Item 3 - 55 Rogers Street PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 7/26/2017 ITEM NO: 3 DATE: JULY 20, 2017 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 55 ROGERS STREET. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: TRI TON. REQUESTING APPROVAL TO DEMOLISH A PRE-1941 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE ON PROPERTY ZONED R-1:20. APN 529-33-003. RECOMMENDATION: Review information and provide a determination regarding the request to demolish a pre-1941 single-family residence on property zone R-1:20. BACKGROUND: A. PROPERTY DETAILS 1. Date structure was built: pre-1928 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: None 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, what district? N/A 6. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 7. Findings required? Yes 8. Considerations required? NO DISCUSSION: A. Request A planning application (S-17-008) is on file for this property requesting to demolish the existing single-family primary residence to allow construction of a new single-family PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 55 ROGERS STREET DATE JULY 20, 2017 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2017\Rogers, 55 - HPC - 07-26-17.docx 7/20/2017 3:51 PM DISCUSSION (cont’d): residence. The applicant is requesting approval to demolish the existing residence and has provided documents to support a determination that the structure does not have any special historical, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value. A structural engineering observation of the structure has also been provided. B. Required Findings X As required by Section 29.10.09030(c)(2) of the Town Code for the demolition of a single family residence (Preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings) and the Secretary of Interior Standards of any historic structure. The structure is determined not to have any special historical, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value. 1. The building is not associated with any events that have made a significant contribution to the Town. 2. No significant persons are associated with the site. 3. There are no distinctive characteristics of type, period or method of construction or representation of work of a master. 4. The structure does not yield information to Town history. 5. Structural integrity of the building. Attachments: 1. Request, research results, photographs, and Structural Engineering Observation Report (17 pages) 2. Site Plan (two pages) Distribution: Tri Ton, 327 Los Gatos Boulevard, Los Gatos, CA 95032 July 10, 2017 Dear Str /Madam, This letter is to request the demolition of 55 Rogers Street and replace with a 2,350 square foot Spanish style. home. This request supported from the finding? of The Lost Gatos Public Library. This is what we found out about the house. Based on the information from How to Research The House tn Los Gatos. *In the 1991 Anne Bloomfield Historic ResourcesSurveythat this house is not on the list of historical. In addition: * Bookcase #11, the 1941 Tax Assessment Survey: There is no listing of the house on 5 S Rogers Street. *Bookcase #12.rthe·1942.-1974 Polk Directory,. indicated thename·ofBen W. West listed every year from March 1928 to March 1936 as:· Ben W. West, Rogers Rd ..... 94R. 1937 was missing from the: shelf and no listing from 1938 on (see attached photos). *The Los Gatos Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps: Found the map indicated 2 structures in the same lot; Cottage #53 (SS Rogers St.), Main house #56 (60 Rogers St.). See atta,ched photos. We know the cottage was built before 1944 but not exactly when. In addition, the structure is too deficient and substandard that it can not be salvaged due to: *Shallow and insufficient foundations *Floor out of level and leaking roof *Lack of tns.ulatton and proper heating *Plumbing. deficiencies. in piping and fixtures *Substandard electrical wiring *Lack of safe egress off the•rear for the kitchen *Inadequate fire ·protection within the·crawl space·under the· house where there presently are electrical appliances (washer & dryer) (Note: according to my architec~, the work required to salvage the house would necessarily lead to the demolition of the house, as defined by the.Town of Los Gatos De.m.olition Ordinance) We have and independent structural engineering from Sezen & Moon Structural Engineering provided a structurar condition of the existing structure. (see the attached r-eport). fA'rrACHMENT 1 TJElE1PHONE DIRECTORY lsauimd by and Property el .. Los Gatos Telephone Co. = MARCH 1928 HOTEL LYNDON T~lephone Los Gatos 200 and Los Gat0s A C.01.3'1.tty Hut~] wttb .C'•l!'fl/ m(Jdcrn .;'°~VC'n ia~i;fl, rnic.ltn.t~rni' h1;1l'lpitaJ ii~· .:md l::lom a auno11:ph.e!'e_ An e.:ri-ce llcni d~1 ~i t1 K ll'r)om OJ>G n tio the publfo .. .un.d als~ ~~er! ng •o pri.,,·111,t~ .,..attie:l. w~h.fa1 e; :-.p~c.i l!l tQnehf:!l &f'ld din m:r.s, MR . .anJ ~RS. LE.Wl$ H. '.NEUMANN , Pro pa .. --..___ _____ _ Vi .. s~. I\f r s . _.:\. (~~ 'V illi an1:s 1.t1 K G ·itcs . n1 ill in er}~ .. C011il. CD li ~1~<' G:i d Co .-~<''S Bu t 1;t-rkk P ;llte rns kl'!l1 I fh . v.-. Prn 111• • h., · 1:1 ,1111 11 11 1 ~-.\.'!," 1VA KS [l.IJlJ.[}l l}.9}(, ii.ems LQ RA n. 'f'CST l:ll. WA.Kt; l'Ul HN t.;.ll> ,,, .• ~I kH' l.111 I d H., :!..';:~ lJ ·,·I !~. :i. 1,· \I. n I l n H l.1111 ; ,\ . 1-l ~ ~ .. m JI L !'t· I W 1:1 r , l'1 tir.L F~ , ~ 111., (': IF. ,1. "f--······~ '\ n l !'\ .. ,.,, .I , J'", f :vl"r!11 l•:<i 'l.'.-:1l &.:m 1 J\1 1:,, .,lh rtr•i'fl Ht p,1 \'i."al t o r.a , t-:;:1 1'. _ •t:. 'N. ~.!:in; ,•.: t :-1 •J\ ~'ti'!L 't<tHll , Ft n .. F .. :r r fi.1 '\\:'an: r . J. _-\, W:11r'111 • \" • ,, •111>'1 r , K I 11~ • '.l .. E:al'I r11 .111 .\' 1,\ h i (" 1j1l J, · t ~CV . ~ '\',"!1)11 .:~ ·"··· W ... t k, Mr-~. \~ .1 It•·?. ~QI l ~1 h m ~ ;'t. •: 'r 1r 228 ~! I. ·--··-.. ,~·::i -·-·. ,;;-H . DF I :! I :!'•ftl :1,.."i l . ,.". 1 li.1 l'H t11Y t~· -···..s~ •,y h b 1"11r .'.lt •. •'· r '!J11.~, I !11 •' ::r,;i ~ .\ ,. \\ • · t •t IU.llJ, ! .... , J, ]~~ \ JI •,;-,\ ~· ..... -······-·----hi l ,\":'l.t l..h· I r' ... ; P. '• :'} .. ·~ 1: ,,. 1111 IJ W;i t•. )fr•. .. . }t, .• I Dr ,.. Lrl' r . -· .... W A VI:~ Tl.LE, Z .:! i .;. SAlfi'A C MU:/: A V l',·,, t•, I', P., Iii• u:· 11 '!. Ji,,, '.\"••l·I !<', p.. ~· .1.;11 U m ,• r · i•_,. \ •: ·~\ ,, ••l1·r. 1~. J.;., S h.1n D•1 l:J . \\\ . .J , Ur.h, l:H ll n11l 1 i.: .'t.• 1.~·l'in"11n11 1. \h /\n.-!lh1 R1nT •, :Kr:101·i1:: Rd ... .:Ji IJ :.! WEU~ .M . .J., ~i .L W t; rJ 61:.D I 'UR'N'IT IJRE, ~ W. MJUN ti ·.ijY ~::s &SG W Ir' 1 'k. If, l l'i ~i;1•11:!-l.CP .\.ir W lh, }~. · . ,r,, ~ .., rr i ~ i'r r r -t, ~:}. . :in I W1·ll ~. l-"1r1I f:o., N~ .J•°'' I I : Wdc.· fi '• ,\I~ W·· tl, :X , ltnl' :-:rn t 1J JN \\1•1tl •K, n., 1'.i u'l.![1~: \I k \\',,. •t • .}. . Wnrr' n. Jl>I F ',\' l•_j; I [J.. w., l:r ..;t•:"j f,;,1 ',\· •t ~ irh u' •' , It, D •rn 11 ' A . WUJi!lE1' .. ANT GRDD:F:ltY. t& E . .: lilI.!'i \'1hll ··r. :ir111 Ir n··, :..~l F:.:. J ,• 1 .\·. W!1 tl>, C'h;ir L' .\., l~i ·H.'• •1.v Wh11L•, lira. Cfr 1.1r i:~ n\;n y ]..:ark .'I.II \'.':ti' . .J 0 . ~h nnori K·! Wh ile , K. 11:'.m , t!"S I t! nidJico .Av W hj t..•. i:;, A., Almn .. , . .,. hi~ kt-rt 11l n. M . r .. J-!.t ~ ·1··· ., T ! Ly _, 'i -·· \\'lilt~ ~1.1 1 , .... .J I l' rlq TM .. ·---... ...L l J - __ t:~. ·1.~ 1L ·J ,_ ..... , ............ _l L t:-"!!:.:' I ~.; ~ ·.1 ,!!Ii-~ lt ~ •. ;..Ul·U JhJJ -4!i!• \\'~I l '1t~~ !Jt '' T , l ~!!i (.'o h · r ii.l ~y A.,, .... ..._..... ·-··--.. .... :J1)lll I :;'!,) lt 1:1 ~Oat ~&r111 1t M!OJam lnitE~lUf Ill rumme;1nm1;11m M a rc h 08, 2017 Tri Ton 55 Rogers Str eet Los Gat os, CA 95030 Email : t rite99@yahoo.com Phone . 408-876-7148 274 E. Hamilton Avenue, Suite C Campbell, California 95008-0240 Voice: 408-871-7273 Fax: 408-871-7274 Website: www.SMSEinc .com Email: SMSEinc@aol.com Re: Review of existing home 55 Rogers Stree t Los Gatos. CA 95030 SMSE job no.: 7219-17 Dear Mr. Ton : Sezen & Moon Structural Engineering , In c. (SMSE) has provided a structura l eng in eering observation for the aforementioned res id e nce a t your request. The purpose of my visit was to determine the structural condition of the ex isting st ructure. My visit consisted of a visua l, non-des tructive review of the above-mentioned st ru cture. <Aerial View> DOCUMENTATIONS: 1. I was informed that this o ri g in al structure as a detac hed g uest ho use was built in ea rly 1930's. 2. No d rawi ngs nor any written documents provide d . FINDINGS: During my investigation I o b se rv ed: 1. Th e st ructure is a singl e-story residence on a sloped with a ttached garage on slab floor. <F ro nt v iew> <Rear view> <Rig ht sid e v iew> 2. Roof: Flat roof without proper d rain age nor maintenance. <Flat roof over living a rea w/ parapet> <Flat roof over garage> 3. Ceilings: Water leakage on roof and ceiling may cause roof and ceiling framing b e in rotte n. <Rain leakage and cracks in ceiling shee trock> ,.-~~--~~----....... --------....... ..._-- <Wall top separa t ion to roof /ceiling framing > 4. Windows and doors: M ost windows and doors a re inope rable. <Wa lls tilting > 5. Floor levelness: Floor coverin g rotten a nd a ppare nt un even floor level. <Hardwood floor damaged > <Uneven floor level > <Entrance: Inward slope w/o drainage> <Cracks in garage slab > 7. 1st floor framing: 2x4 floor joists and 4x4 girders are over-spanned and no hardware connections. 8. Interior isolated foot ings in crawl space: Due t o i mproper excavation in c rawl s ace. isola t ed footi n s are ex osed and in calla se risk . <Interior footin gs cl ose to c ut edge a nd li ke ly to be collapsed > <Stiff grade cut in crawl space > 9. Retain ing wall and footing: Short foundation retaining walls less than 4-ft tall seem ___ n_ot to have proper footing and back dra ina es ste m . <Footing exposed> <Front footing re taining wa ll w/o w ide footing > <Mudsill w/o anchored to footing > 11 . Perimeter footing: Due to no proper surface dra in age and in appropri ate footing type , conventional spread footing type in a hill side, perime t er footings at building rear, ri ht and left side are settl in down and tiltin . <Vertica l cracks> i'1 .~~rJ~ <Wall stucco fa lli ng off> <Long ho rizonta l c racks d ue to c reep > <Severe c racks in foot ing an d wa ll s> 12. Retain ing wall at garage: The re is no drawings for ex isti ng ga rage retaining wa ll and fou ndations. however. we assume that in early 1930's, no acceptable re t ain ing wa ll and footing was bu ilt. Now wa ll s a re tiling in a severe amount and might be out of se rvice conditi on . ,/ ~~ <Garage rea r wall view> <Ga rage left side wa ll > <Cone. w a ll t il t ing > <Wa ll h e ig ht, a pprox .. 4 '-6 "> <Appa re nt ga rage wa ll t ilting > <Severe cracks in walls> CONCLUSIONS: It is in my professional opinion that entire structure is performing inadequately, most likely does not meet current building code standards, 2016 California Building Code. Due to significant lack of strength of roof, wall and floor framing and foundation, we recommend this building should not be occupied until the followings are to be completed; 1. Roofing material should be examined and roof /ceiling framing should be upgraded/replaced to provide proper drainage slope. 2. Wall framing should be upgraded with proper headers. Wall plumbness should be fixed by re-framing. 3. 1 st floor framing should be upgraded or replaced with leveling. 4. Interior isolated footings and perimeter footing should be replaced with new footing with proper footing type as recommended by geotechnical reports. 5. Garage slab and retaining wall should be reconstructed. In a cost-effective way, we recommend to rebuild entire structures instead of partial upgrade or repairing. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Hiring geotechnical engineer before engaging in any work to the foundation. ATTACHMENTS: There are no attachments. This concludes our report. SMSE assumes no respons ibi lity for conditions that were not visible at the time of my review. Please contact our office d ir ectly if other questionable conditions are discovered or if any conditions differ from those presented in this report. Finally , other parts of the st ructure were not investigated and are considered outside the scope of work. Sincere ly, Bongg i "B ria n " Moo n. P.E . Princi pa l Eng in eer LOT MERGER NOTES t. WAlER SUPPl.Y: lllEST YAU.£Y SAMIT ARY DISlRICT GRAPHIC SCALE i VICINITY MAP AREA CALCULATIONS PNKn 1 10.003 St PM<n. 2 14,al2 S1 PAACE.l ~ TOTAl. llS,140 sr (l4,.529 'fl" P0t TAI MAP) SHEET INDEX 301'" 121•sr 957 SF ICO SF 200 SF 'ATTACHMENT 2 ( "' 'i ~ ~ "' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ / ~ <! I j \ I TOU. FREE: 888.327.7070 FAX: 408.837.7550 LANDS OF COCHRAN APN 529-33-003 i ROPOSED LOT MERGER JO ROGERS STREET LOS GATOS, CA 95030 I ; ---4---· ---t I I I I ! ~ ' . ti .... ~)J-<)%1 • \ ' ~ to CUlJH) AV£. 1 ~ I I o I _, \ 0 ~ ' I ~ : t .! i \ \ \ '' ;;- i i . ~ / ii ' ] ,;; ..., ~ '-"' ~ OAT£; Wf.1$ SHEETNO. 1-------1 ~ C4 OAAWNSV: SURVl:YEO BY· JtAS OF 10 SHEETS 19AOJ !NGft T JS J08 NO. l-C>l-ECl<-8-V,--TJ-<S 14-259