / Documentary ttan5fcr tax is $ 0.00 _ . _ ,, _ ~ ~/ City Transfer Tu is $ o.oo Alain A C~de1 [ J computed on full value of J>zOperty curw~yetJ, or · [ ] computed o n full va llJ(! Fess va l ue of hlmc; or cnr:umbrcJnces mmaininy CJt ttnll! o f sale, { J Un incoq1orated Aread."~i:>f Los Gatos, "'This conveyance transf«s the giaift&f•s interest Into his or her revocable living trust R & T 11930." FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, reccipt of which 1s hen?by adtnowledged, Alclin A Coud er and Sylvlil R. Summer~ Cottdt1r, husb .. md and wlfe ~ c:om n 1unity pmperty wi th nght ot survrvorsh1 p hereby GRANT(S) to Alam A Cou tfer antl Sylv'3 R Sun1rnerc:-CUuder, hustees of the Rcvica America I rust dated febn.ldry 12, 2001 -;IJ~y the following described real property in the City of Los Gatos, County of S41nt."l Clara. state or California: SEE l XHIBIT •A" ATIACJ-iED t lf RETO AN O MADE A PART HtRf OF OA rFO: t etJruary 26, 20 lJ 5,utP of C.tlifom1J Cou nty cf _:5 -=--~.~ C.1.-.... c-_ -~ ... ~ .. On w ~.?-... ""i ~ "' '_• '-__ __ _ before me, 1..) ...£._fn.!22!.!.<-__ __ __ __ , r.jotary Pubfic (he1e mf<t:It oome a nd t iUe of l he offtt.tY), per'!.Onafly cll'tpea red _p.. \~--_h__'._:•.>.,. ~H !:..:::=::B ~'f \ u • _0,.J.. ----~.} ,~.,_,·r-2._C ~-'-~ -----_, who proved to rllt? on the hasiis ot satisfactory evideoce to be t ill! plTSOnt:.) whU!.C nan1c(:-..} flf./..i rt! sul,...critied lo ttit: w ;1tf'i1·1 1n-.1rumcnt and admowledgct.1 to me t hat hieht"'-/they (?)(f'Cutod the Sc?mP m ~/lhe ir .Julhori7ed cupocjt)i(b), anti rhat l>y ~/the1s !>gnature(s) on the instrurtlt!nt the ~1"5on(~), or tile Ci 1l ity upoll t)f'hallf of w h k:h I.he pers.on (s) ack d, e xa..ult!d the 1n!ttrumenL r cernfy under l'l::N/\L TY Of PFRJU RY ur'lder tin.: laws of tht> Stat!! of Cllfom ia thil! t he roreyoin!J pa raymph 15 true and com~. WITNFSS my l lr~fld.~~iGial seal. -- SK.Jn<ttu re -· \f1-. L{tM0 _ (Sea l ) / ,' .-,., Alam A Cdudc.r --·------=--SyM.-R. Stlrnr~out!er f5Cll1>W no.: u 98320053Lc locate No.: C:AC:Tl f l'B · I 143 19.!13·00Y8 32 01>5 3 lttle No.: U 9832005).f.U' EXHIBn "A" rtil LANI) RtH .. RRLD I 0 HLRLIN t3lLOW IS sn UA 11.0 I N tllL TOWN Of-LOS GA TOS, COUN TY or SAN I A (1.AAA, Sl A 1 l Of CALIFOR NIA, AND IS DES.CRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PORnON or LOT 10 IN ULUCK z AS SHOWN UPON THAT CFRTAJN MAP fNTl11FO, -slJBOIVI SIOt .., OF BL OO<S [AND 2 OF THE MCCULLAGH TRACT IN ANO ADJO I NING TH E TOWN OF LOS GATos·, WHICH MAP W/IS FI LE D FOR RECORD IN THE OFFICF OF THF RFCOROFR OF THE COUN1Y m= SAl'.'Tl~ Q./~RA. STATE OF CALI FORNIA , ON MAY 29, 1888 I N BOOK 0 OF MAPS, AT PAGf 4 AND MOR E PARTIQJLAR LY DfSCRl6£0 AS t=O LLOWS: COMMl:NONG AT mt: POI Nl m IN f fR~l:C HON or Tl1[. SOUTlf[RLY UN[ Of HLRN.ANDtz AVLNUE Wiftl 111[ [.A.STl'.RLY LIN!E Of PERALfA SrREEl; RUNNI N(i nH:Ncr ALO ?..,G lllf SOUlll!ER I y ut.IF OF HERNANDE/ AVfNU ~ SOUlti 61DEGREE15' EAST U7.05 f [[T TO n u: NOl<THWl:SitRLY CORNER OF TIM T PARCE L Of-I A.NO {..'"ONVEYt:O TO NEWAN A. FU LLER BY CELIA 5 . JOY, BY DEED DATFD OCTOBFR 14, 1921 AND R ECORDED ocroaER 17, 1921 IN BOOK '541 OF DEEDS, AT PAGE 199, SANTA a.ARA COUNTY RECORDS; RUNNING THENCE ALONG THE 'WE STE RLY LINE OF SAID PROPERlY so CONVEYW ro FULLER SOUlH s DE GREE 20' WFST A DISTANCE OF b<J.038 f EET TO ™l OIVIDJN G LINE BflWEEN SAID LOTS 10 AND 11 OF SAIC> TRl1CT; THENO: ;ALONG THE DMOING LINE BETWfEN SAID LO TS 10 ANO 11, NORl li t:l4 ()(GRU 1 0' WCSl A DISTANCE OF 107.:so FEE'T TO A POINr ON THE EA5 TERL't U NL Of PFMI TA STREFT; ;'\ND THE NCF Al ONG THf EASTER LY LIN E OF PfRAL T A STREET, NORni S OFGREE 20' EAST 116 fFFT I 0 1 ti£ POIN I Of COMMENC(MtNT .. ., ~ • ' .... -... !:.>.._.:....._, ~~·-• OWSERSllIP II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lll=i:u::r1-H-+- CAL I FORNI A s cal tjl l ". = ·:;o 'filHE!GHT •• I I I I I I I I I I 11 H-++ "'' •• FT. II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~±J-++- '-yy; l !!u _/)I' a ~ ,S__,1 J ~~!UPTIO N W .-/ .f> i !!$ f If cif-_ p~ I o (,I 1 ... 111111~/lL -~~-,4 ~~'.H §$ '1·.2 01$ S/ Y .... 3 ·I 1$ ll'l r ·u:; ri "'"" / .~II M.L'IH 1 ~-1 I I I I I 1-1- _f x ${ x ,~, z b ~~-:~ ... )·~I ~-I I I I ::·~: -· I=~. Mis cel·Ht Htitwt1 11 11rl lmu1 11 1111 1 P / ¥4. Retain. Wal l ,-m-~) .. . -;-, -:,~~ .. ,: -·.· ~ J-Z... I T11l1k ii~~)~.~ Pool +1t~r11~ m~1,n . . . . . --?"~;f . Reproduction Cost of Main Buildin ""· lmf++H I:' 1 1 1 1'11• ,;.b __ e X X = c u. @$ • 1111<:7 ~ SQ.ft :fltjpnol at Ion % I Pct. Good %1 TOTAL DEPRECIJ\'-!'ED VALUE 1$ I" 11\ll J : I l"'.I IY OwuerV" FRONT!-+! I I I I I I I TNl&llt OCCUl'A~f:Y QOA.l,(T'I': Chf>KP• ••• ; M~: .. : Goofl •.•. ; SjH•c l1d • • • .. PRICF.D IJY £fth 1u}{ nm: ijt7/'/I CLASSIFICATION I :zl) ~ A B C 0 VR.Cf\Jlt ~ot Hof"IC! Ag e ~ <!/__6_ Yrs, RC11odel ed Age ;3,J:;" Yrs, Functtcm11t ~rtct' •••.• ~ llo !'1JH1H 1'(,AN : Good •••• ; Acc,.flJ..rr; •• _ •• ; Awkwftf'1 • •••••••• 1'frt11 1>t.er of WeJlf't.LJ.$.fL; MU1t1her of Olljl,lt"s ......... . UY.NT s ___ ~:~ --;;::-..,~~u rce ~ei~~rorm::!~:;;;;- ~---EXTERIOR DESCRIPTION -INTERIOR DESCRIPTION-------•.. _ ll 1111~-1 ~I ~UL BLIJGS FVU!!!!ATIO!! , EXTBRlOll WALLS INSIU!l TRIM IPI.UMBlN G ·BUILT-IN FEATUm;:S. llAS1!148!!T ~ ., , , Stort .. ll••p_Sh•llow V llrl ck Stoc k-t;,.lip•c. __ No .or Fist.:;= Ki tch.Cab. P Ft Garage_____JCars ~ n Stor•s Co u r.r et• V Sto11< l'l11e~lldwd. __ Old Style i.---lluffet 1--Ft Full_Part~OIJI'-·-·-~ ~orrlce Dl •l11 Drl c k_Slo11r _____ 1'err a Cottl l'aJn trrl.l<'.'.'.E11 .,.._ MoMMl !look c:.tt ____ Floor•C¥.'St.V.Dt ~REET {l'i.. Aparts l'o•ls_l'lers Tll• Goo •l_M~Chf"-Lock•r• Wa~~l : .st.Vilt ·11'!•.' '"' Rms, ll ot•l Murtstll Stucco l'atcul Ho rt•---Un l'l nl shert ~llmg . llouOPl'll•s ___ 1111 Woori Lath WA l,LS &, CE !l.!SUS l\A1il ftt)OMS Tle rrlr,erator~ " ·n l.----Rms. llosp. ___ 011 l'hlr.kWJre l'last•rt•l ___ llm • l.•rii;e __ Sm•tl::r= 1~'"" She lvg .~ i;;L£vATons Bank ll all llusli c_Ol' __ m l'lft•t . 11.1.J:::::._1~n• nooms --__ No . Speert:_t11___,l.ow -'---T-lrrhse, T.ort HOOF He.awe1l Compo. Jirt. __ 1111,. !Ooo•I -----M CSC~;LLANEOUS --Elec._llyll .-,.LAuto ~Ca r G3ra1te r;ahJe..,.c-Flal ___ ttrtt. &:. Hat. ___ Stucco ____ Hm -. MP 1lt11m __ -;-:;r--S1clC"•n.lk L;lllt1ts_ l'n.(l\S• Frt._Ahb Wt. ____ s eat ThPfttrP. I .1 p ~amhrAJ --Ship l ap W1tih!Cot r.hPnp __ c__ i-·1 rf' f:sc erffes ___ n ~tgh t L_ Ft ~ll ___ ._Facto ry Man o•nl-ll""r -.-Novolty __ T&G_ l'a11 eled ;;a; Shown __ ----PJ ote UJ ass ___ Sldew'll'' Gas Statlo11 ___ l'l a.l n _C~--Corr. Tron ___ n,, .... ~ C••llJllJ(L 'fil e Fl oo r --- Green llouo•---l'•l11tr1 I ~ f{hlJ.lcA I / ·r11 e Wall ~ ~ R-·~c hool St.0J 11•d0Jl& J ,· 1' • . ( L >/rd' , . Lll'llTC"c· MllCllANICAJ, EQll IPMF.NT -Pree.Val, Condition : New ~ Medl u• Poor. ~~-•""•n•J )f7 :t OECllllATlNr. • "' . $ _ __ ,u-D'I ~M"<'•:.,'l"e""'77"-' ' ~ N r l'1 t Veutllatl11g Sy.tom ., d ... ·.• I Storie .~· ... ~l ... ~ ' 1 '11l'•r•rl~llm~ ~~· ~ 1 ' 'v Sprlnkl•r System $ . '.ifl ~~ence Yes '·'f, f7 , Rq·-o~ ,,,_ l 'J~l---!f!CTE11Hllt TRIM Tlnted ____ lllll• 11'1 :cStr,°1 Autolftatlc Fire Alann. ~; !•~.~ ---·~ I.I :1~wf1i. ii~~~: C&J1va~ nm-. u • -' <' • , ~-~-•• ,.,,,.,._;•j p••t' · TllrMooonry . ·----~, :.;;> Vacuu111Cl•anlngSystcm$ ·~• .. , .•D11e>reclatlonFor :r.ack of llL1!1ty ........... ~ ~ ;A·,,..·. "·· , Sault&~ Tlmc; .,O,PM1 !!!'.:....__ ~ ~ ....., ~ :J --.:;;.,,, l'Ml11T. ,,... ~-·_,,.,:· lletol ~I 1 ,_-1-,--0 _ ,. • 11 11 Water lleater __ Stor411:e~uto11attc ~ ~ ;:,ffe'<· "'~-· ""°'''~'"' l'l l '• o t1 ~ ap·-•~< vAo -~ •1 C ••tJ 1 $ ·'• ~ l~lat __ G lii ' • &St c n _ u r G ri M rt n. r OU•u. on II~ OTer •••• ~ Umt~r .... 'f. I 11proYP"PUl! l.oc t1 t!C'll , •••••••• ,. C ~ 1'!) ____ 1vn1' II i n. 0 1) _ ·-IJI_ F. r _ --- " "~·---or. rt r L/ Pl11.j11 _Me "·-r;""'-S11e c lal WP ll ___ w111dnt1ll __ .l ee .. u11tp ___ ,_,.--,. 'OOtt&Ke_Shack_ Go _Med ._Ch-p _Woor\ T rurk ______ Prc-..!l;urr Sy~t.~11'1---OE..f\tftN: r.00i1 .... i Aclfpt"hl e .... ; r oor .... i FrP.a.k ..... It~ ~ GI •S< ---------·I'd •" ' l 'ORClll!S: NIJMIJER lono.,,.eut ii£A'!'l'Nlj' •®,[)u£rU111 Front..J-ll•Rr_,(.__ l'J Riil .~ FUJOllS ~1 .. 1'1.J;sto ~".7-C)UT!lUILll!NGS-VALUE ll11do r $4UO •'' -~~V.-fl"'Y·-OpP11Lllooftacl.!l.t_ ~umhrr of Roo~p· ll ot flir fu r11.t::...._. lli me n. __ X ___ Ft:~e__.c..:: ~"!' · S o reenert 1 lne ___ ~ -"""c to:_l'lpeless Wal h ___ n 00 r __ l'Jo~ ~~td.Conc._Fr._ Glasse:i·t In ~ llard woo1l _ J_:_ lia!' o r 0 11 l"trP _ Ares ___ SqFt {j ~. ~_,.-- Fl. STOHto; F1\0N'r r.emP11 t __ ---RAdiattt PJre ___ Hepro .Cost $ _,,.,,........ ·Franoo-+::,,,--<lUTRIJil.DINGS .« _Ou!J<l"(a d Tll•------Ste°" or llot Wat. ___ f. Go~ES.VALU~: $ ~ ... e __ ~--~arag e . ,. Cars __ J'l at~0 .\tl!t , Marhl e _____ Arcola System __ _,..,.,,,,- "•.-e ____ Uetchd• tac hed_ ~-1' . fl! 111 Wood TP.rra7.zo ____ Thentiostat jl'.all ~ Sh ·-D•n'---latp MJ t'red Composition ___ Floor or 111S c eila.neous Rentarks :Ylll'l...:t'.:..._ \tltry Hous"--Sheet Glass, Earth ______ Wall FuMl·----See l\eTer .. ~i!IUATAX SYSTEM T HE MlllJEl\N ANALYTIC METH OD OF REALTY VALUATION--JAMES r.. STAFFORD & ASSOPAT l!:S, Oi\K T,ANll AND SAN FJ\ANCISCO, CAJ,IF. €) 19 ij0 Et t\ r ... I\ l~ 11, ~ J I \ l. I~ f\ r r J\ ;\. L ., Jo\. J...J \.,. 'I M 1 • l l 1 ll l I \J n • . ..... ... ., .. -.. ................ 73 /CJ 1:-f._~--L ,9, BLOC K 14 1!l lltOCk NO. LOT NO. BOO K PAGE YEAH HMO 1 9 J {l .. Lanrl $Ii_~.?'$ $ $ :;Des c r iption , D i me n si on s a nd Own e rship o f Rea l Prope r ty Oesc r ioe d he re in , confo r ms w i t h .,.Of f i c i A I Block Sook , e n d As sessment Map o f Th e C it y Na med o n Re v e rse . Value nll.o a c c o u n t • o i 1 i t y A s s u n1 e d t o r Ma t t e r s L e g a 1 i n ch a r a c l e r • C om p u t a t i on o t v a 1 u e s o f Du1l1li11g U,,L/ $ $ $ )'land and Bu i ldings i n Ac c o r danc e wi th c o ntract P rovisions f~ EquU a x Sy stem V a lu ation . Val ue ~umb e r I SYMBOL f'll ONT Dl!:PTll PCT. COl~F. UNIT COMPUTED VALUE of Bl rlgs OWNERSHIP REC ORD tY! • .z.-,lf ~.-t/~ lb ' ~9 / /.$"Cl. x II · lob' $ 1940 I 1 , ' ~-r: '11 x { / lf 7 <:>.~ ~-~.o..J. lb $;2Cll · 1041 )...J~ t:!}_ a-n. J.. _, { ~ 1 r -x 1942 ' x 194 3 (Die c:L Vo. o. •fl i !O )(. I~\;) Ad c d Fu r r.irr:u e I/ ,r::;-1944 1945 Arl<l erl Fo r Al l e y .. SYMBOLS 1946 f<',T.:Fro n t T ~1g l e. H.T.=H e ~iangle· D,L.=Bllck Lot Comp . TOTAL I x ~ '3 c .I.=Corne r )U PIH'P. r1 =Re se Corne r Co mp. $ 1947 Retail llu s iness D Rcsirlence D SPECl:AJ, REMAHKS SKETC HES OR REMARK S , OR Seini Busluess D lnrlustrlal D METES AND BO UNDS DE SCRIPTION REVISIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS: ltecord Below Subse~uent Chan~es in Value due to Re-appraisal. I udi c a te Re ason for Ac tion , u c h as Ad i tions, Alt e rations, Rehu l rll ng, Fi re Loss , Demolition, or llemoval o f BulldinJ:?:S• DAT E ll<'ns on for Action HY COST REPRO. DEPRE CIA-REVISED FACTOR COST TION VALUE ; ~ ,~~~.::t.. r ~i ~t,~ .. · ;1 ~ ·A~;.;~;,;;·. '~"'~?~\:. ~"i.:~~f .·· r • .. ~ ... .. .. ) Sanborn Maps --Document Images Page 1of1 x CLOSE WINI.low ~DOWNLOAD MAP ~-PRll';T CURIUNT VIEW ~-~ ----. -·----. -------. . ----- Click on map to: r. zoom in I re-center Select window size for viewing: a Cl D D D Los Gatos Oct. 1904. Sheet 6 ' \\ \ \ " \ \ \ Zoom: J107% http ://0-sanborn.umi.com.mill 1 .sj library. org/sanbom/image/view?state=ca&reelid=reel35&1. .. 03 /22/06 Sanborn Maps --Docwnen t Images X CLOSE W I NDOW .. OOWNLOAO MAP ... PRINT CURl!ENT VIEW -... n ~· -- Click on map to: (i zoom in ;-re-center Select window size for viewing: 0 0 0 D D Los Gatos Apr. 1895. Sheet 1J ., .. ·._::,, .. ·'· ........ ~ ... ,: ~ ••• • -; •:. I • • ' .. u zn ·a··a&. -ctitr"t :s!+· · , • "'\ \ \ I ~ \ \ \. I \ \~ ~ -\~ Zoom: j215% ,__. \ \ .,.,-· ~~ Page 1 of I -- .;o http://O-sanborn.umi.com .mi 111. sj library .org/sanbom/image/view?state=ca&reelid=ree13 5&1... 04105 106 Sanborn Maps --Document Images X CLO~f WINUOW >-OOWNLOAO MAP > PRINT CURRENT VIEW ------------~ --------. ----~------ Click on map to: Ci zoom in r re-center Zoom: j216% Select window size for viewing: D D D D 0 Los Gatos Ju ne 1908. Sheet 7 I I J ., ' ~ . ' .. • ' .... @ '\ Gtlrs> .. . .... ~ ~"'O ,- ·\-i:l \ ... ";""\ ~ ·1~~··-~·., .... ·-. ·l.J Page 1of1 \ \ ' \ f..' ~ " -~ - http ://O-sanbom.umi.com.miHI .sjlibrary.org/sanbom/image/view?state=ca&reelid=reel35&1 ... 03122106 Sanborn Maps --Document Images Click on map to: Ci zoom in I re-center Select w in dow size for v iewing: D 0 0 D D Los Ga tos Mar. 1928-July 19 44. Sheet 15 • 1 ·nr ·A \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ - \ \ \ 'i-\ \. \ . . \ Zoom: 1215% \ ' • \ .. ~ -~~ · .. \\ .. -'tl ', Page l of I .,....,. -- http://O-sanbom.umi.com.mill 1.sj library .org/sanborn/image/view?state=ca&reelid=reel35&1... 03/26/06 Sanborn Maps --Document Images Click on map to : le zoom in I re-center Select window size for viewing: 0 D 0 D D Los Gatos Ma r . 1928. Sheet 15 Page 1 of l Zoo m: 12 14% I -'·--15" ~----~ -------------~-.~ c ·~ ~ --------•• c --• ®'· HERNANDEZ-----!.·~~.-_A ____ ; \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ , V, /9 . :.o ·. v • . • ' . • '.·.:'\ . • :r_ \ ._.., ' ' \ \ I . \ ~ \ \., \ • ' . \ ' ' http ://0-sanbom. umi .com.mill 1.sj library. org/sanborn/i mage/view?state=ca&reelid =reel35&1... 03 / 19/06 v· PARCEL MAP INFORMATION d/nn.£ !J3loom{iE.lJ. ARCHITECTURAL/CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATOS RESEARCH ARCHITECTURAL HiST OH'r '"51 922·1063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 9 4 1 I 5 Lot size': ___ front ft . x ___ ft . deep Lot shape : Rectangl~~ L Rectangle with small rear jog___ Other ___________ _ Location: N w Other ------side of -----------St __ Ave · distance to cross st: ----ft. N __ S __ E __ W __ from;...._ ________ _ at NE NW sE_sw corner of ___________ _ HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PA~CEL MAP FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) Preliminary rating -+ Estimated age ___ _ Other ________________________________________ ~ OwNERSJ So urce Name Source Da t e Source Location of property, Page Old tract/block/lot ' ____ !1891 ' Blk Book 1 1908 Survey 1941 . I EVALUATION . Da'te ";> '<.' 'C• -Cf 0 ( ,,.) C 1 Con tributor . ~ f:' ~ D1stn.c:t Non-contrib- Ea rliest known - (° Alterations: Moved Rai~»d Porch encl- Add1t1on_ Si d1n~ Windows Cond1t1on or Lot Size Owner Name I I Owner~ Resident : l r.... I • -----------------------~xtUJ: -~ f r.J' /'JI • I ) Ml. ~\..CLLll IU:A.IU .;> Designer : a_ b_ d_ PHOTOS : Roll/frame #_____ Date __ National Register listed date ----------County Inventory 1979 --------------Town of Los Gatos: Designation __ Recognition __ District Name ---------------- Pre v j ous Survey Cr.-,,, t ' .1 f - Get hard: page # illustration page # Butler/Junior League ----)1 .. -, •• { Fir.:t. tz.x re-cord e1.~.nt 'vith iP-iproverr..€"nts is !6~i 1. T~~rs-is no l:s,._.mg for 1680 Owner is Fov·rler, reierred t.o as "Judge" in thB P·ell Ringi'r ~,.Tritenp. The l(JOG tax iisting iE Mrs. :M.E. Fowler. The ! 902 dty dir€-Ct.>ry llsts a F0':\1ler family, in~i;.idir!g Mrc-!vi.E Fowl~r on Hernandez In lf.9~) and 190~. lnev ar<S-listiSd .::n Glen Rid•0:.·t?. In 1g1) tl"i~ tu;. n·~ord C'Nr1E>r is Cilia :; J\:,v. ' -. -: H. joy show~: m tl.te 1 gog t:awe .:.:lippi''.g £1.s ma.i<.ing "improvern€-nts ar.d 21.ciciition.s t:• r1?s1.:ien..:s-, ?E>fai~\.· presu.m;:t.Ny the same corr.er r1?<:1c!e-nce. 'T'l'"'t·" -:.r>r>,:,.·:.rc-t r. hA .,..,.• 'Jt1"J"'-•· ,,dri1t1·or1~-1··-;.A.::..1...., l <': 7 1'·V Tnu-:; "·<.'>~·ci•.,,.,. ... , t-:-.i· • !v "V C.'·.r--l"' -c;;-(! ... ·-· •.• .... vt: c.•.;..:.t ~ v1 c•. \.+ ,. 1 -V.\.4,~ _.1..... _l _ ..... / _ .... r •J. •.-"--·• •.Ll.l~ 1_,.., W .... records. r· ·-= -·' ,_. 1.-:-,,~ is list~d 3.~ occupant !!l 1(}24 City Dir.;;ct.')r-'/~, n.o •)((:1_:_-patic,~1. ~-J~7 - o 10 I f7J-~.v6o~ I 19 Hernandez photo c .1984 I • cl/nru. !Bfoom{ufd ARCHITBCTURAL/CUL'I'URAL_ SURVEY ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY (4151 922·10ti3 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 9.ol 1 1 5 HAMB RESBARCH •~ (~r•-· buildin~ or~ni zat~~ e tc) ____ ~/~1-·-~---·-~----~~J~;-·~-~~-~------~--------~-~~- A~n•-a ue~~t~~~h~o~---------!-~_. __ ~_·:~=-=_l~·~'-~~y--A~(-~~=~----·----------------~ ,../.?. e l e va nt d a tee1 cona tr~ction r • birth._ ___ • dea th._ ___ • other. __________ _ 1. DlllEC'l'ORY SBARCH (City Dire c:tori••· county Diro ictori•e . Telephone Book•• e ocie ty directori••· etc.) Ya•~ Book llia-/Cli!••l.fl...t .,..,.,..;.,., Li•H .ncr ,,.,.,ftU ..,.,.,,_ .,,.,. .. ,., ae •h.-. n •n • ,.,.,. hr.ldfa -1 7,,. ,/ (} 1_:5 .J: {. r If -) ~ ) "· I ( ·.:=.!' _,~ / ( •)f,/f r -r_ / •• 1 ).y ( I ' -. --0~:--:::::r. ;: , I /{' :( '.·......:--f/::=:Y..I //-1 ;( -:-.;:::_ _)-: -, - ) :. I /I -,(. /'/,( I -~ ,.. . ~ . . /-· .... . 1/ , i--~-~I r I t -I I /} ('.:_,~' //' :: I I' .:J.!" ft.:17 <I~ /I I , • (./,, r I ) .-• I : J ~ • f ;,iJ-D _JI)...; 6--1... A. 5 #r ~. I? Her. I ~!9D .(o ·L~ le .-/...B 0 I /initi.!l• diltt BIOGRAPHICAL S&Aae:R, index•• • other a lphabetica l lie tin9a . · Jlllrk 'X' (J.nfd o r 'J' (nothincJ fO\lnd ) a t each aource you try. Liat f indlnp below . Los Gatos Library California History Center, De Anza Co llege ~~Directories, 1919+ -~Biographical file Historic Collection Index Photo co llection Thompson & West, 1876 Photo collection County history 1888, Pen Pictures County history 1922, Sawyer ~L.G . history 1971, Bruntz ~w/~r Los Gatos Mus e um (Forbes Mill) Death records/obituaries Direc tory, 1902 or 1903 Photo co llection San Jose Historical __ Great Registers __ Indexes -~Ph o to Co llec tion Museum (of voters) General sources, unknown l ocation(s) __ Ind e xe s, California Historica l Quarterly State Library Information Index (fiche) State Li brary-S.F . Newspaper Index Census (microfilm) ~-County hi story 188 1, Monroe Fra ser Bra inard maps Ill. LIST ALL REP£REHC2S PROM ABOVE. Pind them. Copy 9ood taate ria l & a tta ch. Or copy below if only a fev worda. Or e xplain why not r e l e va nt (aa, wrong por1on). t::J Continued on Rev erie h.-iitiall datl dlnnE. ~ om{ufJ ARCHIT~CTURAL SURVEY ASSESSMENT ROLL RESEARCH rue Mdress /f 1'1b2NANa~ Tract/Block/Lot /J'/c{;~o/ ~z_ 22· "•EDSTER !. IREET SAN f ISCO CA 9 4 115 Assessmen ts are filed hy last name of property owner, but not necessarily in alphabetical order . Some years there is an index inside the volume or in a separate book. The goal of a search is to find the years when the assessed value of "improve ments" (buildings) changed from 0 to over $500, or when that figure rose by $500 or mroe. Write down every year and nam•• you try, includi ng the years when you find nothing . Ditto marks are fine. -----Lot Identification/Boundaries-------------A Tr act/ Block/ Lot/ Date Page Name /9~ -~ L~1'?7,_, Acres N Bdy E Bdy ~ w Bdy La ~ 1?9! ~I ~tdWZ-1--------JJt) /hHj .hl· 51..r C1uA S. l/,vo VI •• 11~ ~r bA41dit. Ga...IGf'W~ ~ ~(jl.) ,..) "' m ent tor-- Improve- men ts $ //ao ?Fa ~'111 it,V1' 9/0 - - - Other Info. 19!-fiw~ ~ ''IJ.fNUr .... e,~ ·AIJ ' • • fi l~~ ~ ~ P -i S .... ·;,.• ,r._c,.~~.:R /1n1t1als date ,,.--· - (' / •I ' I .. ___..- --------- / ,r . ._ I ........_ .... I ~ i ( I I I -' f( I J I ;; J( / I q, -) (...;, I .' (/ )J- ,., l r J , -.~/ }/,..)t'/l' (/,.. .. ·( ',, . ........_~, ~ ,·£ 'K:.; ,' ' . ' ,, _,, { '/v.f!.. I ,f, r./ / , I /./11. .. "I I 1 ,, :...'.., f ·c. j)p ( )/i.;.;'·c. ,J.~ • ..,. ._J ) I '.J I '"" _ ./ • 1 ' ) :..>ov, J ~ "' ... i ·./ I ) ~T JI I ~,-f Ct I. I i _, -I (/ '(J ·1 ,J t "'PLEASE f>J!tNT] LM ~ttfos M11~um. As~c1a.-bon.. U1~1ono. Hon1 e Sur'41!!y Street : I n forma n t: HERll lANOEZ H,.,u:c;e numbe Ph<>ne : 1 9 'Keforn lo: re l'Sent ov •ners: Joyce and Richard Kline . Phone: 354-9224 EstlmBted cnnstructi.~n dete: ~~C~A~R..-l~B~9~0~'~s~-~~--~~~~-~~--~~- b Builder: wnerR~i.p : Originel: Judge fo wler (year of ourchase) le Prei::ent) oviner Occuoents: 19_: 19 36: i9t.!_6: 19~: Mrs. Joy .Jig~..r_or Heili ger C.C. Barre Richard King (from estate) l9_2E: Richard ~line 19_: 19 " c.: M C S J J-J rs. • • oy 19 35: D.W. Egner ~ W.H. Heiliger I 19~: -i.oC-..r..C--~R~a.r.r.e..._~---~-~-~ @ccu'Pe.tion: " " widow " II " " " " teacher II II Occun~tion : II II II " " " ! !History : {Please identify inform ation source .) OoP.a Rankin i .s. -Judge fowler had son , Leonard, an attorn e y and 2 daughte1 i nuns in Washin ton Mrs art of the house as rental One of the tenants wu~ Ed Melvin , owner of West Valley Mortuary and had a son born here . .5W AlpinE Ave. j, ______________________________ _ '·4!.. r• . .Loc r._ I li {Pl ease identi f y informa tion sour c e and year of change.) l.J}J ~1 , ~. Ul. , R emo de ng: OriQinally a one family dwellinq now 4 apa~tments . ???? ~~~~-~-~~--~--~-~~----~-~~~-~~-~--~~~~~- It in a one family dwelling -extensivelly re-modeled by the Kings who made it into 3 floors . krfACHME'lT 2 \' () ~ ' 0 ~ ~ i ::r. ~ 2 ~ ~ "--' ~ ~ l [ ~ ~ Ul :::r a- :t. -~ 'Z ~ ' I ~ I I ' ~ I .I ~ . I ~ I ~ ~ I \ll t ! ~ ti. 3. ¥ :I: ~ ! 0-,_' . ~l!J;J t~t .. ~ •! \ \ ~ N ~ ! ~ ;- ~ ~ - j i ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ l U) 1 ~ - ~ ~ ""' fil ~ t ~ ~ U1 w ::L er ~ -2 _j i . \'(\ § ~ \ ~ '<:t ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ '-..J 2 0 ~ ~ i ~ Ul ~ ~ 1. - N.r:s. Zone : R1-3 Setbacks: Bog•d by Zooina Front 25 ft Street Side 15 ft Interior Side 8 ft Rear 20ft lot Area: 9927.29 sf (.228 acre) FAR: .35 • Wl.Jl.2Z..:_Sj x .20 • .311 25 Allowable Floor Area: F1oo< Area Tabulations: Lower level Main Level Upper Level Total 3087.4sf 621 sf 2090sf 427sf 3138 sf Grand Total (E+N) 3180 sf Lot Coverage: Owner : 2090 (existing main ftoor area) +42 (addition area) +740 'raised dedc areal 287281 (2872 x 100)19927.29-28.93% Alain and SyMa Couder 19 Hernandez Avenue Los GatOs, CA 95030 Ph (408) 3 13-9005 ooucfecaJ @gmaU com syMMumroy\llgmai cgm 18.2ft 11.3ft 43.Sft 28.811 42sf 107.;o' I REVISIONS BY -,+¢·11 Sh .. t (11 •1o'·d \ \ l I ___ __j.. __ ) H-''-\'-o" •· I '•'' : i '' ' -r -. • --.. · .-.. :c:' . ~=- .·. -.. y J ·-""t7 ' / I ,,. '== C "::...r-i-i-··r-t-t--:=::~· .:~ ·-._ e-_-.., ·-" r , I/ ""~-~. ·--'~ I r'<i; ,_ l V. I '-"I f ---J ~ l . «t>I'~ L---~< -~---.... 1.-. ' . r ·, r--u f --1 f · r 1~1 '~' -·· . , ~ I \ -' --·--·- 1 . ' ' .. I ·- ·1 +~·. ~ REVISIONS BY ~~--,ii! ......, __ :--ii ·~~I i--"<+-1-w~ ~ ~ t-F-1-+---tl l: ~ 0 0eto :lO >JOV I I ...,. Yo1-1• 1'·0' Drawn~ JOO ,f-00· f"7 SD2 Of s- ,-, ; ' ; ' / ,,.,,i 1'al..l~ fGl'-5<111~&J~P!!LE S""CE SOUTH Y-t" •t '·r?" El EV J?t '· l'·o' REVISIONS BY Cl} .. a: ... " .. ... :i: " a: :g < DOie 30 ~11 Sc ... Y.t~ i1·o' Drawn ...... Ii! i ! ~ I > ~ ~ i i G SD3 Of ....... REVI SIONS BY w 5! (/.) ij ll.l a: ~ I-I " w ~ I-! i :i:: ~ " 0 a: ~ ::E < •G & ~ ~ ..l f.5b 4--~r. a · . . ~ ~ Ul ti.. Q ~ ~ => :t. s ~ -t-~~ 3 N ~~ Ill 0 ~1 i I\} Ul ~ 7= :L n_ ~ ~ L Y.i-'•1'·0' ~ ~ II\ ~ '), \(\ § k ~ ....l u:i ~ cl::: Ill <;) \--.:... '1...;. l.ll~ .... 'It> >JN 1"1 ... ,. Ki-l•{o " y...,.·c.1·· C>' Drawn J ... 40?·1 "7 """' Y.i!,1 1-d SD4 Of "'"'" I 1 i L ___ _ (eQ'3"12>0 ~:t~r=i==t'=I ·=·-'lt-l -lj ··-- liJ' r-b ~ e.J(.e:,j2 Gl"1 E: ~ . I r ------ __ _J --------- DlNIN,9: (lqpp,,\oo'·D" I ----t ' . _) <F\---___ ....;..._··-··· --··-· .. -- '--' ~-- t I~ (~ta5:D I -' -~ I ·-· -~:~1 (~~--~ ! .. CelJ ~­I ~­~ 9! f • I REVISIONS BY a: ... 0 w ... :z: 0 a: < o.te '.)O tJOVl1 -. Y<1-'·l·o' Drawn t:flf, Job .+aJ · n ..... EC1 Of Sh .. ts S! i ~ I w ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ I ,_ - / y l i--i _J------·--- ! I I ®-----1 -·---- 1 ~ I I I CL ~.....-~$· ' I I I I RE VISIONS BY w Cl'.) '1.1 a: ~ " I- 0 u {/) w·. U'l < I- 0::: - ~ :c u ~ rr < ~ ~ § "/;- ~ 2 8 ct. -U'l ill~ l:L ~ \g 4 7.. -l'-4-~ f\ ?; t;! j: ~ {\ 11.\ '1 c r: J; Ill 2 1 ~ ~ ~ I..\.. Oa .. -;:> IJ0'/ 11 Sc•le ~r!, 1 ~01 Dt11wn~ J ob fW·J/ ii! ~ ~ I ~ ~ i ~ ~ J c EC2 Of stlfft• SOUTH eLEv. Y1"" ~·~ '·C?" El ev REVI SIONS BY ~~~!! ._.__..__a: ___.. i s ~-1---l l ~w_....~ I-~ a...~ IJOV'r7 .. ,,, Y<1-''11·o' Job ~·1'7 ..... EC3 i ··------1:--------- WEST :t:::'.l-EY· REVISIONS BY w Sl t'l:l ~ ~ a: ;:$ :i i I .... 0 0 t'l:l w u/ ~ .... ~ ~ ~ :c l) a: < & ~ \S ....I ~ ~ Ul ct. 9 ts & ~ :t. 8 ~ 1 <!._ ~ ~ ~~ Cl ~1 l 1ll Ul ~~ :J: CL ~ ~ b. .... go tJOV 11 Sc•I• Y4-i, 1'-0 I Dr.awn #J Joo <k:0-1"7 Sheet EC4 Of Sh .. ts