Item 3 - 15310 Suview Drive PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Planning Manager 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 12/13/2017 ITEM NO: 3 DATE: DECEMBER 8, 2017 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 15310 SUVIEW DRIVE. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: JIM VERGARA. REQUESTING A DETERMINATION THAT A PRIMARY STRUCTURE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO 1941 HAS NO HISTORIC SIGNIFICANCE AND APPROVAL TO REMOVE A PRE-1941 PROPERTY FROM THE HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY FOR PROPERTY ZONED HR-2½. APN 537-24-024. RECOMMENDATION: Review information and provide a determination regarding the historic significance or architectural merit of the primary structure. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: 1900 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: None 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? NA 6. Findings required? Yes 7. Considerations required? No B. Comments The applicant is requesting a determination that a primary structure constructed prior to 1941 no longer has historic significance and requesting removal from the historic resources inventory. The applicant has provided State of California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) evaluation forms, completed by historical consultant Bonnie PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 15310 SUVIEW DRIVE DECEMBER 8, 2017 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2017\Suview Drive 15310 12-13-17.docx 12/8/2017 11:12 AM Bamburg. The evaluation, which indicates that the structure has lost its integrity as multiple additions have been constructed, is attached. DISCUSSION: A. Findings X As required by Section 29.10.09030(e)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single-family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings). 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5. Structural integrity of the building. Attachments: 1. Letter of Justification 2. Department of Parks and Recreation forms, dated November 5, 2017 Distribution: Cc: Jim Vergara, 15310 Suview Drive, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Sean Mullin From: Sent: To: Subject: Jim Vergara <jim@sanjosetransport.com > Wednesday, November 15, 2017 11:04 PM Sally Zarnowitz; Sean Mullin 15310 Suview Dr. On Tuesday I dropped 11 copies of my report with Sean, that I would like to submit for review by the Historical Review Committee at their meeting on December 13th, I would like to see if I can have my home removed from the historical inventory, as the report shows that my house has lost any historical integrity it might have had through many remodels and additions. Our family is planning to do a major remodel to our home and we are going to exceed over 50% demolition and possibly up to 100% demolition, but prior to start designing our home and investing time and money, I would like to know what guidelines I will have to follow while designing our home, thanks for your consideration. SBE , MBE & DBE Certified Firm Jim Vergara 281 Yamane Dr. Gilroy, CA 95020 Tel: 408.848.4441 Fax: 408.848.177 4 http://www.sanjosetransport.com 1 f.t;rrACHMENT l State of California t. The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION PRIMARY RECORD Other Review Code Pri mary# HRI# T rino mial NRHP Status Code Reviewer Listings Date Page 1 of 25 *ResourceNameor#:(Assignedbyrecorder) 15310 Suview Drive ,Los Gatos , CA P1 . Other Identifier: * P2 . Location: o Not for Publication + Unrestricted •a. County Santa Clara and (P2c . P2e . and P2b or P2d. Attach a Location Map as necessary.) '"b. USGS 7.5' Quad Date T ; R _. _ D of LI of Sec ___ B.M. c. Add ress 15310 Suview Drive City Los Gatos Zip __ 9_5_0_3_2 _____ _ d . UTM: (Give more than one for large and/or linear resou rces) Zone 10 S , 5 5 9 4 12 3 . 0 6 mE/ 4 12 0 2 2 0 . 9 0 m N e . Oth e r Locati on a l Data: (e.g ., parce l#, dire ctions to resource, elevation . decima l degrees . etc .. as appropriate) APN 237 -24-024 '"P3a . Desc ri ption : (Describe resource and its major elements . Include design , materials, condition . alterations. size , setting , and boundaries) Located on a hillside above most of Los Gatos , the property is accessed by a Shannon Road and then the climbing Suview Drive that ends further up the hillside . The property is 2.59 acres , mostly on the down ward slope of the hillside . The building site is at the top of t h e h i l l and i s a r elative l y flat area at elevation 765 ft ., with the house in the ce n ter of the street frontage. The house is a single story , Craftsman Bungalow style that developed over several remodeling projects in different eras . The front fa~ade faces the street wi th a broad , low pitched gable that projects t o cover t he porch . The support col umns are square pos t s set atop river rocks that are set in concrete and have red tile caps . A pattern of wood vertical louvers fill the gable peak . The porch is above 3 concrete (cont. page 3) P5a . Ph otograph or Drawing (Photog rap h requ ired for buildings , structures . and objects .) *P3b . Resource Attributes: (List attri butes an d codes) HP2 Single Family House *P4. Resou rces Present: + Bu ilding C Structure o Object o Site District LJ Element of District O Oth er (Isolates , etc .) P5b. Description of Photo: (view. date . accession #) Fro nt far;:ade 8/2017 __ ~- *P6. Date Constructed/Age and Sou rce:+ Historic o Prehisto ric O Both 1910 SCC Assessment estimate *P7 . Owner and Address : James & Holly Vergara 15310 Suview Drive Los Gatos CA *PS. Recorded by: (Name, affiliation , and add ress) Bonnie Bamburg 107 1 0 Ridgeview Ave San Jose , CA 95127 ____ ~ P9 . Date Recorded : 11/5/2017 ~------------------------------~ *P10. Survey Type : (Describe) Project Sp ecific *P11 . Report Citation : (Cite survey report and other sources . or enter "none.") None *Attachments : n NO NE r Location Map +Continuation Sheet +Build in g , Structure , and Object Record CArchaeological Record LJ District Record Olinear Feature Reco rd r Milling Station Record DRock Art Record OA rtifact Record OPh otograph Record O Othe r (List): CPR 523A (9/2013) *Req ui re d info rmati on [ATTACHMENT 2 State of California ti The Resources Agency Primary# DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI# BU ILDING, STRUCTURE, AND OBJECT RECORD *ResourceNameor #(Assignedbyrecorder) 15310 Suview Dr . Los Gatps Page _2__ of _2_5 __ *N RHP Status Code 62 -------- 8 1. His toric Name : None ----------------------------------------82. Co mm on Na me : _N~o_n_e ___________________________________ _ 83. Origina l Use: residential 84. Present Use : residential *85. Architectural Style: California Craftsman *86. Construction History : (Cons truction date , alte rations . an d date of alterations) c . 1910 house wa s extensively remodeled in 1976 -78 and enlarged from 928 to 1802 sq.ft . 1996 addition and remodel of kitchen and bath addition of 60 sq.ft . 2003 Extensive remodel of front entry , change in roof structure and large veranda porch , added 303 sq . ft . under the roof , interior redesigned. House is 1862 sq .ft . *87. Moved? ~No OYes OUnknown Date: ----------Original Location : ________ _ * B 8. Related Features: Converte d gara g e (p ool house a nd recreat ional room)-not sign ificant B9a . Arc hitect: Unknown b. Builder: 1974 -Henry Schwartz *810. S ignifi cance: Theme Residential Architecture Area Los Gatos Period of Significance 1930 -1996 Property Type house Applicable Criteria NA (D iscuss importance in terms of historical or architect ural context as defined by theme , period , and geographi c scope . Also add ress integrity.) The house at 15310 Suview is not important in the history or architectural heritage of Los Gatos because is it not associated with a significant event or person and the architecture reflects the 1976 and 2003 remodeling that changed the original building by constructing new elements and changing the design . Context and background : Los Gatos developed around the Forbes Mill-a f l our mi l l-in 1954 . During the next 50 years , the town grew in response to the lumber industry l ogging and milling timber from the hills . By the early 1900s the area became agricultural with orchards and a cannery . As the mid-century approached t h e Town maintained independence with a comme r cial downtown and semi -rural character as it became a suburb of San Jose . 8 11 . Add itio nal Resource Attributes: (List attributes and codes ) *812. References: Public records , Los Gatos 2020 General Plan , Los Gatos Historic Context . 81 3. Remarks: *81 4. Evaluato r: Bonnie Bamburg *Date of Evalu ation : 11I 5 I 2 O1 7 --------------- (This space reserved for officia l comme nts .) DPR 5238 (9/2013) (Sketch Map with north arrow requ ired.) '·~ J ~. ........... . ·-· ' ... I ~ '/ .. : .. r., -· .. ' .. _., . " 1lj l , . . ) t ~ .. I I *Requ ire d in fo nnation State of California -The Resources Agency DEPARTM ENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary# HR I # Tri nomial Page 3 of 25 *ResourceNameor#(Assigned by reco rder) 1531 0 Suview Drive , Los Gatos *Recorded by: Urban P r ogramme rs *Date 11/5/2017 X Co nti nuation Upda te P3 Description continued : steps that extend and return to the building on both sides of the wide porch . The entry projects from the base of t he house. The front door is paneled and has sidelights on the north side and a wide board frame . Set back is the wall of the house with a single window surrounded with a simi l ar board frame . Another window is on the north side of the building . The south fa~ade has paired single-hung windows on each side of a very large window. The roofline continues the low slope in a side gab l e . The rear of the house has a proje c ting section, while the majority is a flat wall. Single -hung windows are on each side of French doors that access the large wood deck that extends the length of the fa~ade. The north fa~ade resembles the west with a similar gable , porch support columns of stone and square posts and the continuation of the covered porch . Wi ndows on this fa~ade appear to date from an earlier time. The house has horizontal siding and a composit i on shingle roof . The house is a pleasant 1980s-2003 version of a California Craftsman style . It incorporates many of the elements of the origin al California Craftsman , late Nineteenth century or early twentieth century style with an emphasis on structure , in columns , posts , eaves brackets , linte l s , and rafters. This is particularly shown in the structure of the exaggera t ed veranda porch . The low-pitched roof l ine with gable ends is also a prominent element in the vocabulary of the style. Other design elements used in the remodeling are the divided light windows and the panel door . Perhaps the most drama tic elements are the inclusion of natural materials in the river rock (and concrete) column bases that hold the square posts supporting the roof of the veranda. The primarily wooden building is a modern acknowledgement that the popularity of the style returned after waning in the 1930s . The other building on the site was a garage and carport that also was enlarged and remodeled in 2003 and converted into a pool house/recreation room. The carpor t was remodeled and retained as the carport . Landscaping is a planned design with a wide concrete walk from the st r eet to the entry with lawn, flax plants and low curb bushes in the front . In 1981 , a swimming pool was constructed on the south side of the house outside the kitchen door (the 1991 extension of the kitchen makes it very close to the pool ). DPR 523L (9/2013 State of California -The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary# HRI# Trinomial Page 4 of 25 *ResourceNameor#(Ass ign edby reco rder) 15310 Suview Drive , Los Gatos *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 11/ 5/2017 X Co ntinuation Upd ate All the houses in the i mmediate area were constructed in the past 25 years , and n one exhibits the Craftsman style . Ae ria l Map s h o wing t h e location of 1 52 1 0 Suview Drive o ff Shannon Road in an area of semi-rural recent d e velopments . Source: Google Earth Pro DPR 523L {9/2013 State of California -The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTI NUATION SHEET Prima ry# HRI# Trinomial Page 5 of 25 *Resource Nameor #(Ass igned byreco rd er) 15310 Suview Drive , Los Gatos *Recorded by: Urban Prograrruners *Date 11/5/2017 X Contin uation Update Aerial map , 1993 showing the house at 15310 Suview Drive is a rectangular form . Note the very sparse development in the area . Construction history : The first indication of a house on the property is c . 1910 .1 In 1974 , the County Assessor 's files show the house was scheduled for demolition and the property taxes were ad j usted to only land value. In 1976 , the record shows a permit issued to construct and enlarge the house . Construction inc l uded adding a bathroom, extending the dining room 69 sq. ft ., enlarging the living room , replacing the foundation , and interior walls . The owner Henry Schwartz did the construction work over a period of two years (permit 25756). Reroofing by Responsible Refrigeration occurred in 1978 as the construction was completed (Permit 37489). In 1981 , Permit #9538 allowed Life time Pools to construct a swimming pool with solar heat . The next major work was in 2003 whe n the roof S t ructure was redesigned dramatica l ly incorporating the addition of the large veranda front porch with very broad single gables that 1 Santa Clara County Assessor's files, 1950 asse ssme nt DPR 523l (9/2013 State of California -The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary# HRI# Trinomia l Page 6 of 2 5 *ResourceNameor#(Assignedby reco rd er) 15 31 0 S u view Dr ive , Los Gat o s *Recorded by: Urb an Pro gra mmer s *Date 11/5/201 7 X Co ntinuation Update extend over the veranda porch in two directions , one west and one north. The front entry was relocated from the north side of the building to the west side facing the street . The work in 2003 , added the front porch structure and columns . Permit 03000327 for the 2 003 work showed that the roof structure was en l arged by 303 square feet . Also in 2003 , the 320 sq . ft. garage enlarged to 700 sq . ft. and 493 sq. ft . carport were remodeled (permit # 03000541). No permits were located after 2003 . Aerial Map , Ma rch 25 , 2001 sho wing the house oriented to the north w ith the kitchen addition shown on the southwest corner of the building . Source: Google Earth Pro -Global World DPR 523L (9/2013 State of California -The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary# HRI# Trinomial Page 7 of 25 *ResourceNameor#(Assignedbyreco rder) 15310 Suview Drive , Los Gatos *Recorded by: Urban Prograrruners *Date 11/5/2017 X Cont inuation Update Aerial map March 20 , 2016 shows the extensive changes to the roof and house that have occurred since 20 01 . B 10 Significance Continued: h istorical background Post WWII era a nd mi d -century dramatically increas e d the populati o n and the agricultural bas e eroded . The Town maintained independence and identity with a commercial downtown and semi- rura l c hara cter as i t became more suburban with resident i al housing tracts that exten ded into t he hills .2 The subject property is part of a larger property tha t had been divided leaving a 26 .68 acre site wh ere hous e was const ructed c . 19 1 0 , and later addr essed as 1 5300 S hannon Road . In the 1930s , 2 Lo s Gatos General Plan 2020 page CD 1 DPR 523L {9/2013 State of California -The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary# HRI# Trinomial Page 8 of 25 *ResourceNameor#(Assignedby recorder) 15310 Suview Drive , Los Gatos *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 11/5/2017 X Continuation Update Kenneth and Genevi eve Jordan owned the property . Kenneth was born February 17 , 1903 , and raise d in San Jose. After high school, he worked as a clerk for the Police Department . Within two years , he became a San Jose Police Off icer and by 1923 , he was a Department Supervisor .3 He lived with his wife at 453 Snyder Avenue in San Jose.4 During this time , the 37.41 acres of land appears to have fruit trees in some areas. 5 In 194 7, Kenneth Jordan was Chief Identification Officer of the San Jose Police Department in San Jose . The records are unclear , however that year he moved to Los Gatos and was issued a construction permit for the address Rural Route 3 Box 858.6 In the late 1950s it appears the couple separated and Genevieve went to work as a stenographer with the County Sheriff 's office. She is listed in the city directories into the 1960s, living in Los Gatos without a street address . After April 25 , 1960 Genevieve is listed as the o wner of the property. Kenneth Jordan died in 1974 . Genevieve died while living in East San Jose on December 14 , 1988. After Kenneth 's death , the property was further divided and 2 . 56 acres with a house was sold to Henry Schwartz , a janitor . When purchased in 1976 , the property was in such poor condition that Schwartz applied to the Santa Clara County Assessor to reduce the property tax value because the house was to be demolished . Schwartz c hanged his mind and in August 1976 he received permit #25756 to enlarge and remodel the house .7 Two years later the h ouse was completes and on the tax assessment r oll . On March 3 , 1991 , Schwartz sold the property to Jed Keller .a Keller and his wife Patti J . Hanson Keller , then transferred the pr operty into the Keller Hanson Trust . During the time the Kellers owned the prope rty the house was again remodeled in 1996 . In 2003 , the Kellers undertook another remodel , this appears to have been the most extensive on the house . They changed the roo f structure , added the large veranda with river rock column basses and redefined the 3 R.L. Polk City Directory for San Jo se, 1923 4 United States Census for 1930 and 1940, 5 Santa Clara County, Official Record s, 1937 Map 6 R.l. Polk Publishing Co . San Jo se City Directory, 1947 7 Santa Clara County As ses sor's Pr operty File for 15300 Sha nnon Road 8 Santa Clara County Official Record s, Grant Deed Recorded March 3, 1991 DPR 523L {9/2013 State of California -The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Pri mary# HRI# Trinomial Page 9 of 25 *ResourceNameor #(Ass ignedbyreco rd er) 15310 Suview Drive , Los Gatos *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 11/ 5/2017 X Conti nuat ion Update interior spaces . This work el i minated much of the older design and ma terials of t h e house and gave the house a much larger and more e l e g ant appear a nce . The current owners are James and Holly Vergara who acquired the prope r ty on Octobe r 23 , 2015 .9 The Vergara f amily live in the house with t h eir children . Photogr ap hs: Construction photographs c. 2003 from the Keller Family 9 Santa Clar a Co unty Official Reco r ds, Tru stee Dee d Tr ansfer . Reco r de d Oct ober 30, 201 5 DPR 523L (9/2013 Historic P h otograph 15310 Suview Drive , Los Gatos c . 2002 View: west fa~ade . Prio r to the 20 03 remod el , that moved t h e entry to this fa~ade, and moved the wall in front of t he chimney . State of California -The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary# HRI# Trinomial Page 10 of 25 *ResourceNameor#(Assignedbyrecorder) 15310 Suview Drive , Los Gatos *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 11/5/2017 X Continuation Update DPR 523L (9/2013 Historic Photograph 15310 Suview Drive , Los Gatos C . 2003 West fa<;::ade construction and new foundation Historic Photograph 15310 Suview Drive , Los Gatos c. 1996 View : North (Front ) fa<;::ade. 3 intersecting gables. Stucco covered half wall with square stucco covered co l umn base. State of California ·The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary# HRI# Trinomial Page __ 1_1_ of 25 *ResourceNameor#(Assignedbyrecorder) 15310 Suview Drive , Los Gatos *Recorded by: Urban Prograrrune rs *Date 11/5/2017 DPR 523l (9/2013 X C ontinuation Update Histor ic photograph 153 10 Suview Drive , Los Gatos c.2003 View : West fa~ade construction t o move the front entry door and add the veranda porch . Hist oric photograph 1 5310 S uview Drive , Lo s Gatos c. 2003 Vi e w: Constructi n g new f oundati o n , remodeling west fa~ade . Camera facing NE Source : Keller Family State of California -The Resources Agency DEPARTM ENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATIO N SHEET Pri mary# HRI# T ri nomi al Page __ 1_2_ of 25 *ResourceNameor#(Assi gnedbyrecorder) 15310 Suview Drive , Los Gatos *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 11/5/2017 X Conti nuat ion Update Phot og r aphs t a ke n in Septe mber 2017 DPR 523L (9/2013 Historic photograph 15310 Suview Drive, Los Gatos c. 2003 View : Constructing new i nterior wa l ls. Source: Keller Fami l y Phot ograph 1 15310 Suview Drive , Los Ga to s View : Front (west) fa c;ade with 2003 Veranda porc h and new roof line . Kitchen addition is o n the right as is the remode led garage. State of California -The Resources Agency DEPARTM ENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUAT ION SHEET Primary# HRI# T ri n omial Page __ 1_3_ of 25 *Resource Name or#(Assi gned by reco rder) 153 1 0 Suview Drive , Los Gatos *Recorded by: Urban Pro grammers *Date 11/5/2017 X Conti nuat ion DPR 523L (9/2013 Update Photograph 2 15310 Suview Drive , Los Gatos View : c. 200 3 , front covered po rch s tructure . Relocated front entry door and new windows . Ca mera facin g: East Photograph 3 15310 Suview Dr ive , Los Gatos View: North fayade showing redesigned roof and gables . New gable peak v e n ts . New large veranda porch . State of California -The Resources Agency DEPARTM ENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Pri mary# HRI# T ri n om ial Page __ 1_4_ of 25 *Resou rce Name or# (Assigned by recorder) 15310 Suview Ori ve , Los Gatos *Re corded by: Urban Programmers *Date 11/5/2017 DPR 523L (9/2013 X Contin uation Update Pho tograph 4 15310 Suview Drive, Los Gatos Vi ew: Front f a <;:ade , 1996 kit chen addit ion on south end . Camera facing : Eas t Photograph 5 15310 Suview Drive, Los Gatos View : South fa<;:ade . 1996 Ki tchen addit ion , new slanted bay window and kitchen door . State of California -The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Prim a ry# HRI# T rinomi al Page 15 of 25 •Resourc eNameor#(Assigned by re co rder) 1 5 31 0 Suvi ew Drive , Los Gato s *Recorded by : Urban Programme rs *Date 11 /5/20 1 7 X Cont inuati on Update DPR 523L (9/2013 Photograph 6 15210 Suview Drive , Los Gatos View : Rear (east) fac;ade . Dining room addi tion . Deck extends across the fac;ade c . 1996 . Photograph 7 1 5310 Suview Drive , Los Gatos View : Rear fac;ade at the north east corner . Replacement windo ws and French door . Camera facing: SW State of California -The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTI NUATION SHEET Prima ry# HRI# Trin omial Page 16 of 25 *Resource Nameor #(Assigned byrecorder) 15310 Suview Drive , Los Gatos *Recorded by : Urban Programmers *Date 11/5/2017 X Contin uation Update . . . " . u -. " " .. c . . ;: c -. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . --. .. " y ;; -... -:; ~ i Ii I .q-; ® * ~ ~ ,, " .. ® ~ ""! • <)I • ' 'Of ~ ~ .. q Fi gur e 1 Sa nta Clara County Assessor 's Map 15310 Suview Drive , Los Gatos DPR 523 L (9/2 013 :I f' !! <) State of California -The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SH EET Pri mary# HRI# Trinomial Page 17 of 25 *ResourceNameor#(Assi gnedbyreco rd er) 15310 Suview Drive , Los Gatos •Recorded by : Urban Progranuners *Date 11/ 5/20 1 7 X Con ti nuat ion Update Policy and Regulations: California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR)1 0 The California Register of Historical Resources is "an authoritative listing and guide to be used by state and loca l agencies, private groups and citizens in identifying the existing historical resources of the sta te and to i n dicate which resources deserve t o be p r otected , to the extent prudent and feasible , from substantial adverse c hange"(Publi c Resou r ces Code Sectio n 5024 .l[a]). The criteria for e ligibility to t he Californi a Regist er are based on National Re gister criteria (Public Resource s Code Secti o n 50 24.l[b]). Ce r tain resources are determined b y t he statute to be automatically included in the California Regis t er , including Califo rni a p r operties forma lly d etermined eligible for or listed in the National Register . To be eligible for t he Cal ifornia Register as a histori ca l resource, a prehistoric or historic -period res o urce must be significant at the l oca l or state level under one or more o f the f o llowing criteria : 1 It is associated with events that ha v e made a signif i ca nt contribution to the b r oad patterns of local or r egional history, or t he c ultural heritage of Californi a o r the United States ; The property at 153 1 0 Suview Drive , a modest s ing le -family house , is n ot a ssociated with events that contr ibuted to the broad patterns of local , regional history or the cultural heritage of Cal iforn ia . 2 I t is assoc i ated wi th the lives of persons important to local , Ca lifo rni a, or nation al h i story ; Th e subject p roperty is associated with a San Jose Police Officer and a janitor , n eith er is a person important to l oca l , California or national history . 10 Brown tone print is taken from the pamphlet ; "California Register of Historic Resources and CEQA "-California Office of Historic Preservation DPR 523L (9/2013 State of California -The Resources Agency DEPARTM ENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary# HRI# Trin omial Page __ 1_8_ of 25 *Resource Name o r # (Assigned by recorder) 15310 Suvi ew Drive, Los Gat os *Recorded by : Urban Programmers *Date 11/5/2 0 1 7 X Continuation Update 3 I t e mbo d i e s the d is t inc t ive cha ra c teris t i c s of a t y pe , p eriod, r egion , or metho d o f construc t i o n , or repre s ent s th e work o f a ma ster , or possesse s hi g h a r tis t i c va lues; o r The house and garage are designed in the Craftsman style , circa 2003. They embodies recent construction that is not distinctive of a type , period , region or method of construction . It does not represent the work of a mas ter or possess high art is tic values . The majority of the building was const ructed after 1974 . 4 I t has yie l ded, or has the potential t o yield, information important to the prehistory or history o f the local area, Cal i forn i a, or the na t ion. The site is not n ear a waterway and ha s been graded for construction and lan dscaping . It is unlikely to have yield information impor t ant t o the prehistory of the area . The building is primarily r ecent c o nstruction and cannot yield impor t ant in f ormation from history . F o r a r e s o u rce to be e l igible f or t h e California Register , it must also retain e n o u g h integrity to be recogn i zable as a his t orical resource a n d to convey its significance. The seven aspects of integrity are : location , design, sett i ng, materials, workmanship, fee l ing , a n d association. A re s o u rce tha t does not retain sufficient i ntegrity t o meet the Nationa l Regis t er criteria may s til l be e l i gib l e for listin g in t h e Ca l ifornia Register. A re source t h a t has los t its h istoric chara cter o r appe a r ance may s t i l l have sufficie n t i n tegrity for t h e Ca l ifornia Re gister i f it ma inta i ns the potential to yie l d s i gn ificant scienti fic or h i sto r i ca l informat ion or speci f ic data . Al though the property at 15310 Suview is not significant a compa rison to t h e aspects of integrity is included to show the building does not meet the criteria for i nt egrity . The 1910 , or even 1978 , modest architecture is not significant in an isola ted setting when there are many fine e xamp le s of California DPR 523L (9/2013 State of California -The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTI NU ATIO N SHEET Pri mary# HRI# Trinomial Page __ 1_9_ of 25 *ResourceNameor#(Assigne dbyrecorder) 15310 Suview Drive , Los Gatos *Recorded by: Urban Programmers *Date 11 I 5 I 2 O 1 7 X Cont inuati on Update Craftsman architecture in the designated historic districts of Los Gatos. After the 1996 , and 2003, remodeling the building has lost the integrity of a modest Craftsman house . Considering the extensive alterations and additions , the house has lost the architectural integrity of the earlier building , which itself does not appear to have been significant . Of the seven aspects of integrity, only the aspect of location is present . The design has changed , historic materials have been replaced , the original workmanship is lost to reconstruction and r emodeling , the setting has changed from an isolated building to one in a semi -rural residential setting , the feeling of a modest Craftsman house oriented to the north has changed to one of a large and elegant house in the Craftsman style facing west onto a paved street . The aspect of association can not be applied because no event or person of importance i s associated with the property. The h o use does not meet the criteria for significance and is not a significant historic resource eligible for listing in the California Register of Historic Recourses . Town of Los Gatos : The following Town of Los Gatos 2020 General Plan goals and policies relating to archaeological and historic resources are applicable to consider . Goal OS P-9 To p rotect Lo s Gatos's arch a e o l o gi ca l and cultural resources to ma intai n and e n h ance a u n iqu e s ense of p la ce. Pol i cy OSP-9.1 Evaluate archaeolo gical and/or cultural resourc e s early in the development review process through consultation wit h interested part i es and the use of contemporary professional techniqu es in archaeology, ethnography , and architectural history. The property was researched and then evaluated for cultural and architectural importance . The evaluation is provided to t he Town prior to a development proposal . DPR 523L (9/2013 State of California -The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Prim ary# HRI# T rinomi al Page __ 2_0_ of 25 *Resource Name or# (Ass ig ned by record er) 15 3 10 Su view Dr i v e , Lo s Ga tos *Recorded by : Urban Pr o g ramme r s *Date 11/5/2017 X Continuatio n Update Go al CD-1 2 To p re se rve signif i can t hi s toric and archit ectural feat u res within the Town . The resear ch and ev aluati on show that the bui ldings on the p r operty at 15 310 Suvie w are n o t signific a n t featu r es i n Los Gatos . Divi s i o n 3 . Histor i c P r es erv a t ion and LHP o r Landmark a nd Hi s t o ri c P r e s erv a t i on Ov e rlay Zo ne Se c. 2 9 .80.2 1 5 . Pu r p os es . I t is h e reby f ound t h a t s tru ctu r es , si tes a n d a re as o f s p e c i a l c ha ra cte r or spe cia l hi stor i ca l, arch itectur al or a es t het i c interes t o r val u e h ave been a nd con tinue to be u nne ces sa r il y destroyed or imp a i red, desp i t e t he feasib il ity of preserving them . It is f u rther found that the pub l ic hea l t h, safety a n d welfare require preven tion o f need l ess destruct i on and impai r ment, and promotion of the economic ut ilizati on and discouragement of t he de c ay and desuetude of suc h structur es, s i tes and areas. The purp o se o f histor i c preservati on is to promote the heal th, safety and general welfare of the publi c through: (1) The protection, enhanc ement, perpetuatio n and us e o f structures, si t es and areas t h at are reminders of past eras , events a nd persons i mportan t in local , Stat e, or Nationa l histor y, or wh ich provide significant examples o f archi tect u r al sty l es of t h e p a s t or are l andma rks in the h isto r y o f archi t ecture, or which are u nique and irrep laceable assets to t h e Tow n and its nei g hborhoods, o r whi c h provide f or t h i s a nd f ut ure g e n erat i ons exampl es of the phys i c a l s ur roun dings i n wh i ch pas t gen e r ations l ived . (2) The deve l opment and mai ntenance of appropr i ate se t t i n g s and env i ronm e nt for s u c h structu res. (3) The enhancement of prope r ty values, the s t ab ili zat i o n of n e i g hbo r hood a nd are a s of the Tow n , t h e in c rea s e of eco nom i c and f i n a nc i al b enefits t o t h e Tow n DPR 523L (9/2013 State of California ·The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION Prim ary# HRI# T ri nornia l CONTINUATION SHEET Page 21 *Recorded by : of 25 *ResourceNameor#(As signed by reco rder) 15310 Suview Drive , Los Gatos Urban Programmers *Date 11/5/2017 X Cont inuation Update and its inhabitants, and the promotion of tourist trade and i n terest. (4) The e nr i c h ment of human life in its edu c at i ona l a n d cultu ra l dimen s i o n s by se r v ing aes t h e t i c as we ll as materi a l needs a n d fostering know l edge of the livi ng he rita g e of the past . The Town recognizes an historic resource as follows : any structure/site that is located within an historic district ; any structu re/site that is historically designated ; or any primary struct ure const r ucted prior to 194 1 unless the Town has determined that t he structure has no historic significance or architectural merit . Finding : Th e Town has designated h istoric districts as ; Almond Grove , Broadway , Los Gatos Comme r cial , Fairview Plaza and University/Edelen. All the historic districts are located in the historic core area of Los Gatos . The subject property is not in a designated historic district . The house and garage at 15310 Suview Drive are extremely remodeled and enlarged version s of Craftsman style c . 2003 , and do not exhibit special character or special his torical , architectural or aesthetic interest or value to the built e n vironment of Los Gatos . Santa Clara County records from 1950 estimate there was a building on the property in 1 910 (there is no furt h er information about that b uilding). Historic property records show the subject property was part of 37 .41 acres owned by Kenneth and Genevieve Jordan , he a San Jose Police Officer , until 1974 . In 1951 , the property was a rental used for agriculture and had a house , barn and stab le , tractor and 2 horses . The condit i on of the hou se listed as fai r .11 In the appraisal of 1974 , the hous e was considered for demolition due to its condition and the Santa Clara County Assessor reduce d the property tax to only land va lue . In 1976 , the size of 11 Santa Clara County Assessment Records, 1951 DPR 523L (9/2013 State of California -The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary# HRI# Trinomial Page __ 2_2_ of 25 *ResourceNameor#(Assignedbyrecorder) 15310 Suview Drive , Los Gatos *Recorded by: Urban Prograrruners *Date 11/5/2017 X Continuation Update the property was 2.59 acres and sold to Henry Schwartz , a janitor . The same year a permi t for construction and remodeling was issued to Schwartz . By 1978 , the assessment records show the extensive reconstruction and a house of 1290 Sq. Ft. and garage of 320 sq. ft. is listed on the property tax roll. Permits show remodeling and additions through the years since 1978 , with the extreme changes , reorienting the entry from the north to the west facade , and adding a large veranda porch as well as changing many interior walls , in 2003 . People who were part of the workforce owned or occupied the property . The owners did not influence the history of Santa Clara County or Los Ga tos. The house is not associated with an event or a person of importance . The building is a pleasant version of Craftsman design f rom 1978- 2003 . It appears that the majority of the building is not over 50 years and thus, without exceptiona l design , it is not eligible for designation to the California Register of Historical Resourc es or historical designation in Los Gatos. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) In the historic resource section of CEQA , the concern is directed toward any project that may c reate an adverse change to any histor ic resource . CEQA Guidel ine s appendix G indicates that a project may have a significant effect on the environment if it would: 1. cause a substantial adverse c h ange in the s i gnificance of a historical resource as defined in section 15064.5; 2 . cause a substantial adverse change in the s i gnificance of an archaeological resource pursuant to sec tion 15064.5; 3. directly or ind i rectly destroy a uni que paleontological resource o r site or u n i q u e geo lo g i c fe ature; DPR 523L (9/2013 State of California -The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary# HR I # Trinomial Page __ 2_3_ of 25 *ResourceNameor#(Assignedby reco rder) 15310 Suview Drive , Los Gatos *Recorded by : Urban Programmers *Date 11/5/2017 X Continuation Update 4. disturb any human remains , i ncluding those i n terred outside of formal c e me te r ies ; or 5 . c o n flict wit h a plan or policy adopted for the purpose o f a v oiding o r mitigati ng an env ironmental e ff ec t . A "s ubstantial adv e r se change " t o a h istoric res o u rce i s d efined i n Guidelines Sect i on 1 5064. 5 (b) as "physical demoli t ion, destruc t i on, rel oca t ion, o r a lteration o f the resource or its imme di ate s u r ro undi n g s such that the s ignifican ce o f a hist o r ica l resource woul d be materially impaired. The s i gnif i cance of an historic resource is materially impa i red when a project "demolishes or materially alters in an adverse manner tho se physical characteristics of a historical resource that convey its historical significance and that justify its inclu s i on in, or eligibility for inclusion i n the Ca l ifo r ni a Register of Historical Resources;" or "demolishes or mater i al l y alters in an adverse manner those physical characteristics that account for its inclusion in a l ocal register of historical resources ... " or "demolishes or materially alters in an adverse manner those physical cha r acte ri stics of a historica l resource that convey its historical signif i cance and that justify its eligibility for inc l usion in t he California Register of Hi storical Resources as determined by a lead agency for purposes of CEQA." CEQA (Guide l ines Section 15064. 5), define the term "historical res ources" to inc lude the following : 1 . A resource listed in, or determined to be el i gible by the State Historical Resources Comm i ssion, for listing in the California Register (P u blic Resources Code §5 024.1, Titl e 14 California Code of Regu l at i o n s, Section 4850 et seq.). 2 . A reso u rce included i n a local reg i s t er o f historical reso urces, as defined in Sec t ion 50 20. 1 ( k) of the Pu blic Resources Code or identified as significant in a his t orical resour c e su r vey mee ting t h e requi rements o f S ec t i on DPR 523L (9/2013 State of California -The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary# HRI# Trinomial Page __ 2_4_ of 25 *ResourceNameor#(Assignedbyrecorder) 153 1 0 Suview Drive , Los Gatos *Recorded by: Urba n Programmers *Date 11 I 5 I 2 O 1 7 X Continuation Update 502 4 .1 (g ) of the Pu blic Resources Code , sha l l be p r e s um ed to b e h isto ri ca l ly o r cultur all y s i g n i f i cant . Publ ic a g e nci e s mu s t t re a t a ny s uch r e sou r c e as sign ifica nt un l es s the prep ond erance o f ev i de nce demonst ra t e s that i t is n o t histor i ca l l y or c u ltural l y s i g nifi c a n t. 3 . An y o b ject , bui l d in g , structur e , site , a rea , pla c e , r eco r d , or manuscript whic h a l ead a g ency de t e rmi ne s to b e hi storica l ly significant or sig nificant i n the arch ite c t ural, engineering, sc i entific , economic, agr i cu l t ur a l, educational, social, political , mil i tary, or cultur al a nna l s of Californi a, may be con s i d ere d to be a historical resource, provi ded t h e lead agency's d e termination is supported by subs t a n tial evid ence in light of t h e who le reco r d . Genera ll y, a re sour c e s h a ll b e cons ide r ed b y the l ead agency t o be "hist orical l y s i g ni fican t" i f t h e re sou r c e me ets the crite ri a f or lis t ing i n the Ca li f o r nia Re g ister (Pu b l ic Resources Code Section 5024 .1, Tit le 14 California Code of Regulat i ons, Section 4852) Properties that do n ot meet the criteria above for listing in the California Register of Historic Resourc es or a local register based upon research and t h e whole record are not considered historical resources under CEQA. CEQA Finding : The research and evaluation of the house and garage at 15310 Suv i e w Drive con clude the property and buildings do not meet the crite ria of the California Register of Historic Resources or t h e criteria of the Town of Los Gatos for designating a historic r esource . For purposes of CEQA the subject property is not a "Histo ri c Resour ce " unde r the CEQA Guide l i ne s . DPR 523L (9/2013 State of California -The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary# HRI# Trinomial Page 25 of 25 *ResourceNameor#(Assignedbyrecord er) 15310 Suview Drive , Los Gatos *Recorded by : Urban Programmers *Date 11/5/2017 X Continuation Update Sources Consulted : Building permits and deeds are listed in t he footnotes . Bruntz , George G., History of Los Gatos-Gem of the Foothills , Valley Publishers , 1981 California Off i ce of Historic Preservation , "CEQA and Historic Preservation" Comstock , William T., Suburban and Country Homes , New York , 1893 Foley , Mary Mix , The American House , Harpe r Colophon Books , Harper & Row Publishers , New York , 1980 McAlester , V & L. A Field Guide to American Houses , A . Knopf , New York , 1985 Rifkind , C. A Field Guide to American Architecture , Times Mirror , New York 1980 Town of Los Gatos , 2020 General Plan . Town of Los Gatos , "How to Research You Los Gatos House". Whiffin , Marcus , American Architecture Since 1780 A Guide to Styl es , M.I .T .Press , Cambridge Mass . 1981 Wilson , He nry L ., California Bungalows of the 1920s , Dover Publications , New York 1993 U .S . Department of the Interior , National Park Service , Cultural Resources , National Register , National Register Bulletin -How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation , Government Printing Office , 1997 DPR 523L (9/2013