Item 2 - 430 Los Gatos Blvd PREPARED BY: AZHAR KHAN Assistant Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 07/26/2017 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: JULY 21, 2017 TO: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE FROM: JOEL PAULSON, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SUBJECT: PROJECT LOCATION: 430 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD. PROPERTY OWNER: KELLY & KYLE PETRICH APPLICANT: CLAYTON NELSON. REQUESTING A RECOMMENDATION FOR A MINOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ON A PRE-1941 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE ON PROPERTY ZONED R-1:8. APN 532-07-061. RECOMMENDATION: Review information and provide a recommendation for the applicant’s request. BACKGROUND: A. Property Details 1. Date primary structure was built: 1910 2. Town of Los Gatos Historic Status Code: C 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? No 4. Is structure in a historic district? No 5. If yes, is it a contributor? N/A 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes B. Comments An application for a Minor Residential Development (M-17-008) is on file for this property requesting approval to construct an addition greater than 100 square feet to an existing second story on a pre-1941 home. The project has been referred to the Committee for its input and recommendations to ensure the proposal is compatible with the original structure and with the surrounding area. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 430 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD JULY 21, 2017 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Sheets\2017\Los Gatos 430 7/21/2017 2:29 PM DISCUSSION: A. Considerations _x_ In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: 1. For pre-1941 structures, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application. B. Considerations _x_ That the work proposed is compatible with the neighborhood. Attachments: 1. Bloomfield Survey form (five pages) 2. Research Results and Photographs (12 pages) 3. Letter of Justification (one page) 4. Development Plans (10 pages) Distribution: Cc: Kelly & Kyle Petrich, 430 Los Gatos Boulevard, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Clayton Nelson, 15466 Los Gatos Boulevard, Los Gatos, CA 95032 FUe Acidrnss 4 7 •:> L c; dlnnc. !.L Jom{ufd A~CtllTEC'l'IJRt\l. SU RVE Y ASSESS MEN T WOLL RESEARCH Trac t /JH ock/Lot. _______ _ 22 ~ 'E BSTF.R S lRE" I SAN F ISCO. CA 9°"1 15 Ass Pssments a rc filed b y l a s t name of pr operty owner , bu t not neces s arily in alphabeti.cal o r de r. Some year s there is an Lnde x i 11sir1 e t he voJ11m e or i n a s eparate book. The goal of a search is to fi nd the ye a rs wh en the assessed value of "improveme n t s '' (h ui ldings) chan ged from 0 to ove r $500, o r wh en t hat figu re rose by $500 or mroe. Write d own ev e ry year u11d namr you t ry• i m· l ud ing the years when you find n othing. Ditto marks are fine. -----L Tract Date Page Name Acres ; tf/{,J /'f .. V~. ~ "'7 &-:· ... ~ </ - ------ -------·--- Identifi.cetion /Bound ar ies---- Block/ Lo t / N Bdy E Bd y S Bdy ------- W Bdy --Assessme nt f or-- lmprove- k_ me nts !Other Info. - $ $ j - - - - - . - T~ /1n1t1als hate LOS GATOS HISTORIC RESOURCES INVEN TORY TALLY SHEET Building o r District Name Ad dress( es) 4/30 L<:i::i. e;,_~s {'5/yc/ E VG G F/P Ad j usted Cr iter ia Total Total -- 10 5 {i,) 0 Type 10 5 () 0 Co nstruction 10 5 (].) 0 Sty l e 8 4 2 l§j Architect r--- 25 12 ~) 0 Design 8 4 2 '§) Interior I "L- ARCHITECTURE (Max. 50) 10 CD 2 1/0 Age 15 8 4 ei-'\ o · .__/ Person 10 5 2 Q) Event ,, 3_ 15 8 4 0 Patterns HISTORY ~Max. 25) 25 12 (_6) 0 Scale/Massing 8 4 (!) 0 Setting 25 12 6 j) Landmark --z ENVIRONMENT (Max. 25) 0 (:j) -12 125 IJ\TECRITY -G Cumulative Rating: CUMULATIVE TOTAL ~3 60+ = 3 (appears eligible for National Register) 40-59 = 5 (appears eligible for local listing) 23-59 = D (contri butor t o district rated one of the above) 22-= 6 or 7 (ineligible) or non-contributor I I L ,,-r ,7 I l'EN f'J CTU/},~') Ji'l i'fJft/ 11/H ·'(i A J.'J J/~'N OF Tl/A' ll'uJ,'f ,JJ ." ----- do11 .1t ctl to tl:c cit~. an<l which wiil b e ra iled Schi ck • and ll'hom t he gov ernmen t had b een unable t o con- :\wnuc . lt \\ill he put and k ept in fir;;t -cta-:.; con di-t ro!. I n a !>l,irmish with t hem Capt ain K e nnedy w ;u tion, \\'ith c \·ery motlcrn impro\·cmcnt -st onc sidl.-w o unded in the s h o ulJ er ?.nd died from its e ffect s.. wall, .... ;;•t-. ,ui.t \\,lli:r pipe~. \\'hi lc b c twcl.!n the s id e-T!i,· Kt:1itw dy,; came from the 1'\o rth o f Ireland . ,1.,ifk ... aml ... t1 <'l': \\'i ll h:.: p l.u1 tt:d ,;h .1Jc tre es o l fin e T h" Fari.., family \\'C r C' frnm Sc•,t lantl a nd came to \.1 11<'l i•'.'. Th i ... p:,i pv:ty, im p r i~c -; fii't .:c11 a ..:1..:-., an ~ th: ... < u1 rnt1r ab11ut t he !'am c tun e . The K e nnedy ll'ill h .· .l i , id c,i 11 H" .tlHJUt ,..,·n :11 t y l0 t-; fr n 11 t i11!.! <in tlk f .. 11 i ly 1i 1 t "' tt lcd in H mk ~ Co u nt>" l'cnnsylvania . • \l.11111 -.l.1 ;i11.! ::--t.o;k t·Hl l\n :nuc, buth t he m o'>t b c.1 u1:. \\ '.:m , "ith -0111c ,>f h ;:-. lirotlt..:1.;, a i tt.:rwanl m o \·ed fu l ,,nd f,L ,J,1 ,m.1 1'~.-;n·.:ouc -; rn :-i .m J··~c . <111,) 01 1 :he i.L• i'i11!.tdcip h1 ,1, '' lic1 •' they 1\Cn t in to lrn~inc~s, a n d tH'•1· ~ S -:'.:;,i, :\\'Cll ll<'. h .1.'in;.: the <'lc ct.ri._ rnll -ls.-,t j,·d t hcH· in 1 ~1)1. 111 h i, family t here 11 c rt: e ig ht r11 ,rrf ,,11 :l n .\ •:1 «1 :\ on on c -..d.:, :L11d the :-it11 d,:1111 '-' : 1,·•1 11h 0 I i''"!~" 111atu1 ;ty. c·f 11h•J!l1 J.1me,;, the .h '< 11 11 e c.!r' .•:1 ·11c n tliu. ile p lui • h ·;, J ::1i11 ,.: t!1 .: ·' '•.: (lj :hr--L c;,h, ''"' t h ' L'd, t lie li 1·ct1 in t:1>111.r1 ,.: \\ 11t 1:r: • .... t 0111 ,1 prune 1•r1..!1.ud <>1 1 '.Xl .. c11, !'! .... ddph 1.1 un t il h..: 11 a .; t11 <:nt~·-<1n c y e ar:. ol<l, when <11111111 1 11 h ··:111,~l.'' n c.1r .\l rn .1. !11 ()L1 0 b (·r. 1.·,,-i;, -,.un ;d .,lll t t ·i~ll t y .:.u ..; in tra1cl 111g aru und . 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I .. :;.c111t1 <.I I , l·.dv.i11 \ cl.:1:1 C. !1Hl1 •·I F:<.;tk J; .. !: ), an t 1 l~,•l n·rt J . \\ .1!1 •• n 1 l,t r':h ,·, rn .u ra:.! k ·1.. :\f,_ .. ,.,·~ .. urd J ,1111 1: .\ l-,1.n11n~~ 11 i.i·11L1 l :'l l 11 11 L· di ;d1 11<11i d'-\l\t'i \1 • )" ,lf , .,}.!; (ll<'ht· ;t(I''• :I ' f ;iU llh j :11 iit·~ an d apt ~oh '"''l' '.1.1!! \•f l'cHh , ~i:--y e.us old : 111c h'< auc"1f p u ir-..101 -h 1p 1•111 -rx '.'"l '' 1.i d; .;;i:-. ..r tt·-111 I '" n t.:h p 1u 11L · ~·: 1•t:I Jt 1 ~·:"-1:-., .nd ,1Ji,.u t tt·11 /._. 7 Historical Significance Report 430 Los Gatos Boulevard -APN# 532-07-061 A 1459 sq.ft. structure with some "Queen Anne " exterior trim elements and detached garage. Structural Elements: This original 800 s q. ft. house was built around 1910 (Th e original s tructures appears in the 1928 Sanborn Fire Insurance Mag s) (No official records of structures found) (See PagelO). • A 216 sq. ft. "Front Bedroom" add ition off the front of the house was built sometimes in the 1930's (This additi on to the original structure appears in the 1944 Sanborn Fire In surance MaRs)(No building permits found) (See Pagell) Front bedroom addition has a different roof pitch and no detailing. (See photos, page 4). • A 280 sq. ft. "Back bedroom addition" was added to rear of the structure sometime in the 1960's . This addition has a low pitch, s h ed, roof, metal windows and inconsistent interior and exterior trim details. (See photos, page 5) (No official records found) (Construction date estimated from forensic examination of materials and building technic). • The orig in a l 800 sq. ft. structure and front bedroom addition were built with a "single wall" construction sys tem up on a raised wood floor with wood mudsills, posts & b ea ms resting directly on grade. Upon investigation, mu ch of the original construction mate rial s w e r e from r ecla im ed lumber at the time of con s truction. Concrete perimeter foundation in s tall e d in 2005. All the interior floors remain out of level. (See photos, page 7) • Exterior siding and trim consists of lx, channel, siding. (See photos, pages 3,4,5,6 ) • The only "Queen Anne" details con sist of staggered shingles on entry gable-end only with eave-gable-end returns and some filigree at front porch. (See photos, page 3) • The interior of the origin a l structure has b ee n a ltered m any times w ith addition of interior bathroom, r earranged kitche n and dining a r ea and access stairs to th e attic. (See Hi ghlighted floor plan, page 12) • All co n s truction of origina l house a nd addition show a minimum qu a li ty leve l of in s tall ation and m a t eria ls. Property Elements: • First recorded subdivision was in the "Kennedy Addition" to the town of Los Gatos, dated May 17, 1895. Lot 11 located at corner of San Jose road and Spencer Ave . (See map, page 8) • Current lot .47 ac. 20,537 sq. ft.(# 61, pag e 9) • 1928 Sanborn Fire Insurance map show original subdivision of Lot 11 into 392 and 396 San Jo se Avenue. Original 800 sq. ft, house a nd detached garage shown on the 392 San Jose Ave. parcel. No record of Lot split found. (See maps, page 10) • 1944 Sanborn Fire Insurance map show original house with front addition and new address designation as 430 San Jose Ave . (See maps, page 11) • The parcel was annexed to Town of Los Gatos in February 23, 1979. (See Annexation map page 12) San Jose Avenue's street name was ch anged to Los Gatos Blvd . in 1979. Property Ownership: According to our titl e sea rch of available documents, th e First owner of the 1895 parcel's 11and12 was Ma ry F. Hendricks. In January 1936, Mary Hendricks transferred the current parcel to h er ne phew Clyd e J. Hendricks. In April 1948 Cly d e J. and Mari e A. Hendricks transfer t it le of property to Ch arles E. a nd Mari e A. Truitt. April 2008 Title Report records s h ow property title belonge d to Ja ck C. a nd Barbara J. He ndricks. (No transfer from Truitt fou nd) Property sold February 4, 2015 to current owners, Kyl e and Kelly Petrich. Our Historic Research shows 430 Los Gatos Blvd. has had no significant Community Benefits other than being a single residence and that the home and parcel is compatible with the Neighborhood and the General Plan of Los Gatos. Page 2of1 North -side elevation Note** no detailing except channel siding and gable-end-return on original roof only (Front Bedroom, -No Building Permit on record) Page 4of1 Rear Elevatio n Note** Rear bedroom addition , Low pitch shed roof, sliding window. (No building permits on record for addition) Page 5of 1 "O (1) .r: 0 rt; c: E :8 (/) ·-·-"O E "O "O cu c: c: cu 0 Ol (/) c: :: :0 0 ·-"O (/) c: Q) "§ c: cu .r: (.) c 0 ·-+"' ca > Cl> -w Cl> "'C en .c +"' ::::s 0 "' Q) ~ c. e u::: <ti c: ·-0> ·~ 0 Project Justification Addition and Alteration to Residence at: 430 Los Gatos Blvd. Los Gatos Ca. Project Proposal is to : For: Kelly and Kyle Petrich 430 Los Gatos Blvd. • Add on to and improve the existing home, • Improve the structural quality, • Improve functionality, • Upgrade existing construction and mechanical systems to comply with current building codes, • Maintain existing exterior trim and siding details, • Bring the home into conformity with the neighborhood building style and uses. Current Residence is 1440 Sq.ft • 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom. • Original 850 sq. ft. structure was built in the early 1900s, • Several additions and renovations were added over the century, • Renovation and upgrades are needed in this original area, • See attached historical research. Proposed addition 1450 sq.ft. • Add 878 sq.ft. ground floor addition including great room, laundry and bath, • Add 572 sq. ft. second floor addition over great room with 2 bedrooms and a bath, • See architectural plans. Prioject goal : • Make the home more functional for the growing family, • Maintain the original exterior style and appearance, • Improve the use and access to the property, • Maintain a compatible visual streetscape that will compliment the neighborhood, • See architectural plan 6t\TIACHMENT 3 .